diff --git a/fcs/FSharp.Compiler.Service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj b/fcs/FSharp.Compiler.Service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
index ef30acc7efc..81db7f54c59 100644
--- a/fcs/FSharp.Compiler.Service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
+++ b/fcs/FSharp.Compiler.Service/FSharp.Compiler.Service.fsproj
@@ -353,6 +353,9 @@
+ TypedAST/CompilerGlobalState.fs
diff --git a/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fs b/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fs
index 237b6ae70dd..d95bf2d0706 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fs
@@ -4639,13 +4639,13 @@ type TcImports(tcConfigP: TcConfigProvider, initialResolutions: TcAssemblyResolu
match scoref with
| ILScopeRef.Assembly aref -> Some aref
| ILScopeRef.Local | ILScopeRef.Module _ -> error(InternalError("not ILScopeRef.Assembly", rangeStartup)))
- fslibCcuInfo.FSharpViewOfMetadata
+ fslibCcuInfo.FSharpViewOfMetadata
// OK, now we have both mscorlib.dll and FSharp.Core.dll we can create TcGlobals
- let tcGlobals = TcGlobals(tcConfig.compilingFslib, ilGlobals, fslibCcu,
- tcConfig.implicitIncludeDir, tcConfig.mlCompatibility,
- tcConfig.isInteractive, tryFindSysTypeCcu, tcConfig.emitDebugInfoInQuotations,
- tcConfig.noDebugData, tcConfig.pathMap)
+ let tcGlobals = TcGlobals(tcConfig.compilingFslib, ilGlobals, fslibCcu,
+ tcConfig.implicitIncludeDir, tcConfig.mlCompatibility,
+ tcConfig.isInteractive, tryFindSysTypeCcu, tcConfig.emitDebugInfoInQuotations,
+ tcConfig.noDebugData, tcConfig.pathMap)
// the global_g reference cell is used only for debug printing
diff --git a/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fsi b/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fsi
index 94d9bf53713..3d08610670a 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fsi
+++ b/src/fsharp/CompileOps.fsi
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ val GetInitialTcEnv: assemblyName: string * range * TcConfig * TcImports * TcGlo
/// Represents the incremental type checking state for a set of inputs
type TcState =
- member NiceNameGenerator: Ast.NiceNameGenerator
+ member NiceNameGenerator: NiceNameGenerator
/// The CcuThunk for the current assembly being checked
member Ccu: CcuThunk
@@ -729,7 +729,7 @@ type TcState =
/// Get the initial type checking state for a set of inputs
val GetInitialTcState:
- range * string * TcConfig * TcGlobals * TcImports * Ast.NiceNameGenerator * TcEnv -> TcState
+ range * string * TcConfig * TcGlobals * TcImports * NiceNameGenerator * TcEnv -> TcState
/// Check one input, returned as an Eventually computation
val TypeCheckOneInputEventually :
diff --git a/src/fsharp/CompileOptions.fs b/src/fsharp/CompileOptions.fs
index 3a30ed50077..0c385cc3670 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/CompileOptions.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/CompileOptions.fs
@@ -1572,17 +1572,17 @@ let ApplyCommandLineArgs(tcConfigB: TcConfigBuilder, sourceFiles: string list, c
let showTermFileCount = ref 0
-let PrintWholeAssemblyImplementation (tcConfig:TcConfig) outfile header expr =
+let PrintWholeAssemblyImplementation g (tcConfig:TcConfig) outfile header expr =
if tcConfig.showTerms then
if tcConfig.writeTermsToFiles then
let filename = outfile + ".terms"
let n = !showTermFileCount
showTermFileCount := n+1
use f = System.IO.File.CreateText (filename + "-" + string n + "-" + header)
- Layout.outL f (Layout.squashTo 192 (DebugPrint.implFilesL expr))
+ Layout.outL f (Layout.squashTo 192 (DebugPrint.implFilesL g expr))
dprintf "\n------------------\nshowTerm: %s:\n" header
- Layout.outL stderr (Layout.squashTo 192 (DebugPrint.implFilesL expr))
+ Layout.outL stderr (Layout.squashTo 192 (DebugPrint.implFilesL g expr))
dprintf "\n------------------\n"
@@ -1680,13 +1680,13 @@ let ApplyAllOptimizations (tcConfig:TcConfig, tcGlobals, tcVal, outfile, importM
// Always optimize once - the results of this step give the x-module optimization
// info. Subsequent optimization steps choose representations etc. which we don't
// want to save in the x-module info (i.e. x-module info is currently "high level").
- PrintWholeAssemblyImplementation tcConfig outfile "pass-start" implFiles
+ PrintWholeAssemblyImplementation tcGlobals tcConfig outfile "pass-start" implFiles
if tcConfig.showOptimizationData then
- dprintf "Expression prior to optimization:\n%s\n" (Layout.showL (Layout.squashTo 192 (DebugPrint.implFilesL implFiles)))
+ dprintf "Expression prior to optimization:\n%s\n" (Layout.showL (Layout.squashTo 192 (DebugPrint.implFilesL tcGlobals implFiles)))
if tcConfig.showOptimizationData then
- dprintf "CCU prior to optimization:\n%s\n" (Layout.showL (Layout.squashTo 192 (DebugPrint.entityL ccu.Contents)))
+ dprintf "CCU prior to optimization:\n%s\n" (Layout.showL (Layout.squashTo 192 (DebugPrint.entityL tcGlobals ccu.Contents)))
let optEnv0 = optEnv
@@ -1768,12 +1768,10 @@ let ApplyAllOptimizations (tcConfig:TcConfig, tcGlobals, tcVal, outfile, importM
let implFiles, implFileOptDatas = List.unzip results
let assemblyOptData = Optimizer.UnionOptimizationInfos implFileOptDatas
let tassembly = TypedAssemblyAfterOptimization implFiles
- PrintWholeAssemblyImplementation tcConfig outfile "pass-end" (List.map fst implFiles)
+ PrintWholeAssemblyImplementation tcGlobals tcConfig outfile "pass-end" (List.map fst implFiles)
ReportTime tcConfig ("Ending Optimizations")
tassembly, assemblyOptData, optEnvFirstLoop
// ILX generation
diff --git a/src/fsharp/CompilerGlobalState.fs b/src/fsharp/CompilerGlobalState.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..1e857e7cade
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/fsharp/CompilerGlobalState.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+// Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved. See License.txt in the project root for license information.
+/// Defines the global environment for all type checking.
+namespace FSharp.Compiler
+open System.Collections.Generic
+open FSharp.Compiler.AbstractIL
+open FSharp.Compiler.Range
+open FSharp.Compiler.PrettyNaming
+/// Generates compiler-generated names. Each name generated also includes the StartLine number of the range passed in
+/// at the point of first generation.
+/// This type may be accessed concurrently, though in practice it is only used from the compilation thread.
+/// It is made concurrency-safe since a global instance of the type is allocated in tast.fs, and it is good
+/// policy to make all globally-allocated objects concurrency safe in case future versions of the compiler
+/// are used to host multiple concurrent instances of compilation.
+type NiceNameGenerator() =
+ let lockObj = obj()
+ let basicNameCounts = new Dictionary(100)
+ member x.FreshCompilerGeneratedName (name, m: range) =
+ lock lockObj (fun () ->
+ let basicName = GetBasicNameOfPossibleCompilerGeneratedName name
+ let n =
+ match basicNameCounts.TryGetValue basicName with
+ | true, count -> count
+ | _ -> 0
+ let nm = CompilerGeneratedNameSuffix basicName (string m.StartLine + (match n with 0 -> "" | n -> "-" + string n))
+ basicNameCounts.[basicName] <- n + 1
+ nm)
+ member x.Reset () =
+ lock lockObj (fun () ->
+ basicNameCounts.Clear()
+ )
+/// Generates compiler-generated names marked up with a source code location, but if given the same unique value then
+/// return precisely the same name. Each name generated also includes the StartLine number of the range passed in
+/// at the point of first generation.
+/// This type may be accessed concurrently, though in practice it is only used from the compilation thread.
+/// It is made concurrency-safe since a global instance of the type is allocated in tast.fs.
+type StableNiceNameGenerator() =
+ let lockObj = obj()
+ let names = new Dictionary<(string * int64), string>(100)
+ let basicNameCounts = new Dictionary(100)
+ member x.GetUniqueCompilerGeneratedName (name, m: range, uniq) =
+ lock lockObj (fun () ->
+ let basicName = GetBasicNameOfPossibleCompilerGeneratedName name
+ let key = basicName, uniq
+ match names.TryGetValue key with
+ | true, nm -> nm
+ | _ ->
+ let n =
+ match basicNameCounts.TryGetValue basicName with
+ | true, c -> c
+ | _ -> 0
+ let nm = CompilerGeneratedNameSuffix basicName (string m.StartLine + (match n with 0 -> "" | n -> "-" + string n))
+ names.[key] <- nm
+ basicNameCounts.[basicName] <- n + 1
+ nm
+ )
+ member x.Reset () =
+ lock lockObj (fun () ->
+ basicNameCounts.Clear()
+ names.Clear()
+ )
+type internal CompilerGlobalState () =
+ /// A global generator of compiler generated names
+ // ++GLOBAL MUTABLE STATE (concurrency safe by locking inside NiceNameGenerator)
+ let globalNng = NiceNameGenerator()
+ /// A global generator of stable compiler generated names
+ // MUTABLE STATE (concurrency safe by locking inside StableNiceNameGenerator)
+ let globalStableNameGenerator = StableNiceNameGenerator ()
+ /// A name generator used by IlxGen for static fields, some generated arguments and other things.
+ /// REVIEW: this will mean the hosted compiler service is not deterministic. We should at least create a new one
+ /// of these for each compilation.
+ let ilxgenGlobalNng = NiceNameGenerator ()
+ member __.NiceNameGenerator = globalNng
+ member __.StableNameGenerator = globalStableNameGenerator
+ member __.IlxGenNiceNameGenerator = ilxgenGlobalNng
diff --git a/src/fsharp/DetupleArgs.fs b/src/fsharp/DetupleArgs.fs
index 9af6d4f32ac..8ae41acb317 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/DetupleArgs.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/DetupleArgs.fs
@@ -484,8 +484,11 @@ let mkTransform g (f: Val) m tps x1Ntys rty (callPattern, tyfringes: (TType list
let tys1r = List.collect fst tyfringes (* types for collapsed initial r args *)
let tysrN = List.drop tyfringes.Length x1Ntys (* types for remaining args *)
let argtys = tys1r @ tysrN
- let fCty = mkLambdaTy tps argtys rty
- let transformedVal = mkLocalVal f.Range (globalNng.FreshCompilerGeneratedName (f.LogicalName, f.Range)) fCty topValInfo
+ let fCty = mkLambdaTy tps argtys rty
+ let transformedVal =
+ // Ensure that we have an g.CompilerGlobalState
+ assert(g.CompilerGlobalState |> Option.isSome)
+ mkLocalVal f.Range (g.CompilerGlobalState.Value.NiceNameGenerator.FreshCompilerGeneratedName (f.LogicalName, f.Range)) fCty topValInfo
{ transformCallPattern = callPattern
transformedFormals = transformedFormals
transformedVal = transformedVal }
diff --git a/src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Private/FSharp.Compiler.Private.fsproj b/src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Private/FSharp.Compiler.Private.fsproj
index b770a3cb615..578d12460b8 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Private/FSharp.Compiler.Private.fsproj
+++ b/src/fsharp/FSharp.Compiler.Private/FSharp.Compiler.Private.fsproj
@@ -366,6 +366,9 @@
+ TypedAST\CompilerGlobalState.fs
diff --git a/src/fsharp/IlxGen.fs b/src/fsharp/IlxGen.fs
index 09750c4f32d..c188b548073 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/IlxGen.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/IlxGen.fs
@@ -101,11 +101,6 @@ let ChooseFreeVarNames takenNames ts =
let ts, _names = List.mapFold chooseName names tns
-/// +++GLOBAL STATE: a name generator used by IlxGen for static fields, some generated arguments and other things.
-/// REVIEW: this will mean the hosted compiler service is not deterministic. We should at least create a new one
-/// of these for each compilation.
-let ilxgenGlobalNng = NiceNameGenerator ()
/// We can't tailcall to methods taking byrefs. This helper helps search for them
let IsILTypeByref = function ILType.Byref _ -> true | _ -> false
@@ -649,11 +644,14 @@ and GenTypePermitVoidAux amap m tyenv ty = GenTypeAux amap m tyenv VoidOK PtrTyp
// - For interactive code, we always place fields in their type/module with an accurate name
let GenFieldSpecForStaticField (isInteractive, g, ilContainerTy, vspec: Val, nm, m, cloc, ilTy) =
if isInteractive || HasFSharpAttribute g g.attrib_LiteralAttribute vspec.Attribs then
- let fieldName = vspec.CompiledName
+ let fieldName = vspec.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState
let fieldName = if isInteractive then CompilerGeneratedName fieldName else fieldName
mkILFieldSpecInTy (ilContainerTy, fieldName, ilTy)
- let fieldName = ilxgenGlobalNng.FreshCompilerGeneratedName (nm, m)
+ let fieldName =
+ // Ensure that we have an g.CompilerGlobalState
+ assert(g.CompilerGlobalState |> Option.isSome)
+ g.CompilerGlobalState.Value.IlxGenNiceNameGenerator.FreshCompilerGeneratedName (nm, m)
let ilFieldContainerTy = mkILTyForCompLoc (CompLocForInitClass cloc)
mkILFieldSpecInTy (ilFieldContainerTy, fieldName, ilTy)
@@ -884,16 +882,16 @@ let AddStorageForLocalVals g vals eenv = List.foldBack (fun (v, s) acc -> AddSto
// Lookup eenv
-let StorageForVal m v eenv =
+let StorageForVal g m v eenv =
let v =
try eenv.valsInScope.[v]
with :? KeyNotFoundException ->
assert false
- errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.ilUndefinedValue(showL(valAtBindL v)), m))
+ errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.ilUndefinedValue(showL(valAtBindL g v)), m))
notlazy (Arg 668(* random value for post-hoc diagnostic analysis on generated tree *) )
-let StorageForValRef m (v: ValRef) eenv = StorageForVal m v.Deref eenv
+let StorageForValRef g m (v: ValRef) eenv = StorageForVal g m v.Deref eenv
let IsValRefIsDllImport g (vref: ValRef) =
vref.Attribs |> HasFSharpAttributeOpt g g.attrib_DllImportAttribute
@@ -948,15 +946,15 @@ let GetMethodSpecForMemberVal amap g (memberInfo: ValMemberInfo) (vref: ValRef)
let isSlotSig = memberInfo.MemberFlags.IsDispatchSlot || memberInfo.MemberFlags.IsOverrideOrExplicitImpl
let ilMethodArgTys = GenParamTypes amap m tyenvUnderTypars isSlotSig methodArgTys
let ilMethodInst = GenTypeArgs amap m tyenvUnderTypars (List.map mkTyparTy mtps)
- let mspec = mkILInstanceMethSpecInTy (ilTy, vref.CompiledName, ilMethodArgTys, ilActualRetTy, ilMethodInst)
+ let mspec = mkILInstanceMethSpecInTy (ilTy, vref.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState, ilMethodArgTys, ilActualRetTy, ilMethodInst)
mspec, ctps, mtps, paramInfos, retInfo, methodArgTys
let methodArgTys, paramInfos = List.unzip flatArgInfos
let ilMethodArgTys = GenParamTypes amap m tyenvUnderTypars false methodArgTys
let ilMethodInst = GenTypeArgs amap m tyenvUnderTypars (List.map mkTyparTy mtps)
- let mspec = mkILStaticMethSpecInTy (ilTy, vref.CompiledName, ilMethodArgTys, ilActualRetTy, ilMethodInst)
+ let mspec = mkILStaticMethSpecInTy (ilTy, vref.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState , ilMethodArgTys, ilActualRetTy, ilMethodInst)
mspec, ctps, mtps, paramInfos, retInfo, methodArgTys
/// Determine how a top-level value is represented, when representing as a field, by computing an ILFieldSpec
@@ -979,8 +977,8 @@ let ComputeFieldSpecForVal(optIntraAssemblyInfo: IlxGenIntraAssemblyInfo option,
/// Compute the representation information for an F#-declared value (not a member nor a function).
/// Mutable and literal static fields must have stable names and live in the "public" location
-let ComputeStorageForFSharpValue amap g cloc optIntraAssemblyInfo optShadowLocal isInteractive returnTy (vref: ValRef) m =
- let nm = vref.CompiledName
+let ComputeStorageForFSharpValue amap (g:TcGlobals) cloc optIntraAssemblyInfo optShadowLocal isInteractive returnTy (vref: ValRef) m =
+ let nm = vref.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState
let vspec = vref.Deref
let ilTy = GenType amap m TypeReprEnv.Empty returnTy (* TypeReprEnv.Empty ok: not a field in a generic class *)
let ilTyForProperty = mkILTyForCompLoc cloc
@@ -1000,8 +998,8 @@ let ComputeStorageForFSharpMember amap g topValInfo memberInfo (vref: ValRef) m
/// Compute the representation information for an F#-declared function in a module or an F#-decalared extension member.
/// Note, there is considerable overlap with ComputeStorageForFSharpMember/GetMethodSpecForMemberVal and these could be
/// rationalized.
-let ComputeStorageForFSharpFunctionOrFSharpExtensionMember amap g cloc topValInfo (vref: ValRef) m =
- let nm = vref.CompiledName
+let ComputeStorageForFSharpFunctionOrFSharpExtensionMember amap (g:TcGlobals) cloc topValInfo (vref: ValRef) m =
+ let nm = vref.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState
let (tps, curriedArgInfos, returnTy, retInfo) = GetTopValTypeInCompiledForm g topValInfo vref.Type m
let tyenvUnderTypars = TypeReprEnv.ForTypars tps
let (methodArgTys, paramInfos) = curriedArgInfos |> List.concat |> List.unzip
@@ -1039,7 +1037,7 @@ let ComputeStorageForTopVal (amap, g, optIntraAssemblyInfo: IlxGenIntraAssemblyI
| Some a -> a
let m = vref.Range
- let nm = vref.CompiledName
+ let nm = vref.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState
if vref.Deref.IsCompiledAsStaticPropertyWithoutField then
let nm = "get_"+nm
@@ -1537,7 +1535,7 @@ type AssemblyBuilder(cenv: cenv, anonTypeTable: AnonTypeGenerationTable) as mgbu
member __.AddReflectedDefinition (vspec: Tast.Val, expr) =
// preserve order by storing index of item
let n = reflectedDefinitions.Count
- reflectedDefinitions.Add(vspec, (vspec.CompiledName, n, expr))
+ reflectedDefinitions.Add(vspec, (vspec.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState, n, expr))
member __.ReplaceNameOfReflectedDefinition (vspec, newName) =
match reflectedDefinitions.TryGetValue vspec with
@@ -2188,7 +2186,7 @@ let rec GenExpr (cenv: cenv) (cgbuf: CodeGenBuffer) eenv sp expr sequel =
List.forall (isMeasureTy g) tyargs &&
// inline only values that are stored in local variables
- match StorageForValRef m vref eenv with
+ match StorageForValRef g m vref eenv with
| ValStorage.Local _ -> true
| _ -> false
) ->
@@ -2948,7 +2946,7 @@ and GenApp cenv cgbuf eenv (f, fty, tyargs, args, m) sequel =
// where f is an F# function value or F# method
| Expr.Lambda (_, _, _, _, Expr.App (OptionalCoerce(OptionalTyapp(Expr.Val (vref, _, _))), _, _, _, _), _, _) ->
- let storage = StorageForValRef m vref eenv
+ let storage = StorageForValRef g m vref eenv
match storage with
| Method (_, _, mspec, _, _, _, _) ->
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 0) (Push [g.iltyp_RuntimeMethodHandle]) (I_ldtoken (ILToken.ILMethod mspec))
@@ -2975,7 +2973,7 @@ and GenApp cenv cgbuf eenv (f, fty, tyargs, args, m) sequel =
// Optimize calls to top methods when given "enough" arguments.
| Expr.Val (vref, valUseFlags, _), _, _
- (let storage = StorageForValRef m vref eenv
+ (let storage = StorageForValRef g m vref eenv
match storage with
| Method (topValInfo, vref, _, _, _, _, _) ->
(let tps, argtys, _, _ = GetTopValTypeInFSharpForm g topValInfo vref.Type m
@@ -2983,7 +2981,7 @@ and GenApp cenv cgbuf eenv (f, fty, tyargs, args, m) sequel =
argtys.Length <= args.Length)
| _ -> false) ->
- let storage = StorageForValRef m vref eenv
+ let storage = StorageForValRef g m vref eenv
match storage with
| Method (topValInfo, vref, mspec, _, _, _, _) ->
let nowArgs, laterArgs =
@@ -3059,7 +3057,10 @@ and GenApp cenv cgbuf eenv (f, fty, tyargs, args, m) sequel =
// Only save arguments that have effects
if Optimizer.ExprHasEffect g laterArg then
let ilTy = laterArg |> tyOfExpr g |> GenType cenv.amap m eenv.tyenv
- let locName = ilxgenGlobalNng.FreshCompilerGeneratedName ("arg", m), ilTy, false
+ let locName =
+ // Ensure that we have an g.CompilerGlobalState
+ assert(g.CompilerGlobalState |> Option.isSome)
+ g.CompilerGlobalState.Value.IlxGenNiceNameGenerator.FreshCompilerGeneratedName ("arg", m), ilTy, false
let loc, _realloc, eenv = AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenv true locName scopeMarks
GenExpr cenv cgbuf eenv SPSuppress laterArg Continue
EmitSetLocal cgbuf loc
@@ -3222,7 +3223,9 @@ and GenTry cenv cgbuf eenv scopeMarks (e1, m, resty, spTry) =
let ilResultTy = GenType cenv.amap m eenvinner.tyenv resty
let whereToSave, _realloc, eenvinner =
- AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenvinner true (ilxgenGlobalNng.FreshCompilerGeneratedName ("tryres", m), ilResultTy, false) (startTryMark, endTryMark)
+ // Ensure that we have an g.CompilerGlobalState
+ assert(cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState |> Option.isSome)
+ AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenvinner true (cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState.Value.IlxGenNiceNameGenerator.FreshCompilerGeneratedName ("tryres", m), ilResultTy, false) (startTryMark, endTryMark)
// Generate the body of the try. In the normal case (SequencePointAtTry) we generate a sequence point
// both on the 'try' keyword and on the start of the expression in the 'try'. For inlined code and
@@ -3267,7 +3270,7 @@ and GenTryCatch cenv cgbuf eenv (e1, vf: Val, ef, vh: Val, eh, m, resty, spTry,
let _, eenvinner = AllocLocalVal cenv cgbuf vf eenvinner None (startOfFilter, afterFilter)
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 1) (Push [g.iltyp_Exception]) (I_castclass g.iltyp_Exception)
- GenStoreVal cgbuf eenvinner vf.Range vf
+ GenStoreVal cenv cgbuf eenvinner vf.Range vf
// Why SPSuppress? Because we do not emit a sequence point at the start of the List.filter - we've already put one on
// the 'with' keyword above
@@ -3285,7 +3288,7 @@ and GenTryCatch cenv cgbuf eenv (e1, vf: Val, ef, vh: Val, eh, m, resty, spTry,
CG.SetStack cgbuf [g.ilg.typ_Object]
let _, eenvinner = AllocLocalVal cenv cgbuf vh eenvinner None (startOfHandler, afterHandler)
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 1) (Push [g.iltyp_Exception]) (I_castclass g.iltyp_Exception)
- GenStoreVal cgbuf eenvinner vh.Range vh
+ GenStoreVal cenv cgbuf eenvinner vh.Range vh
GenExpr cenv cgbuf eenvinner SPAlways eh (LeaveHandler (false, whereToSave, afterHandler))
@@ -3303,7 +3306,7 @@ and GenTryCatch cenv cgbuf eenv (e1, vf: Val, ef, vh: Val, eh, m, resty, spTry,
let _, eenvinner = AllocLocalVal cenv cgbuf vh eenvinner None (startOfHandler, afterHandler)
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 1) (Push [g.iltyp_Exception]) (I_castclass g.iltyp_Exception)
- GenStoreVal cgbuf eenvinner m vh
+ GenStoreVal cenv cgbuf eenvinner m vh
GenExpr cenv cgbuf eenvinner SPAlways eh (LeaveHandler (false, whereToSave, afterHandler))
@@ -3386,7 +3389,9 @@ and GenForLoop cenv cgbuf eenv (spFor, v, e1, dir, e2, loopBody, m) sequel =
let finishIdx, eenvinner =
if isFSharpStyle then
- let v, _realloc, eenvinner = AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenvinner true (ilxgenGlobalNng.FreshCompilerGeneratedName ("endLoop", m), g.ilg.typ_Int32, false) (start, finish)
+ // Ensure that we have an g.CompilerGlobalState
+ assert(g.CompilerGlobalState |> Option.isSome)
+ let v, _realloc, eenvinner = AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenvinner true (g.CompilerGlobalState.Value.IlxGenNiceNameGenerator.FreshCompilerGeneratedName ("endLoop", m), g.ilg.typ_Int32, false) (start, finish)
v, eenvinner
-1, eenvinner
@@ -3397,7 +3402,7 @@ and GenForLoop cenv cgbuf eenv (spFor, v, e1, dir, e2, loopBody, m) sequel =
| NoSequencePointAtForLoop -> ()
GenExpr cenv cgbuf eenv SPSuppress e1 Continue
- GenStoreVal cgbuf eenvinner m v
+ GenStoreVal cenv cgbuf eenvinner m v
if isFSharpStyle then
GenExpr cenv cgbuf eenvinner SPSuppress e2 Continue
EmitSetLocal cgbuf finishIdx
@@ -3417,7 +3422,7 @@ and GenForLoop cenv cgbuf eenv (spFor, v, e1, dir, e2, loopBody, m) sequel =
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 0) (Push [g.ilg.typ_Int32]) (mkLdcInt32 1)
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 1) Push0 (if isUp then AI_add else AI_sub)
- GenStoreVal cgbuf eenvinner m v
+ GenStoreVal cenv cgbuf eenvinner m v
// .text
CG.SetMarkToHere cgbuf test
@@ -3780,7 +3785,7 @@ and GenGetAddrOfRefCellField cenv cgbuf eenv (e, ty, m) sequel =
and GenGetValAddr cenv cgbuf eenv (v: ValRef, m) sequel =
let vspec = v.Deref
let ilTy = GenTypeOfVal cenv eenv vspec
- let storage = StorageForValRef m v eenv
+ let storage = StorageForValRef cenv.g m v eenv
match storage with
| Local (idx, _, None) ->
@@ -3842,7 +3847,10 @@ and GenDefaultValue cenv cgbuf eenv (ty, m) =
| _ ->
let ilTy = GenType cenv.amap m eenv.tyenv ty
LocalScope "ilzero" cgbuf (fun scopeMarks ->
- let locIdx, realloc, _ = AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenv true (ilxgenGlobalNng.FreshCompilerGeneratedName ("default", m), ilTy, false) scopeMarks
+ let locIdx, realloc, _ =
+ // Ensure that we have an g.CompilerGlobalState
+ assert(g.CompilerGlobalState |> Option.isSome)
+ AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenv true (g.CompilerGlobalState.Value.IlxGenNiceNameGenerator.FreshCompilerGeneratedName ("default", m), ilTy, false) scopeMarks
// "initobj" (Generated by EmitInitLocal) doesn't work on byref types
// But ilzero(&ty) only gets generated in the built-in get-address function so
// we can just rely on zeroinit of all IL locals.
@@ -4316,7 +4324,7 @@ and GenTypeOfVal cenv eenv (v: Val) =
and GenFreevar cenv m eenvouter tyenvinner (fv: Val) =
let g = cenv.g
- match StorageForVal m fv eenvouter with
+ match StorageForVal cenv.g m fv eenvouter with
// Local type functions
| Local(_, _, Some _) | Env(_, _, _, Some _) -> g.ilg.typ_Object
@@ -4332,7 +4340,7 @@ and GetIlxClosureFreeVars cenv m selfv eenvouter takenNames expr =
let basename =
let boundv = eenvouter.letBoundVars |> List.tryFind (fun v -> not v.IsCompilerGenerated)
match boundv with
- | Some v -> v.CompiledName
+ | Some v -> v.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState
| None -> "clo"
// Get a unique stamp for the closure. This must be stable for things that can be part of a let rec.
@@ -4348,7 +4356,10 @@ and GetIlxClosureFreeVars cenv m selfv eenvouter takenNames expr =
// FSharp 1.0 bug 3404: System.Reflection doesn't like '.' and '`' in type names
let basenameSafeForUseAsTypename = CleanUpGeneratedTypeName basename
let suffixmark = expr.Range
- let cloName = globalStableNameGenerator.GetUniqueCompilerGeneratedName(basenameSafeForUseAsTypename, suffixmark, uniq)
+ let cloName =
+ // Ensure that we have an g.CompilerGlobalState
+ assert(g.CompilerGlobalState |> Option.isSome)
+ g.CompilerGlobalState.Value.StableNameGenerator.GetUniqueCompilerGeneratedName(basenameSafeForUseAsTypename, suffixmark, uniq)
NestedTypeRefForCompLoc eenvouter.cloc cloName
// Collect the free variables of the closure
@@ -4361,7 +4372,7 @@ and GetIlxClosureFreeVars cenv m selfv eenvouter takenNames expr =
|> Zset.elements
|> List.filter (fun fv ->
- match StorageForVal m fv eenvouter with
+ match StorageForVal cenv.g m fv eenvouter with
| (StaticField _ | StaticProperty _ | Method _ | Null) -> false
| _ ->
match selfv with
@@ -4406,7 +4417,7 @@ and GetIlxClosureFreeVars cenv m selfv eenvouter takenNames expr =
let ilCloFreeVarStorage =
(cloFreeVars, ilCloFreeVars) ||> List.mapi2 (fun i v fv ->
let localCloInfo =
- match StorageForVal m v eenvouter with
+ match StorageForVal g m v eenvouter with
| Local(_, _, localCloInfo)
| Env(_, _, _, localCloInfo) -> localCloInfo
| _ -> None
@@ -4444,7 +4455,7 @@ and GetIlxClosureInfo cenv m isLocalTypeFunc selfv eenvouter expr =
(List.rev tvacc, List.rev vacc, e, ety)
getCallStructure [] [] (expr, returnTy)
- let takenNames = vs |> List.map (fun v -> v.CompiledName)
+ let takenNames = vs |> List.map (fun v -> v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState)
// Get the free variables and the information about the closure, add the free variables to the environment
let (cloAttribs, cloInternalFreeTyvars, cloContractFreeTyvars, _, cloFreeVars, ilCloTypeRef, ilCloFreeVars, eenvinner) = GetIlxClosureFreeVars cenv m selfv eenvouter takenNames expr
@@ -4458,7 +4469,7 @@ and GetIlxClosureInfo cenv m isLocalTypeFunc selfv eenvouter expr =
let lambdas = (tvs, l) ||> List.foldBack (fun tv sofar -> Lambdas_forall(GenGenericParam cenv eenv tv, sofar))
lambdas, eenv
| [], v :: rest ->
- let nm = v.CompiledName
+ let nm = v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState
let l, eenv =
let eenv = AddStorageForVal g (v, notlazy (Arg ntmargs)) eenv
getClosureArgs eenv (ntmargs+1) [] rest
@@ -4817,7 +4828,7 @@ and GenDecisionTreeSuccess cenv cgbuf inplabOpt stackAtTargets eenv es targetIdx
// However not all targets are currently postponed (we only postpone in debug code), pending further testing of the performance
// impact of postponing.
(vs, es) ||> List.iter2 (GenBindingRhs cenv cgbuf eenv SPSuppress)
- vs |> List.rev |> List.iter (fun v -> GenStoreVal cgbuf eenvAtTarget v.Range v)
+ vs |> List.rev |> List.iter (fun v -> GenStoreVal cenv cgbuf eenvAtTarget v.Range v)
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 0) Push0 (I_br targetMarkAfterBinds.CodeLabel)
@@ -5075,7 +5086,7 @@ and GenLetRecBindings cenv (cgbuf: CodeGenBuffer) eenv (allBinds: Bindings, m) =
// Fix up recursion for non-toplevel recursive bindings
let bindsPossiblyRequiringFixup =
allBinds |> List.filter (fun b ->
- match (StorageForVal m b.Var eenv) with
+ match (StorageForVal cenv.g m b.Var eenv) with
| StaticProperty _
| Method _
// Note: Recursive data stored in static fields may require fixups e.g. let x = C(x)
@@ -5091,7 +5102,7 @@ and GenLetRecBindings cenv (cgbuf: CodeGenBuffer) eenv (allBinds: Bindings, m) =
let clo, _, eenvclo = GetIlxClosureInfo cenv m isLocalTypeFunc selfv {eenv with letBoundVars=(mkLocalValRef boundv) :: eenv.letBoundVars} e
clo.cloFreeVars |> List.iter (fun fv ->
if Zset.contains fv forwardReferenceSet then
- match StorageForVal m fv eenvclo with
+ match StorageForVal cenv.g m fv eenvclo with
| Env (_, _, ilField, _) -> fixups := (boundv, fv, (fun () -> GenLetRecFixup cenv cgbuf eenv (clo.cloSpec, access, ilField, exprForVal m fv, m))) :: !fixups
| _ -> error (InternalError("GenLetRec: " + fv.LogicalName + " was not in the environment", m)) )
@@ -5175,14 +5186,14 @@ and GenBindingAfterSequencePoint cenv cgbuf eenv sp (TBind(vspec, rhsExpr, _)) s
// Workaround for .NET and Visual Studio restriction w.r.t debugger type proxys
// Mark internal constructors in internal classes as public.
let access =
- if access = ILMemberAccess.Assembly && vspec.IsConstructor && IsHiddenTycon eenv.sigToImplRemapInfo vspec.MemberApparentEntity.Deref then
+ if access = ILMemberAccess.Assembly && vspec.IsConstructor && IsHiddenTycon g eenv.sigToImplRemapInfo vspec.MemberApparentEntity.Deref then
let m = vspec.Range
- match StorageForVal m vspec eenv with
+ match StorageForVal cenv.g m vspec eenv with
| Null ->
GenExpr cenv cgbuf eenv SPSuppress rhsExpr discard
@@ -5311,7 +5322,7 @@ and GenBindingAfterSequencePoint cenv cgbuf eenv sp (TBind(vspec, rhsExpr, _)) s
GenSetStorage m cgbuf storage
| _ ->
- let storage = StorageForVal m vspec eenv
+ let storage = StorageForVal cenv.g m vspec eenv
match storage, rhsExpr with
// locals are zero-init, no need to initialize them
| Local (_, realloc, _), Expr.Const (Const.Zero, _, _) when not realloc ->
@@ -5319,7 +5330,7 @@ and GenBindingAfterSequencePoint cenv cgbuf eenv sp (TBind(vspec, rhsExpr, _)) s
| _ ->
GenBindingRhs cenv cgbuf eenv SPSuppress vspec rhsExpr
CommitStartScope cgbuf startScopeMarkOpt
- GenStoreVal cgbuf eenv vspec.Range vspec
+ GenStoreVal cenv cgbuf eenv vspec.Range vspec
// Generate method bindings
@@ -5492,7 +5503,7 @@ and GenParams cenv eenv (mspec: ILMethodSpec) (attribs: ArgReprInfo list) method
(Set.empty, List.zip methodArgTys argInfosAndTypes)
||> List.mapFold (fun takenNames (methodArgTy, ((ilArgTy, topArgInfo), implValOpt)) ->
let inFlag, outFlag, optionalFlag, defaultParamValue, Marshal, attribs = GenParamAttribs cenv methodArgTy topArgInfo.Attribs
let idOpt = (match topArgInfo.Name with
| Some v -> Some v
| None -> match implValOpt with
@@ -5502,14 +5513,19 @@ and GenParams cenv eenv (mspec: ILMethodSpec) (attribs: ArgReprInfo list) method
let nmOpt, takenNames =
match idOpt with
| Some id ->
- let nm = if takenNames.Contains(id.idText) then globalNng.FreshCompilerGeneratedName (id.idText, id.idRange) else id.idText
+ let nm =
+ if takenNames.Contains(id.idText) then
+ // Ensure that we have an g.CompilerGlobalState
+ assert(g.CompilerGlobalState |> Option.isSome)
+ g.CompilerGlobalState.Value.NiceNameGenerator.FreshCompilerGeneratedName (id.idText, id.idRange)
+ else
+ id.idText
Some nm, takenNames.Add nm
| None ->
None, takenNames
let ilAttribs = GenAttrs cenv eenv attribs
let ilAttribs =
match GenReadOnlyAttributeIfNecessary g methodArgTy with
| Some attr -> ilAttribs @ [attr]
@@ -5681,7 +5697,7 @@ and GenMethodForBinding
match TryFindFSharpAttributeOpt g g.attrib_DllImportAttribute v.Attribs with
| Some (Attrib(_, _, [ AttribStringArg dll ], namedArgs, _, _, m)) ->
if not (isNil tps) then error(Error(FSComp.SR.ilSignatureForExternalFunctionContainsTypeParameters(), m))
- let hasPreserveSigNamedArg, mbody = GenPInvokeMethod (v.CompiledName, dll, namedArgs)
+ let hasPreserveSigNamedArg, mbody = GenPInvokeMethod (v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState, dll, namedArgs)
hasPreserveSigNamedArg, mbody, true
| Some (Attrib(_, _, _, _, _, _, m)) ->
@@ -5692,7 +5708,7 @@ and GenMethodForBinding
// However still generate the code for reflection etc.
let bodyExpr =
if HasFSharpAttribute g g.attrib_NoDynamicInvocationAttribute v.Attribs then
- let exnArg = mkString g m (FSComp.SR.ilDynamicInvocationNotSupported(v.CompiledName))
+ let exnArg = mkString g m (FSComp.SR.ilDynamicInvocationNotSupported(v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState))
let exnExpr = MakeNotSupportedExnExpr cenv eenv (exnArg, m)
mkThrow m returnTy exnExpr
@@ -5791,20 +5807,20 @@ and GenMethodForBinding
let mdef =
if not compileAsInstance then
- mkILStaticMethod (ilMethTypars, v.CompiledName, access, ilParams, ilReturn, ilMethodBody)
+ mkILStaticMethod (ilMethTypars, v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState, access, ilParams, ilReturn, ilMethodBody)
elif (memberInfo.MemberFlags.IsDispatchSlot && memberInfo.IsImplemented) ||
memberInfo.MemberFlags.IsOverrideOrExplicitImpl then
let flagFixups = ComputeFlagFixupsForMemberBinding cenv (v, memberInfo)
- let mdef = mkILGenericVirtualMethod (v.CompiledName, ILMemberAccess.Public, ilMethTypars, ilParams, ilReturn, ilMethodBody)
+ let mdef = mkILGenericVirtualMethod (v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState, ILMemberAccess.Public, ilMethTypars, ilParams, ilReturn, ilMethodBody)
let mdef = List.fold (fun mdef f -> f mdef) mdef flagFixups
// fixup can potentially change name of reflected definition that was already recorded - patch it if necessary
cgbuf.mgbuf.ReplaceNameOfReflectedDefinition(v, mdef.Name)
- mkILGenericNonVirtualMethod (v.CompiledName, access, ilMethTypars, ilParams, ilReturn, ilMethodBody)
+ mkILGenericNonVirtualMethod (v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState, access, ilMethTypars, ilParams, ilReturn, ilMethodBody)
let isAbstract =
memberInfo.MemberFlags.IsDispatchSlot &&
@@ -5898,7 +5914,7 @@ and GenBindings cenv cgbuf eenv binds = List.iter (GenBinding cenv cgbuf eenv) b
and GenSetVal cenv cgbuf eenv (vref, e, m) sequel =
- let storage = StorageForValRef m vref eenv
+ let storage = StorageForValRef cenv.g m vref eenv
match storage with
| Env (ilCloTy, _, _, _) ->
CG.EmitInstr cgbuf (pop 0) (Push [ilCloTy]) mkLdarg0
@@ -5910,7 +5926,7 @@ and GenSetVal cenv cgbuf eenv (vref, e, m) sequel =
and GenGetValRefAndSequel cenv cgbuf eenv m (v: ValRef) fetchSequel =
let ty = v.Type
- GenGetStorageAndSequel cenv cgbuf eenv m (ty, GenType cenv.amap m eenv.tyenv ty) (StorageForValRef m v eenv) fetchSequel
+ GenGetStorageAndSequel cenv cgbuf eenv m (ty, GenType cenv.amap m eenv.tyenv ty) (StorageForValRef cenv.g m v eenv) fetchSequel
and GenGetVal cenv cgbuf eenv (v: ValRef, m) sequel =
GenGetValRefAndSequel cenv cgbuf eenv m v None
@@ -5926,7 +5942,7 @@ and GenBindingRhs cenv cgbuf eenv sp (vspec: Val) e =
| Expr.TyLambda (_, tyargs, body, _, ttype) when
tyargs |> List.forall (fun tp -> tp.IsErased) &&
- (match StorageForVal vspec.Range vspec eenv with Local _ -> true | _ -> false) &&
+ (match StorageForVal g vspec.Range vspec eenv with Local _ -> true | _ -> false) &&
(isLocalTypeFunc ||
(match ttype with
TType_var typar -> match typar.Solution with Some(TType_app(t, _))-> t.IsStructOrEnumTycon | _ -> false
@@ -6050,13 +6066,13 @@ and GenGetLocalVals cenv cgbuf eenvouter m fvs =
List.iter (fun v -> GenGetLocalVal cenv cgbuf eenvouter m v None) fvs
and GenGetLocalVal cenv cgbuf eenv m (vspec: Val) fetchSequel =
- GenGetStorageAndSequel cenv cgbuf eenv m (vspec.Type, GenTypeOfVal cenv eenv vspec) (StorageForVal m vspec eenv) fetchSequel
+ GenGetStorageAndSequel cenv cgbuf eenv m (vspec.Type, GenTypeOfVal cenv eenv vspec) (StorageForVal cenv.g m vspec eenv) fetchSequel
and GenGetLocalVRef cenv cgbuf eenv m (vref: ValRef) fetchSequel =
- GenGetStorageAndSequel cenv cgbuf eenv m (vref.Type, GenTypeOfVal cenv eenv vref.Deref) (StorageForValRef m vref eenv) fetchSequel
+ GenGetStorageAndSequel cenv cgbuf eenv m (vref.Type, GenTypeOfVal cenv eenv vref.Deref) (StorageForValRef cenv.g m vref eenv) fetchSequel
-and GenStoreVal cgbuf eenv m (vspec: Val) =
- GenSetStorage vspec.Range cgbuf (StorageForVal m vspec eenv)
+and GenStoreVal cenv cgbuf eenv m (vspec: Val) =
+ GenSetStorage vspec.Range cgbuf (StorageForVal cenv.g m vspec eenv)
/// Allocate IL locals
and AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenv compgen (v, ty, isFixed) (scopeMarks: Mark * Mark) =
@@ -6087,11 +6103,11 @@ and AllocLocalVal cenv cgbuf v eenv repr scopeMarks =
let cloinfo, _, _ = GetIlxClosureInfo cenv v.Range true None eenvinner (Option.get repr)
- let idx, realloc, eenv = AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenv v.IsCompilerGenerated (v.CompiledName, g.ilg.typ_Object, false) scopeMarks
+ let idx, realloc, eenv = AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenv v.IsCompilerGenerated (v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState, g.ilg.typ_Object, false) scopeMarks
Local (idx, realloc, Some(ref (NamedLocalIlxClosureInfoGenerator cloinfoGenerate))), eenv
| _ ->
// normal local
- let idx, realloc, eenv = AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenv v.IsCompilerGenerated (v.CompiledName, GenTypeOfVal cenv eenv v, v.IsFixed) scopeMarks
+ let idx, realloc, eenv = AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenv v.IsCompilerGenerated (v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState, GenTypeOfVal cenv eenv v, v.IsFixed) scopeMarks
Local (idx, realloc, None), eenv
let eenv = AddStorageForVal g (v, notlazy repr) eenv
Some repr, eenv
@@ -6144,7 +6160,6 @@ and AllocTopValWithinExpr cenv cgbuf cloc scopeMarks v eenv =
match storageOpt with
| None -> NoShadowLocal, eenv
| Some storage -> ShadowLocal storage, eenv
NoShadowLocal, eenv
@@ -6161,7 +6176,10 @@ and EmitSaveStack cenv cgbuf eenv m scopeMarks =
let savedStack = (cgbuf.GetCurrentStack())
let savedStackLocals, eenvinner =
(eenv, savedStack) ||> List.mapFold (fun eenv ty ->
- let idx, _realloc, eenv = AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenv true (ilxgenGlobalNng.FreshCompilerGeneratedName ("spill", m), ty, false) scopeMarks
+ let idx, _realloc, eenv =
+ // Ensure that we have an g.CompilerGlobalState
+ assert(cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState |> Option.isSome)
+ AllocLocal cenv cgbuf eenv true (cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState.Value.IlxGenNiceNameGenerator.FreshCompilerGeneratedName ("spill", m), ty, false) scopeMarks
idx, eenv)
List.iter (EmitSetLocal cgbuf) savedStackLocals
@@ -6177,9 +6195,9 @@ and EmitRestoreStack cgbuf (savedStack, savedStackLocals) =
and GenAttribArg amap g eenv x (ilArgTy: ILType) =
+ let exprL expr = exprL g expr
match x, ilArgTy with
// Detect 'null' used for an array argument
| Expr.Const (Const.Zero, _, _), ILType.Array _ ->
@@ -6377,7 +6395,7 @@ and GenModuleBinding cenv (cgbuf: CodeGenBuffer) (qname: QualifiedNameOfFile) la
GenLetRecBindings cenv cgbuf eenv ([bind], m)
| ModuleOrNamespaceBinding.Module (mspec, mdef) ->
- let hidden = IsHiddenTycon eenv.sigToImplRemapInfo mspec
+ let hidden = IsHiddenTycon cenv.g eenv.sigToImplRemapInfo mspec
let eenvinner =
if mspec.IsNamespace then eenv else
@@ -6616,7 +6634,7 @@ and GenAbstractBinding cenv eenv tref (vref: ValRef) =
let ilParams = GenParams cenv eenvForMeth mspec argInfos methodArgTys None
let compileAsInstance = ValRefIsCompiledAsInstanceMember g vref
- let mdef = mkILGenericVirtualMethod (vref.CompiledName, ILMemberAccess.Public, ilMethTypars, ilParams, ilReturn, MethodBody.Abstract)
+ let mdef = mkILGenericVirtualMethod (vref.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState, ILMemberAccess.Public, ilMethTypars, ilParams, ilReturn, MethodBody.Abstract)
let mdef = fixupVirtualSlotFlags mdef
let mdef =
@@ -6716,8 +6734,8 @@ and GenTypeDef cenv mgbuf lazyInitInfo eenv m (tycon: Tycon) =
let ilIntfTys = tycon.ImmediateInterfaceTypesOfFSharpTycon |> List.map (GenType cenv.amap m eenvinner.tyenv)
let ilTypeName = tref.Name
- let hidden = IsHiddenTycon eenv.sigToImplRemapInfo tycon
- let hiddenRepr = hidden || IsHiddenTyconRepr eenv.sigToImplRemapInfo tycon
+ let hidden = IsHiddenTycon g eenv.sigToImplRemapInfo tycon
+ let hiddenRepr = hidden || IsHiddenTyconRepr g eenv.sigToImplRemapInfo tycon
let access = ComputeTypeAccess tref hidden
// The implicit augmentation doesn't actually create CompareTo(object) or Object.Equals
@@ -7300,7 +7318,7 @@ and GenExnDef cenv mgbuf eenv m (exnc: Tycon) =
| TExnFresh _ ->
let ilThisTy = GenExnType cenv.amap m eenv.tyenv exncref
let tref = ilThisTy.TypeRef
- let isHidden = IsHiddenTycon eenv.sigToImplRemapInfo exnc
+ let isHidden = IsHiddenTycon g eenv.sigToImplRemapInfo exnc
let access = ComputeTypeAccess tref isHidden
let reprAccess = ComputeMemberAccess isHidden
let fspecs = exnc.TrueInstanceFieldsAsList
@@ -7563,7 +7581,7 @@ let LookupGeneratedValue (amap: ImportMap) (ctxt: ExecutionContext) eenv (v: Val
let ilTy = GenType amap v.Range TypeReprEnv.Empty v.Type (* TypeReprEnv.Empty ok, not expecting typars *)
ctxt.LookupType ilTy
// Lookup the compiled v value (as an object).
- match StorageForVal v.Range v eenv with
+ match StorageForVal amap.g v.Range v eenv with
| StaticField (fspec, _, hasLiteralAttr, ilContainerTy, _, _, ilGetterMethRef, _, _) ->
let obj =
if hasLiteralAttr then
@@ -7603,9 +7621,9 @@ let LookupGeneratedValue (amap: ImportMap) (ctxt: ExecutionContext) eenv (v: Val
// Invoke the set_Foo method for a declaration with a default/null value. Used to release storage in fsi.exe
-let ClearGeneratedValue (ctxt: ExecutionContext) (_g: TcGlobals) eenv (v: Val) =
+let ClearGeneratedValue (ctxt: ExecutionContext) (g: TcGlobals) eenv (v: Val) =
- match StorageForVal v.Range v eenv with
+ match StorageForVal g v.Range v eenv with
| StaticField (fspec, _, hasLiteralAttr, _, _, _, _ilGetterMethRef, ilSetterMethRef, _) ->
if not hasLiteralAttr && v.IsMutable then
let staticTy = ctxt.LookupTypeRef ilSetterMethRef.DeclaringTypeRef
diff --git a/src/fsharp/InnerLambdasToTopLevelFuncs.fs b/src/fsharp/InnerLambdasToTopLevelFuncs.fs
index 1ff7ed3c7c1..fabd5583c23 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/InnerLambdasToTopLevelFuncs.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/InnerLambdasToTopLevelFuncs.fs
@@ -771,6 +771,8 @@ let FlatEnvPacks g fclassM topValS declist (reqdItemsMap: Zmap Option.isSome)
+ g.CompilerGlobalState.Value.NiceNameGenerator.FreshCompilerGeneratedName(name, m)
let fHat = mkLocalNameTypeArity f.IsCompilerGenerated m fHatName fHatTy (Some fHatArity)
diff --git a/src/fsharp/MethodCalls.fs b/src/fsharp/MethodCalls.fs
index 912a4035280..5a8d66c875b 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/MethodCalls.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/MethodCalls.fs
@@ -654,7 +654,8 @@ let BuildObjCtorCall (g: TcGlobals) m =
let BuildFSharpMethodApp g m (vref: ValRef) vexp vexprty (args: Exprs) =
let arities = (arityOfVal vref.Deref).AritiesOfArgs
- let args3, (leftover, retTy) =
+ let args3, (leftover, retTy) =
+ let exprL expr = exprL g expr
((args, vexprty), arities) ||> List.mapFold (fun (args, fty) arity ->
match arity, args with
| (0|1), [] when typeEquiv g (domainOfFunTy g fty) g.unit_ty -> mkUnit g m, (args, rangeOfFunTy g fty)
@@ -728,7 +729,7 @@ let TryImportProvidedMethodBaseAsLibraryIntrinsic (amap: Import.ImportMap, m: ra
match amap.g.knownFSharpCoreModules.TryGetValue declaringEntity.LogicalName with
| true, modRef ->
- |> Seq.tryPick (fun (KeyValue(_, v)) -> if v.CompiledName = methodName then Some (mkNestedValRef modRef v) else None)
+ |> Seq.tryPick (fun (KeyValue(_, v)) -> if (v.CompiledName amap.g.CompilerGlobalState) = methodName then Some (mkNestedValRef modRef v) else None)
| _ -> None
diff --git a/src/fsharp/Optimizer.fs b/src/fsharp/Optimizer.fs
index 2eea2ef8db4..ecc24b91317 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/Optimizer.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/Optimizer.fs
@@ -172,7 +172,8 @@ let braceL x = leftL (tagText "{") ^^ x ^^ rightL (tagText "}")
let seqL xL xs = Seq.fold (fun z x -> z @@ xL x) emptyL xs
let namemapL xL xmap = NameMap.foldBack (fun nm x z -> xL nm x @@ z) xmap emptyL
-let rec exprValueInfoL g exprVal =
+let rec exprValueInfoL g exprVal =
+ let exprL expr = exprL g expr
match exprVal with
| ConstValue (x, ty) -> NicePrint.layoutConst g ty x
| UnknownValue -> wordL (tagText "?")
diff --git a/src/fsharp/PatternMatchCompilation.fs b/src/fsharp/PatternMatchCompilation.fs
index 41135afed53..03718e8fe5a 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/PatternMatchCompilation.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/PatternMatchCompilation.fs
@@ -348,6 +348,7 @@ let rec CombineRefutations g r1 r2 =
let ShowCounterExample g denv m refuted =
+ let exprL expr = exprL g expr
let refutations = refuted |> List.collect (function RefutedWhenClause -> [] | (RefutedInvestigation(path, discrim)) -> [RefuteDiscrimSet g m path discrim])
let counterExample, enumCoversKnown =
match refutations with
diff --git a/src/fsharp/PostInferenceChecks.fs b/src/fsharp/PostInferenceChecks.fs
index ddbad8f09eb..b6a286c5d79 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/PostInferenceChecks.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/PostInferenceChecks.fs
@@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ and CheckBinding cenv env alwaysCheckNoReraise context (TBind(v, bindRhs, _) as
let _, _, argExprs = qscope.Close()
if not (isNil argExprs) then
errorR(Error(FSComp.SR.chkReflectedDefCantSplice(), v.Range))
- QuotationTranslator.ConvMethodBase qscope env (v.CompiledName, v) |> ignore
+ QuotationTranslator.ConvMethodBase qscope env (v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState, v) |> ignore
| QuotationTranslator.InvalidQuotedTerm e ->
errorR e
@@ -1855,12 +1855,12 @@ let CheckModuleBinding cenv env (TBind(v, e, _) as bind) =
check false v.CoreDisplayName
check false v.DisplayName
- check false v.CompiledName
+ check false (v.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState)
// Check if an F# extension member clashes
if v.IsExtensionMember then
tcref.ModuleOrNamespaceType.AllValsAndMembersByLogicalNameUncached.[v.LogicalName] |> List.iter (fun v2 ->
- if v2.IsExtensionMember && not (valEq v v2) && v.CompiledName = v2.CompiledName then
+ if v2.IsExtensionMember && not (valEq v v2) && (v.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState) = (v2.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState) then
let minfo1 = FSMeth(g, generalizedTyconRef tcref, mkLocalValRef v, Some 0UL)
let minfo2 = FSMeth(g, generalizedTyconRef tcref, mkLocalValRef v2, Some 0UL)
if tyconRefEq g v.MemberApparentEntity v2.MemberApparentEntity &&
@@ -1896,8 +1896,8 @@ let CheckRecdField isUnion cenv env (tycon: Tycon) (rfield: RecdField) =
let m = rfield.Range
let fieldTy = stripTyEqns cenv.g rfield.FormalType
let isHidden =
- IsHiddenTycon env.sigToImplRemapInfo tycon ||
- IsHiddenTyconRepr env.sigToImplRemapInfo tycon ||
+ IsHiddenTycon cenv.g env.sigToImplRemapInfo tycon ||
+ IsHiddenTyconRepr cenv.g env.sigToImplRemapInfo tycon ||
(not isUnion && IsHiddenRecdField env.sigToImplRemapInfo (tcref.MakeNestedRecdFieldRef rfield))
let access = AdjustAccess isHidden (fun () -> tycon.CompilationPath) rfield.Accessibility
CheckTypeForAccess cenv env (fun () -> rfield.Name) access m fieldTy
@@ -2159,7 +2159,7 @@ let CheckEntityDefn cenv env (tycon: Entity) =
uc.RecdFieldsArray |> Array.iter (CheckRecdField true cenv env tycon))
// Access checks
- let access = AdjustAccess (IsHiddenTycon env.sigToImplRemapInfo tycon) (fun () -> tycon.CompilationPath) tycon.Accessibility
+ let access = AdjustAccess (IsHiddenTycon g env.sigToImplRemapInfo tycon) (fun () -> tycon.CompilationPath) tycon.Accessibility
let visitType ty = CheckTypeForAccess cenv env (fun () -> tycon.DisplayNameWithStaticParametersAndUnderscoreTypars) access tycon.Range ty
abstractSlotValsOfTycons [tycon] |> List.iter (typeOfVal >> visitType)
diff --git a/src/fsharp/QuotationTranslator.fs b/src/fsharp/QuotationTranslator.fs
index ecbe10d5ad2..cf4e4e17456 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/QuotationTranslator.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/QuotationTranslator.fs
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ and private ConvExprCore cenv (env : QuotationTranslationEnv) (expr: Expr) : QP.
let argTys = curriedArgInfos |> List.concat |> List.map fst
let methArgTypesR = ConvTypes cenv envinner m argTys
let methRetTypeR = ConvReturnType cenv envinner m retTy
- let methName = vref.CompiledName
+ let methName = vref.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState
let numGenericArgs = tyargs.Length - numEnclTypeArgs
ConvObjectModelCall cenv env m (isPropGet, isPropSet, isNewObj, parentTyconR, methArgTypesR, methRetTypeR, methName, tyargs, numGenericArgs, callArgs)
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ and private ConvExprCore cenv (env : QuotationTranslationEnv) (expr: Expr) : QP.
match vref.DeclaringEntity with
| Parent tcref when IsCompiledAsStaticProperty cenv.g vref.Deref ->
let parentTyconR = ConvTyconRef cenv tcref m
- let propName = vref.CompiledName
+ let propName = vref.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState
let propTy = ConvType cenv env m vref.Type
QP.mkPropSet( (parentTyconR, propName, propTy, []), [], [ConvExpr cenv env e])
| _ ->
@@ -742,7 +742,7 @@ and ConvModuleValueAppCore cenv env m (vref: ValRef) tyargs (args: Expr list lis
let isProperty = IsCompiledAsStaticProperty cenv.g vref.Deref
let tcrefR = ConvTyconRef cenv tcref m
let tyargsR = ConvTypes cenv env m tyargs
- let nm = vref.CompiledName
+ let nm = vref.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState
let argsR = List.map (ConvExprs cenv env) args
QP.mkModuleValueApp(tcrefR, nm, isProperty, tyargsR, argsR)
@@ -796,7 +796,7 @@ and ConvRecdFieldRef cenv (rfref: RecdFieldRef) m =
and ConvVal cenv env (v: Val) =
let tyR = ConvType cenv env v.Range v.Type
- QP.freshVar (v.CompiledName, tyR, v.IsMutable)
+ QP.freshVar (v.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState, tyR, v.IsMutable)
and ConvTyparRef cenv env m (tp: Typar) =
match env.tyvs.TryFind tp.Stamp with
diff --git a/src/fsharp/SignatureConformance.fs b/src/fsharp/SignatureConformance.fs
index 6ba6dad410c..b367987e173 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/SignatureConformance.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/SignatureConformance.fs
@@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ type Checker(g, amap, denv, remapInfo: SignatureRepackageInfo, checkingSig) =
let m = implVal.Range
if implVal.IsMutable <> sigVal.IsMutable then (err denv FSComp.SR.ValueNotContainedMutabilityAttributesDiffer)
elif implVal.LogicalName <> sigVal.LogicalName then (err denv FSComp.SR.ValueNotContainedMutabilityNamesDiffer)
- elif implVal.CompiledName <> sigVal.CompiledName then (err denv FSComp.SR.ValueNotContainedMutabilityCompiledNamesDiffer)
+ elif (implVal.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState) <> (sigVal.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState) then (err denv FSComp.SR.ValueNotContainedMutabilityCompiledNamesDiffer)
elif implVal.DisplayName <> sigVal.DisplayName then (err denv FSComp.SR.ValueNotContainedMutabilityDisplayNamesDiffer)
elif isLessAccessible implVal.Accessibility sigVal.Accessibility then (err denv FSComp.SR.ValueNotContainedMutabilityAccessibilityMore)
elif implVal.MustInline <> sigVal.MustInline then (err denv FSComp.SR.ValueNotContainedMutabilityInlineFlagsDiffer)
@@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ type Checker(g, amap, denv, remapInfo: SignatureRepackageInfo, checkingSig) =
match implMemberInfo, sigMemberInfo with
| None, None -> true
| Some implMembInfo, Some sigMembInfo ->
- if not (implVal.CompiledName = sigVal.CompiledName) then
+ if not ((implVal.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState) = (sigVal.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState)) then
elif not (implMembInfo.MemberFlags.IsInstance = sigMembInfo.MemberFlags.IsInstance) then
diff --git a/src/fsharp/TastOps.fs b/src/fsharp/TastOps.fs
index 4743ff03dfc..00fb9a08278 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/TastOps.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/TastOps.fs
@@ -3234,7 +3234,6 @@ let (|TypeDefOfExpr|_|) g expr =
// DEBUG layout
module DebugPrint =
let layoutRanges = ref false
@@ -3468,14 +3467,13 @@ module DebugPrint =
| ILAttrib ilmeth -> wordL (tagText ilmeth.Name)
| FSAttrib vref -> valRefL vref) ^^
rightL (tagText ">]")
let layoutAttribs attribs = aboveListL (List.map layoutAttrib attribs)
let arityInfoL (ValReprInfo (tpNames, _, _) as tvd) =
let ns = tvd.AritiesOfArgs in
leftL (tagText "arity<") ^^ intL tpNames.Length ^^ sepL (tagText ">[") ^^ commaListL (List.map intL ns) ^^ rightL (tagText "]")
let valL (v: Val) =
let vsL = wordL (tagText (DecompileOpName v.LogicalName)) |> stampL v.Stamp
let vsL = vsL -- layoutAttribs (v.Attribs)
@@ -3511,18 +3509,18 @@ module DebugPrint =
wordL(tagText "slotsig")
- let rec memberL (v: Val) (membInfo: ValMemberInfo) =
+ let rec memberL (g:TcGlobals) (v: Val) (membInfo: ValMemberInfo) =
- [ wordL(tagText "compiled_name! = ") ^^ wordL (tagText v.CompiledName)
+ [ wordL(tagText "compiled_name! = ") ^^ wordL (tagText (v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState))
wordL(tagText "membInfo-slotsig! = ") ^^ listL slotSigL membInfo.ImplementedSlotSigs ]
- and valAtBindL v =
+ and valAtBindL g v =
let vL = valL v
let mutL = (if v.IsMutable then wordL(tagText "mutable") ++ vL else vL)
mutL ---
[ yield wordL(tagText ":") ^^ typeL v.Type
- match v.MemberInfo with None -> () | Some mem_info -> yield wordL(tagText "!") ^^ memberL v mem_info
+ match v.MemberInfo with None -> () | Some mem_info -> yield wordL(tagText "!") ^^ memberL g v mem_info
match v.ValReprInfo with None -> () | Some arity_info -> yield wordL(tagText "#") ^^ arityInfoL arity_info]
let unionCaseRefL (ucr: UnionCaseRef) = wordL (tagText ucr.CaseName)
@@ -3563,9 +3561,9 @@ module DebugPrint =
| Const.Zero -> "default"
wordL (tagText str)
- let rec tyconL (tycon: Tycon) =
- if tycon.IsModuleOrNamespace then entityL tycon else
+ let rec tyconL g (tycon: Tycon) =
+ if tycon.IsModuleOrNamespace then entityL g tycon else
let lhsL = wordL (tagText (match tycon.TypeOrMeasureKind with TyparKind.Measure -> "[] type" | TyparKind.Type -> "type")) ^^ wordL (tagText tycon.DisplayName) ^^ layoutTyparDecls tycon.TyparsNoRange
let lhsL = lhsL --- layoutAttribs tycon.Attribs
let memberLs =
@@ -3585,7 +3583,7 @@ module DebugPrint =
let iimplsLs = iimpls |> List.map (fun (ty, _, _) -> wordL(tagText "interface") --- typeL ty)
- let adhocLs = adhoc |> List.map (fun vref -> valAtBindL vref.Deref)
+ let adhocLs = adhoc |> List.map (fun vref -> valAtBindL g vref.Deref)
(wordL(tagText "with") @@-- aboveListL (iimplsLs @ adhocLs)) @@ wordL(tagText "end")
let layoutUnionCaseArgTypes argtys = sepListL (wordL(tagText "*")) (List.map typeL argtys)
@@ -3632,7 +3630,7 @@ module DebugPrint =
let vsprs =
|> List.filter (fun v -> v.IsDispatchSlot)
- |> List.map (fun vref -> valAtBindL vref.Deref)
+ |> List.map (fun vref -> valAtBindL g vref.Deref)
let vals = tycon.TrueFieldsAsList |> List.map (fun f -> (if f.IsStatic then wordL(tagText "static") else emptyL) ^^ wordL(tagText "val") ^^ layoutRecdField f)
let alldecls = inherits @ vsprs @ vals
let emptyMeasure = match tycon.TypeOrMeasureKind with TyparKind.Measure -> isNil alldecls | _ -> false
@@ -3658,25 +3656,31 @@ module DebugPrint =
(lhsL ^^ wordL(tagText "=")) @@-- rhsL
- and bindingL (TBind(v, repr, _)) =
- valAtBindL v --- (wordL(tagText "=") ^^ exprL repr)
+ and bindingL g (TBind(v, repr, _)) =
+ valAtBindL g v --- (wordL(tagText "=") ^^ exprL g repr)
- and exprL expr = exprWrapL false expr
+ and exprL g expr = exprWrapL g false expr
- and atomL expr = exprWrapL true expr // true means bracket if needed to be atomic expr
+ and atomL g expr = exprWrapL g true expr // true means bracket if needed to be atomic expr
- and letRecL binds bodyL =
+ and letRecL g binds bodyL =
let eqnsL =
- |> List.mapHeadTail (fun bind -> wordL(tagText "rec") ^^ bindingL bind ^^ wordL(tagText "in"))
- (fun bind -> wordL(tagText "and") ^^ bindingL bind ^^ wordL(tagText "in"))
+ |> List.mapHeadTail (fun bind -> wordL(tagText "rec") ^^ bindingL g bind ^^ wordL(tagText "in"))
+ (fun bind -> wordL(tagText "and") ^^ bindingL g bind ^^ wordL(tagText "in"))
(aboveListL eqnsL @@ bodyL)
- and letL bind bodyL =
- let eqnL = wordL(tagText "let") ^^ bindingL bind ^^ wordL(tagText "in")
+ and letL g bind bodyL =
+ let eqnL = wordL(tagText "let") ^^ bindingL g bind ^^ wordL(tagText "in")
(eqnL @@ bodyL)
- and exprWrapL isAtomic expr =
+ and exprWrapL g isAtomic expr =
+ let atomL args = atomL g args
+ let exprL expr = exprL g expr
+ let iimplL iimpls = iimplL g iimpls
+ let valAtBindL v = valAtBindL g v
+ let overrideL tmeth = overrideL g tmeth
+ let targetL targets = targetL g targets
let wrap = bracketIfL isAtomic // wrap iff require atomic expr
let lay =
match expr with
@@ -3710,15 +3714,15 @@ module DebugPrint =
((wordL(tagText "CHOOSE") ^^ spaceListL (List.map typarL argtyvs) ^^ rightL(tagText ".")) ++ exprL body) |> wrap
| Expr.App (f, _, tys, argtys, _) ->
let flayout = atomL f
- appL flayout tys argtys |> wrap
+ appL g flayout tys argtys |> wrap
| Expr.LetRec (binds, body, _, _) ->
- letRecL binds (exprL body) |> wrap
+ letRecL g binds (exprL body) |> wrap
| Expr.Let (bind, body, _, _) ->
- letL bind (exprL body) |> wrap
+ letL g bind (exprL body) |> wrap
| Expr.Link rX ->
(wordL(tagText "RecLink") --- atomL (!rX)) |> wrap
| Expr.Match (_, _, dtree, targets, _, _) ->
- leftL(tagText "[") ^^ (decisionTreeL dtree @@ aboveListL (List.mapi targetL (targets |> Array.toList)) ^^ rightL(tagText "]"))
+ leftL(tagText "[") ^^ (decisionTreeL g dtree @@ aboveListL (List.mapi targetL (targets |> Array.toList)) ^^ rightL(tagText "]"))
| Expr.Op (TOp.UnionCase c, _, args, _) ->
(unionCaseRefL c ++ spaceListL (List.map atomL args)) |> wrap
| Expr.Op (TOp.ExnConstr ecref, _, args, _) ->
@@ -3762,7 +3766,7 @@ module DebugPrint =
| Expr.Op (TOp.ILAsm (a, tys), tyargs, args, _) ->
let instrs = a |> List.map (sprintf "%+A" >> tagText >> wordL) |> spaceListL // %+A has + since instrs are from an "internal" type
let instrs = leftL(tagText "(#") ^^ instrs ^^ rightL(tagText "#)")
- (appL instrs tyargs args ---
+ (appL g instrs tyargs args ---
wordL(tagText ":") ^^ spaceListL (List.map typeAtomL tys)) |> wrap
| Expr.Op (TOp.LValueOp (lvop, vr), _, args, _) ->
(lvalopL lvop ^^ valRefL vr --- bracketL (commaListL (List.map atomL args))) |> wrap
@@ -3814,92 +3818,104 @@ module DebugPrint =
then leftL(tagText "{") ^^ (rangeL expr.Range ^^ rightL(tagText ":")) ++ lay ^^ rightL(tagText "}")
else lay
- and implFilesL implFiles =
+ and implFilesL g implFiles =
+ let implFileL implFiles = implFileL g implFiles
aboveListL (List.map implFileL implFiles)
- and appL flayout tys args =
+ and appL g flayout tys args =
+ let atomL args = atomL g args
let z = flayout
let z = z ^^ instL typeL tys
let z = z --- sepL(tagText "`") --- (spaceListL (List.map atomL args))
- and implFileL (TImplFile (_, _, mexpr, _, _, _)) =
- aboveListL [(wordL(tagText "top implementation ")) @@-- mexprL mexpr]
- and mexprL x =
+ and implFileL g (TImplFile (_, _, mexpr, _, _, _)) =
+ aboveListL [(wordL(tagText "top implementation ")) @@-- mexprL g mexpr]
+ and mexprL g x =
match x with
- | ModuleOrNamespaceExprWithSig(mtyp, defs, _) -> mdefL defs @@- (wordL(tagText ":") @@- entityTypeL mtyp)
+ | ModuleOrNamespaceExprWithSig(mtyp, defs, _) -> mdefL g defs @@- (wordL(tagText ":") @@- entityTypeL g mtyp)
- and mdefsL defs = wordL(tagText "Module Defs") @@-- aboveListL(List.map mdefL defs)
+ and mdefsL g defs =
+ let mdefL x = mdefL g x
+ wordL(tagText "Module Defs") @@-- aboveListL(List.map mdefL defs)
- and mdefL x =
- match x with
+ and mdefL g x =
+ let tyconL tycon = tyconL g tycon
+ let mbindL x = mbindL g x
+ match x with
| TMDefRec(_, tycons, mbinds, _) -> aboveListL ((tycons |> List.map tyconL) @ List.map mbindL mbinds)
- | TMDefLet(bind, _) -> letL bind emptyL
- | TMDefDo(e, _) -> exprL e
- | TMDefs defs -> mdefsL defs
- | TMAbstract mexpr -> mexprL mexpr
- and mbindL x =
- match x with
- | ModuleOrNamespaceBinding.Binding bind -> letL bind emptyL
+ | TMDefLet(bind, _) -> letL g bind emptyL
+ | TMDefDo(e, _) -> exprL g e
+ | TMDefs defs -> mdefsL g defs
+ | TMAbstract mexpr -> mexprL g mexpr
+ and mbindL g x =
+ match x with
+ | ModuleOrNamespaceBinding.Binding bind -> letL g bind emptyL
| ModuleOrNamespaceBinding.Module(mspec, rhs) ->
- (wordL (tagText (if mspec.IsNamespace then "namespace" else "module")) ^^ (wordL (tagText mspec.DemangledModuleOrNamespaceName) |> stampL mspec.Stamp)) @@-- mdefL rhs
+ (wordL (tagText (if mspec.IsNamespace then "namespace" else "module")) ^^ (wordL (tagText mspec.DemangledModuleOrNamespaceName) |> stampL mspec.Stamp)) @@-- mdefL g rhs
- and entityTypeL (mtyp: ModuleOrNamespaceType) =
+ and entityTypeL g (mtyp: ModuleOrNamespaceType) =
+ let tyconL tycon = tyconL g tycon
aboveListL [jlistL typeOfValL mtyp.AllValsAndMembers
- jlistL tyconL mtyp.AllEntities;]
+ jlistL tyconL mtyp.AllEntities]
- and entityL (ms: ModuleOrNamespace) =
+ and entityL g (ms: ModuleOrNamespace) =
let header = wordL(tagText "module") ^^ (wordL (tagText ms.DemangledModuleOrNamespaceName) |> stampL ms.Stamp) ^^ wordL(tagText ":")
let footer = wordL(tagText "end")
- let body = entityTypeL ms.ModuleOrNamespaceType
+ let body = entityTypeL g ms.ModuleOrNamespaceType
(header @@-- body) @@ footer
- and ccuL (ccu: CcuThunk) = entityL ccu.Contents
+ and ccuL g (ccu: CcuThunk) = entityL g ccu.Contents
- and decisionTreeL x =
+ and decisionTreeL g x =
+ let exprL expr = exprL g expr
+ let dcaseL dcases = dcaseL g dcases
match x with
| TDBind (bind, body) ->
- let bind = wordL(tagText "let") ^^ bindingL bind ^^ wordL(tagText "in")
- (bind @@ decisionTreeL body)
+ let bind = wordL(tagText "let") ^^ bindingL g bind ^^ wordL(tagText "in")
+ (bind @@ decisionTreeL g body)
| TDSuccess (args, n) ->
wordL(tagText "Success") ^^ leftL(tagText "T") ^^ intL n ^^ tupleL (args |> List.map exprL)
- | TDSwitch (test, dcases, dflt, _) ->
+ | TDSwitch (test, dcases, dflt, _) ->
(wordL(tagText "Switch") --- exprL test) @@--
(aboveListL (List.map dcaseL dcases) @@
match dflt with
| None -> emptyL
- | Some dtree -> wordL(tagText "dflt:") --- decisionTreeL dtree)
+ | Some dtree -> wordL(tagText "dflt:") --- decisionTreeL g dtree)
- and dcaseL (TCase (test, dtree)) = (dtestL test ^^ wordL(tagText "//")) --- decisionTreeL dtree
+ and dcaseL g (TCase (test, dtree)) = (dtestL g test ^^ wordL(tagText "//")) --- decisionTreeL g dtree
- and dtestL x =
+ and dtestL g x =
match x with
| (DecisionTreeTest.UnionCase (c, tinst)) -> wordL(tagText "is") ^^ unionCaseRefL c ^^ instL typeL tinst
| (DecisionTreeTest.ArrayLength (n, ty)) -> wordL(tagText "length") ^^ intL n ^^ typeL ty
| (DecisionTreeTest.Const c) -> wordL(tagText "is") ^^ constL c
| (DecisionTreeTest.IsNull ) -> wordL(tagText "isnull")
| (DecisionTreeTest.IsInst (_, ty)) -> wordL(tagText "isinst") ^^ typeL ty
- | (DecisionTreeTest.ActivePatternCase (exp, _, _, _, _)) -> wordL(tagText "query") ^^ exprL exp
+ | (DecisionTreeTest.ActivePatternCase (exp, _, _, _, _)) -> wordL(tagText "query") ^^ exprL g exp
- and targetL i (TTarget (argvs, body, _)) = leftL(tagText "T") ^^ intL i ^^ tupleL (flatValsL argvs) ^^ rightL(tagText ":") --- exprL body
+ and targetL g i (TTarget (argvs, body, _)) = leftL(tagText "T") ^^ intL i ^^ tupleL (flatValsL argvs) ^^ rightL(tagText ":") --- exprL g body
and flatValsL vs = vs |> List.map valL
- and tmethodL (TObjExprMethod(TSlotSig(nm, _, _, _, _, _), _, tps, vs, e, _)) =
+ and tmethodL g (TObjExprMethod(TSlotSig(nm, _, _, _, _, _), _, tps, vs, e, _)) =
+ let valAtBindL v = valAtBindL g v
(wordL(tagText "TObjExprMethod") --- (wordL (tagText nm)) ^^ wordL(tagText "=")) --
(wordL(tagText "METH-LAM") --- angleBracketListL (List.map typarL tps) ^^ rightL(tagText ".")) ---
(wordL(tagText "meth-lam") --- tupleL (List.map (List.map valAtBindL >> tupleL) vs) ^^ rightL(tagText ".")) ---
- (atomL e)
+ (atomL g e)
- and overrideL tmeth = wordL(tagText "with") ^^ tmethodL tmeth
+ and overrideL g tmeth = wordL(tagText "with") ^^ tmethodL g tmeth
- and iimplL (ty, tmeths) = wordL(tagText "impl") ^^ aboveListL (typeL ty :: List.map tmethodL tmeths)
+ and iimplL g (ty, tmeths) =
+ let tmethodL p = tmethodL g p
+ wordL(tagText "impl") ^^ aboveListL (typeL ty :: List.map tmethodL tmeths)
let showType x = Layout.showL (typeL x)
- let showExpr x = Layout.showL (exprL x)
+ let showExpr g x = Layout.showL (exprL g x)
let traitL x = auxTraitL SimplifyTypes.typeSimplificationInfo0 x
@@ -4198,9 +4214,13 @@ let IsHidden setF accessF remapF debugF =
let res = check mrmi x
if verbose then dprintf "IsHidden, #mrmi = %d, %s = %b\n" mrmi.Length (showL (debugF x)) res
-let IsHiddenTycon mrmi x = IsHidden (fun mhi -> mhi.HiddenTycons) (fun tc -> tc.Accessibility) (fun rpi x -> (remapTyconRef rpi.tyconRefRemap (mkLocalTyconRef x)).Deref) DebugPrint.tyconL mrmi x
-let IsHiddenTyconRepr mrmi x = IsHidden (fun mhi -> mhi.HiddenTyconReprs) (fun v -> v.TypeReprAccessibility) (fun rpi x -> (remapTyconRef rpi.tyconRefRemap (mkLocalTyconRef x)).Deref) DebugPrint.tyconL mrmi x
+let IsHiddenTycon g mrmi x =
+ let debugPrint x = DebugPrint.tyconL g x
+ IsHidden (fun mhi -> mhi.HiddenTycons) (fun tc -> tc.Accessibility) (fun rpi x -> (remapTyconRef rpi.tyconRefRemap (mkLocalTyconRef x)).Deref) debugPrint mrmi x
+let IsHiddenTyconRepr g mrmi x =
+ let debugPrint x = DebugPrint.tyconL g x
+ IsHidden (fun mhi -> mhi.HiddenTyconReprs) (fun v -> v.TypeReprAccessibility) (fun rpi x -> (remapTyconRef rpi.tyconRefRemap (mkLocalTyconRef x)).Deref) debugPrint mrmi x
let IsHiddenVal mrmi x = IsHidden (fun mhi -> mhi.HiddenVals) (fun v -> v.Accessibility) (fun rpi x -> (remapValRef rpi (mkLocalValRef x)).Deref) DebugPrint.valL mrmi x
let IsHiddenRecdField mrmi x = IsHidden (fun mhi -> mhi.HiddenRecdFields) (fun rfref -> rfref.RecdField.Accessibility) (fun rpi x -> remapRecdFieldRef rpi.tyconRefRemap x) DebugPrint.recdFieldRefL mrmi x
@@ -5278,16 +5298,16 @@ and copyAndRemapAndBindModTy g compgen tmenv mty =
let _, _, tmenvinner = copyAndRemapAndBindTyconsAndVals g compgen tmenv tycons vs
remapModTy g compgen tmenvinner mty, tmenvinner
-and remapModTy _g _compgen tmenv mty =
- mapImmediateValsAndTycons (renameTycon tmenv) (renameVal tmenv) mty
+and remapModTy g _compgen tmenv mty =
+ mapImmediateValsAndTycons (renameTycon g tmenv) (renameVal tmenv) mty
-and renameTycon tyenv x =
+and renameTycon g tyenv x =
let tcref =
- try
+ try
let res = tyenv.tyconRefRemap.[mkLocalTyconRef x]
with :? KeyNotFoundException ->
- errorR(InternalError("couldn't remap internal tycon " + showL(DebugPrint.tyconL x), x.Range))
+ errorR(InternalError("couldn't remap internal tycon " + showL(DebugPrint.tyconL g x), x.Range))
mkLocalTyconRef x
@@ -5323,17 +5343,17 @@ and copyAndRemapAndBindTyconsAndVals g compgen tmenv tycons vs =
mkLocalValRef v
- let lookupTycon tycon =
+ let lookupTycon g tycon =
let tcref =
let res = tmenvinner.tyconRefRemap.[mkLocalTyconRef tycon]
with :? KeyNotFoundException ->
- errorR(InternalError("couldn't remap internal tycon " + showL(DebugPrint.tyconL tycon), tycon.Range))
+ errorR(InternalError("couldn't remap internal tycon " + showL(DebugPrint.tyconL g tycon), tycon.Range))
mkLocalTyconRef tycon
- (tycons, tycons') ||> List.iter2 (fun tcd tcd' ->
+ (tycons, tycons') ||> List.iter2 (fun tcd tcd' ->
+ let lookupTycon tycon = lookupTycon g tycon
let tps', tmenvinner2 = tmenvCopyRemapAndBindTypars (remapAttribs g tmenvinner) tmenvinner (tcd.entity_typars.Force(tcd.entity_range))
tcd'.entity_typars <- LazyWithContext.NotLazy tps'
tcd'.entity_attribs <- tcd.entity_attribs |> remapAttribs g tmenvinner2
@@ -5415,7 +5435,7 @@ and remapAndRenameModDef g compgen tmenv mdef =
match mdef with
| TMDefRec(isRec, tycons, mbinds, m) ->
// Abstract (virtual) vslots in the tycons at TMDefRec nodes are binders. They also need to be copied and renamed.
- let tycons = tycons |> List.map (renameTycon tmenv)
+ let tycons = tycons |> List.map (renameTycon g tmenv)
let mbinds = mbinds |> List.map (remapAndRenameModBind g compgen tmenv)
TMDefRec(isRec, tycons, mbinds, m)
| TMDefLet(bind, m) ->
@@ -5439,7 +5459,7 @@ and remapAndRenameModBind g compgen tmenv x =
let bind2 = remapAndRenameBind g compgen tmenv bind v2
ModuleOrNamespaceBinding.Binding bind2
| ModuleOrNamespaceBinding.Module(mspec, def) ->
- let mspec = renameTycon tmenv mspec
+ let mspec = renameTycon g tmenv mspec
let def = remapAndRenameModDef g compgen tmenv def
ModuleOrNamespaceBinding.Module(mspec, def)
@@ -7781,7 +7801,7 @@ let XmlDocSigOfVal g path (v: Val) =
match membInfo.MemberFlags.MemberKind with
| MemberKind.ClassConstructor
| MemberKind.Constructor -> "M:", "#ctor"
- | MemberKind.Member -> "M:", v.CompiledName
+ | MemberKind.Member -> "M:", v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState
| MemberKind.PropertyGetSet
| MemberKind.PropertySet
| MemberKind.PropertyGet -> "P:", v.PropertyName
@@ -7795,7 +7815,7 @@ let XmlDocSigOfVal g path (v: Val) =
// Regular F# values and extension members
let w = arityOfVal v
let tps, argInfos, _, _ = GetTopValTypeInCompiledForm g w v.Type v.Range
- let name = v.CompiledName
+ let name = v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState
let prefix =
if w.NumCurriedArgs = 0 && isNil tps then "P:"
else "M:"
@@ -8897,7 +8917,6 @@ let BindUnitVars g (mvs: Val list, paramInfos: ArgReprInfo list, body) =
[], mkLet NoSequencePointAtInvisibleBinding v.Range v (mkUnit g v.Range) body
| _ -> mvs, body
let isThreadOrContextStatic g attrs =
HasFSharpAttributeOpt g g.attrib_ThreadStaticAttribute attrs ||
HasFSharpAttributeOpt g g.attrib_ContextStaticAttribute attrs
@@ -8905,5 +8924,3 @@ let isThreadOrContextStatic g attrs =
let mkUnitDelayLambda (g: TcGlobals) m e =
let uv, _ = mkCompGenLocal m "unitVar" g.unit_ty
mkLambda m uv (e, tyOfExpr g e)
diff --git a/src/fsharp/TastOps.fsi b/src/fsharp/TastOps.fsi
index f9011081bbf..8c71736a844 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/TastOps.fsi
+++ b/src/fsharp/TastOps.fsi
@@ -1205,10 +1205,10 @@ val MakeExportRemapping : CcuThunk -> ModuleOrNamespace -> Remap
val ApplyExportRemappingToEntity : TcGlobals -> Remap -> ModuleOrNamespace -> ModuleOrNamespace
/// Determine if a type definition is hidden by a signature
-val IsHiddenTycon : (Remap * SignatureHidingInfo) list -> Tycon -> bool
+val IsHiddenTycon : TcGlobals -> (Remap * SignatureHidingInfo) list -> Tycon -> bool
/// Determine if the representation of a type definition is hidden by a signature
-val IsHiddenTyconRepr : (Remap * SignatureHidingInfo) list -> Tycon -> bool
+val IsHiddenTyconRepr : TcGlobals -> (Remap * SignatureHidingInfo) list -> Tycon -> bool
/// Determine if a member, function or value is hidden by a signature
val IsHiddenVal : (Remap * SignatureHidingInfo) list -> Val -> bool
@@ -1290,7 +1290,7 @@ module DebugPrint =
val showType : TType -> string
/// Convert an expression to a string for debugging purposes
- val showExpr : Expr -> string
+ val showExpr : TcGlobals -> Expr -> string
/// Debug layout for a reference to a value
val valRefL : ValRef -> layout
@@ -1299,7 +1299,7 @@ module DebugPrint =
val unionCaseRefL : UnionCaseRef -> layout
/// Debug layout for an value definition at its binding site
- val valAtBindL : Val -> layout
+ val valAtBindL : TcGlobals -> Val -> layout
/// Debug layout for an integer
val intL : int -> layout
@@ -1326,31 +1326,31 @@ module DebugPrint =
val slotSigL : SlotSig -> layout
/// Debug layout for the type signature of a module or namespace definition
- val entityTypeL : ModuleOrNamespaceType -> layout
+ val entityTypeL : TcGlobals -> ModuleOrNamespaceType -> layout
/// Debug layout for a module or namespace definition
- val entityL : ModuleOrNamespace -> layout
+ val entityL : TcGlobals -> ModuleOrNamespace -> layout
/// Debug layout for the type of a value
val typeOfValL : Val -> layout
/// Debug layout for a binding of an expression to a value
- val bindingL : Binding -> layout
+ val bindingL : TcGlobals -> Binding -> layout
/// Debug layout for an expression
- val exprL : Expr -> layout
+ val exprL : TcGlobals -> Expr -> layout
/// Debug layout for a type definition
- val tyconL : Tycon -> layout
+ val tyconL : TcGlobals -> Tycon -> layout
/// Debug layout for a decision tree
- val decisionTreeL : DecisionTree -> layout
+ val decisionTreeL : TcGlobals -> DecisionTree -> layout
/// Debug layout for an implementation file
- val implFileL : TypedImplFile -> layout
+ val implFileL : TcGlobals -> TypedImplFile -> layout
/// Debug layout for a list of implementation files
- val implFilesL : TypedImplFile list -> layout
+ val implFilesL : TcGlobals -> TypedImplFile list -> layout
/// Debug layout for class and record fields
val recdFieldRefL : RecdFieldRef -> layout
diff --git a/src/fsharp/TastPickle.fsi b/src/fsharp/TastPickle.fsi
index 9f1000580ae..2b659b0598d 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/TastPickle.fsi
+++ b/src/fsharp/TastPickle.fsi
@@ -142,7 +142,7 @@ val internal u_ty : unpickler
val internal unpickleCcuInfo : ReaderState -> PickledCcuInfo
/// Deserialize an arbitrary object which may have holes referring to other compilation units
-val internal unpickleObjWithDanglingCcus : file:string -> viewedScope:ILScopeRef -> ilModule:ILModuleDef option -> ('T unpickler) -> byte[] -> PickledDataWithReferences<'T>
+val internal unpickleObjWithDanglingCcus : file:string -> viewedScope:ILScopeRef -> ilModule:ILModuleDef option -> ('T unpickler) -> byte[] -> PickledDataWithReferences<'T>
diff --git a/src/fsharp/TcGlobals.fs b/src/fsharp/TcGlobals.fs
index 337205632e3..1aa14c5794d 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/TcGlobals.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/TcGlobals.fs
@@ -652,13 +652,13 @@ type public TcGlobals(compilingFslib: bool, ilg:ILGlobals, fslibCcu: CcuThunk, d
let v_hash_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "hash" , None , Some "Hash" , [vara], ([[varaTy]], v_int_ty))
let v_box_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "box" , None , Some "Box" , [vara], ([[varaTy]], v_obj_ty))
let v_isnull_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "isNull" , None , Some "IsNull" , [vara], ([[varaTy]], v_bool_ty))
- let v_isnotnull_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "isNotNull" , None , Some "IsNotNull" , [vara], ([[varaTy]], v_bool_ty))
+ let v_isnotnull_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "isNotNull" , None , Some "IsNotNull" , [vara], ([[varaTy]], v_bool_ty))
let v_raise_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "raise" , None , Some "Raise" , [vara], ([[mkSysNonGenericTy sys "Exception"]], varaTy))
- let v_failwith_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "failwith" , None , Some "FailWith" , [vara], ([[v_string_ty]], varaTy))
- let v_invalid_arg_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "invalidArg" , None , Some "InvalidArg" , [vara], ([[v_string_ty]; [v_string_ty]], varaTy))
- let v_null_arg_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "nullArg" , None , Some "NullArg" , [vara], ([[v_string_ty]], varaTy))
- let v_invalid_op_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "invalidOp" , None , Some "InvalidOp" , [vara], ([[v_string_ty]], varaTy))
- let v_failwithf_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFExtraTopLevelOperators_nleref, "failwithf" , None, Some "PrintFormatToStringThenFail" , [vara;varb], ([[mk_format4_ty varaTy v_unit_ty v_string_ty v_string_ty]], varaTy))
+ let v_failwith_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "failwith" , None , Some "FailWith" , [vara], ([[v_string_ty]], varaTy))
+ let v_invalid_arg_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "invalidArg" , None , Some "InvalidArg" , [vara], ([[v_string_ty]; [v_string_ty]], varaTy))
+ let v_null_arg_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "nullArg" , None , Some "NullArg" , [vara], ([[v_string_ty]], varaTy))
+ let v_invalid_op_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "invalidOp" , None , Some "InvalidOp" , [vara], ([[v_string_ty]], varaTy))
+ let v_failwithf_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFExtraTopLevelOperators_nleref, "failwithf" , None , Some "PrintFormatToStringThenFail" , [vara;varb], ([[mk_format4_ty varaTy v_unit_ty v_string_ty v_string_ty]], varaTy))
let v_reraise_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "reraise" , None , Some "Reraise", [vara], ([[v_unit_ty]], varaTy))
let v_typeof_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "typeof" , None , Some "TypeOf" , [vara], ([], v_system_Type_ty))
@@ -697,9 +697,7 @@ type public TcGlobals(compilingFslib: bool, ilg:ILGlobals, fslibCcu: CcuThunk, d
let v_seq_empty_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFSeqModule_nleref, "empty" , None , Some "Empty" , [vara], ([], mkSeqTy varaTy))
let v_new_format_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFCore_nleref, ".ctor" , Some "PrintfFormat`5", None , [vara;varb;varc;vard;vare], ([[v_string_ty]], mkPrintfFormatTy varaTy varbTy varcTy vardTy vareTy))
let v_sprintf_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFExtraTopLevelOperators_nleref, "sprintf" , None , Some "PrintFormatToStringThen", [vara], ([[mk_format4_ty varaTy v_unit_ty v_string_ty v_string_ty]], varaTy))
- let v_lazy_force_info =
- // Lazy\Value for > 4.0
- makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFLazyExtensions_nleref, "Force" , Some "Lazy`1" , None , [vara], ([[mkLazyTy varaTy]; []], varaTy))
+ let v_lazy_force_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFLazyExtensions_nleref, "Force" , Some "Lazy`1" , None , [vara], ([[mkLazyTy varaTy]; []], varaTy))
let v_lazy_create_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFLazyExtensions_nleref, "Create" , Some "Lazy`1" , None , [vara], ([[v_unit_ty --> varaTy]], mkLazyTy varaTy))
let v_seq_info = makeIntrinsicValRef(fslib_MFOperators_nleref, "seq" , None , Some "CreateSequence" , [vara], ([[mkSeqTy varaTy]], mkSeqTy varaTy))
@@ -737,6 +735,7 @@ type public TcGlobals(compilingFslib: bool, ilg:ILGlobals, fslibCcu: CcuThunk, d
let mutable debuggerBrowsableNeverAttributeCache = None
let mkDebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute() = mkILCustomAttribute ilg (findSysILTypeRef tname_DebuggerNonUserCodeAttribute, [], [], [])
let mkCompilerGeneratedAttribute () = mkILCustomAttribute ilg (tref_CompilerGeneratedAttribute, [], [], [])
+ let compilerGlobalState = CompilerGlobalState()
// Requests attributes to be added to compiler generated methods.
let addGeneratedAttrs (attrs: ILAttributes) =
@@ -1475,17 +1474,17 @@ type public TcGlobals(compilingFslib: bool, ilg:ILGlobals, fslibCcu: CcuThunk, d
(if enableEnC then 4 else 0)
let tref_DebuggableAttribute_DebuggingModes = mkILTyRefInTyRef (tref_DebuggableAttribute, tname_DebuggableAttribute_DebuggingModes)
mkILCustomAttribute ilg
- (tref_DebuggableAttribute, [mkILNonGenericValueTy tref_DebuggableAttribute_DebuggingModes],
+ (tref_DebuggableAttribute, [mkILNonGenericValueTy tref_DebuggableAttribute_DebuggingModes],
(* See System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute.DebuggingModes *)
[ILAttribElem.Int32( debuggingMode )], [])
- member __.CompilerGeneratedAttribute = mkCompilerGeneratedAttribute ()
- member __.eraseClassUnionDef = EraseUnions.mkClassUnionDef (addMethodGeneratedAttrs, addPropertyGeneratedAttrs, addPropertyNeverAttrs, addFieldGeneratedAttrs, addFieldNeverAttrs, mkDebuggerTypeProxyAttribute) ilg
+ member internal __.CompilerGlobalState = Some compilerGlobalState
+ member __.CompilerGeneratedAttribute = mkCompilerGeneratedAttribute ()
+ member __.eraseClassUnionDef = EraseUnions.mkClassUnionDef (addMethodGeneratedAttrs, addPropertyGeneratedAttrs, addPropertyNeverAttrs, addFieldGeneratedAttrs, addFieldNeverAttrs, mkDebuggerTypeProxyAttribute) ilg
// This global is only used during debug output
let global_g = ref (None : TcGlobals option)
diff --git a/src/fsharp/TypeChecker.fs b/src/fsharp/TypeChecker.fs
index 66267dbe148..485b367aed4 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/TypeChecker.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/TypeChecker.fs
@@ -1559,7 +1559,10 @@ let InstanceMembersNeedSafeInitCheck cenv m thisTy =
let MakeSafeInitField (g: TcGlobals) env m isStatic =
- let id = ident(globalNng.FreshCompilerGeneratedName("init", m), m)
+ let id =
+ // Ensure that we have an g.CompilerGlobalState
+ assert(g.CompilerGlobalState |> Option.isSome)
+ ident(g.CompilerGlobalState.Value.NiceNameGenerator.FreshCompilerGeneratedName("init", m), m)
let taccess = TAccess [env.eAccessPath]
NewRecdField isStatic None id false g.int_ty true true [] [] XmlDoc.Empty taccess true
@@ -3436,7 +3439,7 @@ let ConvertArbitraryExprToEnumerable cenv ty (env: TcEnv) (expr: Expr) =
let expr =
mkCompGenLet m enumerableVar expr
- (mkCallSeqOfFunctions cenv.g m retTypeOfGetEnumerator enumElemTy
+ (mkCallSeqOfFunctions cenv.g m retTypeOfGetEnumerator enumElemTy
(mkUnitDelayLambda cenv.g m getEnumExpr)
(mkLambda m enumeratorVar (guardExpr, guardTy))
(mkLambda m enumeratorVar (betterCurrentExpr, enumElemTy)))
@@ -7241,7 +7244,7 @@ and TcForEachExpr cenv overallTy env tpenv (pat, enumSynExpr, bodySynExpr, mWhol
let elemAddrTy = if isReadOnlySpan then mkInByrefTy cenv.g elemTy else mkByrefTy cenv.g elemTy
// Evaluate the span index lookup
- let bodyExprFixup elemVar bodyExpr =
+ let bodyExprFixup elemVar bodyExpr =
let elemAddrVar, _ = mkCompGenLocal mForLoopStart "addr" elemAddrTy
let e = mkCompGenLet mForLoopStart elemVar (mkAddrGet mForLoopStart (mkLocalValRef elemAddrVar)) bodyExpr
let getItemCallExpr, _ = BuildMethodCall tcVal cenv.g cenv.amap PossiblyMutates mWholeExpr true getItemMethInfo ValUseFlag.NormalValUse [] [ spanExpr ] [ idxExpr ]
@@ -7251,7 +7254,7 @@ and TcForEachExpr cenv overallTy env tpenv (pat, enumSynExpr, bodySynExpr, mWhol
let overallExprFixup overallExpr = mkCompGenLet mForLoopStart spanVar enumExpr overallExpr
let getLengthCallExpr, _ = BuildMethodCall tcVal cenv.g cenv.amap PossiblyMutates mWholeExpr true getLengthMethInfo ValUseFlag.NormalValUse [] [ spanExpr ] []
// Ask for a loop over integers for the given range
(elemTy, bodyExprFixup, overallExprFixup, Choice2Of3 (idxVar, mkZero cenv.g mForLoopStart, mkDecr cenv.g mForLoopStart getLengthCallExpr))
@@ -13311,7 +13314,7 @@ module IncrClassChecking =
let takenFieldNames =
[ for b in memberBinds do
- yield b.Var.CompiledName
+ yield b.Var.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState
yield b.Var.DisplayName
yield b.Var.CoreDisplayName
yield b.Var.LogicalName ]
diff --git a/src/fsharp/ast.fs b/src/fsharp/ast.fs
index 09e46ba3386..94f40226214 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/ast.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/ast.fs
@@ -2456,74 +2456,6 @@ module LexbufLocalXmlDocStore =
| _ ->
-/// Generates compiler-generated names. Each name generated also includes the StartLine number of the range passed in
-/// at the point of first generation.
-/// This type may be accessed concurrently, though in practice it is only used from the compilation thread.
-/// It is made concurrency-safe since a global instance of the type is allocated in tast.fs, and it is good
-/// policy to make all globally-allocated objects concurrency safe in case future versions of the compiler
-/// are used to host multiple concurrent instances of compilation.
-type NiceNameGenerator() =
- let lockObj = obj()
- let basicNameCounts = new Dictionary(100)
- member x.FreshCompilerGeneratedName (name, m: range) =
- lock lockObj (fun () ->
- let basicName = GetBasicNameOfPossibleCompilerGeneratedName name
- let n =
- match basicNameCounts.TryGetValue basicName with
- | true, count -> count
- | _ -> 0
- let nm = CompilerGeneratedNameSuffix basicName (string m.StartLine + (match n with 0 -> "" | n -> "-" + string n))
- basicNameCounts.[basicName] <- n + 1
- nm)
- member x.Reset () =
- lock lockObj (fun () ->
- basicNameCounts.Clear()
- )
-/// Generates compiler-generated names marked up with a source code location, but if given the same unique value then
-/// return precisely the same name. Each name generated also includes the StartLine number of the range passed in
-/// at the point of first generation.
-/// This type may be accessed concurrently, though in practice it is only used from the compilation thread.
-/// It is made concurrency-safe since a global instance of the type is allocated in tast.fs.
-type StableNiceNameGenerator() =
- let lockObj = obj()
- let names = new Dictionary<(string * int64), string>(100)
- let basicNameCounts = new Dictionary(100)
- member x.GetUniqueCompilerGeneratedName (name, m: range, uniq) =
- lock lockObj (fun () ->
- let basicName = GetBasicNameOfPossibleCompilerGeneratedName name
- let key = basicName, uniq
- match names.TryGetValue key with
- | true, nm -> nm
- | _ ->
- let n =
- match basicNameCounts.TryGetValue basicName with
- | true, c -> c
- | _ -> 0
- let nm = CompilerGeneratedNameSuffix basicName (string m.StartLine + (match n with 0 -> "" | n -> "-" + string n))
- names.[key] <- nm
- basicNameCounts.[basicName] <- n + 1
- nm
- )
- member x.Reset () =
- lock lockObj (fun () ->
- basicNameCounts.Clear()
- names.Clear()
- )
let rec synExprContainsError inpExpr =
let rec walkBind (Binding(_, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, synExpr, _, _)) = walkExpr synExpr
and walkExprs es = es |> List.exists walkExpr
diff --git a/src/fsharp/fsi/fsi.fs b/src/fsharp/fsi/fsi.fs
index 4660b2e4817..aa1a55f9492 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/fsi/fsi.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/fsi/fsi.fs
@@ -953,13 +953,14 @@ type internal FsiDynamicCompiler
outWriter: TextWriter,
tcImports: TcImports,
tcGlobals: TcGlobals,
- ilGlobals: ILGlobals,
fsiOptions : FsiCommandLineOptions,
fsiConsoleOutput : FsiConsoleOutput,
fsiCollectible: bool,
resolveAssemblyRef) =
+ let ilGlobals = tcGlobals.ilg
let outfile = "TMPFSCI.exe"
let assemblyName = "FSI-ASSEMBLY"
@@ -2512,8 +2513,6 @@ type FsiEvaluationSession (fsi: FsiEvaluationSessionHostConfig, argv:string[], i
with e ->
stopProcessingRecovery e range0; failwithf "Error creating evaluation session: %A" e
- let ilGlobals = tcGlobals.ilg
let niceNameGen = NiceNameGenerator()
// Share intern'd strings across all lexing/parsing
@@ -2534,21 +2533,21 @@ type FsiEvaluationSession (fsi: FsiEvaluationSessionHostConfig, argv:string[], i
match tcImports.TryFindExistingFullyQualifiedPathByExactAssemblyRef (ctok, aref) with
| Some resolvedPath -> Some (Choice1Of2 resolvedPath)
| None -> None
- let fsiDynamicCompiler = FsiDynamicCompiler(fsi, timeReporter, tcConfigB, tcLockObject, outWriter, tcImports, tcGlobals, ilGlobals, fsiOptions, fsiConsoleOutput, fsiCollectible, niceNameGen, resolveAssemblyRef)
- let fsiInterruptController = FsiInterruptController(fsiOptions, fsiConsoleOutput)
+ let fsiDynamicCompiler = FsiDynamicCompiler(fsi, timeReporter, tcConfigB, tcLockObject, outWriter, tcImports, tcGlobals, fsiOptions, fsiConsoleOutput, fsiCollectible, niceNameGen, resolveAssemblyRef)
+ let fsiInterruptController = FsiInterruptController(fsiOptions, fsiConsoleOutput)
let uninstallMagicAssemblyResolution = MagicAssemblyResolution.Install(tcConfigB, tcImports, fsiDynamicCompiler, fsiConsoleOutput)
- /// This reference cell holds the most recent interactive state
+ /// This reference cell holds the most recent interactive state
let initialInteractiveState = fsiDynamicCompiler.GetInitialInteractiveState ()
let fsiStdinLexerProvider = FsiStdinLexerProvider(tcConfigB, fsiStdinSyphon, fsiConsoleInput, fsiConsoleOutput, fsiOptions, lexResourceManager)
let fsiInteractionProcessor = FsiInteractionProcessor(fsi, tcConfigB, fsiOptions, fsiDynamicCompiler, fsiConsolePrompt, fsiConsoleOutput, fsiInterruptController, fsiStdinLexerProvider, lexResourceManager, initialInteractiveState)
- let commitResult res =
+ let commitResult res =
match res with
| Choice1Of2 r -> r
| Choice2Of2 None -> failwith "Operation failed. The error text has been printed in the error stream. To return the corresponding FSharpErrorInfo use the EvalInteractionNonThrowing, EvalScriptNonThrowing or EvalExpressionNonThrowing"
diff --git a/src/fsharp/service/IncrementalBuild.fs b/src/fsharp/service/IncrementalBuild.fs
index 69d416f9921..24769360aeb 100755
--- a/src/fsharp/service/IncrementalBuild.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/service/IncrementalBuild.fs
@@ -1206,7 +1206,7 @@ type RawFSharpAssemblyDataBackedByLanguageService (tcConfig, tcGlobals, tcState:
/// Manages an incremental build graph for the build of a single F# project
type IncrementalBuilder(tcGlobals, frameworkTcImports, nonFrameworkAssemblyInputs, nonFrameworkResolutions, unresolvedReferences, tcConfig: TcConfig, projectDirectory, outfile,
- assemblyName, niceNameGen: Ast.NiceNameGenerator, lexResourceManager,
+ assemblyName, niceNameGen: NiceNameGenerator, lexResourceManager,
sourceFiles, loadClosureOpt: LoadClosure option,
keepAssemblyContents, keepAllBackgroundResolutions, maxTimeShareMilliseconds) =
diff --git a/src/fsharp/service/ServiceDeclarationLists.fs b/src/fsharp/service/ServiceDeclarationLists.fs
index b706a3835a9..f06fc56ca2e 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/service/ServiceDeclarationLists.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/service/ServiceDeclarationLists.fs
@@ -630,7 +630,7 @@ type FSharpDeclarationListInfo(declarations: FSharpDeclarationListItem[], isForT
let isActivePatternItem (items: CompletionItem list) =
match items |> List.map (fun x -> x.Item) with
- | [Item.Value vref] -> IsActivePatternName vref.CompiledName
+ | [Item.Value vref] -> IsActivePatternName (vref.CompiledName infoReader.g.CompilerGlobalState)
| _ -> false
items |> List.filter (fun (displayName, items) ->
diff --git a/src/fsharp/symbols/Exprs.fs b/src/fsharp/symbols/Exprs.fs
index e09e1d4df30..7941a6be577 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/symbols/Exprs.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/symbols/Exprs.fs
@@ -915,7 +915,7 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
let ccu = nlr.EnclosingEntity.nlr.Ccu
let vName = nlr.ItemKey.PartialKey.LogicalName // this is actually compiled name
let findByName =
- enclosingEntity.MembersOfFSharpTyconSorted |> List.filter (fun v -> v.CompiledName = vName)
+ enclosingEntity.MembersOfFSharpTyconSorted |> List.filter (fun v -> (v.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState) = vName)
match findByName with
| [v] ->
makeFSCall isMember v
@@ -925,7 +925,7 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
let findModuleMemberByName =
|> Seq.filter (fun v ->
- v.CompiledName = vName &&
+ (v.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState) = vName &&
match v.DeclaringEntity with
| Parent p -> p.PublicPath = enclosingEntity.PublicPath
| _ -> false
@@ -941,7 +941,7 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
let name = PrettyNaming.ChopPropertyName vName
let findByName =
- |> Seq.filter (fun v -> v.CompiledName = name)
+ |> Seq.filter (fun v -> (v.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState) = name)
|> List.ofSeq
match findByName with
| [ v ] ->
@@ -989,14 +989,14 @@ module FSharpExprConvert =
match subClass with
| Some name ->
let ucref = UCRef(tcref, name)
- let mkR = ConvUnionCaseRef cenv ucref
+ let mkR = ConvUnionCaseRef cenv ucref
let objR = ConvLValueExpr cenv env callArgs.Head
let projR = FSharpField(cenv, ucref, ucref.Index)
E.UnionCaseGet(objR, typR, mkR, projR)
| _ ->
failwith "Failed to recognize union type member"
- let names = enclosingEntity.MembersOfFSharpTyconSorted |> List.map (fun v -> v.CompiledName) |> String.concat ", "
+ let names = enclosingEntity.MembersOfFSharpTyconSorted |> List.map (fun v -> v.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState) |> String.concat ", "
failwithf "Member '%s' not found in type %s, found: %s" vName enclosingEntity.DisplayName names
| _ -> // member is overloaded
match nlr.ItemKey.TypeForLinkage with
diff --git a/src/fsharp/symbols/SymbolHelpers.fs b/src/fsharp/symbols/SymbolHelpers.fs
index 0547f759df2..1440eef5a4c 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/symbols/SymbolHelpers.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/symbols/SymbolHelpers.fs
@@ -1302,14 +1302,14 @@ module internal SymbolHelpers =
/// Get the "F1 Keyword" associated with an item, for looking up documentatio help indexes on the web
- let rec GetF1Keyword g item =
+ let rec GetF1Keyword (g: TcGlobals) item =
let getKeywordForMethInfo (minfo : MethInfo) =
match minfo with
| FSMeth(_, _, vref, _) ->
match vref.DeclaringEntity with
| Parent tcref ->
- (tcref |> ticksAndArgCountTextOfTyconRef)+"."+vref.CompiledName|> Some
+ (tcref |> ticksAndArgCountTextOfTyconRef) + "." + vref.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState |> Some
| ParentNone -> None
| ILMeth (_, minfo, _) ->
@@ -1334,25 +1334,25 @@ module internal SymbolHelpers =
| [] -> ""
| l -> "``"+(List.length l).ToString()
- sprintf "%s.%s%s" (tyconRef |> ticksAndArgCountTextOfTyconRef) v.CompiledName paramsString |> Some
+ sprintf "%s.%s%s" (tyconRef |> ticksAndArgCountTextOfTyconRef) (v.CompiledName g.CompilerGlobalState) paramsString |> Some
- | Item.ActivePatternCase apref ->
+ | Item.ActivePatternCase apref ->
GetF1Keyword g (Item.Value apref.ActivePatternVal)
- | Item.UnionCase(ucinfo, _) ->
- (ucinfo.TyconRef |> ticksAndArgCountTextOfTyconRef)+"."+ucinfo.Name |> Some
+ | Item.UnionCase(ucinfo, _) ->
+ (ucinfo.TyconRef |> ticksAndArgCountTextOfTyconRef) + "."+ucinfo.Name |> Some
- | Item.RecdField rfi ->
- (rfi.TyconRef |> ticksAndArgCountTextOfTyconRef)+"."+rfi.Name |> Some
+ | Item.RecdField rfi ->
+ (rfi.TyconRef |> ticksAndArgCountTextOfTyconRef) + "." + rfi.Name |> Some
- | Item.AnonRecdField _ -> None
+ | Item.AnonRecdField _ -> None
- | Item.ILField finfo ->
+ | Item.ILField finfo ->
match finfo with
| ILFieldInfo(tinfo, fdef) ->
- (tinfo.TyconRefOfRawMetadata |> ticksAndArgCountTextOfTyconRef)+"."+fdef.Name |> Some
+ (tinfo.TyconRefOfRawMetadata |> ticksAndArgCountTextOfTyconRef) + "." + fdef.Name |> Some
| ProvidedField _ -> None
diff --git a/src/fsharp/symbols/Symbols.fs b/src/fsharp/symbols/Symbols.fs
index 50368c3ca2f..afc2f2e4b22 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/symbols/Symbols.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/symbols/Symbols.fs
@@ -814,12 +814,11 @@ and FSharpUnionCase(cenv, v: UnionCaseRef) =
match other with
| :? FSharpUnionCase as uc -> v === uc.V
| _ -> false
override x.GetHashCode() = hash v.CaseName
override x.ToString() = x.CompiledName
and FSharpFieldData =
| AnonField of AnonRecdTypeInfo * TTypes * int * range
| ILField of ILFieldInfo
@@ -1740,7 +1739,7 @@ and FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue(cenv, d:FSharpMemberOrValData, item) =
member x.CompiledName =
match fsharpInfo() with
- | Some v -> v.CompiledName
+ | Some v -> v.CompiledName cenv.g.CompilerGlobalState
| None -> x.LogicalName
member __.LogicalName =
@@ -2007,7 +2006,7 @@ and FSharpMemberOrFunctionOrValue(cenv, d:FSharpMemberOrValData, item) =
override x.ToString() =
let prefix = (if x.IsEvent then "event " elif x.IsProperty then "property " elif x.IsMember then "member " else "val ")
- prefix + x.LogicalName
+ prefix + x.LogicalName
with _ -> "??"
member x.FormatLayout (denv:FSharpDisplayContext) =
diff --git a/src/fsharp/tast.fs b/src/fsharp/tast.fs
index 98a8710afb0..dd8f0506f70 100644
--- a/src/fsharp/tast.fs
+++ b/src/fsharp/tast.fs
@@ -44,14 +44,6 @@ type Stamp = int64
//++GLOBAL MUTABLE STATE (concurrency-safe)
let newStamp = let i = ref 0L in fun () -> System.Threading.Interlocked.Increment i
-/// A global generator of compiler generated names
-// ++GLOBAL MUTABLE STATE (concurrency safe by locking inside NiceNameGenerator)
-let globalNng = NiceNameGenerator()
-/// A global generator of stable compiler generated names
-// ++GLOBAL MUTABLE STATE (concurrency safe by locking inside StableNiceNameGenerator)
-let globalStableNameGenerator = StableNiceNameGenerator ()
type StampMap<'T> = Map
@@ -2543,8 +2535,7 @@ and
and ValData = Val
and []
Val =
- {
- /// Mutable for unpickle linkage
+ { /// Mutable for unpickle linkage
mutable val_logical_name: string
/// Mutable for unpickle linkage
@@ -2555,12 +2546,12 @@ and []
/// Mutable for unpickle linkage
mutable val_stamp: Stamp
- /// See vflags section further below for encoding/decodings here
+ /// See vflags section further below for encoding/decodings here
mutable val_flags: ValFlags
- mutable val_opt_data: ValOptionalData option }
- static member NewEmptyValOptData() =
+ mutable val_opt_data: ValOptionalData option }
+ static member NewEmptyValOptData() =
{ val_compiled_name = None
val_other_range = None
val_const = None
@@ -2888,7 +2879,7 @@ and []
/// - If this is an implementation of an abstract slot then this may be a mangled name
/// - If this is an extension member then this will be a mangled name
/// - If this is an operator then this is 'op_Addition'
- member x.CompiledName =
+ member x.CompiledName (compilerGlobalState:CompilerGlobalState option) =
let givenName =
match x.val_opt_data with
| Some { val_compiled_name = Some n } -> n
@@ -2907,10 +2898,10 @@ and []
// let dt = System.DateTime.Now - System.DateTime.Now // IsMemberOrModuleBinding = false, IsCompiledAsTopLevel = true, IsMember = false, CompilerGenerated=true
// However we don't need this for CompilerGenerated members such as the implementations of IComparable
- if x.IsCompiledAsTopLevel && not x.IsMember && (x.IsCompilerGenerated || not x.IsMemberOrModuleBinding) then
- globalStableNameGenerator.GetUniqueCompilerGeneratedName(givenName, x.Range, x.Stamp)
- else
- givenName
+ match compilerGlobalState with
+ | Some state when x.IsCompiledAsTopLevel && not x.IsMember && (x.IsCompilerGenerated || not x.IsMemberOrModuleBinding) ->
+ state.StableNameGenerator.GetUniqueCompilerGeneratedName(givenName, x.Range, x.Stamp)
+ | _ -> givenName
/// The name of the property.
/// - If this is a property then this is 'Foo'
@@ -4561,7 +4552,7 @@ and
member x.DebugText = x.ToString()
- override x.ToString() = sprintf "TBind(%s, ...)" x.Var.CompiledName
+ override x.ToString() = sprintf "TBind(%s, ...)" (x.Var.CompiledName None)
/// Represents a reference to an active pattern element. The
/// integer indicates which choice in the target set is being selected by this item.
@@ -5764,16 +5755,16 @@ let NewVal
(logicalName: string, m: range, compiledName, ty, isMutable, isCompGen, arity, access,
recValInfo, specialRepr, baseOrThis, attribs, inlineInfo, doc, isModuleOrMemberBinding,
isExtensionMember, isIncrClassSpecialMember, isTyFunc, allowTypeInst, isGeneratedEventVal,
- konst, actualParent) : Val =
+ konst, actualParent) : Val =
let stamp = newStamp()
- Val.New
- { val_stamp = stamp
- val_logical_name = logicalName
- val_range = m
- val_flags = ValFlags(recValInfo, baseOrThis, isCompGen, inlineInfo, isMutable, isModuleOrMemberBinding, isExtensionMember, isIncrClassSpecialMember, isTyFunc, allowTypeInst, isGeneratedEventVal)
- val_type = ty
- val_opt_data =
+ Val.New {
+ val_stamp = stamp
+ val_logical_name = logicalName
+ val_range = m
+ val_flags = ValFlags(recValInfo, baseOrThis, isCompGen, inlineInfo, isMutable, isModuleOrMemberBinding, isExtensionMember, isIncrClassSpecialMember, isTyFunc, allowTypeInst, isGeneratedEventVal)
+ val_type = ty
+ val_opt_data =
match compiledName, arity, konst, access, doc, specialRepr, actualParent, attribs with
| None, None, None, TAccess [], XmlDoc [||], None, ParentNone, [] -> None
| _ ->
@@ -5788,11 +5779,9 @@ let NewVal
val_attribs = attribs }
/// Create the new contents of an overall assembly
let NewCcuContents sref m nm mty =
NewModuleOrNamespace (Some(CompPath(sref, []))) taccessPublic (ident(nm, m)) XmlDoc.Empty [] (MaybeLazy.Strict mty)
// Cloning and adjusting
diff --git a/tests/fsharpqa/Source/Optimizations/Inlining/env.lst b/tests/fsharpqa/Source/Optimizations/Inlining/env.lst
index 9e92d0998cd..9c95c7c6545 100644
--- a/tests/fsharpqa/Source/Optimizations/Inlining/env.lst
+++ b/tests/fsharpqa/Source/Optimizations/Inlining/env.lst
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-# flaky test: https://github.com/Microsoft/visualfsharp/issues/6657
-#NoMT SOURCE=Match01.fs SCFLAGS="-a --optimize+" COMPILE_ONLY=1 POSTCMD="..\\CompareIL.cmd Match01.dll" # Match01.fs
+NoMT SOURCE=Match01.fs SCFLAGS="-a --optimize+" COMPILE_ONLY=1 POSTCMD="..\\CompareIL.cmd Match01.dll" # Match01.fs
NoMT SOURCE=Match02.fs SCFLAGS="-a --optimize+" COMPILE_ONLY=1 POSTCMD="..\\CompareIL.cmd Match02.dll" # Match02.fs
NoMT SOURCE=StructUnion01.fs SCFLAGS="-a --optimize+" COMPILE_ONLY=1 POSTCMD="..\\CompareIL.cmd StructUnion01.dll" # StructUnion01.fs