From 9ae8b3e53327bf0319a810d75adf23998012e56d Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: liushuyu <> Date: Mon, 27 Jan 2025 13:58:50 -0700 Subject: [PATCH] druntime: redirect dual-ABI functions on glibc to IEEE128 version ... ... if IEEE long double ABI is selected --- druntime/src/core/stdc/config.d | 5 + druntime/src/core/stdc/math.d | 499 ++++++++++++++++++++++++-------- druntime/src/core/stdc/stdio.d | 188 ++++++++---- druntime/src/core/stdc/stdlib.d | 12 +- 4 files changed, 522 insertions(+), 182 deletions(-) diff --git a/druntime/src/core/stdc/config.d b/druntime/src/core/stdc/config.d index c95fe6514070..34f78e03e4a7 100644 --- a/druntime/src/core/stdc/config.d +++ b/druntime/src/core/stdc/config.d @@ -670,3 +670,8 @@ package(core) template muslRedirTime64Mangle(string name, string redirectedName) else enum muslRedirTime64Mangle = name; } + +version (PPC64) + enum PPCUseIEEE128 = real.mant_dig == 113; +else + enum PPCUseIEEE128 = false; diff --git a/druntime/src/core/stdc/math.d b/druntime/src/core/stdc/math.d index e54d5813995d..1f384f9cbd46 100644 --- a/druntime/src/core/stdc/math.d +++ b/druntime/src/core/stdc/math.d @@ -4284,404 +4284,651 @@ else double acos(double x); /// float acosf(float x); - /// - real acosl(real x); /// double asin(double x); /// float asinf(float x); - /// - real asinl(real x); /// pure double atan(double x); /// pure float atanf(float x); - /// - pure real atanl(real x); /// double atan2(double y, double x); /// float atan2f(float y, float x); - /// - real atan2l(real y, real x); /// pure double cos(double x); /// pure float cosf(float x); - /// - pure real cosl(real x); /// pure double sin(double x); /// pure float sinf(float x); - /// - pure real sinl(real x); /// pure double tan(double x); /// pure float tanf(float x); - /// - pure real tanl(real x); /// double acosh(double x); /// float acoshf(float x); - /// - real acoshl(real x); /// pure double asinh(double x); /// pure float asinhf(float x); - /// - pure real asinhl(real x); /// double atanh(double x); /// float atanhf(float x); - /// - real atanhl(real x); /// double cosh(double x); /// float coshf(float x); - /// - real coshl(real x); /// double sinh(double x); /// float sinhf(float x); - /// - real sinhl(real x); /// pure double tanh(double x); /// pure float tanhf(float x); - /// - pure real tanhl(real x); /// double exp(double x); /// float expf(float x); - /// - real expl(real x); /// double exp2(double x); /// float exp2f(float x); - /// - real exp2l(real x); /// double expm1(double x); /// float expm1f(float x); - /// - real expm1l(real x); /// pure double frexp(double value, int* exp); /// pure float frexpf(float value, int* exp); - /// - pure real frexpl(real value, int* exp); /// int ilogb(double x); /// int ilogbf(float x); - /// - int ilogbl(real x); /// double ldexp(double x, int exp); /// float ldexpf(float x, int exp); - /// - real ldexpl(real x, int exp); /// double log(double x); /// float logf(float x); - /// - real logl(real x); /// double log10(double x); /// float log10f(float x); - /// - real log10l(real x); /// double log1p(double x); /// float log1pf(float x); - /// - real log1pl(real x); /// double log2(double x); /// float log2f(float x); - /// - real log2l(real x); /// double logb(double x); /// float logbf(float x); - /// - real logbl(real x); /// pure double modf(double value, double* iptr); /// pure float modff(float value, float* iptr); - /// - pure real modfl(real value, real *iptr); /// double scalbn(double x, int n); /// float scalbnf(float x, int n); - /// - real scalbnl(real x, int n); /// double scalbln(double x, c_long n); /// float scalblnf(float x, c_long n); - /// - real scalblnl(real x, c_long n); /// pure double cbrt(double x); /// pure float cbrtf(float x); - /// - pure real cbrtl(real x); /// pure double fabs(double x); - version (CRuntime_Microsoft) - { - } - else - { - /// - pure float fabsf(float x); - /// - pure real fabsl(real x); - } /// double hypot(double x, double y); /// float hypotf(float x, float y); - /// - real hypotl(real x, real y); /// double pow(double x, double y); /// float powf(float x, float y); - /// - real powl(real x, real y); /// double sqrt(double x); /// float sqrtf(float x); - /// - real sqrtl(real x); /// pure double erf(double x); /// pure float erff(float x); - /// - pure real erfl(real x); /// double erfc(double x); /// float erfcf(float x); - /// - real erfcl(real x); /// double lgamma(double x); /// float lgammaf(float x); - /// - real lgammal(real x); /// double tgamma(double x); /// float tgammaf(float x); - /// - real tgammal(real x); /// pure double ceil(double x); /// pure float ceilf(float x); - /// - pure real ceill(real x); /// pure double floor(double x); /// pure float floorf(float x); - /// - pure real floorl(real x); /// pure double nearbyint(double x); /// pure float nearbyintf(float x); - /// - pure real nearbyintl(real x); /// pure double rint(double x); /// pure float rintf(float x); - /// - pure real rintl(real x); /// c_long lrint(double x); /// c_long lrintf(float x); - /// - c_long lrintl(real x); /// long llrint(double x); /// long llrintf(float x); - /// - long llrintl(real x); /// pure double round(double x); /// pure float roundf(float x); - /// - pure real roundl(real x); /// c_long lround(double x); /// c_long lroundf(float x); - /// - c_long lroundl(real x); /// long llround(double x); /// long llroundf(float x); - /// - long llroundl(real x); /// pure double trunc(double x); /// pure float truncf(float x); - /// - pure real truncl(real x); /// double fmod(double x, double y); /// float fmodf(float x, float y); - /// - real fmodl(real x, real y); /// double remainder(double x, double y); /// float remainderf(float x, float y); - /// - real remainderl(real x, real y); /// double remquo(double x, double y, int* quo); /// float remquof(float x, float y, int* quo); - /// - real remquol(real x, real y, int* quo); /// pure double copysign(double x, double y); /// pure float copysignf(float x, float y); - /// - pure real copysignl(real x, real y); /// pure double nan(char* tagp); /// pure float nanf(char* tagp); - /// - pure real nanl(char* tagp); /// double nextafter(double x, double y); /// float nextafterf(float x, float y); /// - real nextafterl(real x, real y); - - /// - double nexttoward(double x, real y); - /// - float nexttowardf(float x, real y); - /// - real nexttowardl(real x, real y); /// double fdim(double x, double y); /// float fdimf(float x, float y); - /// - real fdiml(real x, real y); /// pure double fmax(double x, double y); /// pure float fmaxf(float x, float y); - /// - pure real fmaxl(real x, real y); + /// pure double fmin(double x, double y); /// pure float fminf(float x, float y); - /// - pure real fminl(real x, real y); + /// pure double fma(double x, double y, double z); /// pure float fmaf(float x, float y, float z); - /// - pure real fmal(real x, real y, real z); + + + static if (PPCUseIEEE128) { + /// + real __acosieee128(real x); + /// + alias acosl = __acosieee128; + /// + real __asinieee128(real x); + /// + alias asinl = __asinieee128; + /// + pure real __atanieee128(real x); + /// + alias atanl = __atanieee128; + /// + real __atan2ieee128(real y, real x); + /// + alias atan2l = __atan2ieee128; + /// + pure real __cosieee128(real x); + /// + alias cosl = __cosieee128; + /// + pure real __sinieee128(real x); + /// + alias sinl = __sinieee128; + /// + pure real __tanieee128(real x); + /// + alias tanl = __tanieee128; + /// + real __acoshieee128(real x); + /// + alias acoshl = __acoshieee128; + /// + pure real __asinhieee128(real x); + /// + alias asinhl = __asinhieee128; + /// + real __atanhieee128(real x); + /// + alias atanhl = __atanhieee128; + /// + real __coshieee128(real x); + /// + alias coshl = __coshieee128; + /// + real __sinhieee128(real x); + /// + alias sinhl = __sinhieee128; + /// + pure real __tanhieee128(real x); + /// + alias tanhl = __tanhieee128; + /// + real __expieee128(real x); + /// + alias expl = __expieee128; + /// + real __exp2ieee128(real x); + /// + alias exp2l = __exp2ieee128; + /// + real __expm1ieee128(real x); + /// + alias expm1l = __expm1ieee128; + /// + pure real __frexpieee128(real value, int* exp); + /// + alias frexpl = __frexpieee128; + /// + int __ilogbieee128(real x); + /// + alias ilogbl = __ilogbieee128; + /// + real __ldexpieee128(real x, int exp); + /// + alias ldexpl = __ldexpieee128; + /// + real __logieee128(real x); + /// + alias logl = __logieee128; + /// + real __log10ieee128(real x); + /// + alias log10l = __log10ieee128; + /// + real __log1pieee128(real x); + /// + alias log1pl = __log1pieee128; + /// + real __log2ieee128(real x); + /// + alias log2l = __log2ieee128; + /// + real __logbieee128(real x); + /// + alias logbl = __logbieee128; + /// + pure real __modfieee128(real value, real *iptr); + /// + alias modfl = __modfieee128; + /// + real __scalbnieee128(real x, int n); + /// + alias scalbnl = __scalbnieee128; + /// + real __scalblnieee128(real x, c_long n); + /// + alias scalblnl = __scalblnieee128; + /// + pure real __cbrtieee128(real x); + /// + alias cbrtl = __cbrtieee128; + /// + pure float fabsf(float x); + /// + pure real __fabsieee128(real x); + /// + alias fabsl = __fabsieee128; + /// + real __hypotieee128(real x, real y); + /// + alias hypotl = __hypotieee128; + /// + real __powieee128(real x, real y); + /// + alias powl = __powieee128; + /// + real __sqrtieee128(real x); + /// + alias sqrtl = __sqrtieee128; + /// + pure real __erfieee128(real x); + /// + alias erfl = __erfieee128; + /// + real __erfcieee128(real x); + /// + alias erfcl = __erfcieee128; + /// + real __lgammaieee128(real x); + /// + alias lgammal = __lgammaieee128; + /// + real __tgammaieee128(real x); + /// + alias tgammal = __tgammaieee128; + /// + pure real __ceilieee128(real x); + /// + alias ceill = __ceilieee128; + /// + pure real __floorieee128(real x); + /// + alias floorl = __floorieee128; + /// + pure real __nearbyintieee128(real x); + /// + alias nearbyintl = __nearbyintieee128; + /// + pure real __rintieee128(real x); + /// + alias rintl = __rintieee128; + /// + c_long __lrintieee128(real x); + /// + alias lrintl = __lrintieee128; + /// + long __llrintieee128(real x); + /// + alias llrintl = __llrintieee128; + /// + pure real __roundieee128(real x); + /// + alias roundl = __roundieee128; + /// + c_long __lroundieee128(real x); + /// + alias lroundl = __lroundieee128; + /// + long __llroundieee128(real x); + /// + alias llroundl = __llroundieee128; + /// + pure real __truncieee128(real x); + /// + alias truncl = __truncieee128; + /// + real __fmodieee128(real x, real y); + /// + alias fmodl = __fmodieee128; + /// + real __remainderieee128(real x, real y); + /// + alias remainderl = __remainderieee128; + /// + real __remquoieee128(real x, real y, int* quo); + /// + alias remquol = __remquoieee128; + /// + pure real __copysignieee128(real x, real y); + /// + alias copysignl = __copysignieee128; + /// + pure real __nanieee128(char* tagp); + /// + alias nanl = __nanieee128; + /// + real __nextafterieee128(real x, real y); + /// + alias nextafterl = __nextafterieee128; + /// + double __nexttoward_to_ieee128(double x, real y); + /// + alias nexttoward = __nexttoward_to_ieee128; + /// + float __nexttowardf_to_ieee128(float x, real y); + /// + alias nexttowardf = __nexttowardf_to_ieee128; + /// + real __nexttowardieee128(real x, real y); + /// + alias nexttowardl = __nexttowardieee128; + /// + real __fdimieee128(real x, real y); + /// + alias fdiml = __fdimieee128; + /// + pure real __fmaxieee128(real x, real y); + /// + alias fmaxl = __fmaxieee128; + /// + pure real __fminieee128(real x, real y); + /// + alias fminl = __fminieee128; + /// + pure real __fmaieee128(real x, real y, real z); + /// + alias fmal = __fmaieee128; + } + else + { + /// + real acosl(real x); + /// + real asinl(real x); + /// + pure real atanl(real x); + /// + real atan2l(real y, real x); + /// + pure real cosl(real x); + /// + pure real sinl(real x); + /// + pure real tanl(real x); + /// + real acoshl(real x); + /// + pure real asinhl(real x); + /// + real atanhl(real x); + /// + real coshl(real x); + /// + real sinhl(real x); + /// + pure real tanhl(real x); + /// + real expl(real x); + /// + real exp2l(real x); + /// + real expm1l(real x); + /// + pure real frexpl(real value, int* exp); + /// + int ilogbl(real x); + /// + real ldexpl(real x, int exp); + /// + real logl(real x); + /// + real log10l(real x); + /// + real log1pl(real x); + /// + real log2l(real x); + /// + real logbl(real x); + /// + pure real modfl(real value, real *iptr); + /// + real scalbnl(real x, int n); + /// + real scalblnl(real x, c_long n); + /// + pure real cbrtl(real x); + version (CRuntime_Microsoft) + { + } + else + { + /// + pure float fabsf(float x); + /// + pure real fabsl(real x); + } + /// + real hypotl(real x, real y); + /// + real powl(real x, real y); + /// + real sqrtl(real x); + /// + pure real erfl(real x); + /// + real erfcl(real x); + /// + real lgammal(real x); + /// + real tgammal(real x); + /// + pure real ceill(real x); + /// + pure real floorl(real x); + /// + pure real nearbyintl(real x); + /// + pure real rintl(real x); + /// + c_long lrintl(real x); + /// + long llrintl(real x); + /// + pure real roundl(real x); + /// + c_long lroundl(real x); + /// + long llroundl(real x); + /// + pure real truncl(real x); + /// + real fmodl(real x, real y); + /// + real remainderl(real x, real y); + /// + real remquol(real x, real y, int* quo); + /// + pure real copysignl(real x, real y); + /// + pure real nanl(char* tagp); + /// + real nextafterl(real x, real y); + /// + double nexttoward(double x, real y); + /// + float nexttowardf(float x, real y); + /// + real nexttowardl(real x, real y); + /// + real fdiml(real x, real y); + /// + pure real fmaxl(real x, real y); + /// + pure real fminl(real x, real y); + /// + pure real fmal(real x, real y, real z); + } } diff --git a/druntime/src/core/stdc/stdio.d b/druntime/src/core/stdc/stdio.d index d3ee2cae8e53..c9b6d7b6b7ec 100644 --- a/druntime/src/core/stdc/stdio.d +++ b/druntime/src/core/stdc/stdio.d @@ -1303,54 +1303,118 @@ version (MinGW) } else version (CRuntime_Glibc) { - /// - pragma(printf) - int fprintf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, scope const ...); - /// - pragma(scanf) - int __isoc99_fscanf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, scope ...); - /// - alias fscanf = __isoc99_fscanf; - /// - pragma(printf) - int sprintf(scope char* s, scope const char* format, scope const ...); - /// - pragma(scanf) - int __isoc99_sscanf(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, scope ...); - /// - alias sscanf = __isoc99_sscanf; - /// - pragma(printf) - int vfprintf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg); - /// - pragma(scanf) - int __isoc99_vfscanf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg); - /// - alias vfscanf = __isoc99_vfscanf; - /// - pragma(printf) - int vsprintf(scope char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg); - /// - pragma(scanf) - int __isoc99_vsscanf(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg); - /// - alias vsscanf = __isoc99_vsscanf; - /// - pragma(printf) - int vprintf(scope const char* format, va_list arg); - /// - pragma(scanf) - int __isoc99_vscanf(scope const char* format, va_list arg); - /// - alias vscanf = __isoc99_vscanf; - /// - pragma(printf) - int printf(scope const char* format, scope const ...); - /// - pragma(scanf) - int __isoc99_scanf(scope const char* format, scope ...); - /// - alias scanf = __isoc99_scanf; + static if (PPCUseIEEE128) + { + /// + pragma(printf) + int __fprintfieee128(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, scope const ...); + /// + alias fprintf = __fprintfieee128; + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_fscanfieee128(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, scope ...); + /// + alias fscanf = __isoc99_fscanfieee128; + /// + pragma(printf) + int __sprintfieee128(scope char* s, scope const char* format, scope const ...); + /// + alias sprintf = __sprintfieee128; + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_sscanfieee128(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, scope ...); + /// + alias sscanf = __isoc99_sscanfieee128; + /// + pragma(printf) + int vfprintf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_vfscanfieee128(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + alias vfscanf = __isoc99_vfscanfieee128; + /// + pragma(printf) + int __vsprintfieee128(scope char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + alias vsprintf = __vsprintfieee128; + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_vsscanfieee128(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + alias vsscanf = __isoc99_vsscanfieee128; + /// + pragma(printf) + int __vprintfieee128(scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + alias vprintf = __vprintfieee128; + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_vfscanfieee128(scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + alias vscanf = __isoc99_vfscanfieee128; + /// + pragma(printf) + int __printfieee128(scope const char* format, scope const ...); + /// + alias printf = __printfieee128; + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_scanfieee128(scope const char* format, scope ...); + /// + alias scanf = __isoc99_scanfieee128; + } + else + { + /// + pragma(printf) + int fprintf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, scope const ...); + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_fscanf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, scope ...); + /// + alias fscanf = __isoc99_fscanf; + /// + pragma(printf) + int sprintf(scope char* s, scope const char* format, scope const ...); + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_sscanf(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, scope ...); + /// + alias sscanf = __isoc99_sscanf; + /// + pragma(printf) + int vfprintf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_vfscanf(FILE* stream, scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + alias vfscanf = __isoc99_vfscanf; + /// + pragma(printf) + int vsprintf(scope char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_vsscanf(scope const char* s, scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + alias vsscanf = __isoc99_vsscanf; + /// + pragma(printf) + int vprintf(scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_vscanf(scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + alias vscanf = __isoc99_vscanf; + /// + pragma(printf) + int printf(scope const char* format, scope const ...); + /// + pragma(scanf) + int __isoc99_scanf(scope const char* format, scope ...); + /// + alias scanf = __isoc99_scanf; + } } else { @@ -1544,12 +1608,28 @@ else version (CRuntime_Glibc) int fileno(FILE *); } - /// - pragma(printf) - int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, scope const ...); - /// - pragma(printf) - int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg); + static if (PPCUseIEEE128) + { + /// + pragma(printf) + int __snprintfieee128(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, scope const ...); + /// + alias snprintf = __snprintfieee128; + /// + pragma(printf) + int __vsnprintfieee128(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg); + /// + alias vsnprintf = __vsnprintfieee128; + } + else + { + /// + pragma(printf) + int snprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, scope const ...); + /// + pragma(printf) + int vsnprintf(scope char* s, size_t n, scope const char* format, va_list arg); + } // // Gnu under-the-hood C I/O functions. Uses _iobuf* for the unshared diff --git a/druntime/src/core/stdc/stdlib.d b/druntime/src/core/stdc/stdlib.d index bd5fc2b15eae..52fa1d0f70cf 100644 --- a/druntime/src/core/stdc/stdlib.d +++ b/druntime/src/core/stdc/stdlib.d @@ -147,8 +147,16 @@ version (CRuntime_Microsoft) } else { - /// Added to Bionic since Lollipop. - real strtold(scope inout(char)* nptr, scope inout(char)** endptr); + static if (PPCUseIEEE128) + { + real __strtoieee128(scope inout(char)* nptr, scope inout(char)** endptr); + alias strtold = __strtoieee128; + } + else + { + /// Added to Bionic since Lollipop. + real strtold(scope inout(char)* nptr, scope inout(char)** endptr); + } } // No unsafe pointer manipulation.