This is a customizable star rating control written specifically for SwiftUI. It shows a star rating and handles user input. It also contains a star Shape with customizable number of vertices and weight.
Requirements iOS 13+
- In Xcode, open your project and navigate to File → Swift Packages → Add Package Dependency.
- Paste the repository URL ( and click Next.
- For Rules, select version.
- Click Finish.
.package(url: "", .upToNextMajor(from: "1.2.0"))
Import StarRating package to your view.
import StarRating
and you are ready to use StarRating
or the Shape
in you SwiftUI code.
You can display a rating with the line:
// set the rating you want to display as initialRating
StarRating(initialRating: 3.7)
To show a fully functional star rating that can handle user input, add the line:
// set the initialRating
// add a callback to do something with the new rating
StarRating(initialRating: 0, onRatingChanged: { print($0) })
To configure the control, StarRating
binds a StarRatingConfiguration
object. This makes it easy to dynamically change the control's style and behaviour.
- Create a
@State var customConfig = StarRatingConfiguration(minRating: 2, numberOfStars: 10)
- Pass it when creating the instance of
and update it later as needed:
StarRating(initialRating: 2.0, configuration: $customConfig) { newRating in
customConfig.starVertices = Int(newRating)
Read the implementation of StarRatingConfiguration to see what configuration posibilities are available at the moment.
Use Star
the same way as you would use standard SwiftUI Shapes, such as Rectangle
. Star
allows to configure the number of vertices and the weight. Example usage:
Star(vertices: 5, weight: 0.45)
You can contribute to this project by helping me solve any reported issues or feature requests and creating a pull request.
If you just want to say thanks, you could buy me a coffee ☕️.
StarRating is released under the MIT License.