From 8f56361dd7c69a48c4aa503dac1d8679e15f91f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Jonathan Pryor Date: Wed, 24 May 2017 16:28:25 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] [android-toolchain] Remove use of $(MAKEFLAGS) MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit An attempt to [bump `external/mono/`][0] resulted in a [build failure on a macOS machine][1]: Executing: make MSBUILD_ARGS=/p:AutoProvision=True/ /p:AutoProvisionUsesSudo=True V=1 MXE_TARGETS="i686-w64-mingw32.static" gcc cmake zlib pt hreads dlfcn-win32 mman-win32 PREFIX="/Users/builder/android-toolchain/mxe" make[1]: *** No rule to make target `/p:AutoProvisionUsesSudo=True'. Stop. (This happens on a macOS machine that hasn't previously built+installed MXE which needs MXE in order to generate Windows binaries, so auto-builds MXE...) This error is due to the interraction of three separate choices: 1. Jenkins is running: make prepare jenkins V=1 MSBUILD_ARGS="/p:AutoProvision=True /p:AutoProvisionUsesSudo=True" 2. xbuild replaces `\` with `/`. 3. The `_CreateMxeToolchains` target uses `make $(MAKEFLAGS)`. Background: what is `$(MAKEFLAGS)`? `$(MAKEFLAGS)` is set by **make**(1) and [contains the command-line flags to `make`][2]. It's value is shown elsewhere in the log file: MAKEFLAGS = MSBUILD_ARGS=/p:AutoProvision=True\ /p:AutoProvisionUsesSudo=True V=1 Note that `$(MAKEFLAGS)` contains a backslash: this is because of the original command, which provides a space-containing value for `$(MSBUILD_ARGS)`: MSBUILD_ARGS="/p:AutoProvision=True /p:AutoProvisionUsesSudo=True" Instead of preserving the quotes, `make` instead replaces ` ` (space) with `\ ` (backslash-space), which is perfectly valid: # MAKEFLAGS set "as if" we executed: make prepare jenkins V=1 MSBUILD_ARGS=/p:AutoProvision=True\ /p:AutoProvisionUsesSudo=True The problem is when `xbuild` enters the picture: xbuild can't differentiate between paths and...anything else, so for simplicity and sanity it *always* replaces `\` with the directory-separtor-char, which is `/` on macOS/Linux. Unfortunately, this *completely* changes the semantics of the embedded `MSBUILD_ARGS` value within `$(MAKEFLAGS)`: replacing `\ ` with `/ ` causes the `/p:AutoProvisionUsesSudo=True` to be treated as target by `make`, and that target doesn't exist. In theory, `xbuild` could be fixed to address this. In practice, `xbuild` isn't getting any future work. `msbuild` *is* getting more work, but this "corner case" is likely sufficiently complicated that it might not ever get fixed. Thus, the simple fix: Don't Do Thatâ„¢: remove use of `$(MAKEFLAGS)`. It isn't needed in this invocation. [0]: [1]: [2]: --- build-tools/android-toolchain/android-toolchain.targets | 4 ++-- 1 file changed, 2 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-) diff --git a/build-tools/android-toolchain/android-toolchain.targets b/build-tools/android-toolchain/android-toolchain.targets index 67273d940b3..dd5129710a8 100644 --- a/build-tools/android-toolchain/android-toolchain.targets +++ b/build-tools/android-toolchain/android-toolchain.targets @@ -134,12 +134,12 @@ Outputs="@(_AndroidMxeOutput)">