diff --git a/src/Orleans.Core.Abstractions/Placement/PlacementAttribute.cs b/src/Orleans.Core.Abstractions/Placement/PlacementAttribute.cs
index 8d0d3aa36d..ae10b343d0 100644
--- a/src/Orleans.Core.Abstractions/Placement/PlacementAttribute.cs
+++ b/src/Orleans.Core.Abstractions/Placement/PlacementAttribute.cs
@@ -99,4 +99,16 @@ public SiloRoleBasedPlacementAttribute() :
{ }
+ ///
+ /// Marks a grain class as using the policy.
+ ///
+ ///
+ [AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class, AllowMultiple = false)]
+ public sealed class ResourceOptimizedPlacementAttribute : PlacementAttribute
+ {
+ public ResourceOptimizedPlacementAttribute() :
+ base(ResourceOptimizedPlacement.Singleton)
+ { }
+ }
diff --git a/src/Orleans.Core.Abstractions/Placement/ResourceOptimizedPlacement.cs b/src/Orleans.Core.Abstractions/Placement/ResourceOptimizedPlacement.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..4f6806d059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Orleans.Core.Abstractions/Placement/ResourceOptimizedPlacement.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+namespace Orleans.Runtime;
+/// A placement strategy which attempts to optimize resource distribution across the cluster.
+/// It assigns weights to runtime statistics to prioritize different resources and calculates a normalized score for each silo.
+/// Following the power of k-choices algorithm, K silos are picked as potential targets, where K is equal to the square root of the number of silos.
+/// Out of those K silos, the one with the lowest score is chosen for placing the activation. Normalization ensures that each property contributes proportionally
+/// to the overall score. You can adjust the weights based on your specific requirements and priorities for load balancing.
+/// In addition to normalization, an online adaptiv algorithm provides a smoothing effect (filters out high frequency components) and avoids rapid signal
+/// drops by transforming it into a polynomial-like decay process. This contributes to avoiding resource saturation on the silos and especially newly joined silos.
+/// Silos which are overloaded by definition of the load shedding mechanism are not considered as candidates for new placements.
+/// This placement strategy is configured by adding the attribute to a grain.
+public sealed class ResourceOptimizedPlacement : PlacementStrategy
+ internal static readonly ResourceOptimizedPlacement Singleton = new();
diff --git a/src/Orleans.Runtime/Configuration/Options/ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.cs b/src/Orleans.Runtime/Configuration/Options/ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..1987e04f9b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Orleans.Runtime/Configuration/Options/ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
+namespace Orleans.Runtime.Configuration.Options;
+/// Settings which regulate the placement of grains across a cluster when using .
+/// All 'weight' properties, are relative to each other.
+public sealed class ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions
+ ///
+ /// The importance of the CPU usage by the silo.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A higher value results in the placement favoring silos with lower cpu usage.
+ /// Valid range is [0-100]
+ ///
+ public int CpuUsageWeight { get; set; } = DEFAULT_CPU_USAGE_WEIGHT;
+ ///
+ /// The default value of .
+ ///
+ public const int DEFAULT_CPU_USAGE_WEIGHT = 40;
+ ///
+ /// The importance of the memory usage by the silo.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A higher value results in the placement favoring silos with lower memory usage.
+ /// Valid range is [0-100]
+ ///
+ public int MemoryUsageWeight { get; set; } = DEFAULT_MEMORY_USAGE_WEIGHT;
+ ///
+ /// The default value of .
+ ///
+ public const int DEFAULT_MEMORY_USAGE_WEIGHT = 30;
+ ///
+ /// The importance of the available memory to the silo.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A higher values results in the placement favoring silos with higher available memory.
+ /// Valid range is [0-100]
+ ///
+ public int AvailableMemoryWeight { get; set; } = DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_WEIGHT;
+ ///
+ /// The default value of .
+ ///
+ public const int DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_WEIGHT = 20;
+ ///
+ /// The importance of the physical memory to the silo.
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// A higher values results in the placement favoring silos with higher physical memory.
+ /// This may have an impact in clusters with resources distributed unevenly across silos.
+ /// Valid range is [0-100]
+ ///
+ public int PhysicalMemoryWeight { get; set; } = DEFAULT_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_WEIGHT;
+ ///
+ /// The default value of .
+ ///
+ public const int DEFAULT_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_WEIGHT = 10;
+ ///
+ /// The specified margin for which: if two silos (one of them being the local to the current pending activation), have a utilization score that should be considered "the same" within this margin.
+ ///
+ /// - When this value is 0, then the policy will always favor the silo with the lower resource utilization, even if that silo is remote to the current pending activation.
+ /// - When this value is 100, then the policy will always favor the local silo, regardless of its relative utilization score. This policy essentially becomes equivalent to .
+ ///
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// Do favor a lower value for this e.g: 5-10
+ /// Valid range is [0-100]
+ ///
+ public int LocalSiloPreferenceMargin { get; set; } = DEFAULT_LOCAL_SILO_PREFERENCE_MARGIN;
+ ///
+ /// The default value of .
+ ///
+internal sealed class ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptionsValidator
+ (IOptions options) : IConfigurationValidator
+ private readonly ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions _options = options.Value;
+ public void ValidateConfiguration()
+ {
+ if (_options.CpuUsageWeight < 0 || _options.CpuUsageWeight > 100)
+ {
+ ThrowOutOfRange(nameof(ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.CpuUsageWeight));
+ }
+ if (_options.MemoryUsageWeight < 0 || _options.MemoryUsageWeight > 100)
+ {
+ ThrowOutOfRange(nameof(ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.MemoryUsageWeight));
+ }
+ if (_options.AvailableMemoryWeight < 0 || _options.AvailableMemoryWeight > 100)
+ {
+ ThrowOutOfRange(nameof(ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.AvailableMemoryWeight));
+ }
+ if (_options.PhysicalMemoryWeight < 0 || _options.PhysicalMemoryWeight > 100)
+ {
+ ThrowOutOfRange(nameof(ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.PhysicalMemoryWeight));
+ }
+ if (_options.LocalSiloPreferenceMargin < 0 || _options.LocalSiloPreferenceMargin > 100)
+ {
+ ThrowOutOfRange(nameof(ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.LocalSiloPreferenceMargin));
+ }
+ static void ThrowOutOfRange(string propertyName)
+ => throw new OrleansConfigurationException($"{propertyName} must be inclusive between [0-100]");
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Orleans.Runtime/Hosting/DefaultSiloServices.cs b/src/Orleans.Runtime/Hosting/DefaultSiloServices.cs
index bd9e25d0fa..ff7647befa 100644
--- a/src/Orleans.Runtime/Hosting/DefaultSiloServices.cs
+++ b/src/Orleans.Runtime/Hosting/DefaultSiloServices.cs
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Orleans.Serialization.Internal;
+using Orleans.Runtime.Configuration.Options;
namespace Orleans.Hosting
@@ -190,6 +191,7 @@ internal static void AddDefaultServices(ISiloBuilder builder)
// Placement
+ services.AddSingleton();
@@ -207,6 +209,7 @@ internal static void AddDefaultServices(ISiloBuilder builder)
+ services.AddPlacementDirector();
// Versioning
@@ -298,6 +301,7 @@ internal static void AddDefaultServices(ISiloBuilder builder)
+ services.ConfigureFormatter();
diff --git a/src/Orleans.Runtime/Placement/ActivationCountPlacementDirector.cs b/src/Orleans.Runtime/Placement/ActivationCountPlacementDirector.cs
index 1384b1c0b6..f07ca8f19e 100644
--- a/src/Orleans.Runtime/Placement/ActivationCountPlacementDirector.cs
+++ b/src/Orleans.Runtime/Placement/ActivationCountPlacementDirector.cs
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@
namespace Orleans.Runtime.Placement
internal class ActivationCountPlacementDirector : RandomPlacementDirector, ISiloStatisticsChangeListener, IPlacementDirector
private class CachedLocalStat
diff --git a/src/Orleans.Runtime/Placement/ResourceOptimizedPlacementDirector.cs b/src/Orleans.Runtime/Placement/ResourceOptimizedPlacementDirector.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b70d1693b5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Orleans.Runtime/Placement/ResourceOptimizedPlacementDirector.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
+using System;
+using System.Buffers;
+using System.Collections.Concurrent;
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using System.Linq;
+using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
+using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
+using System.Threading.Tasks;
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
+using Orleans.Runtime.Configuration.Options;
+namespace Orleans.Runtime.Placement;
+// See: https://www.ledjonbehluli.com/posts/orleans_resource_placement_kalman/
+internal sealed class ResourceOptimizedPlacementDirector : IPlacementDirector, ISiloStatisticsChangeListener
+ ///
+ /// 1 / (1024 * 1024)
+ ///
+ private const float PhysicalMemoryScalingFactor = 0.00000095367431640625f;
+ private const int FourKiloByte = 4096;
+ private readonly NormalizedWeights _weights;
+ private readonly float _localSiloPreferenceMargin;
+ private readonly ConcurrentDictionary _siloStatistics = [];
+ private Task _cachedLocalSilo;
+ public ResourceOptimizedPlacementDirector(
+ DeploymentLoadPublisher deploymentLoadPublisher,
+ IOptions options)
+ {
+ _weights = NormalizeWeights(options.Value);
+ _localSiloPreferenceMargin = (float)options.Value.LocalSiloPreferenceMargin / 100;
+ deploymentLoadPublisher.SubscribeToStatisticsChangeEvents(this);
+ }
+ private static NormalizedWeights NormalizeWeights(ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions input)
+ {
+ int totalWeight = input.CpuUsageWeight + input.MemoryUsageWeight + input.PhysicalMemoryWeight + input.AvailableMemoryWeight;
+ return totalWeight == 0 ? new(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f) :
+ new (
+ CpuUsageWeight: (float)input.CpuUsageWeight / totalWeight,
+ MemoryUsageWeight: (float)input.MemoryUsageWeight / totalWeight,
+ PhysicalMemoryWeight: (float)input.PhysicalMemoryWeight / totalWeight,
+ AvailableMemoryWeight: (float)input.AvailableMemoryWeight / totalWeight);
+ }
+ public Task OnAddActivation(PlacementStrategy strategy, PlacementTarget target, IPlacementContext context)
+ {
+ var compatibleSilos = context.GetCompatibleSilos(target);
+ if (IPlacementDirector.GetPlacementHint(target.RequestContextData, compatibleSilos) is { } placementHint)
+ {
+ return Task.FromResult(placementHint);
+ }
+ if (compatibleSilos.Length == 0)
+ {
+ throw new SiloUnavailableException($"Cannot place grain with Id = [{target.GrainIdentity}], because there are no compatible silos.");
+ }
+ if (compatibleSilos.Length == 1)
+ {
+ return Task.FromResult(compatibleSilos[0]);
+ }
+ if (_siloStatistics.IsEmpty)
+ {
+ return Task.FromResult(compatibleSilos[Random.Shared.Next(compatibleSilos.Length)]);
+ }
+ var bestCandidate = GetBestSiloCandidate(compatibleSilos);
+ if (IsLocalSiloPreferable(context, compatibleSilos, bestCandidate.Value))
+ {
+ return _cachedLocalSilo ??= Task.FromResult(context.LocalSilo);
+ }
+ return Task.FromResult(bestCandidate.Key);
+ }
+ private KeyValuePair GetBestSiloCandidate(SiloAddress[] compatibleSilos)
+ {
+ (int Index, float Score) pick;
+ int compatibleSilosCount = compatibleSilos.Length;
+ // It is good practice not to allocate more than 1[KB] on the stack
+ // but the size of ValueTuple = 32 bytes, by increasing
+ // the limit to 4[KB] we can stackalloc for up to 4096 / 32 = 128 silos in a cluster.
+ if (compatibleSilosCount * Unsafe.SizeOf<(int, ResourceStatistics)>() <= FourKiloByte)
+ {
+ pick = MakePick(stackalloc (int, ResourceStatistics)[compatibleSilosCount]);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ var relevantSilos = ArrayPool<(int, ResourceStatistics)>.Shared.Rent(compatibleSilosCount);
+ pick = MakePick(relevantSilos.AsSpan());
+ ArrayPool<(int, ResourceStatistics)>.Shared.Return(relevantSilos);
+ }
+ return new KeyValuePair(compatibleSilos[pick.Index], pick.Score);
+ (int, float) MakePick(Span<(int, ResourceStatistics)> relevantSilos)
+ {
+ // Get all compatible silos which aren't overloaded
+ int relevantSilosCount = 0;
+ for (var i = 0; i < compatibleSilos.Length; ++i)
+ {
+ var silo = compatibleSilos[i];
+ if (_siloStatistics.TryGetValue(silo, out var stats))
+ {
+ var filteredStats = stats.Value;
+ if (!filteredStats.IsOverloaded)
+ {
+ relevantSilos[relevantSilosCount++] = new(i, filteredStats);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // Limit to the number of candidates added.
+ relevantSilos = relevantSilos[0..relevantSilosCount];
+ Debug.Assert(relevantSilos.Length == relevantSilosCount);
+ // Pick K silos from the list of compatible silos, where K is equal to the square root of the number of silos.
+ // Eg, from 10 silos, we choose from 4.
+ int candidateCount = (int)Math.Ceiling(Math.Sqrt(relevantSilosCount));
+ ShufflePrefix(relevantSilos, candidateCount);
+ var candidates = relevantSilos[0..candidateCount];
+ (int Index, float Score) pick = (0, 1f);
+ foreach (var (index, statistics) in candidates)
+ {
+ float score = CalculateScore(in statistics);
+ // It's very unlikely, but there could be more than 1 silo that has the same score,
+ // so we apply some jittering to avoid pick the first one in the short-list.
+ float scoreJitter = Random.Shared.NextSingle() / 100_000f;
+ if (score + scoreJitter < pick.Score)
+ {
+ pick = (index, score);
+ }
+ }
+ return pick;
+ }
+ // Variant of the Modern Fisher-Yates shuffle which stops after shuffling the first `prefixLength` elements,
+ // which are the only elements we are interested in.
+ // See: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fisher%E2%80%93Yates_shuffle
+ static void ShufflePrefix(Span<(int SiloIndex, ResourceStatistics SiloStatistics)> values, int prefixLength)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(prefixLength >= 0 && prefixLength <= values.Length);
+ var max = values.Length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < prefixLength; i++)
+ {
+ var chosen = Random.Shared.Next(i, max);
+ if (chosen != i)
+ {
+ (values[chosen], values[i]) = (values[i], values[chosen]);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private bool IsLocalSiloPreferable(IPlacementContext context, SiloAddress[] compatibleSilos, float bestCandidateScore)
+ {
+ if (context.LocalSiloStatus != SiloStatus.Active || !compatibleSilos.Contains(context.LocalSilo))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if (!_siloStatistics.TryGetValue(context.LocalSilo, out var local))
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var statistics = local.Value;
+ if (statistics.IsOverloaded)
+ {
+ return false;
+ }
+ var localSiloScore = CalculateScore(in statistics);
+ return localSiloScore - _localSiloPreferenceMargin <= bestCandidateScore;
+ }
+ ///
+ /// Always returns a value [0-1]
+ ///
+ ///
+ /// score = cpu_weight * (cpu_usage / 100) +
+ /// mem_usage_weight * (mem_usage / physical_mem) +
+ /// mem_avail_weight * [1 - (mem_avail / physical_mem)]
+ /// physical_mem_weight * (1 / (1024 * 1024 * physical_mem)
+ ///
+ /// physical_mem is represented in [MB] to keep the result within [0-1] in cases of silos having physical_mem less than [1GB]
+ private float CalculateScore(in ResourceStatistics stats) // as size of ResourceStatistics > IntPtr, we pass it by reference to avoid potential defensive copying
+ {
+ float normalizedCpuUsage = stats.CpuUsage / 100f;
+ float score = _weights.CpuUsageWeight * normalizedCpuUsage;
+ if (stats.TotalPhysicalMemory > 0)
+ {
+ long physicalMemory = stats.TotalPhysicalMemory; // cache locally
+ float normalizedMemoryUsage = stats.MemoryUsage / physicalMemory;
+ float normalizedAvailableMemory = 1 - stats.AvailableMemory / physicalMemory;
+ float normalizedPhysicalMemory = PhysicalMemoryScalingFactor * physicalMemory;
+ score += _weights.MemoryUsageWeight * normalizedMemoryUsage +
+ _weights.AvailableMemoryWeight * normalizedAvailableMemory +
+ _weights.PhysicalMemoryWeight * normalizedPhysicalMemory;
+ }
+ Debug.Assert(score >= 0f && score <= 1f);
+ return score;
+ }
+ public void RemoveSilo(SiloAddress address)
+ => _siloStatistics.TryRemove(address, out _);
+ public void SiloStatisticsChangeNotification(SiloAddress address, SiloRuntimeStatistics statistics)
+ => _siloStatistics.AddOrUpdate(
+ address,
+ addValueFactory: static (_, statistics) => new(statistics),
+ updateValueFactory: static (_, existing, statistics) =>
+ {
+ existing.Update(statistics);
+ return existing;
+ },
+ statistics);
+ // This struct has a total of 32 bytes: 4 (float) + 4 (float) + 8 (long) + 8 (long) + 1 (bool) + 7 (padding)
+ // Padding is added becuase by default it gets aligned by the largest element of the struct (our 'long'), so 1 + 7 = 8.
+ // As this will be created very frequenty, we shave off the extra 7 bytes, bringing its size down to 25 bytes.
+ // It will help increase the number of ValueTuple (see inside 'MakePick') that can be stack allocated.
+ [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
+ private readonly record struct ResourceStatistics(float CpuUsage, float AvailableMemory, long MemoryUsage, long TotalPhysicalMemory, bool IsOverloaded);
+ // No need to touch 'NormalizedWeights' as its created only once and is the same for all silos in the cluster.
+ private readonly record struct NormalizedWeights(float CpuUsageWeight, float MemoryUsageWeight, float AvailableMemoryWeight, float PhysicalMemoryWeight);
+ private sealed class FilteredSiloStatistics(SiloRuntimeStatistics statistics)
+ {
+ private readonly DualModeKalmanFilter _cpuUsageFilter = new();
+ private readonly DualModeKalmanFilter _availableMemoryFilter = new();
+ private readonly DualModeKalmanFilter _memoryUsageFilter = new();
+ private float _cpuUsage = statistics.CpuUsage ?? 0;
+ private float _availableMemory = statistics.AvailableMemory ?? 0;
+ private long _memoryUsage = statistics.MemoryUsage ?? 0;
+ private long _totalPhysicalMemory = statistics.TotalPhysicalMemory ?? 0;
+ private bool _isOverloaded = statistics.IsOverloaded;
+ public ResourceStatistics Value => new(_cpuUsage, _availableMemory, _memoryUsage, _totalPhysicalMemory, _isOverloaded);
+ public void Update(SiloRuntimeStatistics statistics)
+ {
+ _cpuUsage = _cpuUsageFilter.Filter(statistics.CpuUsage);
+ _availableMemory = _availableMemoryFilter.Filter(statistics.AvailableMemory);
+ _memoryUsage = (long)_memoryUsageFilter.Filter((float)statistics.MemoryUsage);
+ _totalPhysicalMemory = statistics.TotalPhysicalMemory ?? 0;
+ _isOverloaded = statistics.IsOverloaded;
+ }
+ }
+ // The rationale behind using a dual-mode KF, is that we want the input signal to follow a trajectory that
+ // decays with a slower rate than the original one, but also tracks the signal in case of signal increases
+ // (which represent potential of overloading). Both are important, but they are inversely correlated to each other.
+ private sealed class DualModeKalmanFilter
+ {
+ private const float SlowProcessNoiseCovariance = 0f;
+ private const float FastProcessNoiseCovariance = 0.01f;
+ private KalmanFilter _slowFilter = new();
+ private KalmanFilter _fastFilter = new();
+ private FilterRegime _regime = FilterRegime.Slow;
+ private enum FilterRegime
+ {
+ Slow,
+ Fast
+ }
+ public float Filter(float? measurement)
+ {
+ float _measurement = measurement ?? 0f;
+ float slowEstimate = _slowFilter.Filter(_measurement, SlowProcessNoiseCovariance);
+ float fastEstimate = _fastFilter.Filter(_measurement, FastProcessNoiseCovariance);
+ if (_measurement > slowEstimate)
+ {
+ if (_regime == FilterRegime.Slow)
+ {
+ _regime = FilterRegime.Fast;
+ _fastFilter.SetState(_measurement, 0f);
+ fastEstimate = _fastFilter.Filter(_measurement, FastProcessNoiseCovariance);
+ }
+ return fastEstimate;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (_regime == FilterRegime.Fast)
+ {
+ _regime = FilterRegime.Slow;
+ _slowFilter.SetState(_fastFilter.PriorEstimate, _fastFilter.PriorErrorCovariance);
+ slowEstimate = _slowFilter.Filter(_measurement, SlowProcessNoiseCovariance);
+ }
+ return slowEstimate;
+ }
+ }
+ private struct KalmanFilter()
+ {
+ public float PriorEstimate { get; private set; } = 0f;
+ public float PriorErrorCovariance { get; private set; } = 1f;
+ public void SetState(float estimate, float errorCovariance)
+ {
+ PriorEstimate = estimate;
+ PriorErrorCovariance = errorCovariance;
+ }
+ public float Filter(float measurement, float processNoiseCovariance)
+ {
+ float estimate = PriorEstimate;
+ float errorCovariance = PriorErrorCovariance + processNoiseCovariance;
+ float gain = errorCovariance / (errorCovariance + 1f);
+ float newEstimate = estimate + gain * (measurement - estimate);
+ float newErrorCovariance = (1f - gain) * errorCovariance;
+ PriorEstimate = newEstimate;
+ PriorErrorCovariance = newErrorCovariance;
+ return newEstimate;
+ }
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/TesterInternal/General/PlacementOptionsTest.cs b/test/TesterInternal/General/PlacementOptionsTest.cs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..f0085d7509
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/TesterInternal/General/PlacementOptionsTest.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+using Microsoft.Extensions.Options;
+using Orleans.Runtime;
+using Orleans.Runtime.Configuration.Options;
+using TestExtensions;
+using Xunit;
+namespace UnitTests.General
+ public class PlacementOptionsTest : OrleansTestingBase, IClassFixture
+ {
+ [Fact, TestCategory("PlacementOptions"), TestCategory("Functional")]
+ public void ConstantsShouldNotChange()
+ {
+ Assert.Equal(40, ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.DEFAULT_CPU_USAGE_WEIGHT);
+ Assert.Equal(30, ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.DEFAULT_MEMORY_USAGE_WEIGHT);
+ Assert.Equal(20, ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.DEFAULT_AVAILABLE_MEMORY_WEIGHT);
+ Assert.Equal(10, ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions.DEFAULT_PHYSICAL_MEMORY_WEIGHT);
+ }
+ [Theory, TestCategory("PlacementOptions"), TestCategory("Functional")]
+ [InlineData(-10, 40, 0.2, 0.1, 5)]
+ [InlineData(30, -11, 20, 10, 5)]
+ [InlineData(30, 40, -10, 10, 5)]
+ [InlineData(30, 40, 20, 10, -5)]
+ [InlineData(30, 40, 20, 10, 101)]
+ public void InvalidWeightsShouldThrow(int cpuUsage, int memUsage, int memAvailable, int memPhysical, int prefMargin)
+ {
+ var options = Options.Create(new ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptions
+ {
+ CpuUsageWeight = cpuUsage,
+ MemoryUsageWeight = memUsage,
+ AvailableMemoryWeight = memAvailable,
+ PhysicalMemoryWeight = memPhysical,
+ LocalSiloPreferenceMargin = prefMargin
+ });
+ var validator = new ResourceOptimizedPlacementOptionsValidator(options);
+ Assert.Throws(validator.ValidateConfiguration);
+ }
+ }