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Dynamic filtering: turn off uBlock everywhere except

Raymond Hill edited this page May 11, 2016 · 3 revisions

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How to achieve "blacklist mode", these are the steps:

  • global allow all cell
    • "global" = 1st column
    • "allow" = green


Nothing will be blocked, static filtering is completely bypassed: "green" means "allow unconditionally".

To "blacklist" a specific site:

  • local noop all cell
    • "local" = 2nd column
    • "noop" = dark gray

This will cause the current site to become subjected to static filtering (EasyList, EasyPrivacy etc, i.e. whatever filter lists is in effect).


Dynamic filtering disengaged for current site: "gray" means disengage dynamic filtering, but apply static filtering.

Keep in mind cosmetic filtering will still apply, so you may also want to disable cosmetic filtering everywhere by default.

In the screenshots above, 3rd-party frames are blocked to remind this is a good habit in general, and to illustrate that narrower dynamic rules prevails over more generic ones.

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