A Caesar's Cipher implementation and repository.
To encrypt messages, call Ccifx.crypt passing a phrase, a key and a cryptographic mode.
iex> Ccifx.crypt("MY SHARONA", 3, :left)
=> :ok
To decrypt the last message using the repository, call Ccifx.decrypt passing a cyptographic mode.
iex> Ccifx.decrypt(:left)
The repository holds the last call to each cryptographic mode. It stores the encrypted text and the key.
iex> Ccifx.crypt("MY SHARONA", 3, :right)
=> :ok
iex> Ccifx.Repository.retrieve(:right)
=> {3, "PB VKDURQD"}
- Specs
- Documentation
- Tests
- Let users decrypt any message
- Implement :zigzag