From 1a91697f46b7e3aee3fe20cce72efb497a202f94 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2024 20:48:14 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 01/44] hook into eval and build guard tree
disco.cabal | 1 +
src/Disco/Eval.hs | 10 +++++
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 79 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
3 files changed, 90 insertions(+)
create mode 100644 src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
diff --git a/disco.cabal b/disco.cabal
index 96787632..283dba29 100644
--- a/disco.cabal
+++ b/disco.cabal
@@ -445,6 +445,7 @@ library
+ Disco.Exhaustiveness
diff --git a/src/Disco/Eval.hs b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
index 6e2a490e..4301c0f9 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Eval.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
@@ -95,6 +95,8 @@ import Disco.Typecheck (checkModule)
import Disco.Typecheck.Util
import Disco.Types
import Disco.Value
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
+import Disco.Exhaustiveness (checkClauses)
-- Configuation options
@@ -384,6 +386,9 @@ loadParsedDiscoModule' quiet mode resolver inProcess name cm@(Module _ mns _ _ _
-- Typecheck (and resolve names in) the module.
m <- runTCM tyctx tydefns $ checkModule name importMap cm
+ -- Check for partial functions
+ runFresh $ mapM_ checkExhaustive $ (Ctx.elems $ m^.miTermdefs)
-- Evaluate all the module definitions and add them to the topEnv.
mapError EvalErr $ loadDefsFrom m
@@ -443,3 +448,8 @@ loadDef ::
loadDef x body = do
v <- inputToState @TopInfo . inputTopEnv $ eval body
modify @TopInfo $ topEnv %~ Ctx.insert x v
+checkExhaustive :: Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r => Defn -> Sem r ()
+checkExhaustive (Defn name argsType _ boundClauses) = do
+ clauses <- fst <$> mapM unbind boundClauses
+ checkClauses clauses
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..b14707fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+module Disco.Exhaustiveness where
+import Control.Monad (replicateM, zipWithM)
+import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
+import Disco.AST.Generic (Pattern_ (..), X_PVar)
+import Disco.AST.Typed (APattern, ATerm)
+import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh, fresh)
+import Disco.Types (Type)
+import Polysemy
+import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
+import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name, s2n, unembed)
+checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
+checkClauses pats = do
+ cl <- zipWithM desugarClause [1 ..] (NonEmpty.toList pats)
+ let gdt = foldr1 Branch cl
+ embed $ pPrint gdt
+-- TODO: should these really just be blank names?
+newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
+newName = fresh $ s2n ""
+newNames :: (Member Fresh r) => Int -> Sem r [Name ATerm]
+newNames i = replicateM i newName
+desugarClause :: (Member Fresh r) => Int -> [APattern] -> Sem r Gdt
+desugarClause clauseIdx args = do
+ names <- newNames (length args)
+ guards <- zipWithM desugarMatch names args
+ return $ foldr Guarded (Grhs clauseIdx) $ concat guards
+desugarMatch :: (Member Fresh r) => Name ATerm -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
+desugarMatch var pat = do
+ case pat of
+ (PWild_ _) -> return []
+ (PVar_ ty name) -> do
+ return $ [(var, Let name (unembed ty))]
+ (PNat_ _ nat) -> return [(var, Nat nat)]
+ (PUnit_ _) -> return [(var, DataCon Unit)]
+ (PBool_ _ b) -> return [(var, DataCon $ Bool b)]
+ (PTup_ _ subs) -> do
+ names <- newNames (length subs)
+ guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch names subs
+ return $ (var, (DataCon (Tuple names))) : concat guards
+ (PList_ _ subs) -> do
+ names <- newNames (length subs)
+ guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch names subs
+ return $ (var, (DataCon (List names))) : concat guards
+ (PCons_ _ subHead subTail) -> do
+ nameHead <- newName
+ nameTail <- newName
+ guardsHead <- desugarMatch nameHead subHead
+ guardsTail <- desugarMatch nameTail subTail
+ return $ (var, (DataCon (Cons nameHead nameTail))) : guardsHead ++ guardsTail
+ e -> return []
+data Gdt where
+ Grhs :: Int -> Gdt
+ Branch :: Gdt -> Gdt -> Gdt
+ Guarded :: Guard -> Gdt -> Gdt
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+type Guard = (Name ATerm, GuardConstraint)
+data GuardConstraint where
+ DataCon :: DataCon -> GuardConstraint
+ Nat :: Integer -> GuardConstraint
+ Let :: Name ATerm -> Type -> GuardConstraint
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+data DataCon where
+ Unit :: DataCon
+ Bool :: Bool -> DataCon
+ Tuple :: [Name ATerm] -> DataCon
+ List :: [Name ATerm] -> DataCon
+ Cons :: Name ATerm -> Name ATerm -> DataCon
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
From d1a0c3460a6008bbe8ca952bc98f565184f6f53f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 18:06:22 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 02/44] massive mess, decided to keep around my own TypeInfo
disco.cabal | 1 +
src/Disco/Eval.hs | 2 +-
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 263 +++++++++++++++++++++++----
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 55 ++++++
4 files changed, 288 insertions(+), 33 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
diff --git a/disco.cabal b/disco.cabal
index 283dba29..238e3451 100644
--- a/disco.cabal
+++ b/disco.cabal
@@ -446,6 +446,7 @@ library
+ Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo
diff --git a/src/Disco/Eval.hs b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
index 4301c0f9..945c492a 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Eval.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
@@ -452,4 +452,4 @@ loadDef x body = do
checkExhaustive :: Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r => Defn -> Sem r ()
checkExhaustive (Defn name argsType _ boundClauses) = do
clauses <- fst <$> mapM unbind boundClauses
- checkClauses clauses
+ checkClauses argsType clauses
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index b14707fb..338cf17a 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -1,22 +1,39 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
module Disco.Exhaustiveness where
import Control.Monad (replicateM, zipWithM)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Disco.AST.Generic (Pattern_ (..), X_PVar)
-import Disco.AST.Typed (APattern, ATerm)
+import Disco.AST.Typed
+ ( APattern,
+ ATerm,
+ pattern APBool,
+ pattern APCons,
+ pattern APList,
+ pattern APNat,
+ pattern APTup,
+ pattern APUnit,
+ pattern APVar,
+ pattern APWild,
+ )
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh, fresh)
-import Disco.Types (Type)
+import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
+import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name, s2n, unembed)
-checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
-checkClauses pats = do
- cl <- zipWithM desugarClause [1 ..] (NonEmpty.toList pats)
+checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
+checkClauses types pats = do
+ let relTypes = map TI.extractRelevant types
+ cl <- zipWithM (desugarClause relTypes) [1 ..] (NonEmpty.toList pats)
let gdt = foldr1 Branch cl
embed $ pPrint gdt
+ return ()
-- TODO: should these really just be blank names?
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
@@ -25,35 +42,54 @@ newName = fresh $ s2n ""
newNames :: (Member Fresh r) => Int -> Sem r [Name ATerm]
newNames i = replicateM i newName
-desugarClause :: (Member Fresh r) => Int -> [APattern] -> Sem r Gdt
-desugarClause clauseIdx args = do
+desugarClause :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [TI.Type] -> Int -> [APattern] -> Sem r Gdt
+desugarClause types clauseIdx args = do
names <- newNames (length args)
- guards <- zipWithM desugarMatch names args
+ -- embed $ putStr "YO: "
+ -- embed $ pPrint names
+ guards <- zipWithM desugarMatch (zip names types) args
return $ foldr Guarded (Grhs clauseIdx) $ concat guards
-desugarMatch :: (Member Fresh r) => Name ATerm -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
+type TypedVar = (Name ATerm, TI.Type)
+-- maybe `varsBound` will be useful later?
+desugarMatch :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => TypedVar -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
desugarMatch var pat = do
case pat of
- (PWild_ _) -> return []
- (PVar_ ty name) -> do
- return $ [(var, Let name (unembed ty))]
- (PNat_ _ nat) -> return [(var, Nat nat)]
- (PUnit_ _) -> return [(var, DataCon Unit)]
- (PBool_ _ b) -> return [(var, DataCon $ Bool b)]
- (PTup_ _ subs) -> do
+ (APWild _) -> return []
+ (APVar ty name) -> do
+ return $ [(var, MakeAlias (name, TI.extractRelevant ty))]
+ (APNat _ nat) -> return [(var, Nat nat)]
+ (APUnit) -> return [(var, DataCon KUnit)]
+ (APBool b) -> return [(var, DataCon $ Bool b)]
+ (APTup _ subs) -> do
+ embed $ putStr "TUP: "
+ embed $ pPrint subs
+ let types = map (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subs
names <- newNames (length subs)
- guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch names subs
- return $ (var, (DataCon (Tuple names))) : concat guards
- (PList_ _ subs) -> do
+ let vars = zip names types
+ guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch vars subs
+ return $ (var, (DataCon (Tuple vars))) : concat guards
+ (APList _ subs) -> do
+ embed $ putStr "List: "
+ embed $ pPrint subs
+ let types = map (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subs
names <- newNames (length subs)
- guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch names subs
- return $ (var, (DataCon (List names))) : concat guards
- (PCons_ _ subHead subTail) -> do
+ let vars = zip names types
+ guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch vars subs
+ return $ (var, (DataCon (List vars))) : concat guards
+ (APCons _ subHead subTail) -> do
+ embed $ putStr "Cons: "
+ embed $ pPrint (subHead, subTail)
nameHead <- newName
+ let varHead = (nameHead, (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subHead)
nameTail <- newName
- guardsHead <- desugarMatch nameHead subHead
- guardsTail <- desugarMatch nameTail subTail
- return $ (var, (DataCon (Cons nameHead nameTail))) : guardsHead ++ guardsTail
+ let varTail = (nameTail, (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subTail)
+ guardsHead <- desugarMatch varHead subHead
+ guardsTail <- desugarMatch varTail subTail
+ return $ (var, (DataCon (Cons varHead varTail))) : guardsHead ++ guardsTail
+ -- (APAdd)
e -> return []
data Gdt where
@@ -62,18 +98,181 @@ data Gdt where
Guarded :: Guard -> Gdt -> Gdt
deriving (Show, Eq)
-type Guard = (Name ATerm, GuardConstraint)
+type Guard = (TypedVar, GuardConstraint)
data GuardConstraint where
DataCon :: DataCon -> GuardConstraint
Nat :: Integer -> GuardConstraint
- Let :: Name ATerm -> Type -> GuardConstraint
+ MakeAlias :: TypedVar -> GuardConstraint
deriving (Show, Eq)
data DataCon where
- Unit :: DataCon
+ KUnit :: DataCon
Bool :: Bool -> DataCon
- Tuple :: [Name ATerm] -> DataCon
- List :: [Name ATerm] -> DataCon
- Cons :: Name ATerm -> Name ATerm -> DataCon
- deriving (Show, Eq)
+ Tuple :: [TypedVar] -> DataCon
+ List :: [TypedVar] -> DataCon
+ Cons :: TypedVar -> TypedVar -> DataCon
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+data DataConName = NUnit | NBool Bool | NTuple | NList | NCons
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+getName :: DataCon -> DataConName
+getName KUnit = NUnit
+getName (Bool b) = NBool b
+getName (Tuple _) = NTuple
+getName (List _) = NList
+getName (Cons _ _) = NCons
+data Literal where
+ T :: Literal
+ F :: Literal
+ LitCond :: (TypedVar, LitCond) -> Literal
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+data LitCond where
+ Is :: DataCon -> LitCond
+ Not :: DataConName -> LitCond
+ IsInt :: Integer -> LitCond
+ NotInt :: Integer -> LitCond
+ LitMakeAlias :: TypedVar -> LitCond
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+type NormRefType = (Context, [ConstraintFor])
+type ConstraintFor = (Name ATerm, Constraint)
+type Context = [TypedVar]
+data Constraint where
+ CIs :: DataCon -> Constraint
+ CNot :: DataConName -> Constraint
+ CIsInt :: Integer -> Constraint
+ CNotInt :: Integer -> Constraint
+ CMakeAlias :: TypedVar -> Constraint
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+data Ant where
+ AGrhs :: [NormRefType] -> Int -> Ant
+ ABranch :: Ant -> Ant -> Ant
+ deriving (Show)
+ua :: (Member Fresh r) => [NormRefType] -> Gdt -> Sem r ([NormRefType], Ant)
+ua nrefs gdt = case gdt of
+ Grhs k -> return ([], AGrhs nrefs k)
+ Branch t1 t2 -> do
+ (n1, u1) <- ua nrefs t1
+ (n2, u2) <- ua n1 t2
+ return (n2, ABranch u1 u2)
+ Guarded (x, MakeAlias z) t -> do
+ n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, LitMakeAlias z)
+ ua n t
+ Guarded (x, (DataCon dc)) t -> do
+ n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, Is dc)
+ (n', u) <- ua n t
+ n'' <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, Not $ getName dc)
+ return (n'' ++ n', u)
+ Guarded (x, (Nat i)) t -> do
+ n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, IsInt i)
+ (n', u) <- ua n t
+ n'' <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, NotInt i)
+ return (n'' ++ n', u)
+addLitMulti :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => [NormRefType] -> Literal -> Sem r [NormRefType]
+addLitMulti [] _ = return []
+addLitMulti (n : ns) lit = do
+ r <- runMaybeT $ addLiteral n lit
+ case r of
+ Nothing -> addLitMulti ns lit
+ Just (ctx, cfs) -> do
+ ns' <- addLitMulti ns lit
+ return $ (ctx, cfs) : ns'
+redundantNorm :: (Member Fresh r) => Ant -> Context -> Sem r [Int]
+redundantNorm ant args = case ant of
+ AGrhs ref i -> do
+ inhabited <- null <$> genInhabNorm ref args
+ return [i | inhabited]
+ ABranch a1 a2 -> mappend <$> redundantNorm a1 args <*> redundantNorm a2 args
+addLiteral :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> Literal -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
+addLiteral n@(context, constraints) flit = case flit of
+ F -> MaybeT $ pure Nothing
+ T -> return n
+ LitCond (x, c) -> case c of
+ LitMakeAlias z -> (n <> ([z], [])) `addConstraint` (x, CMakeAlias z)
+ NotInt i -> n `addConstraint` (x, CNotInt i)
+ IsInt i -> n `addConstraint` (x, CIsInt i)
+ Not dc -> n `addConstraint` (x, CNot dc)
+ Is dc -> case dc of
+ KUnit -> n `addConstraint` (x, CIs dc)
+ Bool b -> n `addConstraint` (x, CIs $ Bool b)
+-- Tuple types names -> (context ++ zip names types, constraints) `addConstraint` (x, CIs $ Tuple names)
+-- List :: [Name ATerm] -> DataCon
+-- Cons :: Name ATerm -> Name ATerm -> DataCon
+-- MatchDataCon k ys x -> (context ++ zip ys (Ty.dcTypes k), constraints) `addConstraint` (x, MatchDataCon k ys)
+-- NotDataCon k x -> n `addConstraint` (x, NotDataCon k)
+genInhabNorm :: Members '[Fresh] r => [NormRefType] -> Context -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
+genInhabNorm nrefs args = do
+ n <- sequence [findVarInhabitants arg nref | nref <- nrefs, arg <- args]
+ return $ Poss.anyOf n
+-- Sanity check: are we giving the dataconstructor the
+-- correct number of arguments?
+mkIPMatch :: Ty.DataConstructor -> [InhabPat] -> InhabPat
+mkIPMatch k pats =
+ if length (Ty.dcTypes k) /= length pats
+ then error $ "Wrong number of DataCon args" ++ show (k, pats)
+ else IPIs k pats
+findVarInhabitants :: TypedVar -> NormRefType -> F.Fresh (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
+findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
+ case posMatch of
+ Just (k, args) -> do
+ argPats <- forM args (`findVarInhabitants` nref)
+ let argPossibilities = Poss.allCombinations argPats
+ return (mkIPMatch k <$> argPossibilities)
+ Nothing -> case nub negMatch of
+ [] -> Poss.retSingle $ IPNot []
+ neg ->
+ case getDataCons var of
+ Nothing -> Poss.retSingle $ IPNot neg
+ Just dcs ->
+ do
+ let tryAddDc dc = do
+ newVars <- mkNewVars (Ty.dcTypes dc)
+ runMaybeT (nref `addConstraint` (var, MatchInfo $ Match dc newVars))
+ -- Try to add a positive constraint for each data constructor
+ -- to the current nref
+ -- If any of these additions succeed, save that nref,
+ -- it now has positive information
+ posNrefs <- catMaybes <$> forM dcs tryAddDc
+ if null posNrefs
+ then Poss.retSingle $ IPNot []
+ else Poss.anyOf <$> forM posNrefs (findVarInhabitants var)
+ where
+ constraintsOnX = onVar var cns
+ posMatch = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (\case MatchInfo (Match k ys) -> Just (k, ys); _ -> Nothing) constraintsOnX
+ negMatch = mapMaybe (\case MatchInfo (Not k) -> Just k; _ -> Nothing) constraintsOnX
+normalize :: NormRefType -> U.Formula -> F.Fresh (S.Set NormRefType)
+normalize nref (f1 `U.And` f2) = do
+ n1 <- S.toList <$> normalize nref f1
+ rest <- traverse (`normalize` f2) n1
+ return $ S.unions rest
+normalize nref (f1 `U.Or` f2) = S.union <$> normalize nref f1 <*> normalize nref f2
+normalize nref (U.Literal fl) = maybe S.empty S.singleton <$> runMaybeT (nref `addLiteral` fl)
+addConstraint a b = undefined
+genInhabNorm a b = undefined
+genInhabNorm :: p1 -> p2 -> Sem r [Int]
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ccbe3dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+module Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo where
+import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
+data Type = Type
+ { tyIdent :: Ty.Type,
+ tyDataCons :: Maybe [DataCon] -- Set to Nothing for opaque types
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+data DataCon = DataCon
+ { dcIdent :: Ident,
+ dcTypes :: [Type]
+ }
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+data Ident where
+ KBool :: Bool -> Ident
+ KUnit :: Ident
+ KDummy :: Ident
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+data TypeName = TBool | TUnit | TPair | TEither | TInt | TThrool
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+extractRelevant :: Ty.Type -> Type
+-- extractRelevant Ty.TyVoid = Just []
+-- extractRelevant (a Ty.:*: b) = enumProd (enumType a) (enumType b)
+-- extractRelevant (a Ty.:+: b) = enumSum (enumType a) (enumType b)
+-- extractRelevant (a Ty.:->: b) = enumFunction (enumType a) (enumType b)
+-- extractRelevant (Ty.TySet t) = ?
+-- extractRelevant (Ty.TyList t) = ?
+extractRelevant Ty.TyBool =
+ Type
+ { tyIdent = Ty.TyBool,
+ tyDataCons =
+ Just
+ [ DataCon {dcIdent = KBool True, dcTypes = []},
+ DataCon {dcIdent = KBool False, dcTypes = []}
+ ]
+ }
+extractRelevant Ty.TyUnit =
+ Type
+ { tyIdent = Ty.TyUnit,
+ tyDataCons =
+ Just
+ [DataCon {dcIdent = KUnit, dcTypes = []}]
+ }
+extractRelevant t@Ty.TyN = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
+extractRelevant t@Ty.TyZ = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
+extractRelevant t@Ty.TyF = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
+extractRelevant t@Ty.TyQ = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
+extractRelevant t@Ty.TyC = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
+extractRelevant t = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
+-- extractRelevant ty = error $ "Bad type in exhaust" ++ show ty
From c6ab2011cb52e3bb493ca0cf693d446eedd9dcc8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Mon, 15 Jul 2024 20:28:14 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 03/44] port over inhabpat generation + mostly finish up
TypeInfo. constraints next
disco.cabal | 1 +
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 149 ++++++++++------------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs | 64 ++++++++++
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 61 +++++++--
4 files changed, 186 insertions(+), 89 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
diff --git a/disco.cabal b/disco.cabal
index 238e3451..b03efc5e 100644
--- a/disco.cabal
+++ b/disco.cabal
@@ -447,6 +447,7 @@ library
+ Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 338cf17a..7ac39dfb 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -2,11 +2,10 @@
module Disco.Exhaustiveness where
-import Control.Monad (replicateM, zipWithM)
+import Control.Monad (replicateM, when, zipWithM, forM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
-import Disco.AST.Generic (Pattern_ (..), X_PVar)
import Disco.AST.Typed
( APattern,
@@ -20,11 +19,14 @@ import Disco.AST.Typed
pattern APWild,
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh, fresh)
+import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities as Poss
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
-import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name, s2n, unembed)
+import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name, s2n)
+import Data.List (nub)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe, listToMaybe)
checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
checkClauses types pats = do
@@ -42,53 +44,62 @@ newName = fresh $ s2n ""
newNames :: (Member Fresh r) => Int -> Sem r [Name ATerm]
newNames i = replicateM i newName
+newVars :: Member Fresh r => [b] -> Sem r [(Name ATerm, b)]
+newVars types = do
+ names <- newNames (length types)
+ return $ zip names types
desugarClause :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [TI.Type] -> Int -> [APattern] -> Sem r Gdt
desugarClause types clauseIdx args = do
- names <- newNames (length args)
+ vars <- newVars types
-- embed $ putStr "YO: "
-- embed $ pPrint names
- guards <- zipWithM desugarMatch (zip names types) args
+ guards <- zipWithM desugarMatch vars args
return $ foldr Guarded (Grhs clauseIdx) $ concat guards
type TypedVar = (Name ATerm, TI.Type)
-- maybe `varsBound` will be useful later?
+-- borrowed from `extra`
+allSame :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
+allSame [] = True
+allSame (x : xs) = all (x ==) xs
desugarMatch :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => TypedVar -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
desugarMatch var pat = do
case pat of
(APWild _) -> return []
(APVar ty name) -> do
- return $ [(var, MakeAlias (name, TI.extractRelevant ty))]
- (APNat _ nat) -> return [(var, Nat nat)]
- (APUnit) -> return [(var, DataCon KUnit)]
- (APBool b) -> return [(var, DataCon $ Bool b)]
+ return $ [(var, GHerebyBe (name, TI.extractRelevant ty))]
+ (APNat _ nat) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.natural nat) [])]
+ (APUnit) -> return [(var, GMatch TI.unit [])]
+ (APBool b) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.bool b) [])]
(APTup _ subs) -> do
- embed $ putStr "TUP: "
- embed $ pPrint subs
let types = map (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subs
- names <- newNames (length subs)
- let vars = zip names types
+ vars <- newVars types
guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch vars subs
- return $ (var, (DataCon (Tuple vars))) : concat guards
+ return $ (var, (GMatch (TI.tuple types) vars)) : concat guards
(APList _ subs) -> do
- embed $ putStr "List: "
- embed $ pPrint subs
let types = map (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subs
- names <- newNames (length subs)
- let vars = zip names types
+ when
+ (not . allSame $ types)
+ (embed . putStrLn $ "WARNING, mismatched types in list!: " ++ show types)
+ vars <- newVars types
guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch vars subs
- return $ (var, (DataCon (List vars))) : concat guards
+ return $ (var, (GMatch (TI.list types) vars)) : concat guards
(APCons _ subHead subTail) -> do
embed $ putStr "Cons: "
embed $ pPrint (subHead, subTail)
nameHead <- newName
- let varHead = (nameHead, (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subHead)
nameTail <- newName
- let varTail = (nameTail, (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subTail)
+ let typeHead = (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subHead
+ let typeTail = (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subTail
+ let varHead = (nameHead, typeHead)
+ let varTail = (nameTail, typeTail)
guardsHead <- desugarMatch varHead subHead
guardsTail <- desugarMatch varTail subTail
- return $ (var, (DataCon (Cons varHead varTail))) : guardsHead ++ guardsTail
+ return $ (var, (GMatch (TI.cons typeHead typeTail) [varHead, varTail])) : guardsHead ++ guardsTail
-- (APAdd)
e -> return []
@@ -101,9 +112,8 @@ data Gdt where
type Guard = (TypedVar, GuardConstraint)
data GuardConstraint where
- DataCon :: DataCon -> GuardConstraint
- Nat :: Integer -> GuardConstraint
- MakeAlias :: TypedVar -> GuardConstraint
+ GMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TypedVar] -> GuardConstraint
+ GHerebyBe :: TypedVar -> GuardConstraint
deriving (Show, Eq)
data DataCon where
@@ -131,25 +141,21 @@ data Literal where
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data LitCond where
- Is :: DataCon -> LitCond
- Not :: DataConName -> LitCond
- IsInt :: Integer -> LitCond
- NotInt :: Integer -> LitCond
- LitMakeAlias :: TypedVar -> LitCond
+ LitMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TypedVar] -> LitCond
+ LitNot :: TI.DataCon -> LitCond
+ LitHerebyBe :: TypedVar -> LitCond
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
type NormRefType = (Context, [ConstraintFor])
-type ConstraintFor = (Name ATerm, Constraint)
+type ConstraintFor = (TypedVar, Constraint)
type Context = [TypedVar]
data Constraint where
- CIs :: DataCon -> Constraint
- CNot :: DataConName -> Constraint
- CIsInt :: Integer -> Constraint
- CNotInt :: Integer -> Constraint
- CMakeAlias :: TypedVar -> Constraint
+ CMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TypedVar] -> Constraint
+ CNot :: TI.DataCon -> Constraint
+ CHerebyBe :: TypedVar -> Constraint
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Ant where
@@ -164,18 +170,13 @@ ua nrefs gdt = case gdt of
(n1, u1) <- ua nrefs t1
(n2, u2) <- ua n1 t2
return (n2, ABranch u1 u2)
- Guarded (x, MakeAlias z) t -> do
- n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, LitMakeAlias z)
+ Guarded (x, GHerebyBe z) t -> do
+ n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, LitHerebyBe z)
ua n t
- Guarded (x, (DataCon dc)) t -> do
- n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, Is dc)
+ Guarded (x, (GMatch dc args)) t -> do
+ n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, LitMatch dc args)
(n', u) <- ua n t
- n'' <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, Not $ getName dc)
- return (n'' ++ n', u)
- Guarded (x, (Nat i)) t -> do
- n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, IsInt i)
- (n', u) <- ua n t
- n'' <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, NotInt i)
+ n'' <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, LitNot dc)
return (n'' ++ n', u)
addLitMulti :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => [NormRefType] -> Literal -> Sem r [NormRefType]
@@ -191,7 +192,7 @@ addLitMulti (n : ns) lit = do
redundantNorm :: (Member Fresh r) => Ant -> Context -> Sem r [Int]
redundantNorm ant args = case ant of
AGrhs ref i -> do
- inhabited <- null <$> genInhabNorm ref args
+ inhabited <- null <$> genInhab ref args
return [i | inhabited]
ABranch a1 a2 -> mappend <$> redundantNorm a1 args <*> redundantNorm a2 args
@@ -200,13 +201,9 @@ addLiteral n@(context, constraints) flit = case flit of
F -> MaybeT $ pure Nothing
T -> return n
LitCond (x, c) -> case c of
- LitMakeAlias z -> (n <> ([z], [])) `addConstraint` (x, CMakeAlias z)
- NotInt i -> n `addConstraint` (x, CNotInt i)
- IsInt i -> n `addConstraint` (x, CIsInt i)
- Not dc -> n `addConstraint` (x, CNot dc)
- Is dc -> case dc of
- KUnit -> n `addConstraint` (x, CIs dc)
- Bool b -> n `addConstraint` (x, CIs $ Bool b)
+ LitHerebyBe z -> (n <> ([z], [])) `addConstraint` (x, CHerebyBe z)
+ LitMatch dc args -> (n <> (args, [])) `addConstraint` (x, CMatch dc args)
+ LitNot dc -> n `addConstraint` (x, CNot dc)
-- Tuple types names -> (context ++ zip names types, constraints) `addConstraint` (x, CIs $ Tuple names)
-- List :: [Name ATerm] -> DataCon
@@ -215,21 +212,25 @@ addLiteral n@(context, constraints) flit = case flit of
-- MatchDataCon k ys x -> (context ++ zip ys (Ty.dcTypes k), constraints) `addConstraint` (x, MatchDataCon k ys)
-- NotDataCon k x -> n `addConstraint` (x, NotDataCon k)
-genInhabNorm :: Members '[Fresh] r => [NormRefType] -> Context -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
-genInhabNorm nrefs args = do
+data InhabPat where
+ IPIs :: TI.DataCon -> [InhabPat] -> InhabPat
+ IPNot :: [TI.DataCon] -> InhabPat
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+genInhab :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => [NormRefType] -> Context -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
+genInhab nrefs args = do
n <- sequence [findVarInhabitants arg nref | nref <- nrefs, arg <- args]
return $ Poss.anyOf n
-- Sanity check: are we giving the dataconstructor the
-- correct number of arguments?
-mkIPMatch :: Ty.DataConstructor -> [InhabPat] -> InhabPat
+mkIPMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [InhabPat] -> InhabPat
mkIPMatch k pats =
- if length (Ty.dcTypes k) /= length pats
+ if length (TI.dcTypes k) /= length pats
then error $ "Wrong number of DataCon args" ++ show (k, pats)
else IPIs k pats
-findVarInhabitants :: TypedVar -> NormRefType -> F.Fresh (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
+findVarInhabitants :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => TypedVar -> NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
case posMatch of
Just (k, args) -> do
@@ -240,13 +241,13 @@ findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
Nothing -> case nub negMatch of
[] -> Poss.retSingle $ IPNot []
neg ->
- case getDataCons var of
+ case TI.tyDataCons (snd var) of
Nothing -> Poss.retSingle $ IPNot neg
Just dcs ->
let tryAddDc dc = do
- newVars <- mkNewVars (Ty.dcTypes dc)
- runMaybeT (nref `addConstraint` (var, MatchInfo $ Match dc newVars))
+ vars <- newVars (TI.dcTypes dc)
+ runMaybeT (nref `addConstraint` (var, CMatch dc vars))
-- Try to add a positive constraint for each data constructor
-- to the current nref
@@ -259,20 +260,10 @@ findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
else Poss.anyOf <$> forM posNrefs (findVarInhabitants var)
constraintsOnX = onVar var cns
- posMatch = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (\case MatchInfo (Match k ys) -> Just (k, ys); _ -> Nothing) constraintsOnX
- negMatch = mapMaybe (\case MatchInfo (Not k) -> Just k; _ -> Nothing) constraintsOnX
-normalize :: NormRefType -> U.Formula -> F.Fresh (S.Set NormRefType)
-normalize nref (f1 `U.And` f2) = do
- n1 <- S.toList <$> normalize nref f1
- rest <- traverse (`normalize` f2) n1
- return $ S.unions rest
-normalize nref (f1 `U.Or` f2) = S.union <$> normalize nref f1 <*> normalize nref f2
-normalize nref (U.Literal fl) = maybe S.empty S.singleton <$> runMaybeT (nref `addLiteral` fl)
-addConstraint a b = undefined
-genInhabNorm a b = undefined
+ posMatch = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (\case (CMatch k ys) -> Just (k, ys); _ -> Nothing) constraintsOnX
+ negMatch = mapMaybe (\case (CNot k) -> Just k; _ -> Nothing) constraintsOnX
-genInhabNorm :: p1 -> p2 -> Sem r [Int]
+,,,TODO I recommend breaking things up into a "Constraint.hs" file, which imports a "Context.hs" file, in
+ which we make Context a newtype instead of a alias for a pair, and expose the correct functions
+ adding constraints shouldn't depend on how the context is implemented
+ the only weird thing is going to be the substituting all the variables for the herebys
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..1e300dee
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+module Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities (Possibilities, retSingle, allCombinations, anyOf, none, getPossibilities) where
+import Data.Foldable (Foldable (fold))
+newtype Possibilities a = Possibilities {getPossibilities :: [a]}
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+instance Functor Possibilities where
+ fmap f (Possibilities a) = Possibilities (f <$> a)
+instance Semigroup (Possibilities a) where
+ (Possibilities p1) <> (Possibilities p2) = Possibilities $ p1 <> p2
+instance Monoid (Possibilities a) where
+ mempty = Possibilities []
+anyOf :: [Possibilities a] -> Possibilities a
+anyOf = fold
+none :: Possibilities a -> Bool
+none = null . getPossibilities
+retSingle :: (Monad m) => a -> m (Possibilities a)
+retSingle i = return $ Possibilities [i]
+-- | List all possible paths through the list of Possibilites
+-- Ex.
+-- > allCombinations
+-- [ Possibilities [1]
+-- , Possibilities [2,3]
+-- , Possibilities [4]
+-- , Possibilities [5,6,7]
+-- ]
+-- ===
+-- Possibilities {getPossibilities =
+-- [[1,2,4,5]
+-- ,[1,2,4,6]
+-- ,[1,2,4,7]
+-- ,[1,3,4,5]
+-- ,[1,3,4,6]
+-- ,[1,3,4,7]
+-- ]}
+-- 2 5
+-- / \ /
+-- 1 4 --6
+-- \ / \
+-- 3 7
+-- If any any of the Possibilities is empty,
+-- an empty Possibility is returned
+-- In other words, this lists all elements of the
+-- cartesian product of multiple sets
+allCombinations :: [Possibilities a] -> Possibilities [a]
+allCombinations = foldr prod nil
+ where
+ -- note, nil /= mempty
+ -- VERY important
+ nil = Possibilities [[]]
+prod :: Possibilities a -> Possibilities [a] -> Possibilities [a]
+prod (Possibilities xs) (Possibilities yss) = Possibilities [x : ys | x <- xs, ys <- yss]
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index ccbe3dcb..deee774e 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -2,6 +2,32 @@ module Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo where
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
+Imagine the function
+foo : N * N * N -> Unit
+foo (x,y,z) -> unit
+foo (x,(y,z)) -> unit
+So, we must make the decision on how we want to report back
+the uncovered patterns
+I am choosing to preserve the visual structure of what the user put in,
+So I must turn these product types into tuples, in order to get
+back out a similar pattern.
+I cannot look to Haskell for guidance, as
+(Int,Int,Int) /= (Int,(Int,Int)) in Haskell
+Also having convient lists of types and constructors
+Makes the algorithm easier to implement
+data TypeName = TBool | TUnit | TPair | TEither | TInt | TThrool
+ deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Type = Type
{ tyIdent :: Ty.Type,
tyDataCons :: Maybe [DataCon] -- Set to Nothing for opaque types
@@ -18,10 +44,30 @@ data Ident where
KBool :: Bool -> Ident
KUnit :: Ident
KDummy :: Ident
+ KTuple :: Ident
+ KNat :: Integer -> Ident
+ KList :: Ident
+ KCons :: Ident
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-data TypeName = TBool | TUnit | TPair | TEither | TInt | TThrool
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+unit :: DataCon
+unit = DataCon {dcIdent = KUnit, dcTypes = []}
+bool :: Bool -> DataCon
+bool b = DataCon {dcIdent = KBool b, dcTypes = []}
+tuple :: [Type] -> DataCon
+tuple types = DataCon {dcIdent = KTuple, dcTypes = types}
+natural :: Integer -> DataCon
+natural n = DataCon {dcIdent = KNat n, dcTypes = []}
+-- Don't mix and match types here,
+-- we are going on the honor system
+list :: [Type] -> DataCon
+list types = DataCon {dcIdent = KList, dcTypes = types }
+cons tHead tTail = DataCon {dcIdent = KCons, dcTypes = [tHead, tTail]}
extractRelevant :: Ty.Type -> Type
-- extractRelevant Ty.TyVoid = Just []
@@ -33,18 +79,12 @@ extractRelevant :: Ty.Type -> Type
extractRelevant Ty.TyBool =
{ tyIdent = Ty.TyBool,
- tyDataCons =
- Just
- [ DataCon {dcIdent = KBool True, dcTypes = []},
- DataCon {dcIdent = KBool False, dcTypes = []}
- ]
+ tyDataCons = Just [bool True, bool False]
extractRelevant Ty.TyUnit =
{ tyIdent = Ty.TyUnit,
- tyDataCons =
- Just
- [DataCon {dcIdent = KUnit, dcTypes = []}]
+ tyDataCons = Just [unit]
extractRelevant t@Ty.TyN = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
extractRelevant t@Ty.TyZ = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
@@ -52,4 +92,5 @@ extractRelevant t@Ty.TyF = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
extractRelevant t@Ty.TyQ = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
extractRelevant t@Ty.TyC = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
extractRelevant t = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
-- extractRelevant ty = error $ "Bad type in exhaust" ++ show ty
From 86190d33c4ca089b3936c0099d7101c20812ef2c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 19:47:51 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 04/44] kind of works, pairs super broken
disco.cabal | 3 +-
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 217 ++++++++++++-------------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 143 ++++++++++++++++
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 52 +++++-
4 files changed, 295 insertions(+), 120 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
diff --git a/disco.cabal b/disco.cabal
index b03efc5e..ab9295bb 100644
--- a/disco.cabal
+++ b/disco.cabal
@@ -446,8 +446,9 @@ library
- Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo
+ Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint
+ Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 7ac39dfb..2e41e068 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
module Disco.Exhaustiveness where
-import Control.Monad (replicateM, when, zipWithM, forM)
+import Control.Monad (forM, replicateM, when, zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT)
+import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Disco.AST.Typed
( APattern,
@@ -19,65 +21,72 @@ import Disco.AST.Typed
pattern APWild,
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh, fresh)
+import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint as C
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities as Poss
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name, s2n)
-import Data.List (nub)
-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, mapMaybe, listToMaybe)
checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
checkClauses types pats = do
- let relTypes = map TI.extractRelevant types
- cl <- zipWithM (desugarClause relTypes) [1 ..] (NonEmpty.toList pats)
+ args <- TI.newVars (map TI.extractRelevant types)
+ cl <- zipWithM (desugarClause args) [1 ..] (NonEmpty.toList pats)
let gdt = foldr1 Branch cl
- embed $ pPrint gdt
- return ()
+ let argsNref = (C.Context args, [])
+ (normalizedNrefs, annotated) <- ua [argsNref] gdt
--- TODO: should these really just be blank names?
-newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
-newName = fresh $ s2n ""
+ inhab <- Poss.getPossibilities <$> findInhabitants normalizedNrefs args
-newNames :: (Member Fresh r) => Int -> Sem r [Name ATerm]
-newNames i = replicateM i newName
+ redundant <- findRedundant annotated args
-newVars :: Member Fresh r => [b] -> Sem r [(Name ATerm, b)]
-newVars types = do
- names <- newNames (length types)
- return $ zip names types
+ when False $ do
+ embed $ putStrLn "=====DEBUG=============================="
+ embed $ putStrLn "GDT:"
+ embed $ pPrint gdt
+ embed $ putStrLn "UNCOVERED:"
+ embed $ pPrint inhab
+ embed $ putStrLn "REDUNDANT:"
+ embed $ pPrint redundant
+ embed $ putStrLn "=====GUBED=============================="
-desugarClause :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [TI.Type] -> Int -> [APattern] -> Sem r Gdt
-desugarClause types clauseIdx args = do
- vars <- newVars types
- -- embed $ putStr "YO: "
- -- embed $ pPrint names
- guards <- zipWithM desugarMatch vars args
- return $ foldr Guarded (Grhs clauseIdx) $ concat guards
+ let jspace = foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
-type TypedVar = (Name ATerm, TI.Type)
+ when (not . null $ inhab) $ do
+ embed $ putStrLn "Warning: You haven't matched against:"
+ embed $ mapM_ (putStrLn . jspace . map prettyInhab) inhab
+ -- embed $ mapM_ (putStrLn . show) inhab
--- maybe `varsBound` will be useful later?
+ when (not . null $ redundant) $ do
+ embed $ putStrLn "Warning: These clause numbers (1-indexed) are redundant"
+ embed $ putStrLn $ show redundant
+ return ()
+desugarClause :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [TI.TypedVar] -> Int -> [APattern] -> Sem r Gdt
+desugarClause args clauseIdx argsPats = do
+ guards <- zipWithM desugarMatch args argsPats
+ return $ foldr Guarded (Grhs clauseIdx) $ concat guards
-- borrowed from `extra`
allSame :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
allSame [] = True
allSame (x : xs) = all (x ==) xs
-desugarMatch :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => TypedVar -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
+desugarMatch :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => TI.TypedVar -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
desugarMatch var pat = do
case pat of
(APWild _) -> return []
(APVar ty name) -> do
- return $ [(var, GHerebyBe (name, TI.extractRelevant ty))]
+ return $ [(var, GHerebyBe $ TI.TypedVar (name, TI.extractRelevant ty))]
(APNat _ nat) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.natural nat) [])]
(APUnit) -> return [(var, GMatch TI.unit [])]
(APBool b) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.bool b) [])]
(APTup _ subs) -> do
let types = map (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subs
- vars <- newVars types
+ vars <- TI.newVars types
guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch vars subs
return $ (var, (GMatch (TI.tuple types) vars)) : concat guards
(APList _ subs) -> do
@@ -85,18 +94,18 @@ desugarMatch var pat = do
(not . allSame $ types)
(embed . putStrLn $ "WARNING, mismatched types in list!: " ++ show types)
- vars <- newVars types
+ vars <- TI.newVars types
guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch vars subs
return $ (var, (GMatch (TI.list types) vars)) : concat guards
(APCons _ subHead subTail) -> do
embed $ putStr "Cons: "
embed $ pPrint (subHead, subTail)
- nameHead <- newName
- nameTail <- newName
+ nameHead <- TI.newName
+ nameTail <- TI.newName
let typeHead = (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subHead
let typeTail = (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subTail
- let varHead = (nameHead, typeHead)
- let varTail = (nameTail, typeTail)
+ let varHead = TI.TypedVar (nameHead, typeHead)
+ let varTail = TI.TypedVar (nameTail, typeTail)
guardsHead <- desugarMatch varHead subHead
guardsTail <- desugarMatch varTail subTail
return $ (var, (GMatch (TI.cons typeHead typeTail) [varHead, varTail])) : guardsHead ++ guardsTail
@@ -109,61 +118,31 @@ data Gdt where
Guarded :: Guard -> Gdt -> Gdt
deriving (Show, Eq)
-type Guard = (TypedVar, GuardConstraint)
+type Guard = (TI.TypedVar, GuardConstraint)
data GuardConstraint where
- GMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TypedVar] -> GuardConstraint
- GHerebyBe :: TypedVar -> GuardConstraint
+ GMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TI.TypedVar] -> GuardConstraint
+ GHerebyBe :: TI.TypedVar -> GuardConstraint
deriving (Show, Eq)
-data DataCon where
- KUnit :: DataCon
- Bool :: Bool -> DataCon
- Tuple :: [TypedVar] -> DataCon
- List :: [TypedVar] -> DataCon
- Cons :: TypedVar -> TypedVar -> DataCon
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-data DataConName = NUnit | NBool Bool | NTuple | NList | NCons
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-getName :: DataCon -> DataConName
-getName KUnit = NUnit
-getName (Bool b) = NBool b
-getName (Tuple _) = NTuple
-getName (List _) = NList
-getName (Cons _ _) = NCons
data Literal where
T :: Literal
F :: Literal
- LitCond :: (TypedVar, LitCond) -> Literal
+ LitCond :: (TI.TypedVar, LitCond) -> Literal
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data LitCond where
- LitMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TypedVar] -> LitCond
+ LitMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TI.TypedVar] -> LitCond
LitNot :: TI.DataCon -> LitCond
- LitHerebyBe :: TypedVar -> LitCond
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-type NormRefType = (Context, [ConstraintFor])
-type ConstraintFor = (TypedVar, Constraint)
-type Context = [TypedVar]
-data Constraint where
- CMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TypedVar] -> Constraint
- CNot :: TI.DataCon -> Constraint
- CHerebyBe :: TypedVar -> Constraint
+ LitHerebyBe :: TI.TypedVar -> LitCond
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Ant where
- AGrhs :: [NormRefType] -> Int -> Ant
+ AGrhs :: [C.NormRefType] -> Int -> Ant
ABranch :: Ant -> Ant -> Ant
deriving (Show)
-ua :: (Member Fresh r) => [NormRefType] -> Gdt -> Sem r ([NormRefType], Ant)
+ua :: (Member Fresh r) => [C.NormRefType] -> Gdt -> Sem r ([C.NormRefType], Ant)
ua nrefs gdt = case gdt of
Grhs k -> return ([], AGrhs nrefs k)
Branch t1 t2 -> do
@@ -179,7 +158,7 @@ ua nrefs gdt = case gdt of
n'' <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, LitNot dc)
return (n'' ++ n', u)
-addLitMulti :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => [NormRefType] -> Literal -> Sem r [NormRefType]
+addLitMulti :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> Literal -> Sem r [C.NormRefType]
addLitMulti [] _ = return []
addLitMulti (n : ns) lit = do
r <- runMaybeT $ addLiteral n lit
@@ -189,38 +168,42 @@ addLitMulti (n : ns) lit = do
ns' <- addLitMulti ns lit
return $ (ctx, cfs) : ns'
-redundantNorm :: (Member Fresh r) => Ant -> Context -> Sem r [Int]
-redundantNorm ant args = case ant of
- AGrhs ref i -> do
- inhabited <- null <$> genInhab ref args
- return [i | inhabited]
- ABranch a1 a2 -> mappend <$> redundantNorm a1 args <*> redundantNorm a2 args
-addLiteral :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> Literal -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
-addLiteral n@(context, constraints) flit = case flit of
+addLiteral :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => C.NormRefType -> Literal -> MaybeT (Sem r) C.NormRefType
+addLiteral (context, constraints) flit = case flit of
F -> MaybeT $ pure Nothing
- T -> return n
+ T -> return (context, constraints)
LitCond (x, c) -> case c of
- LitHerebyBe z -> (n <> ([z], [])) `addConstraint` (x, CHerebyBe z)
- LitMatch dc args -> (n <> (args, [])) `addConstraint` (x, CMatch dc args)
- LitNot dc -> n `addConstraint` (x, CNot dc)
--- Tuple types names -> (context ++ zip names types, constraints) `addConstraint` (x, CIs $ Tuple names)
--- List :: [Name ATerm] -> DataCon
--- Cons :: Name ATerm -> Name ATerm -> DataCon
--- MatchDataCon k ys x -> (context ++ zip ys (Ty.dcTypes k), constraints) `addConstraint` (x, MatchDataCon k ys)
--- NotDataCon k x -> n `addConstraint` (x, NotDataCon k)
+ LitHerebyBe z ->
+ (context `C.addVars` [z], constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CHerebyBe z)
+ LitMatch dc args ->
+ (context `C.addVars` args, constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CMatch dc args)
+ LitNot dc ->
+ (context, constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CNot dc)
data InhabPat where
IPIs :: TI.DataCon -> [InhabPat] -> InhabPat
IPNot :: [TI.DataCon] -> InhabPat
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-genInhab :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => [NormRefType] -> Context -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
-genInhab nrefs args = do
- n <- sequence [findVarInhabitants arg nref | nref <- nrefs, arg <- args]
- return $ Poss.anyOf n
+join j a b = a ++ j ++ b
+joinComma = foldl (join ", ") ""
+joinSpace = foldl (join " ") ""
+prettyInhab :: InhabPat -> String
+prettyInhab (IPNot []) = "_"
+prettyInhab (IPNot nots) = "Not{" ++ joinComma (map dcToString nots) ++ "}"
+prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KTuple, TI.dcTypes = _} args) =
+ "(" ++ joinComma (map prettyInhab args) ++ ")"
+prettyInhab (IPIs dc []) = dcToString dc
+prettyInhab (IPIs dc args) = dcToString dc ++ " " ++ joinSpace (map prettyInhab args)
+dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KNat n} = show n
+dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KBool b} = show b
+dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KUnit} = "Unit"
+dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KTuple} = "Tuple?"
+dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = _} = "AAAAA"
-- Sanity check: are we giving the dataconstructor the
-- correct number of arguments?
@@ -230,24 +213,32 @@ mkIPMatch k pats =
then error $ "Wrong number of DataCon args" ++ show (k, pats)
else IPIs k pats
-findVarInhabitants :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => TypedVar -> NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
+findInhabitants :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [InhabPat])
+findInhabitants nrefs args = do
+ a <- forM nrefs (`findAllForNref` args)
+ return $ Poss.anyOf a
+findAllForNref :: (Member Fresh r) => C.NormRefType -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [InhabPat])
+findAllForNref nref args = do
+ argPats <- forM args (`findVarInhabitants` nref)
+ return $ Poss.allCombinations argPats
+findVarInhabitants :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => TI.TypedVar -> C.NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
case posMatch of
Just (k, args) -> do
- argPats <- forM args (`findVarInhabitants` nref)
- let argPossibilities = Poss.allCombinations argPats
+ argPossibilities <- findAllForNref nref args
return (mkIPMatch k <$> argPossibilities)
- Nothing -> case nub negMatch of
+ Nothing -> case nub negMatches of
[] -> Poss.retSingle $ IPNot []
neg ->
- case TI.tyDataCons (snd var) of
+ case TI.tyDataCons . TI.getType $ var of
Nothing -> Poss.retSingle $ IPNot neg
Just dcs ->
let tryAddDc dc = do
- vars <- newVars (TI.dcTypes dc)
- runMaybeT (nref `addConstraint` (var, CMatch dc vars))
+ vars <- TI.newVars (TI.dcTypes dc)
+ runMaybeT (nref `C.addConstraint` (var, C.CMatch dc vars))
-- Try to add a positive constraint for each data constructor
-- to the current nref
@@ -259,11 +250,13 @@ findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
then Poss.retSingle $ IPNot []
else Poss.anyOf <$> forM posNrefs (findVarInhabitants var)
- constraintsOnX = onVar var cns
- posMatch = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (\case (CMatch k ys) -> Just (k, ys); _ -> Nothing) constraintsOnX
- negMatch = mapMaybe (\case (CNot k) -> Just k; _ -> Nothing) constraintsOnX
-,,,TODO I recommend breaking things up into a "Constraint.hs" file, which imports a "Context.hs" file, in
- which we make Context a newtype instead of a alias for a pair, and expose the correct functions
- adding constraints shouldn't depend on how the context is implemented
- the only weird thing is going to be the substituting all the variables for the herebys
+ constraintsOnX = C.onVar var cns
+ posMatch = C.posMatch constraintsOnX
+ negMatches = C.negMatches constraintsOnX
+findRedundant :: (Member Fresh r) => Ant -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r [Int]
+findRedundant ant args = case ant of
+ AGrhs ref i -> do
+ uninhabited <- Poss.none <$> findInhabitants ref args
+ return [i | uninhabited]
+ ABranch a1 a2 -> mappend <$> findRedundant a1 args <*> findRedundant a2 args
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ee46bb9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
+module Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint where
+import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
+import Control.Monad (foldM, guard, replicateM)
+import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
+import Data.List (partition)
+import Data.Maybe (isJust, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
+import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh)
+import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
+import Polysemy
+newtype Context = Context {getCtxVars :: [TI.TypedVar]}
+ deriving (Show, Eq)
+addVars :: Context -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Context
+addVars (Context ctx) vars = Context (ctx ++ vars)
+data Constraint where
+ CMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Constraint
+ CNot :: TI.DataCon -> Constraint
+ CHerebyBe :: TI.TypedVar -> Constraint
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+posMatch :: [Constraint] -> Maybe (TI.DataCon, [TI.TypedVar])
+posMatch constraints = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (\case (CMatch k ys) -> Just (k, ys); _ -> Nothing) constraints
+negMatches :: [Constraint] -> [TI.DataCon]
+negMatches constraints = mapMaybe (\case (CNot k) -> Just k; _ -> Nothing) constraints
+type ConstraintFor = (TI.TypedVar, Constraint)
+-- Resolves term equalities, finding the leftmost id for a variable
+-- I believe I3 of section 3.4 allows us to
+-- do a linear scan from right to left
+lookupVar :: TI.TypedVar -> [ConstraintFor] -> TI.TypedVar
+lookupVar x = foldr getNextId x
+ where
+ getNextId (x', CHerebyBe y) | x' == x = const y
+ getNextId _ = id
+alistLookup :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> [b]
+alistLookup a = map snd . filter ((== a) . fst)
+onVar :: TI.TypedVar -> [ConstraintFor] -> [Constraint]
+onVar x cs = alistLookup (lookupVar x cs) cs
+type NormRefType = (Context, [ConstraintFor])
+addConstraints :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> [ConstraintFor] -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
+addConstraints = foldM addConstraint
+addConstraint :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> ConstraintFor -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
+addConstraint nref@(_, cns) (x, c) = do
+ breakIf $ any (conflictsWith c) (onVar x cns)
+ addConstraintHelper nref (lookupVar x cns, c)
+addConstraintHelper :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> ConstraintFor -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
+addConstraintHelper nref@(ctx, cns) cf@(origX, c) = case c of
+ --- Equation (10)
+ CMatch k args -> do
+ case getConstructorArgs k (onVar origX cns) of
+ -- 10c -- TODO(colin): Still need to add type constraints!
+ Just args' ->
+ addConstraints
+ nref
+ (zipWith (\a b -> (a, CHerebyBe b)) args args')
+ Nothing -> return added
+ --- Equation (11)
+ CNot _ -> do
+ inh <- lift (inhabited added origX)
+ guard inh -- ensure that origX is still inhabited, as per I2
+ return added
+ -- Equation (14)
+ CHerebyBe y -> do
+ let origY = lookupVar y cns
+ if origX == origY
+ then return nref
+ else do
+ let (noX', withX') = partition ((/= origX) . fst) cns
+ addConstraints (ctx, noX' ++ [cf]) (substituteVarIDs origY origX withX')
+ where
+ added = (ctx, cns ++ [cf])
+----- Helper functions for adding constraints:
+breakIf :: (Alternative f) => Bool -> f ()
+breakIf = guard . not
+-- Returns a predicate that returns true if another
+-- constraint conflicts with the one given.
+-- This alone is not sufficient to test
+-- if a constraint can be added, but it
+-- filters out the easy negatives early on
+conflictsWith :: Constraint -> (Constraint -> Bool)
+conflictsWith c = case c of
+ CMatch k _ -> \case
+ (CMatch k' _) | k /= k' -> True -- 10a
+ (CNot k') | k == k' -> True -- 10b
+ _ -> False
+ CNot k -> \case
+ (CMatch k' _) | k == k' -> True -- 11a
+ _ -> False
+ CHerebyBe _ -> const False
+-- Search for a MatchDataCon that is matching on k specifically
+-- (there should be at most one, see I4 in section 3.4)
+-- and if it exists, return the variable ids of its arguments
+getConstructorArgs :: TI.DataCon -> [Constraint] -> Maybe [TI.TypedVar]
+getConstructorArgs k cfs =
+ listToMaybe $
+ mapMaybe (\case (CMatch k' vs) | k' == k -> Just vs; _ -> Nothing) cfs
+-- substituting y *for* x
+-- ie replace the second with the first, replace x with y
+substituteVarIDs :: TI.TypedVar -> TI.TypedVar -> [ConstraintFor] -> [ConstraintFor]
+substituteVarIDs y x = map (\(var, c) -> (subst var, c))
+ where
+ subst var = if var == x then y else x
+-- Deals with I2 form section 3.4
+-- if a variable in the context has a resolvable type, there must be at least one constructor
+-- which can be instantiated without contradiction of the refinement type
+-- This function tests if this is true
+-- NOTE: we may eventually have type constraints
+-- and we would need to worry pulling them from nref here
+inhabited :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> Sem r Bool
+inhabited n var = case TI.tyDataCons . TI.getType $ var of
+ Nothing -> return True -- assume opaque types are inhabited
+ Just constructors -> do
+ or <$> mapM (instantiate n var) constructors
+-- Attempts to "instantiate" a match of the dataconstructor k on x
+-- If we can add the MatchDataCon constraint to the normalized refinement
+-- type without contradiction (a Nothing value),
+-- then x is inhabited by k and we return true
+instantiate :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> TI.DataCon -> Sem r Bool
+instantiate (ctx, cns) var k = do
+ args <- TI.newVars $ TI.dcTypes k
+ let attempt = (ctx `addVars` args, cns) `addConstraint` (var, CMatch k args)
+ isJust <$> runMaybeT attempt
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index deee774e..831cf618 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
module Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo where
+import Control.Monad (replicateM)
+import Disco.AST.Typed (ATerm)
+import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh, fresh)
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
+import Polysemy
+import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name, s2n)
@@ -25,8 +30,19 @@ Also having convient lists of types and constructors
Makes the algorithm easier to implement
-data TypeName = TBool | TUnit | TPair | TEither | TInt | TThrool
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+newtype TypedVar = TypedVar (Name ATerm, Type)
+ deriving (Show, Ord)
+-- For now, equality is always in terms of the name
+-- We will see if the causes problems later
+instance Eq TypedVar where
+ TypedVar (n1, _t1) == TypedVar (n2, _t2) = n1 == n2
+getType :: TypedVar -> Type
+getType (TypedVar (_, t)) = t
+-- data TypeName = TBool | TUnit | TPair | TEither | TInt | TThrool
+-- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Type = Type
{ tyIdent :: Ty.Type,
@@ -41,13 +57,14 @@ data DataCon = DataCon
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data Ident where
- KBool :: Bool -> Ident
KUnit :: Ident
- KDummy :: Ident
- KTuple :: Ident
+ KBool :: Bool -> Ident
KNat :: Integer -> Ident
+ KPair :: Ident
+ KTuple :: Ident
KList :: Ident
KCons :: Ident
+ KDummy :: Ident
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
unit :: DataCon
@@ -65,13 +82,22 @@ natural n = DataCon {dcIdent = KNat n, dcTypes = []}
-- Don't mix and match types here,
-- we are going on the honor system
list :: [Type] -> DataCon
-list types = DataCon {dcIdent = KList, dcTypes = types }
+list types = DataCon {dcIdent = KList, dcTypes = types}
+cons :: Type -> Type -> DataCon
cons tHead tTail = DataCon {dcIdent = KCons, dcTypes = [tHead, tTail]}
extractRelevant :: Ty.Type -> Type
-- extractRelevant Ty.TyVoid = Just []
--- extractRelevant (a Ty.:*: b) = enumProd (enumType a) (enumType b)
+-- extractRelevant t@(a Ty.:*: b) = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Just [tuple [natT, natT, natT]]}
+extractRelevant t@(a Ty.:*: b) =
+ Type
+ { tyIdent = t,
+ tyDataCons =
+ Just
+ [ DataCon {dcIdent = KPair, dcTypes = [extractRelevant a, extractRelevant b]}
+ ]
+ }
-- extractRelevant (a Ty.:+: b) = enumSum (enumType a) (enumType b)
-- extractRelevant (a Ty.:->: b) = enumFunction (enumType a) (enumType b)
-- extractRelevant (Ty.TySet t) = ?
@@ -94,3 +120,15 @@ extractRelevant t@Ty.TyC = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
extractRelevant t = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
-- extractRelevant ty = error $ "Bad type in exhaust" ++ show ty
+-- TODO: should these really just be blank names?
+newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
+newName = fresh $ s2n ""
+newNames :: (Member Fresh r) => Int -> Sem r [Name ATerm]
+newNames i = replicateM i newName
+newVars :: (Member Fresh r) => [Type] -> Sem r [TypedVar]
+newVars types = do
+ names <- newNames (length types)
+ return $ map TypedVar $ zip names types
From fe5da6760ab4eed8b8213a81d5871800094a2323 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 21:57:45 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 05/44] tuples now turn into pairs and work! (mostly. Found
weeks old bug in code I thought was good!)
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 64 ++++++++++++++++++----------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 21 +++++----
2 files changed, 55 insertions(+), 30 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 2e41e068..51217784 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -2,15 +2,14 @@
module Disco.Exhaustiveness where
-import Control.Monad (forM, replicateM, when, zipWithM)
+import Control.Monad (forM, when, zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
-import Data.Maybe (catMaybes, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Disco.AST.Typed
( APattern,
- ATerm,
pattern APBool,
pattern APCons,
pattern APList,
@@ -20,14 +19,13 @@ import Disco.AST.Typed
pattern APVar,
pattern APWild,
-import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh, fresh)
+import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh)
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint as C
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities as Poss
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
-import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name, s2n)
checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
checkClauses types pats = do
@@ -75,6 +73,13 @@ allSame :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
allSame [] = True
allSame (x : xs) = all (x ==) xs
+-- TODO: explain. this was a pain
+desugarTuplePats :: [APattern] -> APattern
+desugarTuplePats [] = error "Found empty tuple, what happened?"
+desugarTuplePats [p] = p
+desugarTuplePats (pfst : rest) = APTup (Ty.getType pfst Ty.:*: Ty.getType psnd) [pfst, psnd]
+ where psnd = desugarTuplePats rest
desugarMatch :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => TI.TypedVar -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
desugarMatch var pat = do
case pat of
@@ -84,12 +89,22 @@ desugarMatch var pat = do
(APNat _ nat) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.natural nat) [])]
(APUnit) -> return [(var, GMatch TI.unit [])]
(APBool b) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.bool b) [])]
- (APTup _ subs) -> do
- let types = map (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subs
- vars <- TI.newVars types
- guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch vars subs
- return $ (var, (GMatch (TI.tuple types) vars)) : concat guards
+ (APTup (ta Ty.:*: tb) [pfst, psnd]) -> do
+ let tia = TI.extractRelevant ta
+ let tib = TI.extractRelevant tb
+ varFst <- TI.newVar tia
+ varSnd <- TI.newVar tib
+ guardsFst <- desugarMatch varFst pfst
+ guardsSnd <- desugarMatch varSnd psnd
+ let guardPair = (var, GMatch (TI.pair tia tib) [varFst, varSnd])
+ return $ [guardPair] ++ guardsFst ++ guardsSnd
+ (APTup ty [_, _]) -> error $ "Tuple type that wasn't a pair???: " ++ show ty
+ (APTup _ sugary) -> desugarMatch var (desugarTuplePats sugary)
(APList _ subs) -> do
+ -- TODO: review, will this be a problem like tuples?
let types = map (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subs
(not . allSame $ types)
@@ -98,17 +113,16 @@ desugarMatch var pat = do
guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch vars subs
return $ (var, (GMatch (TI.list types) vars)) : concat guards
(APCons _ subHead subTail) -> do
- embed $ putStr "Cons: "
- embed $ pPrint (subHead, subTail)
- nameHead <- TI.newName
- nameTail <- TI.newName
+ -- TODO: review, will this be a problem like tuples?
let typeHead = (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subHead
let typeTail = (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subTail
- let varHead = TI.TypedVar (nameHead, typeHead)
- let varTail = TI.TypedVar (nameTail, typeTail)
+ varHead <- TI.newVar typeHead
+ varTail <- TI.newVar typeTail
guardsHead <- desugarMatch varHead subHead
guardsTail <- desugarMatch varTail subTail
- return $ (var, (GMatch (TI.cons typeHead typeTail) [varHead, varTail])) : guardsHead ++ guardsTail
+ let guardCons = (var, (GMatch (TI.cons typeHead typeTail) [varHead, varTail]))
+ return $ [guardCons] ++ guardsHead ++ guardsTail
+ -- TODO: consider the rest of the patterns
-- (APAdd)
e -> return []
@@ -185,24 +199,30 @@ data InhabPat where
IPNot :: [TI.DataCon] -> InhabPat
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+join :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
join j a b = a ++ j ++ b
-joinComma = foldl (join ", ") ""
+joinComma :: [String] -> String
+joinComma = foldr1 (join ", ")
-joinSpace = foldl (join " ") ""
+joinSpace :: [String] -> String
+joinSpace = foldr1 (join " ")
+-- TODO: maybe fully print out tuples even if they have wildcars in the middle?
+-- e.g. (1,_,_) instead of just (1,_)
prettyInhab :: InhabPat -> String
prettyInhab (IPNot []) = "_"
prettyInhab (IPNot nots) = "Not{" ++ joinComma (map dcToString nots) ++ "}"
-prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KTuple, TI.dcTypes = _} args) =
- "(" ++ joinComma (map prettyInhab args) ++ ")"
+prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KPair, TI.dcTypes = _} [ifst, isnd]) =
+ "(" ++ prettyInhab ifst ++ ", " ++ prettyInhab isnd ++ ")"
prettyInhab (IPIs dc []) = dcToString dc
prettyInhab (IPIs dc args) = dcToString dc ++ " " ++ joinSpace (map prettyInhab args)
+dcToString :: TI.DataCon -> String
dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KNat n} = show n
dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KBool b} = show b
dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KUnit} = "Unit"
-dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KTuple} = "Tuple?"
+dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KPair} = "Pair?"
dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = _} = "AAAAA"
-- Sanity check: are we giving the dataconstructor the
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 831cf618..39e3120c 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ data Ident where
KBool :: Bool -> Ident
KNat :: Integer -> Ident
KPair :: Ident
- KTuple :: Ident
+ -- KTuple :: Ident
KList :: Ident
KCons :: Ident
KDummy :: Ident
@@ -73,9 +73,6 @@ unit = DataCon {dcIdent = KUnit, dcTypes = []}
bool :: Bool -> DataCon
bool b = DataCon {dcIdent = KBool b, dcTypes = []}
-tuple :: [Type] -> DataCon
-tuple types = DataCon {dcIdent = KTuple, dcTypes = types}
natural :: Integer -> DataCon
natural n = DataCon {dcIdent = KNat n, dcTypes = []}
@@ -87,6 +84,9 @@ list types = DataCon {dcIdent = KList, dcTypes = types}
cons :: Type -> Type -> DataCon
cons tHead tTail = DataCon {dcIdent = KCons, dcTypes = [tHead, tTail]}
+pair :: Type -> Type -> DataCon
+pair a b = DataCon {dcIdent = KPair, dcTypes = [a, b]}
extractRelevant :: Ty.Type -> Type
-- extractRelevant Ty.TyVoid = Just []
-- extractRelevant t@(a Ty.:*: b) = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Just [tuple [natT, natT, natT]]}
@@ -102,14 +102,14 @@ extractRelevant t@(a Ty.:*: b) =
-- extractRelevant (a Ty.:->: b) = enumFunction (enumType a) (enumType b)
-- extractRelevant (Ty.TySet t) = ?
-- extractRelevant (Ty.TyList t) = ?
-extractRelevant Ty.TyBool =
+extractRelevant t@Ty.TyBool =
- { tyIdent = Ty.TyBool,
+ { tyIdent = t,
tyDataCons = Just [bool True, bool False]
-extractRelevant Ty.TyUnit =
+extractRelevant t@Ty.TyUnit =
- { tyIdent = Ty.TyUnit,
+ { tyIdent = t,
tyDataCons = Just [unit]
extractRelevant t@Ty.TyN = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
@@ -125,6 +125,11 @@ extractRelevant t = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
newName = fresh $ s2n ""
+newVar :: (Member Fresh r) => Type -> Sem r TypedVar
+newVar types = do
+ names <- newName
+ return $ TypedVar $ (names, types)
newNames :: (Member Fresh r) => Int -> Sem r [Name ATerm]
newNames i = replicateM i newName
From c7ba83e0f362526f00c43add6ab70b36cacdb189 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Wed, 17 Jul 2024 22:04:31 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 06/44] remove old typeinfo doc, add fixme note about pair /
order based bug
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 27 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 23 ----------------------
2 files changed, 27 insertions(+), 23 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index ee46bb9b..34d97bd9 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -47,6 +47,33 @@ onVar x cs = alistLookup (lookupVar x cs) cs
type NormRefType = (Context, [ConstraintFor])
+ TODO: fix this!
+FIXME: big bug!
+in haskell, look at this:
+thing :: (Int, Bool) -> ()
+thing (n,True) = ()
+thing (0,n) = ()
+haskell reports (p, False) uncovered where p is one of {0}
+but our solver just responds with (_, False) uncovered.
+Its dropping the info about the 0!!!
+This is present in my test implementation,
+I just didn't discover it until now :[
+Clue discovered!
+If we swap these like this:
+thing (0,n) = unit
+thing (n,True) = unit
+Our solver actually gets this right!
+This is a good clue to start with
addConstraints :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> [ConstraintFor] -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
addConstraints = foldM addConstraint
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 39e3120c..42f4a016 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -7,29 +7,6 @@ import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name, s2n)
-Imagine the function
-foo : N * N * N -> Unit
-foo (x,y,z) -> unit
-foo (x,(y,z)) -> unit
-So, we must make the decision on how we want to report back
-the uncovered patterns
-I am choosing to preserve the visual structure of what the user put in,
-So I must turn these product types into tuples, in order to get
-back out a similar pattern.
-I cannot look to Haskell for guidance, as
-(Int,Int,Int) /= (Int,(Int,Int)) in Haskell
-Also having convient lists of types and constructors
-Makes the algorithm easier to implement
newtype TypedVar = TypedVar (Name ATerm, Type)
deriving (Show, Ord)
From 7c65f3efaa960ef86595d63af54d7002ea908932 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Fri, 19 Jul 2024 17:39:55 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 07/44] fix term equality bug, I just had things backwards
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 25 +++++++++--------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 39 ++++----------------------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 2 +-
3 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 46 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 51217784..fa225d12 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ allSame :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
allSame [] = True
allSame (x : xs) = all (x ==) xs
--- TODO: explain. this was a pain
+-- TODO(colin): explain. this was a pain
desugarTuplePats :: [APattern] -> APattern
desugarTuplePats [] = error "Found empty tuple, what happened?"
desugarTuplePats [p] = p
@@ -85,7 +85,8 @@ desugarMatch var pat = do
case pat of
(APWild _) -> return []
(APVar ty name) -> do
- return $ [(var, GHerebyBe $ TI.TypedVar (name, TI.extractRelevant ty))]
+ let newAlias = TI.TypedVar (name, TI.extractRelevant ty)
+ return $ [(newAlias, GWasOriginally var)]
(APNat _ nat) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.natural nat) [])]
(APUnit) -> return [(var, GMatch TI.unit [])]
(APBool b) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.bool b) [])]
@@ -104,7 +105,7 @@ desugarMatch var pat = do
(APTup ty [_, _]) -> error $ "Tuple type that wasn't a pair???: " ++ show ty
(APTup _ sugary) -> desugarMatch var (desugarTuplePats sugary)
(APList _ subs) -> do
- -- TODO: review, will this be a problem like tuples?
+ -- TODO(colin): review, will this be a problem like tuples?
let types = map (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subs
(not . allSame $ types)
@@ -113,7 +114,7 @@ desugarMatch var pat = do
guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch vars subs
return $ (var, (GMatch (TI.list types) vars)) : concat guards
(APCons _ subHead subTail) -> do
- -- TODO: review, will this be a problem like tuples?
+ -- TODO(colin): review, will this be a problem like tuples?
let typeHead = (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subHead
let typeTail = (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subTail
varHead <- TI.newVar typeHead
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@ desugarMatch var pat = do
guardsTail <- desugarMatch varTail subTail
let guardCons = (var, (GMatch (TI.cons typeHead typeTail) [varHead, varTail]))
return $ [guardCons] ++ guardsHead ++ guardsTail
- -- TODO: consider the rest of the patterns
+ -- TODO(colin): consider the rest of the patterns
-- (APAdd)
e -> return []
@@ -136,7 +137,7 @@ type Guard = (TI.TypedVar, GuardConstraint)
data GuardConstraint where
GMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TI.TypedVar] -> GuardConstraint
- GHerebyBe :: TI.TypedVar -> GuardConstraint
+ GWasOriginally :: TI.TypedVar -> GuardConstraint
deriving (Show, Eq)
data Literal where
@@ -148,7 +149,7 @@ data Literal where
data LitCond where
LitMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TI.TypedVar] -> LitCond
LitNot :: TI.DataCon -> LitCond
- LitHerebyBe :: TI.TypedVar -> LitCond
+ LitWasOriginally :: TI.TypedVar -> LitCond
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
data Ant where
@@ -163,8 +164,8 @@ ua nrefs gdt = case gdt of
(n1, u1) <- ua nrefs t1
(n2, u2) <- ua n1 t2
return (n2, ABranch u1 u2)
- Guarded (x, GHerebyBe z) t -> do
- n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, LitHerebyBe z)
+ Guarded (y, GWasOriginally x) t -> do
+ n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (y, LitWasOriginally x)
ua n t
Guarded (x, (GMatch dc args)) t -> do
n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, LitMatch dc args)
@@ -187,8 +188,8 @@ addLiteral (context, constraints) flit = case flit of
F -> MaybeT $ pure Nothing
T -> return (context, constraints)
LitCond (x, c) -> case c of
- LitHerebyBe z ->
- (context `C.addVars` [z], constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CHerebyBe z)
+ LitWasOriginally z ->
+ (context `C.addVars` [x], constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CWasOriginally z)
LitMatch dc args ->
(context `C.addVars` args, constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CMatch dc args)
LitNot dc ->
@@ -208,7 +209,7 @@ joinComma = foldr1 (join ", ")
joinSpace :: [String] -> String
joinSpace = foldr1 (join " ")
--- TODO: maybe fully print out tuples even if they have wildcars in the middle?
+-- TODO(colin): maybe fully print out tuples even if they have wildcars in the middle?
-- e.g. (1,_,_) instead of just (1,_)
prettyInhab :: InhabPat -> String
prettyInhab (IPNot []) = "_"
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index 34d97bd9..646c97d6 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ addVars (Context ctx) vars = Context (ctx ++ vars)
data Constraint where
CMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Constraint
CNot :: TI.DataCon -> Constraint
- CHerebyBe :: TI.TypedVar -> Constraint
+ CWasOriginally :: TI.TypedVar -> Constraint
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
posMatch :: [Constraint] -> Maybe (TI.DataCon, [TI.TypedVar])
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ type ConstraintFor = (TI.TypedVar, Constraint)
lookupVar :: TI.TypedVar -> [ConstraintFor] -> TI.TypedVar
lookupVar x = foldr getNextId x
- getNextId (x', CHerebyBe y) | x' == x = const y
+ getNextId (x', CWasOriginally y) | x' == x = const y
getNextId _ = id
alistLookup :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> [b]
@@ -47,33 +47,6 @@ onVar x cs = alistLookup (lookupVar x cs) cs
type NormRefType = (Context, [ConstraintFor])
- TODO: fix this!
-FIXME: big bug!
-in haskell, look at this:
-thing :: (Int, Bool) -> ()
-thing (n,True) = ()
-thing (0,n) = ()
-haskell reports (p, False) uncovered where p is one of {0}
-but our solver just responds with (_, False) uncovered.
-Its dropping the info about the 0!!!
-This is present in my test implementation,
-I just didn't discover it until now :[
-Clue discovered!
-If we swap these like this:
-thing (0,n) = unit
-thing (n,True) = unit
-Our solver actually gets this right!
-This is a good clue to start with
addConstraints :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> [ConstraintFor] -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
addConstraints = foldM addConstraint
@@ -91,7 +64,7 @@ addConstraintHelper nref@(ctx, cns) cf@(origX, c) = case c of
Just args' ->
- (zipWith (\a b -> (a, CHerebyBe b)) args args')
+ (zipWith (\a b -> (a, CWasOriginally b)) args args')
Nothing -> return added
--- Equation (11)
CNot _ -> do
@@ -99,7 +72,7 @@ addConstraintHelper nref@(ctx, cns) cf@(origX, c) = case c of
guard inh -- ensure that origX is still inhabited, as per I2
return added
-- Equation (14)
- CHerebyBe y -> do
+ CWasOriginally y -> do
let origY = lookupVar y cns
if origX == origY
then return nref
@@ -130,7 +103,7 @@ conflictsWith c = case c of
CNot k -> \case
(CMatch k' _) | k == k' -> True -- 11a
_ -> False
- CHerebyBe _ -> const False
+ CWasOriginally _ -> const False
-- Search for a MatchDataCon that is matching on k specifically
-- (there should be at most one, see I4 in section 3.4)
@@ -151,7 +124,7 @@ substituteVarIDs y x = map (\(var, c) -> (subst var, c))
-- if a variable in the context has a resolvable type, there must be at least one constructor
-- which can be instantiated without contradiction of the refinement type
-- This function tests if this is true
--- NOTE: we may eventually have type constraints
+-- NOTE(colin): we may eventually have type constraints
-- and we would need to worry pulling them from nref here
inhabited :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> Sem r Bool
inhabited n var = case TI.tyDataCons . TI.getType $ var of
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 42f4a016..e4804b85 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ extractRelevant t = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
-- extractRelevant ty = error $ "Bad type in exhaust" ++ show ty
--- TODO: should these really just be blank names?
+-- TODO(colin): should these really just be blank names?
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
newName = fresh $ s2n ""
From 4bb13fa4ef1ead825f26cbedfb872dfd4487c085 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024 02:59:01 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 08/44] lists & strings work now! Added comments about
remaining work
src/Disco/Eval.hs | 2 +-
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 122 ++++++++++++++++-----------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 100 +++++++++-------------
3 files changed, 117 insertions(+), 107 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Eval.hs b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
index 945c492a..a40bd5f4 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Eval.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
@@ -452,4 +452,4 @@ loadDef x body = do
checkExhaustive :: Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r => Defn -> Sem r ()
checkExhaustive (Defn name argsType _ boundClauses) = do
clauses <- fst <$> mapM unbind boundClauses
- checkClauses argsType clauses
+ checkClauses name argsType clauses
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index fa225d12..f691c1f6 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -10,14 +10,17 @@ import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Disco.AST.Typed
( APattern,
+ ATerm,
pattern APBool,
+ pattern APChar,
pattern APCons,
pattern APList,
pattern APNat,
pattern APTup,
pattern APUnit,
pattern APVar,
- pattern APWild,
+ pattern APWild,
+ pattern APString,
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh)
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint as C
@@ -26,10 +29,11 @@ import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
+import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name)
-checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
-checkClauses types pats = do
- args <- TI.newVars (map TI.extractRelevant types)
+checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => Name ATerm -> [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
+checkClauses name types pats = do
+ args <- TI.newVars types
cl <- zipWithM (desugarClause args) [1 ..] (NonEmpty.toList pats)
let gdt = foldr1 Branch cl
@@ -53,12 +57,11 @@ checkClauses types pats = do
let jspace = foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
when (not . null $ inhab) $ do
- embed $ putStrLn "Warning: You haven't matched against:"
+ embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: In function \"" ++ show name ++ "\", you haven't matched against:"
embed $ mapM_ (putStrLn . jspace . map prettyInhab) inhab
- -- embed $ mapM_ (putStrLn . show) inhab
when (not . null $ redundant) $ do
- embed $ putStrLn "Warning: These clause numbers (1-indexed) are redundant"
+ embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: In function \"" ++ show name ++ "\", these clause numbers (1-indexed) are redundant:"
embed $ putStrLn $ show redundant
return ()
@@ -68,63 +71,73 @@ desugarClause args clauseIdx argsPats = do
guards <- zipWithM desugarMatch args argsPats
return $ foldr Guarded (Grhs clauseIdx) $ concat guards
--- borrowed from `extra`
-allSame :: (Eq a) => [a] -> Bool
-allSame [] = True
-allSame (x : xs) = all (x ==) xs
--- TODO(colin): explain. this was a pain
+-- To work with the LYG algorithm, we need to desugar n-tuples to nested pairs
+-- Just having a Tuple type with a variable number of arguments breaks.
+-- Imagine we have
+-- foo (1,2,3) = ...
+-- foo (1,(2,n)) = ...
+-- if we keep things in our nice "sugared" form, the solver will get confused,
+-- and not realize that the last element of the tuple is fully covered by n,
+-- because there will be two notions of last element: the last in the triple and
+-- the last in the nested pair
desugarTuplePats :: [APattern] -> APattern
desugarTuplePats [] = error "Found empty tuple, what happened?"
desugarTuplePats [p] = p
desugarTuplePats (pfst : rest) = APTup (Ty.getType pfst Ty.:*: Ty.getType psnd) [pfst, psnd]
- where psnd = desugarTuplePats rest
+ where
+ psnd = desugarTuplePats rest
+TODO(colin): handle remaining patterns
+ , APInj --what is this?
+ , APNeg --required for integers / rationals?
+ , APFrac --required for rationals?
+ algebraic (probably will be replaced anyway):
+ , APAdd
+ , APMul
+ , APSub
desugarMatch :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => TI.TypedVar -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
desugarMatch var pat = do
case pat of
- (APWild _) -> return []
- (APVar ty name) -> do
- let newAlias = TI.TypedVar (name, TI.extractRelevant ty)
- return $ [(newAlias, GWasOriginally var)]
- (APNat _ nat) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.natural nat) [])]
- (APUnit) -> return [(var, GMatch TI.unit [])]
- (APBool b) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.bool b) [])]
(APTup (ta Ty.:*: tb) [pfst, psnd]) -> do
- let tia = TI.extractRelevant ta
- let tib = TI.extractRelevant tb
- varFst <- TI.newVar tia
- varSnd <- TI.newVar tib
+ varFst <- TI.newVar ta
+ varSnd <- TI.newVar tb
guardsFst <- desugarMatch varFst pfst
guardsSnd <- desugarMatch varSnd psnd
- let guardPair = (var, GMatch (TI.pair tia tib) [varFst, varSnd])
+ let guardPair = (var, GMatch (TI.pair ta tb) [varFst, varSnd])
return $ [guardPair] ++ guardsFst ++ guardsSnd
(APTup ty [_, _]) -> error $ "Tuple type that wasn't a pair???: " ++ show ty
(APTup _ sugary) -> desugarMatch var (desugarTuplePats sugary)
- (APList _ subs) -> do
- -- TODO(colin): review, will this be a problem like tuples?
- let types = map (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subs
- when
- (not . allSame $ types)
- (embed . putStrLn $ "WARNING, mismatched types in list!: " ++ show types)
- vars <- TI.newVars types
- guards <- sequence $ zipWith desugarMatch vars subs
- return $ (var, (GMatch (TI.list types) vars)) : concat guards
(APCons _ subHead subTail) -> do
- -- TODO(colin): review, will this be a problem like tuples?
- let typeHead = (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subHead
- let typeTail = (TI.extractRelevant . Ty.getType) subTail
+ let typeHead = Ty.getType subHead
+ let typeTail = Ty.getType subTail
varHead <- TI.newVar typeHead
varTail <- TI.newVar typeTail
guardsHead <- desugarMatch varHead subHead
guardsTail <- desugarMatch varTail subTail
let guardCons = (var, (GMatch (TI.cons typeHead typeTail) [varHead, varTail]))
return $ [guardCons] ++ guardsHead ++ guardsTail
+ -- We have to desugar Lists into Cons and Nils
+ (APList _ []) -> do
+ return [(var, GMatch TI.nil [])]
+ (APList ty (phead : ptail)) -> do
+ -- APCons have the type of the list they are part of
+ desugarMatch var (APCons ty phead (APList ty ptail))
+ -- we have to desugar to a list, becuse we can match strings with cons
+ (APString str) -> do
+ let strType = (Ty.TyList Ty.TyC)
+ desugarMatch var (APList strType (map APChar str))
+ -- These are more straightforward:
+ (APWild _) -> return []
+ (APVar ty name) -> do
+ let newAlias = TI.TypedVar (name, ty)
+ return [(newAlias, GWasOriginally var)]
+ (APNat _ nat) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.natural nat) [])]
+ (APUnit) -> return [(var, GMatch TI.unit [])]
+ (APBool b) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.bool b) [])]
+ (APChar c) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.char c) [])]
-- TODO(colin): consider the rest of the patterns
- -- (APAdd)
e -> return []
data Gdt where
@@ -211,20 +224,33 @@ joinSpace = foldr1 (join " ")
-- TODO(colin): maybe fully print out tuples even if they have wildcars in the middle?
-- e.g. (1,_,_) instead of just (1,_)
+-- Also, the display for matches against strings is really weird,
+-- as strings are lists of chars.
+-- Maybe for strings, we just list the top 3 uncovered patterns
+-- consiting of only postive information, sorted by length?
prettyInhab :: InhabPat -> String
prettyInhab (IPNot []) = "_"
prettyInhab (IPNot nots) = "Not{" ++ joinComma (map dcToString nots) ++ "}"
prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KPair, TI.dcTypes = _} [ifst, isnd]) =
"(" ++ prettyInhab ifst ++ ", " ++ prettyInhab isnd ++ ")"
+prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KCons, TI.dcTypes = _} [ihead, itail]) =
+ "(" ++ prettyInhab ihead ++ " :: " ++ prettyInhab itail ++ ")"
prettyInhab (IPIs dc []) = dcToString dc
prettyInhab (IPIs dc args) = dcToString dc ++ " " ++ joinSpace (map prettyInhab args)
dcToString :: TI.DataCon -> String
-dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KNat n} = show n
-dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KBool b} = show b
-dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KUnit} = "Unit"
-dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KPair} = "Pair?"
-dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = _} = "AAAAA"
+dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} = case ident of
+ TI.KBool b -> show b
+ TI.KChar c -> show c
+ TI.KNat n -> show n
+ TI.KNil -> "[]"
+ TI.KUnit -> "unit"
+ -- TODO(colin): find a way to remove these? These two shouldn't be reachable
+ -- If we were in an IPIs, we already handled these above
+ -- If we were in an IPNot, these aren't fromo opaque types,
+ -- so they shouldn't appear in a Not{}
+ TI.KPair -> ","
+ TI.KCons -> "::"
-- Sanity check: are we giving the dataconstructor the
-- correct number of arguments?
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index e4804b85..a2b7b3f8 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name, s2n)
-newtype TypedVar = TypedVar (Name ATerm, Type)
+newtype TypedVar = TypedVar (Name ATerm, Ty.Type)
deriving (Show, Ord)
-- For now, equality is always in terms of the name
@@ -15,21 +15,12 @@ newtype TypedVar = TypedVar (Name ATerm, Type)
instance Eq TypedVar where
TypedVar (n1, _t1) == TypedVar (n2, _t2) = n1 == n2
-getType :: TypedVar -> Type
+getType :: TypedVar -> Ty.Type
getType (TypedVar (_, t)) = t
--- data TypeName = TBool | TUnit | TPair | TEither | TInt | TThrool
--- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
-data Type = Type
- { tyIdent :: Ty.Type,
- tyDataCons :: Maybe [DataCon] -- Set to Nothing for opaque types
- }
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
data DataCon = DataCon
{ dcIdent :: Ident,
- dcTypes :: [Type]
+ dcTypes :: [Ty.Type]
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
@@ -38,10 +29,9 @@ data Ident where
KBool :: Bool -> Ident
KNat :: Integer -> Ident
KPair :: Ident
- -- KTuple :: Ident
- KList :: Ident
KCons :: Ident
- KDummy :: Ident
+ KNil :: Ident
+ KChar :: Char -> Ident
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
unit :: DataCon
@@ -53,56 +43,50 @@ bool b = DataCon {dcIdent = KBool b, dcTypes = []}
natural :: Integer -> DataCon
natural n = DataCon {dcIdent = KNat n, dcTypes = []}
--- Don't mix and match types here,
--- we are going on the honor system
-list :: [Type] -> DataCon
-list types = DataCon {dcIdent = KList, dcTypes = types}
+char :: Char -> DataCon
+char c = DataCon {dcIdent = KChar c, dcTypes = []}
-cons :: Type -> Type -> DataCon
+cons :: Ty.Type -> Ty.Type -> DataCon
cons tHead tTail = DataCon {dcIdent = KCons, dcTypes = [tHead, tTail]}
-pair :: Type -> Type -> DataCon
+nil :: DataCon
+nil = DataCon {dcIdent = KNil, dcTypes = []}
+pair :: Ty.Type -> Ty.Type -> DataCon
pair a b = DataCon {dcIdent = KPair, dcTypes = [a, b]}
-extractRelevant :: Ty.Type -> Type
--- extractRelevant Ty.TyVoid = Just []
--- extractRelevant t@(a Ty.:*: b) = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Just [tuple [natT, natT, natT]]}
-extractRelevant t@(a Ty.:*: b) =
- Type
- { tyIdent = t,
- tyDataCons =
- Just
- [ DataCon {dcIdent = KPair, dcTypes = [extractRelevant a, extractRelevant b]}
- ]
- }
--- extractRelevant (a Ty.:+: b) = enumSum (enumType a) (enumType b)
--- extractRelevant (a Ty.:->: b) = enumFunction (enumType a) (enumType b)
--- extractRelevant (Ty.TySet t) = ?
--- extractRelevant (Ty.TyList t) = ?
-extractRelevant t@Ty.TyBool =
- Type
- { tyIdent = t,
- tyDataCons = Just [bool True, bool False]
- }
-extractRelevant t@Ty.TyUnit =
- Type
- { tyIdent = t,
- tyDataCons = Just [unit]
- }
-extractRelevant t@Ty.TyN = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
-extractRelevant t@Ty.TyZ = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
-extractRelevant t@Ty.TyF = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
-extractRelevant t@Ty.TyQ = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
-extractRelevant t@Ty.TyC = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
-extractRelevant t = Type {tyIdent = t, tyDataCons = Nothing}
--- extractRelevant ty = error $ "Bad type in exhaust" ++ show ty
--- TODO(colin): should these really just be blank names?
+TODO(colin): Fill out the remaining types here
+ TyVar
+ , TySkolem
+ , TyProp
+ , TyBag
+ , TySet
+ , TyGraph
+ , TyMap
+ , TyUser
+ , (:+:)
+ , (:->:)
+tyDataCons :: Ty.Type -> Maybe [DataCon]
+tyDataCons (a Ty.:*: b) = Just [pair a b]
+tyDataCons t@(Ty.TyList a) = Just [cons a t, nil]
+tyDataCons Ty.TyVoid = Just []
+tyDataCons Ty.TyUnit = Just [unit]
+tyDataCons Ty.TyBool = Just [bool True, bool False]
+tyDataCons Ty.TyN = Nothing
+tyDataCons Ty.TyZ = Nothing
+tyDataCons Ty.TyF = Nothing
+tyDataCons Ty.TyQ = Nothing
+tyDataCons Ty.TyC = Nothing
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
newName = fresh $ s2n ""
-newVar :: (Member Fresh r) => Type -> Sem r TypedVar
+newVar :: (Member Fresh r) => Ty.Type -> Sem r TypedVar
newVar types = do
names <- newName
return $ TypedVar $ (names, types)
@@ -110,7 +94,7 @@ newVar types = do
newNames :: (Member Fresh r) => Int -> Sem r [Name ATerm]
newNames i = replicateM i newName
-newVars :: (Member Fresh r) => [Type] -> Sem r [TypedVar]
+newVars :: (Member Fresh r) => [Ty.Type] -> Sem r [TypedVar]
newVars types = do
names <- newNames (length types)
return $ map TypedVar $ zip names types
From 965cc73226a18cad2944e84a376948569b803939 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024 03:19:33 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 09/44] remove unused lit variants T/F, improve warning message
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 45 +++++++++++++++++--------------------
1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 24 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index f691c1f6..1de955ed 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module Disco.Exhaustiveness where
-import Control.Monad (forM, when, zipWithM)
+import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, when, zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
@@ -16,11 +16,11 @@ import Disco.AST.Typed
pattern APCons,
pattern APList,
pattern APNat,
+ pattern APString,
pattern APTup,
pattern APUnit,
pattern APVar,
- pattern APWild,
- pattern APString,
+ pattern APWild,
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh)
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint as C
@@ -57,8 +57,12 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
let jspace = foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
when (not . null $ inhab) $ do
- embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: In function \"" ++ show name ++ "\", you haven't matched against:"
- embed $ mapM_ (putStrLn . jspace . map prettyInhab) inhab
+ let patLine ipats = do
+ let ipatArgs = jspace (map prettyInhab ipats)
+ putStrLn $ show name ++ " " ++ ipatArgs ++ "= ..."
+ embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: You haven't matched against:"
+ embed $ forM_ inhab patLine
when (not . null $ redundant) $ do
embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: In function \"" ++ show name ++ "\", these clause numbers (1-indexed) are redundant:"
@@ -153,11 +157,7 @@ data GuardConstraint where
GWasOriginally :: TI.TypedVar -> GuardConstraint
deriving (Show, Eq)
-data Literal where
- T :: Literal
- F :: Literal
- LitCond :: (TI.TypedVar, LitCond) -> Literal
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
+newtype Literal = Literal (TI.TypedVar, LitCond)
data LitCond where
LitMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TI.TypedVar] -> LitCond
@@ -178,12 +178,12 @@ ua nrefs gdt = case gdt of
(n2, u2) <- ua n1 t2
return (n2, ABranch u1 u2)
Guarded (y, GWasOriginally x) t -> do
- n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (y, LitWasOriginally x)
+ n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ Literal (y, LitWasOriginally x)
ua n t
Guarded (x, (GMatch dc args)) t -> do
- n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, LitMatch dc args)
+ n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ Literal (x, LitMatch dc args)
(n', u) <- ua n t
- n'' <- addLitMulti nrefs $ LitCond (x, LitNot dc)
+ n'' <- addLitMulti nrefs $ Literal (x, LitNot dc)
return (n'' ++ n', u)
addLitMulti :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> Literal -> Sem r [C.NormRefType]
@@ -197,16 +197,13 @@ addLitMulti (n : ns) lit = do
return $ (ctx, cfs) : ns'
addLiteral :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => C.NormRefType -> Literal -> MaybeT (Sem r) C.NormRefType
-addLiteral (context, constraints) flit = case flit of
- F -> MaybeT $ pure Nothing
- T -> return (context, constraints)
- LitCond (x, c) -> case c of
- LitWasOriginally z ->
- (context `C.addVars` [x], constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CWasOriginally z)
- LitMatch dc args ->
- (context `C.addVars` args, constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CMatch dc args)
- LitNot dc ->
- (context, constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CNot dc)
+addLiteral (context, constraints) (Literal (x, c)) = case c of
+ LitWasOriginally z ->
+ (context `C.addVars` [x], constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CWasOriginally z)
+ LitMatch dc args ->
+ (context `C.addVars` args, constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CMatch dc args)
+ LitNot dc ->
+ (context, constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CNot dc)
data InhabPat where
IPIs :: TI.DataCon -> [InhabPat] -> InhabPat
@@ -224,7 +221,7 @@ joinSpace = foldr1 (join " ")
-- TODO(colin): maybe fully print out tuples even if they have wildcars in the middle?
-- e.g. (1,_,_) instead of just (1,_)
--- Also, the display for matches against strings is really weird,
+-- Also, the display for matches against strings is really weird,
-- as strings are lists of chars.
-- Maybe for strings, we just list the top 3 uncovered patterns
-- consiting of only postive information, sorted by length?
From f2dd4791a69bb4f0a52dfeb88cbda7caf79ac3ba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024 12:36:44 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 10/44] sum types now work!
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 23 +++++++++++++++++++----
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 11 +++++++++--
2 files changed, 28 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 1de955ed..0a7ff5f9 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -3,17 +3,19 @@
module Disco.Exhaustiveness where
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, when, zipWithM)
-import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT (MaybeT), runMaybeT)
+import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+import Disco.AST.Generic (Side (..))
import Disco.AST.Typed
( APattern,
pattern APBool,
pattern APChar,
pattern APCons,
+ pattern APInj,
pattern APList,
pattern APNat,
pattern APString,
@@ -93,7 +95,6 @@ desugarTuplePats (pfst : rest) = APTup (Ty.getType pfst Ty.:*: Ty.getType psnd)
TODO(colin): handle remaining patterns
- , APInj --what is this?
, APNeg --required for integers / rationals?
, APFrac --required for rationals?
algebraic (probably will be replaced anyway):
@@ -141,7 +142,15 @@ desugarMatch var pat = do
(APUnit) -> return [(var, GMatch TI.unit [])]
(APBool b) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.bool b) [])]
(APChar c) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.char c) [])]
- -- TODO(colin): consider the rest of the patterns
+ (APInj (tl Ty.:+: tr) side subPat) -> do
+ let dc = case side of
+ L -> TI.left tl
+ R -> TI.right tr
+ newVar <- case side of
+ L -> TI.newVar tl
+ R -> TI.newVar tr
+ guards <- desugarMatch newVar subPat
+ return $ [(var, GMatch dc [newVar])] ++ guards
e -> return []
data Gdt where
@@ -232,6 +241,10 @@ prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KPair, TI.dcTypes = _} [ifst, isnd
"(" ++ prettyInhab ifst ++ ", " ++ prettyInhab isnd ++ ")"
prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KCons, TI.dcTypes = _} [ihead, itail]) =
"(" ++ prettyInhab ihead ++ " :: " ++ prettyInhab itail ++ ")"
+prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KLeft, TI.dcTypes = _} [l]) =
+ "left(" ++ prettyInhab l ++ ")"
+prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KRight, TI.dcTypes = _} [r]) =
+ "right(" ++ prettyInhab r ++ ")"
prettyInhab (IPIs dc []) = dcToString dc
prettyInhab (IPIs dc args) = dcToString dc ++ " " ++ joinSpace (map prettyInhab args)
@@ -244,10 +257,12 @@ dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} = case ident of
TI.KUnit -> "unit"
-- TODO(colin): find a way to remove these? These two shouldn't be reachable
-- If we were in an IPIs, we already handled these above
- -- If we were in an IPNot, these aren't fromo opaque types,
+ -- If we were in an IPNot, these aren't from opaque types,
-- so they shouldn't appear in a Not{}
TI.KPair -> ","
TI.KCons -> "::"
+ TI.KLeft -> "left()"
+ TI.KRight -> "right()"
-- Sanity check: are we giving the dataconstructor the
-- correct number of arguments?
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index a2b7b3f8..462158a2 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -32,6 +32,8 @@ data Ident where
KCons :: Ident
KNil :: Ident
KChar :: Char -> Ident
+ KLeft :: Ident
+ KRight :: Ident
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
unit :: DataCon
@@ -55,6 +57,12 @@ nil = DataCon {dcIdent = KNil, dcTypes = []}
pair :: Ty.Type -> Ty.Type -> DataCon
pair a b = DataCon {dcIdent = KPair, dcTypes = [a, b]}
+left :: Ty.Type -> DataCon
+left tl = DataCon {dcIdent = KLeft, dcTypes = [tl]}
+right :: Ty.Type -> DataCon
+right tr = DataCon {dcIdent = KRight, dcTypes = [tr]}
TODO(colin): Fill out the remaining types here
@@ -66,13 +74,12 @@ Remaining:
, TyGraph
, TyMap
, TyUser
- , (:+:)
, (:->:)
tyDataCons :: Ty.Type -> Maybe [DataCon]
tyDataCons (a Ty.:*: b) = Just [pair a b]
+tyDataCons (l Ty.:+: r) = Just [left l, right r]
tyDataCons t@(Ty.TyList a) = Just [cons a t, nil]
tyDataCons Ty.TyVoid = Just []
tyDataCons Ty.TyUnit = Just [unit]
From 03e051abb08e30dfb96b0857d6715917200acf5d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Sat, 20 Jul 2024 13:52:56 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 11/44] User defined types now work!
src/Disco/Eval.hs | 8 ++--
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 25 ++++++-----
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 24 ++++++-----
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 59 ++++++++++++++------------
4 files changed, 66 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Eval.hs b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
index a40bd5f4..a66aee96 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Eval.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ loadParsedDiscoModule' quiet mode resolver inProcess name cm@(Module _ mns _ _ _
m <- runTCM tyctx tydefns $ checkModule name importMap cm
-- Check for partial functions
- runFresh $ mapM_ checkExhaustive $ (Ctx.elems $ m^.miTermdefs)
+ runFresh $ mapM_ (checkExhaustive tydefns) (Ctx.elems $ m^.miTermdefs)
-- Evaluate all the module definitions and add them to the topEnv.
mapError EvalErr $ loadDefsFrom m
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ loadDef x body = do
v <- inputToState @TopInfo . inputTopEnv $ eval body
modify @TopInfo $ topEnv %~ Ctx.insert x v
-checkExhaustive :: Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r => Defn -> Sem r ()
-checkExhaustive (Defn name argsType _ boundClauses) = do
+checkExhaustive :: Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r => TyDefCtx -> Defn -> Sem r ()
+checkExhaustive tyDefCtx (Defn name argsType _ boundClauses) = do
clauses <- fst <$> mapM unbind boundClauses
- checkClauses name argsType clauses
+ runReader @TyDefCtx tyDefCtx $ checkClauses name argsType clauses
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 0a7ff5f9..f07ee642 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -32,8 +32,9 @@ import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name)
+import Polysemy.Reader
-checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => Name ATerm -> [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
+checkClauses :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx, Embed IO] r => Name ATerm -> [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
checkClauses name types pats = do
args <- TI.newVars types
cl <- zipWithM (desugarClause args) [1 ..] (NonEmpty.toList pats)
@@ -179,7 +180,7 @@ data Ant where
ABranch :: Ant -> Ant -> Ant
deriving (Show)
-ua :: (Member Fresh r) => [C.NormRefType] -> Gdt -> Sem r ([C.NormRefType], Ant)
+ua :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => [C.NormRefType] -> Gdt -> Sem r ([C.NormRefType], Ant)
ua nrefs gdt = case gdt of
Grhs k -> return ([], AGrhs nrefs k)
Branch t1 t2 -> do
@@ -195,7 +196,7 @@ ua nrefs gdt = case gdt of
n'' <- addLitMulti nrefs $ Literal (x, LitNot dc)
return (n'' ++ n', u)
-addLitMulti :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> Literal -> Sem r [C.NormRefType]
+addLitMulti :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => [C.NormRefType] -> Literal -> Sem r [C.NormRefType]
addLitMulti [] _ = return []
addLitMulti (n : ns) lit = do
r <- runMaybeT $ addLiteral n lit
@@ -205,7 +206,7 @@ addLitMulti (n : ns) lit = do
ns' <- addLitMulti ns lit
return $ (ctx, cfs) : ns'
-addLiteral :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => C.NormRefType -> Literal -> MaybeT (Sem r) C.NormRefType
+addLiteral :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => C.NormRefType -> Literal -> MaybeT (Sem r) C.NormRefType
addLiteral (context, constraints) (Literal (x, c)) = case c of
LitWasOriginally z ->
(context `C.addVars` [x], constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CWasOriginally z)
@@ -234,6 +235,9 @@ joinSpace = foldr1 (join " ")
-- as strings are lists of chars.
-- Maybe for strings, we just list the top 3 uncovered patterns
-- consiting of only postive information, sorted by length?
+-- Also, how should we print out sum types?
+-- We can do right(thing) or (right thing), or (right(thing))
+-- Which should we chose?
prettyInhab :: InhabPat -> String
prettyInhab (IPNot []) = "_"
prettyInhab (IPNot nots) = "Not{" ++ joinComma (map dcToString nots) ++ "}"
@@ -272,17 +276,17 @@ mkIPMatch k pats =
then error $ "Wrong number of DataCon args" ++ show (k, pats)
else IPIs k pats
-findInhabitants :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [InhabPat])
+findInhabitants :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => [C.NormRefType] -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [InhabPat])
findInhabitants nrefs args = do
a <- forM nrefs (`findAllForNref` args)
return $ Poss.anyOf a
-findAllForNref :: (Member Fresh r) => C.NormRefType -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [InhabPat])
+findAllForNref :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => C.NormRefType -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [InhabPat])
findAllForNref nref args = do
argPats <- forM args (`findVarInhabitants` nref)
return $ Poss.allCombinations argPats
-findVarInhabitants :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => TI.TypedVar -> C.NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
+findVarInhabitants :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => TI.TypedVar -> C.NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
case posMatch of
Just (k, args) -> do
@@ -290,8 +294,9 @@ findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
return (mkIPMatch k <$> argPossibilities)
Nothing -> case nub negMatches of
[] -> Poss.retSingle $ IPNot []
- neg ->
- case TI.tyDataCons . TI.getType $ var of
+ neg -> do
+ tyCtx <- ask @Ty.TyDefCtx
+ case TI.tyDataCons (TI.getType var) tyCtx of
Nothing -> Poss.retSingle $ IPNot neg
Just dcs ->
@@ -313,7 +318,7 @@ findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
posMatch = C.posMatch constraintsOnX
negMatches = C.negMatches constraintsOnX
-findRedundant :: (Member Fresh r) => Ant -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r [Int]
+findRedundant :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => Ant -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r [Int]
findRedundant ant args = case ant of
AGrhs ref i -> do
uninhabited <- Poss.none <$> findInhabitants ref args
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index 646c97d6..a1ced538 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
module Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
-import Control.Monad (foldM, guard, replicateM)
+import Control.Monad (foldM, guard)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
import Data.List (partition)
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import Data.Maybe (isJust, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh)
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
import Polysemy
+import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
+import Polysemy.Reader
newtype Context = Context {getCtxVars :: [TI.TypedVar]}
deriving (Show, Eq)
@@ -47,15 +49,15 @@ onVar x cs = alistLookup (lookupVar x cs) cs
type NormRefType = (Context, [ConstraintFor])
-addConstraints :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> [ConstraintFor] -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
+addConstraints :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> [ConstraintFor] -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
addConstraints = foldM addConstraint
-addConstraint :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> ConstraintFor -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
+addConstraint :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> ConstraintFor -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
addConstraint nref@(_, cns) (x, c) = do
breakIf $ any (conflictsWith c) (onVar x cns)
addConstraintHelper nref (lookupVar x cns, c)
-addConstraintHelper :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> ConstraintFor -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
+addConstraintHelper :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> ConstraintFor -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
addConstraintHelper nref@(ctx, cns) cf@(origX, c) = case c of
--- Equation (10)
CMatch k args -> do
@@ -126,17 +128,19 @@ substituteVarIDs y x = map (\(var, c) -> (subst var, c))
-- This function tests if this is true
-- NOTE(colin): we may eventually have type constraints
-- and we would need to worry pulling them from nref here
-inhabited :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> Sem r Bool
-inhabited n var = case TI.tyDataCons . TI.getType $ var of
- Nothing -> return True -- assume opaque types are inhabited
- Just constructors -> do
- or <$> mapM (instantiate n var) constructors
+inhabited :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> Sem r Bool
+inhabited n var = do
+ tyCtx <- ask @Ty.TyDefCtx
+ case TI.tyDataCons (TI.getType var) tyCtx of
+ Nothing -> return True -- assume opaque types are inhabited
+ Just constructors -> do
+ or <$> mapM (instantiate n var) constructors
-- Attempts to "instantiate" a match of the dataconstructor k on x
-- If we can add the MatchDataCon constraint to the normalized refinement
-- type without contradiction (a Nothing value),
-- then x is inhabited by k and we return true
-instantiate :: (Members '[Fresh] r) => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> TI.DataCon -> Sem r Bool
+instantiate :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> TI.DataCon -> Sem r Bool
instantiate (ctx, cns) var k = do
args <- TI.newVars $ TI.dcTypes k
let attempt = (ctx `addVars` args, cns) `addConstraint` (var, CMatch k args)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 462158a2..1fd098dc 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo where
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
+import qualified Data.Map as M
import Disco.AST.Typed (ATerm)
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh, fresh)
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
@@ -63,32 +64,38 @@ left tl = DataCon {dcIdent = KLeft, dcTypes = [tl]}
right :: Ty.Type -> DataCon
right tr = DataCon {dcIdent = KRight, dcTypes = [tr]}
-TODO(colin): Fill out the remaining types here
- TyVar
- , TySkolem
- , TyProp
- , TyBag
- , TySet
- , TyGraph
- , TyMap
- , TyUser
- , (:->:)
-tyDataCons :: Ty.Type -> Maybe [DataCon]
-tyDataCons (a Ty.:*: b) = Just [pair a b]
-tyDataCons (l Ty.:+: r) = Just [left l, right r]
-tyDataCons t@(Ty.TyList a) = Just [cons a t, nil]
-tyDataCons Ty.TyVoid = Just []
-tyDataCons Ty.TyUnit = Just [unit]
-tyDataCons Ty.TyBool = Just [bool True, bool False]
-tyDataCons Ty.TyN = Nothing
-tyDataCons Ty.TyZ = Nothing
-tyDataCons Ty.TyF = Nothing
-tyDataCons Ty.TyQ = Nothing
-tyDataCons Ty.TyC = Nothing
+-- TODO(colin): ask yorgey, make sure I've done this correctly
+-- If I have, and this is enough, I can remove all mentions
+-- of type equality constraints in Constraint.hs,
+-- the lookup here will have handled that behavoir already
+tyDataCons :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> Maybe [DataCon]
+tyDataCons (Ty.TyUser name args) ctx = case M.lookup name ctx of
+ Nothing -> error $ "Type definition not found for: " ++ show name
+ Just (Ty.TyDefBody _argNames typeCon) -> tyDataCons (typeCon args) ctx
+tyDataCons (a Ty.:*: b) _ = Just [pair a b]
+tyDataCons (l Ty.:+: r) _ = Just [left l, right r]
+tyDataCons t@(Ty.TyList a) _ = Just [cons a t, nil]
+tyDataCons Ty.TyVoid _ = Just []
+tyDataCons Ty.TyUnit _ = Just [unit]
+tyDataCons Ty.TyBool _ = Just [bool True, bool False]
+tyDataCons Ty.TyN _ = Nothing
+tyDataCons Ty.TyZ _ = Nothing
+tyDataCons Ty.TyF _ = Nothing
+tyDataCons Ty.TyQ _ = Nothing
+tyDataCons Ty.TyC _ = Nothing
+tyDataCons (_ Ty.:->: _) _ = error "Functions not allowed in patterns."
+tyDataCons (Ty.TySet _) _ = error "Sets not allowed in patterns."
+tyDataCons (Ty.TyBag _) _ = error "Bags not allowed in patterns."
+-- I'm unsure about these two.
+-- They may come up when doing generic stuff,
+-- I haven't ecnountered them so far
+-- TODO(colin): ask Yorgey about this
+tyDataCons (Ty.TyVar _) _ = error "Encountered type var in pattern"
+tyDataCons (Ty.TySkolem _) _ = error "Encountered skolem in pattern"
+-- Unsure about these as well
+tyDataCons (Ty.TyProp) _ = error "Propositions not allowed in patterns."
+tyDataCons (Ty.TyMap _ _) _ = error "Maps not allowed in patterns."
+tyDataCons (Ty.TyGraph _) _ = error "Graph not allowed in patterns."
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
newName = fresh $ s2n ""
From cbde20ef59d07950a0aa9bf56c28da9c24a7cda6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 25 Jul 2024 22:02:59 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 12/44] Create differen inhab fn to find 3 positive examples
only, more nuance in tyDataCons
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 141 +++++++++++++++++++------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 4 +-
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 45 ++++----
3 files changed, 139 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index f07ee642..4d262fac 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -30,11 +30,11 @@ import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities as Poss
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
+import Polysemy.Reader
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name)
-import Polysemy.Reader
-checkClauses :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx, Embed IO] r => Name ATerm -> [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
+checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx, Embed IO] r) => Name ATerm -> [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
checkClauses name types pats = do
args <- TI.newVars types
cl <- zipWithM (desugarClause args) [1 ..] (NonEmpty.toList pats)
@@ -43,29 +43,37 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
let argsNref = (C.Context args, [])
(normalizedNrefs, annotated) <- ua [argsNref] gdt
- inhab <- Poss.getPossibilities <$> findInhabitants normalizedNrefs args
+ -- inhab <- Poss.getPossibilities <$> findInhabitants normalizedNrefs args
redundant <- findRedundant annotated args
- when False $ do
- embed $ putStrLn "=====DEBUG=============================="
- embed $ putStrLn "GDT:"
- embed $ pPrint gdt
- embed $ putStrLn "UNCOVERED:"
- embed $ pPrint inhab
- embed $ putStrLn "REDUNDANT:"
- embed $ pPrint redundant
- embed $ putStrLn "=====GUBED=============================="
+ examples <- findPosExamples normalizedNrefs args
- let jspace = foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
+ -- when False $ do
+ -- embed $ putStrLn "=====DEBUG=============================="
+ -- embed $ putStrLn "GDT:"
+ -- embed $ pPrint gdt
+ -- embed $ putStrLn "UNCOVERED:"
+ -- embed $ pPrint inhab
+ -- embed $ putStrLn "REDUNDANT:"
+ -- embed $ pPrint redundant
+ -- embed $ putStrLn "=====GUBED=============================="
- when (not . null $ inhab) $ do
- let patLine ipats = do
- let ipatArgs = jspace (map prettyInhab ipats)
- putStrLn $ show name ++ " " ++ ipatArgs ++ "= ..."
+ let jspace = foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
- embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: You haven't matched against:"
- embed $ forM_ inhab patLine
+ -- when (not . null $ inhab) $ do
+ -- let patLine ipats = do
+ -- let ipatArgs = jspace (map prettyInhab ipats)
+ -- putStrLn $ show name ++ " " ++ ipatArgs ++ "= ..."
+ --
+ -- embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: You haven't matched against:"
+ -- embed $ forM_ inhab patLine
+ when (not . null $ examples) $ do
+ embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: You haven't covered these cases:"
+ let exampleLine exArgs = do
+ let line = jspace (map prettyExample exArgs)
+ putStrLn $ show name ++ " " ++ line ++ "= ..."
+ embed $ forM_ examples exampleLine
when (not . null $ redundant) $ do
embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: In function \"" ++ show name ++ "\", these clause numbers (1-indexed) are redundant:"
@@ -180,7 +188,7 @@ data Ant where
ABranch :: Ant -> Ant -> Ant
deriving (Show)
-ua :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => [C.NormRefType] -> Gdt -> Sem r ([C.NormRefType], Ant)
+ua :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> Gdt -> Sem r ([C.NormRefType], Ant)
ua nrefs gdt = case gdt of
Grhs k -> return ([], AGrhs nrefs k)
Branch t1 t2 -> do
@@ -196,7 +204,7 @@ ua nrefs gdt = case gdt of
n'' <- addLitMulti nrefs $ Literal (x, LitNot dc)
return (n'' ++ n', u)
-addLitMulti :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => [C.NormRefType] -> Literal -> Sem r [C.NormRefType]
+addLitMulti :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> Literal -> Sem r [C.NormRefType]
addLitMulti [] _ = return []
addLitMulti (n : ns) lit = do
r <- runMaybeT $ addLiteral n lit
@@ -206,7 +214,7 @@ addLitMulti (n : ns) lit = do
ns' <- addLitMulti ns lit
return $ (ctx, cfs) : ns'
-addLiteral :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => C.NormRefType -> Literal -> MaybeT (Sem r) C.NormRefType
+addLiteral :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => C.NormRefType -> Literal -> MaybeT (Sem r) C.NormRefType
addLiteral (context, constraints) (Literal (x, c)) = case c of
LitWasOriginally z ->
(context `C.addVars` [x], constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CWasOriginally z)
@@ -246,12 +254,28 @@ prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KPair, TI.dcTypes = _} [ifst, isnd
prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KCons, TI.dcTypes = _} [ihead, itail]) =
"(" ++ prettyInhab ihead ++ " :: " ++ prettyInhab itail ++ ")"
prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KLeft, TI.dcTypes = _} [l]) =
- "left(" ++ prettyInhab l ++ ")"
+ "(left " ++ prettyInhab l ++ ")"
prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KRight, TI.dcTypes = _} [r]) =
- "right(" ++ prettyInhab r ++ ")"
+ "(right " ++ prettyInhab r ++ ")"
prettyInhab (IPIs dc []) = dcToString dc
prettyInhab (IPIs dc args) = dcToString dc ++ " " ++ joinSpace (map prettyInhab args)
+data ExamplePat where
+ ExamplePat :: TI.DataCon -> [ExamplePat] -> ExamplePat
+ deriving (Show)
+prettyExample :: ExamplePat -> String
+prettyExample (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KPair, TI.dcTypes = _} [ifst, isnd]) =
+ "(" ++ prettyExample ifst ++ ", " ++ prettyExample isnd ++ ")"
+prettyExample (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KCons, TI.dcTypes = _} [ihead, itail]) =
+ "(" ++ prettyExample ihead ++ " :: " ++ prettyExample itail ++ ")"
+prettyExample (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KLeft, TI.dcTypes = _} [l]) =
+ "(left " ++ prettyExample l ++ ")"
+prettyExample (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KRight, TI.dcTypes = _} [r]) =
+ "(right " ++ prettyExample r ++ ")"
+prettyExample (ExamplePat dc []) = dcToString dc
+prettyExample (ExamplePat dc args) = dcToString dc ++ " " ++ joinSpace (map prettyExample args)
dcToString :: TI.DataCon -> String
dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} = case ident of
TI.KBool b -> show b
@@ -259,6 +283,7 @@ dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} = case ident of
TI.KNat n -> show n
TI.KNil -> "[]"
TI.KUnit -> "unit"
+ TI.KUnkown -> "_"
-- TODO(colin): find a way to remove these? These two shouldn't be reachable
-- If we were in an IPIs, we already handled these above
-- If we were in an IPNot, these aren't from opaque types,
@@ -276,17 +301,21 @@ mkIPMatch k pats =
then error $ "Wrong number of DataCon args" ++ show (k, pats)
else IPIs k pats
-findInhabitants :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => [C.NormRefType] -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [InhabPat])
+-- No longer used to report to the user like in Haskell
+-- we use findPosExamples instead because we think that will be easier
+-- on a student using disco for the first time
+-- However, this function is still used in redundancy checking
+findInhabitants :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [InhabPat])
findInhabitants nrefs args = do
a <- forM nrefs (`findAllForNref` args)
return $ Poss.anyOf a
-findAllForNref :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => C.NormRefType -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [InhabPat])
+findAllForNref :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => C.NormRefType -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [InhabPat])
findAllForNref nref args = do
argPats <- forM args (`findVarInhabitants` nref)
return $ Poss.allCombinations argPats
-findVarInhabitants :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => TI.TypedVar -> C.NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
+findVarInhabitants :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => TI.TypedVar -> C.NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
case posMatch of
Just (k, args) -> do
@@ -297,8 +326,8 @@ findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
neg -> do
tyCtx <- ask @Ty.TyDefCtx
case TI.tyDataCons (TI.getType var) tyCtx of
- Nothing -> Poss.retSingle $ IPNot neg
- Just dcs ->
+ TI.Infinite _ -> Poss.retSingle $ IPNot neg
+ TI.Finite dcs ->
let tryAddDc dc = do
vars <- TI.newVars (TI.dcTypes dc)
@@ -318,9 +347,59 @@ findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
posMatch = C.posMatch constraintsOnX
negMatches = C.negMatches constraintsOnX
-findRedundant :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => Ant -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r [Int]
+findRedundant :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => Ant -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r [Int]
findRedundant ant args = case ant of
AGrhs ref i -> do
uninhabited <- Poss.none <$> findInhabitants ref args
return [i | uninhabited]
ABranch a1 a2 -> mappend <$> findRedundant a1 args <*> findRedundant a2 args
+-- Less general version of the above inhabitant finding function
+-- returns a maximum of 3 possible args lists that haven't been matched against,
+-- as to not overwhelm new users of the language.
+findPosExamples :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r [[ExamplePat]]
+findPosExamples nrefs args = do
+ a <- forM nrefs (`findAllPosForNref` args)
+ return $ take 3 $ Poss.getPossibilities $ Poss.anyOf a
+findAllPosForNref :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => C.NormRefType -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [ExamplePat])
+findAllPosForNref nref args = do
+ argPats <- forM args (`findVarPosExamples` nref)
+ return $ Poss.allCombinations argPats
+findVarPosExamples :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => TI.TypedVar -> C.NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities ExamplePat)
+findVarPosExamples var nref@(_, cns) =
+ case posMatch of
+ Just (k, args) -> do
+ argPossibilities <- findAllPosForNref nref args
+ return (mkExampleMatch k <$> argPossibilities)
+ Nothing -> do
+ tyCtx <- ask @Ty.TyDefCtx
+ let dcs = getPosFrom (TI.getType var) tyCtx negMatches
+ let tryAddDc dc = do
+ vars <- TI.newVars (TI.dcTypes dc)
+ runMaybeT (nref `C.addConstraint` (var, C.CMatch dc vars))
+ -- Try to add a positive constraint for each data constructor
+ -- to the current nref
+ -- If any of these additions succeed, save that nref,
+ -- it now has positive information
+ posNrefs <- catMaybes <$> forM dcs tryAddDc
+ Poss.anyOf <$> forM posNrefs (findVarPosExamples var)
+ where
+ constraintsOnX = C.onVar var cns
+ posMatch = C.posMatch constraintsOnX
+ negMatches = C.negMatches constraintsOnX
+getPosFrom :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> [TI.DataCon] -> [TI.DataCon]
+getPosFrom ty ctx neg = take 3 $ filter (\x -> not (x `elem` neg)) dcs
+ where
+ dcs = case TI.tyDataCons ty ctx of
+ TI.Finite dcs' -> dcs'
+ TI.Infinite dcs' -> dcs'
+mkExampleMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [ExamplePat] -> ExamplePat
+mkExampleMatch k pats =
+ if length (TI.dcTypes k) /= length pats
+ then error $ "Wrong number of DataCon args" ++ show (k, pats)
+ else ExamplePat k pats
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index a1ced538..95187964 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -132,8 +132,8 @@ inhabited :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVa
inhabited n var = do
tyCtx <- ask @Ty.TyDefCtx
case TI.tyDataCons (TI.getType var) tyCtx of
- Nothing -> return True -- assume opaque types are inhabited
- Just constructors -> do
+ TI.Infinite _ -> return True -- assume opaque types are inhabited
+ TI.Finite constructors -> do
or <$> mapM (instantiate n var) constructors
-- Attempts to "instantiate" a match of the dataconstructor k on x
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 1fd098dc..c7693944 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -35,8 +35,16 @@ data Ident where
KChar :: Char -> Ident
KLeft :: Ident
KRight :: Ident
+ KUnkown :: Ident
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+data Constructors where
+ Finite :: [DataCon] -> Constructors
+ Infinite :: [DataCon] -> Constructors
+unknown :: DataCon
+unknown = DataCon {dcIdent = KUnkown, dcTypes = []}
unit :: DataCon
unit = DataCon {dcIdent = KUnit, dcTypes = []}
@@ -68,31 +76,32 @@ right tr = DataCon {dcIdent = KRight, dcTypes = [tr]}
-- If I have, and this is enough, I can remove all mentions
-- of type equality constraints in Constraint.hs,
-- the lookup here will have handled that behavoir already
-tyDataCons :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> Maybe [DataCon]
+tyDataCons :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> Constructors
tyDataCons (Ty.TyUser name args) ctx = case M.lookup name ctx of
Nothing -> error $ "Type definition not found for: " ++ show name
Just (Ty.TyDefBody _argNames typeCon) -> tyDataCons (typeCon args) ctx
-tyDataCons (a Ty.:*: b) _ = Just [pair a b]
-tyDataCons (l Ty.:+: r) _ = Just [left l, right r]
-tyDataCons t@(Ty.TyList a) _ = Just [cons a t, nil]
-tyDataCons Ty.TyVoid _ = Just []
-tyDataCons Ty.TyUnit _ = Just [unit]
-tyDataCons Ty.TyBool _ = Just [bool True, bool False]
-tyDataCons Ty.TyN _ = Nothing
-tyDataCons Ty.TyZ _ = Nothing
-tyDataCons Ty.TyF _ = Nothing
-tyDataCons Ty.TyQ _ = Nothing
-tyDataCons Ty.TyC _ = Nothing
+tyDataCons (a Ty.:*: b) _ = Finite [pair a b]
+tyDataCons (l Ty.:+: r) _ = Finite [left l, right r]
+tyDataCons t@(Ty.TyList a) _ = Finite [cons a t, nil]
+tyDataCons Ty.TyVoid _ = Finite []
+tyDataCons Ty.TyUnit _ = Finite [unit]
+tyDataCons Ty.TyBool _ = Finite [bool True, bool False]
+tyDataCons Ty.TyN _ = Infinite $ map natural [0,1..]
+tyDataCons Ty.TyZ _ = Infinite [] -- TODO(colin): IMPORTANT! fill these in!
+tyDataCons Ty.TyF _ = Infinite []
+tyDataCons Ty.TyQ _ = Infinite []
+tyDataCons Ty.TyC _ = Infinite []
tyDataCons (_ Ty.:->: _) _ = error "Functions not allowed in patterns."
tyDataCons (Ty.TySet _) _ = error "Sets not allowed in patterns."
tyDataCons (Ty.TyBag _) _ = error "Bags not allowed in patterns."
--- I'm unsure about these two.
--- They may come up when doing generic stuff,
--- I haven't ecnountered them so far
--- TODO(colin): ask Yorgey about this
-tyDataCons (Ty.TyVar _) _ = error "Encountered type var in pattern"
+-- This caused a problem in findPosExamples,
+-- we were trying to list of the constructors of an unknown type
+-- Here we return an Infinite to prevent the lyg algorithm
+-- from thinking a complete list of constructors exists,
+-- and pretty print this as "_" when displaying the result of findPosExamples
+tyDataCons (Ty.TyVar _) _ = Infinite [unknown]
+-- Unsure about these...
tyDataCons (Ty.TySkolem _) _ = error "Encountered skolem in pattern"
--- Unsure about these as well
tyDataCons (Ty.TyProp) _ = error "Propositions not allowed in patterns."
tyDataCons (Ty.TyMap _ _) _ = error "Maps not allowed in patterns."
tyDataCons (Ty.TyGraph _) _ = error "Graph not allowed in patterns."
From d7bc449d16a684dc3e0a59ec33f725ffc5e54260 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Wed, 31 Jul 2024 18:43:10 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 13/44] use Output Messages / limit depth of example-finding to
stop infinite loops in list examples
src/Disco/Eval.hs | 2 +-
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 83 +++++++++++++++++-----------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 11 +++-
3 files changed, 61 insertions(+), 35 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Eval.hs b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
index a66aee96..834679e0 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Eval.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
@@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ loadDef x body = do
v <- inputToState @TopInfo . inputTopEnv $ eval body
modify @TopInfo $ topEnv %~ Ctx.insert x v
-checkExhaustive :: Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r => TyDefCtx -> Defn -> Sem r ()
+checkExhaustive :: Members '[Fresh, Output (Message ann), Embed IO] r => TyDefCtx -> Defn -> Sem r ()
checkExhaustive tyDefCtx (Defn name argsType _ boundClauses) = do
clauses <- fst <$> mapM unbind boundClauses
runReader @TyDefCtx tyDefCtx $ checkClauses name argsType clauses
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 4d262fac..fd5cae6b 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -28,13 +28,16 @@ import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh)
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint as C
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities as Poss
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
+import Disco.Messages
+import qualified Disco.Pretty.DSL as DSL
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
+import Polysemy.Output
import Polysemy.Reader
import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name)
-checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx, Embed IO] r) => Name ATerm -> [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
+checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx, Output (Message ann), Embed IO] r) => Name ATerm -> [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
checkClauses name types pats = do
args <- TI.newVars types
cl <- zipWithM (desugarClause args) [1 ..] (NonEmpty.toList pats)
@@ -58,8 +61,6 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
-- embed $ pPrint redundant
-- embed $ putStrLn "=====GUBED=============================="
- let jspace = foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
-- when (not . null $ inhab) $ do
-- let patLine ipats = do
-- let ipatArgs = jspace (map prettyInhab ipats)
@@ -69,11 +70,25 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
-- embed $ forM_ inhab patLine
when (not . null $ examples) $ do
- embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: You haven't covered these cases:"
- let exampleLine exArgs = do
- let line = jspace (map prettyExample exArgs)
- putStrLn $ show name ++ " " ++ line ++ "= ..."
- embed $ forM_ examples exampleLine
+ -- let jspace = foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
+ -- embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: You haven't covered these cases:"
+ -- let exampleLine exArgs = do
+ -- let line = jspace (map prettyExample exArgs)
+ -- putStrLn $ show name ++ " " ++ line ++ "= ..."
+ -- embed $ forM_ examples exampleLine
+ let prettyExampleArgs exArgs =
+ DSL.hsep $ map (DSL.text . prettyExample) exArgs
+ let prettyExampleLine prettyArgs =
+ DSL.text (show name) DSL.<+> prettyArgs DSL.<+> DSL.text "= ..."
+ let prettyExamples =
+ DSL.vcat $ map (prettyExampleLine . prettyExampleArgs) examples
+ warn $
+ DSL.text "Warning: You haven't covered these cases:"
+ DSL.$+$ prettyExamples
when (not . null $ redundant) $ do
embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: In function \"" ++ show name ++ "\", these clause numbers (1-indexed) are redundant:"
@@ -357,35 +372,41 @@ findRedundant ant args = case ant of
-- Less general version of the above inhabitant finding function
-- returns a maximum of 3 possible args lists that haven't been matched against,
-- as to not overwhelm new users of the language.
+-- This is essentially a DFS, and it has a bad habbit of
+-- trying to build infinite lists whenever it can, so we give it a max depth of 32
+-- If we reach 32 levels of nested dataconstructors in this language,
+-- it is pretty safe to assume we were chasing after an infinite structure
findPosExamples :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r [[ExamplePat]]
findPosExamples nrefs args = do
- a <- forM nrefs (`findAllPosForNref` args)
+ a <- forM nrefs (\nref -> findAllPosForNref 32 nref args)
return $ take 3 $ Poss.getPossibilities $ Poss.anyOf a
-findAllPosForNref :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => C.NormRefType -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [ExamplePat])
-findAllPosForNref nref args = do
- argPats <- forM args (`findVarPosExamples` nref)
+findAllPosForNref :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => Int -> C.NormRefType -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [ExamplePat])
+findAllPosForNref fuel nref args = do
+ argPats <- forM args (\arg -> findVarPosExamples (fuel - 1) arg nref)
return $ Poss.allCombinations argPats
-findVarPosExamples :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => TI.TypedVar -> C.NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities ExamplePat)
-findVarPosExamples var nref@(_, cns) =
- case posMatch of
- Just (k, args) -> do
- argPossibilities <- findAllPosForNref nref args
- return (mkExampleMatch k <$> argPossibilities)
- Nothing -> do
- tyCtx <- ask @Ty.TyDefCtx
- let dcs = getPosFrom (TI.getType var) tyCtx negMatches
- let tryAddDc dc = do
- vars <- TI.newVars (TI.dcTypes dc)
- runMaybeT (nref `C.addConstraint` (var, C.CMatch dc vars))
- -- Try to add a positive constraint for each data constructor
- -- to the current nref
- -- If any of these additions succeed, save that nref,
- -- it now has positive information
- posNrefs <- catMaybes <$> forM dcs tryAddDc
- Poss.anyOf <$> forM posNrefs (findVarPosExamples var)
+findVarPosExamples :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => Int -> TI.TypedVar -> C.NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities ExamplePat)
+findVarPosExamples fuel var nref@(_, cns) =
+ if fuel < 0
+ then return mempty
+ else case posMatch of
+ Just (k, args) -> do
+ argPossibilities <- findAllPosForNref (fuel - 1) nref args
+ return (mkExampleMatch k <$> argPossibilities)
+ Nothing -> do
+ tyCtx <- ask @Ty.TyDefCtx
+ let dcs = getPosFrom (TI.getType var) tyCtx negMatches
+ let tryAddDc dc = do
+ vars <- TI.newVars (TI.dcTypes dc)
+ runMaybeT (nref `C.addConstraint` (var, C.CMatch dc vars))
+ -- Try to add a positive constraint for each data constructor
+ -- to the current nref
+ -- If any of these additions succeed, save that nref,
+ -- it now has positive information
+ posNrefs <- catMaybes <$> forM dcs tryAddDc
+ Poss.anyOf <$> forM posNrefs (findVarPosExamples (fuel - 1) var)
constraintsOnX = C.onVar var cns
posMatch = C.posMatch constraintsOnX
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index c7693944..78749dc0 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -82,15 +82,20 @@ tyDataCons (Ty.TyUser name args) ctx = case M.lookup name ctx of
Just (Ty.TyDefBody _argNames typeCon) -> tyDataCons (typeCon args) ctx
tyDataCons (a Ty.:*: b) _ = Finite [pair a b]
tyDataCons (l Ty.:+: r) _ = Finite [left l, right r]
-tyDataCons t@(Ty.TyList a) _ = Finite [cons a t, nil]
+tyDataCons t@(Ty.TyList a) _ = Finite [nil, cons a t]
tyDataCons Ty.TyVoid _ = Finite []
tyDataCons Ty.TyUnit _ = Finite [unit]
tyDataCons Ty.TyBool _ = Finite [bool True, bool False]
-tyDataCons Ty.TyN _ = Infinite $ map natural [0,1..]
+tyDataCons Ty.TyN _ = Infinite $ map natural [0, 1 ..]
tyDataCons Ty.TyZ _ = Infinite [] -- TODO(colin): IMPORTANT! fill these in!
tyDataCons Ty.TyF _ = Infinite []
tyDataCons Ty.TyQ _ = Infinite []
-tyDataCons Ty.TyC _ = Infinite []
+-- We could do all valid ASCII, but this is most likely good enough
+-- I think these starting from 'a' is good for students learning the language
+tyDataCons Ty.TyC _ =
+ Infinite $
+ map char $
+ ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']
tyDataCons (_ Ty.:->: _) _ = error "Functions not allowed in patterns."
tyDataCons (Ty.TySet _) _ = error "Sets not allowed in patterns."
tyDataCons (Ty.TyBag _) _ = error "Bags not allowed in patterns."
From 4e6c24da347315e2d39978c00346f691d30df63f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 22:02:01 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 14/44] Fix bug, now we get the Tydefs from the correct
src/Disco/Eval.hs | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Eval.hs b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
index 834679e0..a0c8c654 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Eval.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
@@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ loadParsedDiscoModule' quiet mode resolver inProcess name cm@(Module _ mns _ _ _
m <- runTCM tyctx tydefns $ checkModule name importMap cm
-- Check for partial functions
- runFresh $ mapM_ (checkExhaustive tydefns) (Ctx.elems $ m^.miTermdefs)
+ runFresh $ mapM_ (checkExhaustive $ m^.miTydefs) (Ctx.elems $ m^.miTermdefs)
-- Evaluate all the module definitions and add them to the topEnv.
mapError EvalErr $ loadDefsFrom m
From d2915633ca35239011985f9cfbaaec8bacf0a8ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 22:16:22 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 15/44] Fix bug cause by previous fix, now we merge both repl
and module tydefs
src/Disco/Eval.hs | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Eval.hs b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
index a0c8c654..758041be 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Eval.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
@@ -387,7 +387,8 @@ loadParsedDiscoModule' quiet mode resolver inProcess name cm@(Module _ mns _ _ _
m <- runTCM tyctx tydefns $ checkModule name importMap cm
-- Check for partial functions
- runFresh $ mapM_ (checkExhaustive $ m^.miTydefs) (Ctx.elems $ m^.miTermdefs)
+ let allTyDefs = M.unionWith const tydefns (m^.miTydefs)
+ runFresh $ mapM_ (checkExhaustive allTyDefs) (Ctx.elems $ m^.miTermdefs)
-- Evaluate all the module definitions and add them to the topEnv.
mapError EvalErr $ loadDefsFrom m
From 6ac776cd49423443176aa2708a6bec313bce8f9b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Wed, 14 Aug 2024 23:53:02 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 16/44] mid refactor - all tests pass!
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 14 +++----
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 61 ++++++++++++++++------------
2 files changed, 43 insertions(+), 32 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index fd5cae6b..4516c361 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -50,17 +50,17 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
redundant <- findRedundant annotated args
examples <- findPosExamples normalizedNrefs args
- -- when False $ do
+ --
+ -- when True $ do
-- embed $ putStrLn "=====DEBUG=============================="
-- embed $ putStrLn "GDT:"
-- embed $ pPrint gdt
-- embed $ putStrLn "UNCOVERED:"
- -- embed $ pPrint inhab
+ -- embed $ pPrint normalizedNrefs
-- embed $ putStrLn "REDUNDANT:"
-- embed $ pPrint redundant
-- embed $ putStrLn "=====GUBED=============================="
+ --
-- when (not . null $ inhab) $ do
-- let patLine ipats = do
-- let ipatArgs = jspace (map prettyInhab ipats)
@@ -90,9 +90,9 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
DSL.text "Warning: You haven't covered these cases:"
DSL.$+$ prettyExamples
- when (not . null $ redundant) $ do
- embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: In function \"" ++ show name ++ "\", these clause numbers (1-indexed) are redundant:"
- embed $ putStrLn $ show redundant
+ -- when (not . null $ redundant) $ do
+ -- embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: In function \"" ++ show name ++ "\", these clause numbers (1-indexed) are redundant:"
+ -- embed $ putStrLn $ show redundant
return ()
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 78749dc0..b161e0de 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
module Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo where
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
+import Data.Function (on)
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Disco.AST.Typed (ATerm)
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh, fresh)
@@ -23,7 +24,10 @@ data DataCon = DataCon
{ dcIdent :: Ident,
dcTypes :: [Ty.Type]
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+ deriving (Ord, Show)
+instance Eq DataCon where
+ (==) = (==) `on` dcIdent
data Ident where
KUnit :: Ident
@@ -72,44 +76,51 @@ left tl = DataCon {dcIdent = KLeft, dcTypes = [tl]}
right :: Ty.Type -> DataCon
right tr = DataCon {dcIdent = KRight, dcTypes = [tr]}
+tyDataCons :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> Constructors
+tyDataCons ty ctx = tyDataConsHelper $ resolveAlias ty ctx
+resolveAlias :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> Ty.Type
+resolveAlias (Ty.TyUser name args) ctx = case M.lookup name ctx of
+ Nothing -> error $ show ctx ++ "\nType definition not found for: " ++ show name
+ Just (Ty.TyDefBody _argNames typeCon) -> resolveAlias (typeCon args) ctx
+resolveAlias t _ = t
-- TODO(colin): ask yorgey, make sure I've done this correctly
-- If I have, and this is enough, I can remove all mentions
-- of type equality constraints in Constraint.hs,
-- the lookup here will have handled that behavoir already
-tyDataCons :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> Constructors
-tyDataCons (Ty.TyUser name args) ctx = case M.lookup name ctx of
- Nothing -> error $ "Type definition not found for: " ++ show name
- Just (Ty.TyDefBody _argNames typeCon) -> tyDataCons (typeCon args) ctx
-tyDataCons (a Ty.:*: b) _ = Finite [pair a b]
-tyDataCons (l Ty.:+: r) _ = Finite [left l, right r]
-tyDataCons t@(Ty.TyList a) _ = Finite [nil, cons a t]
-tyDataCons Ty.TyVoid _ = Finite []
-tyDataCons Ty.TyUnit _ = Finite [unit]
-tyDataCons Ty.TyBool _ = Finite [bool True, bool False]
-tyDataCons Ty.TyN _ = Infinite $ map natural [0, 1 ..]
-tyDataCons Ty.TyZ _ = Infinite [] -- TODO(colin): IMPORTANT! fill these in!
-tyDataCons Ty.TyF _ = Infinite []
-tyDataCons Ty.TyQ _ = Infinite []
+tyDataConsHelper :: Ty.Type -> Constructors
+tyDataConsHelper (a Ty.:*: b) = Finite [pair a b]
+tyDataConsHelper (l Ty.:+: r) = Finite [left l, right r]
+tyDataConsHelper t@(Ty.TyList a) = Finite [nil, cons a t]
+tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyVoid = Finite []
+tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyUnit = Finite [unit]
+tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyBool = Finite [bool True, bool False]
+tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyN = Infinite $ map natural [0, 1 ..]
+tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyZ = Infinite [] -- TODO(colin): IMPORTANT! fill these in!
+tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyF = Infinite []
+tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyQ = Infinite []
-- We could do all valid ASCII, but this is most likely good enough
-- I think these starting from 'a' is good for students learning the language
-tyDataCons Ty.TyC _ =
+tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyC =
Infinite $
map char $
['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']
-tyDataCons (_ Ty.:->: _) _ = error "Functions not allowed in patterns."
-tyDataCons (Ty.TySet _) _ = error "Sets not allowed in patterns."
-tyDataCons (Ty.TyBag _) _ = error "Bags not allowed in patterns."
-- This caused a problem in findPosExamples,
-- we were trying to list of the constructors of an unknown type
-- Here we return an Infinite to prevent the lyg algorithm
-- from thinking a complete list of constructors exists,
-- and pretty print this as "_" when displaying the result of findPosExamples
-tyDataCons (Ty.TyVar _) _ = Infinite [unknown]
--- Unsure about these...
-tyDataCons (Ty.TySkolem _) _ = error "Encountered skolem in pattern"
-tyDataCons (Ty.TyProp) _ = error "Propositions not allowed in patterns."
-tyDataCons (Ty.TyMap _ _) _ = error "Maps not allowed in patterns."
-tyDataCons (Ty.TyGraph _) _ = error "Graph not allowed in patterns."
+tyDataConsHelper _ = Infinite [unknown]
+-- ^ This includes:
+-- tyDataCons (_ Ty.:->: _)
+-- tyDataCons (Ty.TySet _)
+-- tyDataCons (Ty.TyBag _)
+-- tyDataCons (Ty.TyVar _)
+-- tyDataCons (Ty.TySkolem _)
+-- tyDataCons (Ty.TyProp)
+-- tyDataCons (Ty.TyMap _ _)
+-- tyDataCons (Ty.TyGraph _)
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
newName = fresh $ s2n ""
From 5bd7d59fb3cf6f36d943b096655e620ac2db446a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2024 00:25:28 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 17/44] add integers + small cleanup
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 66 ++++++-----------------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 40 +++++++-------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs | 50 ++++++++---------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 29 +++++-----
4 files changed, 74 insertions(+), 111 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 4516c361..20dd4822 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module Disco.Exhaustiveness where
-import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, when, zipWithM)
+import Control.Monad (forM, when, zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ import Disco.AST.Typed
pattern APUnit,
pattern APVar,
pattern APWild,
+ pattern APNeg,
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh)
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint as C
@@ -34,7 +35,6 @@ import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Output
import Polysemy.Reader
-import Text.Show.Pretty (pPrint)
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name)
checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx, Output (Message ann), Embed IO] r) => Name ATerm -> [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
@@ -44,39 +44,11 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
let gdt = foldr1 Branch cl
let argsNref = (C.Context args, [])
- (normalizedNrefs, annotated) <- ua [argsNref] gdt
- -- inhab <- Poss.getPossibilities <$> findInhabitants normalizedNrefs args
- redundant <- findRedundant annotated args
+ (normalizedNrefs, _) <- ua [argsNref] gdt
examples <- findPosExamples normalizedNrefs args
- --
- -- when True $ do
- -- embed $ putStrLn "=====DEBUG=============================="
- -- embed $ putStrLn "GDT:"
- -- embed $ pPrint gdt
- -- embed $ putStrLn "UNCOVERED:"
- -- embed $ pPrint normalizedNrefs
- -- embed $ putStrLn "REDUNDANT:"
- -- embed $ pPrint redundant
- -- embed $ putStrLn "=====GUBED=============================="
- --
- -- when (not . null $ inhab) $ do
- -- let patLine ipats = do
- -- let ipatArgs = jspace (map prettyInhab ipats)
- -- putStrLn $ show name ++ " " ++ ipatArgs ++ "= ..."
- --
- -- embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: You haven't matched against:"
- -- embed $ forM_ inhab patLine
when (not . null $ examples) $ do
- -- let jspace = foldr (\a b -> a ++ " " ++ b) ""
- -- embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: You haven't covered these cases:"
- -- let exampleLine exArgs = do
- -- let line = jspace (map prettyExample exArgs)
- -- putStrLn $ show name ++ " " ++ line ++ "= ..."
- -- embed $ forM_ examples exampleLine
let prettyExampleArgs exArgs =
DSL.hsep $ map (DSL.text . prettyExample) exArgs
@@ -90,10 +62,6 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
DSL.text "Warning: You haven't covered these cases:"
DSL.$+$ prettyExamples
- -- when (not . null $ redundant) $ do
- -- embed $ putStrLn $ "Warning: In function \"" ++ show name ++ "\", these clause numbers (1-indexed) are redundant:"
- -- embed $ putStrLn $ show redundant
return ()
desugarClause :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [TI.TypedVar] -> Int -> [APattern] -> Sem r Gdt
@@ -119,7 +87,7 @@ desugarTuplePats (pfst : rest) = APTup (Ty.getType pfst Ty.:*: Ty.getType psnd)
TODO(colin): handle remaining patterns
- , APNeg --required for integers / rationals?
+ , APNeg --still need to handle rational case
, APFrac --required for rationals?
algebraic (probably will be replaced anyway):
, APAdd
@@ -157,12 +125,15 @@ desugarMatch var pat = do
(APString str) -> do
let strType = (Ty.TyList Ty.TyC)
desugarMatch var (APList strType (map APChar str))
+ -- A bit of strangeness is required here because of how patterns work
+ (APNat Ty.TyN nat) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.natural nat) [])]
+ (APNat Ty.TyZ z) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.integer z) [])]
+ (APNeg Ty.TyZ (APNat Ty.TyN z)) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.integer (-z)) [])]
-- These are more straightforward:
(APWild _) -> return []
(APVar ty name) -> do
let newAlias = TI.TypedVar (name, ty)
return [(newAlias, GWasOriginally var)]
- (APNat _ nat) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.natural nat) [])]
(APUnit) -> return [(var, GMatch TI.unit [])]
(APBool b) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.bool b) [])]
(APChar c) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.char c) [])]
@@ -175,7 +146,7 @@ desugarMatch var pat = do
R -> TI.newVar tr
guards <- desugarMatch newVar subPat
return $ [(var, GMatch dc [newVar])] ++ guards
- e -> return []
+ _ -> return []
data Gdt where
Grhs :: Int -> Gdt
@@ -296,6 +267,7 @@ dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} = case ident of
TI.KBool b -> show b
TI.KChar c -> show c
TI.KNat n -> show n
+ TI.KInt z -> show z
TI.KNil -> "[]"
TI.KUnit -> "unit"
TI.KUnkown -> "_"
@@ -316,10 +288,6 @@ mkIPMatch k pats =
then error $ "Wrong number of DataCon args" ++ show (k, pats)
else IPIs k pats
--- No longer used to report to the user like in Haskell
--- we use findPosExamples instead because we think that will be easier
--- on a student using disco for the first time
--- However, this function is still used in redundancy checking
findInhabitants :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities [InhabPat])
findInhabitants nrefs args = do
a <- forM nrefs (`findAllForNref` args)
@@ -369,13 +337,13 @@ findRedundant ant args = case ant of
return [i | uninhabited]
ABranch a1 a2 -> mappend <$> findRedundant a1 args <*> findRedundant a2 args
--- Less general version of the above inhabitant finding function
--- returns a maximum of 3 possible args lists that haven't been matched against,
--- as to not overwhelm new users of the language.
--- This is essentially a DFS, and it has a bad habbit of
--- trying to build infinite lists whenever it can, so we give it a max depth of 32
--- If we reach 32 levels of nested dataconstructors in this language,
--- it is pretty safe to assume we were chasing after an infinite structure
+-- | Less general version of the above inhabitant finding function
+-- returns a maximum of 3 possible args lists that haven't been matched against,
+-- as to not overwhelm new users of the language.
+-- This is essentially a DFS, and it has a bad habit of
+-- trying to build infinite lists whenever it can, so we give it a max depth of 32
+-- If we reach 32 levels of nested dataconstructors in this language,
+-- it is pretty safe to assume we were chasing after an infinite structure
findPosExamples :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => [C.NormRefType] -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r [[ExamplePat]]
findPosExamples nrefs args = do
a <- forM nrefs (\nref -> findAllPosForNref 32 nref args)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index 95187964..99fb12e3 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -91,11 +91,11 @@ addConstraintHelper nref@(ctx, cns) cf@(origX, c) = case c of
breakIf :: (Alternative f) => Bool -> f ()
breakIf = guard . not
--- Returns a predicate that returns true if another
--- constraint conflicts with the one given.
--- This alone is not sufficient to test
--- if a constraint can be added, but it
--- filters out the easy negatives early on
+-- | Returns a predicate that returns true if another
+-- constraint conflicts with the one given.
+-- This alone is not sufficient to test
+-- if a constraint can be added, but it
+-- filters out the easy negatives early on
conflictsWith :: Constraint -> (Constraint -> Bool)
conflictsWith c = case c of
CMatch k _ -> \case
@@ -107,27 +107,27 @@ conflictsWith c = case c of
_ -> False
CWasOriginally _ -> const False
--- Search for a MatchDataCon that is matching on k specifically
--- (there should be at most one, see I4 in section 3.4)
--- and if it exists, return the variable ids of its arguments
+-- | Search for a MatchDataCon that is matching on k specifically
+-- (there should be at most one, see I4 in section 3.4)
+-- and if it exists, return the variable ids of its arguments
getConstructorArgs :: TI.DataCon -> [Constraint] -> Maybe [TI.TypedVar]
getConstructorArgs k cfs =
listToMaybe $
mapMaybe (\case (CMatch k' vs) | k' == k -> Just vs; _ -> Nothing) cfs
--- substituting y *for* x
--- ie replace the second with the first, replace x with y
+-- | substituting y *for* x
+-- ie replace the second with the first, replace x with y
substituteVarIDs :: TI.TypedVar -> TI.TypedVar -> [ConstraintFor] -> [ConstraintFor]
substituteVarIDs y x = map (\(var, c) -> (subst var, c))
subst var = if var == x then y else x
--- Deals with I2 form section 3.4
--- if a variable in the context has a resolvable type, there must be at least one constructor
--- which can be instantiated without contradiction of the refinement type
--- This function tests if this is true
--- NOTE(colin): we may eventually have type constraints
--- and we would need to worry pulling them from nref here
+-- | Deals with I2 form section 3.4
+-- if a variable in the context has a resolvable type, there must be at least one constructor
+-- which can be instantiated without contradiction of the refinement type
+-- This function tests if this is true
+-- NOTE(colin): we may eventually have type constraints
+-- and we would need to worry pulling them from nref here
inhabited :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> Sem r Bool
inhabited n var = do
tyCtx <- ask @Ty.TyDefCtx
@@ -136,10 +136,10 @@ inhabited n var = do
TI.Finite constructors -> do
or <$> mapM (instantiate n var) constructors
--- Attempts to "instantiate" a match of the dataconstructor k on x
--- If we can add the MatchDataCon constraint to the normalized refinement
--- type without contradiction (a Nothing value),
--- then x is inhabited by k and we return true
+-- | Attempts to "instantiate" a match of the dataconstructor k on x
+-- If we can add the MatchDataCon constraint to the normalized refinement
+-- type without contradiction (a Nothing value),
+-- then x is inhabited by k and we return true
instantiate :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> TI.DataCon -> Sem r Bool
instantiate (ctx, cns) var k = do
args <- TI.newVars $ TI.dcTypes k
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
index 1e300dee..f0352da0 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
@@ -25,34 +25,34 @@ retSingle i = return $ Possibilities [i]
-- | List all possible paths through the list of Possibilites
--- Ex.
--- > allCombinations
--- [ Possibilities [1]
--- , Possibilities [2,3]
--- , Possibilities [4]
--- , Possibilities [5,6,7]
--- ]
--- ===
--- Possibilities {getPossibilities =
--- [[1,2,4,5]
--- ,[1,2,4,6]
--- ,[1,2,4,7]
--- ,[1,3,4,5]
--- ,[1,3,4,6]
--- ,[1,3,4,7]
--- ]}
+-- Ex.
+-- > allCombinations
+-- [ Possibilities [1]
+-- , Possibilities [2,3]
+-- , Possibilities [4]
+-- , Possibilities [5,6,7]
+-- ]
+-- ===
+-- Possibilities {getPossibilities =
+-- [[1,2,4,5]
+-- ,[1,2,4,6]
+-- ,[1,2,4,7]
+-- ,[1,3,4,5]
+-- ,[1,3,4,6]
+-- ,[1,3,4,7]
+-- ]}
--- 2 5
--- / \ /
--- 1 4 --6
--- \ / \
--- 3 7
+-- 2 5
+-- / \ /
+-- 1 4 --6
+-- \ / \
+-- 3 7
--- If any any of the Possibilities is empty,
--- an empty Possibility is returned
+-- If any any of the Possibilities is empty,
+-- an empty Possibility is returned
--- In other words, this lists all elements of the
--- cartesian product of multiple sets
+-- In other words, this lists all elements of the
+-- cartesian product of multiple sets
allCombinations :: [Possibilities a] -> Possibilities [a]
allCombinations = foldr prod nil
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index b161e0de..08c94e07 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -12,10 +12,8 @@ import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name, s2n)
newtype TypedVar = TypedVar (Name ATerm, Ty.Type)
deriving (Show, Ord)
--- For now, equality is always in terms of the name
--- We will see if the causes problems later
instance Eq TypedVar where
- TypedVar (n1, _t1) == TypedVar (n2, _t2) = n1 == n2
+ TypedVar (n1, _) == TypedVar (n2, _) = n1 == n2
getType :: TypedVar -> Ty.Type
getType (TypedVar (_, t)) = t
@@ -33,6 +31,7 @@ data Ident where
KUnit :: Ident
KBool :: Bool -> Ident
KNat :: Integer -> Ident
+ KInt :: Integer -> Ident
KPair :: Ident
KCons :: Ident
KNil :: Ident
@@ -42,6 +41,9 @@ data Ident where
KUnkown :: Ident
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+-- | Finite constructors are used in the LYG checker
+-- 'Infinite' constructors are used when reporting
+-- examples of uncovered patterns, we only pick out a few of them
data Constructors where
Finite :: [DataCon] -> Constructors
Infinite :: [DataCon] -> Constructors
@@ -58,6 +60,9 @@ bool b = DataCon {dcIdent = KBool b, dcTypes = []}
natural :: Integer -> DataCon
natural n = DataCon {dcIdent = KNat n, dcTypes = []}
+integer :: Integer -> DataCon
+integer z = DataCon {dcIdent = KInt z, dcTypes = []}
char :: Char -> DataCon
char c = DataCon {dcIdent = KChar c, dcTypes = []}
@@ -97,7 +102,8 @@ tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyVoid = Finite []
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyUnit = Finite [unit]
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyBool = Finite [bool True, bool False]
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyN = Infinite $ map natural [0, 1 ..]
-tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyZ = Infinite [] -- TODO(colin): IMPORTANT! fill these in!
+-- TODO(colin): this integer generation was taken from stackoverflow. Is that okay?
+tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyZ = Infinite $ map integer $ 0 : [y | x <- [1 ..], y <- [x, -x]]
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyF = Infinite []
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyQ = Infinite []
-- We could do all valid ASCII, but this is most likely good enough
@@ -106,21 +112,10 @@ tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyC =
Infinite $
map char $
['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']
--- This caused a problem in findPosExamples,
--- we were trying to list of the constructors of an unknown type
--- Here we return an Infinite to prevent the lyg algorithm
--- from thinking a complete list of constructors exists,
--- and pretty print this as "_" when displaying the result of findPosExamples
tyDataConsHelper _ = Infinite [unknown]
-- ^ This includes:
--- tyDataCons (_ Ty.:->: _)
--- tyDataCons (Ty.TySet _)
--- tyDataCons (Ty.TyBag _)
--- tyDataCons (Ty.TyVar _)
--- tyDataCons (Ty.TySkolem _)
--- tyDataCons (Ty.TyProp)
--- tyDataCons (Ty.TyMap _ _)
--- tyDataCons (Ty.TyGraph _)
+-- (_ Ty.:->: _) (Ty.TySet _) (Ty.TyBag _) (Ty.TyVar _)
+-- (Ty.TySkolem _) (Ty.TyProp) (Ty.TyMap _ _) (Ty.TyGraph _)
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
newName = fresh $ s2n ""
From ee39666a65c6ff99ba63227e78ecaa79fb81ad3f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Sat, 21 Sep 2024 15:53:47 -0500
Subject: [PATCH 18/44] resugar truples and lists + use prettyprinter to better
display output
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 32 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 24 ++++++++++++++++++++-
2 files changed, 53 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 20dd4822..c59c305a 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -18,23 +18,25 @@ import Disco.AST.Typed
pattern APInj,
pattern APList,
pattern APNat,
+ pattern APNeg,
pattern APString,
pattern APTup,
pattern APUnit,
pattern APVar,
pattern APWild,
- pattern APNeg,
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh)
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint as C
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities as Poss
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
import Disco.Messages
+import Disco.Pretty (Doc)
import qualified Disco.Pretty.DSL as DSL
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Output
import Polysemy.Reader
+import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name)
checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx, Output (Message ann), Embed IO] r) => Name ATerm -> [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
@@ -50,7 +52,7 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
when (not . null $ examples) $ do
let prettyExampleArgs exArgs =
- DSL.hsep $ map (DSL.text . prettyExample) exArgs
+ DSL.hsep $ map pe exArgs
let prettyExampleLine prettyArgs =
DSL.text (show name) DSL.<+> prettyArgs DSL.<+> DSL.text "= ..."
@@ -64,6 +66,30 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
return ()
+pe :: (Applicative f) => ExamplePat -> f (Doc ann)
+pe e@(ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
+ (TI.KPair, _) -> tupled (traverse pe (resugarPair e))
+ (TI.KCons, _) -> list (traverse pe (resugarList e))
+ (TI.KLeft, [l]) -> DSL.parens $ DSL.text "left" DSL.<+> pe l
+ (TI.KRight, [r]) -> DSL.parens $ DSL.text "right" DSL.<+> pe r
+ (_, _) -> DSL.hsep $ DSL.text (show ident) : map pe args
+tupled :: (Applicative f) => f [Doc ann] -> f (Doc ann)
+tupled = fmap (PP.tupled)
+list :: (Applicative f) => f [Doc ann] -> f (Doc ann)
+list = fmap (PP.list)
+resugarPair :: ExamplePat -> [ExamplePat]
+resugarPair e@(ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
+ (TI.KPair, [efst, esnd]) -> efst : resugarPair esnd
+ (_, _) -> e : []
+resugarList :: ExamplePat -> [ExamplePat]
+resugarList (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
+ (TI.KCons, [ehead, etail]) -> ehead : resugarList etail
+ (_, _) -> []
desugarClause :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [TI.TypedVar] -> Int -> [APattern] -> Sem r Gdt
desugarClause args clauseIdx argsPats = do
guards <- zipWithM desugarMatch args argsPats
@@ -93,6 +119,8 @@ TODO(colin): handle remaining patterns
, APAdd
, APMul
, APSub
+We treat unhandled patterns as if they are exhaustively matched against
+This necessarily results in some false negatives, but no false positives.
desugarMatch :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => TI.TypedVar -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
desugarMatch var pat = do
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 08c94e07..71461f59 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -24,6 +24,10 @@ data DataCon = DataCon
deriving (Ord, Show)
+-- This is very important, as we have (sometimes recursive) type aliases
+-- Equality of dcTypes doesn't measure equality of dataconstructors,
+-- because we could have two different aliases for the same type
+-- (And we can't just resolve all aliases up front, because they can be recursive)
instance Eq DataCon where
(==) = (==) `on` dcIdent
@@ -39,7 +43,25 @@ data Ident where
KLeft :: Ident
KRight :: Ident
KUnkown :: Ident
- deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)
+ deriving (Eq, Ord)
+instance Show Ident where
+ show i = case i of
+ KBool b -> show b
+ KChar c -> show c
+ KNat n -> show n
+ KInt z ->
+ if z < 0
+ then "(" ++ show z ++ ")"
+ else show z
+ KNil -> "[]"
+ KUnit -> "unit"
+ KUnkown -> "_"
+ -- These should never actually be printed in warnings
+ KPair -> ","
+ KCons -> "::"
+ KLeft -> "left()"
+ KRight -> "right()"
-- | Finite constructors are used in the LYG checker
-- 'Infinite' constructors are used when reporting
From 66be01311b228fd36e085a3abd9b1cdd18d85c18 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Wed, 1 Jan 2025 23:38:18 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 19/44] add credit for infinite list of integers
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 3 ++-
1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 71461f59..43ef67be 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -124,7 +124,8 @@ tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyVoid = Finite []
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyUnit = Finite [unit]
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyBool = Finite [bool True, bool False]
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyN = Infinite $ map natural [0, 1 ..]
--- TODO(colin): this integer generation was taken from stackoverflow. Is that okay?
+-- Many thanks to this answer and its comment for a convenient way to list the integers
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyZ = Infinite $ map integer $ 0 : [y | x <- [1 ..], y <- [x, -x]]
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyF = Infinite []
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyQ = Infinite []
From 8683dd8ed8147cc61ecb0571bf023a1a82322610 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 2 Jan 2025 00:29:58 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 20/44] add more TODOs
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 26 +++++++++++++++++++++-----
1 file changed, 21 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 43ef67be..06e906c0 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -106,16 +106,18 @@ right tr = DataCon {dcIdent = KRight, dcTypes = [tr]}
tyDataCons :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> Constructors
tyDataCons ty ctx = tyDataConsHelper $ resolveAlias ty ctx
+-- TODO(colin): ask yorgey, make sure I've done this correctly
+-- If I have, and this is enough, I can remove all mentions
+-- of type equality constraints in Constraint.hs,
+-- the lookup here will have handled that behavoir already
resolveAlias :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> Ty.Type
resolveAlias (Ty.TyUser name args) ctx = case M.lookup name ctx of
Nothing -> error $ show ctx ++ "\nType definition not found for: " ++ show name
Just (Ty.TyDefBody _argNames typeCon) -> resolveAlias (typeCon args) ctx
resolveAlias t _ = t
--- TODO(colin): ask yorgey, make sure I've done this correctly
--- If I have, and this is enough, I can remove all mentions
--- of type equality constraints in Constraint.hs,
--- the lookup here will have handled that behavoir already
+-- TODO(colin): ask yorgey to see if I've handled all the thing
+-- I need to here. The list of things caught by the wildcard is below
tyDataConsHelper :: Ty.Type -> Constructors
tyDataConsHelper (a Ty.:*: b) = Finite [pair a b]
tyDataConsHelper (l Ty.:+: r) = Finite [left l, right r]
@@ -129,7 +131,7 @@ tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyN = Infinite $ map natural [0, 1 ..]
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyZ = Infinite $ map integer $ 0 : [y | x <- [1 ..], y <- [x, -x]]
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyF = Infinite []
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyQ = Infinite []
--- We could do all valid ASCII, but this is most likely good enough
+-- TODO(colin): We could do all valid ASCII, but this is most likely good enough
-- I think these starting from 'a' is good for students learning the language
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyC =
Infinite $
@@ -139,6 +141,20 @@ tyDataConsHelper _ = Infinite [unknown]
-- ^ This includes:
-- (_ Ty.:->: _) (Ty.TySet _) (Ty.TyBag _) (Ty.TyVar _)
-- (Ty.TySkolem _) (Ty.TyProp) (Ty.TyMap _ _) (Ty.TyGraph _)
+-- TODO(colin): confim below:
+-- I think all of these are impossible to pattern match against
+-- with anything other than a wildcard.
+-- So they should be always fully covered.
+-- But if they are in a pair, like a Set(Int)*Int,
+-- We still need to generate 3 examples of the pair if that Int
+-- part isn't covered.
+-- So how do we fill the concrete part of Set(Int)?
+-- For now I'm calling that unknown, and printing an underscore
+-- I believe this also applies when pattern matching 'Maybe a' types
+-- We need stand in for an example of a concrete 'a'
+-- I remember the Infinite part making sense at the time
+-- but I should probably double check that
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
newName = fresh $ s2n ""
From e64c82917281b8881b509c794365b88ac899fbba Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 05:35:35 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 21/44] apply all lsp hints on my files
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 118 ++++++++++++-------------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 5 +-
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 4 +-
3 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 65 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index c59c305a..3c05a7de 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
module Disco.Exhaustiveness where
-import Control.Monad (forM, when, zipWithM)
+import Control.Monad (forM, zipWithM, unless)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
examples <- findPosExamples normalizedNrefs args
- when (not . null $ examples) $ do
+ unless (null examples) $ do
let prettyExampleArgs exArgs =
DSL.hsep $ map pe exArgs
@@ -64,8 +64,6 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
DSL.text "Warning: You haven't covered these cases:"
DSL.$+$ prettyExamples
- return ()
pe :: (Applicative f) => ExamplePat -> f (Doc ann)
pe e@(ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
(TI.KPair, _) -> tupled (traverse pe (resugarPair e))
@@ -75,15 +73,15 @@ pe e@(ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
(_, _) -> DSL.hsep $ DSL.text (show ident) : map pe args
tupled :: (Applicative f) => f [Doc ann] -> f (Doc ann)
-tupled = fmap (PP.tupled)
+tupled = fmap PP.tupled
list :: (Applicative f) => f [Doc ann] -> f (Doc ann)
-list = fmap (PP.list)
+list = fmap PP.list
resugarPair :: ExamplePat -> [ExamplePat]
resugarPair e@(ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
(TI.KPair, [efst, esnd]) -> efst : resugarPair esnd
- (_, _) -> e : []
+ (_, _) -> [e]
resugarList :: ExamplePat -> [ExamplePat]
resugarList (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
@@ -123,58 +121,56 @@ We treat unhandled patterns as if they are exhaustively matched against
This necessarily results in some false negatives, but no false positives.
desugarMatch :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => TI.TypedVar -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
-desugarMatch var pat = do
- case pat of
- (APTup (ta Ty.:*: tb) [pfst, psnd]) -> do
- varFst <- TI.newVar ta
- varSnd <- TI.newVar tb
- guardsFst <- desugarMatch varFst pfst
- guardsSnd <- desugarMatch varSnd psnd
- let guardPair = (var, GMatch (TI.pair ta tb) [varFst, varSnd])
- return $ [guardPair] ++ guardsFst ++ guardsSnd
- (APTup ty [_, _]) -> error $ "Tuple type that wasn't a pair???: " ++ show ty
- (APTup _ sugary) -> desugarMatch var (desugarTuplePats sugary)
- (APCons _ subHead subTail) -> do
- let typeHead = Ty.getType subHead
- let typeTail = Ty.getType subTail
- varHead <- TI.newVar typeHead
- varTail <- TI.newVar typeTail
- guardsHead <- desugarMatch varHead subHead
- guardsTail <- desugarMatch varTail subTail
- let guardCons = (var, (GMatch (TI.cons typeHead typeTail) [varHead, varTail]))
- return $ [guardCons] ++ guardsHead ++ guardsTail
- -- We have to desugar Lists into Cons and Nils
- (APList _ []) -> do
- return [(var, GMatch TI.nil [])]
- (APList ty (phead : ptail)) -> do
- -- APCons have the type of the list they are part of
- desugarMatch var (APCons ty phead (APList ty ptail))
- -- we have to desugar to a list, becuse we can match strings with cons
- (APString str) -> do
- let strType = (Ty.TyList Ty.TyC)
- desugarMatch var (APList strType (map APChar str))
- -- A bit of strangeness is required here because of how patterns work
- (APNat Ty.TyN nat) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.natural nat) [])]
- (APNat Ty.TyZ z) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.integer z) [])]
- (APNeg Ty.TyZ (APNat Ty.TyN z)) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.integer (-z)) [])]
- -- These are more straightforward:
- (APWild _) -> return []
- (APVar ty name) -> do
- let newAlias = TI.TypedVar (name, ty)
- return [(newAlias, GWasOriginally var)]
- (APUnit) -> return [(var, GMatch TI.unit [])]
- (APBool b) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.bool b) [])]
- (APChar c) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.char c) [])]
- (APInj (tl Ty.:+: tr) side subPat) -> do
- let dc = case side of
- L -> TI.left tl
- R -> TI.right tr
- newVar <- case side of
- L -> TI.newVar tl
- R -> TI.newVar tr
- guards <- desugarMatch newVar subPat
- return $ [(var, GMatch dc [newVar])] ++ guards
- _ -> return []
+desugarMatch var pat = case pat of
+ (APTup (ta Ty.:*: tb) [pfst, psnd]) -> do
+ varFst <- TI.newVar ta
+ varSnd <- TI.newVar tb
+ guardsFst <- desugarMatch varFst pfst
+ guardsSnd <- desugarMatch varSnd psnd
+ let guardPair = (var, GMatch (TI.pair ta tb) [varFst, varSnd])
+ return $ [guardPair] ++ guardsFst ++ guardsSnd
+ (APTup ty [_, _]) -> error $ "Tuple type that wasn't a pair???: " ++ show ty
+ (APTup _ sugary) -> desugarMatch var (desugarTuplePats sugary)
+ (APCons _ subHead subTail) -> do
+ let typeHead = Ty.getType subHead
+ let typeTail = Ty.getType subTail
+ varHead <- TI.newVar typeHead
+ varTail <- TI.newVar typeTail
+ guardsHead <- desugarMatch varHead subHead
+ guardsTail <- desugarMatch varTail subTail
+ let guardCons = (var, GMatch (TI.cons typeHead typeTail) [varHead, varTail])
+ return $ [guardCons] ++ guardsHead ++ guardsTail
+ -- We have to desugar Lists into Cons and Nils
+ (APList _ []) -> return [(var, GMatch TI.nil [])]
+ (APList ty (phead : ptail)) -> do
+ -- APCons have the type of the list they are part of
+ desugarMatch var (APCons ty phead (APList ty ptail))
+ -- we have to desugar to a list, becuse we can match strings with cons
+ (APString str) -> do
+ let strType = Ty.TyList Ty.TyC
+ desugarMatch var (APList strType (map APChar str))
+ -- A bit of strangeness is required here because of how patterns work
+ (APNat Ty.TyN nat) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.natural nat) [])]
+ (APNat Ty.TyZ z) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.integer z) [])]
+ (APNeg Ty.TyZ (APNat Ty.TyN z)) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.integer (-z)) [])]
+ -- These are more straightforward:
+ (APWild _) -> return []
+ (APVar ty name) -> do
+ let newAlias = TI.TypedVar (name, ty)
+ return [(newAlias, GWasOriginally var)]
+ APUnit -> return [(var, GMatch TI.unit [])]
+ (APBool b) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.bool b) [])]
+ (APChar c) -> return [(var, GMatch (TI.char c) [])]
+ (APInj (tl Ty.:+: tr) side subPat) -> do
+ let dc = case side of
+ L -> TI.left tl
+ R -> TI.right tr
+ newVar <- case side of
+ L -> TI.newVar tl
+ R -> TI.newVar tr
+ guards <- desugarMatch newVar subPat
+ return $ (var, GMatch dc [newVar]) : guards
+ _ -> return []
data Gdt where
Grhs :: Int -> Gdt
@@ -212,7 +208,7 @@ ua nrefs gdt = case gdt of
Guarded (y, GWasOriginally x) t -> do
n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ Literal (y, LitWasOriginally x)
ua n t
- Guarded (x, (GMatch dc args)) t -> do
+ Guarded (x, GMatch dc args) t -> do
n <- addLitMulti nrefs $ Literal (x, LitMatch dc args)
(n', u) <- ua n t
n'' <- addLitMulti nrefs $ Literal (x, LitNot dc)
@@ -409,7 +405,7 @@ findVarPosExamples fuel var nref@(_, cns) =
negMatches = C.negMatches constraintsOnX
getPosFrom :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> [TI.DataCon] -> [TI.DataCon]
-getPosFrom ty ctx neg = take 3 $ filter (\x -> not (x `elem` neg)) dcs
+getPosFrom ty ctx neg = take 3 $ filter (`notElem` neg) dcs
dcs = case TI.tyDataCons ty ctx of
TI.Finite dcs' -> dcs'
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index 99fb12e3..37d23c81 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
import Polysemy
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy.Reader
+import Data.Bifunctor (first)
newtype Context = Context {getCtxVars :: [TI.TypedVar]}
deriving (Show, Eq)
@@ -28,7 +29,7 @@ posMatch :: [Constraint] -> Maybe (TI.DataCon, [TI.TypedVar])
posMatch constraints = listToMaybe $ mapMaybe (\case (CMatch k ys) -> Just (k, ys); _ -> Nothing) constraints
negMatches :: [Constraint] -> [TI.DataCon]
-negMatches constraints = mapMaybe (\case (CNot k) -> Just k; _ -> Nothing) constraints
+negMatches = mapMaybe (\case (CNot k) -> Just k; _ -> Nothing)
type ConstraintFor = (TI.TypedVar, Constraint)
@@ -118,7 +119,7 @@ getConstructorArgs k cfs =
-- | substituting y *for* x
-- ie replace the second with the first, replace x with y
substituteVarIDs :: TI.TypedVar -> TI.TypedVar -> [ConstraintFor] -> [ConstraintFor]
-substituteVarIDs y x = map (\(var, c) -> (subst var, c))
+substituteVarIDs y x = map (first subst)
subst var = if var == x then y else x
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 06e906c0..67fb30cf 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@ newName = fresh $ s2n ""
newVar :: (Member Fresh r) => Ty.Type -> Sem r TypedVar
newVar types = do
names <- newName
- return $ TypedVar $ (names, types)
+ return $ TypedVar (names, types)
newNames :: (Member Fresh r) => Int -> Sem r [Name ATerm]
newNames i = replicateM i newName
@@ -170,4 +170,4 @@ newNames i = replicateM i newName
newVars :: (Member Fresh r) => [Ty.Type] -> Sem r [TypedVar]
newVars types = do
names <- newNames (length types)
- return $ map TypedVar $ zip names types
+ return $ zipWith (curry TypedVar) names types
From 23e1775741e2f10b62a025619510abf5dc96ad3d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 06:15:00 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 22/44] remove old prettyrprint and rename new prettyprint
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 86 ++++++-------------------------------
1 file changed, 12 insertions(+), 74 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 3c05a7de..93cba434 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
unless (null examples) $ do
let prettyExampleArgs exArgs =
- DSL.hsep $ map pe exArgs
+ DSL.hsep $ map prettyPrintExample exArgs
let prettyExampleLine prettyArgs =
DSL.text (show name) DSL.<+> prettyArgs DSL.<+> DSL.text "= ..."
@@ -64,13 +64,13 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
DSL.text "Warning: You haven't covered these cases:"
DSL.$+$ prettyExamples
-pe :: (Applicative f) => ExamplePat -> f (Doc ann)
-pe e@(ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
- (TI.KPair, _) -> tupled (traverse pe (resugarPair e))
- (TI.KCons, _) -> list (traverse pe (resugarList e))
- (TI.KLeft, [l]) -> DSL.parens $ DSL.text "left" DSL.<+> pe l
- (TI.KRight, [r]) -> DSL.parens $ DSL.text "right" DSL.<+> pe r
- (_, _) -> DSL.hsep $ DSL.text (show ident) : map pe args
+prettyPrintExample :: (Applicative f) => ExamplePat -> f (Doc ann)
+prettyPrintExample e@(ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
+ (TI.KPair, _) -> tupled (traverse prettyPrintExample (resugarPair e))
+ (TI.KCons, _) -> list (traverse prettyPrintExample (resugarList e))
+ (TI.KLeft, [l]) -> DSL.parens $ DSL.text "left" DSL.<+> prettyPrintExample l
+ (TI.KRight, [r]) -> DSL.parens $ DSL.text "right" DSL.<+> prettyPrintExample r
+ (_, _) -> DSL.hsep $ DSL.text (show ident) : map prettyPrintExample args
tupled :: (Applicative f) => f [Doc ann] -> f (Doc ann)
tupled = fmap PP.tupled
@@ -238,72 +238,6 @@ data InhabPat where
IPNot :: [TI.DataCon] -> InhabPat
deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-join :: [a] -> [a] -> [a] -> [a]
-join j a b = a ++ j ++ b
-joinComma :: [String] -> String
-joinComma = foldr1 (join ", ")
-joinSpace :: [String] -> String
-joinSpace = foldr1 (join " ")
--- TODO(colin): maybe fully print out tuples even if they have wildcars in the middle?
--- e.g. (1,_,_) instead of just (1,_)
--- Also, the display for matches against strings is really weird,
--- as strings are lists of chars.
--- Maybe for strings, we just list the top 3 uncovered patterns
--- consiting of only postive information, sorted by length?
--- Also, how should we print out sum types?
--- We can do right(thing) or (right thing), or (right(thing))
--- Which should we chose?
-prettyInhab :: InhabPat -> String
-prettyInhab (IPNot []) = "_"
-prettyInhab (IPNot nots) = "Not{" ++ joinComma (map dcToString nots) ++ "}"
-prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KPair, TI.dcTypes = _} [ifst, isnd]) =
- "(" ++ prettyInhab ifst ++ ", " ++ prettyInhab isnd ++ ")"
-prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KCons, TI.dcTypes = _} [ihead, itail]) =
- "(" ++ prettyInhab ihead ++ " :: " ++ prettyInhab itail ++ ")"
-prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KLeft, TI.dcTypes = _} [l]) =
- "(left " ++ prettyInhab l ++ ")"
-prettyInhab (IPIs TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KRight, TI.dcTypes = _} [r]) =
- "(right " ++ prettyInhab r ++ ")"
-prettyInhab (IPIs dc []) = dcToString dc
-prettyInhab (IPIs dc args) = dcToString dc ++ " " ++ joinSpace (map prettyInhab args)
-data ExamplePat where
- ExamplePat :: TI.DataCon -> [ExamplePat] -> ExamplePat
- deriving (Show)
-prettyExample :: ExamplePat -> String
-prettyExample (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KPair, TI.dcTypes = _} [ifst, isnd]) =
- "(" ++ prettyExample ifst ++ ", " ++ prettyExample isnd ++ ")"
-prettyExample (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KCons, TI.dcTypes = _} [ihead, itail]) =
- "(" ++ prettyExample ihead ++ " :: " ++ prettyExample itail ++ ")"
-prettyExample (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KLeft, TI.dcTypes = _} [l]) =
- "(left " ++ prettyExample l ++ ")"
-prettyExample (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KRight, TI.dcTypes = _} [r]) =
- "(right " ++ prettyExample r ++ ")"
-prettyExample (ExamplePat dc []) = dcToString dc
-prettyExample (ExamplePat dc args) = dcToString dc ++ " " ++ joinSpace (map prettyExample args)
-dcToString :: TI.DataCon -> String
-dcToString TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} = case ident of
- TI.KBool b -> show b
- TI.KChar c -> show c
- TI.KNat n -> show n
- TI.KInt z -> show z
- TI.KNil -> "[]"
- TI.KUnit -> "unit"
- TI.KUnkown -> "_"
- -- TODO(colin): find a way to remove these? These two shouldn't be reachable
- -- If we were in an IPIs, we already handled these above
- -- If we were in an IPNot, these aren't from opaque types,
- -- so they shouldn't appear in a Not{}
- TI.KPair -> ","
- TI.KCons -> "::"
- TI.KLeft -> "left()"
- TI.KRight -> "right()"
-- Sanity check: are we giving the dataconstructor the
-- correct number of arguments?
mkIPMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [InhabPat] -> InhabPat
@@ -361,6 +295,10 @@ findRedundant ant args = case ant of
return [i | uninhabited]
ABranch a1 a2 -> mappend <$> findRedundant a1 args <*> findRedundant a2 args
+data ExamplePat where
+ ExamplePat :: TI.DataCon -> [ExamplePat] -> ExamplePat
+ deriving (Show)
-- | Less general version of the above inhabitant finding function
-- returns a maximum of 3 possible args lists that haven't been matched against,
-- as to not overwhelm new users of the language.
From 5d6ffad703cec62ed3f287e34209e99a7eb1d431 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 06:34:22 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 23/44] tweak desugarMatch and update comment
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 27 +++++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 15 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 93cba434..22945f76 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -109,17 +109,21 @@ desugarTuplePats (pfst : rest) = APTup (Ty.getType pfst Ty.:*: Ty.getType psnd)
psnd = desugarTuplePats rest
-TODO(colin): handle remaining patterns
- , APNeg --still need to handle rational case
- , APFrac --required for rationals?
- algebraic (probably will be replaced anyway):
- , APAdd
- , APMul
- , APSub
-We treat unhandled patterns as if they are exhaustively matched against
-This necessarily results in some false negatives, but no false positives.
+-- | Convert a Disco APattern into a list of Guards which cover that pattern
+-- These patterns are currently not handled:
+-- , APNeg --still need to handle rational case
+-- , APFrac --required for rationals?
+-- algebraic (probably will be eventually replaced anyway):
+-- , APAdd
+-- , APMul
+-- , APSub
+-- We treat unhandled patterns as if they are exhaustively matched against
+-- This necessarily results in some false negatives, but no false positives.
+-- TODO(colin):
+-- Without general arithmetic patterns, maybe we should just leave these unhandled?
+-- not much else we can do
desugarMatch :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => TI.TypedVar -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
desugarMatch var pat = case pat of
(APTup (ta Ty.:*: tb) [pfst, psnd]) -> do
@@ -129,7 +133,6 @@ desugarMatch var pat = case pat of
guardsSnd <- desugarMatch varSnd psnd
let guardPair = (var, GMatch (TI.pair ta tb) [varFst, varSnd])
return $ [guardPair] ++ guardsFst ++ guardsSnd
- (APTup ty [_, _]) -> error $ "Tuple type that wasn't a pair???: " ++ show ty
(APTup _ sugary) -> desugarMatch var (desugarTuplePats sugary)
(APCons _ subHead subTail) -> do
let typeHead = Ty.getType subHead
From 89f098789024cc54ffb4130a7022c133a76b8b77 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 06:40:46 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 24/44] update comments in typeinfo
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 11 +++++++----
1 file changed, 7 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 67fb30cf..e2d34025 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -64,8 +64,8 @@ instance Show Ident where
KRight -> "right()"
-- | Finite constructors are used in the LYG checker
--- 'Infinite' constructors are used when reporting
--- examples of uncovered patterns, we only pick out a few of them
+-- 'Infinite' constructors are used when reporting
+-- examples of uncovered patterns, we only pick out a few of them
data Constructors where
Finite :: [DataCon] -> Constructors
Infinite :: [DataCon] -> Constructors
@@ -153,8 +153,11 @@ tyDataConsHelper _ = Infinite [unknown]
-- I believe this also applies when pattern matching 'Maybe a' types
-- We need stand in for an example of a concrete 'a'
--- I remember the Infinite part making sense at the time
--- but I should probably double check that
+-- iirc, these are 'Infinite' because the only way to match against
+-- them is with a wildcard or variable pattern, and marking them 'Infinite'
+-- conveys essentially just that to the LYG checker
+-- Maybe this should be in a big doc comment above?
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
newName = fresh $ s2n ""
From ad5d6a9376cdfaa690aa8695997b07d128dc210a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 07:08:03 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 25/44] add more todo comments
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 2 ++
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 5 ++++-
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 13 +++++++++++--
3 files changed, 17 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 22945f76..e58808d9 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -39,6 +39,8 @@ import Polysemy.Reader
import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name)
+-- TODO(colin): should I explain that this comes from the LYG paper
+-- in some sort of comment, of leave some sort of link to the publication, etc?
checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx, Output (Message ann), Embed IO] r) => Name ATerm -> [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
checkClauses name types pats = do
args <- TI.newVars types
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index 37d23c81..4ebc70f5 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -64,6 +64,8 @@ addConstraintHelper nref@(ctx, cns) cf@(origX, c) = case c of
CMatch k args -> do
case getConstructorArgs k (onVar origX cns) of
-- 10c -- TODO(colin): Still need to add type constraints!
+ -- ...unless resolveAlias in TypeInfo works all of the time.
+ -- then we are actually done
Just args' ->
@@ -127,8 +129,9 @@ substituteVarIDs y x = map (first subst)
-- if a variable in the context has a resolvable type, there must be at least one constructor
-- which can be instantiated without contradiction of the refinement type
-- This function tests if this is true
--- NOTE(colin): we may eventually have type constraints
+-- TODO(colin): we may eventually have type constraints
-- and we would need to worry pulling them from nref here
+-- ...unless resolveAlias works. see above note
inhabited :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> Sem r Bool
inhabited n var = do
tyCtx <- ask @Ty.TyDefCtx
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index e2d34025..7516f770 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -69,6 +69,9 @@ instance Show Ident where
data Constructors where
Finite :: [DataCon] -> Constructors
Infinite :: [DataCon] -> Constructors
+-- TODO(colin): should I quote 'Infinite' with single quotes in the above doc comment?
+-- is there a proper way to reference that that will get
+-- picked up and put in the docs in a nice way?
unknown :: DataCon
unknown = DataCon {dcIdent = KUnkown, dcTypes = []}
@@ -110,6 +113,12 @@ tyDataCons ty ctx = tyDataConsHelper $ resolveAlias ty ctx
-- If I have, and this is enough, I can remove all mentions
-- of type equality constraints in Constraint.hs,
-- the lookup here will have handled that behavoir already
+-- I was worried about infinite recursion at first,
+-- but I think the types that that would happen for
+-- are rejected with an error:
+-- Error: cyclic type definition for A.
+-- So I don't think that is an issue, but I would like confirmation
resolveAlias :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> Ty.Type
resolveAlias (Ty.TyUser name args) ctx = case M.lookup name ctx of
Nothing -> error $ show ctx ++ "\nType definition not found for: " ++ show name
@@ -117,7 +126,7 @@ resolveAlias (Ty.TyUser name args) ctx = case M.lookup name ctx of
resolveAlias t _ = t
-- TODO(colin): ask yorgey to see if I've handled all the thing
--- I need to here. The list of things caught by the wildcard is below
+-- I need to here. The list of things caught by the wildcard is in the comment below the function
tyDataConsHelper :: Ty.Type -> Constructors
tyDataConsHelper (a Ty.:*: b) = Finite [pair a b]
tyDataConsHelper (l Ty.:+: r) = Finite [left l, right r]
@@ -157,7 +166,7 @@ tyDataConsHelper _ = Infinite [unknown]
-- them is with a wildcard or variable pattern, and marking them 'Infinite'
-- conveys essentially just that to the LYG checker
--- Maybe this should be in a big doc comment above?
+-- Maybe this should be rewritten in a big doc comment above?
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
newName = fresh $ s2n ""
From 8737963b834309e2635d78839b5fc38b38664183 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 22:30:28 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 26/44] refactor context to set
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 3 ++-
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 5 +++--
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index e58808d9..e8a5b34a 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ import Polysemy.Output
import Polysemy.Reader
import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
-- TODO(colin): should I explain that this comes from the LYG paper
-- in some sort of comment, of leave some sort of link to the publication, etc?
@@ -47,7 +48,7 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
cl <- zipWithM (desugarClause args) [1 ..] (NonEmpty.toList pats)
let gdt = foldr1 Branch cl
- let argsNref = (C.Context args, [])
+ let argsNref = (C.Context (S.fromList args), [])
(normalizedNrefs, _) <- ua [argsNref] gdt
examples <- findPosExamples normalizedNrefs args
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index 4ebc70f5..5687ecf6 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -12,12 +12,13 @@ import Polysemy
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy.Reader
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
+import qualified Data.Set as S
-newtype Context = Context {getCtxVars :: [TI.TypedVar]}
+newtype Context = Context {getCtxVars :: S.Set TI.TypedVar}
deriving (Show, Eq)
addVars :: Context -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Context
-addVars (Context ctx) vars = Context (ctx ++ vars)
+addVars (Context ctx) vars = Context (foldr S.insert ctx vars)
data Constraint where
CMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Constraint
From 4cc31dee9e400032ec9b097a1166fd08137f2420 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 23:14:28 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 27/44] remove redundant Context from Nref
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 27 +++++++++++++-------------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 27 ++++++++++----------------
2 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index e8a5b34a..c609f0d7 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ import Polysemy.Output
import Polysemy.Reader
import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name)
-import qualified Data.Set as S
-- TODO(colin): should I explain that this comes from the LYG paper
-- in some sort of comment, of leave some sort of link to the publication, etc?
@@ -48,7 +47,7 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
cl <- zipWithM (desugarClause args) [1 ..] (NonEmpty.toList pats)
let gdt = foldr1 Branch cl
- let argsNref = (C.Context (S.fromList args), [])
+ let argsNref = []
(normalizedNrefs, _) <- ua [argsNref] gdt
examples <- findPosExamples normalizedNrefs args
@@ -226,18 +225,18 @@ addLitMulti (n : ns) lit = do
r <- runMaybeT $ addLiteral n lit
case r of
Nothing -> addLitMulti ns lit
- Just (ctx, cfs) -> do
+ Just cfs -> do
ns' <- addLitMulti ns lit
- return $ (ctx, cfs) : ns'
+ return $ cfs : ns'
addLiteral :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => C.NormRefType -> Literal -> MaybeT (Sem r) C.NormRefType
-addLiteral (context, constraints) (Literal (x, c)) = case c of
+addLiteral constraints (Literal (x, c)) = case c of
LitWasOriginally z ->
- (context `C.addVars` [x], constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CWasOriginally z)
+ constraints `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CWasOriginally z)
LitMatch dc args ->
- (context `C.addVars` args, constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CMatch dc args)
+ constraints `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CMatch dc args)
LitNot dc ->
- (context, constraints) `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CNot dc)
+ constraints `C.addConstraint` (x, C.CNot dc)
data InhabPat where
IPIs :: TI.DataCon -> [InhabPat] -> InhabPat
@@ -263,10 +262,10 @@ findAllForNref nref args = do
return $ Poss.allCombinations argPats
findVarInhabitants :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => TI.TypedVar -> C.NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities InhabPat)
-findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
+findVarInhabitants var cns =
case posMatch of
Just (k, args) -> do
- argPossibilities <- findAllForNref nref args
+ argPossibilities <- findAllForNref cns args
return (mkIPMatch k <$> argPossibilities)
Nothing -> case nub negMatches of
[] -> Poss.retSingle $ IPNot []
@@ -278,7 +277,7 @@ findVarInhabitants var nref@(_, cns) =
let tryAddDc dc = do
vars <- TI.newVars (TI.dcTypes dc)
- runMaybeT (nref `C.addConstraint` (var, C.CMatch dc vars))
+ runMaybeT (cns `C.addConstraint` (var, C.CMatch dc vars))
-- Try to add a positive constraint for each data constructor
-- to the current nref
@@ -323,19 +322,19 @@ findAllPosForNref fuel nref args = do
return $ Poss.allCombinations argPats
findVarPosExamples :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => Int -> TI.TypedVar -> C.NormRefType -> Sem r (Poss.Possibilities ExamplePat)
-findVarPosExamples fuel var nref@(_, cns) =
+findVarPosExamples fuel var cns =
if fuel < 0
then return mempty
else case posMatch of
Just (k, args) -> do
- argPossibilities <- findAllPosForNref (fuel - 1) nref args
+ argPossibilities <- findAllPosForNref (fuel - 1) cns args
return (mkExampleMatch k <$> argPossibilities)
Nothing -> do
tyCtx <- ask @Ty.TyDefCtx
let dcs = getPosFrom (TI.getType var) tyCtx negMatches
let tryAddDc dc = do
vars <- TI.newVars (TI.dcTypes dc)
- runMaybeT (nref `C.addConstraint` (var, C.CMatch dc vars))
+ runMaybeT (cns `C.addConstraint` (var, C.CMatch dc vars))
-- Try to add a positive constraint for each data constructor
-- to the current nref
-- If any of these additions succeed, save that nref,
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index 5687ecf6..f99703b5 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -12,13 +12,6 @@ import Polysemy
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy.Reader
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
-import qualified Data.Set as S
-newtype Context = Context {getCtxVars :: S.Set TI.TypedVar}
- deriving (Show, Eq)
-addVars :: Context -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Context
-addVars (Context ctx) vars = Context (foldr S.insert ctx vars)
data Constraint where
CMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Constraint
@@ -49,18 +42,18 @@ alistLookup a = map snd . filter ((== a) . fst)
onVar :: TI.TypedVar -> [ConstraintFor] -> [Constraint]
onVar x cs = alistLookup (lookupVar x cs) cs
-type NormRefType = (Context, [ConstraintFor])
+type NormRefType = [ConstraintFor]
addConstraints :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> [ConstraintFor] -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
addConstraints = foldM addConstraint
addConstraint :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> ConstraintFor -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
-addConstraint nref@(_, cns) (x, c) = do
+addConstraint cns (x, c) = do
breakIf $ any (conflictsWith c) (onVar x cns)
- addConstraintHelper nref (lookupVar x cns, c)
+ addConstraintHelper cns (lookupVar x cns, c)
addConstraintHelper :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> ConstraintFor -> MaybeT (Sem r) NormRefType
-addConstraintHelper nref@(ctx, cns) cf@(origX, c) = case c of
+addConstraintHelper cns cf@(origX, c) = case c of
--- Equation (10)
CMatch k args -> do
case getConstructorArgs k (onVar origX cns) of
@@ -69,7 +62,7 @@ addConstraintHelper nref@(ctx, cns) cf@(origX, c) = case c of
-- then we are actually done
Just args' ->
- nref
+ cns
(zipWith (\a b -> (a, CWasOriginally b)) args args')
Nothing -> return added
--- Equation (11)
@@ -81,12 +74,12 @@ addConstraintHelper nref@(ctx, cns) cf@(origX, c) = case c of
CWasOriginally y -> do
let origY = lookupVar y cns
if origX == origY
- then return nref
+ then return cns
else do
let (noX', withX') = partition ((/= origX) . fst) cns
- addConstraints (ctx, noX' ++ [cf]) (substituteVarIDs origY origX withX')
+ addConstraints (noX' ++ [cf]) (substituteVarIDs origY origX withX')
- added = (ctx, cns ++ [cf])
+ added = cns ++ [cf]
----- Helper functions for adding constraints:
@@ -146,7 +139,7 @@ inhabited n var = do
-- type without contradiction (a Nothing value),
-- then x is inhabited by k and we return true
instantiate :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> TI.DataCon -> Sem r Bool
-instantiate (ctx, cns) var k = do
+instantiate cns var k = do
args <- TI.newVars $ TI.dcTypes k
- let attempt = (ctx `addVars` args, cns) `addConstraint` (var, CMatch k args)
+ let attempt = cns `addConstraint` (var, CMatch k args)
isJust <$> runMaybeT attempt
From 16f4e33d986d5bc3399b66d07d6fa6244f385b22 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 17:16:05 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 28/44] Fix typo in Constraint.hs
Co-authored-by: Brent Yorgey
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index f99703b5..7019cbdb 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -119,7 +119,7 @@ substituteVarIDs y x = map (first subst)
subst var = if var == x then y else x
--- | Deals with I2 form section 3.4
+-- | Deals with I2 from section 3.4
-- if a variable in the context has a resolvable type, there must be at least one constructor
-- which can be instantiated without contradiction of the refinement type
-- This function tests if this is true
From c4c88bcf6994c5c4ca34dc79e7a2c8d4319f5624 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 23:42:51 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 29/44] small doc cleanup
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 5 +----
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 7516f770..de681b3d 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -63,15 +63,12 @@ instance Show Ident where
KLeft -> "left()"
KRight -> "right()"
--- | Finite constructors are used in the LYG checker
+-- | 'Finite' constructors are used in the LYG checker
-- 'Infinite' constructors are used when reporting
-- examples of uncovered patterns, we only pick out a few of them
data Constructors where
Finite :: [DataCon] -> Constructors
Infinite :: [DataCon] -> Constructors
--- TODO(colin): should I quote 'Infinite' with single quotes in the above doc comment?
--- is there a proper way to reference that that will get
--- picked up and put in the docs in a nice way?
unknown :: DataCon
unknown = DataCon {dcIdent = KUnkown, dcTypes = []}
From 7d0716ffd020bac0f46570683e7c9dbe17a0152f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 9 Jan 2025 23:50:11 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 30/44] update desugarMatch documentation
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 8 ++++----
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index c609f0d7..259955aa 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -120,12 +120,12 @@ desugarTuplePats (pfst : rest) = APTup (Ty.getType pfst Ty.:*: Ty.getType psnd)
-- , APAdd
-- , APMul
-- , APSub
+-- These (or some updated version of them) may be handled eventually,
+-- once updated arithmetic patterns are merged.
-- We treat unhandled patterns as if they are exhaustively matched against
+-- (aka, they are seen as wildcards by the checker).
-- This necessarily results in some false negatives, but no false positives.
--- TODO(colin):
--- Without general arithmetic patterns, maybe we should just leave these unhandled?
--- not much else we can do
desugarMatch :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => TI.TypedVar -> APattern -> Sem r [Guard]
desugarMatch var pat = case pat of
(APTup (ta Ty.:*: tb) [pfst, psnd]) -> do
From ed831fe0cbaba68a8073b28d9f106bb1d0f7450b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2025 01:02:42 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 31/44] simplify possibilities by deriving everything
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs | 24 +++++------------------
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 19 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
index f0352da0..4c969137 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
@@ -1,18 +1,11 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
module Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities (Possibilities, retSingle, allCombinations, anyOf, none, getPossibilities) where
-import Data.Foldable (Foldable (fold))
+import Data.Foldable (fold)
newtype Possibilities a = Possibilities {getPossibilities :: [a]}
- deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-instance Functor Possibilities where
- fmap f (Possibilities a) = Possibilities (f <$> a)
-instance Semigroup (Possibilities a) where
- (Possibilities p1) <> (Possibilities p2) = Possibilities $ p1 <> p2
-instance Monoid (Possibilities a) where
- mempty = Possibilities []
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Functor, Semigroup, Monoid, Applicative)
anyOf :: [Possibilities a] -> Possibilities a
anyOf = fold
@@ -54,11 +47,4 @@ retSingle i = return $ Possibilities [i]
-- In other words, this lists all elements of the
-- cartesian product of multiple sets
allCombinations :: [Possibilities a] -> Possibilities [a]
-allCombinations = foldr prod nil
- where
- -- note, nil /= mempty
- -- VERY important
- nil = Possibilities [[]]
-prod :: Possibilities a -> Possibilities [a] -> Possibilities [a]
-prod (Possibilities xs) (Possibilities yss) = Possibilities [x : ys | x <- xs, ys <- yss]
+allCombinations = sequenceA
From 516cb467faf5f934fdb30f899bd312b78e2cd8dc Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 07:08:15 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 32/44] add comment and link to LYG paper on checkClauses
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 10 ++++++++--
1 file changed, 8 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 259955aa..d0b26eb3 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -39,8 +39,14 @@ import Polysemy.Reader
import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name)
--- TODO(colin): should I explain that this comes from the LYG paper
--- in some sort of comment, of leave some sort of link to the publication, etc?
+-- | This exhaustiveness checking algorithm is based on the paper
+-- "Lower Your Guards: A Compositional Pattern-Match Coverage Checker":
+-- Some simplifications were made to adapt the algorithm to suit Disco.
+-- The most notable change is that here we always generate (at most) 3
+-- concrete examples of uncovered patterns, instead of finding the most
+-- general complete description of every uncovered input.
checkClauses :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx, Output (Message ann), Embed IO] r) => Name ATerm -> [Ty.Type] -> NonEmpty [APattern] -> Sem r ()
checkClauses name types pats = do
args <- TI.newVars types
From 6d49bbcc2773ed5b87108b25fcf8c070641189e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 07:12:18 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 33/44] rephrase warning message
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 2 +-
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index d0b26eb3..2658e7b7 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
DSL.vcat $ map (prettyExampleLine . prettyExampleArgs) examples
warn $
- DSL.text "Warning: You haven't covered these cases:"
+ DSL.text "Warning: the function" DSL.<+> DSL.text (show name) DSL.<+> DSL.text "is undefined for some inputs. For example:"
DSL.$+$ prettyExamples
prettyPrintExample :: (Applicative f) => ExamplePat -> f (Doc ann)
From 7a036e61f9dd4326c6101ce2c8847886ffbbb05a Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 07:19:03 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 34/44] comment on resolveAlias why infinite recursion is
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 8 +++-----
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index de681b3d..ed126b17 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -111,11 +111,9 @@ tyDataCons ty ctx = tyDataConsHelper $ resolveAlias ty ctx
-- of type equality constraints in Constraint.hs,
-- the lookup here will have handled that behavoir already
--- I was worried about infinite recursion at first,
--- but I think the types that that would happen for
--- are rejected with an error:
--- Error: cyclic type definition for A.
--- So I don't think that is an issue, but I would like confirmation
+-- Type aliases that would cause infinite recursion here are
+-- not possible to construct, so we don't have to worry about that.
+-- (aka cyclic type definitions are not allowed in Disco)
resolveAlias :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> Ty.Type
resolveAlias (Ty.TyUser name args) ctx = case M.lookup name ctx of
Nothing -> error $ show ctx ++ "\nType definition not found for: " ++ show name
From d9d316960a308031a2b4854a22ab46728a303b59 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 07:23:30 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 35/44] remove unneeded comments about type constraints; I got
confirmation resolveAlias is good
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 7 +------
1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 6 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index 7019cbdb..6ae3be0e 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -57,9 +57,7 @@ addConstraintHelper cns cf@(origX, c) = case c of
--- Equation (10)
CMatch k args -> do
case getConstructorArgs k (onVar origX cns) of
- -- 10c -- TODO(colin): Still need to add type constraints!
- -- ...unless resolveAlias in TypeInfo works all of the time.
- -- then we are actually done
+ -- 10c
Just args' ->
@@ -123,9 +121,6 @@ substituteVarIDs y x = map (first subst)
-- if a variable in the context has a resolvable type, there must be at least one constructor
-- which can be instantiated without contradiction of the refinement type
-- This function tests if this is true
--- TODO(colin): we may eventually have type constraints
--- and we would need to worry pulling them from nref here
--- ...unless resolveAlias works. see above note
inhabited :: Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r => NormRefType -> TI.TypedVar -> Sem r Bool
inhabited n var = do
tyCtx <- ask @Ty.TyDefCtx
From c22b1d37ca6de90d5038b5886daaef654996e5ec Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Thu, 16 Jan 2025 07:49:52 +0000
Subject: [PATCH 36/44] list all unicode characters as constructors for Char
(alphanumeric then noncontrol ascii then rest)
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 14 +++++++++++---
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index ed126b17..66e12df1 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@ module Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo where
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
import Data.Function (on)
+import Data.List ((\\))
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Disco.AST.Typed (ATerm)
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh, fresh)
@@ -135,12 +136,19 @@ tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyN = Infinite $ map natural [0, 1 ..]
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyZ = Infinite $ map integer $ 0 : [y | x <- [1 ..], y <- [x, -x]]
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyF = Infinite []
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyQ = Infinite []
--- TODO(colin): We could do all valid ASCII, but this is most likely good enough
--- I think these starting from 'a' is good for students learning the language
+-- The Char constructors are all unicode characters, but
+-- starting with the alphanumerics and ending with the
+-- ascii control characters to give nice warnings.
+-- Many thanks to Dr. Yorgey for mentioning [minBound .. maxBound] and \\
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyC =
Infinite $
map char $
- ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']
+ alphanum ++ rest ++ controlChars
+ where
+ allChars = [minBound .. maxBound]
+ alphanum = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']
+ noAlphanum = allChars \\ alphanum
+ (controlChars, rest) = splitAt 32 noAlphanum
tyDataConsHelper _ = Infinite [unknown]
-- ^ This includes:
-- (_ Ty.:->: _) (Ty.TySet _) (Ty.TyBag _) (Ty.TyVar _)
From 02611f66193f1eb4bbe051e490d16d9512901332 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 17:37:20 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 37/44] remove outdated example/lists.disco
example/lists.disco | 12 ------------
1 file changed, 12 deletions(-)
delete mode 100644 example/lists.disco
diff --git a/example/lists.disco b/example/lists.disco
deleted file mode 100644
index 36a0ee97..00000000
--- a/example/lists.disco
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-iterateP : (a → a) → a → List(a)
-iterateP f p = p :: iterateP f (f p)
-fib2_helper : ℕ×ℕ → ℕ×ℕ
-fib2_helper (a,b) = (b,a+b)
-indexP : ℕ -> List(a) -> a
-indexP 0 (p::_) = p
-indexP (n+1) (_::l') = indexP n l'
-fib2 : ℕ → ℕ
-fib2 n = {? x when (indexP n (iterateP fib2_helper (0,1))) is (x,_) ?}
From f03bce7ee83f8d2ac248621ea88baecf462fd17b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 18:02:18 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 38/44] make chars all unicode but ordered nicely
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 12 +++++-------
1 file changed, 5 insertions(+), 7 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 66e12df1..b7341c46 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -137,18 +137,16 @@ tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyZ = Infinite $ map integer $ 0 : [y | x <- [1 ..], y <- [x
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyF = Infinite []
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyQ = Infinite []
-- The Char constructors are all unicode characters, but
--- starting with the alphanumerics and ending with the
--- ascii control characters to give nice warnings.
+-- given in a very particular order that I think will
+-- make the most sense for students.
-- Many thanks to Dr. Yorgey for mentioning [minBound .. maxBound] and \\
tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyC =
Infinite $
map char $
- alphanum ++ rest ++ controlChars
+ alphanum ++ (allUnicodeNicelyOrdered \\ alphanum)
- allChars = [minBound .. maxBound]
+ allUnicodeNicelyOrdered = [(toEnum 32) .. (toEnum 126)] ++ [(toEnum 161) .. maxBound] ++ [minBound .. (toEnum 31)] ++ [(toEnum 127) .. (toEnum 160)]
alphanum = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']
- noAlphanum = allChars \\ alphanum
- (controlChars, rest) = splitAt 32 noAlphanum
tyDataConsHelper _ = Infinite [unknown]
-- ^ This includes:
-- (_ Ty.:->: _) (Ty.TySet _) (Ty.TyBag _) (Ty.TyVar _)
@@ -156,7 +154,7 @@ tyDataConsHelper _ = Infinite [unknown]
-- TODO(colin): confim below:
-- I think all of these are impossible to pattern match against
-- with anything other than a wildcard.
--- So they should be always fully covered.
+-- So they should be always fully covered.
-- But if they are in a pair, like a Set(Int)*Int,
-- We still need to generate 3 examples of the pair if that Int
-- part isn't covered.
From b65c89f53524719ad97a46cf70b00d578b2c60e2 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 18:21:12 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 39/44] consolidate doc comment for tyDataConsHelper
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 50 ++++++++++++++++------------
1 file changed, 28 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index b7341c46..701d716d 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -121,8 +121,34 @@ resolveAlias (Ty.TyUser name args) ctx = case M.lookup name ctx of
Just (Ty.TyDefBody _argNames typeCon) -> resolveAlias (typeCon args) ctx
resolveAlias t _ = t
--- TODO(colin): ask yorgey to see if I've handled all the thing
--- I need to here. The list of things caught by the wildcard is in the comment below the function
+-- | Assuming type aliases have been resolved, this
+-- function converts Disco types into lists of DataCons
+-- that are compatible with the LYG checker.
+-- A list of constructors is 'Infinite' if the only way to fully
+-- match against the type is with a wildcard or variable pattern.
+-- Otherwise, it is 'Finite'.
+-- The LYG checker only reads the list of constructors if
+-- a type is 'Finite'. From the point of view of the checker,
+-- 'Infinite' is a synonym for opaque, and the constructors are discarded.
+-- The dataconstructors in an `Infinite` list are only
+-- used when generating the 3 positive examples of what
+-- you haven't matched against.
+-- This will probably need to change a bit when bringing
+-- exhaustiveness checking to the new arithmetic patterns.
+-- Notice the last case of this function, which a wildcard handling the types:
+-- (_ Ty.:->: _) (Ty.TySet _) (Ty.TyBag _) (Ty.TyVar _)
+-- (Ty.TySkolem _) (Ty.TyProp) (Ty.TyMap _ _) (Ty.TyGraph _)
+-- I believe all of these are impossible to pattern match against
+-- with anything other than a wildcard (or variable pattern) in Disco, so they should always
+-- be fully covered. But if they are in a pair, for example, Set(Int)*Int,
+-- we still need to generate 3 examples of the pair if that Int part isn't covered.
+-- So how do we fill the concrete part of Set(Int), (or a generic type "a", or a function, etc.)?
+-- I'm calling that 'unknown', and printing an underscore.
+-- (Also, I'm using 'Infinite' for reasons metioned above).
tyDataConsHelper :: Ty.Type -> Constructors
tyDataConsHelper (a Ty.:*: b) = Finite [pair a b]
tyDataConsHelper (l Ty.:+: r) = Finite [left l, right r]
@@ -148,26 +174,6 @@ tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyC =
allUnicodeNicelyOrdered = [(toEnum 32) .. (toEnum 126)] ++ [(toEnum 161) .. maxBound] ++ [minBound .. (toEnum 31)] ++ [(toEnum 127) .. (toEnum 160)]
alphanum = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']
tyDataConsHelper _ = Infinite [unknown]
--- ^ This includes:
--- (_ Ty.:->: _) (Ty.TySet _) (Ty.TyBag _) (Ty.TyVar _)
--- (Ty.TySkolem _) (Ty.TyProp) (Ty.TyMap _ _) (Ty.TyGraph _)
--- TODO(colin): confim below:
--- I think all of these are impossible to pattern match against
--- with anything other than a wildcard.
--- So they should be always fully covered.
--- But if they are in a pair, like a Set(Int)*Int,
--- We still need to generate 3 examples of the pair if that Int
--- part isn't covered.
--- So how do we fill the concrete part of Set(Int)?
--- For now I'm calling that unknown, and printing an underscore
--- I believe this also applies when pattern matching 'Maybe a' types
--- We need stand in for an example of a concrete 'a'
--- iirc, these are 'Infinite' because the only way to match against
--- them is with a wildcard or variable pattern, and marking them 'Infinite'
--- conveys essentially just that to the LYG checker
--- Maybe this should be rewritten in a big doc comment above?
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)
newName = fresh $ s2n ""
From c6e2d65849ae50ebdc15b5f3301114109c3ff5b8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 18:22:45 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 40/44] fix typo in KUnknown
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 6 +++---
1 file changed, 3 insertions(+), 3 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 701d716d..59704199 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ data Ident where
KChar :: Char -> Ident
KLeft :: Ident
KRight :: Ident
- KUnkown :: Ident
+ KUnknown :: Ident
deriving (Eq, Ord)
instance Show Ident where
@@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ instance Show Ident where
else show z
KNil -> "[]"
KUnit -> "unit"
- KUnkown -> "_"
+ KUnknown -> "_"
-- These should never actually be printed in warnings
KPair -> ","
KCons -> "::"
@@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ data Constructors where
Infinite :: [DataCon] -> Constructors
unknown :: DataCon
-unknown = DataCon {dcIdent = KUnkown, dcTypes = []}
+unknown = DataCon {dcIdent = KUnknown, dcTypes = []}
unit :: DataCon
unit = DataCon {dcIdent = KUnit, dcTypes = []}
From d1fb240ea50df2b90c0e159b8e7256f0479c6eb8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 18:42:34 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 41/44] add Haddock module comments
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 10 ++++++++++
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 11 +++++++++++
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs | 9 +++++++++
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 10 ++++++++++
4 files changed, 40 insertions(+)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index 2658e7b7..ad8d01a4 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,15 @@
{-# LANGUAGE PatternSynonyms #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Disco.Exhaustiveness
+-- Copyright : disco team and contributors
+-- Maintainer :
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+-- Entry point into the exhaustiveness checker.
+-- Converts information into a format the checker understands,
+-- then pretty prints the results of running it.
module Disco.Exhaustiveness where
import Control.Monad (forM, zipWithM, unless)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index 6ae3be0e..9c4ccab4 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,14 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint
+-- Copyright : disco team and contributors
+-- Maintainer :
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+-- The heart of the Lower Your Guards algorithm.
+-- Functions for converting constraints detailing
+-- pattern matches into a normalized description
+-- of everything that is left uncovered.
module Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint where
import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
index 4c969137..439174d2 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Possibilities.hs
@@ -1,5 +1,14 @@
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
+-- |
+-- Module : Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities
+-- Copyright : disco team and contributors
+-- Maintainer :
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+-- Meaningful types and functions for describing
+-- combinations of different possible options.
module Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities (Possibilities, retSingle, allCombinations, anyOf, none, getPossibilities) where
import Data.Foldable (fold)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 59704199..2e449cf1 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -1,3 +1,13 @@
+-- |
+-- Module : Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo
+-- Copyright : disco team and contributors
+-- Maintainer :
+-- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
+-- Utilities for converting Disco types into 'Constructors'
+-- that the exhaustiveness checker understands, and utilities
+-- for working with 'TypedVar's and their names.
module Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo where
import Control.Monad (replicateM)
From 653737e53bf5fc835f872d77e3768b7435a522e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Sat, 18 Jan 2025 18:43:57 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 42/44] remove old typeinfo comment
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 5 -----
1 file changed, 5 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 2e449cf1..65dcaf68 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -117,11 +117,6 @@ right tr = DataCon {dcIdent = KRight, dcTypes = [tr]}
tyDataCons :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> Constructors
tyDataCons ty ctx = tyDataConsHelper $ resolveAlias ty ctx
--- TODO(colin): ask yorgey, make sure I've done this correctly
--- If I have, and this is enough, I can remove all mentions
--- of type equality constraints in Constraint.hs,
--- the lookup here will have handled that behavoir already
-- Type aliases that would cause infinite recursion here are
-- not possible to construct, so we don't have to worry about that.
-- (aka cyclic type definitions are not allowed in Disco)
From 565da272fb11914094230fc0058bca6358f603bd Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: LeitMoth
Date: Mon, 20 Jan 2025 17:12:16 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 43/44] convert back to patterns and use disco pretty printing
src/Disco/AST/Surface.hs | 3 ++
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 80 +++++++++++++++++++++-------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 24 ++-------
3 files changed, 68 insertions(+), 39 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/AST/Surface.hs b/src/Disco/AST/Surface.hs
index 3ea57456..3ac0b09a 100644
--- a/src/Disco/AST/Surface.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/AST/Surface.hs
@@ -105,6 +105,9 @@ module Disco.AST.Surface (
pattern PFrac,
pattern PNonlinear,
pattern Binding,
+ -- ** Pretty printing
+ prettyPatternP,
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index ad8d01a4..b83a361c 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -12,13 +12,27 @@
-- then pretty prints the results of running it.
module Disco.Exhaustiveness where
-import Control.Monad (forM, zipWithM, unless)
+import Control.Monad (forM, unless, zipWithM)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
import Data.List (nub)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Disco.AST.Generic (Side (..))
+import Disco.AST.Surface
+ ( Pattern,
+ prettyPatternP,
+ pattern PBool,
+ pattern PChar,
+ pattern PInj,
+ pattern PList,
+ pattern PNat,
+ pattern PNeg,
+ pattern PString,
+ pattern PTup,
+ pattern PUnit,
+ pattern PWild,
+ )
import Disco.AST.Typed
( APattern,
@@ -36,17 +50,18 @@ import Disco.AST.Typed
pattern APWild,
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh)
+import Disco.Effects.LFresh (LFresh, runLFresh)
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint as C
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Possibilities as Poss
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
import Disco.Messages
-import Disco.Pretty (Doc)
+import Disco.Pretty (Doc, initPA, withPA)
import qualified Disco.Pretty.DSL as DSL
+import Disco.Pretty.Prec (PA, funPA)
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Output
import Polysemy.Reader
-import qualified Prettyprinter as PP
import Unbound.Generics.LocallyNameless (Name)
-- | This exhaustiveness checking algorithm is based on the paper
@@ -70,31 +85,47 @@ checkClauses name types pats = do
unless (null examples) $ do
let prettyExampleArgs exArgs =
- DSL.hsep $ map prettyPrintExample exArgs
+ DSL.hcat $ map prettyPrintExample exArgs
let prettyExampleLine prettyArgs =
- DSL.text (show name) DSL.<+> prettyArgs DSL.<+> DSL.text "= ..."
+ DSL.text (show name) DSL.<> prettyArgs DSL.<+> DSL.text "= ..."
let prettyExamples =
DSL.vcat $ map (prettyExampleLine . prettyExampleArgs) examples
warn $
- DSL.text "Warning: the function" DSL.<+> DSL.text (show name) DSL.<+> DSL.text "is undefined for some inputs. For example:"
+ DSL.text "Warning: the function"
+ DSL.<+> DSL.text (show name)
+ DSL.<+> DSL.text "is undefined for some inputs. For example:"
DSL.$+$ prettyExamples
-prettyPrintExample :: (Applicative f) => ExamplePat -> f (Doc ann)
-prettyPrintExample e@(ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
- (TI.KPair, _) -> tupled (traverse prettyPrintExample (resugarPair e))
- (TI.KCons, _) -> list (traverse prettyPrintExample (resugarList e))
- (TI.KLeft, [l]) -> DSL.parens $ DSL.text "left" DSL.<+> prettyPrintExample l
- (TI.KRight, [r]) -> DSL.parens $ DSL.text "right" DSL.<+> prettyPrintExample r
- (_, _) -> DSL.hsep $ DSL.text (show ident) : map prettyPrintExample args
-tupled :: (Applicative f) => f [Doc ann] -> f (Doc ann)
-tupled = fmap PP.tupled
-list :: (Applicative f) => f [Doc ann] -> f (Doc ann)
-list = fmap PP.list
+prettyPrintExample :: ExamplePat -> Sem r (Doc ann)
+prettyPrintExample = runLFresh . runReader initPA . prettyPrintPattern . exampleToDiscoPattern
+prettyPrintPattern :: (Members '[Reader PA, LFresh] r) => Pattern -> Sem r (Doc ann)
+prettyPrintPattern = withPA funPA . prettyPatternP
+exampleToDiscoPattern :: ExamplePat -> Pattern
+exampleToDiscoPattern e@(ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident, TI.dcTypes = types} args) = case (ident, args) of
+ (TI.KUnknown, _) -> PWild
+ (TI.KUnit, _) -> PUnit
+ (TI.KBool b, _) -> PBool b
+ (TI.KNat n, _) -> PNat n
+ (TI.KInt z, _) ->
+ if z >= 0
+ then PNat z
+ else PNeg (PNat (abs z))
+ (TI.KPair, _) -> PTup $ map exampleToDiscoPattern $ resugarPair e
+ (TI.KCons, _) ->
+ if take 1 types == [Ty.TyC]
+ then PString $ resugarString e
+ else PList $ map exampleToDiscoPattern $ resugarList e
+ (TI.KNil, _) -> PList []
+ (TI.KChar c, _) -> PChar c
+ (TI.KLeft, [l]) -> PInj L $ exampleToDiscoPattern l
+ (TI.KRight, [r]) -> PInj R $ exampleToDiscoPattern r
+ (TI.KLeft, _) -> error "Found KLeft data constructor with 0 or multiple arguments"
+ (TI.KRight, _) -> error "Found KRight data constructor with 0 or multiple arguments"
resugarPair :: ExamplePat -> [ExamplePat]
resugarPair e@(ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
@@ -106,6 +137,15 @@ resugarList (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, arg
(TI.KCons, [ehead, etail]) -> ehead : resugarList etail
(_, _) -> []
+resugarString :: ExamplePat -> String
+resugarString (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = ident} args) = case (ident, args) of
+ (TI.KCons, [ehead, etail]) -> assumeExampleChar ehead : resugarString etail
+ (_, _) -> []
+assumeExampleChar :: ExamplePat -> Char
+assumeExampleChar (ExamplePat TI.DataCon {TI.dcIdent = TI.KChar c} _) = c
+assumeExampleChar _ = error "Wrongly assumed that an ExamplePat was a Char"
desugarClause :: (Members '[Fresh, Embed IO] r) => [TI.TypedVar] -> Int -> [APattern] -> Sem r Gdt
desugarClause args clauseIdx argsPats = do
guards <- zipWithM desugarMatch args argsPats
@@ -136,7 +176,7 @@ desugarTuplePats (pfst : rest) = APTup (Ty.getType pfst Ty.:*: Ty.getType psnd)
-- , APAdd
-- , APMul
-- , APSub
--- These (or some updated version of them) may be handled eventually,
+-- These (or some updated version of them) may be handled eventually,
-- once updated arithmetic patterns are merged.
-- We treat unhandled patterns as if they are exhaustively matched against
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index 65dcaf68..b4f30a19 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -42,6 +42,10 @@ data DataCon = DataCon
instance Eq DataCon where
(==) = (==) `on` dcIdent
+-- The Show instance of 'Ident' should never be used
+-- for displaying results to the user.
+-- Instead, convert to a proper pattern and use the
+-- pretty printer, like in Exhaustiveness.hs
data Ident where
KUnit :: Ident
KBool :: Bool -> Ident
@@ -54,25 +58,7 @@ data Ident where
KLeft :: Ident
KRight :: Ident
KUnknown :: Ident
- deriving (Eq, Ord)
-instance Show Ident where
- show i = case i of
- KBool b -> show b
- KChar c -> show c
- KNat n -> show n
- KInt z ->
- if z < 0
- then "(" ++ show z ++ ")"
- else show z
- KNil -> "[]"
- KUnit -> "unit"
- KUnknown -> "_"
- -- These should never actually be printed in warnings
- KPair -> ","
- KCons -> "::"
- KLeft -> "left()"
- KRight -> "right()"
+ deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)
-- | 'Finite' constructors are used in the LYG checker
-- 'Infinite' constructors are used when reporting
From 996d74bb9c7c2352757f55cf3f2c0f0b472ec4e0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "github-actions[bot]"
Date: Tue, 21 Jan 2025 06:42:03 -0600
Subject: [PATCH 44/44] Restyled by fourmolu (#435)
src/Disco/Eval.hs | 8 +--
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs | 88 +++++++++++++-------------
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs | 18 +++---
src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs | 10 +--
4 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 62 deletions(-)
diff --git a/src/Disco/Eval.hs b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
index 758041be..16600814 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Eval.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Eval.hs
@@ -78,11 +78,13 @@ import Polysemy.Output
import Polysemy.Random
import Polysemy.Reader
+import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Disco.AST.Core
import Disco.AST.Surface
import Disco.Compile (compileDefns)
import Disco.Context as Ctx
import Disco.Error
+import Disco.Exhaustiveness (checkClauses)
import Disco.Extensions
import Disco.Interpret.CESK
import Disco.Messages
@@ -95,8 +97,6 @@ import Disco.Typecheck (checkModule)
import Disco.Typecheck.Util
import Disco.Types
import Disco.Value
-import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
-import Disco.Exhaustiveness (checkClauses)
-- Configuation options
@@ -387,8 +387,8 @@ loadParsedDiscoModule' quiet mode resolver inProcess name cm@(Module _ mns _ _ _
m <- runTCM tyctx tydefns $ checkModule name importMap cm
-- Check for partial functions
- let allTyDefs = M.unionWith const tydefns (m^.miTydefs)
- runFresh $ mapM_ (checkExhaustive allTyDefs) (Ctx.elems $ m^.miTermdefs)
+ let allTyDefs = M.unionWith const tydefns (m ^. miTydefs)
+ runFresh $ mapM_ (checkExhaustive allTyDefs) (Ctx.elems $ m ^. miTermdefs)
-- Evaluate all the module definitions and add them to the topEnv.
mapError EvalErr $ loadDefsFrom m
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
index b83a361c..41305cd8 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness.hs
@@ -19,36 +19,36 @@ import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
import Disco.AST.Generic (Side (..))
-import Disco.AST.Surface
- ( Pattern,
- prettyPatternP,
- pattern PBool,
- pattern PChar,
- pattern PInj,
- pattern PList,
- pattern PNat,
- pattern PNeg,
- pattern PString,
- pattern PTup,
- pattern PUnit,
- pattern PWild,
- )
-import Disco.AST.Typed
- ( APattern,
- ATerm,
- pattern APBool,
- pattern APChar,
- pattern APCons,
- pattern APInj,
- pattern APList,
- pattern APNat,
- pattern APNeg,
- pattern APString,
- pattern APTup,
- pattern APUnit,
- pattern APVar,
- pattern APWild,
- )
+import Disco.AST.Surface (
+ Pattern,
+ prettyPatternP,
+ pattern PBool,
+ pattern PChar,
+ pattern PInj,
+ pattern PList,
+ pattern PNat,
+ pattern PNeg,
+ pattern PString,
+ pattern PTup,
+ pattern PUnit,
+ pattern PWild,
+ )
+import Disco.AST.Typed (
+ APattern,
+ ATerm,
+ pattern APBool,
+ pattern APChar,
+ pattern APCons,
+ pattern APInj,
+ pattern APList,
+ pattern APNat,
+ pattern APNeg,
+ pattern APString,
+ pattern APTup,
+ pattern APUnit,
+ pattern APVar,
+ pattern APWild,
+ )
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh)
import Disco.Effects.LFresh (LFresh, runLFresh)
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.Constraint as C
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ desugarTuplePats :: [APattern] -> APattern
desugarTuplePats [] = error "Found empty tuple, what happened?"
desugarTuplePats [p] = p
desugarTuplePats (pfst : rest) = APTup (Ty.getType pfst Ty.:*: Ty.getType psnd) [pfst, psnd]
- where
- psnd = desugarTuplePats rest
+ where
+ psnd = desugarTuplePats rest
-- | Convert a Disco APattern into a list of Guards which cover that pattern
@@ -344,10 +344,10 @@ findVarInhabitants var cns =
if null posNrefs
then Poss.retSingle $ IPNot []
else Poss.anyOf <$> forM posNrefs (findVarInhabitants var)
- where
- constraintsOnX = C.onVar var cns
- posMatch = C.posMatch constraintsOnX
- negMatches = C.negMatches constraintsOnX
+ where
+ constraintsOnX = C.onVar var cns
+ posMatch = C.posMatch constraintsOnX
+ negMatches = C.negMatches constraintsOnX
findRedundant :: (Members '[Fresh, Reader Ty.TyDefCtx] r) => Ant -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Sem r [Int]
findRedundant ant args = case ant of
@@ -398,17 +398,17 @@ findVarPosExamples fuel var cns =
posNrefs <- catMaybes <$> forM dcs tryAddDc
Poss.anyOf <$> forM posNrefs (findVarPosExamples (fuel - 1) var)
- where
- constraintsOnX = C.onVar var cns
- posMatch = C.posMatch constraintsOnX
- negMatches = C.negMatches constraintsOnX
+ where
+ constraintsOnX = C.onVar var cns
+ posMatch = C.posMatch constraintsOnX
+ negMatches = C.negMatches constraintsOnX
getPosFrom :: Ty.Type -> Ty.TyDefCtx -> [TI.DataCon] -> [TI.DataCon]
getPosFrom ty ctx neg = take 3 $ filter (`notElem` neg) dcs
- where
- dcs = case TI.tyDataCons ty ctx of
- TI.Finite dcs' -> dcs'
- TI.Infinite dcs' -> dcs'
+ where
+ dcs = case TI.tyDataCons ty ctx of
+ TI.Finite dcs' -> dcs'
+ TI.Infinite dcs' -> dcs'
mkExampleMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [ExamplePat] -> ExamplePat
mkExampleMatch k pats =
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
index 9c4ccab4..59afb7c6 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/Constraint.hs
@@ -15,14 +15,14 @@ import Control.Applicative (Alternative)
import Control.Monad (foldM, guard)
import Control.Monad.Trans (lift)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Maybe (MaybeT, runMaybeT)
+import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import Data.List (partition)
import Data.Maybe (isJust, listToMaybe, mapMaybe)
import Disco.Effects.Fresh (Fresh)
import qualified Disco.Exhaustiveness.TypeInfo as TI
-import Polysemy
import qualified Disco.Types as Ty
+import Polysemy
import Polysemy.Reader
-import Data.Bifunctor (first)
data Constraint where
CMatch :: TI.DataCon -> [TI.TypedVar] -> Constraint
@@ -43,9 +43,9 @@ type ConstraintFor = (TI.TypedVar, Constraint)
-- do a linear scan from right to left
lookupVar :: TI.TypedVar -> [ConstraintFor] -> TI.TypedVar
lookupVar x = foldr getNextId x
- where
- getNextId (x', CWasOriginally y) | x' == x = const y
- getNextId _ = id
+ where
+ getNextId (x', CWasOriginally y) | x' == x = const y
+ getNextId _ = id
alistLookup :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a, b)] -> [b]
alistLookup a = map snd . filter ((== a) . fst)
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ addConstraintHelper cns cf@(origX, c) = case c of
else do
let (noX', withX') = partition ((/= origX) . fst) cns
addConstraints (noX' ++ [cf]) (substituteVarIDs origY origX withX')
- where
- added = cns ++ [cf]
+ where
+ added = cns ++ [cf]
----- Helper functions for adding constraints:
@@ -125,8 +125,8 @@ getConstructorArgs k cfs =
-- ie replace the second with the first, replace x with y
substituteVarIDs :: TI.TypedVar -> TI.TypedVar -> [ConstraintFor] -> [ConstraintFor]
substituteVarIDs y x = map (first subst)
- where
- subst var = if var == x then y else x
+ where
+ subst var = if var == x then y else x
-- | Deals with I2 from section 3.4
-- if a variable in the context has a resolvable type, there must be at least one constructor
diff --git a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
index b4f30a19..14edd7e7 100644
--- a/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
+++ b/src/Disco/Exhaustiveness/TypeInfo.hs
@@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ getType :: TypedVar -> Ty.Type
getType (TypedVar (_, t)) = t
data DataCon = DataCon
- { dcIdent :: Ident,
- dcTypes :: [Ty.Type]
+ { dcIdent :: Ident
+ , dcTypes :: [Ty.Type]
deriving (Ord, Show)
@@ -161,9 +161,9 @@ tyDataConsHelper Ty.TyC =
Infinite $
map char $
alphanum ++ (allUnicodeNicelyOrdered \\ alphanum)
- where
- allUnicodeNicelyOrdered = [(toEnum 32) .. (toEnum 126)] ++ [(toEnum 161) .. maxBound] ++ [minBound .. (toEnum 31)] ++ [(toEnum 127) .. (toEnum 160)]
- alphanum = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']
+ where
+ allUnicodeNicelyOrdered = [(toEnum 32) .. (toEnum 126)] ++ [(toEnum 161) .. maxBound] ++ [minBound .. (toEnum 31)] ++ [(toEnum 127) .. (toEnum 160)]
+ alphanum = ['a' .. 'z'] ++ ['A' .. 'Z'] ++ ['0' .. '9']
tyDataConsHelper _ = Infinite [unknown]
newName :: (Member Fresh r) => Sem r (Name ATerm)