diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.cs.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.cs.xlf index a176f81a800..1b5cb256721 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.cs.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.cs.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + Funkce {0} není v jazyce F# {1} dostupná. Použijte prosím jazyk verze {2} nebo vyšší. Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + Cílový modul runtime nepodporuje funkci {0}. @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Navržené sestavení poskytovatele typu {0} nešlo načíst ze složky {1}, protože chyběla závislost nebo ji nešlo načíst. Všechny závislosti tohoto sestavení se musí nacházet ve stejné složce jako toto sestavení. Ohlášená výjimka: {2} – {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Navržené sestavení poskytovatele typu {0} nešlo načíst ze složky {1}. Ohlášená výjimka: {2} – {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Atribut sestavení {0} odkazuje na navržené sestavení {1}, které se nedá načíst nebo neexistuje. Ohlášená výjimka: {2} – {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + aplikativní výpočetní výrazy default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + využití člena výchozího rozhraní dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + literál float32 bez tečky fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + řez 3d/4d s pevným indexem from-end slicing - from-end slicing + řez od konce implicit yield - implicit yield + implicitní yield nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + nepovinný zprostředkovatel komunikace s možnou hodnotou null open static classes - open static classes + otevřít statické třídy package management - package management + správa balíčků whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + uvolnění prázdných znaků single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + vzor s jedním podtržítkem wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + zástupný znak ve smyčce for witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + předávání kopie clusteru pro omezení vlastností v uvozovkách v jazyce F# @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + Člen rozhraní {0} nemá nejvíce specifickou implementaci. @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + Pojmenovaný argument {0} má přiřazenou víc než jednu hodnotu. @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + Atribut sestavení {0} odkazuje na navržené sestavení {1}, které se nedá načíst z cesty {2}. Ohlášená výjimka: {3} – {4} diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.de.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.de.xlf index 13a70ff59e1..f1a260999ba 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.de.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.de.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + Das Feature "{0}" ist in F# {1} nicht verfügbar. Verwenden Sie Sprachversion {2} oder höher. Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + Das Feature "{0}" wird von der Zielruntime nicht unterstützt. @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Die Typanbieter-Designerassembly "{0}" konnte aus dem Ordner "{1}" nicht geladen werden, weil eine Abhängigkeit fehlte oder nicht geladen werden konnte. Alle Abhängigkeiten der Typanbieter-Designerassembly müssen sich in demselben Ordner wie die Assembly befinden. Gemeldete Ausnahme: {2} – {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Die Typanbieter-Designerassembly "{0}" konnte aus dem Ordner "{1}" nicht geladen werden. Gemeldete Ausnahme: {2} – {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Das Assemblyattribut "{0}" verweist auf eine Designerassembly "{1}", die entweder nicht geladen werden kann oder nicht vorhanden ist. Gemeldete Ausnahme: {2} – {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + applikative Berechnungsausdrücke default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + standardmäßige Schnittstellenmembernutzung dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + punktloses float32-Literal fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + Segment 3D/4D mit feststehendem Index from-end slicing - from-end slicing + Segmentierung ab Ende implicit yield - implicit yield + implizite yield-Anweisung nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + Interop, NULL-Werte zulassend, optional open static classes - open static classes + geöffnete statische Klassen package management - package management + Paketverwaltung whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + Lockerung für Leerraum single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + Muster mit einzelnem Unterstrich wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + Platzhalter in for-Schleife witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + Zeugenübergabe für Merkmalseinschränkungen in F#-Zitaten @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + Der Schnittstellenmember "{0}" weist keine spezifischste Implementierung auf. @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + Dem benannten Argument "{0}" wurden mehrere Werte zugewiesen. @@ -4399,32 +4399,32 @@ Embed all source files in the portable PDB file - Alle Quelldateien in der portablen PDB-Datei einbetten + Alle Quelldateien in der portierbaren PDB-Datei einbetten Embed specific source files in the portable PDB file - Bestimmte Quelldateien in der portablen PDB-Datei einbetten + Bestimmte Quelldateien in der portierbaren PDB-Datei einbetten Source link information file to embed in the portable PDB file - Die Datei mit Quelllinkinformationen, die in die portable PDB-Datei eingebettet werden soll + Die Datei mit Quelllinkinformationen, die in die portierbare PDB-Datei eingebettet werden soll --embed switch only supported when emitting a Portable PDB (--debug:portable or --debug:embedded) - Die Option "--embed" wird nur bei der Ausgabe einer portablen PDB unterstützt (--debug:portable oder --debug:embedded). + Die Option "--embed" wird nur bei der Ausgabe einer portierbaren PDB unterstützt (--debug:portable oder --debug:embedded). --sourcelink switch only supported when emitting a Portable PDB (--debug:portable or --debug:embedded) - Die Option "--sourcelink" wird nur bei der Ausgabe einer portablen PDB unterstützt (--debug:portable oder --debug:embedded). + Die Option "--sourcelink" wird nur bei der Ausgabe einer portierbaren PDB unterstützt (--debug:portable oder --debug:embedded). Source file is too large to embed in a portable PDB - Die Quelldatei ist zu groß, um in eine portable PDB eingebettet zu werden. + Die Quelldatei ist zu groß, um in eine portierbare PDB eingebettet zu werden. @@ -4444,7 +4444,7 @@ Specify debugging type: full, portable, embedded, pdbonly. ('{0}' is the default if no debuggging type specified and enables attaching a debugger to a running program, 'portable' is a cross-platform format, 'embedded' is a cross-platform format embedded into the output file). - Geben Sie den Debugtyp an: vollständig, portabel, eingebettet, pdbonly. ("{0}" ist der Standardwert, wenn kein Debugtyp angegeben wird, und ermöglicht das Anfügen eines Debuggers an ein aktuell ausgeführtes Programm. "Portabel" ist ein plattformübergreifendes Format, "eingebettet" ein plattformübergreifendes, in die Ausgabedatei eingebettetes Format). + Geben Sie den Debugtyp an: full, portable, embedded, pdbonly. ("{0}" ist der Standardwert, wenn kein Debugtyp angegeben wird, und ermöglicht das Anfügen eines Debuggers an ein aktuell ausgeführtes Programm. "portable" ist ein plattformübergreifendes Format, "embedded" ein plattformübergreifendes, in die Ausgabedatei eingebettetes Format). @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + Das Assemblyattribut "{0}" verweist auf eine Designerassembly "{1}", die nicht aus dem Pfad "{2}" geladen werden kann. Gemeldete Ausnahme: {3} – {4} @@ -7399,7 +7399,7 @@ --pathmap can only be used with portable PDBs (--debug:portable or --debug:embedded) - --pathmap kann nur mit portablen PDB-Dateien verwendet werden (--debug:portable oder --debug:embedded) + --pathmap kann nur mit portierbaren PDB-Dateien verwendet werden (--debug:portable oder --debug:embedded) diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.es.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.es.xlf index 48bcbb82529..0a398ef8602 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.es.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.es.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + La característica "{0}" no está disponible en F# {1}. Use la versión {2} del lenguaje o una posterior. Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + El entorno de ejecución de destino no admite la característica "{0}". @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + No se pudo cargar el ensamblado del diseñador de proveedores de tipos "{0}" desde la carpeta "{1}" porque falta una dependencia o no se pudo cargar. Todas las dependencias del ensamblado del diseñador de proveedores de tipos deben encontrarse en la misma carpeta que el ensamblado. Se notificó la excepción: {2} - {3}. The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + No se pudo cargar el ensamblado del diseñador de proveedores de tipos "{0}" desde la carpeta "{1}". Se notificó la excepción: {2} - {3}. Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + El atributo de ensamblado "{0}" hace referencia a un ensamblado de diseñador "{1}" que no se puede cargar o no existe. Se notificó la excepción: {2} - {3}. @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + expresiones de cálculo aplicativas default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + consumo de miembros de interfaz predeterminados dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + literal float32 sin punto fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + segmento de índice fijo 3d/4d from-end slicing - from-end slicing + segmentación desde el final implicit yield - implicit yield + elemento yield implícito nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + interoperabilidad opcional que admite valores NULL open static classes - open static classes + abrir clases estáticas package management - package management + administración de paquetes whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + relajación de espacio en blanco single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + patrón de subrayado simple wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + carácter comodín en bucle for witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + paso de testigo para las restricciones de rasgos en las expresiones de código delimitadas de F# @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + El miembro de interfaz "{0}" no tiene una implementación más específica. @@ -349,7 +349,7 @@ All branches of a pattern match expression must return values of the same type as the first branch, which here is '{0}'. This branch returns a value of type '{1}'. - All branches of a pattern match expression must return values of the same type as the first branch, which here is '{0}'. This branch returns a value of type '{1}'. + Todas las ramas de una expresión de coincidencia de patrón deben devolver valores del mismo tipo. La primera rama devolvió un valor de tipo "{0}", pero esta rama devolvió un valor de tipo "\{1 \}". @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + Se ha asignado más de un valor al argumento con nombre "{0}". @@ -4399,17 +4399,17 @@ Embed all source files in the portable PDB file - Inserta todos los archivos de código fuente en el archivo PDB portátil. + Inserta todos los archivos de código fuente en el archivo PDB portable. Embed specific source files in the portable PDB file - Inserta archivos de código fuente específicos en el archivo PDB portátil + Inserta archivos de código fuente específicos en el archivo PDB portable Source link information file to embed in the portable PDB file - Archivo de información de vínculos de origen para insertar en el archivo PDB portátil + Archivo de información de vínculos de origen para insertar en el archivo PDB portable @@ -4424,7 +4424,7 @@ Source file is too large to embed in a portable PDB - El archivo de código fuente es demasiado grande para insertarlo en un archivo PDB portátil + El archivo de código fuente es demasiado grande para insertarlo en un archivo PDB portable @@ -5759,7 +5759,7 @@ Static linking may not be used on an assembly referencing mscorlib (e.g. a .NET Framework assembly) when generating an assembly that references System.Runtime (e.g. a .NET Core or Portable assembly). - No se puede usar la vinculación estática en un ensamblado que haga referencia a mscorlib (por ejemplo, un ensamblado de .NET Framework) al generar un ensamblado que haga referencia a System.Runtime (por ejemplo, un ensamblado portátil o de .NET Core). + No se puede usar la vinculación estática en un ensamblado que haga referencia a mscorlib (por ejemplo, un ensamblado de .NET Framework) al generar un ensamblado que haga referencia a System.Runtime (por ejemplo, un ensamblado portable o de .NET Core). @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + El atributo de ensamblado "{0}" hace referencia a un ensamblado de diseñador "{1}" que no se puede cargar desde la ruta de acceso "{2}". Se notificó la excepción: {3} - {4}. diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.fr.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.fr.xlf index ed34481d69b..31959d3ed8e 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.fr.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.fr.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + La fonctionnalité '{0}' n'est pas disponible en F# {1}. Utilisez la version de langage {2} ou une version ultérieure. Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + La fonctionnalité '{0}' n'est pas prise en charge par le runtime cible. @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Impossible de charger l'assembly de concepteur de fournisseur de type '{0}' à partir du dossier '{1}', car une dépendance est manquante ou n'a pas pu être chargée. Toutes les dépendances de l'assembly de concepteur de fournisseur de type doivent se trouver dans le même dossier que cet assembly. Exception signalée : {2} - {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Impossible de charger l'assembly de concepteur de fournisseur de type '{0}' à partir du dossier '{1}'. Exception signalée : {2} - {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + L'attribut d'assembly '{0}' fait référence à un assembly de concepteur '{1}' qui ne peut pas être chargé ou qui n'existe pas. Exception signalée : {2} - {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + expressions de calcul applicatives default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + consommation par défaut des membres d'interface dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + littéral float32 sans point fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + section à index fixe 3D/4D from-end slicing - from-end slicing + découpage depuis la fin implicit yield - implicit yield + yield implicite nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + interopérabilité facultative pouvant accepter une valeur null open static classes - open static classes + ouvrir les classes statiques package management - package management + Package Management whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + assouplissement de la mise en retrait avec des espaces blancs single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + modèle de trait de soulignement unique wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + caractère générique dans une boucle for witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + passage de témoin pour les contraintes de trait dans les quotations F# @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + Le membre d'interface '{0}' n'a pas l'implémentation la plus spécifique. @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + Plusieurs valeurs ont été affectées à l'argument nommé '{0}' @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + L'attribut d'assembly '{0}' fait référence à un assembly de concepteur '{1}' qui ne peut pas être chargé à partir du chemin '{2}'. Exception signalée : {3} - {4} diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.it.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.it.xlf index 28af1801f19..8f44479e4a4 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.it.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.it.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + La funzionalità '{0}' non è disponibile in F# {1}. Usare la versione {2} o versioni successive del linguaggio. Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + La funzionalità '{0}' non è supportata dal runtime di destinazione. @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Non è stato possibile caricare l'assembly '{0}' della finestra di progettazione del provider di tipi dalla cartella '{1}' perché una dipendenza non è presente o non è stato possibile caricarla. Tutte le dipendenze dell'assembly della finestra di progettazione del provider di tipi devono trovarsi nella stessa cartella dell'assembly. L'eccezione restituita è {2} - {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Non è stato possibile caricare l'assembly '{0}' della finestra di progettazione del provider di tipi dalla cartella '{1}'. L'eccezione restituita è {2} - {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + L'attributo di assembly '{0}' fa riferimento a un assembly '{1}' della finestra di progettazione che non è stato caricato o non esiste. L'eccezione restituita è {2} - {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + espressioni di calcolo applicativo default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + utilizzo predefinito dei membri di interfaccia dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + valore letterale float32 senza punti fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + sezione a indice fisso 3D/4D from-end slicing - from-end slicing + sezionamento dalla fine implicit yield - implicit yield + istruzione yield implicita nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + Interop facoltativo nullable open static classes - open static classes + classi statiche aperte package management - package management + gestione pacchetti whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + uso meno restrittivo degli spazi vuoti single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + criterio per carattere di sottolineatura singolo wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + carattere jolly nel ciclo for witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + passaggio del testimone per vincoli di tratto in quotation F# @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + Il membro di interfaccia '{0}' non contiene un'implementazione più specifica. @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + All'argomento denominato '{0}' sono stati assegnati più valori @@ -4399,22 +4399,22 @@ Embed all source files in the portable PDB file - Incorpora tutti i file di origine nel file PDB portatile + Incorpora tutti i file di origine nel file PDB portabile Embed specific source files in the portable PDB file - Incorpora file di origine specifici nel file PDB portatile + Incorpora file di origine specifici nel file PDB portabile Source link information file to embed in the portable PDB file - File di informazioni sul collegamento all'origine da incorporare nel file PDB portatile + File di informazioni sul collegamento all'origine da incorporare nel file PDB portabile --embed switch only supported when emitting a Portable PDB (--debug:portable or --debug:embedded) - Opzione --embed supportata solo quando si crea un file PDB portatile (--debug:portable o --debug:embedded) + Opzione --embed supportata solo quando si crea un file PDB portabile (--debug:portable o --debug:embedded) @@ -4424,7 +4424,7 @@ Source file is too large to embed in a portable PDB - Le dimensioni del file di origine sono eccessive per consentirne l'incorporamento in un PDB portatile + Le dimensioni del file di origine sono eccessive per consentirne l'incorporamento in un PDB portabile @@ -5769,7 +5769,7 @@ Deterministic builds only support portable PDBs (--debug:portable or --debug:embedded) - Le compilazioni deterministiche supportano solo file PDB portatili (--debug:portable o --debug:embedded) + Le compilazioni deterministiche supportano solo file PDB portabili (--debug:portable o --debug:embedded) @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + L'attributo di assembly '{0}' fa riferimento a un assembly '{1}' della finestra di progettazione che non può essere caricato dal percorso '{2}'. L'eccezione restituita è {3} - {4} @@ -7399,7 +7399,7 @@ --pathmap can only be used with portable PDBs (--debug:portable or --debug:embedded) - --pathmap può essere usato solo con file PDB portatili (--debug:portable o --debug:embedded) + --pathmap può essere usato solo con file PDB portabili (--debug:portable o --debug:embedded) diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ja.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ja.xlf index 7251c15f4b7..a6d039469a1 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ja.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ja.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + 機能 '{0}' は F# {1} では使用できません。{2} 以上の言語バージョンをお使いください。 Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + 機能 '{0}' は、ターゲット ランタイムではサポートされていません。 @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + 依存関係がないか、または読み込めなかったため、型プロバイダーのデザイナー アセンブリ '{0}' をフォルダー '{1}' から読み込めませんでした。型プロバイダーのデザイナー アセンブリのすべての依存関係は、そのアセンブリと同じフォルダーに配置されている必要があります。次の例外が報告されました: {2} - {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + 型プロバイダーのデザイナー アセンブリ '{0}' をフォルダー '{1}' から読み込めませんでした。次の例外が報告されました: {2} - {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + アセンブリ属性 '{0}' は、デザイナー アセンブリ '{1}' を参照していますが、これは読み込むことができないか、存在していません。報告された例外: {2} - {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + 適用できる計算式 default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + 既定のインターフェイス メンバーの消費 dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + ドットなしの float32 リテラル fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + 固定インデックス スライス 3d/4d from-end slicing - from-end slicing + 開始と終了を指定したスライス implicit yield - implicit yield + 暗黙的な yield nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + Null 許容のオプションの相互運用 open static classes - open static classes + 静的クラスを開く package management - package management + パッケージの管理 whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + 空白の緩和 single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + 単一のアンダースコア パターン wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + for ループのワイルド カード witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + F# 引用での特性制約に対する監視の引き渡し @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + インターフェイス メンバー '{0}' には最も固有な実装がありません。 @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + 名前付き引数 '{0}' に複数の値が割り当てられました @@ -4399,32 +4399,32 @@ Embed all source files in the portable PDB file - ポータブル PDB ファイル内にすべてのソース ファイルを埋め込む + 移植可能な PDB ファイル内にすべてのソース ファイルを埋め込む Embed specific source files in the portable PDB file - ポータブル PDB ファイル内に特定のソース ファイルを埋め込む + 移植可能な PDB ファイル内に特定のソース ファイルを埋め込む Source link information file to embed in the portable PDB file - ポータブル PDB ファイルに埋め込むソース リンク情報ファイル + 移植可能な PDB ファイルに埋め込むソース リンク情報ファイル --embed switch only supported when emitting a Portable PDB (--debug:portable or --debug:embedded) - --embed スイッチは、ポータブル PDB の生成時にのみサポートされます (--debug:portable または --debug:embedded) + --embed スイッチは、移植可能な PDB の生成時にのみサポートされます (--debug:portable または --debug:embedded) --sourcelink switch only supported when emitting a Portable PDB (--debug:portable or --debug:embedded) - --sourcelink スイッチは、ポータブル PDB の生成時にのみサポートされます (--debug:portable または --debug:embedded) + --sourcelink スイッチは、移植可能な PDB の生成時にのみサポートされます (--debug:portable または --debug:embedded) Source file is too large to embed in a portable PDB - ソース ファイルが大きすぎるので、ポータブル PDB 内に埋め込めません + ソース ファイルが大きすぎるので、移植可能な PDB 内に埋め込めません @@ -5759,7 +5759,7 @@ Static linking may not be used on an assembly referencing mscorlib (e.g. a .NET Framework assembly) when generating an assembly that references System.Runtime (e.g. a .NET Core or Portable assembly). - 静的リンクは、System.Runtime (.NET Core またはポータブル アセンブリなど) を参照するアセンブリを生成する場合、mscorlib (.NET Framework アセンブリなど) を参照するアセンブリには使用できません。 + 静的リンクは、System.Runtime (.NET Core または移植可能なアセンブリなど) を参照するアセンブリを生成する場合、mscorlib (.NET Framework アセンブリなど) を参照するアセンブリには使用できません。 @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + アセンブリ属性 '{0}' は、デザイナー アセンブリ '{1}' を参照していますが、これはパス '{2}' から読み込むことができません。報告された例外: {3} - {4} diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ko.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ko.xlf index 197d8985f0c..d8e5b4e7fe2 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ko.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ko.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + '{0}' 기능은 F# {1}에서 사용할 수 없습니다. {2} 이상의 언어 버전을 사용하세요. Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + '{0}' 기능은 대상 런타임에서 지원되지 않습니다. @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + 종속성이 없거나 로드되지 않았으므로 '{0}' 형식 공급자 디자이너 어셈블리를 '{1}' 폴더에서 로드할 수 없습니다. 형식 공급자 디자이너 어셈블리의 모든 종속성은 해당 어셈블리와 동일한 폴더에 있어야 합니다. 보고된 예외: {2} - {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + '{0}' 형식 공급자 디자이너 어셈블리를 '{1}' 폴더에서 로드할 수 없습니다. 보고된 예외: {2} - {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + '{0}' 어셈블리 특성이 로드할 수 없거나 존재하지 않는 디자이너 어셈블리'{1}'을(를) 참조합니다. 보고된 예외: {2} - {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + 적용 가능한 계산 식 default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + 기본 인터페이스 멤버 사용 dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + 점이 없는 float32 리터럴 fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + 고정 인덱스 슬라이스 3d/4d from-end slicing - from-end slicing + 끝에서부터 조각화 implicit yield - implicit yield + 암시적 yield nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + nullable 선택적 interop open static classes - open static classes + 정적 클래스 열기 package management - package management + 패키지 관리 whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + 공백 완화 single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + 단일 밑줄 패턴 wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + for 루프의 와일드카드 witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + F# 인용의 특성 제약 조건에 대한 감시 전달 @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + 인터페이스 멤버 '{0}'에 가장 한정적인 구현이 없습니다. @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + 명명된 인수 '{0}'에 둘 이상의 값이 할당되었습니다. @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + 어셈블리 특성 '{0}'은(는) '{2}' 경로에서 로드할 수 없는 디자이너 어셈블리 '{1}'을(를) 참조합니다. 보고된 예외: {3} - {4} diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.pl.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.pl.xlf index 790649874ef..fbdbfe9f9ce 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.pl.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.pl.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + Funkcja „{0}” nie jest dostępna w języku F# {1}. Użyj języka w wersji {2} lub nowszej. Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + Funkcja „{0}” nie jest obsługiwana przez docelowe środowisko uruchomieniowe. @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Nie można załadować zestawu projektanta dostawców typów „{0}” z folderu „{1}”, ponieważ brakuje zależności lub nie można jej załadować. Wszystkie zależności zestawu projektanta dostawców typów muszą znajdować się w tym samym folderze co ten zestaw. Zgłoszony wyjątek: {2} — {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Nie można załadować zestawu projektanta dostawców typów „{0}” z folderu „{1}”. Zgłoszony wyjątek: {2} — {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Atrybut zestawu „{0}” odwołuje się do zestawu projektanta „{1}”, którego nie można załadować lub który nie istnieje. Zgłoszony wyjątek: {2} — {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + praktyczne wyrażenia obliczeniowe default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + domyślne użycie składowej interfejsu dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + bezkropkowy literał float32 fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + część o stałym indeksie 3d/4d from-end slicing - from-end slicing + wycinanie od końca implicit yield - implicit yield + niejawne słowo kluczowe yield nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + opcjonalna międzyoperacyjność dopuszczająca wartość null open static classes - open static classes + otwórz klasy statyczne package management - package management + zarządzanie pakietami whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + rozluźnianie reguł dotyczących odstępów single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + wzorzec z pojedynczym podkreśleniem wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + symbol wieloznaczny w pętli for witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + monitor, który przekazuje ograniczenia cech języka F# @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + Składowa interfejsu „{0}” nie ma najbardziej specyficznej implementacji. @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + Do nazwanego argumentu „{0}” przypisano więcej niż jedną wartość @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + Atrybut zestawu „{0}” odwołuje się do zestawu projektanta „{1}”, którego nie można załadować ze ścieżki „{2}”. Zgłoszony wyjątek: {3} — {4} diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.pt-BR.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.pt-BR.xlf index dd5d94d1b92..83ee64c4082 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.pt-BR.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.pt-BR.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + O recurso '{0}' não está disponível no F# {1}. Use a versão da linguagem {2} ou superior. Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + O recurso '{0}' não é compatível com o runtime de destino. @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Não foi possível carregar o assembly do designer do provedor de tipos '{0}' da pasta '{1}' porque uma dependência estava ausente ou não pôde ser carregada. Todas as dependências do assembly do designer do provedor de tipos precisam estar localizadas na mesma pasta que esse assembly. A exceção relatada foi: {2} – {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Não foi possível carregar o assembly do designer do provedor de tipos '{0}' da pasta '{1}'. A exceção relatada foi: {2} – {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + O atributo de assembly '{0}' refere-se a um assembly de designer '{1}' que não pode ser carregado ou que não existe. A exceção relatada foi {2} – {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + expressões de computação aplicáveis default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + consumo de membro da interface padrão dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + literal float32 sem ponto fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + fatia de índice fixo 3d/4d from-end slicing - from-end slicing + divisão começando no final implicit yield - implicit yield + yield implícito nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + interoperabilidade opcional anulável open static classes - open static classes + abrir classes estáticas package management - package management + gerenciamento de pacotes whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + atenuação de espaço em branco single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + padrão de sublinhado simples wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + curinga para loop witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + passagem de testemunha para restrições de característica nas citações do F# @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + O membro de interface '{0}' não tem uma implementação mais específica. @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + Foi atribuído mais de um valor a um argumento nomeado '{0}' @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + O atributo de assembly '{0}' se refere a um assembly de designer '{1}' que não pode ser carregado do caminho '{2}'. A exceção relatada foi: {3} – {4} diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ru.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ru.xlf index 33533871d5a..7d73e1d0302 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ru.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.ru.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + Компонент "{0}" недоступен в F# {1}. Используйте версию языка {2} или выше. Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + Компонент "{0}" не поддерживается целевой средой выполнения. @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Не удалось загрузить сборку конструктора поставщика типа "{0}" из папки "{1}", так как зависимость отсутствует или не может быть загружена. Все зависимости для сборки конструктора поставщика типа должны находиться в папке сборки. Получено исключение: {2} — {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Не удалось загрузить сборку конструктора поставщика типа "{0}" из папки "{1}". Получено исключение: {2} — {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + Атрибут сборки "{0}" ссылается на сборку конструктора "{1}", которая не может быть загружена или не существует. Получено исключение: {2} — {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + применимые вычислительные выражения default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + использование элемента интерфейса по умолчанию dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + литерал float32 без точки fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + срез с фиксированным индексом 3d/4d from-end slicing - from-end slicing + срезы от конца implicit yield - implicit yield + неявное использование yield nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + необязательное взаимодействие, допускающее значение NULL open static classes - open static classes + открытые статические классы package management - package management + управление пакетами whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + уменьшение строгости для пробелов single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + шаблон с одним подчеркиванием wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + подстановочный знак в цикле for witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + передача свидетеля для ограничений признаков в цитированиях F# @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + Элемент интерфейса "{0}" не имеет наиболее конкретной реализации. @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + Именованному аргументу "{0}" было присвоено несколько значений @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + Атрибут сборки "{0}" ссылается на сборку конструктора "{1}", которая не может быть загружена по пути "{2}". Получено исключение: {3} — {4} diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.tr.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.tr.xlf index 17cd35566de..ead25c9ecb2 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.tr.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.tr.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + '{0}' özelliği F# {1} sürümünde kullanılamıyor. Lütfen {2} veya daha yüksek bir dil sürümünü kullanın. Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + '{0}' özelliği hedef çalışma zamanı tarafından desteklenmiyor. @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + '{0}' tür sağlayıcısı tasarımcı bütünleştirilmiş kodu, bir bağımlılık eksik olduğundan veya yüklenemediğinden '{1}' klasöründen yüklenemedi. Tür sağlayıcısı tasarımcısı bütünleştirilmiş kodunun tüm bağımlılıkları, ilgili bütünleştirilmiş kodun bulunduğu klasörde bulunmalıdır. Bildirilen özel durum: {2} - {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + '{0}' tür sağlayıcısı tasarımcı bütünleştirilmiş kodu '{1}' klasöründen yüklenemedi. Bildirilen özel durum: {2} - {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + '{0}' bütünleştirilmiş kod özniteliği, yüklenemeyen veya mevcut olmayan '{1}' tasarımcı bütünleştirilmiş koduna başvuruyor. Bildirilen özel durum: {2} - {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + uygulama hesaplama ifadeleri default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + varsayılan arabirim üyesi tüketimi dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + noktasız float32 sabit değeri fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + sabit dizinli dilim 3d/4d from-end slicing - from-end slicing + uçtan dilimleme implicit yield - implicit yield + örtük yield nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + null atanabilir isteğe bağlı birlikte çalışma open static classes - open static classes + açık statik sınıflar package management - package management + paket yönetimi whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + boşluk genişlemesi single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + tek alt çizgi deseni wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + for döngüsünde joker karakter witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + F# alıntılarındaki nitelik kısıtlamaları için tanık geçirme @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + '{0}' arabirim üyesinin en belirgin uygulaması yok. @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + '{0}' adlandırılmış bağımsız değişkeni birden fazla değere atanmış @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + '{0}' bütünleştirilmiş kod özniteliği, '{2}' yolundan yüklenemeyen '{1}' tasarımcı bütünleştirilmiş koduna başvuruyor. Bildirilen özel durum: {3} - {4} diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.zh-Hans.xlf index 301dcb082af..9f16d6d36d0 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + 功能“{0}”在 F# {1} 中不可用。请使用 {2} 或更高的语言版本。 Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + 目标运行时不支持功能“{0}”。 @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + 无法从文件夹“{1}”加载类型提供程序设计器程序集“{0}”,因为依赖项缺失或无法加载。类型提供程序设计器程序集的所有依赖项必须与该程序集位于同一文件夹中。报告的异常是: {2} - {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + 未能从文件夹“{1}”加载类型提供程序设计器程序集“{0}”。报告的异常是: {2} - {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + 程序集属性“{0}”引用了无法加载或不存在的设计器程序集“{1}”。报告的异常是: {2} - {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + 适用的计算表达式 default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + 默认接口成员消耗 dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + 无点 float32 文本 fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + 固定索引切片 3d/4d from-end slicing - from-end slicing + 从端切片 implicit yield - implicit yield + 隐式 yield nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + 可以为 null 的可选互操作 open static classes - open static classes + 打开静态类 package management - package management + 包管理 whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + 空格松弛法 single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + 单下划线模式 wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + for 循环中的通配符 witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + F# 引号中特征约束的见证传递 @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + 接口成员“{0}”没有最具体的实现。 @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + 已向命名参数“{0}”分配多个值 @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + 程序集属性“{0}”引用了无法从路径“{2}”加载的设计器程序集“{1}”。报告的异常是: {3} - {4} diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.zh-Hant.xlf index 39a787c7103..55f6793d338 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSComp.txt.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -4,12 +4,12 @@ Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. - Feature '{0}' is not available in F# {1}. Please use language version {2} or greater. + F# {1} 中無法使用 '{0}' 功能。請使用語言版本 {2} 或更新的版本。 Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. - Feature '{0}' is not supported by target runtime. + 目標執行階段不支援功能 '{0}'。 @@ -54,17 +54,17 @@ The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}' because a dependency was missing or could not loaded. All dependencies of the type provider designer assembly must be located in the same folder as that assembly. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + 因為缺少相依性或相依性無法載入,導致無法從資料夾 '{1}' 載入類型提供者設計工具組件 '{0}'。類型提供者設計工具組件的所有相依性都必須位於該組件所在的資料夾內。回報的例外狀況: {2} - {3} The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - The type provider designer assembly '{0}' could not be loaded from folder '{1}'. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + 無法從資料夾 '{1}' 載入類型提供者設計工具組件 '{0}'。回報的例外狀況: {2} - {3} Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded or doesn't exist. The exception reported was: {2} - {3} + 無法載入組件屬性 '{0}' 參考的設計工具組件 '{1}' 或其不存在。回報的例外狀況: {2} - {3} @@ -74,72 +74,72 @@ applicative computation expressions - applicative computation expressions + 適用的計算運算式 default interface member consumption - default interface member consumption + 預設介面成員使用 dotless float32 literal - dotless float32 literal + 無點號的 float32 常值 fixed-index slice 3d/4d - fixed-index slice 3d/4d + 固定索引切割 3d/4d from-end slicing - from-end slicing + 從尾端切割 implicit yield - implicit yield + 隱含 yield nameof - nameof + nameof nullable optional interop - nullable optional interop + 可為 Null 的選擇性 Interop open static classes - open static classes + 開啟靜態類別 package management - package management + 套件管理 whitespace relexation - whitespace relexation + 空白字元放寬 single underscore pattern - single underscore pattern + 單一底線模式 wild card in for loop - wild card in for loop + for 迴圈中的萬用字元 witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations - witness passing for trait constraints in F# quotations + 用於 F# 引號中特徵條件約束的見證傳遞 @@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. - Interface member '{0}' does not have a most specific implementation. + 介面成員 '{0}' 沒有最具體的實作。 @@ -1184,7 +1184,7 @@ The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value - The named argument '{0}' has been assigned more than one value + 為具名引數 '{0}' 指派了多個值 @@ -5889,7 +5889,7 @@ Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} - Assembly attribute '{0}' refers to a designer assembly '{1}' which cannot be loaded from path '{2}'. The exception reported was: {3} - {4} + 無法從路徑 '{2}' 載入組件屬性 '{0}' 參考的設計工具組件 '{1}'。回報告的例外狀況: {3} - {4} diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.cs.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.cs.xlf index fc719cd81a5..c3d39051c6b 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.cs.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.cs.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - Identifikátory proměnných psané velkými písmeny se ve vzorech obecně nedoporučují. Můžou označovat špatně napsaný název vzoru. + Identifikátory proměnných psané velkými písmeny se ve vzorech obecně nedoporučují. Můžou označovat chybějící otevřenou deklaraci nebo špatně napsaný název vzoru. diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.de.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.de.xlf index c9bf6de009b..6332b4ec4e1 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.de.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.de.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - Variablenbezeichner in Großbuchstaben sollten im Allgemeinen nicht in Mustern verwendet werden und können ein Hinweis auf einen falsch geschriebenen Musternamen sein. + Variablenbezeichner in Großbuchstaben sollten im Allgemeinen nicht in Mustern verwendet werden und können ein Hinweis auf eine fehlende open-Deklaration oder einen falsch geschriebenen Musternamen sein. diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.es.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.es.xlf index 21f3c4ab7ad..d174ca2d378 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.es.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.es.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - En general, los identificadores de variable en mayúscula no deben usarse en patrones y pueden indicar un nombre de patrón mal escrito. + En general, los identificadores de variables en mayúscula no deben usarse en patrones y pueden indicar una declaración abierta que falta o un nombre de patrón mal escrito. diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.fr.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.fr.xlf index 0b3644d7313..15144388a84 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.fr.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.fr.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - En règle générale, les identificateurs de variable en majuscules ne doivent pas être utilisés dans les modèles. En outre, ils peuvent indiquer une erreur d'orthographe dans le nom du modèle. + Les identificateurs de variables en majuscules ne doivent généralement pas être utilisés dans les modèles. Ils peuvent indiquer une absence de déclaration open ou un nom de modèle mal orthographié. diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.it.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.it.xlf index 9715ec16824..6c772849812 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.it.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.it.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - In genere non è consigliabile usare identificatori di variabili in lettere maiuscole nei criteri perché potrebbero indicare un nome di criterio con ortografia errata. + In genere è consigliabile non usare identificatori di variabili scritti in maiuscolo nei criteri perché potrebbero indicare una dichiarazione OPEN mancante o un nome di criterio con ortografia errata. diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ja.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ja.xlf index e055cf262f6..85255ccd598 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ja.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ja.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - 通常、大文字の変数識別子はパターンに使用しません。また、つづりが間違っているパターン名を示す可能性があります。 + 通常、大文字の変数識別子はパターンに使用できません。また、欠落している open 宣言か、つづりが間違っているパターン名を示す可能性があります。 diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ko.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ko.xlf index 62147543f85..24e250ef6a8 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ko.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ko.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - 일반적으로 대문자 변수 식별자는 패턴에 사용하지 말아야 합니다. 이러한 식별자는 철자가 잘못된 패턴 이름을 나타낼 수 있습니다. + 일반적으로 대문자 변수 식별자는 패턴에 사용하지 말아야 합니다. 이러한 식별자는 열려 있는 선언이 없거나 철자가 잘못된 패턴 이름을 나타낼 수 있습니다. diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.pl.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.pl.xlf index 0feea19067e..341db2e3510 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.pl.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.pl.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - Identyfikatory zmiennych pisane wielkimi literami nie powinny być używane we wzorcach i mogą oznaczać nazwę wzorca z błędami pisowni. + Identyfikatory zmiennych pisane wielkimi literami nie powinny być na ogół używane we wzorcach i mogą oznaczać brak deklaracji otwierającej lub błąd pisowni w nazwie wzorca. diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.pt-BR.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.pt-BR.xlf index dc96593ddff..7870e19551e 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.pt-BR.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.pt-BR.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - Identificadores de variáveis maiúsculas geralmente não devem ser usados nos padrões, podendo indicar um nome de padrão escrito incorretamente. + Identificadores de variáveis em maiúsculas geralmente não devem ser usados em padrões, podendo indicar uma declaração aberta ausente ou um nome de padrão escrito incorretamente. diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ru.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ru.xlf index c55e25658ea..aa0c96193bf 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ru.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.ru.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - Идентификаторы переменных в верхнем регистре обычно не должны использоваться в шаблонах, и могут указывать на неправильно написанное имя шаблона. + Идентификаторы переменных в верхнем регистре обычно не должны использоваться в шаблонах, и могут указывать на отсутствующую открытую декларацию или неправильно написанное имя шаблона. diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.tr.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.tr.xlf index 702a7a35169..93f54eecd8c 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.tr.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.tr.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - Büyük harfli değişken tanımlayıcıları desenlerde genel olarak kullanılmamalıdır, yanlış yazılmış bir desen adının göstergesi olabilirler. + Büyük harfli değişken tanımlayıcıları desenlerde genel olarak kullanılmamalıdır. Bunlar, eksik bir açık bildirimin veya yanlış yazılmış bir desen adının göstergesi olabilirler. diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.zh-Hans.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.zh-Hans.xlf index 80f7968de17..86c1e4591c3 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.zh-Hans.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.zh-Hans.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - 通常不应在模式中使用大写的变量标识符,这可能标明某个模式名称存在拼写错误。 + 通常不得在模式中使用大写的变量标识符,存在它们可能表示缺少某个开放声明或某个模式名称拼写错误。 diff --git a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.zh-Hant.xlf b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.zh-Hant.xlf index 215554d12ea..9cd631f165c 100644 --- a/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.zh-Hant.xlf +++ b/src/fsharp/xlf/FSStrings.zh-Hant.xlf @@ -69,7 +69,7 @@ Uppercase variable identifiers should not generally be used in patterns, and may indicate a missing open declaration or a misspelt pattern name. - 模式中通常不應該使用大寫的變數識別項,這可能表示模式名稱拼字錯誤。 + 通常不應在樣式中使用大寫的變數識別碼。這可能表示缺少公開宣告或樣式名稱拼字錯誤。