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Dynamic filtering: turn off uBlock everywhere

Raymond Hill edited this page Jul 25, 2015 · 8 revisions

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The ability to turned off uBlock everywhere has been requested many times: #40, #403.

I wasn't really planning to provide this functionality as I fail to see why it should be implemented in uBlock when the browsers themselves offer this ability through the disabling of extensions.

In any case, the ability to "disable" uBlock everywhere is now available, as a side effect of the ability to create a global allow rule for all network requests:

Allow everything everywhere

Though it's more "allow everything from everywhere", it's as good as "globally turn off uBlock". You can revert it by clicking on the eraser button.

Keep in mind dynamic rule precedence logic, which means that the above will work as expected as long as you do not have existing higher precedence rules which override with the global allow-all rule.

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