diff --git a/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/FSharp.Editor.fsproj b/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/FSharp.Editor.fsproj
index f75476e319d..ae38f48257e 100644
--- a/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/FSharp.Editor.fsproj
+++ b/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/FSharp.Editor.fsproj
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@
diff --git a/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/Formatting/BraceMatchingService.fs b/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/Formatting/BraceMatchingService.fs
index 9c5a160ad05..700768a20c9 100644
--- a/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/Formatting/BraceMatchingService.fs
+++ b/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/Formatting/BraceMatchingService.fs
@@ -15,14 +15,18 @@ type internal FSharpBraceMatchingService
projectInfoManager: FSharpProjectOptionsManager
) =
- static let userOpName = "BraceMatching"
- static member GetBraceMatchingResult(checker: FSharpChecker, sourceText, fileName, options, position: int) =
+ static let defaultUserOpName = "BraceMatching"
+ static member GetBraceMatchingResult(checker: FSharpChecker, sourceText, fileName, options, position: int, userOpName: string) =
async {
- let! matchedBraces = checker.MatchBraces(fileName, sourceText.ToString(), options, userOpName = userOpName)
+ let! matchedBraces = checker.MatchBraces(fileName, sourceText.ToString(), options, userOpName)
let isPositionInRange range =
match RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, range) with
| None -> false
- | Some range -> range.Contains(position)
+ | Some range ->
+ let length = position - range.Start
+ length >= 0 && length <= range.Length
return matchedBraces |> Array.tryFind(fun (left, right) -> isPositionInRange left || isPositionInRange right)
@@ -31,7 +35,7 @@ type internal FSharpBraceMatchingService
asyncMaybe {
let! options = projectInfoManager.TryGetOptionsForEditingDocumentOrProject(document)
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken)
- let! (left, right) = FSharpBraceMatchingService.GetBraceMatchingResult(checkerProvider.Checker, sourceText, document.Name, options, position)
+ let! (left, right) = FSharpBraceMatchingService.GetBraceMatchingResult(checkerProvider.Checker, sourceText, document.Name, options, position, defaultUserOpName)
let! leftSpan = RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, left)
let! rightSpan = RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, right)
return BraceMatchingResult(leftSpan, rightSpan)
diff --git a/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/Formatting/EditorFormattingService.fs b/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/Formatting/EditorFormattingService.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0abbd0abddf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/Formatting/EditorFormattingService.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
+open System.Composition
+open System.Collections.Generic
+open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
+open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor
+open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting
+open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Host.Mef
+open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
+open System.Threading
+[, FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName)>]
+type internal FSharpEditorFormattingService
+ []
+ (
+ checkerProvider: FSharpCheckerProvider,
+ projectInfoManager: FSharpProjectOptionsManager
+ ) =
+ static member GetFormattingChanges(documentId: DocumentId, sourceText: SourceText, filePath: string, checker: FSharpChecker, indentStyle: FormattingOptions.IndentStyle, projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions option, position: int) =
+ // Logic for determining formatting changes:
+ // If first token on the current line is a closing brace,
+ // match the indent with the indent on the line that opened it
+ asyncMaybe {
+ // Gate formatting on whether smart indentation is enabled
+ // (this is what C# does)
+ do! Option.guard (indentStyle = FormattingOptions.IndentStyle.Smart)
+ let! projectOptions = projectOptions
+ let line = sourceText.Lines.[sourceText.Lines.IndexOf position]
+ let defines = CompilerEnvironment.GetCompilationDefinesForEditing(filePath, projectOptions.OtherOptions |> List.ofArray)
+ let tokens = Tokenizer.tokenizeLine(documentId, sourceText, line.Start, filePath, defines)
+ let! firstMeaningfulToken =
+ tokens
+ |> List.tryFind (fun x ->
+ x.Tag <> FSharpTokenTag.WHITESPACE &&
+ x.Tag <> FSharpTokenTag.COMMENT &&
+ x.Tag <> FSharpTokenTag.LINE_COMMENT)
+ let! (left, right) =
+ FSharpBraceMatchingService.GetBraceMatchingResult(checker, sourceText, filePath, projectOptions, position, "FormattingService")
+ if right.StartColumn = firstMeaningfulToken.LeftColumn then
+ // Replace the indentation on this line with the indentation of the left bracket
+ let! leftSpan = RoslynHelpers.TryFSharpRangeToTextSpan(sourceText, left)
+ let indentChars (line : TextLine) =
+ line.ToString()
+ |> Seq.takeWhile ((=) ' ')
+ |> Seq.length
+ let startIndent = indentChars sourceText.Lines.[sourceText.Lines.IndexOf leftSpan.Start]
+ let currentIndent = indentChars line
+ return TextChange(TextSpan(line.Start, currentIndent), String.replicate startIndent " ")
+ else
+ return! None
+ }
+ member __.GetFormattingChangesAsync (document: Document, position: int, cancellationToken: CancellationToken) =
+ async {
+ let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken) |> Async.AwaitTask
+ let! options = document.GetOptionsAsync(cancellationToken) |> Async.AwaitTask
+ let indentStyle = options.GetOption(FormattingOptions.SmartIndent, FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName)
+ let projectOptionsOpt = projectInfoManager.TryGetOptionsForEditingDocumentOrProject document
+ let! textChange = FSharpEditorFormattingService.GetFormattingChanges(document.Id, sourceText, document.FilePath, checkerProvider.Checker, indentStyle, projectOptionsOpt, position)
+ return
+ match textChange with
+ | Some change ->
+ ResizeArray([change]) :> IList<_>
+ | None ->
+ ResizeArray() :> IList<_>
+ }
+ interface IEditorFormattingService with
+ member val SupportsFormatDocument = false
+ member val SupportsFormatSelection = false
+ member val SupportsFormatOnPaste = false
+ member val SupportsFormatOnReturn = true
+ override __.SupportsFormattingOnTypedCharacter (document, ch) =
+ if FSharpIndentationService.IsSmartIndentEnabled document.Project.Solution.Workspace.Options then
+ match ch with
+ | ')' | ']' | '}' -> true
+ | _ -> false
+ else
+ false
+ override __.GetFormattingChangesAsync (_document, _span, cancellationToken) =
+ async { return ResizeArray() :> IList<_> }
+ |> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncAsTask cancellationToken
+ override __.GetFormattingChangesOnPasteAsync (_document, _span, cancellationToken) =
+ async { return ResizeArray() :> IList<_> }
+ |> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncAsTask cancellationToken
+ override this.GetFormattingChangesAsync (document, _typedChar, position, cancellationToken) =
+ this.GetFormattingChangesAsync (document, position, cancellationToken)
+ |> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncAsTask cancellationToken
+ override this.GetFormattingChangesOnReturnAsync (document, position, cancellationToken) =
+ this.GetFormattingChangesAsync (document, position, cancellationToken)
+ |> RoslynHelpers.StartAsyncAsTask cancellationToken
diff --git a/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/Formatting/IndentationService.fs b/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/Formatting/IndentationService.fs
index ed7d2a7b827..4fa71c024fb 100644
--- a/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/Formatting/IndentationService.fs
+++ b/vsintegration/src/FSharp.Editor/Formatting/IndentationService.fs
@@ -20,7 +20,11 @@ type internal FSharpIndentationService
(projectInfoManager: FSharpProjectOptionsManager) =
- static member GetDesiredIndentation(documentId: DocumentId, sourceText: SourceText, filePath: string, lineNumber: int, tabSize: int, optionsOpt: FSharpProjectOptions option): Option =
+ static member IsSmartIndentEnabled (options: Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Options.OptionSet) =
+ options.GetOption(FormattingOptions.SmartIndent, FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName) = FormattingOptions.IndentStyle.Smart
+ static member GetDesiredIndentation(documentId: DocumentId, sourceText: SourceText, filePath: string, lineNumber: int, tabSize: int, indentStyle: FormattingOptions.IndentStyle, projectOptions: FSharpProjectOptions option): Option =
// Match indentation with previous line
let rec tryFindPreviousNonEmptyLine l =
if l <= 0 then None
@@ -31,16 +35,18 @@ type internal FSharpIndentationService
tryFindPreviousNonEmptyLine (l - 1)
- let rec tryFindLastNoneWhitespaceOrCommentToken (line: TextLine) = maybe {
- let! options = optionsOpt
- let defines = CompilerEnvironment.GetCompilationDefinesForEditing(filePath, options.OtherOptions |> Seq.toList)
+ let rec tryFindLastNonWhitespaceOrCommentToken (line: TextLine) = maybe {
+ let! projectOptions = projectOptions
+ let defines = CompilerEnvironment.GetCompilationDefinesForEditing(filePath, projectOptions.OtherOptions |> Seq.toList)
let tokens = Tokenizer.tokenizeLine(documentId, sourceText, line.Start, filePath, defines)
|> List.rev
|> List.tryFind (fun x ->
- x.Tag <> FSharpTokenTag.WHITESPACE && x.Tag <> FSharpTokenTag.COMMENT && x.Tag <> FSharpTokenTag.LINE_COMMENT)
+ x.Tag <> FSharpTokenTag.WHITESPACE &&
+ x.Tag <> FSharpTokenTag.COMMENT &&
+ x.Tag <> FSharpTokenTag.LINE_COMMENT)
let (|Eq|_|) y x =
@@ -49,42 +55,43 @@ type internal FSharpIndentationService
let (|NeedIndent|_|) (token: FSharpTokenInfo) =
match token.Tag with
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.EQUALS
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LARROW
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.RARROW
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LPAREN
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LBRACK
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LBRACK_BAR
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LBRACK_LESS
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LBRACE
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.BEGIN
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.DO
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.FUNCTION
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.THEN
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.ELSE
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.STRUCT
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.CLASS
- | Eq FSharpTokenTag.TRY -> Some ()
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.EQUALS // =
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LARROW // <-
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.RARROW // ->
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LPAREN // (
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LBRACK // [
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LBRACK_BAR // [|
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LBRACK_LESS // [<
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.LBRACE // {
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.BEGIN // begin
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.DO // do
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.THEN // then
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.ELSE // else
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.STRUCT // struct
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.CLASS // class
+ | Eq FSharpTokenTag.TRY -> // try
+ Some ()
| _ -> None
maybe {
let! previousLine = tryFindPreviousNonEmptyLine lineNumber
+ let lastIndent =
+ previousLine.ToString()
+ |> Seq.takeWhile ((=) ' ')
+ |> Seq.length
- let rec loop column spaces =
- if previousLine.Start + column >= previousLine.End then
- spaces
+ // Only use smart indentation after tokens that need indentation
+ // if the option is enabled
+ let lastToken =
+ if indentStyle = FormattingOptions.IndentStyle.Smart then
+ tryFindLastNonWhitespaceOrCommentToken previousLine
- match previousLine.Text.[previousLine.Start + column] with
- | ' ' -> loop (column + 1) (spaces + 1)
- | '\t' -> loop (column + 1) (((spaces / tabSize) + 1) * tabSize)
- | _ -> spaces
- let lastIndent = loop 0 0
+ None
- let lastToken = tryFindLastNoneWhitespaceOrCommentToken previousLine
match lastToken with
- | Some(NeedIndent) -> (lastIndent/tabSize + 1) * tabSize
+ | Some NeedIndent -> (lastIndent/tabSize + 1) * tabSize
| _ -> lastIndent
@@ -94,9 +101,10 @@ type internal FSharpIndentationService
let! cancellationToken = Async.CancellationToken
let! sourceText = document.GetTextAsync(cancellationToken) |> Async.AwaitTask
let! options = document.GetOptionsAsync(cancellationToken) |> Async.AwaitTask
- let tabSize = options.GetOption(FormattingOptions.TabSize, FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName)
+ let tabSize = options.GetOption(FormattingOptions.TabSize, FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName)
+ let indentStyle = options.GetOption(FormattingOptions.SmartIndent, FSharpConstants.FSharpLanguageName)
let projectOptionsOpt = projectInfoManager.TryGetOptionsForEditingDocumentOrProject document
- let indent = FSharpIndentationService.GetDesiredIndentation(document.Id, sourceText, document.FilePath, lineNumber, tabSize, projectOptionsOpt)
+ let indent = FSharpIndentationService.GetDesiredIndentation(document.Id, sourceText, document.FilePath, lineNumber, tabSize, indentStyle, projectOptionsOpt)
match indent with
| None -> Nullable()
diff --git a/vsintegration/tests/unittests/BraceMatchingServiceTests.fs b/vsintegration/tests/unittests/BraceMatchingServiceTests.fs
index dac464c6829..277ad012f43 100644
--- a/vsintegration/tests/unittests/BraceMatchingServiceTests.fs
+++ b/vsintegration/tests/unittests/BraceMatchingServiceTests.fs
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ type BraceMatchingServiceTests() =
let position = fileContents.IndexOf(marker)
Assert.IsTrue(position >= 0, "Cannot find marker '{0}' in file contents", marker)
- match FSharpBraceMatchingService.GetBraceMatchingResult(checker, sourceText, fileName, options, position) |> Async.RunSynchronously with
+ match FSharpBraceMatchingService.GetBraceMatchingResult(checker, sourceText, fileName, options, position, "UnitTest") |> Async.RunSynchronously with
| None -> ()
| Some(left, right) -> Assert.Fail("Found match for brace '{0}'", marker)
@@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ type BraceMatchingServiceTests() =
Assert.IsTrue(startMarkerPosition >= 0, "Cannot find start marker '{0}' in file contents", startMarkerPosition)
Assert.IsTrue(endMarkerPosition >= 0, "Cannot find end marker '{0}' in file contents", endMarkerPosition)
- match FSharpBraceMatchingService.GetBraceMatchingResult(checker, sourceText, fileName, options, startMarkerPosition) |> Async.RunSynchronously with
+ match FSharpBraceMatchingService.GetBraceMatchingResult(checker, sourceText, fileName, options, startMarkerPosition, "UnitTest") |> Async.RunSynchronously with
| None -> Assert.Fail("Didn't find a match for start brace at position '{0}", startMarkerPosition)
| Some(left, right) ->
let endPositionInRange(range) =
@@ -157,3 +157,26 @@ let main argv =
(printfn "%A '%A' '%A'" (arg1) (arg2) (arg3))endBrace
0 // return an integer exit code"""
this.VerifyBraceMatch(code, "(printfn", ")endBrace")
+ []
+ []
+ [", [|9;10;11;14;15;16|])>]
+ [", [|9;10;11;12;15;15;16;17|])>]
+ []
+ []\nlet a7 = 70", [|0;1;2;21;22;23|])>]
+ []
+ member this.BraceMatchingBothSides_Bug2092(fileContents: string, matchingPositions: int[]) =
+ // https://github.com/Microsoft/visualfsharp/issues/2092
+ let sourceText = SourceText.From(fileContents)
+ matchingPositions
+ |> Array.iter (fun position ->
+ match FSharpBraceMatchingService.GetBraceMatchingResult(checker, sourceText, fileName, options, position, "UnitTest") |> Async.RunSynchronously with
+ | Some _ -> ()
+ | None ->
+ match position with
+ | 0 -> ""
+ | _ -> fileContents.[position - 1] |> sprintf " (previous character '%c')"
+ |> sprintf "Didn't find a matching brace at position '%d', character '%c'%s" position fileContents.[position]
+ |> Assert.Fail
+ )
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/vsintegration/tests/unittests/EditorFormattingServiceTests.fs b/vsintegration/tests/unittests/EditorFormattingServiceTests.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..83cd4c381fd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/vsintegration/tests/unittests/EditorFormattingServiceTests.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+namespace Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor.Tests.Roslyn
+open System
+open System.Threading
+open NUnit.Framework
+open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis
+open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Classification
+open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor
+open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
+open Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
+open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting
+type EditorFormattingServiceTests() =
+ static let filePath = "C:\\test.fs"
+ static let options: FSharpProjectOptions = {
+ ProjectFileName = "C:\\test.fsproj"
+ SourceFiles = [| filePath |]
+ ReferencedProjects = [| |]
+ OtherOptions = [| |]
+ IsIncompleteTypeCheckEnvironment = true
+ UseScriptResolutionRules = false
+ LoadTime = DateTime.MaxValue
+ OriginalLoadReferences = []
+ UnresolvedReferences = None
+ ExtraProjectInfo = None
+ Stamp = None
+ }
+ static let documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(ProjectId.CreateNewId())
+ static let indentStyle = FormattingOptions.IndentStyle.Smart
+ static let template = """
+let foo = [
+ 15
+ ]marker1
+async {
+ return 10
+ }marker2
+let abc =
+ [|
+ 10
+ |]marker3
+let def =
+ (
+ "hi"
+ )marker4
+ []
+ []
+ []
+ []
+ member this.TestIndentation(marker: string, expectedLine: string) =
+ let checker = FSharpChecker.Create()
+ let position = template.IndexOf(marker)
+ Assert.IsTrue(position >= 0, "Precondition failed: unable to find marker in template")
+ let sourceText = SourceText.From(template)
+ let lineNumber = sourceText.Lines |> Seq.findIndex (fun line -> line.Span.Contains position)
+ let changesOpt = FSharpEditorFormattingService.GetFormattingChanges(documentId, sourceText, filePath, checker, indentStyle, Some options, position) |> Async.RunSynchronously
+ match changesOpt with
+ | None -> Assert.Fail("Expected a text change, but got None")
+ | Some change ->
+ let changedText = sourceText.WithChanges(change)
+ let lineText = changedText.Lines.[lineNumber].ToString()
+ Assert.IsTrue(lineText.StartsWith(expectedLine), "Changed line does not start with expected text")
diff --git a/vsintegration/tests/unittests/IndentationServiceTests.fs b/vsintegration/tests/unittests/IndentationServiceTests.fs
index 26ec35de4f6..9534fa99113 100644
--- a/vsintegration/tests/unittests/IndentationServiceTests.fs
+++ b/vsintegration/tests/unittests/IndentationServiceTests.fs
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Editor
open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Text
open Microsoft.VisualStudio.FSharp.Editor
open Microsoft.FSharp.Compiler.SourceCodeServices
+open Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Formatting
type IndentationServiceTests() =
@@ -29,11 +30,12 @@ type IndentationServiceTests() =
ExtraProjectInfo = None
Stamp = None
- static let documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(ProjectId.CreateNewId())
- static let indentComment = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\$\s*Indent:\s*(\d+)\s*\$")
+ static let documentId = DocumentId.CreateNewId(ProjectId.CreateNewId())
static let tabSize = 4
+ static let indentStyle = FormattingOptions.IndentStyle.Smart
+ static let indentComment = System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex(@"\$\s*Indent:\s*(\d+)\s*\$")
static let consoleProjectTemplate = "
// Learn more about F# at http://fsharp.org
@@ -104,7 +106,8 @@ let t = seq { // $Indent: 0$
yield 1 // $Indent: 4$
-let g = function
+let g =
+ function
| None -> 1 // $Indent: 4$
| Some _ -> 0
@@ -166,14 +169,18 @@ while true do
member this.TestIndentation(expectedIndentation: Option, lineNumber: int, template: string) =
- let actualIndentation = FSharpIndentationService.GetDesiredIndentation(documentId, SourceText.From(template), filePath, lineNumber, tabSize, (Some options))
+ let sourceText = SourceText.From(template)
+ let actualIndentation = FSharpIndentationService.GetDesiredIndentation(documentId, sourceText, filePath, lineNumber, tabSize, indentStyle, Some options)
match expectedIndentation with
| None -> Assert.IsTrue(actualIndentation.IsNone, "No indentation was expected at line {0}", lineNumber)
- | Some(indentation) -> Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndentation.Value, actualIndentation.Value, "Indentation on line {0} doesn't match", lineNumber)
+ | Some indentation -> Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndentation.Value, actualIndentation.Value, "Indentation on line {0} doesn't match", lineNumber)
member this.TestAutoIndentation(expectedIndentation: Option, lineNumber: int, template: string) =
- let actualIndentation = FSharpIndentationService.GetDesiredIndentation(documentId, SourceText.From(template), filePath, lineNumber, tabSize, (Some options))
+ let sourceText = SourceText.From(template)
+ let actualIndentation = FSharpIndentationService.GetDesiredIndentation(documentId, sourceText, filePath, lineNumber, tabSize, indentStyle, Some options)
match expectedIndentation with
| None -> Assert.IsTrue(actualIndentation.IsNone, "No indentation was expected at line {0}", lineNumber)
- | Some(indentation) -> Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndentation.Value, actualIndentation.Value, "Indentation on line {0} doesn't match", lineNumber)
+ | Some indentation -> Assert.AreEqual(expectedIndentation.Value, actualIndentation.Value, "Indentation on line {0} doesn't match", lineNumber)
diff --git a/vsintegration/tests/unittests/VisualFSharp.Unittests.fsproj b/vsintegration/tests/unittests/VisualFSharp.Unittests.fsproj
index 0f6196e82d8..007ec01e1cf 100644
--- a/vsintegration/tests/unittests/VisualFSharp.Unittests.fsproj
+++ b/vsintegration/tests/unittests/VisualFSharp.Unittests.fsproj
@@ -101,6 +101,9 @@
+ Roslyn\EditorFormattingServiceTests.fs
@@ -138,9 +141,8 @@
@@ -156,7 +158,6 @@
@@ -177,7 +178,7 @@
@@ -272,7 +273,6 @@