module.exports = { "registercommands" : false, //Write True If You Are Launching The Bot First Time "token": "", //Your Super Secret Bot Token "imageapi": "", //Your Amethyste Api You can get it from "ownerID": [], //Your Discord User ID "prefix": "", //Your Bot's Prefix "chat": { "url": "", "bid": "", "key": "", "uid": "" }, // You can get This Things from "api": "", // Your Youtube Api "youtubeAPI": "", // Your Youtube Api mainprefix: "", // Again Your Prefix "owner": "G U D B O Y", // Owner Name basiclang: "en", //The basic language of the bot, "fr" for French and "en" for English embeds: { color: "BLUE", //Embed color (in English) footers: "GIVEAWAY :tada: :tada:" //Embed footer }, events: { addcolor: "GREEN", //The color of the event add (in English) remcolor: "RED" //The color of the event remove (in English) }, reaction: "🎉", //Reaction to the giveaways if you in the console you see 'unknown emoji' that's what this emoji is not recognized by Discord grole: "Giveaway Manager", //If the member doesn't have permission to handle messages he can still use the giveaways commands if he has the role configured right here auth: { support: "XXX", //The link of your Discord server dperms: "8" //The permissions that the bot asks on we want to add it on a Discord server (8 = moderator) }, }