diff --git a/docs/release-notes/.FSharp.Compiler.Service/8.0.300.md b/docs/release-notes/.FSharp.Compiler.Service/8.0.300.md
index 54f99f02acc..6544ab4685f 100644
--- a/docs/release-notes/.FSharp.Compiler.Service/8.0.300.md
+++ b/docs/release-notes/.FSharp.Compiler.Service/8.0.300.md
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
### Fixed
* Code generated files with > 64K methods and generated symbols crash when loaded. Use infered sequence points for debugging. ([Issue #16399](https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp/issues/16399), [#PR 16514](https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp/pull/16514))
+* `nameof Module` expressions and patterns are processed to link files in `--test:GraphBasedChecking`. ([PR #16550](https://github.com/dotnet/fsharp/pull/16550))
### Added
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/DependencyResolution.fs b/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/DependencyResolution.fs
index 9300385b483..11ba984ca51 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/DependencyResolution.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/DependencyResolution.fs
@@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
module internal FSharp.Compiler.GraphChecking.DependencyResolution
open FSharp.Compiler.Syntax
-open Internal.Utilities.Library
/// Find a path from a starting TrieNode and return the end node or None
let queryTriePartial (trie: TrieNode) (path: LongIdentifier) : TrieNode option =
@@ -118,6 +117,20 @@ let rec processStateEntry (trie: TrieNode) (state: FileContentQueryState) (entry
FoundDependencies = foundDependencies
+ | ModuleName name ->
+ // We need to check if the module name is a hit in the Trie.
+ let state' =
+ let queryResult = queryTrie trie [ name ]
+ processIdentifier queryResult state
+ match state.OwnNamespace with
+ | None -> state'
+ | Some ns ->
+ // If there we currently have our own namespace,
+ // the combination of that namespace + module name should be checked as well.
+ let queryResult = queryTrieDual trie ns [ name ]
+ processIdentifier queryResult state'
/// For a given file's content, collect all missing ("ghost") file dependencies that the core resolution algorithm didn't return,
/// but are required to satisfy the type-checker.
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/FileContentMapping.fs b/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/FileContentMapping.fs
index 526a22ef099..549822604ec 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/FileContentMapping.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/FileContentMapping.fs
@@ -18,6 +18,11 @@ let longIdentToPath (skipLast: bool) (longId: LongIdent) : LongIdentifier =
let synLongIdentToPath (skipLast: bool) (synLongIdent: SynLongIdent) =
longIdentToPath skipLast synLongIdent.LongIdent
+/// In some rare cases we are interested in the name of a single Ident.
+/// For example `nameof ModuleName` in expressions or patterns.
+let visitIdentAsPotentialModuleName (moduleNameIdent: Ident) =
+ FileContentEntry.ModuleName moduleNameIdent.idText
let visitSynLongIdent (lid: SynLongIdent) : FileContentEntry list = visitLongIdent lid.LongIdent
let visitLongIdent (lid: LongIdent) =
@@ -302,9 +307,28 @@ let visitSynTypeConstraint (tc: SynTypeConstraint) : FileContentEntry list =
| SynTypeConstraint.WhereTyparIsEnum(typeArgs = typeArgs) -> List.collect visitSynType typeArgs
| SynTypeConstraint.WhereTyparIsDelegate(typeArgs = typeArgs) -> List.collect visitSynType typeArgs
+let inline (|NameofIdent|_|) (ident: Ident) =
+ if ident.idText = "nameof" then ValueSome() else ValueNone
+/// Special case of `nameof Module` type of expression
+let (|NameofExpr|_|) (e: SynExpr) =
+ let rec stripParen (e: SynExpr) =
+ match e with
+ | SynExpr.Paren(expr = expr) -> stripParen expr
+ | _ -> e
+ match e with
+ | SynExpr.App(flag = ExprAtomicFlag.NonAtomic; isInfix = false; funcExpr = SynExpr.Ident NameofIdent; argExpr = moduleNameExpr) ->
+ match stripParen moduleNameExpr with
+ | SynExpr.Ident moduleNameIdent -> Some moduleNameIdent
+ | _ -> None
+ | _ -> None
let visitSynExpr (e: SynExpr) : FileContentEntry list =
let rec visit (e: SynExpr) (continuation: FileContentEntry list -> FileContentEntry list) : FileContentEntry list =
match e with
+ | NameofExpr moduleNameIdent -> continuation [ visitIdentAsPotentialModuleName moduleNameIdent ]
| SynExpr.Const _ -> continuation []
| SynExpr.Paren(expr = expr) -> visit expr continuation
| SynExpr.Quote(operator = operator; quotedExpr = quotedExpr) ->
@@ -389,7 +413,7 @@ let visitSynExpr (e: SynExpr) : FileContentEntry list =
| SynExpr.IfThenElse(ifExpr = ifExpr; thenExpr = thenExpr; elseExpr = elseExpr) ->
let continuations = List.map visit (ifExpr :: thenExpr :: Option.toList elseExpr)
Continuation.concatenate continuations continuation
- | SynExpr.Typar _ -> continuation []
+ | SynExpr.Typar _
| SynExpr.Ident _ -> continuation []
| SynExpr.LongIdent(longDotId = longDotId) -> continuation (visitSynLongIdent longDotId)
| SynExpr.LongIdentSet(longDotId, expr, _) -> visit expr (fun nodes -> visitSynLongIdent longDotId @ nodes |> continuation)
@@ -517,9 +541,29 @@ let visitSynExpr (e: SynExpr) : FileContentEntry list =
visit e id
+/// Special case of `| nameof Module ->` type of pattern
+let (|NameofPat|_|) (pat: SynPat) =
+ let rec stripPats p =
+ match p with
+ | SynPat.Paren(pat = pat) -> stripPats pat
+ | _ -> p
+ match pat with
+ | SynPat.LongIdent(longDotId = SynLongIdent(id = [ NameofIdent ]); typarDecls = None; argPats = SynArgPats.Pats [ moduleNamePat ]) ->
+ match stripPats moduleNamePat with
+ | SynPat.LongIdent(
+ longDotId = SynLongIdent.SynLongIdent(id = [ moduleNameIdent ]; dotRanges = []; trivia = [ None ])
+ extraId = None
+ typarDecls = None
+ argPats = SynArgPats.Pats []
+ accessibility = None) -> Some moduleNameIdent
+ | _ -> None
+ | _ -> None
let visitPat (p: SynPat) : FileContentEntry list =
let rec visit (p: SynPat) (continuation: FileContentEntry list -> FileContentEntry list) : FileContentEntry list =
match p with
+ | NameofPat moduleNameIdent -> continuation [ visitIdentAsPotentialModuleName moduleNameIdent ]
| SynPat.Paren(pat = pat) -> visit pat continuation
| SynPat.Typed(pat = pat; targetType = t) -> visit pat (fun nodes -> nodes @ visitSynType t)
| SynPat.Const _ -> continuation []
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/Types.fs b/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/Types.fs
index 00538b6e599..c667a573f69 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/Types.fs
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/Types.fs
@@ -73,6 +73,9 @@ type internal FileContentEntry =
/// Being explicit about nested modules allows for easier reasoning what namespaces (paths) are open.
/// We can scope an `OpenStatement` to the everything that is happening inside the nested module.
| NestedModule of name: string * nestedContent: FileContentEntry list
+ /// A single identifier that could be the name of a module.
+ /// Example use-case: `let x = nameof Foo` where `Foo` is a module.
+ | ModuleName of name: Identifier
type internal FileContent =
diff --git a/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/Types.fsi b/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/Types.fsi
index 468ef65889c..096719b6be7 100644
--- a/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/Types.fsi
+++ b/src/Compiler/Driver/GraphChecking/Types.fsi
@@ -67,6 +67,9 @@ type internal FileContentEntry =
/// Being explicit about nested modules allows for easier reasoning what namespaces (paths) are open.
/// For example we can limit the scope of an `OpenStatement` to symbols defined inside the nested module.
| NestedModule of name: string * nestedContent: FileContentEntry list
+ /// A single identifier that could be the name of a module.
+ /// Example use-case: `let x = nameof Foo` where `Foo` is a module.
+ | ModuleName of name: Identifier
/// File identifiers and its content extract for dependency resolution
type internal FileContent =
diff --git a/tests/FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests/TypeChecks/Graph/Scenarios.fs b/tests/FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests/TypeChecks/Graph/Scenarios.fs
index c75aed594c3..80f7caecafb 100644
--- a/tests/FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests/TypeChecks/Graph/Scenarios.fs
+++ b/tests/FSharp.Compiler.ComponentTests/TypeChecks/Graph/Scenarios.fs
@@ -800,4 +800,114 @@ printfn "Hello"
+ scenario
+ "Nameof module with namespace"
+ [
+ sourceFile
+ "A.fs"
+ """
+namespace X.Y.Z
+module Foo =
+ let x = 2
+ Set.empty
+ sourceFile
+ "B.fs"
+ """
+namespace X.Y.Z
+module Point =
+ let y = nameof Foo
+ (set [| 0 |])
+ ]
+ scenario
+ "Nameof module without namespace"
+ [
+ sourceFile
+ "A.fs"
+ """
+module Foo
+let x = 2
+ Set.empty
+ sourceFile
+ "B.fs"
+ """
+module Point
+let y = nameof Foo
+ (set [| 0 |])
+ ]
+ scenario
+ "Single module name should always be checked, regardless of own namespace"
+ [
+ sourceFile "X.fs" "namespace X.Y" Set.empty
+ sourceFile
+ "A.fs"
+ """
+module Foo
+let x = 2
+ Set.empty
+ sourceFile
+ "B.fs"
+ """
+namespace X.Y
+type T() =
+ let _ = nameof Foo
+ (set [| 1 |])
+ ]
+ scenario
+ "nameof pattern"
+ [
+ sourceFile "A.fs" "module Foo" Set.empty
+ sourceFile
+ "B.fs"
+ """
+module Bar
+ match "" with
+ | nameof Foo -> ()
+ | _ -> ()
+ (set [| 0 |])
+ ]
+ scenario
+ "parentheses around module name in nameof pattern"
+ [
+ sourceFile "A.fs" "module Foo" Set.empty
+ sourceFile
+ "B.fs"
+ """
+module Bar
+ match "" with
+ | nameof ((Foo)) -> ()
+ | _ -> ()
+ (set [| 0 |])
+ ]
+ scenario
+ "parentheses around module name in nameof expression"
+ [
+ sourceFile "A.fs" "module Foo" Set.empty
+ sourceFile
+ "B.fs"
+ """
+module Bar
+let _ = nameof ((Foo))
+ (set [| 0 |])
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file