diff --git a/src/fscorlib/Directory.Build.props b/src/fscorlib/Directory.Build.props
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..666b95d9465
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/Directory.Build.props
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ true
+ <_FSharpBuildTargetFramework Condition="'$(MSBuildRuntimeType)'!='Core'">net472
+ <_FSharpBuildTargetFramework Condition="'$(MSBuildRuntimeType)'=='Core'">$(FSharpNetCoreProductTargetFramework)
+ <_FSharpBuildBinPath>$(MSBuildThisFileDirectory)..\..\artifacts\bin\fsc\$(Configuration)\$(_FSharpBuildTargetFramework)
+ $(_FSharpBuildBinPath)\FSharp.Build.dll
+ $(_FSharpBuildBinPath)/Microsoft.FSharp.Targets
+ $(_FSharpBuildBinPath)/Microsoft.FSharp.NetSdk.props
+ $(_FSharpBuildBinPath)/Microsoft.FSharp.NetSdk.targets
+ $(_FSharpBuildBinPath)/Microsoft.FSharp.Overrides.NetSdk.targets
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/FSCore.resx b/src/fscorlib/FSCore.resx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b90b5442f20
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/FSCore.resx
@@ -0,0 +1,546 @@
+ text/microsoft-resx
+ 2.0
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceReader, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ System.Resources.ResXResourceWriter, System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ The input array was empty.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Invalid function type
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ type argument out of range
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The option value was None
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/ILLink.LinkAttributes.xml b/src/fscorlib/ILLink.LinkAttributes.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..26eaf39ad93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/ILLink.LinkAttributes.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/ILLink.Substitutions.xml b/src/fscorlib/ILLink.Substitutions.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..014b51d19ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/ILLink.Substitutions.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/fscorlib.fsproj b/src/fscorlib/fscorlib.fsproj
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3e9f15efb52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/fscorlib.fsproj
@@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
+ Library
+ netstandard2.0
+ netstandard2.0;netstandard2.1
+ $(NoWarn);62
+ $(NoWarn);75
+ $(NoWarn);1204
+ true
+ $(DefineConstants);FSHARP_CORE
+ $(OtherFlags) --warnon:3218
+ $(OtherFlags) --warnon:1182
+ $(OtherFlags) --warnon:3390
+ $(OtherFlags) --warnon:3520
+ $(OtherFlags) --nowarn:57
+ $(OtherFlags) --nowarn:3511
+ $(OtherFlags) --nowarn:3513
+ $(OtherFlags) --compiling-fslib --maxerrors:100 --extraoptimizationloops:1
+ true
+ true
+ Debug;Release;Proto
+ $(OtherFlags) --realsig+
+ false
+ false
+ true
+ $(ArtifactsDir)/bin/$(MSBuildProjectName)/$(Configuration)/
+ $(ArtifactsDir)obj/$(MSBuildProjectName)/$(Configuration)/
+ true
+ true
+ false
+ Microsoft.FSharp.Core.SR
+ FSCore.resx
+ $(BaseOutputPath)\$(Configuration)\$(TargetFramework)
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/fscorlib.runtimeconfig.json b/src/fscorlib/fscorlib.runtimeconfig.json
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..146feb55582
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/fscorlib.runtimeconfig.json
@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
+ "runtimeOptions": {}
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.cs.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.cs.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b345b4b1c47
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.cs.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.de.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.de.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..4f12b328109
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.de.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.es.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.es.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..16ad3ec54d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.es.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.fr.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.fr.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..24f9d1c56c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.fr.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.it.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.it.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ec6cca58ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.it.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.ja.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.ja.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3478705a890
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.ja.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.ko.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.ko.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0f397244387
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.ko.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.pl.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.pl.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b1822fb36d1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.pl.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.pt-BR.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.pt-BR.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d44ac8572a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.pt-BR.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.ru.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.ru.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..479cf5249a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.ru.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.tr.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.tr.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..ceb96c1fb3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.tr.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.zh-Hans.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..63551ac964c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.zh-Hans.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.zh-Hant.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..21cc1bfe9b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/FSCore.zh-Hant.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.cs.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.cs.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9c37204bfcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.cs.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.de.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.de.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..955a71ad368
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.de.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.es.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.es.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c5b27476197
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.es.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.fr.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.fr.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f927cef1885
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.fr.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.it.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.it.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..871843c022b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.it.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.ja.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.ja.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3a5c5fb2f48
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.ja.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.ko.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.ko.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..845b3b95d50
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.ko.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.pl.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.pl.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f141056856e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.pl.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.pt-BR.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.pt-BR.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..51ca7488e29
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.pt-BR.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.ru.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.ru.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..86a55cc21ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.ru.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.tr.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.tr.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..5bfe422bb62
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.tr.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.zh-Hans.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..195a4e2682a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.zh-Hans.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.zh-Hant.xlf
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..37147cce9c4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fscorlib/xlf/fscorlib.zh-Hant.xlf
@@ -0,0 +1,717 @@
+ Could not bind function {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind property {0} in type {1}
+ Could not bind to method
+ Cannot take the address of this quotation
+ Expected exactly one type argument.
+ Expected exactly two type arguments.
+ Failed to bind assembly '{0}' while processing quotation data
+ Failed to bind constructor
+ Failed to bind field '{0}'
+ Failed to bind property '{0}'
+ Failed to bind type '{0}' in assembly '{1}'
+ ill formed expression: AppOp or LetOp
+ Incompatible record length
+ Incorrect instance type
+ Incorrect number of arguments
+ Incorrect type
+ Not a valid F# union case index.
+ Invalid function type
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# record field named '{1}'.
+ Type '{0}' did not have an F# union case named '{1}'.
+ The member is non-static (instance), but no receiver object was supplied
+ Parent type cannot be null
+ Reading a set-only property
+ Receiver object was unexpected, as member is static
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the type of the field was incorrect. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body must return unit. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': condition expression must be of type bool. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expected function type in function application or let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the expression has the wrong type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': expression doesn't match the tuple type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of expression does not match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function type doesn't match delegate type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': function argument type doesn't match. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': guard must return boolean. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# record. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': incorrect argument type for an F# union. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': initializer doesn't match array type. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': invalid parameter for a method or indexer property. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': body of the for loop must be lambda taking integer as an argument. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': lower and upper bounds must be integers. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when splicing expression into quotation literal. The type of the expression tree being inserted doesn't match the type expected by the splicing operation. Expected '{0}', but received type '{1}'. Consider type-annotating with the expected expression type, e.g., (%% x : {0}) or (%x : {0}).
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': types of true and false branches differ. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': mismatched type of argument and tuple element. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Type mismatch when building '{0}': the variable type doesn't match the type of the right-hand-side of a let binding. Expected '{1}', but received type '{2}'.
+ Tuple access out of range
+ The tuple lengths are different
+ type argument out of range
+ Unexpected quotation hole in expression.
+ F# union type requires different number of arguments
+ The parameter is not a recognized method name.
+ Writing a get-only property
+ The method '{0}' expects {1} type arguments but {2} were provided
+ First class uses of address-of operators are not permitted.
+ The input array was empty.
+ The arrays have different lengths.
+ Input string was not in a correct format.
+ The initialization of an object or value resulted in an object or value being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The static initialization of a file or type resulted in static data being accessed recursively before it was fully initialized.
+ The constructor method '{0}' for the union case could not be found
+ A continuation provided by Async.FromContinuations was invoked multiple times
+ Expecting delegate type.
+ Dynamic invocation of DivideByInt involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Addition involving overloading is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving coercions is not supported.
+ Dynamic invocation of op_Multiply involving overloading is not supported.
+ The end of a range cannot be NaN.
+ Enumeration already finished.
+ Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.
+ Enumeration based on System.Int32 exceeded System.Int32.MaxValue.
+ Unrecognized use of a 'sumBy' or 'averageBy' operator in a query. In queries whose original data is of static type IQueryable, these operators may only be used with result type int32, int64, single, double or decimal
+ Failed to read enough bytes from the stream.
+ first class uses of '%' or '%%' are not permitted
+ Failure during generic comparison: the type '{0}' does not implement the System.IComparable interface. This error may be arise from the use of a function such as 'compare', 'max' or 'min' or a data structure such as 'Set' or 'Map' whose keys contain instances of this type.
+ The index was outside the range of elements in the list.
+ The input list was empty.
+ The input must be non-negative.
+ The input must be positive.
+ The input sequence was empty.
+ The input sequence contains more than one element.
+ The record type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ The tuple type '{0}' is invalid. Required constructor is not defined.
+ This is not a valid tuple type for the F# reflection library.
+ The item, key, or index was not found in the collection.
+ An index satisfying the predicate was not found in the collection.
+ The lists had different lengths.
+ The MailboxProcessor has already been started.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndAsyncReply timed out.
+ MailboxProcessor.PostAndReply timed out.
+ Mailbox.Receive timed out.
+ Mailbox.Scan timed out.
+ Map values cannot be mutated.
+ The match cases were incomplete
+ maxDegreeOfParallelism must be positive, was {0}
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'Cancel' operation.
+ The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this 'End' operation.
+ MoveNext not called, or finished
+ Multiple CompilationMappingAttributes, expected at most one
+ Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.
+ Arrays with non-zero base cannot be created on this platform.
+ Type '{0}' is not a function type.
+ The function did not compute a permutation.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# record type.
+ Type '{0}' is not a tuple type.
+ Type '{0}' is not an F# union type.
+ Type '{0}' is not the representation of an F# exception declaration.
+ The two objects have different types and are not comparable.
+ The input sequence has an insufficient number of elements.
+ This object is for recursive equality calls and cannot be used for hashing.
+ One of the elements in the array is null.
+ The object is not an F# record value.
+ The object is null and no type was given. Either pass a non-null object or a non-null type parameter.
+ The option value was None
+ The index is outside the legal range.
+ Bad float value
+ Bad format specifier:{0}
+ Bad integer supplied to dynamic formatter
+ Expected a precision argument
+ Expected a width argument
+ The # formatting modifier is invalid in F#
+ Missing format specifier
+ Not a function type
+ Bad format specifier (precision)
+ Bad format specifier (after {0})
+ Bad format specifier (width)
+ The type '{0}' is the representation of an F# exception declaration but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# record type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ The type '{0}' is an F# union type but its representation is private. You must specify BindingFlags.NonPublic to access private type representations.
+ Reset is not supported on this enumerator.
+ Set contains no elements.
+ The start of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be NaN.
+ The step of a range cannot be zero.
+ The System.Threading.SynchronizationContext.Current of the calling thread is null.
+ 'thenBy' and 'thenByDescending' may only be used with an ordered input
+ This value cannot be mutated
+ The tuple index '{1}' was out of range for tuple type '{0}'.
+ An if/then/else conditional or pattern matching expression with multiple branches is not permitted in a query. An if/then/else conditional may be used.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The method '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression
+ This is not a valid query expression. The following construct was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator:\n{0}\nCheck the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The construct '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
+ This is not a valid query expression. The property '{0}' was used in a query but is not recognized by the F#-to-LINQ query translator. Check the specification of permitted queries and consider moving some of the operations out of the query expression.
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