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The heart of Deno is the JsRuntime, which wraps the V8 concepts of an Isolate and a Context. To create a runtime, an embedder instantiates a JsRuntime using a set of extensions, and then poll the event loop until the runtime has completed.

Each extension consists of a number of JavaScript- or TypeScript-language ECMAScript modules, as well as a number of ops. This module code is loaded when the runtime is created, allowing user code to access whatever system services an embedder has decided to provide.

The ops provided by extensions allow for simple and fast JavaScript-to-Rust function calls. An op may be sync or async (which makes it sync or async in both the Rust and JavaScript world), and fallible or infallible. Most fundamental V8 and Rust types are supported for op calls, and the system will generally choose the most performant way to transport data regardless of type.

The runtime also provides persistent state in a number of forms: a general-purpose OpState used by Rust code to stash state, Resources that can be read and written by both script and Rust code, and cppgc objects that can be accessed by the Rust side and held on the JavaScript side (but not directly accessed).

Runtime Services

By default, v8 does not provide a fully-functional runtime. Many of the required pieces to get a useful runtime are provided by the embedder. deno_core provides a number of these useful services for you, including:

  1. Extensions and ops
  2. Resource management
  3. Error and promise rejection handling
  4. Event loop callbacks
  5. Timers
  6. Basic console support
  7. Snapshot management

Extensions and ops

Extensions provide additional functionality to Deno beyond the core runtime. They can include ops for interacting with the runtime, ESM modules for JavaScript code, and other features like configuration parameters and middleware functions.

Extensions are defined using the extension! macro in deno_core. The options available for defining an extension using the extension! macro allow for fine-grained control over its behavior and dependencies.

When the runtime is initialized, it creates a V8 isolate and context, and then instantiates the provided extension code and ops into the new context. The ops are provided in a special, virtual module that can be imported from the extension module code, allowing embedders to create fully-fledged APIs that are backed by a combination of Rust, JavaScript or both types of code.

In general, APIs for user code are provided in one of two forms: global APIs, available on globalThis (the equivalent of the window object in browsers), and module-style APIs.

In the former style of API, the modules can add APIs to globalThis directly:

globalThis.Deno.myAPI = function myAPI() {

In the latter style of API, modules can be given friendly names in the extension definition, and user code can import them directly:

    esm = [ "brand:api_module": "api.js" ]
import { myAPI } from "brand:api_module";

Resource management

Deno provides the equivalent of system streams in the form of Resources. A Resource is a Rust struct that implements a Resource trait. This trait allows for explicit lifetime management: a unique integer value is associated with the struct that can be used to explicitly close the resource when not needed.

A Resource is instantiated inside of an op, and the integer handle is returned to the calling code.

The close and tryClose operations are available as a Deno.core JS API, and both take the integer ID of the resource.

A Resource may or may not implement stream read and write operations. These are exposed via read* and write* APIs on Deno.core, and the APIs are mapped to the Resource's read and write trait methods.

Error and promise rejection handling

Embedders make use of two callbacks for unhandled promise rejections and uncaught errors: setReportExceptionCallback, setUnhandledPromiseRejectionHandler.

When an ES Module throws an exception at the top level, or code in a callback or promise continuation throws an exception that is not handled, Deno.core detects this as an unhandled exception and routes it to the setReportExceptionCallback or setUnhandledPromiseRejectionHandler callbacks.

Deno.core automatically handles errors and promise rejects that bubble out of user code and into the top-level module and rejects the promise for the module itself.

If an error ends up bubbling up to reportUnhandledException or reportUnhandledPromiseRejection, that error is exposed through the runtime's polling interface and runtime execution is halted.

Custom error classes may be registered via the registerErrorClass API, allowing for Rust code to throw strongly-typed exceptions to user JS code. The custom_error function in deno_core may be used to return these custom error classes.

Event loop callbacks

In async JavaScript, forward progress is made for module and promise resolution through event loop callbacks. These callbacks may be async op resolution, timer resolution, module loads, or internal callbacks from NAPI or FFI code.

Event loop callbacks generally happen through eventLoopTick for convenience, though some other events are dispatched directly. The eventLoopTick method will often appear in stack traces.

In JsRuntime, do_js_event_loop_tick_realm polls the various possible sources of forward progress and routes them to the V8 engine. While deno_core may allow for these async operations to complete at any time, the results are only forwarded to the V8 engine during the event dispatch phase of the event loop, preventing callbacks into the engine at unexpected times.


deno_core provides a number of high-level timer support APIs for embedders to build on. queueUserTimer, refTimer and unrefTimer are sufficient to implement both web-compatible and node-compatible timers.

Timers are dispatched as part of the eventLoopTick infrastructure, however this may change in the future.

Basic console support

deno_core provides a basic implementation of the V8 console that integrates with the V8 inspector. Embedders are encouraged to supply their own more functional console implementation, however.

Snapshot management

For embedders that wish to optimize JsRuntime startup, JsRuntimeForSnapshot allows for a runtime to be created that will be serialized to a V8 snapshot. This snapshot data may be passed to a JsRuntime as it boots, allowing it to pre-initialize a V8 isolate and context from earlier initialization work.