Store projects on your main internal SSD (e.g., C:\ Drive) for improved performance and reliability:
SSD Benefits: Faster read/write speeds, enhanced project load times, and reduced risk of mechanical failure.
#2. Avoid External Drives
While external drives are convenient, they’re prone to degradation, especially HDDs. Instead:
Opt for internal SSDs or high-quality USB 3.0 drives if external storage is needed.
#3. Organized Directory Structure
Create a clear folder hierarchy, like Documents/BMD_Projects, to keep projects organized:
@@ -300,10 +306,10 @@
#4. Use Version Control
Integrate Git or other VCS tools to manage versions and avoid redundant copies:
@@ -312,10 +318,10 @@
Version control tracks changes to your project files, making it easy to manage updates, collaborate, and revert to previous versions. Git is a widely used version control system, and GitHub provides a remote repository option. Here’s how to set up version control:
#Step 1: Install Git
Download Git from and follow the installation instructions.
@@ -327,10 +333,10 @@
#Step 2: Initialize Git in Your Project Directory
Open a terminal in your project folder and initialize Git:
@@ -342,20 +348,20 @@
This creates a .git folder to track changes.
#Step 3: Create a Repository on GitHub
Go to GitHub and create a new repository for your project.
Copy the repository URL for setup.
#Step 4: Link Your Local Repository to GitHub
In your terminal, link your local repository to GitHub:
@@ -366,10 +372,10 @@
Verify the link with git remote -v.
#Step 5: Commit and Push Changes
Add files to the staging area:
@@ -389,10 +395,10 @@
#Step 6: Managing Changes
Use git status to check modified files.
@@ -400,14 +406,155 @@
Make regular commits to track changes and use GitHub’s interface to manage branches and collaborate with others.
#5. Regular Backups
Automate backups to an external drive or cloud storage to ensure data recovery:
Tip: Schedule weekly or bi-weekly backups.
+ #
+ Project Storage Best Practices on Linux
+ #
+ 1. Primary Drive Storage
Store projects on your main internal SSD (e.g., ~/Projects on /home) for fast and reliable performance:
SSD Benefits: Faster read/write speeds, enhanced project load times, and less risk of mechanical failure compared to HDDs.
+ #
+ 2. Avoid External Drives
While external drives offer flexibility, they degrade faster, especially HDDs. If you need additional storage:
Opt for an internal SSD or high-quality USB 3.0/SSD external drive.
+ #
+ 3. Organized Directory Structure
Maintain a well-organized folder hierarchy, like ~/Projects/BMD_Projects, to simplify navigation:
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-[[{"i":"#","p":["Welcome page"]},{"l":"Community Mods for Bot Maker for Discord","p":["This repository houses community-made mods for Bot Maker for Discord (BMD)."]},{"l":"Navigation","p":["Installation","Using the CLI Tool","Manual Installation","Using Install-mods.bat","Creating Mods","Uploading Mods via GitHub Pull Requests","Using the Web Interface","Using the Local Machine","Contact","License"]},{"l":"Installation"},{"l":"Using the CLI Tool","p":["Work in Progress (W.I.P.) BMD built-in mod manager coming soon™️"]},{"l":"Manual Installation","p":["Download the repository by clicking \"Code\" on the repository's home page and selecting \"Download ZIP\".","Extract the ZIP archive.","Move the \"Actions\" folder to your Bot Maker for Discord's AppData directory, typically located at:","Move the \"Themes\" folder to the main directory of your Bot Maker for Discord installation, typically located at:","Restart the Bot Maker for Discord application.","You're all set!"]},{"l":"Creating Mods","p":["Refer to the short documentation for guidance on creating your own mods.","Please follow the general structure when creating mods. Therefore, add _MOD after your mod name, don't include any additional dots or spaces, and make sure to include the info object within your modded action. Feel free to add a short description for your action as seen in animeSearch_MOD.js.","You may find a list of the apps actions, events, icons, and kits here.","Try to use as few packages as possible, especially for simple functionality. Use packages only when absolutely necessary.","AI-generated code is not allowed. While using AI as a tool for assistance is permitted, all code must be created and reviewed by human contributors."]},{"l":"Uploading Mods via GitHub Pull Requests","p":["To contribute your mods to this repository, you can use either the GitHub web interface or your local machine. For a detailed tutorial, view this."]},{"l":"Contact","p":["Join our community on the Discord server for support and discussion."]},{"l":"License","p":["This project is distributed under the MIT License."]}],[{"l":"FAQ"}],[{"i":"#","p":["Welcome page"]},{"l":"Why Choose Bot Maker for Discord","p":["I have tried to be as unbiased as possible. The following statements are purely factual and not personal opinions."]},{"l":"Comparison with Other Bot Makers","p":["The bot makers I will be comparing this app with are:","Discord Bot Maker (DBM)","Discord Bot Builder (DBB)","Bot Studio for Discord (BS(f)D)"]},{"l":"Generalized User Types","p":["BMD has a wide range of mods, but the app's base includes plenty of features, reducing the need for them.","BS(f)D has a mediocre base, and mods cannot be used within events, which are essential for command functionality. Its integration of slash commands, buttons, and select menus is lacking.","DBB has shown limited update activity recently; the developer went on a lengthy break before releasing an update.","Discord Bot Builder would be included, but workspaces can get cluttered easily.","Due to extreme similarities between DBM and BMD, they are practically identical in this regard.","I want a bot maker with lots of video tutorials: DBM, BS(f)D*","I want an app that's in active development: BMD*, DBB*","I want customization: BMD","I want something that I can speedrun: BMD, DBM","I want something that's easily readable (allowing me to pick up where I left off the next day): BMD, DBM","I want stability and wouldn’t mind having an outdated feature set: DBM, BS(f)D*","I want the latest Discord API features without having the app: Bot Maker for Discord (BMD)","I’m an organization freak: BMD, DBM","I’m fine with modding the app for extra features: DBB, BMD*, DBM*","Many BS(f)D tutorials are under the name \"Discord Bot Studio\" due to a name change.","Note: DBM-Mods doesn’t include the latest Discord API v10 features.","Rat is a human and cannot incorporate all suggestions in each update, so BMD may not always have the features you suggest."]},{"l":"Pros and Cons"},{"l":"Bot Maker for Discord","p":["Pros:","Up-to-date","Uses oceanic.js instead of discord.js, resulting in lower RAM usage","Focuses on speed of navigation and reducing tedious tasks","Constantly improving","Humane design","Convenient features (command aliases, cooldowns; mods are not essential)","Theming options available","No DRM or license/copyright applied to your project (except for node modules)","Project manager (manage multiple projects simultaneously)","Cons:","New features may be unstable","Accessibility could be improved"]},{"l":"Discord Bot Maker","p":["Pros:","Huge community","Stable","Plenty of mods","Cons:","Outdated (Discord API v9)","No longer maintained"]},{"l":"Discord Bot Builder","p":["Pros:","Easier to pick up","Somewhat active development","Cons:","Heavily relies on the modding community for most features","Can become messy quickly"]}],[{"i":"is-bmd-drm-protected","l":"Is BMD DRM protected?","p":["Nope! Feel free to share it with your friends!"]}],[{"i":"are-projects-copyrighted","l":"Are projects copyrighted?","p":["Aside from the third-party node modules, no, the projects themselves aren’t licensed or copyrighted. You’re free to sell them! Just keep in mind that if you’re using someone else’s project, it may be copyrighted or licensed."]}],[{"l":"How to add Raw Data"},{"i":"how-do-i-add-raw-data-to-my-bot-maker-for-discord-project","l":"How do I add raw data to my Bot Maker for Discord project?","p":["To add raw data to your project, follow these steps:","Open Your Project: Launch Bot Maker for Discord and open the project you want to modify.","Input Raw Data:","Enter your raw data in the designated area. Make sure it’s formatted correctly according to the type you selected.","Example for JSON:","Save Your Changes:","After entering your data, click the Save button to ensure your changes are applied.","Test Your Bot:","Run your bot to test if the raw data is being accessed correctly. Use console logs or debug statements to verify."]},{"i":"what-formats-can-i-use-for-raw-data","l":"What formats can I use for raw data?","p":["You can use various formats, including:","JSON","Arrays","Plain text","Make sure to use the correct syntax for the format you choose."]},{"i":"can-i-edit-raw-data-later","l":"Can I edit raw data later?","p":["Yes! You can always go back to the Data section and modify your raw data as needed. Just select the data structure and make your changes, then save them."]},{"i":"what-should-i-do-if-i-encounter-an-error","l":"What should I do if I encounter an error?","p":["If you run into any errors:","Double-check your data formatting.","Review the console logs for specific error messages.","Consult the Bot Maker for Discord documentation or community forums for additional help."]}],[{"i":"how-to-modify-app-files","l":"How to modify app files?","p":["Note: You need Node.js installed for this to work!","Go inside the resources folder.","Open a command window in that folder.","Run the following command in the command window:"]}],[{"i":"is-bmd-free","l":"Is BMD Free?","p":["No."]}],[{"i":"is-linux-supported","l":"Is Linux Supported?","p":["Bot Maker for Discord is not natively supported on Linux. However, you can still run it using compatibility tools like Wine, Bottles, or Proton."]},{"i":"how-to-use-bot-maker-for-discord-on-linux","l":"How to Use Bot Maker for Discord on Linux:"},{"l":"Install Wine for Major Linux Distributions","p":["You can install Wine using the following commands based on your distribution:","Use Bottles (optional):","Bottles is a user-friendly frontend for Wine. You can install it via your package manager or from the Bottles website.","Install Steam (for Proton):","Download and install the Steam client for Linux. You can find it in your software center or from the official Steam website.","Enable Steam Play (if using Proton):","In the Steam client, go to Settings> Compatability and enable \"Steam Play for all other titles\" to use Proton.","Its reccomended that you use hotfix or experimental.","Launch with Compatibility Tools:","If you’re using Wine or Bottles, create a new bottle and install the game there.","If using Proton, just click Play in your Steam library, and Proton will handle the compatibility layer.","Adjust Settings (if necessary):","If you encounter issues, you may need to tweak settings in Wine or Bottles or try a different version of Proton.","While running Bot Maker for Discord on Linux requires some extra steps, many users have successfully set it up this way. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team!"]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Where to store you BMD bot project"]},{"l":"Project Storage Best Practices"},{"l":"1. Primary Drive Storage","p":["Store projects on your main internal SSD (e.g., C:\\ Drive) for improved performance and reliability:","SSD Benefits: Faster read/write speeds, enhanced project load times, and reduced risk of mechanical failure."]},{"l":"2. Avoid External Drives","p":["While external drives are convenient, they’re prone to degradation, especially HDDs. Instead:","Opt for internal SSDs or high-quality USB 3.0 drives if external storage is needed."]},{"l":"3. Organized Directory Structure","p":["Create a clear folder hierarchy, like Documents/BMD_Projects, to keep projects organized:","Example:"]},{"l":"4. Use Version Control","p":["Integrate Git or other VCS tools to manage versions and avoid redundant copies:","Recommendation: Use platforms like GitHub or Bitbucket for cloud versioning. Here’s an in-depth guide to setting up and using version control for your project:","Version control tracks changes to your project files, making it easy to manage updates, collaborate, and revert to previous versions. Git is a widely used version control system, and GitHub provides a remote repository option. Here’s how to set up version control:"]},{"i":"step-1-install-git","l":"Step 1: Install Git","p":["Download Git from and follow the installation instructions.","Configure Git by running the following commands in your terminal:"]},{"i":"step-2-initialize-git-in-your-project-directory","l":"Step 2: Initialize Git in Your Project Directory","p":["Open a terminal in your project folder and initialize Git:","This creates a .git folder to track changes."]},{"i":"step-3-create-a-repository-on-github","l":"Step 3: Create a Repository on GitHub","p":["Go to GitHub and create a new repository for your project.","Copy the repository URL for setup."]},{"i":"step-4-link-your-local-repository-to-github","l":"Step 4: Link Your Local Repository to GitHub","p":["In your terminal, link your local repository to GitHub:","Verify the link with git remote -v."]},{"i":"step-5-commit-and-push-changes","l":"Step 5: Commit and Push Changes","p":["Add files to the staging area:","Commit your changes:","Push the changes to GitHub:"]},{"i":"step-6-managing-changes","l":"Step 6: Managing Changes","p":["Use git status to check modified files.","To pull updates from GitHub, use git pull.","Make regular commits to track changes and use GitHub’s interface to manage branches and collaborate with others."]},{"l":"5. Regular Backups","p":["Automate backups to an external drive or cloud storage to ensure data recovery:","Tip: Schedule weekly or bi-weekly backups."]}],[{"l":"Basics"}],[{"l":"Setup","p":["When you first open the app - you'll be greeted by the project manager.Hit the \"Create\" button to","create a bot.","Now, you'll be seeing this:"]},{"l":"Project Folder","p":["Where your project will be stored - make sure to select an empty folder!"]},{"l":"Project Name","p":["Additionally, if you don't plan to mess around with your intents, go back to the Developer Portal and scroll down a bit again until you find \"Privileged Gateway Intents\" and enable them all","After filling everything in, hit \"Create\".","Hit \"Bot Log\", something like the following should appear:","Hit \"New Application\" at the upper right corner of the screen. Give it a name, read the terms & conditions, see if you agree to them, and proceed!","If it says the exact same for you, congratulations! If not, join the support server[] so we can figure it out together","Now, go to the \"Bot\" tab","Now, let's go create a bot in the Discord Developer Portal You'll be seeing something close to this:","Now, let's test if your bot is working: Go to the top bar, look for \"Bot (Offline)\" and click it!","Now, paste it in the \"Token\" field (CTRL+V while the field is selected)","Save the changes, and you'll be good to go!","Scroll down a bit until you find a button to reset your bot's token - reset it, copy it, and go back to BMD.","Scroll down until you find \"Guild Install\" (guild = discord server) Click the \"Scopes\" dropdown and add \"bot\" to it.","To add your bot to your Discord server, follow these steps: Go to your \"Installation\" page","What your project will be called - this doesn't affect your bot.","You should see the main editor now, it resembles something close to the following:","You'll be requested to add permissions - give your bot what you think it needs. Afterwards, copy the link and paste it in discord. Click it from within discord, and select \"Add To Server\" from what pops up","You'll be seeing something like this now - just click your project and it'll open in a new window!"]}],[{"l":"Commands"}],[{"l":"Variables"}],[{"l":"Logic"}],[{"l":"Anchors"}],[{"l":"Lists"}],[{"l":"Commonly met issues"}],[{"i":"skipping-jumping-and-anchors","l":"Skipping, Jumping and Anchors"}],[{"i":"user--member--etc-data","l":"[User / Member / Etc] Data"}],[{"l":"Basic navigation"}],[{"l":"Text commands"}],[{"l":"Intermediate"}],[{"l":"User-Installable Commands"},{"i":"step-1-discord-developer-portal","l":"Step 1: Discord Developer Portal"},{"i":"how-do-i-tell-discord-i-want-my-bot-support-installable-apps","l":"How do I tell Discord I want my bot support installable apps?","p":["Simple! Go to the Discord Developer Portal, select your application, go to it's installation tab and tick \"User Install\"","Afterwards, copy the install link. Paste it somewhere in Discord.","And then, click it and select \"Try it Now\" from the popup._"]},{"i":"step-2-in-editor-setup","l":"Step 2: In-Editor Setup"},{"i":"how-do-i-tell-bmd-i-want-to-register-a-command-as-installable","l":"How do I tell BMD I want to register a command as installable?","p":["First, make sure your command is any of the following types: Slash command, Message Command, User Command","Afterwards, select \"Permissions\"","From the permissions menu, I recommend selecting \"Nothing\" as the limit. This will make the command available in both a server and an user's DMs","To finish it up, toggle on the comically large \"Installable\" toggle.","And now, restart your bot (CTRL+Q Twice) and restart your Discord client (CTRL+R)"]}],[{"l":"Advanced"}],[{"i":"#","p":["How to install packages and modules into BMD"]},{"i":"installing-packages--modules","l":"Installing Packages & Modules","p":["To install packages in Bot Maker For Discord (BMD), use the following commands, depending on your operating system:"]},{"l":"Windows","p":["Open your terminal and use the following command:","Make sure to navigate to the BMD installation directory before running the command. By default, BMD is installed here:"]},{"l":"Linux","p":["Navigate to the BMD directory. You may need to locate it based on where you installed Steam, such as in the default directory:","Install the package using pnpm:","Ensure pnpm is installed on your system. You can install it using npm with:"]}],[{"l":"Hosting","p":["Make sure to secure your server! Look up fail2ban, changing the SSH port, and using SSH keys."]},{"l":"Paid Hosting","p":["When it comes to paid hosting, you gain several advantages that can make a significant difference in your bot's performance and reliability. Here’s what to consider:","Stability and Reliability: Paid services often have better uptime and performance guarantees, ensuring your bot stays online and responsive.","Customer Support: With a paid plan, you usually get access to customer support, which can be invaluable if you encounter any issues.","Scalability: Paid hosting allows for easy scaling. If your bot's usage grows, you can upgrade your resources without major hassle.","Security Features: Many paid hosting providers offer enhanced security features, helping protect your bot from potential threats.","Control and Customization: With a VPS, you have full control over the environment, allowing you to install software and configure settings to your needs."]},{"l":"Recommended Paid Hosting Providers","p":["Hetzner Cloud:","Contabo:","Linode:","Pebble Host:","DigitalOcean:"]},{"l":"Free Hosting","p":["Want to host your bot without spending extra on a VPS (Virtual Private Server)?","Unfortunately, free hosting options are pretty much a myth. While it may seem free in terms of payment, you're usually paying with your data or time, and the service often won't last long.","So, should you go for a free host? In my view (and likely others’ too), it's a hard pass. Invest in a small VPS from a reputable provider for stability and the assurance that your bot will stay online (as long as you keep paying). Plus, with a VPS, you can run other projects alongside your Discord bot, like additional bots, Pi-hole, or a lightweight VPN, especially since your bot likely doesn’t have a high usage if you’re considering free options."]},{"l":"Recommended Free Hosting Providers","p":["Hetzner Cloud:","Contabo:","Linode:"]}],[{"l":"Digitial ocean"}],[{"l":"Heroku"}],[{"l":"Pebblehost"}],[{"l":"Raspberry Pi"}],[{"l":"Replit"}],[{"l":"Mods"},{"l":"Events","p":["Dark Blurple schnitzel studio y2kpurple_MOD","Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list"]}],[{"l":"Other"}],[{"l":"Data"}],[{"l":"Interactions"}],[{"l":"Lists"}],[{"l":"Music"}],[{"l":"Rawdata"}],[{"l":"TheEditor"}],[{"l":"Creating Automations","p":["Coming soon.."]}],[{"l":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct"},{"l":"Our Pledge","p":["We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.","We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community."]},{"l":"Our Standards","p":["Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:","Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people","Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences","Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback","Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience","Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community","Examples of unacceptable behavior include:","The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind","Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks","Public or private harassment","Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission","Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting"]},{"l":"Enforcement Responsibilities","p":["Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.","Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate."]},{"l":"Scope","p":["This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event."]},{"l":"Enforcement","p":["Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at discord. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.","All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident."]},{"l":"Enforcement Guidelines","p":["Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:"]},{"l":"1. Correction","p":["Community Impact: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.","Consequence: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested."]},{"l":"2. Warning","p":["Community Impact: A violation through a single incident or series of actions.","Consequence: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent ban."]},{"l":"3. Temporary Ban","p":["Community Impact: A serious violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior.","Consequence: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban."]},{"l":"4. Permanent Ban","p":["Community Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.","Consequence: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the community."]},{"l":"Attribution","p":["This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.0, available at","Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder.","For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at Translations are available at"]}],[{"l":"Creating Mods","p":["This guide provides detailed instructions on creating mods for Bot Maker for Discord (BMD).","Also, please follow the general structure when creating mods. Therefore, add _MOD after your mod name, don't include any additional dots or spaces, and make sure to include the info object within your modded action. Feel free to add a short description for your action as seen in animeSearch_MOD.js."]},{"l":"Interface Components","p":["Separators: \"-\"","Variable Inputs: Pastebin Link","Storage Inputs: Pastebin Link","User Inputs: Pastebin Link","Channel Inputs: Pastebin Link","Toggles: Pastebin Link","Menus: Pastebin Link","Classic Dropdowns: Pastebin Link","Typed Dropdowns: Pastebin Link","Input Groups: Pastebin Link","Inputs: Pastebin Link"]},{"l":"Action Elements","p":["Actions:","Conditional Actions & Additional Options:","Image Inputs:","Message Inputs:","Role Inputs:","Interaction Inputs:","Text:","Large Inputs:"]},{"l":"Bridge Controls","p":["call:","callActions:","createGlobal:","createTemporary:","generateCustomID:","get:","getChannel:","getGlobal:","getImage:","getInteraction:","getRole:","getTemporary:","getUser:","runner:","store:","transf:"]},{"l":"Data Structure","p":["data:"]},{"i":"still-got-questions","l":"Still Got Questions?","p":["Feel free to ask any questions in our Discord server."]}],[{"l":"License","p":["MIT License","Copyright (c) 2024 DevvyyXYZ","Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:","The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.","THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE."]}],[{"l":"Uploading Mods via GitHub Pull Requests","p":["To contribute your mods to this repository, you can submit a pull request using either the GitHub web interface or your local machine. Follow the steps below for your preferred method."]},{"l":"Using the Web Interface","p":["Fork the Repository: Click the \"Fork\" button in the upper-right corner of this repository to create a personal copy in your GitHub account.","Navigate to Your Fork: Once forked, go to your forked repository on GitHub (it will be at","Create or Edit a File:","Click on the \"Add file\" button and choose \"Create new file\" to add a new mod.","To edit an existing file, navigate to it, and click the pencil icon.","Add Your Mod: Add your mod code to the editor. Make sure it follows any style guidelines or contribution rules for the project.","Commit Your Changes: Scroll down to the \"Commit new file\" section:","Enter a brief commit message that describes the mod or changes you’ve made.","Optionally, provide more details in the extended description.","Click \"Commit new file\" (or \"Commit changes\" if editing an existing file).","Submit a Pull Request (PR):","Navigate back to the original repository (not your fork).","Click on \"New Pull Request\".","Select the branch from your fork that contains your changes.","Add a meaningful description of your mod, explaining its functionality or purpose, then submit the pull request."]},{"i":"using-your-local-machine-git-cli","l":"Using Your Local Machine (Git & CLI)","p":["Fork the Repository: Fork the original repository by clicking \"Fork\" in the upper-right corner to create a copy under your GitHub account.","Clone Your Fork Locally: Clone your forked repository to your local machine:","Create a New Branch: Always create a separate branch for each mod or feature to keep things organized:","Add Your Mod Files: Place your mod files in the appropriate directories ( Actions, Themes, etc.). Ensure they follow any existing file structure or conventions.","Commit Your Changes: Once your mod is added, stage and commit the changes:","Push Changes to Your Fork: Push the new branch to your forked GitHub repository:","Open a Pull Request (PR):","Visit the original repository on GitHub.","Click \"New Pull Request\".","Select the branch from your fork that contains your mod.","Add a detailed description, including what the mod does, why it's useful, and any special instructions for testing or using it. Then submit the PR."]},{"l":"Important Notes","p":["Testing: Be sure to test your mod before submitting it. Ensure it works as expected and doesn’t introduce bugs or issues.","Branch Naming: When creating a new branch, use a descriptive name that relates to the mod or feature, such as add-action-mod or fix-theme-mod.","Contributing Guidelines: If this repository has a file, make sure to read and follow it before submitting your pull request."]},{"l":"Useful Resources","p":["Here are some helpful resources to assist you in contributing to this repository:","Markdown Guide: A comprehensive guide to Markdown, a lightweight markup language for formatting text. Learn how to structure your README files, documentation, and more.","GitHub Octicons: GitHub's official icon set, commonly used across GitHub projects. Use these icons to enhance your repository's visual appeal.","Retype Octicons: A collection of GitHub Octicons that can be easily integrated into Retype-powered documentation, perfect for adding icons to enhance your documentation pages.","GitHub Docs: The official GitHub documentation. Learn about GitHub features, commands, workflows, and tips for managing repositories, handling pull requests, and more.","Pro Git Book: A free online book that covers everything you need to know about Git, from the basics to advanced topics like branching and Git workflows.","GitHub Flow: An explanation of the GitHub Flow, a lightweight, branch-based workflow that supports teams and projects in version control.","Semantic Commit Messages: A guide to writing clear and concise commit messages using semantic conventions, which helps maintain an organized commit history.","Learn Git Branching: An interactive Git learning game that helps you practice and understand Git branching, merging, and rebasing.","GitHub CLI: GitHub’s command-line tool for managing pull requests, issues, and repositories directly from your terminal.","These resources will help you with everything from mastering Markdown to understanding Git workflows, writing better commit messages, and effectively using GitHub tools."]},{"l":"Template page","p":["Uploading & contributing","This is a sample template page. You can use this as a starting point for creating new pages in your project.","Introduction","Usage","Examples","Conclusion","Provide an introduction to the template page here. Explain the purpose and any relevant background information.","Describe how to use this template. Include any necessary steps or instructions.","Provide examples of how this template can be used. Include code snippets or screenshots if applicable.","Summarize the key points of the template page. Include any final thoughts or recommendations.","Feel free to customize this template to fit your needs."]}]]
\ No newline at end of file
+[[{"i":"#","p":["Welcome page"]},{"l":"Community Mods for Bot Maker for Discord","p":["This repository houses community-made mods for Bot Maker for Discord (BMD)."]},{"l":"Navigation","p":["Installation","Using the CLI Tool","Manual Installation","Using Install-mods.bat","Creating Mods","Uploading Mods via GitHub Pull Requests","Using the Web Interface","Using the Local Machine","Contact","License"]},{"l":"Installation"},{"l":"Using the CLI Tool","p":["Work in Progress (W.I.P.) BMD built-in mod manager coming soon™️"]},{"l":"Manual Installation","p":["Download the repository by clicking \"Code\" on the repository's home page and selecting \"Download ZIP\".","Extract the ZIP archive.","Move the \"Actions\" folder to your Bot Maker for Discord's AppData directory, typically located at:","Move the \"Themes\" folder to the main directory of your Bot Maker for Discord installation, typically located at:","Restart the Bot Maker for Discord application.","You're all set!"]},{"l":"Creating Mods","p":["Refer to the short documentation for guidance on creating your own mods.","Please follow the general structure when creating mods. Therefore, add _MOD after your mod name, don't include any additional dots or spaces, and make sure to include the info object within your modded action. Feel free to add a short description for your action as seen in animeSearch_MOD.js.","You may find a list of the apps actions, events, icons, and kits here.","Try to use as few packages as possible, especially for simple functionality. Use packages only when absolutely necessary.","AI-generated code is not allowed. While using AI as a tool for assistance is permitted, all code must be created and reviewed by human contributors."]},{"l":"Uploading Mods via GitHub Pull Requests","p":["To contribute your mods to this repository, you can use either the GitHub web interface or your local machine. For a detailed tutorial, view this."]},{"l":"Contact","p":["Join our community on the Discord server for support and discussion."]},{"l":"License","p":["This project is distributed under the MIT License."]}],[{"l":"FAQ"}],[{"i":"#","p":["Welcome page"]},{"l":"Why Choose Bot Maker for Discord","p":["I have tried to be as unbiased as possible. The following statements are purely factual and not personal opinions."]},{"l":"Comparison with Other Bot Makers","p":["The bot makers I will be comparing this app with are:","Discord Bot Maker (DBM)","Discord Bot Builder (DBB)","Bot Studio for Discord (BS(f)D)"]},{"l":"Generalized User Types","p":["BMD has a wide range of mods, but the app's base includes plenty of features, reducing the need for them.","BS(f)D has a mediocre base, and mods cannot be used within events, which are essential for command functionality. Its integration of slash commands, buttons, and select menus is lacking.","DBB has shown limited update activity recently; the developer went on a lengthy break before releasing an update.","Discord Bot Builder would be included, but workspaces can get cluttered easily.","Due to extreme similarities between DBM and BMD, they are practically identical in this regard.","I want a bot maker with lots of video tutorials: DBM, BS(f)D*","I want an app that's in active development: BMD*, DBB*","I want customization: BMD","I want something that I can speedrun: BMD, DBM","I want something that's easily readable (allowing me to pick up where I left off the next day): BMD, DBM","I want stability and wouldn’t mind having an outdated feature set: DBM, BS(f)D*","I want the latest Discord API features without having the app: Bot Maker for Discord (BMD)","I’m an organization freak: BMD, DBM","I’m fine with modding the app for extra features: DBB, BMD*, DBM*","Many BS(f)D tutorials are under the name \"Discord Bot Studio\" due to a name change.","Note: DBM-Mods doesn’t include the latest Discord API v10 features.","Rat is a human and cannot incorporate all suggestions in each update, so BMD may not always have the features you suggest."]},{"l":"Pros and Cons"},{"l":"Bot Maker for Discord","p":["Pros:","Up-to-date","Uses oceanic.js instead of discord.js, resulting in lower RAM usage","Focuses on speed of navigation and reducing tedious tasks","Constantly improving","Humane design","Convenient features (command aliases, cooldowns; mods are not essential)","Theming options available","No DRM or license/copyright applied to your project (except for node modules)","Project manager (manage multiple projects simultaneously)","Cons:","New features may be unstable","Accessibility could be improved"]},{"l":"Discord Bot Maker","p":["Pros:","Huge community","Stable","Plenty of mods","Cons:","Outdated (Discord API v9)","No longer maintained"]},{"l":"Discord Bot Builder","p":["Pros:","Easier to pick up","Somewhat active development","Cons:","Heavily relies on the modding community for most features","Can become messy quickly"]}],[{"i":"is-bmd-drm-protected","l":"Is BMD DRM protected?","p":["Nope! Feel free to share it with your friends!"]}],[{"i":"are-projects-copyrighted","l":"Are projects copyrighted?","p":["Aside from the third-party node modules, no, the projects themselves aren’t licensed or copyrighted. You’re free to sell them! Just keep in mind that if you’re using someone else’s project, it may be copyrighted or licensed."]}],[{"l":"How to add Raw Data"},{"i":"how-do-i-add-raw-data-to-my-bot-maker-for-discord-project","l":"How do I add raw data to my Bot Maker for Discord project?","p":["To add raw data to your project, follow these steps:","Open Your Project: Launch Bot Maker for Discord and open the project you want to modify.","Input Raw Data:","Enter your raw data in the designated area. Make sure it’s formatted correctly according to the type you selected.","Example for JSON:","Save Your Changes:","After entering your data, click the Save button to ensure your changes are applied.","Test Your Bot:","Run your bot to test if the raw data is being accessed correctly. Use console logs or debug statements to verify."]},{"i":"what-formats-can-i-use-for-raw-data","l":"What formats can I use for raw data?","p":["You can use various formats, including:","JSON","Arrays","Plain text","Make sure to use the correct syntax for the format you choose."]},{"i":"can-i-edit-raw-data-later","l":"Can I edit raw data later?","p":["Yes! You can always go back to the Data section and modify your raw data as needed. Just select the data structure and make your changes, then save them."]},{"i":"what-should-i-do-if-i-encounter-an-error","l":"What should I do if I encounter an error?","p":["If you run into any errors:","Double-check your data formatting.","Review the console logs for specific error messages.","Consult the Bot Maker for Discord documentation or community forums for additional help."]}],[{"i":"how-to-modify-app-files","l":"How to modify app files?","p":["Note: You need Node.js installed for this to work!","Go inside the resources folder.","Open a command window in that folder.","Run the following command in the command window:"]}],[{"i":"is-bmd-free","l":"Is BMD Free?","p":["No."]}],[{"i":"is-linux-supported","l":"Is Linux Supported?","p":["Bot Maker for Discord is not natively supported on Linux. However, you can still run it using compatibility tools like Wine, Bottles, or Proton."]},{"i":"how-to-use-bot-maker-for-discord-on-linux","l":"How to Use Bot Maker for Discord on Linux:"},{"l":"Install Wine for Major Linux Distributions","p":["You can install Wine using the following commands based on your distribution:","Use Bottles (optional):","Bottles is a user-friendly frontend for Wine. You can install it via your package manager or from the Bottles website.","Install Steam (for Proton):","Download and install the Steam client for Linux. You can find it in your software center or from the official Steam website.","Enable Steam Play (if using Proton):","In the Steam client, go to Settings> Compatability and enable \"Steam Play for all other titles\" to use Proton.","Its reccomended that you use hotfix or experimental.","Launch with Compatibility Tools:","If you’re using Wine or Bottles, create a new bottle and install the game there.","If using Proton, just click Play in your Steam library, and Proton will handle the compatibility layer.","Adjust Settings (if necessary):","If you encounter issues, you may need to tweak settings in Wine or Bottles or try a different version of Proton.","While running Bot Maker for Discord on Linux requires some extra steps, many users have successfully set it up this way. If you need assistance, don’t hesitate to reach out to our support team!"]}],[{"i":"#","p":["Where to store you BMD bot project"]},{"l":"Storage Best Practices"},{"l":"Project Storage Best Practices On Windows"},{"l":"1. Primary Drive Storage","p":["Store projects on your main internal SSD (e.g., C:\\ Drive) for improved performance and reliability:","SSD Benefits: Faster read/write speeds, enhanced project load times, and reduced risk of mechanical failure."]},{"l":"2. Avoid External Drives","p":["While external drives are convenient, they’re prone to degradation, especially HDDs. Instead:","Opt for internal SSDs or high-quality USB 3.0 drives if external storage is needed."]},{"l":"3. Organized Directory Structure","p":["Create a clear folder hierarchy, like Documents/BMD_Projects, to keep projects organized:","Example:"]},{"l":"4. Use Version Control","p":["Integrate Git or other VCS tools to manage versions and avoid redundant copies:","Recommendation: Use platforms like GitHub or Bitbucket for cloud versioning. Here’s an in-depth guide to setting up and using version control for your project:","Version control tracks changes to your project files, making it easy to manage updates, collaborate, and revert to previous versions. Git is a widely used version control system, and GitHub provides a remote repository option. Here’s how to set up version control:"]},{"i":"step-1-install-git","l":"Step 1: Install Git","p":["Download Git from and follow the installation instructions.","Configure Git by running the following commands in your terminal:"]},{"i":"step-2-initialize-git-in-your-project-directory","l":"Step 2: Initialize Git in Your Project Directory","p":["Open a terminal in your project folder and initialize Git:","This creates a .git folder to track changes."]},{"i":"step-3-create-a-repository-on-github","l":"Step 3: Create a Repository on GitHub","p":["Go to GitHub and create a new repository for your project.","Copy the repository URL for setup."]},{"i":"step-4-link-your-local-repository-to-github","l":"Step 4: Link Your Local Repository to GitHub","p":["In your terminal, link your local repository to GitHub:","Verify the link with git remote -v."]},{"i":"step-5-commit-and-push-changes","l":"Step 5: Commit and Push Changes","p":["Add files to the staging area:","Commit your changes:","Push the changes to GitHub:"]},{"i":"step-6-managing-changes","l":"Step 6: Managing Changes","p":["Use git status to check modified files.","To pull updates from GitHub, use git pull.","Make regular commits to track changes and use GitHub’s interface to manage branches and collaborate with others."]},{"l":"5. Regular Backups","p":["Automate backups to an external drive or cloud storage to ensure data recovery:","Tip: Schedule weekly or bi-weekly backups."]},{"l":"Project Storage Best Practices on Linux"},{"i":"1-primary-drive-storage-1","l":"1. Primary Drive Storage","p":["Store projects on your main internal SSD (e.g., ~/Projects on /home) for fast and reliable performance:","SSD Benefits: Faster read/write speeds, enhanced project load times, and less risk of mechanical failure compared to HDDs."]},{"i":"2-avoid-external-drives-1","l":"2. Avoid External Drives","p":["While external drives offer flexibility, they degrade faster, especially HDDs. If you need additional storage:","Opt for an internal SSD or high-quality USB 3.0/SSD external drive."]},{"i":"3-organized-directory-structure-1","l":"3. Organized Directory Structure","p":["Maintain a well-organized folder hierarchy, like ~/Projects/BMD_Projects, to simplify navigation:","Example:"]},{"i":"4-use-version-control-1","l":"4. Use Version Control","p":["Implement Git or another VCS for tracking changes and collaborating. Here’s how to set up Git:"]},{"i":"step-1-install-git-1","l":"Step 1: Install Git","p":["Install Git using your package manager:","Configure Git:"]},{"i":"step-2-initialize-git-in-your-project-directory-1","l":"Step 2: Initialize Git in Your Project Directory","p":["Navigate to your project folder and initialize Git:"]},{"i":"step-3-create-and-link-a-github-repository","l":"Step 3: Create and Link a GitHub Repository","p":["Create a new repository on GitHub and copy the URL.","Link the local repository to GitHub:"]},{"i":"step-4-commit-and-push-changes","l":"Step 4: Commit and Push Changes","p":["Stage your files:","Commit the changes:","Push to GitHub:"]},{"i":"step-5-manage-changes","l":"Step 5: Manage Changes","p":["Check changes with git status.","Pull updates from GitHub with git pull.","Make frequent commits to keep your project history updated."]},{"i":"5-regular-backups-1","l":"5. Regular Backups","p":["Automate backups to another storage location, such as a secondary internal drive or cloud storage, to ensure project safety:","Tip: Use rsync for scheduled backups or services like Dropbox for cloud storage."]}],[{"l":"Basics"}],[{"l":"Setup","p":["When you first open the app - you'll be greeted by the project manager.Hit the \"Create\" button to","create a bot.","Now, you'll be seeing this:"]},{"l":"Project Folder","p":["Where your project will be stored - make sure to select an empty folder!"]},{"l":"Project Name","p":["Additionally, if you don't plan to mess around with your intents, go back to the Developer Portal and scroll down a bit again until you find \"Privileged Gateway Intents\" and enable them all","After filling everything in, hit \"Create\".","Hit \"Bot Log\", something like the following should appear:","Hit \"New Application\" at the upper right corner of the screen. Give it a name, read the terms & conditions, see if you agree to them, and proceed!","If it says the exact same for you, congratulations! If not, join the support server[] so we can figure it out together","Now, go to the \"Bot\" tab","Now, let's go create a bot in the Discord Developer Portal You'll be seeing something close to this:","Now, let's test if your bot is working: Go to the top bar, look for \"Bot (Offline)\" and click it!","Now, paste it in the \"Token\" field (CTRL+V while the field is selected)","Save the changes, and you'll be good to go!","Scroll down a bit until you find a button to reset your bot's token - reset it, copy it, and go back to BMD.","Scroll down until you find \"Guild Install\" (guild = discord server) Click the \"Scopes\" dropdown and add \"bot\" to it.","To add your bot to your Discord server, follow these steps: Go to your \"Installation\" page","What your project will be called - this doesn't affect your bot.","You should see the main editor now, it resembles something close to the following:","You'll be requested to add permissions - give your bot what you think it needs. Afterwards, copy the link and paste it in discord. Click it from within discord, and select \"Add To Server\" from what pops up","You'll be seeing something like this now - just click your project and it'll open in a new window!"]}],[{"l":"Commands"}],[{"l":"Variables"}],[{"l":"Logic"}],[{"l":"Anchors"}],[{"l":"Lists"}],[{"l":"Commonly met issues"}],[{"i":"skipping-jumping-and-anchors","l":"Skipping, Jumping and Anchors"}],[{"i":"user--member--etc-data","l":"[User / Member / Etc] Data"}],[{"l":"Basic navigation"}],[{"l":"Text commands"}],[{"l":"Intermediate"}],[{"l":"User-Installable Commands"},{"i":"step-1-discord-developer-portal","l":"Step 1: Discord Developer Portal"},{"i":"how-do-i-tell-discord-i-want-my-bot-support-installable-apps","l":"How do I tell Discord I want my bot support installable apps?","p":["Simple! Go to the Discord Developer Portal, select your application, go to it's installation tab and tick \"User Install\"","Afterwards, copy the install link. Paste it somewhere in Discord.","And then, click it and select \"Try it Now\" from the popup._"]},{"i":"step-2-in-editor-setup","l":"Step 2: In-Editor Setup"},{"i":"how-do-i-tell-bmd-i-want-to-register-a-command-as-installable","l":"How do I tell BMD I want to register a command as installable?","p":["First, make sure your command is any of the following types: Slash command, Message Command, User Command","Afterwards, select \"Permissions\"","From the permissions menu, I recommend selecting \"Nothing\" as the limit. This will make the command available in both a server and an user's DMs","To finish it up, toggle on the comically large \"Installable\" toggle.","And now, restart your bot (CTRL+Q Twice) and restart your Discord client (CTRL+R)"]}],[{"l":"Advanced"}],[{"i":"#","p":["How to install packages and modules into BMD"]},{"i":"installing-packages--modules","l":"Installing Packages & Modules","p":["To install packages in Bot Maker For Discord (BMD), use the following commands, depending on your operating system:"]},{"l":"Windows","p":["Open your terminal and use the following command:","Make sure to navigate to the BMD installation directory before running the command. By default, BMD is installed here:"]},{"l":"Linux","p":["Navigate to the BMD directory. You may need to locate it based on where you installed Steam, such as in the default directory:","Install the package using pnpm:","Ensure pnpm is installed on your system. You can install it using npm with:"]}],[{"l":"Hosting","p":["Make sure to secure your server! Look up fail2ban, changing the SSH port, and using SSH keys."]},{"l":"Paid Hosting","p":["When it comes to paid hosting, you gain several advantages that can make a significant difference in your bot's performance and reliability. Here’s what to consider:","Stability and Reliability: Paid services often have better uptime and performance guarantees, ensuring your bot stays online and responsive.","Customer Support: With a paid plan, you usually get access to customer support, which can be invaluable if you encounter any issues.","Scalability: Paid hosting allows for easy scaling. If your bot's usage grows, you can upgrade your resources without major hassle.","Security Features: Many paid hosting providers offer enhanced security features, helping protect your bot from potential threats.","Control and Customization: With a VPS, you have full control over the environment, allowing you to install software and configure settings to your needs."]},{"l":"Recommended Paid Hosting Providers","p":["Hetzner Cloud:","Contabo:","Linode:","Pebble Host:","DigitalOcean:"]},{"l":"Free Hosting","p":["Want to host your bot without spending extra on a VPS (Virtual Private Server)?","Unfortunately, free hosting options are pretty much a myth. While it may seem free in terms of payment, you're usually paying with your data or time, and the service often won't last long.","So, should you go for a free host? In my view (and likely others’ too), it's a hard pass. Invest in a small VPS from a reputable provider for stability and the assurance that your bot will stay online (as long as you keep paying). Plus, with a VPS, you can run other projects alongside your Discord bot, like additional bots, Pi-hole, or a lightweight VPN, especially since your bot likely doesn’t have a high usage if you’re considering free options."]},{"l":"Recommended Free Hosting Providers","p":["Hetzner Cloud:","Contabo:","Linode:"]}],[{"l":"Digitial ocean"}],[{"l":"Heroku"}],[{"l":"Pebblehost"}],[{"l":"Raspberry Pi"}],[{"l":"Replit"}],[{"l":"Mods"},{"l":"Events","p":["Dark Blurple schnitzel studio y2kpurple_MOD","Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list Mods, Themes, Actions & Translations list"]}],[{"l":"Other"}],[{"l":"Data"}],[{"l":"Interactions"}],[{"l":"Lists"}],[{"l":"Music"}],[{"l":"Rawdata"}],[{"l":"TheEditor"}],[{"l":"Creating Automations","p":["Coming soon.."]}],[{"l":"Contributor Covenant Code of Conduct"},{"l":"Our Pledge","p":["We as members, contributors, and leaders pledge to make participation in our community a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of age, body size, visible or invisible disability, ethnicity, sex characteristics, gender identity and expression, level of experience, education, socio-economic status, nationality, personal appearance, race, religion, or sexual identity and orientation.","We pledge to act and interact in ways that contribute to an open, welcoming, diverse, inclusive, and healthy community."]},{"l":"Our Standards","p":["Examples of behavior that contributes to a positive environment for our community include:","Demonstrating empathy and kindness toward other people","Being respectful of differing opinions, viewpoints, and experiences","Giving and gracefully accepting constructive feedback","Accepting responsibility and apologizing to those affected by our mistakes, and learning from the experience","Focusing on what is best not just for us as individuals, but for the overall community","Examples of unacceptable behavior include:","The use of sexualized language or imagery, and sexual attention or advances of any kind","Trolling, insulting or derogatory comments, and personal or political attacks","Public or private harassment","Publishing others' private information, such as a physical or email address, without their explicit permission","Other conduct which could reasonably be considered inappropriate in a professional setting"]},{"l":"Enforcement Responsibilities","p":["Community leaders are responsible for clarifying and enforcing our standards of acceptable behavior and will take appropriate and fair corrective action in response to any behavior that they deem inappropriate, threatening, offensive, or harmful.","Community leaders have the right and responsibility to remove, edit, or reject comments, commits, code, wiki edits, issues, and other contributions that are not aligned to this Code of Conduct, and will communicate reasons for moderation decisions when appropriate."]},{"l":"Scope","p":["This Code of Conduct applies within all community spaces, and also applies when an individual is officially representing the community in public spaces. Examples of representing our community include using an official e-mail address, posting via an official social media account, or acting as an appointed representative at an online or offline event."]},{"l":"Enforcement","p":["Instances of abusive, harassing, or otherwise unacceptable behavior may be reported to the community leaders responsible for enforcement at discord. All complaints will be reviewed and investigated promptly and fairly.","All community leaders are obligated to respect the privacy and security of the reporter of any incident."]},{"l":"Enforcement Guidelines","p":["Community leaders will follow these Community Impact Guidelines in determining the consequences for any action they deem in violation of this Code of Conduct:"]},{"l":"1. Correction","p":["Community Impact: Use of inappropriate language or other behavior deemed unprofessional or unwelcome in the community.","Consequence: A private, written warning from community leaders, providing clarity around the nature of the violation and an explanation of why the behavior was inappropriate. A public apology may be requested."]},{"l":"2. Warning","p":["Community Impact: A violation through a single incident or series of actions.","Consequence: A warning with consequences for continued behavior. No interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, for a specified period of time. This includes avoiding interactions in community spaces as well as external channels like social media. Violating these terms may lead to a temporary or permanent ban."]},{"l":"3. Temporary Ban","p":["Community Impact: A serious violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior.","Consequence: A temporary ban from any sort of interaction or public communication with the community for a specified period of time. No public or private interaction with the people involved, including unsolicited interaction with those enforcing the Code of Conduct, is allowed during this period. Violating these terms may lead to a permanent ban."]},{"l":"4. Permanent Ban","p":["Community Impact: Demonstrating a pattern of violation of community standards, including sustained inappropriate behavior, harassment of an individual, or aggression toward or disparagement of classes of individuals.","Consequence: A permanent ban from any sort of public interaction within the community."]},{"l":"Attribution","p":["This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant, version 2.0, available at","Community Impact Guidelines were inspired by Mozilla's code of conduct enforcement ladder.","For answers to common questions about this code of conduct, see the FAQ at Translations are available at"]}],[{"l":"Creating Mods","p":["This guide provides detailed instructions on creating mods for Bot Maker for Discord (BMD).","Also, please follow the general structure when creating mods. Therefore, add _MOD after your mod name, don't include any additional dots or spaces, and make sure to include the info object within your modded action. Feel free to add a short description for your action as seen in animeSearch_MOD.js."]},{"l":"Interface Components","p":["Separators: \"-\"","Variable Inputs: Pastebin Link","Storage Inputs: Pastebin Link","User Inputs: Pastebin Link","Channel Inputs: Pastebin Link","Toggles: Pastebin Link","Menus: Pastebin Link","Classic Dropdowns: Pastebin Link","Typed Dropdowns: Pastebin Link","Input Groups: Pastebin Link","Inputs: Pastebin Link"]},{"l":"Action Elements","p":["Actions:","Conditional Actions & Additional Options:","Image Inputs:","Message Inputs:","Role Inputs:","Interaction Inputs:","Text:","Large Inputs:"]},{"l":"Bridge Controls","p":["call:","callActions:","createGlobal:","createTemporary:","generateCustomID:","get:","getChannel:","getGlobal:","getImage:","getInteraction:","getRole:","getTemporary:","getUser:","runner:","store:","transf:"]},{"l":"Data Structure","p":["data:"]},{"i":"still-got-questions","l":"Still Got Questions?","p":["Feel free to ask any questions in our Discord server."]}],[{"l":"License","p":["MIT License","Copyright (c) 2024 DevvyyXYZ","Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the \"Software\"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:","The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.","THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED \"AS IS\", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE."]}],[{"l":"Uploading Mods via GitHub Pull Requests","p":["To contribute your mods to this repository, you can submit a pull request using either the GitHub web interface or your local machine. Follow the steps below for your preferred method."]},{"l":"Using the Web Interface","p":["Fork the Repository: Click the \"Fork\" button in the upper-right corner of this repository to create a personal copy in your GitHub account.","Navigate to Your Fork: Once forked, go to your forked repository on GitHub (it will be at","Create or Edit a File:","Click on the \"Add file\" button and choose \"Create new file\" to add a new mod.","To edit an existing file, navigate to it, and click the pencil icon.","Add Your Mod: Add your mod code to the editor. Make sure it follows any style guidelines or contribution rules for the project.","Commit Your Changes: Scroll down to the \"Commit new file\" section:","Enter a brief commit message that describes the mod or changes you’ve made.","Optionally, provide more details in the extended description.","Click \"Commit new file\" (or \"Commit changes\" if editing an existing file).","Submit a Pull Request (PR):","Navigate back to the original repository (not your fork).","Click on \"New Pull Request\".","Select the branch from your fork that contains your changes.","Add a meaningful description of your mod, explaining its functionality or purpose, then submit the pull request."]},{"i":"using-your-local-machine-git-cli","l":"Using Your Local Machine (Git & CLI)","p":["Fork the Repository: Fork the original repository by clicking \"Fork\" in the upper-right corner to create a copy under your GitHub account.","Clone Your Fork Locally: Clone your forked repository to your local machine:","Create a New Branch: Always create a separate branch for each mod or feature to keep things organized:","Add Your Mod Files: Place your mod files in the appropriate directories ( Actions, Themes, etc.). Ensure they follow any existing file structure or conventions.","Commit Your Changes: Once your mod is added, stage and commit the changes:","Push Changes to Your Fork: Push the new branch to your forked GitHub repository:","Open a Pull Request (PR):","Visit the original repository on GitHub.","Click \"New Pull Request\".","Select the branch from your fork that contains your mod.","Add a detailed description, including what the mod does, why it's useful, and any special instructions for testing or using it. Then submit the PR."]},{"l":"Important Notes","p":["Testing: Be sure to test your mod before submitting it. Ensure it works as expected and doesn’t introduce bugs or issues.","Branch Naming: When creating a new branch, use a descriptive name that relates to the mod or feature, such as add-action-mod or fix-theme-mod.","Contributing Guidelines: If this repository has a file, make sure to read and follow it before submitting your pull request."]},{"l":"Useful Resources","p":["Here are some helpful resources to assist you in contributing to this repository:","Markdown Guide: A comprehensive guide to Markdown, a lightweight markup language for formatting text. Learn how to structure your README files, documentation, and more.","GitHub Octicons: GitHub's official icon set, commonly used across GitHub projects. Use these icons to enhance your repository's visual appeal.","Retype Octicons: A collection of GitHub Octicons that can be easily integrated into Retype-powered documentation, perfect for adding icons to enhance your documentation pages.","GitHub Docs: The official GitHub documentation. Learn about GitHub features, commands, workflows, and tips for managing repositories, handling pull requests, and more.","Pro Git Book: A free online book that covers everything you need to know about Git, from the basics to advanced topics like branching and Git workflows.","GitHub Flow: An explanation of the GitHub Flow, a lightweight, branch-based workflow that supports teams and projects in version control.","Semantic Commit Messages: A guide to writing clear and concise commit messages using semantic conventions, which helps maintain an organized commit history.","Learn Git Branching: An interactive Git learning game that helps you practice and understand Git branching, merging, and rebasing.","GitHub CLI: GitHub’s command-line tool for managing pull requests, issues, and repositories directly from your terminal.","These resources will help you with everything from mastering Markdown to understanding Git workflows, writing better commit messages, and effectively using GitHub tools."]},{"l":"Template page","p":["Uploading & contributing","This is a sample template page. You can use this as a starting point for creating new pages in your project.","Introduction","Usage","Examples","Conclusion","Provide an introduction to the template page here. Explain the purpose and any relevant background information.","Describe how to use this template. Include any necessary steps or instructions.","Provide examples of how this template can be used. Include code snippets or screenshots if applicable.","Summarize the key points of the template page. Include any final thoughts or recommendations.","Feel free to customize this template to fit your needs."]}]]
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