diff --git a/diagrams/offsetTrailLeftExample.svg b/diagrams/offsetTrailLeftExample.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f9bd1f44
--- /dev/null
+++ b/diagrams/offsetTrailLeftExample.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Diagrams/TwoD/Offset.hs b/src/Diagrams/TwoD/Offset.hs
index bf76ebc6..468ad231 100644
--- a/src/Diagrams/TwoD/Offset.hs
+++ b/src/Diagrams/TwoD/Offset.hs
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ import Diagrams.Trail
import Diagrams.TrailLike
import Diagrams.TwoD.Arc
import Diagrams.TwoD.Curvature
+import Diagrams.TwoD.Path
import Diagrams.TwoD.Transform
import Diagrams.TwoD.Types
import Diagrams.TwoD.Vector
@@ -182,27 +184,33 @@ locatedTrailSegments t = zipWith at (trailSegments (unLoc t)) (trailVertices t)
-- involving multiple segments.
data OffsetOpts = OffsetOpts
{ offsetJoin :: LineJoin
- -- ^ Specifies the style of join for between adjacent offset segments
+ -- ^ Specifies the style of join for between adjacent offset segments.
+ , offsetMiterLimit :: Double
+ -- ^ Specifies the miter limit for the join.
, offsetEpsilon :: Double
-- ^ Epsilon perimeter for 'offsetSegment'.
} deriving (Eq, Show)
--- | The default offset options use the default 'LineJoin' ('LineJoinMiter') and
--- 'stdTolerance'.
+-- | The default offset options use the default 'LineJoin' ('LineJoinMiter'), a
+-- miter limit of 10, and epsilon of 'stdTolerance'.
instance Default OffsetOpts where
- def = OffsetOpts def stdTolerance
+ def = OffsetOpts def 10 stdTolerance
-- | Offset a 'Trail' with options and by a given radius. This generates a new
-- trail that is always radius 'r' away from the given 'Trail' (depending on
--- the line join option).
+-- the line join option) on the right.
-- The styles applied to an outside corner can be seen here (with the original
-- trail in blue and the result of 'offsetTrail'' in green):
-- <>
+-- When a negative radius is given, the offset trail will be on the left:
+-- <>
offsetTrail' :: OffsetOpts -> Double -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2)
-offsetTrail' OffsetOpts{..} r t = joinSegments j r ends . offset r $ t
+offsetTrail' OffsetOpts{..} r t = joinSegments j offsetMiterLimit r ends . offset r $ t
offset r = map (bindLoc (offsetSegment offsetEpsilon r)) . locatedTrailSegments
ends = tail . trailVertices $ t
@@ -222,8 +230,11 @@ offsetPath' opts r = mconcat
offsetPath :: Double -> Path R2 -> Path R2
offsetPath = offsetPath' def
+-- TODO: Include arrowheads on examples to indicate direction so the "left" and
+-- "right" make sense.
-- > import Diagrams.TwoD.Offset
--- > import Diagrams.Coordinates
+-- > import Diagrams.Coordinates
-- > import Data.Default.Class
-- >
-- > corner :: Located (Trail R2)
@@ -240,11 +251,21 @@ offsetPath = offsetPath' def
-- > showStyle j s = centerXY (trailLike corner # lc blue
-- > <> trailLike (offsetTrail' def { offsetJoin = j } 2 corner) # lc green)
-- > === (strutY 3 <> text s # font "Helvetica" # bold)
+-- >
+-- > offsetTrailLeftExample :: Diagram SVG R2
+-- > offsetTrailLeftExample = pad 1.1 . centerXY . lw 0.2
+-- > $ (trailLike c # lc blue)
+-- > <> (lc green . trailLike
+-- > . offsetTrail' def { offsetJoin = LineJoinRound } (-2) $ c)
+-- > where
+-- > c = reflectY corner
-- | Options for specifying how a 'Trail' should be expanded.
data ExpandOpts = ExpandOpts
{ expandJoin :: LineJoin
- -- ^ Specifies the style of join for between adjacent offset segments
+ -- ^ Specifies the style of join for between adjacent offset segments.
+ , expandMiterLimit :: Double
+ -- ^ Specifies the miter limit for the join.
, expandCap :: LineCap
-- ^ Specifies how the ends are handled.
, expandEpsilon :: Double
@@ -252,9 +273,10 @@ data ExpandOpts = ExpandOpts
} deriving (Eq, Show)
-- | The default 'ExpandOpts' is the default 'LineJoin' ('LineJoinMiter'),
--- default 'LineCap' ('LineCapButt'), and epsilon value of 'stdTolerance'.
+-- miter limit of 10, default 'LineCap' ('LineCapButt'), and epsilon
+-- value of 'stdTolerance'.
instance Default ExpandOpts where
- def = ExpandOpts def def stdTolerance
+ def = ExpandOpts def 10 def stdTolerance
-- | Expand a 'Trail' with the given options and radius 'r' around a given 'Trail'.
-- Expanding can be thought of as generating the loop that, when filled, represents
@@ -269,7 +291,7 @@ expandTrail' :: ExpandOpts -> Double -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2)
expandTrail' ExpandOpts{..} r t = caps cap r s e (f r) (f $ -r)
offset r = map (bindLoc (offsetSegment expandEpsilon r)) . locatedTrailSegments
- f r = joinSegments (fromLineJoin expandJoin) r ends . offset r $ t
+ f r = joinSegments (fromLineJoin expandJoin) expandMiterLimit r ends . offset r $ t
ends = tail . trailVertices $ t
s = atStartL t
e = atEndL t
@@ -367,15 +389,16 @@ arcVCW u v = arcCW (direction u) (direction v :: CircleFrac)
-- Note: this is not a general purpose join and assumes that we are joining an
-- offset trail. For instance, a fixed radius arc will not fit between arbitrary
-- trails without trimming or extending.
-joinSegments :: (Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2)
- -> Double -> [Point R2] -> [Located (Trail R2)] -> Located (Trail R2)
-joinSegments _ _ _ [] = mempty `at` origin
-joinSegments j r es ts@(t:_) = mapLoc (<> t') $ t
+joinSegments :: (Double -> Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2)
+ -> Double -> Double -> [Point R2] -> [Located (Trail R2)] -> Located (Trail R2)
+joinSegments _ _ _ _ [] = mempty `at` origin
+joinSegments j ml r es ts@(t:_) = mapLoc (<> t') $ t
- t' = mconcat [j r e a b <> unLoc b | (e,(a,b)) <- zip es . (zip <*> tail) $ ts]
+ t' = mconcat [j ml r e a b <> unLoc b | (e,(a,b)) <- zip es . (zip <*> tail) $ ts]
-- | Take a join style and give the join function to be used by joinSegments.
-fromLineJoin :: LineJoin -> Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2
+ :: LineJoin -> Double -> Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2
fromLineJoin j = case j of
LineJoinMiter -> joinSegmentIntersect
LineJoinRound -> joinSegmentArc
@@ -385,8 +408,8 @@ fromLineJoin j = case j of
-- how useful it is graphically, I mostly had it as it was useful for debugging
-- | Join with segments going back to the original corner.
-joinSegmentCut :: Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2
-joinSegmentCut r e a b = fromSegments
+joinSegmentCut :: Double -> Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2
+joinSegmentCut _ r e a b = fromSegments
[ straight (e .-. atEndL a)
, straight (atStartL b .-. e)
@@ -394,14 +417,32 @@ joinSegmentCut r e a b = fromSegments
-- | Join by directly connecting the end points. On an inside corner this
-- creates negative space for even-odd fill. Here is where we would want to
-- use an arc or something else in the future.
-joinSegmentClip :: Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2
-joinSegmentClip _ _ a b = fromSegments [straight $ atStartL b .-. atEndL a]
+joinSegmentClip :: Double -> Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2
+joinSegmentClip _ _ _ a b = fromSegments [straight $ atStartL b .-. atEndL a]
-- | Join with a radius arc. On an inside corner this will loop around the interior
-- of the offset trail. With a winding fill this will not be visible.
-joinSegmentArc :: Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2
-joinSegmentArc r e a b = capArc r e (atEndL a) (atStartL b)
--- TODO: joinSegmentIntersect
-joinSegmentIntersect :: Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2
-joinSegmentIntersect = joinSegmentCut -- error "joinSegmentIntersect not implemented."
+joinSegmentArc :: Double -> Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2
+joinSegmentArc _ r e a b = capArc r e (atEndL a) (atStartL b)
+-- | Join to the intersection of the incoming trails projected tangent to their ends.
+-- If the intersection is beyond the miter limit times the radius, stop at the limit.
+ :: Double -> Double -> P2 -> Located (Trail R2) -> Located (Trail R2) -> Trail R2
+joinSegmentIntersect miterLimit r e a b = case traceP pa va t of
+ -- TODO: Verify that this should stay at the limit and not
+ -- drop back to the clip join. I think some renderers do
+ -- clip join when exactly at
+ Nothing -> unLoc $ fromVertices
+ [ pa, pa .+^ (miter va)
+ , pb .+^ (miter vb), pb
+ ]
+ Just p -> unLoc $ fromVertices [ pa, p, pb ]
+ where
+ -- TODO: is there really no instance for Traced (Located (Trail R2)) ?
+ t = strokeLocT (fromSegments [straight (miter vb)] `at` pb) :: Diagram NullBackend R2
+ va = -unitPerp (pa .-. e)
+ vb = -unitPerp (pb .-. e)
+ pa = atEndL a
+ pb = atStartL b
+ miter v = (miterLimit * r) *^ v