diff --git a/benchmarks/bench_cfg_guide.py b/benchmarks/bench_cfg_guide.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..50f2235c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/benchmarks/bench_cfg_guide.py
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import random
+from transformers import AutoTokenizer
+import outlines.grammars
+from outlines.caching import cache_disabled
+from outlines.fsm.guide import CFGGuide
+from outlines.models.transformers import TransformerTokenizer
+from .common import ensure_numba_compiled
+def get_tiny_tokenizer():
+    """1000 tokens in vocabulary"""
+    return TransformerTokenizer(
+        AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("hf-internal-testing/tiny-random-gpt2")
+    )
+benched_grammars = {
+    "json": outlines.grammars.json,
+    "arithmetic": outlines.grammars.arithmetic,
+class CFGGuideBenchmark:
+    params = benched_grammars.keys()
+    def setup(self, grammar_name):
+        self.tokenizer = get_tiny_tokenizer()
+        ensure_numba_compiled(
+            self.tokenizer
+        )  # numba not currently used, but will be in the future
+        self.prebuilt_cfg_guide = CFGGuide(
+            benched_grammars[grammar_name], self.tokenizer
+        )
+    @staticmethod
+    def _run_random_cfg(guide):
+        state = guide.initial_state
+        for i in range(40):
+            # simulate ordering of logits top prob to lowest prob
+            token_ids = list(range(guide.tokenizer.vocabulary))
+            random.shuffle(token_ids)
+            # simulate sampling and state update
+            next_token_id = next(guide.iter_valid_token_ids(state, token_ids))
+            state = guide.get_next_state(state, next_token_id)
+    @cache_disabled()
+    def time_cfg_guide_setup(self, grammar_name):
+        CFGGuide(benched_grammars[grammar_name], self.tokenizer)
+    @cache_disabled()
+    def time_cfg_guide_run(self, grammar):
+        self._run_random_cfg(self.prebuilt_cfg_guide)
+    @cache_disabled()
+    def peakmem_cfg_guide_run(self, grammar):
+        self._run_random_cfg(self.prebuilt_cfg_guide)
diff --git a/docs/reference/creating_grammars.md b/docs/reference/creating_grammars.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..78e41282a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/reference/creating_grammars.md
@@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
+# Overview
+Outlines allows the use of [Lark](https://github.com/lark-parser/lark) grammars to guide generation. These grammars are used to construct parsers that filter out incompatible tokens during the generation process The result is a generation that adheres to the grammar's production rules.
+# Primer on Creating Grammars
+To create grammars for Outlines, a solid understanding of Lark grammars is necessary. Here's how you can get started:
+- Read Lark's grammars documentations [here](https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/grammar.html).
+- Review Outlines' existing grammars [here](/outlines/grammars).
+# Compatibility With Outlines
+It's important to note that not all Lark grammars work with Outlines. Changes may be necessary to ensure compatability.
+### LALR(1) Parser
+Outlines utilizes Larks LALR(1) parser, meaning the grammar must be unambiguous at least up to the next token (one token lookahead). Read Lark's official LALR(1) parser documentation [here](https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/en/stable/parsers.html#lalr-1).
+If your grammar is ambiguous, you will recieve the following error at runtime:
+GrammarError: Reduce/Reduce collision in Terminal('B') between the following rules:
+### Regex Terminal Restrictions
+Outlines converts terminals to finite state machines using the [Interegular](https://github.com/MegaIng/interegular/) library. Not all regular expressions work with Interegular, mitigation is described in the subsections which follow.
+#### Avoid Lookarounds
+Examples of removing lookaround while maintaining the same functionality
+##### Example: Escaped String
+From Outlines' modified `ESCAPED_STRING` in [common.lark](/outlines/grammars/common.lark).
+_STRING_ESC_INNER: _STRING_INNER /(?<!\\)(\\\\)*?/
+_NON_CONTROL_CHAR: /([^"\\\x00-\x1F\x7F-\x9F])/
+_ESCAPED_CHAR: /\\/ (_NON_CONTROL_CHAR | /\\/ | /"/)
+#### Avoid Backreferences
+Backreferences, for example `([ab]^*)\1`, cannot be simulated by a finite state machine, and will result in an error if used.
+# Creating a Valid Grammar
+You can use Outlines' test suite to verify your grammar.
+### 1) Create Your Grammar
+Create your grammar file named `your_new_grammar.lark`, adhering to the guidelines provided above. Add it to `outlines/grammars/` (ensure attribution is included and license is compatible).
+Update `outlines/grammars.py` with a line including your grammar.
+### 2) Test Your Grammar
+Test grammar for false negatives, ensure sample grammars can be generated:
+- Add valid example outputs which are compliant with the grammar to `tests/benchmark/cfg_samples/your_new_grammar/`
+- Run the tests for your grammar via `pytest -s tests/fsm/test_cfg_guide.py::test_cfg_grammar_sample -k "your_new_grammar"`
+Test grammar for false positives, ensure invalid outputs aren't generated.
+Currently there isn't a builtin false positive testing utility. It is recommended you smoke test via
+from outlines import models, generate, grammars
+model = models.transformers("mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1")
+generator = generate.cfg(model, grammars.your_new_grammar)
+result = generator(<your prompt to generate output for your grammar>)
+# Converting
+There are a few tools available for converting from other grammars to lark. These tools serve as a starting point. However, you will typically need to make additional adjustments to ensure full compatibility and proper functioning within Outlines.
+- Larks built in "Nearley-to-Lark" converter https://lark-parser.readthedocs.io/en/latest/tools.html
+- Convert ANTLR4 to Lark (Note, most antlr4 grammars are not LALR(1) compatible, so will require additional tweaking) https://github.com/kaby76/Domemtech.Trash/blob/main/src/trconvert/readme.md
+- Extract EBNF from Yacc files https://www.bottlecaps.de/rr/ui
+Reference Grammars:
+- Github Lark Grammars https://github.com/search?q=path%3A*.lark&type=code
+- Github Nearley Grammars https://github.com/search?q=path%3A*.ne+%22-%3E%22&type=code
+- Antlr4 grammars https://github.com/antlr/grammars-v4/
+- Grammar zoo https://slebok.github.io/zoo/index.html#html
diff --git a/mkdocs.yml b/mkdocs.yml
index 7de4a6350..91d5bb94d 100644
--- a/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/mkdocs.yml
@@ -124,6 +124,7 @@ nav:
         - JSON (function calling): reference/json.md
         - JSON mode: reference/json_mode.md
         - Grammar: reference/cfg.md
+        - Creating Grammars: reference/creating_grammars.md
         - Custom FSM operations: reference/custom_fsm_ops.md
     - Utilities:
         - Serve with vLLM: reference/serve/vllm.md
diff --git a/outlines/fsm/fsm.py b/outlines/fsm/fsm.py
index 4a7fce8c9..bfcf55c03 100644
--- a/outlines/fsm/fsm.py
+++ b/outlines/fsm/fsm.py
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 import warnings
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Iterable, NewType, Optional
-from outlines.fsm.guide import CFGGuide, RegexGuide, StopAtEOSGuide
+from outlines.fsm.guide import RegexGuide, StopAtEOSGuide
     from outlines.models.tokenizer import Tokenizer
@@ -45,25 +45,3 @@ def allowed_token_ids(self, state: FSMState) -> Optional[Iterable[int]]:
     def next_state(self, state: FSMState, token_id: int) -> FSMState:
         return FSMState(self.get_next_state(state, token_id))
-class CFGFSM(CFGGuide):
-    """FSM to generate text that is in the language of a context-free grammar."""
-    def __init__(self, cfg_string: str, tokenizer):
-        warnings.warn(
-            UserWarning(
-                "The `CFGFSM` interface is deprecated and will be removed on 2024-06-01. Please use `CFGGuide` instead."
-            )
-        )
-        super().__init__(cfg_string, tokenizer)
-    def allowed_token_ids(self, state: FSMState) -> Optional[Iterable[int]]:
-        return self.get_next_instruction(state).tokens
-    def next_state(self, state: FSMState, token_id: int) -> FSMState:
-        return FSMState(self.get_next_state(state, token_id))
-    def copy(self) -> "CFGFSM":
-        """Create a copy of the FSM."""
-        return CFGFSM(self.cfg_string, self.tokenizer)
diff --git a/outlines/fsm/guide.py b/outlines/fsm/guide.py
index 2e4415148..aa073d107 100644
--- a/outlines/fsm/guide.py
+++ b/outlines/fsm/guide.py
@@ -1,8 +1,12 @@
+import collections
+import copy
 from dataclasses import dataclass
 from typing import (
+    Any,
+    Generator,
@@ -13,10 +17,12 @@
 import interegular
 import torch
-from lark import Lark
+from lark.indenter import DedentError
+from lark.lexer import UnexpectedCharacters, UnexpectedToken
 from outlines import grammars
 from outlines.caching import cache
+from outlines.fsm.parsing import PartialLark, PartialParserState
 from outlines.fsm.regex import (
@@ -69,13 +75,15 @@ class Guide(Protocol):
-    def get_next_instruction(self, state: int) -> Instruction:
+    initial_state: Any
+    def get_next_instruction(self, state: Any) -> Instruction:
-    def get_next_state(self, state: int, token_id: int) -> int:
+    def get_next_state(self, state: Any, token_id: int) -> Any:
-    def is_final_state(self, state: int) -> bool:
+    def is_final_state(self, state: Any) -> bool:
     def copy(self) -> "Guide":
@@ -86,7 +94,8 @@ class StopAtEOSGuide(Guide):
     """Guide to generate tokens until the EOS token has been generated."""
     final_state = 1
-    start_state = 0
+    start_state = 0  # TODO: remove start_state, use only initial_state
+    initial_state = 0
     def __init__(self, tokenizer: "Tokenizer"):
         """Initialize the generation guide.
@@ -107,7 +116,7 @@ def get_next_state(self, state: int, token_id: int) -> int:
         if token_id == self.eos_token_id or state == self.final_state:
             return self.final_state
-        return self.start_state
+        return self.initial_state
     def is_final_state(self, state: int):
         return state == self.final_state
@@ -300,178 +309,175 @@ def copy(self):
         return self
+CFGState = collections.namedtuple("CFGState", ["parser_state", "prev_token"])
 class CFGGuide(Guide):
-    """Guide to generate text that is in the language of a context-free grammar."""
+    """Guide to generate text that is in the language of a context-free Lark grammar."""
     def __init__(self, cfg_string: str, tokenizer):
+        """
+        Construct the PartialLark parser and set the empty initial_state (PartialParserState)
+        """
         self.cfg_string = cfg_string
         self.tokenizer = tokenizer
-        self.parser = Lark(
+        self.eos_token_id = self.tokenizer.eos_token_id
+        self.parser = PartialLark(
-            lexer="contextual",
-            propagate_positions=False,
-            maybe_placeholders=False,
-            regex=True,
-        self.terminal_regexps = dict()
-        for terminal in self.parser.terminals:
-            if terminal.pattern is not None:
-                self.terminal_regexps[terminal.name] = terminal.pattern.to_regexp()
-        self.terminal_regexps["$END"] = tokenizer.eos_token
-        self.generation = ""
-        self.reset_state = False
-        self.allow_eos = False
-        self.regex_fsm: RegexGuide
-        self.check_last = False
-        self.proposal_last: List[int] = []
-        self.regex_fsm_last: RegexGuide
-        self.start_state = 0
-        self.final_state = -1
-    def get_next_instruction(self, state: int) -> Instruction:
-        """Generate an instruction for the next step.
-        Upon initialization, the CFG incremental parser is used to determine the
-        first regex and construct the first FSM to generate the first terminal.
+        self.initial_state = CFGState(
+            parser_state=self.parser.parse(""), prev_token=None
+        )
-        This FSM is used for proposals until either:
+    def get_next_instruction(self, state: CFGState) -> Instruction:
+        """Return the next instruction for guided generation.
-        - The FSM is exhausted, and its only remaining option is the EOS token,
-          in which case we feed the generated terminal to the
-          CFG incremental parser and allow it to propose the next regex
-          corresponding to the next set of valid terminals.
-        - The current FSM can be exhausted, but the EOS token is not the only
-          remaining option. In this case we allow proposal of current terminal
-          extensions, store the current FSM and its state, then also use the CFG
-          parser to propose a new regex corresponding to terminating the current
-          terminal and starting the next one. The model can then sample from
-          either of these sets to determine whether to extend the current
-          terminal or terminate it and start the next one.
+        Current lazy approach:
+        - For each token in the vocabulary
+          - create a copy of the parsers state
+          - add the tokens to the parsers input text
+          - if valid, add token to returned tokens
-        The CFG incremental parser is allowed to propose the EOS token from any accepting state,
-        and once it is generated, the FSM will continue to always generate the EOS token.
+        Further refinements are necessary for performant text processing.
-            The current state of the FSM.
+            The guides current PartialParserState, or None if complete
-        A list that contains the tokens to mask.
+        A `Generate` instance that contains the model and the allowed token ids.
-        if self.is_final_state(state):
-            return Write([self.tokenizer.eos_token_id])
-        proposal: List[int] = []
-        if self.generation != "":
-            if self.check_last:
-                proposer = self.regex_fsm_last
-            else:
-                proposer = self.regex_fsm
+        if state.parser_state is None:
+            return Write(torch.tensor([self.eos_token_id]))
-            instruction = proposer.get_next_instruction(state)
+        valid_tokens = list(
+            self.iter_valid_token_ids(state, self.tokenizer.vocabulary.values())
+        )
+        if len(valid_tokens) == 1:
+            return Write(torch.tensor(valid_tokens))
+        return Generate(torch.tensor(valid_tokens))
-            assert instruction.tokens is not None
+    def iter_valid_token_ids(
+        self, state: CFGState, candidate_token_ids: list
+    ) -> Generator[int, None, None]:
+        """
+        Iterate over the given token_ids and yield those that are valid for the current parser state.
-            if isinstance(instruction, Write):
-                proposal += instruction.tokens
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        parser_state
+            The current state of the parser, or None if complete.
+        token_ids
+            The list of token ids to check for validity.
+        Yields
+        ------
+        int
+            Valid token ids.
+        """
+        if state.parser_state is None:
+            yield self.eos_token_id
+            return
+        for token_id in candidate_token_ids:
+            if token_id == self.eos_token_id:
+                if self.can_terminate_state(state):
+                    yield token_id
-                proposal += instruction.tokens
-            if self.tokenizer.eos_token_id not in proposal:
-                return Generate(proposal)
-            self.check_last = False
-            proposal = [x for x in proposal if x != self.tokenizer.eos_token_id]
-            if len(proposal) > 0:
-                self.check_last = True
-                self.proposal_last = proposal.copy()
-                self.regex_fsm_last = proposer
-        interactive = self.parser.parse_interactive(self.generation)
-        interactive.exhaust_lexer()
-        options = {self.terminal_regexps[x] for x in interactive.accepts()}
-        # add %ignore terminals
-        options |= {self.terminal_regexps[x] for x in self.parser.lexer_conf.ignore}
-        if self.terminal_regexps["$END"] in options:
-            options.remove(self.terminal_regexps["$END"])
-            if len(options) == 0:
-                return Write([self.tokenizer.eos_token_id])
-            self.allow_eos = True
-            options.add("")
-            assert len(options) > 1
-        regex_string = r"(" + r"|".join([r"(" + x + r")" for x in options]) + r")"
-        self.regex_fsm = RegexGuide(regex_string, self.tokenizer)
-        self.reset_state = True
-        instruction = self.regex_fsm.get_next_instruction(self.start_state)
-        assert instruction.tokens is not None
-        if isinstance(instruction, Write):
-            proposal += instruction.tokens
-        else:
-            proposal += instruction.tokens
-        if self.allow_eos:
-            self.allow_eos = False
-        else:
-            proposal = [x for x in proposal if x != self.tokenizer.eos_token_id]
-            assert len(proposal) > 0
-        return Generate(proposal)
-    def get_next_state(self, state: int, token_id: int) -> int:
-        """Update the state of the guide.
-        Transitions the underlying regex FSM to its next state.
-        If at max tokens or EOS token, transition permanently to the final state.
-        Update stored partial generations for subsequent incremental parsing.
+                try:
+                    self._get_parser_state_token_applied(state, int(token_id))
+                    yield token_id
+                except (
+                    ValueError,
+                    EOFError,
+                    UnexpectedToken,
+                    UnexpectedCharacters,
+                    DedentError,
+                ):
+                    pass
+    def get_next_state(self, state: CFGState, token_id: int) -> CFGState:
+        """
+        Update the state of the guide.
+        Decode the token_id, and calculate the new parser_state with the token applied.
-            The current state of the FSM.
+            The guides current PartialParserState, or None if complete
             The id of the token that was just generated.
-        The new state of the FSM.
-        """
+        The guides new PartialParserState
-        # We need to return the final state when in the final state because we
-        # then generate EOS tokens instead of stopping the generation.
-        if token_id == self.tokenizer.eos_token_id or state == self.final_state:
-            return self.final_state
-        self.generation += self.tokenizer.decode([token_id])[0]
+        """
+        if state.parser_state is None or token_id == self.eos_token_id:
+            parser_state = None
+        else:
+            parser_state = self._get_parser_state_token_applied(state, int(token_id))
+        return CFGState(parser_state=parser_state, prev_token=token_id)
-        if self.check_last:
-            if token_id in self.proposal_last:
-                return self.regex_fsm_last.get_next_state(state, token_id)
-            self.check_last = False
+    def _get_parser_state_token_applied(
+        self, state: CFGState, token_id: int
+    ) -> PartialParserState:
+        """
+        Don't mutate `parser_state`, copy to protect
-        if self.reset_state:
-            self.reset_state = False
-            state = self.start_state
+        Get the token string
+          - if first token in generation: tokenizer.decode (no leading whitespace)
+          - else: normalized (with possibly leading whitespace)
-        return self.regex_fsm.get_next_state(state, token_id)
+        Don't allow empty ("") tokens, raise ValueError
+        """
+        parser_state = copy.copy(state.parser_state)  # prevent side effects
-    def is_final_state(self, state: int) -> bool:
-        return state == self.final_state
+        # normalize
+        if state.prev_token is None:
+            new_token_str = self.tokenizer.decode([token_id])[0]
+        else:
+            prev_token_str = self.tokenizer.decode([[state.prev_token]])[0]
+            combined_token_str = self.tokenizer.decode([[state.prev_token, token_id]])[
+                0
+            ]
+            new_token_str = combined_token_str[len(prev_token_str) :]
+        if new_token_str == "":
+            raise ValueError("empty next token")
+        # update parser with new token
+        parser_state.lexer.state.text += new_token_str
+        self.parser.parse_from_state(parser_state, is_end=False)
+        return parser_state
+    def is_final_state(self, state: CFGState) -> bool:
+        # TODO: remove this method, use can_terminate_state and must_terminate_state
+        # here and in RegexGuide per https://github.com/outlines-dev/outlines/issues/885
+        return self.can_terminate_state(state)
+    def can_terminate_state(self, state: CFGState) -> bool:
+        """Generation is allowed to terminate"""
+        if state.parser_state is not None:
+            try:
+                copy.copy(state.parser_state).feed_eof()
+            except UnexpectedToken:
+                return False
+        return True
+    def must_terminate_state(self, state: CFGState) -> bool:
+        """Generation must terminate, no legal continuations"""
+        return state.parser_state is None or set(state.parser_state.accepts()).issubset(
+            {"$END"}
+        )
     def copy(self) -> "CFGGuide":
-        """Create a copy of the FSM."""
+        """Create a copy of the Guide."""
         return CFGGuide(self.cfg_string, self.tokenizer)
diff --git a/outlines/fsm/parsing.py b/outlines/fsm/parsing.py
index e4fa7b764..f780fb46e 100644
--- a/outlines/fsm/parsing.py
+++ b/outlines/fsm/parsing.py
@@ -447,6 +447,49 @@ def feed_token_no_stack(self, token, is_end=False):
                 if is_end and state_stack[-1] == end_state:
+    def feed_eof(self):
+        last_token = self.lexer.state.last_token
+        if last_token is None:
+            eof_token = self.lexer._Token("$END", "", 0, 1, 1)
+        else:
+            eof_token = Token.new_borrow_pos("$END", "", last_token)
+        new_token_is_legal = (
+            last_token is None
+            or last_token.type != "partial"
+            or any(ti.is_final for ti in last_token.value.terminals_and_info)
+        )
+        if new_token_is_legal:
+            self.feed_token(eof_token, is_end=True)
+        else:
+            raise UnexpectedToken(eof_token, [], state=self, interactive_parser=None)
+    def choices(self):
+        return self.parse_conf.parse_table.states[self.position]
+    def accepts(self):
+        """
+        Adapted from https://github.com/lark-parser/lark/blob/be542c2ff6d968817df019b8bf03f37b3111c08c/lark/parsers/lalr_interactive_parser.py#L95
+        Returns the set of possible tokens that will advance the parser into a new valid state.
+        """
+        accepts = set()
+        conf_no_callbacks = copy(self.parse_conf)
+        # We don't want to call callbacks here since those might have arbitrary side effects
+        # and are unnecessarily slow.
+        conf_no_callbacks.callbacks = {}
+        for t in self.choices():
+            if t.isupper():  # is terminal?
+                new_state = copy(self)
+                new_state.parse_conf = conf_no_callbacks
+                try:
+                    new_state.feed_token(new_state.lexer._Token(t, ""))
+                except UnexpectedToken:
+                    pass
+                else:
+                    accepts.add(t)
+        return accepts
     def __copy__(self):
         return type(self)(
@@ -483,12 +526,7 @@ def parse_from_state(self, state, last_token=None, is_end=False):
             if is_end and (not token or token.type != "partial"):
-                end_token = (
-                    Token.new_borrow_pos("$END", "", token)
-                    if token
-                    else Token("$END", "", 0, 1, 1)
-                )
-                state.feed_token(end_token, True)
+                state.feed_eof()
             return state
         except UnexpectedInput as e:
@@ -614,6 +652,8 @@ def __init__(self, conf: "LexerConf", states, always_accept=()):
                 lexer_conf.terminals = [
                     terminals_by_name[n] for n in accepts if n in terminals_by_name
+                if not lexer_conf.terminals:
+                    continue
                 lexer = PartialBasicLexer(lexer_conf)
                 lexer_by_symbols[key] = lexer
@@ -626,9 +666,22 @@ def lex(self, lexer_state: LexerState, parser_state: Any) -> Iterator[Token]:
             while True:
                 lexer = self.lexers[parser_state.position]
-                yield lexer.next_token(lexer_state, parser_state)
+                next_tok = lexer.next_token(lexer_state, parser_state)
+                yield next_tok
         except EOFError:
+        except KeyError:
+            if len(lexer_state.text) > lexer_state.line_ctr.char_pos:
+                raise UnexpectedCharacters(
+                    lexer_state.text,
+                    lexer_state.line_ctr.char_pos,
+                    lexer_state.line_ctr.line,
+                    lexer_state.line_ctr.column,
+                    allowed=False,
+                    token_history=lexer_state.last_token and [lexer_state.last_token],
+                    state=parser_state,
+                    terminals_by_name=self.root_lexer.terminals,
+                )
 class PartialBasicLexer(BasicLexer):
diff --git a/outlines/generate/cfg.py b/outlines/generate/cfg.py
index 0df833067..4f372f209 100644
--- a/outlines/generate/cfg.py
+++ b/outlines/generate/cfg.py
@@ -1,7 +1,10 @@
 from functools import singledispatch
-from outlines.generate.api import SequenceGeneratorAdapter
-from outlines.models import OpenAI
+from outlines.generate.api import (
+    SequenceGeneratorAdapter,
+    VisionSequenceGeneratorAdapter,
+from outlines.models import ExLlamaV2Model, LlamaCpp, OpenAI, TransformersVision
 from outlines.samplers import Sampler, multinomial
@@ -14,8 +17,7 @@ def cfg(
-        An instance of `Transformer` that represents a model from the
-        `transformers` library.
+        An `outlines.model` instance.
         The sampling algorithm to use to generate token ids from the logits
@@ -25,13 +27,32 @@ def cfg(
     A `SequenceGeneratorAdapter` instance that generates text.
+    from outlines.processors import CFGLogitsProcessor
+    logits_processor = CFGLogitsProcessor(cfg_str, tokenizer=model.tokenizer)
+    return SequenceGeneratorAdapter(model, logits_processor, sampler)
+def cfg_vision(model, cfg_str: str, sampler: Sampler = multinomial()):
+    from outlines.processors import CFGLogitsProcessor
+    logits_processor = CFGLogitsProcessor(cfg_str, tokenizer=model.tokenizer)
+    return VisionSequenceGeneratorAdapter(model, logits_processor, sampler)
+def cfg_exllamav2(model, cfg_str: str, sampler: Sampler = multinomial()):
     raise NotImplementedError(
-        f"The CFG Logits processor is not available for {type(model)}. "
-        + "Please subscribe to https://github.com/outlines-dev/outlines/issues/684"
-        + " for updates on the fix."
+        "Not yet available, track progress in https://github.com/outlines-dev/outlines/pull/1010"
+def cfg_llamacpp(model, cfg_str: str, sampler: Sampler = multinomial()):
+    raise NotImplementedError("Not yet available due to bug in llama_cpp tokenizer")
 def cfg_openai(model, cfg_str: str, sampler: Sampler = multinomial()):
     raise NotImplementedError(
diff --git a/outlines/generate/fsm.py b/outlines/generate/fsm.py
index 03fe512b9..a9338836a 100644
--- a/outlines/generate/fsm.py
+++ b/outlines/generate/fsm.py
@@ -16,19 +16,19 @@
 def fsm(
     model, fsm: interegular.fsm.FSM, sampler: Sampler = multinomial()
 ) -> SequenceGeneratorAdapter:
-    from outlines.processors import FSMLogitsProcessor
+    from outlines.processors import GuideLogitsProcessor
-    fsm = RegexGuide.from_interegular_fsm(fsm, model.tokenizer)
-    logits_processor = FSMLogitsProcessor(tokenizer=model.tokenizer, fsm=fsm)
+    guide = RegexGuide.from_interegular_fsm(fsm, model.tokenizer)
+    logits_processor = GuideLogitsProcessor(tokenizer=model.tokenizer, guide=guide)
     return SequenceGeneratorAdapter(model, logits_processor, sampler)
 def fsm_vision(model, fsm: interegular.fsm.FSM, sampler: Sampler = multinomial()):
-    from outlines.processors import FSMLogitsProcessor
+    from outlines.processors import GuideLogitsProcessor
-    fsm = RegexGuide.from_interegular_fsm(fsm, model.tokenizer)
-    logits_processor = FSMLogitsProcessor(tokenizer=model.tokenizer, fsm=fsm)
+    guide = RegexGuide.from_interegular_fsm(fsm, model.tokenizer)
+    logits_processor = GuideLogitsProcessor(tokenizer=model.tokenizer, guide=guide)
     return VisionSequenceGeneratorAdapter(model, logits_processor, sampler)
diff --git a/outlines/grammars/common.lark b/outlines/grammars/common.lark
index 801c27e97..ee5e00c50 100644
--- a/outlines/grammars/common.lark
+++ b/outlines/grammars/common.lark
@@ -43,11 +43,14 @@ SIGNED_FLOAT: ["+"|"-"] FLOAT
-// TODO: Working escaped_string
 UNESCAPED_STRING: /\"[^"]*\"/
+// based on `outlines/fsm/json_schema.py`
+_NON_CONTROL_CHAR: /([^"\\\x00-\x1F\x7F-\x9F])/
+_ESCAPED_CHAR: /\\/ (_NON_CONTROL_CHAR | /\\/ | /"/)
diff --git a/outlines/grammars/json.lark b/outlines/grammars/json.lark
index 72af448ce..7429fa558 100644
--- a/outlines/grammars/json.lark
+++ b/outlines/grammars/json.lark
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 ?value: object
 | array
 | SIGNED_NUMBER      -> number
 | "true"             -> true
 | "false"            -> false
@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@
 array  : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]"
 object : "{" [pair ("," pair)*] "}"
-pair   : UNESCAPED_STRING ":" value
+pair   : ESCAPED_STRING ":" value
-%import common.UNESCAPED_STRING
+%import common.ESCAPED_STRING
 %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER
 %import common.WS
diff --git a/outlines/processors/__init__.py b/outlines/processors/__init__.py
index 22c10d905..f0f0f829b 100644
--- a/outlines/processors/__init__.py
+++ b/outlines/processors/__init__.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 from .structured import (
-    FSMLogitsProcessor,
+    GuideLogitsProcessor,
diff --git a/outlines/processors/structured.py b/outlines/processors/structured.py
index 0966a90db..6e68ad70b 100644
--- a/outlines/processors/structured.py
+++ b/outlines/processors/structured.py
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
 limitations under the License.
 import math
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union
+from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, List, Optional, Type, Union
 import torch
 from pydantic import BaseModel
@@ -39,36 +39,41 @@
     from outlines.models.tokenizer import Tokenizer
-class FSMLogitsProcessor(OutlinesLogitsProcessor):
-    """Bias generation using a finite state machine.
+class GuideLogitsProcessor(OutlinesLogitsProcessor):
+    """Bias generation using a finite
         The tokenizer used to convert tokens to ids.
-    fsm
-        The finite state machine which is used to bias the logits.
+    guide
+        The `outlines.fsm.Guide` which is used to bias the logits.
-    def __init__(self, tokenizer: "Tokenizer", fsm: Guide):
-        """A FSM-based logits processor.
+    tokenizer: "Tokenizer"
+    guide: Guide
+    _guide_states: Dict[int, Any]
+    _seq_start_idx: Optional[int]
+    def __init__(self, tokenizer: "Tokenizer", guide: Guide):
+        """A Guide-based logits processor.
             The tokenizer used to convert tokens to ids.
-        fsm
-            The finite state machine which is used to bias the logits.
+        guide
+            The `outlines.fsm.Guide. which is used to bias the logits.
         self.tokenizer = tokenizer
-        self._fsm_states: Dict[int, int] = {hash(tuple([])): 0}
-        self.fsm: Guide = fsm
-        self._seq_start_idx: Optional[int] = None
+        self.guide = guide
+        self._guide_states = {hash(tuple([])): self.guide.initial_state}
+        self._seq_start_idx = None
     def process_logits(
         self, input_ids: List[List[int]], logits: torch.Tensor
     ) -> torch.Tensor:
-        """Use the FSM to bias the logits before sampling the next token.
+        """Use the Guide to bias the logits before sampling the next token.
@@ -91,38 +96,38 @@ def process_logits(
             gen_ids = seq_ids[self._seq_start_idx :]
             curr_state_key = hash(tuple(gen_ids))
-            if curr_state_key not in self._fsm_states:
-                prev_state = self._fsm_states[hash(tuple(gen_ids[:-1]))]
-                curr_state = self.fsm.get_next_state(prev_state, gen_ids[-1])
-                self._fsm_states[curr_state_key] = curr_state
+            if curr_state_key not in self._guide_states:
+                prev_state = self._guide_states[hash(tuple(gen_ids[:-1]))]
+                curr_state = self.guide.get_next_state(prev_state, gen_ids[-1])
+                self._guide_states[curr_state_key] = curr_state
-            sequence_states.append(self._fsm_states[curr_state_key])
+            sequence_states.append(self._guide_states[curr_state_key])
         mask = torch.full_like(logits, -math.inf)
-        for i, fsm_state in enumerate(sequence_states):
-            allowed_tokens = self.fsm.get_next_instruction(fsm_state).tokens
+        for i, guide_state in enumerate(sequence_states):
+            allowed_tokens = self.guide.get_next_instruction(guide_state).tokens
             mask[i, allowed_tokens] = logits[i, allowed_tokens]
         return mask
-    def copy(self) -> "FSMLogitsProcessor":
+    def copy(self) -> "GuideLogitsProcessor":
         """Return a copy of the logits processor."""
-        return FSMLogitsProcessor(tokenizer=self.tokenizer, fsm=self.fsm.copy())
+        return GuideLogitsProcessor(tokenizer=self.tokenizer, guide=self.guide.copy())
-class RegexLogitsProcessor(FSMLogitsProcessor):
+class RegexLogitsProcessor(GuideLogitsProcessor):
     """Bias generation based on a regular expression.
         The tokenizer used to convert tokens to ids.
-    fsm
-        The finite state machine which is used to bias the logits.
+    guide
+        The `outlines.fsm.RegexGuide. which is used to bias the logits.
     def __init__(self, regex_string: str, tokenizer: "Tokenizer"):
-        """Compile the FSM that drives the regex-guided generation.
+        """Compile the RegexGuide that drives the regex-guided generation.
@@ -131,8 +136,8 @@ def __init__(self, regex_string: str, tokenizer: "Tokenizer"):
             An Outlines tokenizer
-        fsm = RegexGuide(regex_string, tokenizer)
-        super().__init__(tokenizer=tokenizer, fsm=fsm)
+        guide = RegexGuide(regex_string, tokenizer)
+        super().__init__(tokenizer=tokenizer, guide=guide)
 class JSONLogitsProcessor(RegexLogitsProcessor):
@@ -142,8 +147,8 @@ class JSONLogitsProcessor(RegexLogitsProcessor):
         The tokenizer used to convert tokens to ids.
-    fsm
-        The finite state machine which is used to bias the logits.
+    guide
+        The `outlines.fsm.RegexGuide. which is used to bias the logits.
     def __init__(
@@ -152,7 +157,7 @@ def __init__(
         tokenizer: "Tokenizer",
         whitespace_pattern: Optional[str] = None,
-        """Compile the FSM that drives the JSON-guided generation.
+        """Compile the Guide that drives the JSON-guided generation.
@@ -170,19 +175,21 @@ def __init__(
         super().__init__(regex_string=regex_string, tokenizer=tokenizer)
-class CFGLogitsProcessor(FSMLogitsProcessor):
+class CFGLogitsProcessor(GuideLogitsProcessor):
     """Bias generation based on a context-free grammar.
         The tokenizer used to convert tokens to ids.
-    fsm
-        The finite state machine which is used to bias the logits.
+    guide
+        The `outlines.fsm.CFGGuide. which is used to bias the logits.
+    guide: CFGGuide
     def __init__(self, cfg_str: str, tokenizer: "Tokenizer"):
-        """Compile the FSM that drives the CFG-guided generation.
+        """Compile the CFGGuide that drives the CFG-guided generation.
@@ -191,5 +198,36 @@ def __init__(self, cfg_str: str, tokenizer: "Tokenizer"):
             The tokenizer used to convert tokens to ids.
-        cfg_automata = CFGGuide(cfg_string=cfg_str, tokenizer=tokenizer)
-        super().__init__(tokenizer=tokenizer, fsm=cfg_automata)
+        cfg_guide = CFGGuide(cfg_string=cfg_str, tokenizer=tokenizer)
+        super().__init__(tokenizer=tokenizer, guide=cfg_guide)
+    def process_logits(
+        self, input_ids: List[List[int]], logits: torch.Tensor
+    ) -> torch.Tensor:
+        """Same behavior as GuideLogitsProcessor, but uses rejection sampling"""
+        if self._seq_start_idx is None:
+            self._seq_start_idx = len(input_ids[0])
+        sequence_states: List = []  # vector of states corresponding to `input_ids`
+        for seq_ids in input_ids:
+            gen_ids = seq_ids[self._seq_start_idx :]
+            curr_state_key = hash(tuple(gen_ids))
+            if curr_state_key not in self._guide_states:
+                prev_state = self._guide_states[hash(tuple(gen_ids[:-1]))]
+                curr_state = self.guide.get_next_state(prev_state, gen_ids[-1])
+                self._guide_states[curr_state_key] = curr_state
+            sequence_states.append(self._guide_states[curr_state_key])
+        mask = torch.full_like(logits, -math.inf)
+        for i, guide_state in enumerate(sequence_states):
+            first_legal_token = next(
+                self.guide.iter_valid_token_ids(
+                    guide_state, torch.argsort(logits[i], descending=True)
+                )
+            )
+            mask[i, [first_legal_token]] = logits[i, [first_legal_token]]
+        return mask
diff --git a/tests/cfg_samples/arithmetic/lots_of_ops.arithmetic.test b/tests/cfg_samples/arithmetic/lots_of_ops.arithmetic.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1489aebc7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cfg_samples/arithmetic/lots_of_ops.arithmetic.test
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/tests/cfg_samples/arithmetic/simple_math.arithmetic.test b/tests/cfg_samples/arithmetic/simple_math.arithmetic.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..882f05c8d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cfg_samples/arithmetic/simple_math.arithmetic.test
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+(1 * 2) - (0.1 * 2 * 9.42)
diff --git a/tests/cfg_samples/json/outlines.generate.samplers.mypy.json.test b/tests/cfg_samples/json/outlines.generate.samplers.mypy.json.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..1a328a9b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cfg_samples/json/outlines.generate.samplers.mypy.json.test
@@ -0,0 +1,372 @@
+    ".class": "MypyFile",
+    "_fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers",
+    "future_import_flags": [],
+    "is_partial_stub_package": false,
+    "is_stub": false,
+    "names": {
+        ".class": "SymbolTable",
+        "Protocol": {
+            ".class": "SymbolTableNode",
+            "cross_ref": "typing.Protocol",
+            "kind": "Gdef"
+        },
+        "Sampler": {
+            ".class": "SymbolTableNode",
+            "kind": "Gdef",
+            "node": {
+                ".class": "TypeInfo",
+                "_promote": [],
+                "abstract_attributes": [
+                    [
+                        "__call__",
+                        2
+                    ]
+                ],
+                "alt_promote": null,
+                "bases": [
+                    "builtins.object"
+                ],
+                "dataclass_transform_spec": null,
+                "declared_metaclass": null,
+                "defn": {
+                    ".class": "ClassDef",
+                    "fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers.Sampler",
+                    "name": "Sampler",
+                    "type_vars": []
+                },
+                "deletable_attributes": [],
+                "flags": [
+                    "is_abstract",
+                    "is_protocol"
+                ],
+                "fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers.Sampler",
+                "has_param_spec_type": false,
+                "metaclass_type": "abc.ABCMeta",
+                "metadata": {},
+                "module_name": "outlines.generate.samplers",
+                "mro": [
+                    "outlines.generate.samplers.Sampler",
+                    "builtins.object"
+                ],
+                "names": {
+                    ".class": "SymbolTable",
+                    "__call__": {
+                        ".class": "SymbolTableNode",
+                        "kind": "Mdef",
+                        "node": {
+                            ".class": "FuncDef",
+                            "abstract_status": 2,
+                            "arg_kinds": [
+                                0,
+                                0,
+                                0,
+                                0
+                            ],
+                            "arg_names": [
+                                "self",
+                                "logits",
+                                "samples",
+                                "rng"
+                            ],
+                            "dataclass_transform_spec": null,
+                            "flags": [
+                                "is_trivial_body"
+                            ],
+                            "fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers.Sampler.__call__",
+                            "name": "__call__",
+                            "type": {
+                                ".class": "CallableType",
+                                "arg_kinds": [
+                                    0,
+                                    0,
+                                    0,
+                                    0
+                                ],
+                                "arg_names": [
+                                    "self",
+                                    "logits",
+                                    "samples",
+                                    "rng"
+                                ],
+                                "arg_types": [
+                                    "outlines.generate.samplers.Sampler",
+                                    {
+                                        ".class": "AnyType",
+                                        "missing_import_name": "outlines.generate.samplers.torch",
+                                        "source_any": null,
+                                        "type_of_any": 3
+                                    },
+                                    "builtins.int",
+                                    {
+                                        ".class": "AnyType",
+                                        "missing_import_name": "outlines.generate.samplers.torch",
+                                        "source_any": null,
+                                        "type_of_any": 3
+                                    }
+                                ],
+                                "bound_args": [],
+                                "def_extras": {
+                                    "first_arg": "self"
+                                },
+                                "fallback": "builtins.function",
+                                "from_concatenate": false,
+                                "implicit": false,
+                                "is_ellipsis_args": false,
+                                "name": "__call__ of Sampler",
+                                "ret_type": {
+                                    ".class": "AnyType",
+                                    "missing_import_name": "outlines.generate.samplers.torch",
+                                    "source_any": null,
+                                    "type_of_any": 3
+                                },
+                                "type_guard": null,
+                                "unpack_kwargs": false,
+                                "variables": []
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                },
+                "self_type": null,
+                "slots": null,
+                "tuple_type": null,
+                "type_vars": [],
+                "typeddict_type": null
+            }
+        },
+        "__annotations__": {
+            ".class": "SymbolTableNode",
+            "kind": "Gdef",
+            "node": {
+                ".class": "Var",
+                "flags": [
+                    "is_ready"
+                ],
+                "fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers.__annotations__",
+                "name": "__annotations__",
+                "type": {
+                    ".class": "Instance",
+                    "args": [
+                        "builtins.str",
+                        {
+                            ".class": "AnyType",
+                            "missing_import_name": null,
+                            "source_any": null,
+                            "type_of_any": 6
+                        }
+                    ],
+                    "type_ref": "builtins.dict"
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "__doc__": {
+            ".class": "SymbolTableNode",
+            "kind": "Gdef",
+            "node": {
+                ".class": "Var",
+                "flags": [
+                    "is_ready"
+                ],
+                "fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers.__doc__",
+                "name": "__doc__",
+                "type": "builtins.str"
+            }
+        },
+        "__file__": {
+            ".class": "SymbolTableNode",
+            "kind": "Gdef",
+            "node": {
+                ".class": "Var",
+                "flags": [
+                    "is_ready"
+                ],
+                "fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers.__file__",
+                "name": "__file__",
+                "type": "builtins.str"
+            }
+        },
+        "__name__": {
+            ".class": "SymbolTableNode",
+            "kind": "Gdef",
+            "node": {
+                ".class": "Var",
+                "flags": [
+                    "is_ready"
+                ],
+                "fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers.__name__",
+                "name": "__name__",
+                "type": "builtins.str"
+            }
+        },
+        "__package__": {
+            ".class": "SymbolTableNode",
+            "kind": "Gdef",
+            "node": {
+                ".class": "Var",
+                "flags": [
+                    "is_ready"
+                ],
+                "fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers.__package__",
+                "name": "__package__",
+                "type": "builtins.str"
+            }
+        },
+        "greedy": {
+            ".class": "SymbolTableNode",
+            "kind": "Gdef",
+            "node": {
+                ".class": "FuncDef",
+                "abstract_status": 0,
+                "arg_kinds": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    2
+                ],
+                "arg_names": [
+                    "logits",
+                    "samples",
+                    "_"
+                ],
+                "dataclass_transform_spec": null,
+                "flags": [],
+                "fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers.greedy",
+                "name": "greedy",
+                "type": {
+                    ".class": "CallableType",
+                    "arg_kinds": [
+                        0,
+                        0,
+                        2
+                    ],
+                    "arg_names": [
+                        "logits",
+                        "samples",
+                        "_"
+                    ],
+                    "arg_types": [
+                        {
+                            ".class": "AnyType",
+                            "missing_import_name": "outlines.generate.samplers.torch",
+                            "source_any": null,
+                            "type_of_any": 3
+                        },
+                        "builtins.int",
+                        {
+                            ".class": "AnyType",
+                            "missing_import_name": null,
+                            "source_any": null,
+                            "type_of_any": 1
+                        }
+                    ],
+                    "bound_args": [],
+                    "def_extras": {
+                        "first_arg": null
+                    },
+                    "fallback": "builtins.function",
+                    "from_concatenate": false,
+                    "implicit": false,
+                    "is_ellipsis_args": false,
+                    "name": "greedy",
+                    "ret_type": {
+                        ".class": "AnyType",
+                        "missing_import_name": "outlines.generate.samplers.torch",
+                        "source_any": null,
+                        "type_of_any": 3
+                    },
+                    "type_guard": null,
+                    "unpack_kwargs": false,
+                    "variables": []
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "multinomial": {
+            ".class": "SymbolTableNode",
+            "kind": "Gdef",
+            "node": {
+                ".class": "FuncDef",
+                "abstract_status": 0,
+                "arg_kinds": [
+                    0,
+                    0,
+                    0
+                ],
+                "arg_names": [
+                    "logits",
+                    "samples",
+                    "rng"
+                ],
+                "dataclass_transform_spec": null,
+                "flags": [],
+                "fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers.multinomial",
+                "name": "multinomial",
+                "type": {
+                    ".class": "CallableType",
+                    "arg_kinds": [
+                        0,
+                        0,
+                        0
+                    ],
+                    "arg_names": [
+                        "logits",
+                        "samples",
+                        "rng"
+                    ],
+                    "arg_types": [
+                        {
+                            ".class": "AnyType",
+                            "missing_import_name": "outlines.generate.samplers.torch",
+                            "source_any": null,
+                            "type_of_any": 3
+                        },
+                        "builtins.int",
+                        {
+                            ".class": "AnyType",
+                            "missing_import_name": "outlines.generate.samplers.torch",
+                            "source_any": null,
+                            "type_of_any": 3
+                        }
+                    ],
+                    "bound_args": [],
+                    "def_extras": {
+                        "first_arg": null
+                    },
+                    "fallback": "builtins.function",
+                    "from_concatenate": false,
+                    "implicit": false,
+                    "is_ellipsis_args": false,
+                    "name": "multinomial",
+                    "ret_type": {
+                        ".class": "AnyType",
+                        "missing_import_name": "outlines.generate.samplers.torch",
+                        "source_any": null,
+                        "type_of_any": 3
+                    },
+                    "type_guard": null,
+                    "unpack_kwargs": false,
+                    "variables": []
+                }
+            }
+        },
+        "torch": {
+            ".class": "SymbolTableNode",
+            "kind": "Gdef",
+            "node": {
+                ".class": "Var",
+                "flags": [
+                    "is_suppressed_import",
+                    "is_ready",
+                    "is_inferred"
+                ],
+                "fullname": "outlines.generate.samplers.torch",
+                "name": "torch",
+                "type": {
+                    ".class": "AnyType",
+                    "missing_import_name": "outlines.generate.samplers.torch",
+                    "source_any": null,
+                    "type_of_any": 3
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    },
+    "path": "/home/andrew/p/outlines/outlines/generate/samplers.py"
diff --git a/tests/cfg_samples/json/simple_fruit.json.test b/tests/cfg_samples/json/simple_fruit.json.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bffa952c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cfg_samples/json/simple_fruit.json.test
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+    {
+        "ID": "1",
+        "Name": "Andrew \"The Escaper\" Lapp",
+        "Age": "30",
+        "FavFruit": "Banana"
+    },
+    {
+        "ID": "2",
+        "Name": "Mohammad",
+        "Age": "40",
+        "FavFruit": "\"Any Fruit As Long as It's In Quotes!\""
+    },
+    {
+        "ID": "3",
+        "Name": "Alice",
+        "Age": "61",
+        "FavFruit": "Peaches, but only \n newline separated peaches"
+    }
diff --git a/tests/cfg_samples/json/simple_fruit_no_indent.json.test b/tests/cfg_samples/json/simple_fruit_no_indent.json.test
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9b7d319da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/cfg_samples/json/simple_fruit_no_indent.json.test
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+[{"ID": "1", "Name": "Andrew", "Age": "30", "FavFruit": "Banana"}, {"ID": "2", "Name": "Mohammad", "Age": "40", "FavFruit": "Apple"}, {"ID": "3", "Name": "Alice", "Age": "61", "FavFruit": "Peach"}]
diff --git a/tests/fsm/test_cfg_guide.py b/tests/fsm/test_cfg_guide.py
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d92afa625
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/fsm/test_cfg_guide.py
@@ -0,0 +1,457 @@
+from collections import namedtuple
+from pathlib import Path
+import pytest
+from transformers import AutoTokenizer
+from outlines import grammars, models
+from outlines.fsm.guide import CFGGuide
+def cleanup_lark_import():
+    import importlib
+    import lark.lark
+    yield
+    # Clean up lark.lark.LarkOptions._defaults
+    importlib.reload(lark.lark)
+TestInputs = namedtuple(
+    "TestInputs",
+    [
+        "grammar",  # the lark grammar to validate against
+        "vocabulary",  # the token strings which can be concatenated for a generation
+        "generated",  # the tokens which have been generated so far
+        "legal_next_tokens",  # the subset of the vocabulary which can legally be next in `generated`
+    ],
+cfg_test_inputs = {
+    "Next Token Doesn't Complete Terminal": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" "bc"',
+        vocabulary=["a", "ab", "b", "c"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b"],
+    ),
+    "Ambiguous Terminal Completion": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "ab" | "abc"',
+        vocabulary=["a", "ab", "abc", "abcd", "b", "c"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b"],
+    ),
+    "Token is Substring of Another Token": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "abc" | "abcd"',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "bc", "bcd", "bcde"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b", "bc", "bcd"],
+    ),
+    "Multiple Valid Continuations": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: ("a" "b") | ("a" "c")',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "bc", "c"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b", "c"],
+    ),
+    "Prefix Matches Multiple Terminals": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "abcd" | "abef"',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "be", "bcd", "bef", "bed"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b", "be", "bcd", "bef"],
+    ),
+    "Token Matches Multiple Paths in Grammar": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: ("a" "b" "c") | ("a" "b" "d")',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c", "d"],
+        generated=["a", "b"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["c", "d"],
+    ),
+    "Incomplete Terminal at End of Prefix": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "abc"',
+        vocabulary=["a", "ab", "c", "abc", "abcd"],
+        generated=["ab"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["c"],
+    ),
+    "Complex Grammar Rules": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" "b" ["c"]',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c"],
+        generated=["a", "b"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["c", None],  # Allowing the document to end after "a" "b"
+    ),
+    "Empty Prefix String": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" | "b"',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c", "d"],
+        generated=[],
+        legal_next_tokens=["a", "b"],
+    ),
+    "Ambiguous Pattern Completion": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: /a+/ "b" /c?d/',
+        vocabulary=["a", "aa", "b", "cd", "d"],
+        generated=["a", "a", "b"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["cd", "d"],
+    ),
+    "Optional Patterns with Overlapping Tokens": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" "b"? "c"',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "bc", "c"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b", "bc", "c"],
+    ),
+    "Greedy vs. Non-Greedy Matching": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: /a+?/ "b" /c/',
+        vocabulary=["a", "aa", "aaa", "b", "c"],
+        generated=["a", "a", "b"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["c"],
+    ),
+    "Nested Optional Elements": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" ["b" ["c"]]',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "bc", "c"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=[
+            "b",
+            "bc",
+            None,
+        ],  # Allowing the document to end after "a" "b"
+    ),
+    "Recursive Patterns": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: /a(bc)*/ "d"',
+        vocabulary=["a", "bc", "bcbcbc", "d"],
+        generated=["a", "bc", "d"],
+        legal_next_tokens=[None],  # Allowing the document to end after "a" "bc" "d"
+    ),
+    "Overlapping Character Classes": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: /[ab]+/ "d"',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c", "aa", "bb", "cc", "d"],
+        generated=["a", "b"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["d", "a", "b", "aa", "bb"],
+    ),
+    "Conditional Patterns": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" /b/ "c" (/d/)?',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c", "d"],
+        generated=["a", "b", "c"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["d", None],  # Allowing the document to end after "a" "b" "c"
+    ),
+    "Unicode and Special Characters": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: /[a-zA-Z]/ "é" /[0-9]+/',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "é", "1", "2", "12"],
+        generated=["a", "é"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["1", "2", "12"],
+    ),
+    "Unicode and Special Characters Are Choices": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: /[a-zA-Z]/ "é" /[0-9]+/',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "é", "é9", "2", "12"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["é", "é9"],
+    ),
+    "Whitespace and Ignored Characters": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" / *\s*b/ "c"',
+        vocabulary=["a", " b", " c", "c"],
+        generated=["a", " b"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["c"],
+    ),
+    "Token Overlaps Multiple Terminals": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" "b" "c" "ab"',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "bc", "cab", "abc"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b", "bc"],
+    ),
+    "Interleaved Sequences": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: ("a" "b") | ("a" "c")',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c", "ab", "ac"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b", "c"],
+    ),
+    "Repeated and Nested Patterns": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" ("b" "c")* "d"',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c", "bc", "bcc", "cbc", "bcbc", "cbccccd", "d", "bcbcd"],
+        generated=["a", "b", "c"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b", "bc", "bcbc", "d", "bcbcd"],
+    ),
+    "Ambiguous Ending Patterns": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" (/b/)? (/c/)*',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c"],
+        generated=["a", "b"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["c", None],  # Allowing the document to end after "a" "b"
+    ),
+    "Whitespace Handling in Patterns": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" / *\s*b/ /c /',
+        vocabulary=["a", " b", "c"],
+        generated=["a", " b"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["c"],
+    ),
+    "Token with Escape Characters": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a\n" ("\t")? "b"',
+        vocabulary=["a\nb", "a", "b", "\n", "\tb", "\t"],
+        generated=["a", "\n"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b", "\t", "\tb"],
+    ),
+    "Complex Nesting": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: "a" ("b" ("c" "d"))',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c", "d"],
+        generated=["a", "b", "c"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["d"],
+    ),
+    "Repeated Optional Patterns": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r'?start: ("a" ["b"])*',
+        vocabulary=["a", "b"],
+        generated=["a", "b", "a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["a", "b", None],
+    ),
+    "Multiple Non-Terminal Symbols": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r"""
+        ?start: A B
+        A: "a"
+        B: "b"
+        """,
+        vocabulary=["a", "b"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b"],
+    ),
+    "Recursive Definitions": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r"""
+        ?start: term_a
+        term_a: "a" term_a | "b"
+        """,
+        vocabulary=["a", "b"],
+        generated=["a", "a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["a", "b"],
+    ),
+    "Ignored Patterns": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r"""
+        ?start: "a" "b" "c"
+        %ignore /\s+/
+        """,
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c", " "],
+        generated=["a", " ", "b"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["c", " "],
+    ),
+    "Cross-References": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r"""
+        ?start: term_a
+        term_a : /a/ term_b
+        term_b : /b/ term_a | /c/
+        """,
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c", "bac"],
+        generated=["a"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["b", "bac", "c"],
+    ),
+    "Multiple Complex Non-Terminal Rules": TestInputs(
+        grammar=r"""
+            ?start: S1 S2 S3
+            S1: "a" | "b"
+            S2: "c" | "d"
+            S3: "e" "f" | "g"
+        """,
+        vocabulary=["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"],
+        generated=["a", "c"],
+        legal_next_tokens=["e", "g"],
+    ),
+    #
+    #
+    # TODO: fix
+    #       parser incorrectly requires consumption of a or b in this case for unknown reasons
+    # "Nested Patterns with Repetition": TestInputs(
+    #     grammar=r'?start: "a" ("b" | "c")* "d"',
+    #     vocabulary=["a", "b", "bc", "bcc", "cbc", "bcbc", "cbccccd", "c", "d" "bcdcb"],
+    #     generated=["a"],
+    #     legal_next_tokens=["b", "bc", "bcc", "cbc", "bcbc", "cbccccd", "c", "d"],
+    # ),
+    #
+    #
+    # TODO: fix
+    #       adjacent terminals with ambiguous starts and ends not handled properly
+    #       ensure parser isn't greedy incorrectly
+    # "Ambiguous Overlapping Patterns": TestInputs(
+    #     grammar=r"?start: /ab*/ /bc?/",
+    #     vocabulary=["a", "ab", "abc", "b", "bc", "c"],
+    #     generated=["a", "b", "b"],
+    #     legal_next_tokens=["b", "c", "bc"],
+    # ),
+    # "Ambiguous Overlapping Patterns In Generation": TestInputs(
+    #     grammar=r"?start: /ab*/ /bc?/",
+    #     vocabulary=["a", "ab", "abc", "b", "bc", "c", "abbbc"],
+    #     generated=["a", "b", "b"],
+    #     legal_next_tokens=["b", "c", "bc"],
+    # ),
+    #
+    #
+    # SKIP:
+    # Awaiting negative lookarounds in interegular
+    # "Lookahead and Lookbehind with Nested Conditions": TestInputs(
+    #    grammar=r'?start: /(?<=a)b(?=c)/ "d"',
+    #    vocabulary=["a", "b", "c", "d"],
+    #    generated=["a", "b", "c"],
+    #    legal_next_tokens=["d"]
+    # ),
+    # "Lookbehind Patterns": TestInputs(
+    #    grammar=r'?start: /(?<=a)b/ "c"',
+    #    vocabulary=["a", "b", "c"],
+    #    generated=["a", "b"],
+    #    legal_next_tokens=["c"]
+    # ),
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("name", cfg_test_inputs.keys())
+def test_cfg_next_token(name, cleanup_lark_import):
+    inputs = cfg_test_inputs[name]
+    class MockTokenizer:
+        vocabulary = {token: i + 1 for i, token in enumerate(inputs.vocabulary)}
+        vocabulary["<eos>"] = 0
+        reverse_vocab = {i: tok for tok, i in vocabulary.items()}
+        special_tokens = {"<eos>"}
+        eos_token_id = 0
+        def convert_token_to_string(self, token):
+            return token
+        def decode(self, token_ids):
+            if isinstance(token_ids[0], list):
+                return [
+                    "".join(map(self.reverse_vocab.get, token_ids_sublist))
+                    for token_ids_sublist in token_ids
+                ]
+            return [self.reverse_vocab[token_id] for token_id in token_ids]
+    # create a guide and the appropriate state advanced
+    # per the inputs generated tokens
+    tokenizer = MockTokenizer()
+    guide = CFGGuide(inputs.grammar, tokenizer)
+    state = guide.initial_state
+    for token in inputs.generated:
+        state = guide.get_next_state(state, tokenizer.vocabulary[token])
+    instruction = guide.get_next_instruction(state)
+    # normalize expectations and returned tokens for simple comparison
+    returned_next_tokens = sorted(
+        {tokenizer.reverse_vocab[int(t)] for t in instruction.tokens}
+    )
+    expected_next_tokens = sorted(
+        {
+            t
+            if t is not None
+            else tokenizer.reverse_vocab[tokenizer.eos_token_id]  # None -> "<eos>"
+            for t in inputs.legal_next_tokens
+        }
+    )
+    assert returned_next_tokens == expected_next_tokens
+def tokenizer_sentencepiece_gpt2():
+    return models.TransformerTokenizer(AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("gpt2"))
+def tokenizer_sentencepiece_llama1():
+    return models.TransformerTokenizer(
+        AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
+            "trl-internal-testing/tiny-random-LlamaForCausalLM"
+        )
+    )
+def tokenizer_tiktoken_llama3():
+    return models.TransformerTokenizer(
+        AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("yujiepan/llama-3-tiny-random")
+    )
+def tokenizer_character_level_byt5():
+    return models.TransformerTokenizer(
+        AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained("google/byt5-small")
+    )
+# Collects all samples within cfg_samples/ and makes adding
+# a test case as easy as adding a valid sample to cfg_samples/
+all_samples = {}
+examples_path = Path(__file__).parent.parent / "cfg_samples"
+for sample_collection_path in examples_path.iterdir():
+    grammar_name = sample_collection_path.name
+    grammar = getattr(grammars, grammar_name)
+    for sample_path in sample_collection_path.iterdir():
+        test_name = f"{grammar_name}_{sample_path.name}"
+        with open(sample_path) as f:
+            all_samples[test_name] = (grammar_name, grammar, f.read().rstrip("\n"))
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("sample_name", all_samples.keys())
+def test_cfg_test_sample_valid_with_lark(sample_name):
+    """assert the provided sample is valid (testing the test itself)"""
+    from lark import Lark, UnexpectedToken
+    grammar_name, grammar_str, sample = all_samples[sample_name]
+    try:
+        parser = Lark(grammar_str, parser="lalr", import_paths=[grammars.GRAMMAR_PATH])
+        parser = parser.parse_interactive(sample)
+        token = parser.exhaust_lexer()[-1]
+        parser.feed_eof(token)
+    except UnexpectedToken as e:
+        raise Exception(
+            f"Invalid test, sample '{sample_name}' isn't a legal generation of '{grammar_name}':\n{e}"
+        )
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("sample_name", all_samples.keys())
+    "tokenizer_name",
+    [
+        "tokenizer_sentencepiece_gpt2",
+        "tokenizer_sentencepiece_llama1",
+        "tokenizer_tiktoken_llama3",
+        "tokenizer_character_level_byt5",
+    ],
+def test_cfg_grammar_sample(request, sample_name, tokenizer_name, cleanup_lark_import):
+    """Test whether CFG can generate the exact token sequence as tokenizer.encode(sample) produces"""
+    # TODO: enable these tests once improvements are made
+    if (
+        tokenizer_name != "tokenizer_character_level_byt5"
+        or sample_name == "json_outlines.generate.samplers.mypy.json.test"
+    ):
+        pytest.skip("CFG is too slow, skipping tests for this tokenizer")
+    elif sample_name == "arithmetic_lots_of_ops.arithmetic.test":
+        pytest.skip("CFG incorrectly handles this valid sample, skipping until bugfix")
+    tokenizer = request.getfixturevalue(tokenizer_name)
+    grammar_name, grammar_str, sample = all_samples[sample_name]
+    cfg_guide = CFGGuide(grammar_str, tokenizer)
+    sample_token_ids = tokenizer.tokenizer.encode(
+        sample, add_special_tokens=False, return_tensors="pt"
+    )[0]
+    assert (
+        len(sample_token_ids.shape) == 1
+    )  # ensure we're encoding in the desired shape for this test
+    state = cfg_guide.initial_state
+    for i, token_id in enumerate(sample_token_ids):
+        if tokenizer.decode([token_id])[0] == "":
+            continue
+        next_instruction = cfg_guide.get_next_instruction(state)
+        if token_id not in next_instruction.tokens:
+            processed_str = tokenizer.decode([sample_token_ids[:i]])[0]
+            remaining_str = tokenizer.decode([sample_token_ids[i:]])[0]
+            if next_instruction.tokens == [tokenizer.eos_token_id]:
+                error_label = "CFGGuide required EOS early"
+            else:
+                expected = tokenizer.decode(next_instruction.tokens)
+                error_label = (
+                    f"Mismatched expectations, Guide expected {sorted(expected)}"
+                )
+            raise Exception(
+                f"{error_label}\n"
+                f"processed:\n```{processed_str}```\n"
+                f"remaining:\n```{remaining_str}```"
+            )
+            next_instruction.tokens
+        state = cfg_guide.get_next_state(state, token_id)
+    final_instruction = cfg_guide.get_next_instruction(state)
+    assert tokenizer.eos_token_id in final_instruction.tokens
diff --git a/tests/fsm/test_fsm.py b/tests/fsm/test_fsm.py
index 21163b70d..94166fd95 100644
--- a/tests/fsm/test_fsm.py
+++ b/tests/fsm/test_fsm.py
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import pytest
-from outlines.fsm.fsm import CFGFSM, RegexFSM, StopAtEosFSM
+from outlines.fsm.fsm import RegexFSM, StopAtEosFSM
 def assert_expected_tensor_ids(tensor, ids):
@@ -90,263 +90,3 @@ def convert_token_to_string(self, token):
     state = fsm.next_state(state=5, token_id=103)
     assert fsm.is_final_state(state)
-def test_cfg():
-    class MockTokenizer:
-        vocabulary = {"{": 1, "}": 2, "[": 3, "]": 4, "eos": 5}
-        special_tokens = {"eos"}
-        eos_token = "eos"
-        eos_token_id = 5
-        def convert_token_to_string(self, token):
-            return token
-        @property
-        def inverse_vocabulary(self):
-            return {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary.items()}
-        def decode(self, token_ids):
-            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[t] for t in token_ids]
-    cfg_str = """
-        start: expr
-        expr: "{" expr "}" | "[" expr "]" |
-    """
-    tokenizer = MockTokenizer()
-    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
-        fsm = CFGFSM(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=fsm.start_state), [1, 3, 5])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=fsm.start_state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == "{"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [1, 2, 3])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=3)
-    assert fsm.generation == "{["
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [1, 3, 4])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=4)
-    assert fsm.generation == "{[]"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [2])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == "{[]}"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [5])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=5)
-    assert fsm.generation == "{[]}"
-    assert fsm.is_final_state(state)
-def test_cfg_early_termination():
-    class MockTokenizer:
-        vocabulary = {"(": 1, ")": 2, "eos": 3}
-        special_tokens = {"eos"}
-        eos_token = "eos"
-        eos_token_id = 3
-        def convert_token_to_string(self, token):
-            return token
-        @property
-        def inverse_vocabulary(self):
-            return {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary.items()}
-        def decode(self, token_ids):
-            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[t] for t in token_ids]
-    cfg_str = """
-        start: expr+
-        expr: "(" subexpr ")"
-        subexpr: expr |
-    """
-    tokenizer = MockTokenizer()
-    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
-        fsm = CFGFSM(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=fsm.start_state), [1])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=fsm.start_state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == "("
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [1, 2])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == "()"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    # possible to continue or terminate
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [1, 3])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=3)  # feed eos
-    assert fsm.generation == "()"
-    assert fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    # once eos generated, can only terminate
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [3])
-def test_cfg_ignore_directive():
-    class MockTokenizer:
-        vocabulary = {"a": 1, " ": 2, "eos": 3}
-        special_tokens = {"eos"}
-        eos_token = "eos"
-        eos_token_id = 3
-        def convert_token_to_string(self, token):
-            return token
-        @property
-        def inverse_vocabulary(self):
-            return {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary.items()}
-        def decode(self, token_ids):
-            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[t] for t in token_ids]
-    cfg_str = """
-        start: LETTER+
-        LETTER: "a"
-        WS: " "
-        %ignore WS
-    """
-    tokenizer = MockTokenizer()
-    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
-        fsm = CFGFSM(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    state = 0
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=0), [1, 2])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=0, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == " "
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=0), [1, 2])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=0, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == " a"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [1, 2, 3])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == " a "
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [1, 2, 3])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == " a  "
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [1, 2, 3])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == " a  a"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [1, 2, 3])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=3)
-    assert fsm.generation == " a  a"
-    assert fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    # once eos generated, can only terminate
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [3])
-def test_cfg_multitoken_terminal():
-    class MockTokenizer:
-        vocabulary = {"a": 1, "b": 2, "eos": 3}
-        special_tokens = {"eos"}
-        eos_token = "eos"
-        eos_token_id = 3
-        def convert_token_to_string(self, token):
-            return token
-        @property
-        def inverse_vocabulary(self):
-            return {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary.items()}
-        def decode(self, token_ids):
-            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[t] for t in token_ids]
-    cfg_str = """
-        start: S
-        S: "aa" | "bb"
-    """
-    tokenizer = MockTokenizer()
-    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
-        fsm = CFGFSM(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=fsm.start_state), [1, 2])
-    assert fsm.reset_state  # starting new regex
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=fsm.start_state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == "a"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [1])
-    assert not fsm.reset_state  # continuing current regex
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == "aa"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [3])
-    assert not fsm.reset_state  # completing current regex
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=3)
-    assert fsm.generation == "aa"
-    assert fsm.is_final_state(state)
-def test_cfg_allow_both_extend_and_shift_terminal():
-    class MockTokenizer:
-        vocabulary = {"(": 1, ")": 2, "a": 3, "eos": 4}
-        special_tokens = {"eos"}
-        eos_token = "eos"
-        eos_token_id = 4
-        def convert_token_to_string(self, token):
-            return token
-        @property
-        def inverse_vocabulary(self):
-            return {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary.items()}
-        def decode(self, token_ids):
-            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[t] for t in token_ids]
-    cfg_str = """
-        start: s
-        s: "(" s ")" | /a+/
-    """
-    tokenizer = MockTokenizer()
-    with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
-        fsm = CFGFSM(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=fsm.start_state), [1, 3])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=fsm.start_state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == "("
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [1, 3])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=3)
-    assert fsm.generation == "(a"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [2, 3])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=3)
-    assert fsm.generation == "(aa"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [2, 3])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == "(aa)"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(fsm.allowed_token_ids(state=state), [4])
-    state = fsm.next_state(state=state, token_id=4)
-    assert fsm.generation == "(aa)"
-    assert fsm.is_final_state(state)
diff --git a/tests/fsm/test_guide.py b/tests/fsm/test_guide.py
index 20ba75893..67b4e0dd8 100644
--- a/tests/fsm/test_guide.py
+++ b/tests/fsm/test_guide.py
@@ -205,49 +205,47 @@ def inverse_vocabulary(self):
             return {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary.items()}
         def decode(self, token_ids):
-            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[t] for t in token_ids]
+            if isinstance(token_ids[0], list):
+                return [
+                    "".join(map(self.inverse_vocabulary.get, token_ids_sublist))
+                    for token_ids_sublist in token_ids
+                ]
+            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[token_id] for token_id in token_ids]
     cfg_str = """
         start: expr
         expr: "{" expr "}" | "[" expr "]" |
     tokenizer = MockTokenizer()
-    fsm = CFGGuide(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(fsm.start_state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 3, 5])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=fsm.start_state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == "{"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    guide = CFGGuide(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 2, 3])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=3)
-    assert fsm.generation == "{["
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(
+        guide.get_next_instruction(guide.initial_state).tokens, [1, 3, 5]
+    )
+    state = guide.get_next_state(guide.initial_state, token_id=1)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert not guide.can_terminate_state(state)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 3, 4])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=4)
-    assert fsm.generation == "{[]"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1, 2, 3])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=3)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert not guide.can_terminate_state(state)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [2])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == "{[]}"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1, 3, 4])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=4)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert not guide.can_terminate_state(state)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Write)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [5])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=5)
-    assert fsm.generation == "{[]}"
-    assert fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [2])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=2)
+    assert guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [5])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=5)
+    assert guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
 def test_cfg_early_termination():
@@ -265,7 +263,12 @@ def inverse_vocabulary(self):
             return {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary.items()}
         def decode(self, token_ids):
-            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[t] for t in token_ids]
+            if isinstance(token_ids[0], list):
+                return [
+                    "".join(map(self.inverse_vocabulary.get, token_ids_sublist))
+                    for token_ids_sublist in token_ids
+                ]
+            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[token_id] for token_id in token_ids]
     cfg_str = """
         start: expr+
@@ -273,34 +276,29 @@ def decode(self, token_ids):
         subexpr: expr |
     tokenizer = MockTokenizer()
-    fsm = CFGGuide(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(fsm.start_state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=fsm.start_state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == "("
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    guide = CFGGuide(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 2])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == "()"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(
+        guide.get_next_instruction(guide.initial_state).tokens, [1]
+    )
+    state = guide.get_next_state(guide.initial_state, token_id=1)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert not guide.can_terminate_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1, 2])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=2)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
     # possible to continue or terminate
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 3])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=3)  # feed eos
-    assert fsm.generation == "()"
-    assert fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1, 3])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=3)  # feed eos
+    assert guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
     # once eos generated, can only terminate
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Write)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [3])
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [3])
 def test_cfg_ignore_directive():
@@ -318,7 +316,12 @@ def inverse_vocabulary(self):
             return {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary.items()}
         def decode(self, token_ids):
-            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[t] for t in token_ids]
+            if isinstance(token_ids[0], list):
+                return [
+                    "".join(map(self.inverse_vocabulary.get, token_ids_sublist))
+                    for token_ids_sublist in token_ids
+                ]
+            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[token_id] for token_id in token_ids]
     cfg_str = """
         start: LETTER+
@@ -327,56 +330,43 @@ def decode(self, token_ids):
         %ignore WS
     tokenizer = MockTokenizer()
-    fsm = CFGGuide(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    state = 0
+    guide = CFGGuide(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(0)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 2])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=0, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == " "
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    state = guide.initial_state
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(0)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 2])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=0, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == " a"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1, 2])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=2)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert not guide.can_terminate_state(state)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 2, 3])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == " a "
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1, 2])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=1)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 2, 3])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == " a  "
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1, 2, 3])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=2)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 2, 3])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == " a  a"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1, 2, 3])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=2)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 2, 3])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=3)
-    assert fsm.generation == " a  a"
-    assert fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1, 2, 3])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=1)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1, 2, 3])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=3)
+    assert guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
     # once eos generated, can only terminate
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Write)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [3])
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [3])
 def test_cfg_multitoken_terminal():
@@ -394,38 +384,37 @@ def inverse_vocabulary(self):
             return {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary.items()}
         def decode(self, token_ids):
-            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[t] for t in token_ids]
+            if isinstance(token_ids[0], list):
+                return [
+                    "".join(map(self.inverse_vocabulary.get, token_ids_sublist))
+                    for token_ids_sublist in token_ids
+                ]
+            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[token_id] for token_id in token_ids]
     cfg_str = """
         start: S
         S: "aa" | "bb"
     tokenizer = MockTokenizer()
-    fsm = CFGGuide(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(fsm.start_state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 2])
-    assert fsm.reset_state  # starting new regex
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=fsm.start_state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == "a"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    guide = CFGGuide(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1])
-    assert not fsm.reset_state  # continuing current regex
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == "aa"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(
+        guide.get_next_instruction(guide.initial_state).tokens, [1, 2]
+    )
+    state = guide.get_next_state(guide.initial_state, token_id=1)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert not guide.can_terminate_state(state)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Write)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [3])
-    assert not fsm.reset_state  # completing current regex
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=3)
-    assert fsm.generation == "aa"
-    assert fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=1)
+    assert guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [3])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=3)
+    assert guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
 def test_cfg_allow_both_extend_and_shift_terminal():
@@ -443,46 +432,45 @@ def inverse_vocabulary(self):
             return {v: k for k, v in self.vocabulary.items()}
         def decode(self, token_ids):
-            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[t] for t in token_ids]
+            if isinstance(token_ids[0], list):
+                return [
+                    "".join(map(self.inverse_vocabulary.get, token_ids_sublist))
+                    for token_ids_sublist in token_ids
+                ]
+            return [self.inverse_vocabulary[token_id] for token_id in token_ids]
     cfg_str = """
         start: s
         s: "(" s ")" | /a+/
     tokenizer = MockTokenizer()
-    fsm = CFGGuide(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(fsm.start_state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 3])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=fsm.start_state, token_id=1)
-    assert fsm.generation == "("
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    guide = CFGGuide(cfg_str, tokenizer)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [1, 3])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=3)
-    assert fsm.generation == "(a"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(
+        guide.get_next_instruction(guide.initial_state).tokens, [1, 3]
+    )
+    state = guide.get_next_state(guide.initial_state, token_id=1)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert not guide.can_terminate_state(state)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [2, 3])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=3)
-    assert fsm.generation == "(aa"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [1, 3])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=3)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert not guide.can_terminate_state(state)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Generate)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [2, 3])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=2)
-    assert fsm.generation == "(aa)"
-    assert not fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [2, 3])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=3)
+    assert not guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert not guide.can_terminate_state(state)
-    instruction = fsm.get_next_instruction(state)
-    assert isinstance(instruction, Write)
-    assert_expected_tensor_ids(instruction.tokens, [4])
-    state = fsm.get_next_state(state=state, token_id=4)
-    assert fsm.generation == "(aa)"
-    assert fsm.is_final_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [2, 3])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=2)
+    assert guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
+    assert_expected_tensor_ids(guide.get_next_instruction(state).tokens, [4])
+    state = guide.get_next_state(state, token_id=4)
+    assert guide.must_terminate_state(state)
+    assert guide.can_terminate_state(state)
diff --git a/tests/generate/test_generate.py b/tests/generate/test_generate.py
index a86d3c253..a7e9a696d 100644
--- a/tests/generate/test_generate.py
+++ b/tests/generate/test_generate.py
@@ -129,6 +129,17 @@ def sample_choices():
     return ["foo", "bar", "baz"]
+def sample_lark_grammar():
+    # from https://github.com/lark-parser/lark/blob/master/docs/grammar.md
+    return """
+    ?start: hello_world "!" number
+    hello_world: ("hello" | "world") ~ 3
+    number: ("0".."9") ~ 5
+    thanks: "Thank"i " for testing!"
+    """
     "a b c d e",  # ensure proper tokenizer whitespace prefix handling
     "(123456789)|(abcdefghijklmnop)",  # ensure consistent correct sequence handling during batch
@@ -151,6 +162,7 @@ def enforce_not_implemented(model_fixture, *task_names):
         "batch": ["model_llamacpp", "model_mlxlm", "model_mlxlm_phi3"],
         "beam_search": ["model_llamacpp", "model_mlxlm", "model_mlxlm_phi3"],
         "multiple_samples": ["model_llamacpp", "model_mlxlm", "model_mlxlm_phi3"],
+        "cfg": ["model_llamacpp"],  # TODO: fix llama_cpp tokenizer
     for task_name in task_names:
         if model_fixture in NOT_IMPLEMENTED.get(task_name, []):
@@ -247,6 +259,28 @@ def test_generate_format_bool(request, model_fixture):
     assert isinstance(res, bool)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_fixture", ALL_MODEL_FIXTURES)
+def test_generate_cfg(request, model_fixture, sample_lark_grammar):
+    from lark import Lark
+    from outlines import grammars
+    model = request.getfixturevalue(model_fixture)
+    with enforce_not_implemented(model_fixture, "cfg"):
+        generator = generate.cfg(model, sample_lark_grammar)
+        res = generator(**get_inputs(model_fixture))
+        # validate legal with the grammar via lark
+        # TODO: cleanup PartialLark so doesn't modify Lark globally
+        import importlib
+        import lark.lark
+        importlib.reload(lark.lark)
+        Lark(
+            sample_lark_grammar, parser="lalr", import_paths=[grammars.GRAMMAR_PATH]
+        ).parse(res)
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("model_fixture", ALL_MODEL_FIXTURES)
 def test_generate_text_stream(request, model_fixture):
     model = request.getfixturevalue(model_fixture)
diff --git a/tests/generate/test_integration_llamacpp.py b/tests/generate/test_integration_llamacpp.py
index 0d1908ebd..3469dcbc0 100644
--- a/tests/generate/test_integration_llamacpp.py
+++ b/tests/generate/test_integration_llamacpp.py
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@
 from pydantic import BaseModel, constr
 import outlines.generate as generate
-import outlines.grammars as grammars
 import outlines.models as models
 import outlines.samplers as samplers
@@ -243,15 +242,6 @@ def test_llamacpp_json_schema(model):
     assert isinstance(result["bar"], str)
-def test_llamacpp_cfg(model):
-    prompt = "<|im_start|>user\nOutput a short and valid JSON object with two keys.<|im_end|>\n><|im_start|>assistant\n"
-    # remove this statement once cfg is implemented
-    with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
-        result = generate.cfg(model, grammars.arithmetic)(prompt, seed=11)
-        assert isinstance(result, str)
@@ -319,15 +309,15 @@ def test_RegexGuide_caching(model, temp_cache_dir):
     # These two different models and tokenizers should not have the same state
     # mapping results
     assert (
-        generator.logits_processor.fsm.states_to_token_maps
-        != generator_2.logits_processor.fsm.states_to_token_maps
+        generator.logits_processor.guide.states_to_token_maps
+        != generator_2.logits_processor.guide.states_to_token_maps
     generator_3 = generate.regex(model_2, regex, sampler=samplers.greedy())
     assert cache.stats() == (1, 2)
     assert (
-        generator_2.logits_processor.fsm.states_to_token_maps
-        == generator_3.logits_processor.fsm.states_to_token_maps
+        generator_2.logits_processor.guide.states_to_token_maps
+        == generator_3.logits_processor.guide.states_to_token_maps
     # Just for fun...
diff --git a/tests/generate/test_integration_transformers.py b/tests/generate/test_integration_transformers.py
index f3fb9682e..cdd57e0c6 100644
--- a/tests/generate/test_integration_transformers.py
+++ b/tests/generate/test_integration_transformers.py
@@ -524,15 +524,15 @@ def test_RegexGuide_caching(temp_cache_dir):
     # These two different models and tokenizers should not have the same state
     # mapping results
     assert (
-        generator.logits_processor.fsm.states_to_token_maps
-        != generator_2.logits_processor.fsm.states_to_token_maps
+        generator.logits_processor.guide.states_to_token_maps
+        != generator_2.logits_processor.guide.states_to_token_maps
     generator_3 = generate.regex(model_2, regex, sampler=greedy())
     assert cache.stats() == (1, 2)
     assert (
-        generator_2.logits_processor.fsm.states_to_token_maps
-        == generator_3.logits_processor.fsm.states_to_token_maps
+        generator_2.logits_processor.guide.states_to_token_maps
+        == generator_3.logits_processor.guide.states_to_token_maps
     # Just for fun...