diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST/Expressions.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST/Expressions.fs
index 8dbf4297..459c526c 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST/Expressions.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST/Expressions.fs
@@ -66,6 +66,7 @@ type BOp<'lang> =
| Pow
| BitAnd
| BitOr
+ | BitXor
| LeftShift
| RightShift
| And
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ type UOp<'lang> =
| Not
| Incr
| Decr
+ | BitNegation
type Unop<'lang>(op: UOp<'lang>, expr: Expression<'lang>) =
inherit Expression<'lang>()
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST/Statements.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST/Statements.fs
index 4d7a2d56..640da988 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST/Statements.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST/Statements.fs
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ type ForIntegerLoop<'lang>
var: VarDecl<'lang>,
cond: Expression<'lang>,
- countModifier: Expression<'lang>,
+ countModifier: Statement<'lang>,
body: StatementBlock<'lang>
) =
@@ -94,9 +94,15 @@ type WhileLoop<'lang>(cond: Expression<'lang>, whileBlock: StatementBlock<'lang>
member this.Condition = cond
member this.WhileBlock = whileBlock
-type Barrier<'lang>() =
+type MemFence =
+ | Local
+ | Global
+ | Both
+type Barrier<'lang>(memFence: MemFence) =
inherit Statement<'lang>()
override this.Children = []
+ member this.MemFence = memFence
type FieldSet<'lang>(host: Expression<'lang>, field: string, _val: Expression<'lang>) =
inherit Statement<'lang>()
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core.fsproj b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core.fsproj
index 139dbfd3..e1b090dd 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core.fsproj
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core.fsproj
@@ -20,14 +20,14 @@
@@ -39,4 +39,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClContext.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClContext.fs
index 60cb6051..f40c4b00 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClContext.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClContext.fs
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ type ClDeviceType =
| GPU -> DeviceType.Gpu
| Default -> DeviceType.Default
+// TODO redesign
module internal Device =
open System.Text.RegularExpressions
@@ -82,7 +83,7 @@ type ClContext private (context: Context, device: Device, translator: FSQuotatio
- let translator = FSQuotationToOpenCLTranslator()
+ let translator = FSQuotationToOpenCLTranslator(TranslatorOptions())
let queue = CommandQueueProvider.CreateQueue(context, device)
ClContext(context, device, translator, queue)
@@ -101,7 +102,7 @@ type ClContext private (context: Context, device: Device, translator: FSQuotatio
member this.WithNewCommandQueue() =
ClContext(this.Context, this.Device, this.Translator, CommandQueueProvider.CreateQueue(this.Context, this.Device))
- member this.CreateClKernel(srcLambda: Expr<'a -> 'b>) =
+ member this.CreateClProgram(srcLambda: Expr<'a -> 'b>) =
ClProgram<_,_>(this, srcLambda)
member this.CreateClBuffer
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClKernel.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClKernel.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fa4ee39..00000000
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClKernel.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,184 +0,0 @@
-namespace Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL
-open OpenCL.Net
-open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
-open FSharp.Quotations.Evaluator
-open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator
-open System
-open System.Runtime.InteropServices
-open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Shared
-open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator.QuotationTransformers
-type ClProgram<'TRange, 'a when 'TRange :> INDRangeDimension> (
- clContext: IContext,
- srcLambda: Expr<'TRange ->'a>
- ) =
- let (clCode, newLambda) =
- let (ast, newLambda) = clContext.Translator.Translate(srcLambda)
- let code = Printer.AST.print ast
- code, newLambda
- let program =
- let (program, error) =
- let sources = [|clCode|]
- Cl.CreateProgramWithSource(clContext.Context, uint32 sources.Length, sources, null)
- if error <> ErrorCode.Success then
- failwithf "Program creation failed: %A" error
- let options = " -cl-fast-relaxed-math -cl-mad-enable -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations "
- let error = Cl.BuildProgram(program, 1u, [| clContext.Device |], options, null, IntPtr.Zero)
- if error <> ErrorCode.Success then
- let errorCode = ref ErrorCode.Success
- let buildInfo = Cl.GetProgramBuildInfo(program, clContext.Device, ProgramBuildInfo.Log, errorCode)
- failwithf "Program compilation failed: %A \n BUILD LOG:\n %A \n" error (buildInfo)
- program
- let mutexBuffers = ResizeArray>()
- member this.GetNewKernel (?kernelName) = new ClKernel<'TRange, 'a>(this, ?kernelName=kernelName)
- member this.Program = program
- member this.Code = clCode
- member this.ArgumentsSetter range setupArgument =
- let args = ref [||]
- let getStarterFunction qExpr =
- match qExpr with
- | DerivedPatterns.Lambdas (lambdaArgs, _) ->
- let flattenArgs = List.collect id lambdaArgs
- let firstMutexIdx =
- flattenArgs
- |> List.tryFindIndex (fun v -> v.Name.EndsWith "Mutex")
- |> Option.defaultValue flattenArgs.Length
- let argsWithoutMutexes = flattenArgs.[0 .. firstMutexIdx - 1]
- let mutexLengths =
- let atomicVars =
- List.init (flattenArgs.Length - firstMutexIdx) <| fun i ->
- let mutexVar = flattenArgs.[firstMutexIdx + i]
- argsWithoutMutexes |> List.find (fun v -> mutexVar.Name.Contains v.Name)
- Expr.NewArray(
- typeof,
- atomicVars
- |> List.map (fun var ->
- match var with
- | var when var.Type.Name.ToLower().StartsWith ClArray_ ->
- Expr.PropertyGet(
- Expr.Var var,
- typeof>
- .GetGenericTypeDefinition()
- .MakeGenericType(var.Type.GenericTypeArguments.[0])
- .GetProperty("Length")
- )
- | var when var.Type.Name.ToLower().StartsWith ClCell_ ->
- Expr.Value 1
- | _ ->
- failwithf "Something went wrong with type of atomic global var. \
- Expected var of type '%s' or '%s', but given %s" ClArray_ ClCell_ var.Type.Name
- )
- )
- let regularArgs =
- Expr.NewArray(
- typeof,
- argsWithoutMutexes |> List.map (fun v -> Expr.Coerce(Expr.Var v, typeof))
- )
- Expr.Lambdas(
- argsWithoutMutexes
- |> List.map List.singleton,
- <@@
- let mutexArgs =
- (%%mutexLengths : int[])
- |> List.ofArray
- |> List.map (fun n ->
- let mutexBuffer = new ClBuffer(clContext, Size n)
- mutexBuffers.Add mutexBuffer
- box mutexBuffer
- )
- let x = %%regularArgs |> List.ofArray
- range := unbox<'TRange> x.Head
- args := x.Tail @ mutexArgs |> Array.ofList
- !args
- |> Array.iteri setupArgument
- @@>
- )
- | _ -> failwithf "Invalid kernel expression. Must be lambda, but given\n%O" qExpr
- |> fun kernelPrepare ->
- <@ %%kernelPrepare: 'TRange -> 'a @>.Compile()
- getStarterFunction newLambda
- member this.ReleaseBuffers() =
- mutexBuffers
- |> Seq.iter (Msg.CreateFreeMsg >> clContext.CommandQueue.Post)
- mutexBuffers.Clear()
-and ClKernel<'TRange, 'a when 'TRange :> INDRangeDimension>
- (
- clProgram: ClProgram<'TRange, 'a>,
- //setArgsLambda: 'TRange ->'a,
- ?kernelName:string
- ) =
- let kernelName = defaultArg kernelName "brahmaKernel"
- let createKernel program =
- let (clKernel, error) = Cl.CreateKernel(program, kernelName)
- if error <> ErrorCode.Success then
- failwithf "OpenCL kernel creation problem. Error: %A" error
- clKernel
- let kernel =
- let clKernel = createKernel clProgram.Program
- clKernel
- let toIMem a =
- // TODO extend types for private args (now only int supported)
- match box a with
- | :? IClMem as buf -> buf.Size, buf.Data
- | :? int as i -> IntPtr(Marshal.SizeOf i), box i
- | other -> failwithf "Unexpected argument: %A" other
- let setupArgument index arg =
- let (argSize, argVal) = toIMem arg
- // NOTE SetKernelArg could take intptr
- // TODO try allocate unmanaged mem by hand
- let error = Cl.SetKernelArg(kernel, uint32 index, argSize, argVal)
- if error <> ErrorCode.Success then
- raise (CLException error)
- let range = ref Unchecked.defaultof<'TRange>
- interface IKernel<'TRange, 'a> with
- member this.ArgumentsSetter =
- clProgram.ArgumentsSetter range setupArgument
- member this.Kernel = kernel
- member this.Range = range.Value :> INDRangeDimension
- member this.Code = clProgram.Code
- member this.ReleaseBuffers() = clProgram.ReleaseBuffers()
- member this.ArgumentsSetter = (this :> IKernel<_,_>).ArgumentsSetter
- member this.Kernel = (this :> IKernel<_,_>).Kernel
- member this.Range = (this :> IKernel<_,_>).Range
- member this.Code = (this :> IKernel<_,_>).Code
- // TODO rename ?? ReleaseInternalBuffers
- /// Освобождает только временные промежуточные утилитарные буферы (например, буфер для мьютексов)
- member this.ReleaseBuffers() = (this :> IKernel<_,_>).ReleaseBuffers()
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClProgram.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClProgram.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..68d797cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClProgram.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,158 @@
+namespace Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL
+open OpenCL.Net
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
+open FSharp.Quotations.Evaluator
+open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator
+open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer
+open System
+open System.Runtime.InteropServices
+open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Shared
+open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator.QuotationTransformers
+type ClProgram<'TRange, 'a when 'TRange :> INDRange>
+ (
+ clContext: IContext,
+ srcLambda: Expr<'TRange ->'a>
+ ) =
+ let (clCode, newLambda) =
+ let (ast, newLambda) = clContext.Translator.Translate(srcLambda)
+ let code = AST.print ast
+ code, newLambda
+ let program =
+ let (program, error) =
+ let sources = [|clCode|]
+ Cl.CreateProgramWithSource(clContext.Context, uint32 sources.Length, sources, null)
+ if error <> ErrorCode.Success then
+ failwithf "Program creation failed: %A" error
+ let options = " -cl-fast-relaxed-math -cl-mad-enable -cl-unsafe-math-optimizations "
+ let error = Cl.BuildProgram(program, 1u, [| clContext.Device |], options, null, IntPtr.Zero)
+ if error <> ErrorCode.Success then
+ let errorCode = ref ErrorCode.Success
+ let buildInfo = Cl.GetProgramBuildInfo(program, clContext.Device, ProgramBuildInfo.Log, errorCode)
+ failwithf "Program compilation failed: %A \n BUILD LOG:\n %A \n" error (buildInfo)
+ program
+ let createKernel program kernelName =
+ let (clKernel, error) = Cl.CreateKernel(program, kernelName)
+ if error <> ErrorCode.Success then
+ failwithf "OpenCL kernel creation problem. Error: %A" error
+ clKernel
+ member this.Program = program
+ member this.Code = clCode
+ member this.GetKernel(?kernelName) =
+ let kernelName = defaultArg kernelName "brahmaKernel"
+ let kernel = createKernel program kernelName
+ let toIMem arg =
+ match box arg with
+ | :? IClMem as buf -> buf.Size, buf.Data
+ | :? int as i -> IntPtr(Marshal.SizeOf i), box i
+ | other -> failwithf "Unexpected argument: %A" other
+ let setupArgument index (arg: obj) =
+ let (argSize, argVal) = toIMem arg
+ let error = Cl.SetKernelArg(kernel, uint32 index, argSize, argVal)
+ if error <> ErrorCode.Success then
+ raise (CLException error)
+ let args = ref [||]
+ let range = ref Unchecked.defaultof<'TRange>
+ let mutexBuffers = ResizeArray>()
+ let argumentsSetterFunc =
+ match newLambda with
+ | DerivedPatterns.Lambdas (lambdaArgs, _) ->
+ let flattenArgs = List.collect id lambdaArgs
+ let firstMutexIdx =
+ flattenArgs
+ |> List.tryFindIndex (fun v -> v.Name.EndsWith "Mutex")
+ |> Option.defaultValue flattenArgs.Length
+ let argsWithoutMutexes = flattenArgs.[0 .. firstMutexIdx - 1]
+ let mutexLengths =
+ let atomicVars =
+ List.init (flattenArgs.Length - firstMutexIdx) <| fun i ->
+ let mutexVar = flattenArgs.[firstMutexIdx + i]
+ argsWithoutMutexes |> List.find (fun v -> mutexVar.Name.Contains v.Name)
+ Expr.NewArray(
+ typeof,
+ atomicVars
+ |> List.map (fun var ->
+ match var with
+ | var when var.Type.Name.ToLower().StartsWith ClArray_ ->
+ Expr.PropertyGet(
+ Expr.Var var,
+ typeof>
+ .GetGenericTypeDefinition()
+ .MakeGenericType(var.Type.GenericTypeArguments.[0])
+ .GetProperty("Length")
+ )
+ | var when var.Type.Name.ToLower().StartsWith ClCell_ ->
+ Expr.Value 1
+ | _ ->
+ failwithf "Something went wrong with type of atomic global var. \
+ Expected var of type '%s' or '%s', but given %s" ClArray_ ClCell_ var.Type.Name
+ )
+ )
+ let regularArgs =
+ Expr.NewArray(
+ typeof,
+ argsWithoutMutexes |> List.map (fun v -> Expr.Coerce(Expr.Var v, typeof))
+ )
+ Expr.Lambdas(
+ argsWithoutMutexes
+ |> List.map List.singleton,
+ <@@
+ let mutexArgs =
+ (%%mutexLengths : int[])
+ |> List.ofArray
+ |> List.map (fun n ->
+ let mutexBuffer = new ClBuffer(clContext, Size n)
+ mutexBuffers.Add mutexBuffer
+ box mutexBuffer
+ )
+ let x = %%regularArgs |> List.ofArray
+ range := unbox<'TRange> x.Head
+ args := x.Tail @ mutexArgs |> Array.ofList
+ !args
+ |> Array.iteri setupArgument
+ @@>
+ )
+ | _ -> failwithf "Invalid kernel expression. Must be lambda, but given\n%O" newLambda
+ |> fun kernelPrepare ->
+ <@ %%kernelPrepare : 'TRange -> 'a @>.Compile()
+ { new IKernel<'TRange, 'a> with
+ member _.Kernel = kernel
+ member _.NDRange = range.Value :> INDRange
+ member _.KernelFunc = argumentsSetterFunc
+ member _.ReleaseInternalBuffers() =
+ mutexBuffers
+ |> Seq.iter (Msg.CreateFreeMsg >> clContext.CommandQueue.Post)
+ mutexBuffers.Clear()
+ }
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClTask.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClTask.fs
index 31b4b02d..76eab3b7 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClTask.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/ClTask.fs
@@ -83,7 +83,14 @@ module ClTask =
context.CommandQueue.PostAndReply <| MsgNotifyMe
- // TODO maybe switсh to manual threads
+ // TODO implement
+ // let startSync (ClTask f) =
+ // let context = Device.getFirstAppropriateDevice
+ // let res = f context
+ // context.CommandQueue.PostAndReply <| MsgNotifyMe
+ // res
+ // NOTE maybe switсh to manual threads
// TODO check if it is really parallel
let inParallel (tasks: seq>) = opencl {
let! ctx = ask
@@ -115,16 +122,16 @@ module ClTaskOpened =
opencl {
let! ctx = ClTask.ask
- let kernel = (ctx.CreateClKernel command).GetNewKernel()
+ let kernel = ctx.CreateClProgram(command).GetKernel()
- ctx.CommandQueue.Post <| MsgSetArguments(fun () -> binder kernel.ArgumentsSetter)
+ ctx.CommandQueue.Post <| MsgSetArguments(fun () -> binder kernel.KernelFunc)
ctx.CommandQueue.Post <| Msg.CreateRunMsg<_, _>(kernel)
- kernel.ReleaseBuffers()
+ kernel.ReleaseInternalBuffers()
- let runKernel (kernel: ClKernel<'range, 'a>) (processor: MailboxProcessor) (binder: ('range -> 'a) -> unit) : ClTask =
+ let runKernel (kernel: IKernel<'range, 'a>) (processor: MailboxProcessor) (binder: ('range -> 'a) -> unit) : ClTask =
opencl {
- processor.Post <| MsgSetArguments(fun () -> binder kernel.ArgumentsSetter)
+ processor.Post <| MsgSetArguments(fun () -> binder kernel.KernelFunc)
processor.Post <| Msg.CreateRunMsg<_, _>(kernel)
- kernel.ReleaseBuffers()
+ kernel.ReleaseInternalBuffers()
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/CommandQueueProvider.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/CommandQueueProvider.fs
index 3b6189a0..ad5fcbe8 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/CommandQueueProvider.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/CommandQueueProvider.fs
@@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ type CommandQueueProvider =
static member private HandleRun(queue, run: IRunCrate) =
{ new IRunCrateEvaluator with
member this.Eval crate =
- let range = crate.Kernel.Range
+ let range = crate.Kernel.NDRange
let workDim = uint32 range.Dimensions
let eventID = ref Unchecked.defaultof
let error = Cl.EnqueueNDRangeKernel(queue, crate.Kernel.Kernel, workDim, null,
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/CustomMarshaler.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/CustomMarshaler.fs
index c6c14a6a..bd695caf 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/CustomMarshaler.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/CustomMarshaler.fs
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ open System.Runtime.InteropServices
open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator
open FSharp.Reflection
open System.Runtime.CompilerServices
+open System.Threading.Tasks
type StructurePacking =
| StructureElement of {| Size: int; Aligment: int |} * StructurePacking list
@@ -15,6 +16,7 @@ module private Utils =
|> Seq.tryFind (fun attr -> attr.GetType() = typeof<'attr>)
|> Option.isSome
+// TODO make read write parallel
type CustomMarshaler<'a>() =
let (|TupleType|RecordType|UnionType|UserDefinedStuctureType|PrimitiveType|) (type': Type) =
match type' with
@@ -81,7 +83,26 @@ type CustomMarshaler<'a>() =
StructureElement({| Size = size; Aligment = aligment |}, elems)
| UnionType -> failwithf "Union not supported"
- | UserDefinedStuctureType -> failwithf "Custom structures not supported"
+ | UserDefinedStuctureType ->
+ let elems =
+ type'.GetFields()
+ |> Array.map (fun fi -> fi.FieldType)
+ |> Array.map go
+ |> Array.toList
+ let aligment =
+ elems
+ |> List.map (fun (StructureElement(pack, _)) -> pack.Aligment)
+ |> List.max
+ let size =
+ elems
+ |> List.map (fun (StructureElement(pack, _)) -> pack)
+ |> List.fold (fun state x -> roundUp x.Aligment state + x.Size) 0
+ |> roundUp aligment
+ StructureElement({| Size = size; Aligment = aligment |}, elems)
| PrimitiveType ->
let size = Marshal.SizeOf (if type' = typeof then typeof else type')
@@ -129,7 +150,7 @@ type CustomMarshaler<'a>() =
size, mem
member this.WriteToUnmanaged(array: 'a[], ptr: IntPtr) =
- for j = 0 to array.Length - 1 do
+ Array.Parallel.iteri (fun j item ->
let start = IntPtr.Add(ptr, j * this.ElementTypeSize)
let mutable i = 0
let rec go (structure: obj) =
@@ -140,10 +161,15 @@ type CustomMarshaler<'a>() =
[ 0 .. tupleSize - 1 ] |> List.iter (fun i -> go tuple.[i])
| Record ->
- FSharpValue.GetRecordFields structure |> Array.iter go
+ FSharpValue.GetRecordFields structure
+ |> Array.iter go
| Union -> failwithf "Union not supported"
- | UserDefinedStucture -> failwithf "Custom structures not supported"
+ | UserDefinedStucture ->
+ structure.GetType().GetFields()
+ |> Array.map (fun fi -> fi.GetValue(structure))
+ |> Array.iter go
| Primitive ->
let offset = this.ElementTypeOffsets.[i]
@@ -155,7 +181,8 @@ type CustomMarshaler<'a>() =
Marshal.StructureToPtr(structure, IntPtr.Add(start, offset), false)
i <- i + 1
- go array.[j]
+ go item
+ ) array
array.Length * this.ElementTypeSize
@@ -165,7 +192,7 @@ type CustomMarshaler<'a>() =
member this.ReadFromUnmanaged(ptr: IntPtr, array: 'a[]) =
- for j = 0 to array.Length - 1 do
+ Array.Parallel.iteri (fun j _ ->
let start = IntPtr.Add(ptr, j * this.ElementTypeSize)
let mutable i = 0
let rec go (type': Type) =
@@ -182,7 +209,14 @@ type CustomMarshaler<'a>() =
|> fun x -> FSharpValue.MakeRecord(type', x)
| UnionType -> failwithf "Union not supported"
- | UserDefinedStuctureType -> failwithf "Custom structures not supported"
+ | UserDefinedStuctureType ->
+ let inst = Activator.CreateInstance(type')
+ type'.GetFields()
+ |> Array.map (fun fi -> fi, go fi.FieldType)
+ |> Array.iter (fun (fi, value) -> fi.SetValue(inst, value))
+ inst
| PrimitiveType ->
let offset = this.ElementTypeOffsets.[i]
@@ -196,6 +230,7 @@ type CustomMarshaler<'a>() =
array.[j] <- unbox<'a> <| go typeof<'a>
+ ) array
override this.ToString() =
sprintf "%O\n%A" elementPacking offsets
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/IKernel.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/IKernel.fs
index d337d631..b7c6e2ae 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/IKernel.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/IKernel.fs
@@ -2,9 +2,9 @@ namespace Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL
open OpenCL.Net
-type IKernel<'TRange, 'a when 'TRange :> INDRangeDimension> =
- abstract ArgumentsSetter : ('TRange -> 'a)
+type IKernel<'TRange, 'a when 'TRange :> INDRange> =
abstract Kernel : Kernel
- abstract Range : INDRangeDimension
- abstract Code : string
- abstract ReleaseBuffers : unit -> unit
+ abstract NDRange : INDRange
+ // not sure about naming
+ abstract KernelFunc : ('TRange -> 'a)
+ abstract ReleaseInternalBuffers : unit -> unit
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/Messages.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/Messages.fs
index 3ed2e6be..15a9c624 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/Messages.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/Messages.fs
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ type ToGPU<'a when 'a: struct>(src: 'a[], dst: IBuffer<'a>) =
member this.Destination = dst
member this.Source = src
-type Run<'TRange, 'a when 'TRange :> INDRangeDimension>(kernel: IKernel<'TRange, 'a>) =
+type Run<'TRange, 'a when 'TRange :> INDRange>(kernel: IKernel<'TRange, 'a>) =
member this.Kernel = kernel
type IRunCrate =
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ type Msg =
|> MsgFree
- static member CreateRunMsg<'TRange, 'a when 'TRange :> INDRangeDimension>(kernel) =
+ static member CreateRunMsg<'TRange, 'a when 'TRange :> INDRange>(kernel) =
{ new IRunCrate with
member this.Apply evaluator = evaluator.Eval <| Run<'TRange, 'a>(kernel)
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/NDRangeDimensions.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/NDRange.fs
similarity index 95%
rename from src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/NDRangeDimensions.fs
rename to src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/NDRange.fs
index a8562253..bbe48d86 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/NDRangeDimensions.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Core/NDRange.fs
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ namespace Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL
open System
-type INDRangeDimension =
+type INDRange =
abstract member GlobalWorkSize: IntPtr[] with get
abstract member LocalWorkSize: IntPtr[] with get
abstract member Dimensions: int
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ type Range1D(globalWorkSize: int, localWorkSize: int) =
member this.GlobalWorkSize = globalWorkSize
member this.LocalWorkSize = localWorkSize
- interface INDRangeDimension with
+ interface INDRange with
member this.GlobalWorkSize with get () = [| IntPtr globalWorkSize |]
member this.LocalWorkSize with get () = [| IntPtr localWorkSize |]
member this.Dimensions = 1
@@ -36,7 +36,7 @@ type Range2D(globalWorkSizeX: int, globalWorkSizeY: int, localWorkSizeX: int, lo
member this.GlobalWorkSize = (globalWorkSizeX, globalWorkSizeY)
member this.LocalWorkSize = (localWorkSizeX, localWorkSizeY)
- interface INDRangeDimension with
+ interface INDRange with
member this.GlobalWorkSize with get () = [| IntPtr globalWorkSizeX; IntPtr globalWorkSizeY |]
member this.LocalWorkSize with get () = [| IntPtr localWorkSizeX; IntPtr localWorkSizeY |]
member this.Dimensions = 2
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ type Range3D(globalWorkSizeX: int, globalWorkSizeY: int, globalWorkSizeZ: int, l
member this.GlobalWorkSize = (globalWorkSizeX, globalWorkSizeY, globalWorkSizeZ)
member this.LocalWorkSize = (localWorkSizeX, localWorkSizeY, localWorkSizeZ)
- interface INDRangeDimension with
+ interface INDRange with
member this.GlobalWorkSize with get () = [| IntPtr globalWorkSizeX; IntPtr globalWorkSizeY; IntPtr globalWorkSizeZ |]
member this.LocalWorkSize with get () = [| IntPtr localWorkSizeX; IntPtr localWorkSizeY; IntPtr globalWorkSizeZ |]
member this.Dimensions = 3
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Expressions.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Expressions.fs
index 0e1f2a4b..5b983f16 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Expressions.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Expressions.fs
@@ -59,10 +59,11 @@ module Expressions =
| Pow -> "+"
| BitAnd -> "&"
| BitOr -> "|"
- | And -> "&&"
- | Or -> "||"
+ | BitXor -> "^"
| LeftShift -> "<<"
| RightShift -> ">>"
+ | And -> "&&"
+ | Or -> "||"
| Less -> "<"
| LessEQ -> "<="
| Great -> ">"
@@ -109,6 +110,7 @@ module Expressions =
| UOp.Not -> wordL "!" ++ print uo.Expr |> bracketL
| UOp.Incr -> print uo.Expr ++ wordL "++"
| UOp.Decr -> print uo.Expr ++ wordL "--"
+ | UOp.BitNegation -> wordL "~" ++ print uo.Expr |> bracketL
and private printCast (c: Cast<'lang>) =
let t = Types.print c.Type
@@ -135,8 +137,11 @@ module Expressions =
and printNewStruct (newStruct: NewStruct<_>) =
let args = List.map print newStruct.ConstructorArgs |> commaListL
- let t = Types.print newStruct.Struct
- [ t |> bracketL; wordL "{"; args; wordL "}" ] |> spaceListL
+ match newStruct.Struct with
+ | :? StructInplaceType<_> -> [ wordL "{"; args; wordL "}" ] |> spaceListL
+ | _ ->
+ let t = Types.print newStruct.Struct
+ [ t |> bracketL; wordL "{"; args; wordL "}" ] |> spaceListL
and printNewUnion (newUnion: NewUnion<_>) =
let arg = print newUnion.ConstructorArg
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Printer.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Printer.fs
index 154ea18a..af8a0f3d 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Printer.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Printer.fs
@@ -16,8 +16,7 @@
namespace Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer
open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST
-open Microsoft.FSharp.Text
-open Microsoft.FSharp.Text.StructuredFormat.LayoutOps
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Text.StructuredFormat
open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer
module AST =
@@ -28,10 +27,12 @@ module AST =
match d with
| :? FunDecl<'lang> as fd -> FunDecl.print fd
| :? CLPragma<'lang> as clp -> Pragmas.print clp
- | :? StructDecl<'lang> as s -> TypeDecl.PrintStructDeclaration s
+ | :? StructDecl<'lang> as s -> TypeDecl.printStructDeclaration s
| :? VarDecl<'lang> as s -> Statements.print false s
| _ -> failwithf "Printer. Unsupported toplevel declaration: %A" d
- |> aboveListL
- |> StructuredFormat.Display.layout_to_string { StructuredFormat.FormatOptions.Default with PrintWidth = 100 }
+ // |> LayoutOps.sepListL (LayoutOps.wordL "\r\n")
+ // |> Display.layout_to_string FormatOptions.Default
+ |> LayoutOps.aboveListL
+ |> Display.layout_to_string { FormatOptions.Default with PrintWidth = 100 }
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Statements.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Statements.fs
index b7b0041b..3697d54f 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Statements.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/Statements.fs
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ module Statements =
and private printForInteger (for': ForIntegerLoop<_>) =
let cond = Expressions.print for'.Condition
let i = print true for'.Var
- let cModif = Expressions.print for'.CountModifier
+ let cModif = print true for'.CountModifier
let body = print true for'.Body
let header = [ i; cond; cModif ] |> sepListL (wordL ";") |> bracketL
@@ -111,7 +111,11 @@ module Statements =
wordL fc.Name ++ args
- and printBarrier (b: Barrier<_>) = wordL "barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE)"
+ and printBarrier (b: Barrier<_>) =
+ match b.MemFence with
+ | MemFence.Local -> wordL "barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE)"
+ | MemFence.Global -> wordL "barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE)"
+ | Both -> wordL "barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE | CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE)"
and printReturn (r: Return<_>) = wordL "return" ++ Expressions.print r.Expression
@@ -143,6 +147,7 @@ module Statements =
| :? FieldSet<'lang> as fs -> printFieldSet fs
| :? Return<'lang> as r -> printReturn r
//| :? Variable<'lang> as v -> printVar v
+ | :? Expression<'lang> as e -> Expressions.print e
| _ -> failwithf "Printer. Unsupported statement: %O" stmt
if isToplevel then
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/TypeDecl.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/TypeDecl.fs
index 003d5833..a0dd07a0 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/TypeDecl.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer/TypeDecl.fs
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Printer
open Microsoft.FSharp.Text.StructuredFormat.LayoutOps
module TypeDecl =
- let PrintStructDeclaration (decl: StructDecl<_>) =
+ let printStructDeclaration (decl: StructDecl<_>) =
let header =
wordL "typedef"
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Shared/KernelLangExtensions.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Shared/KernelLangExtensions.fs
index 1f23d8e2..dc8c35ab 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Shared/KernelLangExtensions.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Shared/KernelLangExtensions.fs
@@ -1,16 +1,24 @@
namespace Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL
-type KernelLangExtentions =
+type KernelLangExtensions =
static member FailIfOutsideKernel() =
failwith "Seems that you try to use openCL kernel function as regular F# function!"
-module KernelLangExtentions =
+module KernelLangExtensions =
let inline internal failIfOutsideKernel () =
failwith "Seems that you try to use openCL kernel function as regular F# function!"
- let barrier () =
+ let barrierLocal () =
+ failIfOutsideKernel ()
+ ignore null
+ let barrierGlobal () =
+ failIfOutsideKernel ()
+ ignore null
+ let barrierFull () =
failIfOutsideKernel ()
ignore null
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Body.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Body.fs
index 495566d1..d59518d2 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Body.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Body.fs
@@ -22,15 +22,94 @@ open Microsoft.FSharp.Collections
open FSharpx.Collections
open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator.QuotationTransformers
open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL
+open FSharp.Quotations.Evaluator
// Translations restricts the generic parameter of the AST nodes to the type Lang
#nowarn "64"
+module private BodyPatterns =
+ let (|VarName|_|) (str: string) (var': Var) =
+ match var'.Name with
+ | tName when tName = str -> Some VarName
+ | _ -> None
+ let (|ForLoopWithStep|_|) = function
+ | Patterns.Let
+ (
+ VarName "inputSequence",
+ DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ (.. ..) @> (
+ _,
+ _,
+ [start; step; finish]
+ ),
+ Patterns.Let (
+ VarName "enumerator",
+ _,
+ Patterns.TryFinally (
+ Patterns.WhileLoop (
+ _,
+ Patterns.Let (
+ loopVar,
+ _,
+ loopBody
+ )
+ ),
+ _
+ )
+ )
+ ) -> Some (loopVar, (start, step, finish), loopBody)
+ | _ -> None
+ let (|ForLoop|_|) = function
+ | Patterns.Let
+ (
+ VarName "inputSequence",
+ DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ (..) @> (
+ _,
+ _,
+ [start; finish]
+ ),
+ Patterns.Let (
+ VarName "enumerator",
+ _,
+ Patterns.TryFinally (
+ Patterns.WhileLoop (
+ _,
+ Patterns.Let (
+ loopVar,
+ _,
+ loopBody
+ )
+ ),
+ _
+ )
+ )
+ ) -> Some (loopVar, (start, finish), loopBody)
+ | _ -> None
module rec Body =
// new var scope
let private clearContext (targetContext: TranslationContext<'a, 'b>) =
{ targetContext with VarDecls = ResizeArray() }
+ let toStb (s: Node<_>) = translation {
+ match s with
+ | :? StatementBlock<_> as s ->
+ return s
+ | x -> return StatementBlock <| ResizeArray [x :?> Statement<_>]
+ }
+ let private itemHelper exprs hostVar = translation {
+ let! idx = translation {
+ match exprs with
+ | hd :: _ -> return! translateAsExpr hd
+ | [] -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException("Array index missed!")
+ }
+ return idx, hostVar
+ }
let private translateBinding (var: Var) newName (expr: Expr) = translation {
let! body = translateCond (*TranslateAsExpr*) expr
let! varType = translation {
@@ -75,52 +154,55 @@ module rec Body =
| "op_modulus" -> return Binop(Remainder, args.[0], args.[1]) :> Statement<_>
| "op_bitwiseand" -> return Binop(BitAnd, args.[0], args.[1]) :> Statement<_>
| "op_bitwiseor" -> return Binop(BitOr, args.[0], args.[1]) :> Statement<_>
+ | "op_exclusiveor" -> return Binop(BitXor, args.[0], args.[1]) :> Statement<_>
+ | "op_logicalnot" -> return Unop(UOp.BitNegation, args.[0]) :> Statement<_>
| "op_leftshift" -> return Binop(LeftShift, args.[0], args.[1]) :> Statement<_>
| "op_rightshift" -> return Binop(RightShift, args.[0], args.[1]) :> Statement<_>
| "op_booleanand" ->
- let! flag = State.gets (fun context -> context.TranslatorOptions |> List.contains UseNativeBooleanType)
+ let! flag = State.gets (fun context -> context.TranslatorOptions.UseNativeBooleanType)
if flag then
return Binop(And, args.[0], args.[1]) :> Statement<_>
return Binop(BitAnd, args.[0], args.[1]) :> Statement<_>
| "op_booleanor" ->
- let! flag = State.gets (fun context -> context.TranslatorOptions |> List.contains UseNativeBooleanType)
+ let! flag = State.gets (fun context -> context.TranslatorOptions.UseNativeBooleanType)
if flag then
return Binop(Or, args.[0], args.[1]) :> Statement<_>
return Binop(BitOr, args.[0], args.[1]) :> Statement<_>
+ | "not" -> return Unop(UOp.Not, args.[0]) :> Statement<_>
| "atomicadd" ->
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.enableAtomic <- true; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.Add EnableAtomic |> ignore; context)
return FunCall("atom_add", [args.[0]; args.[1]]) :> Statement<_>
| "atomicsub" ->
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.enableAtomic <- true; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.Add EnableAtomic |> ignore; context)
return FunCall("atom_sub", [args.[0]; args.[1]]) :> Statement<_>
| "atomicxchg" ->
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.enableAtomic <- true; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.Add EnableAtomic |> ignore; context)
return FunCall("atom_xchg", [args.[0]; args.[1]]) :> Statement<_>
| "atomicmax" ->
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.enableAtomic <- true; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.Add EnableAtomic |> ignore; context)
return FunCall("atom_max", [args.[0]; args.[1]]) :> Statement<_>
| "atomicmin" ->
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.enableAtomic <- true; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.Add EnableAtomic |> ignore; context)
return FunCall("atom_min", [args.[0]; args.[1]]) :> Statement<_>
| "atomicinc" ->
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.enableAtomic <- true; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.Add EnableAtomic |> ignore; context)
return FunCall("atom_inc", [args.[0]]) :> Statement<_>
| "atomicdec" ->
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.enableAtomic <- true; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.Add EnableAtomic |> ignore; context)
return FunCall("atom_dec", [args.[0]]) :> Statement<_>
| "atomiccmpxchg" ->
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.enableAtomic <- true; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.Add EnableAtomic |> ignore; context)
return FunCall("atom_cmpxchg", [args.[0]; args.[1]; args.[2]]) :> Statement<_>
| "atomicand" ->
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.enableAtomic <- true; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.Add EnableAtomic |> ignore; context)
return FunCall("atom_and", [args.[0]; args.[1]]) :> Statement<_>
| "atomicor" ->
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.enableAtomic <- true; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.Add EnableAtomic |> ignore; context)
return FunCall("atom_or", [args.[0]; args.[1]]) :> Statement<_>
| "atomicxor" ->
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.enableAtomic <- true; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Flags.Add EnableAtomic |> ignore; context)
return FunCall("atom_xor", [args.[0]; args.[1]]) :> Statement<_>
| "todouble" -> return Cast(args.[0], PrimitiveType Float) :> Statement<_>
| "toint" -> return Cast(args.[0], PrimitiveType Int) :> Statement<_>
@@ -131,6 +213,8 @@ module rec Body =
| "touint16" -> return Cast(args.[0], PrimitiveType UShort) :> Statement<_>
| "toint64" -> return Cast(args.[0], PrimitiveType Long) :> Statement<_>
| "touint64" -> return Cast(args.[0], PrimitiveType ULong) :> Statement<_>
+ | "min"
+ | "max"
| "acos"
| "asin"
| "atan"
@@ -155,7 +239,6 @@ module rec Body =
return raise <| InvalidKernelException(
sprintf "Seems, that you use math function with name %s not from System.Math or Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators" fName
| "abs" as fName ->
if mInfo.DeclaringType.AssemblyQualifiedName.StartsWith("Microsoft.FSharp.Core.Operators") then
return FunCall("fabs", args) :> Statement<_>
@@ -177,11 +260,11 @@ module rec Body =
| "setarray" ->
return Assignment(Property(PropertyType.Item(Item(args.[0], args.[1]))), args.[2]) :> Statement<_>
| "getarray" -> return Item(args.[0], args.[1]) :> Statement<_>
- | "not" -> return Unop(UOp.Not, args.[0]) :> Statement<_>
- | "_byte" -> return args.[0] :> Statement<_>
- | "barrier" -> return Barrier() :> Statement<_>
+ | "barrierlocal" -> return Barrier(MemFence.Local) :> Statement<_>
+ | "barrierglobal" -> return Barrier(MemFence.Global) :> Statement<_>
+ | "barrierfull" -> return Barrier(MemFence.Both) :> Statement<_>
| "local" -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException("Calling the local function is allowed only at the top level of the let binding")
- | "arrayLocal" -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException("Calling the localArray function is allowed only at the top level of the let binding")
+ | "arraylocal" -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException("Calling the localArray function is allowed only at the top level of the let binding")
| "zerocreate" ->
let length =
match args.[0] with
@@ -190,22 +273,9 @@ module rec Body =
return ZeroArray length :> Statement<_>
| "fst" -> return FieldGet(args.[0], "_1") :> Statement<_>
| "snd" -> return FieldGet(args.[0], "_2") :> Statement<_>
- | "first" -> return FieldGet(args.[0], "_1") :> Statement<_>
- | "second" -> return FieldGet(args.[0], "_2") :> Statement<_>
- | "third" -> return FieldGet(args.[0], "_3") :> Statement<_>
| other -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "Unsupported call: %s" other)
- let private itemHelper exprs hostVar = translation {
- let! idx = translation {
- match exprs with
- | hd :: _ -> return! translateAsExpr hd
- | [] -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException("Array index missed!")
- }
- return idx, hostVar
- }
let private translateSpecificPropGet expr propName exprs = translation {
// TODO: Refactoring: Safe pattern matching by expr type.
let! hostVar = translateAsExpr expr
@@ -245,9 +315,9 @@ module rec Body =
match exprOpt with
| Some expr ->
- match! State.gets (fun context -> context.UserDefinedTypes.Contains expr.Type) with
+ match! State.gets (fun context -> context.CStructDecls.Keys |> Seq.contains expr.Type) with
| true ->
- match! State.gets (fun context -> context.StructDecls.ContainsKey expr.Type) with
+ match! State.gets (fun context -> not <| context.CStructDecls.[expr.Type] :? DiscriminatedUnionType<_>) with
| true -> return! translateStructFieldGet expr propInfo.Name
| false -> return! translateUnionFieldGet expr propInfo
| false -> return! translateSpecificPropGet expr propName exprs
@@ -295,14 +365,9 @@ module rec Body =
return translated :?> Expression<_>
- let getVar (clVarName: string) = translation {
- return Variable clVarName
- }
let translateVar (var: Var) = translation {
- //getVar var.Name targetContext
match! State.gets (fun context -> context.Namer.GetCLVarName var.Name) with
- | Some varName -> return! getVar varName
+ | Some varName -> return Variable varName
| None ->
return raise <| InvalidKernelException(
@@ -355,7 +420,7 @@ module rec Body =
let! l = translateCond if'
let! r = translateCond then'
let! e = translateCond else'
- let! isBoolAsBit = State.gets (fun context -> context.TranslatorOptions |> List.contains BoolAsBit)
+ let! isBoolAsBit = State.gets (fun context -> context.TranslatorOptions.BoolAsBit)
let o1 =
match r with
| :? Const as c when c.Val = "1" -> l
@@ -369,13 +434,6 @@ module rec Body =
| _ -> return! translateAsExpr cond
- let toStb (s: Node<_>) = translation {
- match s with
- | :? StatementBlock<_> as s ->
- return s
- | x -> return StatementBlock <| ResizeArray [x :?> Statement<_>]
- }
let translateIf (cond: Expr) (thenBranch: Expr) (elseBranch: Expr) = translation {
let! if' = translateCond cond
let! then' = translate thenBranch >>= toStb |> State.using clearContext
@@ -392,18 +450,37 @@ module rec Body =
return IfThenElse(if', then', else')
- // TODO refac
- let translateForIntegerRangeLoop (i: Var) (from': Expr) (to': Expr) (loopBody: Expr) = translation {
- let! iName = State.gets (fun context -> context.Namer.LetStart i.Name)
- let! v = getVar iName
- let! var = translateBinding i iName from'
+ // NOTE reversed loops not supported
+ let translateForLoop (loopVar: Var) (from': Expr) (to': Expr) (step: Expr option) (body: Expr) = translation {
+ let! loopVarName = State.gets (fun context -> context.Namer.LetStart loopVar.Name)
+ let loopVarType = loopVar.Type
+ let! loopVarBinding = translateBinding loopVar loopVarName from'
let! condExpr = translateAsExpr to'
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Namer.LetIn i.Name; context)
- let! body = translate loopBody >>= toStb |> State.using clearContext
- let cond = Binop(LessEQ, v, condExpr)
- let condModifier = Unop(UOp.Incr, v)
+ let loopCond = Binop(LessEQ, Variable loopVarName, condExpr)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Namer.LetIn loopVar.Name; context)
+ let! loopVarModifier =
+ match step with
+ | Some step ->
+ Expr.VarSet(
+ loopVar,
+ Expr.Call(
+ Utils.makeGenericMethodCall [loopVarType; loopVarType; loopVarType] <@ (+) @>,
+ [Expr.Var loopVar; step]
+ )
+ )
+ |> translate
+ |> State.map (fun node -> node :?> Statement<_>)
+ | None -> translation { return Unop(UOp.Incr, Variable loopVarName) :> Statement<_> }
+ let! loopBody = translate body >>= toStb |> State.using clearContext
do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Namer.LetOut(); context)
- return ForIntegerLoop(var, cond, condModifier, body)
+ return ForIntegerLoop(loopVarBinding, loopCond, loopVarModifier, loopBody)
let translateWhileLoop condExpr bodyExpr = translation {
@@ -428,7 +505,8 @@ module rec Body =
do! State.modify (fun context -> context.VarDecls.Clear(); context)
for expr in linearized do
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.VarDecls.Clear(); context)
+ // NOTE тут что то сломалось :(
+ // do! State.modify (fun context -> context.VarDecls.Clear(); context)
match! translate expr with
| :? StatementBlock as s1 ->
@@ -495,12 +573,18 @@ module rec Body =
let translateUnionFieldGet expr (propInfo: PropertyInfo) = translation {
- let! unionType = State.gets (fun context -> context.UnionDecls.[expr.Type])
+ let! unionType = State.gets (fun context -> context.CStructDecls.[expr.Type])
+ let unionType = unionType :?> DiscriminatedUnionType
let! unionValueExpr = translateAsExpr expr
let caseName = propInfo.DeclaringType.Name
- let unionCaseField = unionType.GetCaseByName caseName
+ let unionCaseField =
+ // для option классы наследники не создаются, поэтому нужно обрабатывать отдельно
+ if caseName <> "FSharpOption`1" then
+ unionType.GetCaseByName caseName
+ else
+ unionType.GetCaseByName "Some"
match unionCaseField with
| Some unionCaseField ->
@@ -519,20 +603,83 @@ module rec Body =
+ let private translateLet (var: Var) expr inExpr = translation {
+ let! bName = State.gets (fun context -> context.Namer.LetStart var.Name)
+ let! vDecl = translation {
+ match expr with
+ | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@@ local @@> (_, _, _) ->
+ let! vType = Type.translate var.Type
+ return VarDecl(vType, bName, None, spaceModifier = Local)
+ | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@@ localArray @@> (_, _, [arg]) ->
+ let! expr = translateCond arg
+ let arrayLength =
+ match expr with
+ | :? Const as c -> int c.Val
+ | other -> raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "Calling localArray with a non-const argument %A" other)
+ let! arrayType = Type.translate var.Type |> State.using (fun ctx -> { ctx with ArrayKind = CArrayDecl arrayLength })
+ return VarDecl(arrayType, bName, None, spaceModifier = Local)
+ | Patterns.DefaultValue _ ->
+ let! vType = Type.translate var.Type
+ return VarDecl(vType, bName, None)
+ | _ -> return! translateBinding var bName expr
+ }
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.VarDecls.Add vDecl; context)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Namer.LetIn var.Name; context)
+ let! sb = State.gets (fun context -> context.VarDecls)
+ let! res = translate inExpr |> State.using clearContext
+ match res with
+ | :? StatementBlock as s -> sb.AddRange s.Statements
+ | _ -> sb.Add(res :?> Statement<_>)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Namer.LetOut(); context)
+ return StatementBlock sb :> Node<_>
+ }
+ let private translateProvidedCall expr = translation {
+ let rec traverse expr args = translation {
+ match expr with
+ | Patterns.Value (calledName, sType) ->
+ match sType.Name.ToLowerInvariant() with
+ | "string" -> return (calledName :?> string), args
+ | _ -> return raise <| TranslationFailedException(sprintf "Failed to parse provided call, expected string call name: %O" expr)
+ | Patterns.Sequential (expr1, expr2) ->
+ let! updatedArgs = translation {
+ match expr2 with
+ | Patterns.Value (null, _) -> return args // the last item in the sequence is null
+ | _ ->
+ let! a = translateAsExpr expr2
+ return a :: args
+ }
+ return! traverse expr1 updatedArgs
+ | _ -> return raise <| TranslationFailedException(sprintf "Failed to parse provided call: %O" expr)
+ }
+ let! m = traverse expr []
+ return FunCall m :> Node<_>
+ }
let translate expr = translation {
+ let toNode (x: #Node<_>) = translation {
+ return x :> Node<_>
+ }
match expr with
| Patterns.AddressOf expr -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "AdressOf is not suported: %O" expr)
| Patterns.AddressSet expr -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "AdressSet is not suported: %O" expr)
| Patterns.Application (expr1, expr2) ->
- let! (e, appling) = translateApplication expr1 expr2
- if appling then
+ let! (e, applying) = translateApplication expr1 expr2
+ if applying then
return! translate e
- let! r = translateApplicationFun expr1 expr2
- return r :> Node<_>
+ return! translateApplicationFun expr1 expr2 >>= toNode
- | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@@ PrintfReplacer.print @@> (_, _, args) ->
+ | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@@ print @@> (_, _, args) ->
match args with
| [ Patterns.ValueWithName (argTypes, _, _);
Patterns.ValueWithName (formatStr, _, _);
@@ -551,32 +698,36 @@ module rec Body =
) ->
return! translate expr
- | Patterns.Call (exprOpt, mInfo, args) ->
- let! r = translateCall exprOpt mInfo args
- return r :> Node<_>
+ | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne @> (_, [onType], _) ->
+ let! type' = Type.translate onType
+ let value =
+ Expr.Call(
+ Utils.makeGenericMethodCall [onType] <@ LanguagePrimitives.GenericOne @>,
+ List.empty
+ ).EvaluateUntyped().ToString()
+ return Const(type', value) :> Node<_>
+ | Patterns.Call (exprOpt, mInfo, args) -> return! translateCall exprOpt mInfo args >>= toNode
| Patterns.Coerce (expr, sType) -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "Coerce is not suported: %O" expr)
| Patterns.DefaultValue sType -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "DefaulValue is not suported: %O" expr)
| Patterns.FieldGet (exprOpt, fldInfo) ->
match exprOpt with
- | Some expr ->
- let! r = translateStructFieldGet expr fldInfo.Name
- return r :> Node<_>
+ | Some expr -> return! translateStructFieldGet expr fldInfo.Name >>= toNode
| None -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "FieldGet for empty host is not suported. Field: %A" fldInfo.Name)
| Patterns.FieldSet (exprOpt, fldInfo, expr) ->
match exprOpt with
- | Some e ->
- let! r = translateFieldSet e fldInfo.Name expr
- return r :> Node<_>
+ | Some e -> return! translateFieldSet e fldInfo.Name expr >>= toNode
| None -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "Fileld set with empty host is not supported. Field: %A" fldInfo)
- | Patterns.ForIntegerRangeLoop (i, from, _to, _do) ->
- let! r = translateForIntegerRangeLoop i from _to _do
- return r :> Node<_>
- | Patterns.IfThenElse (cond, thenExpr, elseExpr) ->
- let! r = translateIf cond thenExpr elseExpr
- return r :> Node<_>
- | Patterns.Lambda (var, _expr) ->
- // translateLambda var expr targetContext
- return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "Lambda is not suported: %A" expr)
+ | ForLoopWithStep (loopVar, (start, step, finish), loopBody) -> return! translateForLoop loopVar start finish (Some step) loopBody >>= toNode
+ | ForLoop (loopVar, (start, finish), loopBody) -> return! translateForLoop loopVar start finish None loopBody >>= toNode
+ | Patterns.ForIntegerRangeLoop (loopVar, start, finish, loopBody) -> return! translateForLoop loopVar start finish None loopBody >>= toNode
+ | Patterns.IfThenElse (cond, thenExpr, elseExpr) -> return! translateIf cond thenExpr elseExpr >>= toNode
+ | Patterns.Lambda (var, _expr) -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "Lambda is not suported: %A" expr)
| Patterns.Let (var, expr, inExpr) ->
match var.Name with
| "___providedCallInfo" -> return! translateProvidedCall expr
@@ -585,35 +736,31 @@ module rec Body =
| Patterns.LetRecursive (bindings, expr) -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "LetRecursive is not suported: %O" expr)
| Patterns.NewArray (sType, exprs) -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "NewArray is not suported: %O" expr)
| Patterns.NewDelegate (sType, vars, expr) -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "NewDelegate is not suported: %O" expr)
| Patterns.NewObject (constrInfo, exprs) ->
let! context = State.get
- let p = constrInfo.GetParameters()
- let p2 = constrInfo.GetMethodBody()
- // а если перегруженный конструктор? (отсальное нули)
- if context.UserDefinedTypes.Contains(constrInfo.DeclaringType) then
- let! structInfo = State.gets (fun context -> context.StructDecls.[constrInfo.DeclaringType])
- let cArgs = exprs |> List.map (fun x -> translation { return! translateAsExpr x })
- let res = NewStruct<_>(structInfo, cArgs |> List.map (State.eval context))
- return res :> Node<_>
- else
- return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "NewObject is not suported: %O" expr)
+ // let p = constrInfo. GetParameters()
+ // let p2 = constrInfo.GetMethodBody()
+ let! structInfo = Type.translate constrInfo.DeclaringType
+ let cArgs = exprs |> List.map (fun x -> translation { return! translateAsExpr x })
+ return NewStruct<_>(structInfo :?> StructType, cArgs |> List.map (State.eval context)) :> Node<_>
| Patterns.NewRecord (sType, exprs) ->
let! context = State.get
- let! structInfo = Type.translateStruct sType
+ let! structInfo = Type.translate sType
let cArgs = exprs |> List.map (fun x -> translation { return! translateAsExpr x })
- return NewStruct<_>(structInfo, cArgs |> List.map (State.eval context)) :> Node<_>
+ return NewStruct<_>(structInfo :?> StructType, cArgs |> List.map (State.eval context)) :> Node<_>
| Patterns.NewTuple (exprs) ->
let! context = State.get
- let! tupleDecl = Type.translateTuple expr.Type
+ let! tupleDecl = Type.translate expr.Type
let cArgs = exprs |> List.map (fun x -> translateAsExpr x)
- return NewStruct<_>(tupleDecl, cArgs |> List.map (State.eval context)) :> Node<_>
+ return NewStruct<_>(tupleDecl :?> StructType, cArgs |> List.map (State.eval context)) :> Node<_>
| Patterns.NewUnionCase (unionCaseInfo, exprs) ->
let! context = State.get
- let unionType = unionCaseInfo.DeclaringType
- if not <| context.UserDefinedTypes.Contains(unionType) then
- raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "Union type %s is not registered" unionType.Name)
- let unionInfo = context.UnionDecls.[unionType]
+ let! unionInfo = Type.translate unionCaseInfo.DeclaringType
+ let unionInfo = unionInfo :?> DiscriminatedUnionType
let tag = Const(unionInfo.Tag.Type, string unionCaseInfo.Tag) :> Expression<_>
let args =
@@ -621,125 +768,51 @@ module rec Body =
| None -> []
| Some field ->
let structArgs = exprs |> List.map (fun x -> translateAsExpr x) |> List.map (State.eval context)
- let data =
- NewUnion(
- unionInfo.Data.Type :?> UnionClInplaceType<_>,
- field.Name,
- NewStruct(field.Type :?> StructType<_>, structArgs)
- )
- [ data :> Expression<_> ]
+ NewUnion(
+ unionInfo.Data.Type :?> UnionClInplaceType<_>,
+ field.Name,
+ NewStruct(field.Type :?> StructType<_>, structArgs)
+ ) :> Expression<_>
+ |> List.singleton
return NewStruct(unionInfo, tag :: args) :> Node<_>
- | Patterns.PropertyGet (exprOpt, propInfo, exprs) ->
- let! res = translatePropGet exprOpt propInfo exprs
- return res :> Node<_>
- | Patterns.PropertySet (exprOpt, propInfo, exprs, expr) ->
- let! res = translatePropSet exprOpt propInfo exprs expr
- return res :> Node<_>
- | Patterns.Sequential (expr1, expr2) ->
- let! res = translateSeq expr1 expr2
- return res :> Node<_>
+ | Patterns.PropertyGet (exprOpt, propInfo, exprs) -> return! translatePropGet exprOpt propInfo exprs >>= toNode
+ | Patterns.PropertySet (exprOpt, propInfo, exprs, expr) -> return! translatePropSet exprOpt propInfo exprs expr >>= toNode
+ | Patterns.Sequential (expr1, expr2) -> return! translateSeq expr1 expr2 >>= toNode
| Patterns.TryFinally (tryExpr, finallyExpr) -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "TryFinally is not suported: %O" expr)
| Patterns.TryWith (expr1, var1, expr2, var2, expr3) -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "TryWith is not suported: %O" expr)
- | Patterns.TupleGet (expr, i) ->
- let! r = translateStructFieldGet expr ("_" + (string (i + 1)))
- return r :> Node<_>
+ | Patterns.TupleGet (expr, i) -> return! translateStructFieldGet expr ("_" + (string (i + 1))) >>= toNode
| Patterns.TypeTest (expr, sType) -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "TypeTest is not suported: %O" expr)
| Patterns.UnionCaseTest (expr, unionCaseInfo) ->
- let! context = State.get
- let unionDecl = context.UnionDecls.[expr.Type]
+ let! unionInfo = Type.translate unionCaseInfo.DeclaringType
+ let unionInfo = unionInfo :?> DiscriminatedUnionType
let! unionVarExpr = translateAsExpr expr
- let unionGetTagExpr = FieldGet(unionVarExpr, unionDecl.Tag.Name) :> Expression<_>
- let tagExpr = Const(unionDecl.Tag.Type, string unionCaseInfo.Tag) :> Expression<_>
+ let unionGetTagExpr = FieldGet(unionVarExpr, unionInfo.Tag.Name) :> Expression<_>
+ // NOTE Const pog for genericOne
+ let tagExpr = Const(unionInfo.Tag.Type, string unionCaseInfo.Tag) :> Expression<_>
+ return Binop(EQ, unionGetTagExpr, tagExpr) :> Node<_>
- return Binop(BOp.EQ, unionGetTagExpr, tagExpr) :> Node<_>
- | Patterns.ValueWithName (_obj, sType, name) ->
+ | Patterns.ValueWithName (obj', sType, name) ->
let! context = State.get
// Here is the only use of TranslationContext.InLocal
if sType.ToString().EndsWith "[]" (*&& not context.InLocal*) then
context.Namer.AddVar name
- let! res = translateValue _obj sType
+ let! res = translateValue obj' sType
VarDecl(res.Type, name, Some(res :> Expression<_>), AddressSpaceQualifier.Constant)
let var = Var(name, sType)
- let! res = translateVar var
- return res :> Node<_>
+ return! translateVar var >>= toNode
- let! res = translateValue _obj sType
- return res :> Node<_>
- | Patterns.Value (_obj, sType) ->
- let! res = translateValue _obj sType
- return res :> Node<_>
- | Patterns.Var var ->
- let! res = translateVar var
- return res :> Node<_>
- | Patterns.VarSet (var, expr) ->
- let! res = translateVarSet var expr
- return res :> Node<_>
- | Patterns.WhileLoop (condExpr, bodyExpr) ->
- let! r = translateWhileLoop condExpr bodyExpr
- return r :> Node<_>
- | _ -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "Folowing expression inside kernel is not supported:\n%O" expr)
- }
- let private translateLet var expr inExpr = translation {
- let! bName = State.gets (fun context -> context.Namer.LetStart var.Name)
+ return! translateValue obj' sType >>= toNode
- let! vDecl = translation {
- match expr with
- | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@@ local @@> (_, _, _) ->
- let! vType = Type.translate var.Type
- return VarDecl(vType, bName, None, spaceModifier = Local)
- | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@@ localArray @@> (_, _, [arg]) ->
- let! expr = translateCond arg
- let arrayLength =
- match expr with
- | :? Const as c -> int c.Val
- | other -> raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "Calling localArray with a non-const argument %A" other)
- let! arrayType = Type.translate var.Type |> State.using (fun ctx -> { ctx with ArrayKind = CArrayDecl arrayLength })
- return VarDecl(arrayType, bName, None, spaceModifier = Local)
- | Patterns.DefaultValue _ ->
- let! vType = Type.translate var.Type
- return VarDecl(vType, bName, None)
- | _ -> return! translateBinding var bName expr
- }
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.VarDecls.Add vDecl; context)
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Namer.LetIn var.Name; context)
- let! sb = State.gets (fun context -> context.VarDecls)
- let! res = translate inExpr |> State.using clearContext
- match res with
- | :? StatementBlock as s -> sb.AddRange s.Statements
- | _ -> sb.Add(res :?> Statement<_>)
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.Namer.LetOut(); context)
- return StatementBlock sb :> Node<_>
- }
- let private translateProvidedCall expr = translation {
- let rec traverse expr args = translation {
- match expr with
- | Patterns.Value (calledName, sType) ->
- match sType.Name.ToLowerInvariant() with
- | "string" -> return (calledName :?> string), args
- | _ -> return raise <| TranslationFailedException(sprintf "Failed to parse provided call, expected string call name: %O" expr)
- | Patterns.Sequential (expr1, expr2) ->
- let! updatedArgs = translation {
- match expr2 with
- | Patterns.Value (null, _) -> return args // the last item in the sequence is null
- | _ ->
- let! a = translateAsExpr expr2
- return a :: args
- }
- return! traverse expr1 updatedArgs
- | _ -> return raise <| TranslationFailedException(sprintf "Failed to parse provided call: %O" expr)
- }
- let! m = traverse expr []
- return FunCall m :> Node<_>
+ | Patterns.Value (obj', sType) -> return! translateValue obj' sType >>= toNode
+ | Patterns.Var var -> return! translateVar var >>= toNode
+ | Patterns.VarSet (var, expr) -> return! translateVarSet var expr >>= toNode
+ | Patterns.WhileLoop (condExpr, bodyExpr) -> return! translateWhileLoop condExpr bodyExpr >>= toNode
+ | _ -> return raise <| InvalidKernelException(sprintf "Folowing expression inside kernel is not supported:\n%O" expr)
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator.fsproj b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator.fsproj
index 215e7d81..91cf5c87 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator.fsproj
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator.fsproj
@@ -16,14 +16,15 @@
@@ -43,4 +44,4 @@
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Exceptions.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Exceptions.fs
index d6316125..11e36848 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Exceptions.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Exceptions.fs
@@ -1,7 +1,19 @@
namespace Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator
+open System
/// The exception that is thrown when the kernel has invalid format.
-exception InvalidKernelException of string
+type InvalidKernelException =
+ inherit Exception
+ new() = { inherit Exception() } //
+ new(message: string) = { inherit Exception(message) }
+ new(message: string, inner: Exception) = { inherit Exception(message, inner) } //
/// The exception that is thrown when the unexpected error occured during the translation.
-exception TranslationFailedException of string
+type TranslationFailedException =
+ inherit Exception
+ new() = { inherit Exception() } //
+ new(message: string) = { inherit Exception(message) }
+ new(message: string, inner: Exception) = { inherit Exception(message, inner) }
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Methods.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Methods.fs
index b910c805..64b4bfe8 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Methods.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Methods.fs
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST
-type Method(var: Var, expr: Expr, context: TranslationContext>) =
+type Method(var: Var, expr: Expr) =
member this.FunVar = var
member this.FunExpr = expr
@@ -33,121 +33,123 @@ type Method(var: Var, expr: Expr, context: TranslationContext StatementBlock * TranslationContext>
- default this.TranslateBody(args, body) =
- let (newBody, context) =
- let clonedContext = context.Copy()
+ abstract TranslateBody : Var list * Expr -> State>
+ default this.TranslateBody(args, body) = translation {
+ let! context = State.get
- clonedContext.Namer.LetIn()
- args |> List.iter (fun v -> clonedContext.Namer.AddVar v.Name)
+ context.Namer.LetIn()
+ args |> List.iter (fun v -> context.Namer.AddVar v.Name)
- Body.translate body |> State.run clonedContext
+ let! newBody = Body.translate body
- match newBody with
- | :? StatementBlock as sb -> sb
- | :? Statement as s -> StatementBlock <| ResizeArray [s]
- | _ -> failwithf "Incorrect function body: %A" newBody
- , context
+ return
+ match newBody with
+ | :? StatementBlock as sb -> sb
+ | :? Statement as s -> StatementBlock <| ResizeArray [s]
+ | _ -> failwithf "Incorrect function body: %A" newBody
+ }
- abstract TranslateArgs : Var list * string list * string list * TranslationContext> -> FunFormalArg list
+ abstract TranslateArgs : Var list * string list * string list -> State list>
- abstract BuildFunction : FunFormalArg list * StatementBlock * TranslationContext> -> ITopDef
+ abstract BuildFunction : FunFormalArg list * StatementBlock -> State>
- abstract GetPragmas : TranslationContext> -> ITopDef list
- default this.GetPragmas(context) =
- let pragmas = ResizeArray()
+ abstract GetTopLevelVarDecls : unit -> State list>
+ default this.GetTopLevelVarDecls() = translation {
+ let! context = State.get
- if context.Flags.enableAtomic then
- pragmas.Add(CLPragma CLGlobalInt32BaseAtomics :> ITopDef<_>)
- pragmas.Add(CLPragma CLLocalInt32BaseAtomics :> ITopDef<_>)
+ return
+ context.TopLevelVarsDecls
+ |> Seq.cast<_>
+ |> List.ofSeq
+ }
- if context.Flags.enableFP64 then
- pragmas.Add(CLPragma CLFP64)
+ abstract Translate : string list * string list -> State list>
+ default this.Translate(globalVars, localVars) = translation {
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.WithNewLocalContext())
- List.ofSeq pragmas
- abstract GetTopLevelVarDecls : TranslationContext> -> ITopDef list
- default this.GetTopLevelVarDecls(context) =
- context.TopLevelVarsDecls
- |> Seq.cast<_>
- |> List.ofSeq
- abstract Translate : string list * string list -> ITopDef list
- default this.Translate(globalVars, localVars) =
match expr with
| DerivedPatterns.Lambdas (args, body) ->
let args = List.collect id args
- let (translatedBody, context) = this.TranslateBody(args, body)
- let translatedArgs = this.TranslateArgs(args, globalVars, localVars, context)
- let func = this.BuildFunction(translatedArgs, translatedBody, context)
- let pragmas = this.GetPragmas(context)
- let topLevelVarDecls = this.GetTopLevelVarDecls(context)
+ let! translatedBody = this.TranslateBody(args, body)
+ let! translatedArgs = this.TranslateArgs(args, globalVars, localVars)
+ let! func = this.BuildFunction(translatedArgs, translatedBody)
+ let! topLevelVarDecls = this.GetTopLevelVarDecls()
- pragmas
- @ topLevelVarDecls
- @ [func]
+ return topLevelVarDecls @ [func]
- | _ -> failwithf "Incorrect OpenCL quotation: %A" expr
+ | _ -> return failwithf "Incorrect OpenCL quotation: %A" expr
+ }
override this.ToString() =
sprintf "%A\n%A" var expr
-type KernelFunc(var: Var, expr: Expr, context: TranslationContext>) =
- inherit Method(var, expr, context)
+type KernelFunc(var: Var, expr: Expr) =
+ inherit Method(var, expr)
+ override this.TranslateArgs(args, _, _) = translation {
+ let! context = State.get
- override this.TranslateArgs(args, _, _, context) =
let brahmaDimensionsTypes = [
- args
- |> List.filter
- (fun (variable: Var) ->
- brahmaDimensionsTypes
- |> (not << List.contains (variable.Type.Name.ToLowerInvariant()))
- )
- |> List.map
- (fun variable ->
+ return
+ args
+ |> List.filter
+ (fun (variable: Var) ->
+ brahmaDimensionsTypes
+ |> (not << List.contains (variable.Type.Name.ToLowerInvariant()))
+ )
+ |> List.map
+ (fun variable ->
+ let vType = Type.translate variable.Type |> State.eval context
+ let declSpecs = DeclSpecifierPack(typeSpecifier = vType)
+ if vType :? RefType<_> then
+ declSpecs.AddressSpaceQualifier <- Global
+ FunFormalArg(declSpecs, variable.Name)
+ )
+ }
+ override this.BuildFunction(args, body) = translation {
+ let retFunType = PrimitiveType Void :> Type<_>
+ let declSpecs = DeclSpecifierPack(typeSpecifier = retFunType, funQualifier = Kernel)
+ return FunDecl(declSpecs, var.Name, args, body) :> ITopDef<_>
+ }
+type Function(var: Var, expr: Expr) =
+ inherit Method(var, expr)
+ override this.TranslateArgs(args, globalVars, localVars) = translation {
+ let! context = State.get
+ return
+ args
+ |> List.map (fun variable ->
let vType = Type.translate variable.Type |> State.eval context
let declSpecs = DeclSpecifierPack(typeSpecifier = vType)
- if vType :? RefType<_> then
+ if
+ vType :? RefType<_> &&
+ globalVars |> List.contains variable.Name
+ then
declSpecs.AddressSpaceQualifier <- Global
+ elif
+ vType :? RefType<_> &&
+ localVars |> List.contains variable.Name
+ then
+ declSpecs.AddressSpaceQualifier <- Local
FunFormalArg(declSpecs, variable.Name)
+ }
+ override this.BuildFunction(args, body) = translation {
+ let! context = State.get
- override this.BuildFunction(args, body, _) =
- let retFunType = PrimitiveType Void :> Type<_>
- let declSpecs = DeclSpecifierPack(typeSpecifier = retFunType, funQualifier = Kernel)
- FunDecl(declSpecs, var.Name, args, body) :> ITopDef<_>
-type Function(var: Var, expr: Expr, context: TranslationContext>) =
- inherit Method(var, expr, context)
- override this.TranslateArgs(args, globalVars, localVars, context) =
- args
- |> List.map (fun variable ->
- let vType = Type.translate variable.Type |> State.eval context
- let declSpecs = DeclSpecifierPack(typeSpecifier = vType)
- if
- vType :? RefType<_> &&
- globalVars |> List.contains variable.Name
- then
- declSpecs.AddressSpaceQualifier <- Global
- elif
- vType :? RefType<_> &&
- localVars |> List.contains variable.Name
- then
- declSpecs.AddressSpaceQualifier <- Local
- FunFormalArg(declSpecs, variable.Name)
- )
- override this.BuildFunction(args, body, context) =
let retFunType = Type.translate var.Type |> State.eval context
let declSpecs = DeclSpecifierPack(typeSpecifier = retFunType)
let partAST =
@@ -155,42 +157,50 @@ type Function(var: Var, expr: Expr, context: TranslationContext as t when t.Type = Void -> body :> Statement<_>
| _ -> this.AddReturn(body)
- FunDecl(declSpecs, var.Name, args, partAST) :> ITopDef<_>
+ return FunDecl(declSpecs, var.Name, args, partAST) :> ITopDef<_>
+ }
+type AtomicFunc(var: Var, expr: Expr, qual: AddressSpaceQualifier) =
+ inherit Method(var, expr)
-type AtomicFunc(var: Var, expr: Expr, qual: AddressSpaceQualifier, context: TranslationContext>) =
- inherit Method(var, expr, context)
+ override this.TranslateArgs(args, globalVars, localVars) = translation {
+ let! context = State.get
- override this.TranslateArgs(args, globalVars, localVars, context) =
let firstNonMutexIdx =
|> List.tryFindIndex (fun v -> not <| v.Name.EndsWith "Mutex")
|> Option.defaultValue 0
- args
- |> List.mapi
- (fun i variable ->
- let vType = Type.translate variable.Type |> State.eval context
- let declSpecs = DeclSpecifierPack(typeSpecifier = vType)
- if i = firstNonMutexIdx then
- declSpecs.AddressSpaceQualifier <- qual
- elif
- vType :? RefType<_> &&
- globalVars |> List.contains variable.Name
- then
- declSpecs.AddressSpaceQualifier <- Global
- elif
- vType :? RefType<_> &&
- localVars |> List.contains variable.Name
- then
- declSpecs.AddressSpaceQualifier <- Local
- FunFormalArg(declSpecs, variable.Name)
- )
+ return
+ args
+ |> List.mapi
+ (fun i variable ->
+ let vType = Type.translate variable.Type |> State.eval context
+ let declSpecs = DeclSpecifierPack(typeSpecifier = vType)
+ if i = firstNonMutexIdx then
+ declSpecs.AddressSpaceQualifier <- qual
+ elif
+ vType :? RefType<_> &&
+ globalVars |> List.contains variable.Name
+ then
+ declSpecs.AddressSpaceQualifier <- Global
+ elif
+ vType :? RefType<_> &&
+ localVars |> List.contains variable.Name
+ then
+ declSpecs.AddressSpaceQualifier <- Local
+ FunFormalArg(declSpecs, variable.Name)
+ )
+ }
+ override this.BuildFunction(args, body) = translation {
+ let! context = State.get
- override this.BuildFunction(args, body, context) =
let retFunType = Type.translate var.Type |> State.eval context
let declSpecs = DeclSpecifierPack(typeSpecifier = retFunType)
let partAST = this.AddReturn body
- FunDecl(declSpecs, var.Name, args, partAST) :> ITopDef<_>
+ return FunDecl(declSpecs, var.Name, args, partAST) :> ITopDef<_>
+ }
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/AtomicProcessor.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/AtomicProcessor.fs
index 8290b5f7..ae79561b 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/AtomicProcessor.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/AtomicProcessor.fs
@@ -32,17 +32,17 @@ module AtomicProcessor =
let inline private atomicOr p v = (|||) !p v
let inline private atomicXor p v = (^^^) !p v
- let private atomicAddInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ atomicAdd @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- let private atomicSubInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ atomicSub @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- let private atomicIncInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ atomicInc @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- let private atomicDecInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ atomicDec @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- let private atomicXchgInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ atomicXchg @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- let private atomicCmpxchgInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ atomicCmpxchg @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- let private atomicMinInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ atomicMin @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- let private atomicMaxInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ atomicMax @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- let private atomicAndInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ atomicAnd @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- let private atomicOrInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ atomicOr @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- let private atomicXorInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ atomicXor @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ let private atomicAddInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ atomicAdd @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ let private atomicSubInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ atomicSub @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ let private atomicIncInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ atomicInc @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ let private atomicDecInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ atomicDec @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ let private atomicXchgInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ atomicXchg @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ let private atomicCmpxchgInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ atomicCmpxchg @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ let private atomicMinInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ atomicMin @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ let private atomicMaxInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ atomicMax @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ let private atomicAndInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ atomicAnd @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ let private atomicOrInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ atomicOr @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ let private atomicXorInfo = (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ atomicXor @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition()
let private modifyFirstOfList f lst =
match lst with
@@ -192,70 +192,36 @@ module AtomicProcessor =
let baseFuncBody =
match lambdaBody with
- | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ inc @> (_, onType :: _, _) ->
- failwithf "Atomic inc for %O is not suppotred" onType
- | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ dec @> (_, onType :: _, _) ->
- failwithf "Atomic inc for %O is not suppotred" onType
- // | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ inc @> (_, onType :: _, [Patterns.Var p]) ->
- // Expr.Call(
- // (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ (+) @>)
- // .GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- // .MakeGenericMethod(onType, onType, onType),
- // [
- // Expr.Var p;
- // Expr.Call(
- // (Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ unbox @>)
- // .GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- // .MakeGenericMethod(onType),
- // Expr.Value(
- // Expr.Call(
- // (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ GenericOne @>)
- // .GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- // .MakeGenericMethod(onType),
- // List.empty
- // ).EvaluateUntyped()
- // )
- // |> List.singleton
- // )
- // ]
- // )
- // | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ dec @> (_, onType :: _, [Patterns.Var p]) ->
- // Expr.Call(
- // (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ (-) @>)
- // .GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- // .MakeGenericMethod(onType, onType, onType),
- // [
- // Expr.Var p;
- // Expr.Call(
- // (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ unbox @>)
- // .GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- // .MakeGenericMethod(onType),
- // Expr.Value(
- // Expr.Call(
- // (Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ GenericOne @>)
- // .GetGenericMethodDefinition()
- // .MakeGenericMethod(onType),
- // List.empty
- // ).EvaluateUntyped()
- // )
- // |> List.singleton
- // )
- // ]
- // )
+ | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ inc @> (_, onType :: _, [Patterns.Var p]) ->
+ Expr.Call(
+ Utils.makeGenericMethodCall [onType; onType; onType] <@ (+) @>,
+ [
+ Expr.Var p;
+ Expr.Call(
+ Utils.makeGenericMethodCall [onType] <@ GenericOne @>,
+ List.empty
+ )
+ ]
+ )
+ | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ dec @> (_, onType :: _, [Patterns.Var p]) ->
+ Expr.Call(
+ Utils.makeGenericMethodCall [onType; onType; onType] <@ (-) @>,
+ [
+ Expr.Var p;
+ Expr.Call(
+ Utils.makeGenericMethodCall [onType] <@ GenericOne @>,
+ List.empty
+ )
+ ]
+ )
| DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ xchg @> (_, _, [Patterns.Var p; Patterns.Var value]) ->
Expr.Var value
| DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ cmpxchg @> (_, onType :: _, [Patterns.Var p; Patterns.Var cmp; Patterns.Var value]) ->
- Expr.Call((Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ (=) @>).GetGenericMethodDefinition().MakeGenericMethod(onType), [Expr.Var p; Expr.Var cmp]),
+ Expr.Call(Utils.makeGenericMethodCall [onType] <@ (=) @>, [Expr.Var p; Expr.Var cmp]),
Expr.Var value,
Expr.Var p
@@ -320,7 +286,7 @@ module AtomicProcessor =
| DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ IntrinsicFunctions.GetArray @> (_, _, [Patterns.Var _; idx]) ->
- Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ IntrinsicFunctions.GetArray @>,
+ Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ IntrinsicFunctions.GetArray @>,
[Expr.Var mutexVar; idx]
@@ -361,7 +327,7 @@ module AtomicProcessor =
flag <- false
// HACK needed for nvidia, but broken for intel cpu
//barrier ()
- barrier ()
+ barrierLocal ()
Expr.Var oldValueVar
@@ -459,7 +425,7 @@ module AtomicProcessor =
| Some mutexVar ->
- Expr.Call(Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ localArray @>, args),
+ Expr.Call(Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ localArray @>, args),
if Anchors._localID0 = 0 then
@@ -470,7 +436,7 @@ module AtomicProcessor =
Expr.Value 0,
<@@ (%%args.[0] : int) - 1 @@>,
- Utils.getMethodInfoOfLambda <@ IntrinsicFunctions.SetArray @>,
+ Utils.getMethodInfoOfCall <@ IntrinsicFunctions.SetArray @>,
Expr.Var mutexVar
Expr.Var i
@@ -479,7 +445,7 @@ module AtomicProcessor =
- barrier ()
+ barrierLocal ()
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/TransformMinMax.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/TransformMinMax.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4c71bf27
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/TransformMinMax.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+namespace Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator.QuotationTransformers
+open FSharp.Quotations
+open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator
+module TransformerMinMax =
+ let helper (expr: Expr) (type': System.Type) (x: Expr) (y: Expr) =
+ let cachedXVar = Var("tempVarX", type')
+ let cachedYVar = Var("tempVarY", type')
+ Expr.Let(
+ cachedXVar,
+ x,
+ Expr.Let(
+ cachedYVar,
+ y,
+ Expr.IfThenElse(
+ Expr.Call(
+ Utils.makeGenericMethodCall [type'] expr,
+ [Expr.Var cachedXVar; Expr.Var cachedYVar]
+ ),
+ Expr.Var cachedXVar,
+ Expr.Var cachedYVar
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ let rec transformMinMax (expr: Expr) =
+ match expr with
+ | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@@ max @@> (_, [genericParam], [x; y]) ->
+ helper <@@ (>) @@> genericParam x y
+ | DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@@ min @@> (_, [genericParam], [x; y]) ->
+ helper <@@ (<) @@> genericParam x y
+ | ExprShape.ShapeVar _ ->
+ expr
+ | ExprShape.ShapeLambda (x, body) ->
+ Expr.Lambda(x, transformMinMax body)
+ | ExprShape.ShapeCombination(combo, exprList) ->
+ ExprShape.RebuildShapeCombination(combo, List.map transformMinMax exprList)
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Transformer.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Transformer.fs
index 84a3cab5..5dcd72c1 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Transformer.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Transformer.fs
@@ -24,8 +24,9 @@ module Transformer =
let preprocessQuotation expr = replacePrintf expr
/// Returns kernel and other methods
- let transformQuotation (expr: Expr) (translatorOptions: TranslatorOption list) =
+ let transformQuotation (expr: Expr) =
+ // |> transformMinMax
|> processAtomic
|> replacePrintf
|> makeVarNameUnique
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Utilities/Patterns.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Utilities/Patterns.fs
index 433b4df3..bfc4d73f 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Utilities/Patterns.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Utilities/Patterns.fs
@@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ module Patterns =
let rec private uncurryLambda (expr: Expr) =
match expr with
| ExprShape.ShapeLambda (var, body) ->
- let args, innerBody = uncurryLambda body
+ let (args, innerBody) = uncurryLambda body
var :: args, innerBody
| _ -> [], expr
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Utilities/Utils.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Utilities/Utils.fs
index fbc6aa81..b6db8d30 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Utilities/Utils.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/QuotationTransformers/Utilities/Utils.fs
@@ -116,16 +116,6 @@ module Utils =
Expr.Call (newMethodInfo, [reference; value])
| _ -> failwithf "createReferenceSetCall: (:=) is not more a Call expression"
- let getMethodInfoOfLambda (expr: Expr) =
- match expr with
- | DerivedPatterns.Lambdas (args, Patterns.Call (_, mInfo, _)) -> mInfo
- | _ -> failwithf "Expression is not lambda, but %O" expr
- let getMethodInfoOfCall (expr: Expr) =
- match expr with
- | Patterns.Call (_, mInfo, _) -> mInfo
- | _ -> failwithf "Expression is not call, but %O" expr
let isGlobal (var: Var) =
var.Type.Name.ToLower().StartsWith ClArray_ ||
var.Type.Name.ToLower().StartsWith ClCell_
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/TranslationContext.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/TranslationContext.fs
index 1e8d261e..d5ecd133 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/TranslationContext.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/TranslationContext.fs
@@ -23,51 +23,45 @@ type ArrayKind =
| CPointer
| CArrayDecl of size: int
-type Flags() =
- member val enableAtomic = false with get, set
- member val enableFP64 = false with get, set
+type Flag =
+ | EnableAtomic
+ | EnableFP64
-type TranslatorOption =
- | UseNativeBooleanType
- | BoolAsBit
+type TranslatorOptions() =
+ member val UseNativeBooleanType = false with get, set
+ member val BoolAsBit = false with get, set
type TranslationContext<'lang, 'vDecl> =
TopLevelVarsDecls: ResizeArray<'vDecl>
- UserDefinedTypes: HashSet
- // NOTE is it necessary to have 3 dicts?
- TupleDecls: Dictionary>
- StructDecls: Dictionary>
- UnionDecls: Dictionary>
+ CStructDecls: Dictionary>
VarDecls: ResizeArray<'vDecl>
Namer: Namer
ArrayKind: ArrayKind
- Flags: Flags
- TranslatorOptions: TranslatorOption list
+ Flags: HashSet
+ TranslatorOptions: TranslatorOptions
- static member Create([] translatorOptions: TranslatorOption[]) =
+ static member Create() =
TopLevelVarsDecls = ResizeArray<'vDecl>()
- UserDefinedTypes = HashSet()
- TupleDecls = Dictionary>()
- StructDecls = Dictionary>()
- UnionDecls = Dictionary>()
+ CStructDecls = Dictionary>()
VarDecls = ResizeArray<'vDecl>()
Namer = Namer()
ArrayKind = CPointer
- Flags = Flags()
- TranslatorOptions = translatorOptions |> Array.toList
+ Flags = HashSet()
+ TranslatorOptions = TranslatorOptions()
- member this.Copy() =
+ member this.WithNewLocalContext() =
{ this with
VarDecls = ResizeArray()
Namer = Namer()
+ ArrayKind = CPointer
type TargetContext = TranslationContext>
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Translator.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Translator.fs
index fab5460c..a45bdd39 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Translator.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Translator.fs
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator.QuotationTransformers
open System
open System.Collections.Generic
-type FSQuotationToOpenCLTranslator([] translatorOptions: TranslatorOption[]) =
+type FSQuotationToOpenCLTranslator(translatorOptions: TranslatorOptions) =
let mainKernelName = "brahmaKernel"
let lockObject = obj ()
@@ -40,18 +40,24 @@ type FSQuotationToOpenCLTranslator([] translatorOptions: TranslatorO
let atomicApplicationsInfo =
let atomicPointerArgQualifiers = Dictionary>()
+ let (|AtomicApplArgs|_|) (args: Expr list list) =
+ match args with
+ | [mutex] :: _ :: [[DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ ref @> (_, _, [Patterns.ValidVolatileArg var])]]
+ | [mutex] :: [[DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ ref @> (_, _, [Patterns.ValidVolatileArg var])]] -> Some (mutex, var)
+ | _ -> None
let rec go expr =
match expr with
| DerivedPatterns.Applications
Patterns.Var funcVar,
- [mutex] :: [DerivedPatterns.SpecificCall <@ ref @> (_, _, [Patterns.ValidVolatileArg var])] :: _
+ AtomicApplArgs (_, volatileVar)
when funcVar.Name.StartsWith "atomic" ->
- if kernelArgumentsNames |> List.contains var.Name then
+ if kernelArgumentsNames |> List.contains volatileVar.Name then
atomicPointerArgQualifiers.Add(funcVar, Global)
- elif localVarsNames |> List.contains var.Name then
+ elif localVarsNames |> List.contains volatileVar.Name then
atomicPointerArgQualifiers.Add(funcVar, Local)
failwith "Atomic pointer argument should be from local or global memory only"
@@ -71,51 +77,55 @@ type FSQuotationToOpenCLTranslator([] translatorOptions: TranslatorO
kernelArgumentsNames, localVarsNames, atomicApplicationsInfo
- let constructMethods (expr: Expr) (functions: (Var * Expr) list) (atomicApplicationsInfo: Map>) context =
- let kernelFunc = KernelFunc(Var(mainKernelName, expr.Type), expr, context) :> Method |> List.singleton
+ let constructMethods (expr: Expr) (functions: (Var * Expr) list) (atomicApplicationsInfo: Map>) =
+ let kernelFunc = KernelFunc(Var(mainKernelName, expr.Type), expr) :> Method |> List.singleton
let methods =
|> List.map (fun (var, expr) ->
match atomicApplicationsInfo |> Map.tryFind var with
- | Some qual -> AtomicFunc(var, expr, qual, context) :> Method
- | None -> Function(var, expr, context) :> Method
+ | Some qual -> AtomicFunc(var, expr, qual) :> Method
+ | None -> Function(var, expr) :> Method
methods @ kernelFunc
- let translate expr' translatorOptions =
+ let translate expr' =
let expr = preprocessQuotation expr'
let context = TranslationContext.Create()
// TODO: Extract quotationTransformer to translator
- let (kernelExpr, functions) = transformQuotation expr translatorOptions
+ let (kernelExpr, functions) = transformQuotation expr
let (globalVars, localVars, atomicApplicationsInfo) = collectData kernelExpr functions
- let methods = constructMethods kernelExpr functions atomicApplicationsInfo context
+ let methods = constructMethods kernelExpr functions atomicApplicationsInfo
let clFuncs = ResizeArray()
for method in methods do
- clFuncs.AddRange(method.Translate(globalVars, localVars))
+ clFuncs.AddRange(method.Translate(globalVars, localVars) |> State.eval context)
+ let pragmas =
+ let pragmas = ResizeArray()
+ context.Flags
+ |> Seq.iter (fun (flag: Flag) ->
+ match flag with
+ | EnableAtomic ->
+ pragmas.Add(CLPragma CLGlobalInt32BaseAtomics :> ITopDef<_>)
+ pragmas.Add(CLPragma CLLocalInt32BaseAtomics :> ITopDef<_>)
+ | EnableFP64 ->
+ pragmas.Add(CLPragma CLFP64)
+ )
+ List.ofSeq pragmas
let userDefinedTypes =
- context.UserDefinedTypes
- |> Seq.map
- (fun type' ->
- if context.StructDecls.ContainsKey type' then
- context.StructDecls.[type']
- elif context.TupleDecls.ContainsKey type' then
- context.TupleDecls.[type']
- elif context.UnionDecls.ContainsKey type' then
- context.UnionDecls.[type'] :> StructType<_>
- else
- failwith "Something went wrong :( This error shouldn't occur"
- )
+ context.CStructDecls.Values
|> Seq.map StructDecl
|> Seq.cast>
|> List.ofSeq
- AST <| userDefinedTypes @ List.ofSeq clFuncs,
+ AST(pragmas @ userDefinedTypes @ List.ofSeq clFuncs),
|> List.find (fun method -> method :? KernelFunc)
|> fun kernel -> kernel.FunExpr
@@ -124,4 +134,4 @@ type FSQuotationToOpenCLTranslator([] translatorOptions: TranslatorO
member this.Translate(qExpr) =
lock lockObject <| fun () ->
- translate qExpr (List.ofArray translatorOptions)
+ translate qExpr
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Type.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Type.fs
index c33f888e..56479464 100644
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Type.fs
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Type.fs
@@ -59,11 +59,11 @@ module rec Type =
| Name "unit" -> return PrimitiveType(Void) :> Type
| Name "float"
| Name "double" ->
- do! State.modify (fun ctx -> ctx.Flags.enableFP64 <- true; ctx)
+ do! State.modify (fun ctx -> ctx.Flags.Add EnableFP64 |> ignore; ctx)
return PrimitiveType(Double) :> Type
| Name "boolean" ->
- match! State.gets (fun ctx -> ctx.TranslatorOptions |> List.contains UseNativeBooleanType) with
+ match! State.gets (fun ctx -> ctx.TranslatorOptions.UseNativeBooleanType) with
| true -> return PrimitiveType(Bool) :> Type
| false -> return PrimitiveType(BoolClAlias) :> Type
@@ -100,14 +100,18 @@ module rec Type =
let! translated = translateStruct type'
return translated :> Type<_>
+ | _ when FSharpType.IsUnion type' ->
+ let! translated = translateUnion type'
+ return translated :> Type<_>
| other -> return failwithf "Unsupported kernel type: %A" other
let translateStruct (type': System.Type) = translation {
let! context = State.get
- if context.StructDecls.ContainsKey type' then
- return context.StructDecls.[type']
+ if context.CStructDecls.ContainsKey type' then
+ return context.CStructDecls.[type']
let! fields =
@@ -126,18 +130,17 @@ module rec Type =
let fields = fields |> List.distinct
- let! index = State.gets (fun ctx -> ctx.StructDecls.Count)
+ let! index = State.gets (fun ctx -> ctx.CStructDecls.Count)
let structType = StructType(sprintf "struct%i" index, fields)
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.StructDecls.Add(type', structType); context)
- context.UserDefinedTypes.Add type' |> ignore
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.CStructDecls.Add(type', structType); context)
return structType
let translateTuple (type': System.Type) = translation {
let! context = State.get
- if context.StructDecls.ContainsKey type' then
- return context.StructDecls.[type']
+ if context.CStructDecls.ContainsKey type' then
+ return context.CStructDecls.[type']
let genericTypeArguments = FSharpType.GetTupleElements type' |> List.ofArray
@@ -153,46 +156,43 @@ module rec Type =
|> State.collect
- match! State.gets (fun ctx -> ctx.StructDecls.ContainsKey type') with
- | true ->
- return! State.gets (fun ctx -> ctx.StructDecls.[type'])
- | false ->
- let! index = State.gets (fun ctx -> ctx.StructDecls.Count)
- let tupleDecl = StructType(sprintf "tuple%i" index, elements)
- do! State.modify (fun ctx -> ctx.StructDecls.Add(type', tupleDecl); ctx)
- context.UserDefinedTypes.Add type' |> ignore
- return tupleDecl
+ let! index = State.gets (fun ctx -> ctx.CStructDecls.Count)
+ let tupleDecl = StructType(sprintf "tuple%i" index, elements)
+ do! State.modify (fun ctx -> ctx.CStructDecls.Add(type', tupleDecl); ctx)
+ return tupleDecl
let translateUnion (type': System.Type) = translation {
- let name = type'.Name
- let notEmptyCases =
- FSharpType.GetUnionCases type'
- |> Array.filter (fun case -> case.GetFields().Length <> 0)
- let! fields =
- [
- for case in notEmptyCases ->
- translation {
- let structName = case.Name
- let tag = case.Tag
- let! fields =
- [
- for field in case.GetFields() ->
- translate field.PropertyType >>= fun type' ->
- State.return' { Name = field.Name; Type = type' }
- ]
- |> State.collect
- return tag, { Name = structName; Type = StructInplaceType(structName + "Type", fields) }
- }
- ]
- |> State.collect
- let duType = DiscriminatedUnionType(name, fields)
- do! State.modify (fun context -> context.UnionDecls.Add(type', duType); context)
- return duType
+ let! context = State.get
+ if context.CStructDecls.ContainsKey type' then
+ return context.CStructDecls.[type']
+ else
+ let notEmptyCases =
+ FSharpType.GetUnionCases type'
+ |> Array.filter (fun case -> case.GetFields().Length <> 0)
+ let! fields =
+ [
+ for case in notEmptyCases ->
+ translation {
+ let structName = case.Name
+ let tag = case.Tag
+ let! fields =
+ [
+ for field in case.GetFields() ->
+ translate field.PropertyType >>= fun type' ->
+ State.return' { Name = field.Name; Type = type' }
+ ]
+ |> State.collect
+ return tag, { Name = structName; Type = StructInplaceType(structName + "Type", fields) }
+ }
+ ]
+ |> State.collect
+ let! index = State.gets (fun ctx -> ctx.CStructDecls.Count)
+ let duType = DiscriminatedUnionType(sprintf "du%i" index, fields)
+ do! State.modify (fun context -> context.CStructDecls.Add(type', duType); context)
+ return duType :> StructType<_>
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Utils/TypeReflection.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Utils/TypeReflection.fs
deleted file mode 100644
index f6347223..00000000
--- a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Utils/TypeReflection.fs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,75 +0,0 @@
-namespace Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator
-open FSharp.Reflection
-open System.Reflection
-open System.Collections.Generic
-open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
-open System
-module TypeReflection =
- ()
- // let private hasAttribute<'attr> (tp: Type) =
- // tp.GetCustomAttributes(false)
- // |> Seq.tryFind (fun attr -> attr.GetType() = typeof<'attr>)
- // |> Option.isSome
- // let collectTypes expr typePredicate (nestedTypes: Type -> Type[]) (escapeNames: string[]) =
- // let types = HashSet()
- // let rec add (type': Type) =
- // if
- // typePredicate type' &&
- // not <| types.Contains type' &&
- // not <| Array.exists ((=) type'.Name) escapeNames
- // then
- // nestedTypes type' |> Array.iter add
- // types.Add type' |> ignore
- // let rec go (expr: Expr) =
- // add expr.Type
- // match expr with
- // | ExprShape.ShapeVar _ -> ()
- // | ExprShape.ShapeLambda (_, body) -> go body
- // | ExprShape.ShapeCombination (_, exprs) -> List.iter go exprs
- // go expr
- // types |> List.ofSeq
- // let collectUserDefinedStructs expr =
- // let isStruct = hasAttribute
- // let escapeNames = [||]
- // let nestedTypes (type': Type) =
- // seq {
- // type'.GetProperties()
- // |> Array.map (fun prop -> prop.PropertyType)
- // // dont needed i think
- // if not <| FSharpType.IsRecord type' then
- // type'.GetFields()
- // |> Array.map (fun field -> field.FieldType)
- // }
- // |> Array.concat
- // collectTypes expr isStruct nestedTypes escapeNames
- // let collectTuples expr =
- // let isTuple = FSharpType.IsTuple
- // let escapeNames = [||]
- // let nestedTypes (type': Type) = FSharpType.GetTupleElements type'
- // collectTypes expr isTuple nestedTypes escapeNames
- // let collectDiscriminatedUnions expr =
- // let unionPredicate = FSharpType.IsUnion
- // let escapeNames = [||]
- // let nestedTypes (type': Type) =
- // FSharpType.GetUnionCases type'
- // |> Array.map (fun (case: UnionCaseInfo) -> case.GetFields())
- // |> Array.concat
- // |> Array.map (fun (prop: PropertyInfo) -> prop.PropertyType)
- // collectTypes expr unionPredicate nestedTypes escapeNames
diff --git a/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Utils/Utils.fs b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Utils/Utils.fs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8bd61dcb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator/Utils/Utils.fs
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+namespace Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.Translator
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Quotations
+open System.Collections.Generic
+open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL.AST
+open Microsoft.FSharp.Reflection
+open System
+module Utils =
+ let getMethodInfoOfCall (expr: Expr) =
+ match expr with
+ | Patterns.Call (_, mInfo, _) -> mInfo
+ | DerivedPatterns.Lambdas (args, Patterns.Call (_, mInfo, _)) -> mInfo
+ | _ -> failwithf "Expression is not kind of call, but %O" expr
+ let makeGenericMethodCall (types: System.Type list) (expr: Expr) =
+ (getMethodInfoOfCall expr)
+ .GetGenericMethodDefinition()
+ .MakeGenericMethod(Array.ofList types)
diff --git a/src/YC.OpenCL.NET/Cl.API.cs b/src/YC.OpenCL.NET/Cl.API.cs
index 3a567beb..ecfe7363 100644
--- a/src/YC.OpenCL.NET/Cl.API.cs
+++ b/src/YC.OpenCL.NET/Cl.API.cs
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace OpenCL.Net
public static partial class Cl
- public const string Library = "opencl.dll";
+ public const string Library = "opencl";
static Cl()
@@ -39,17 +39,38 @@ static Cl()
private static IntPtr ImportResolver(string libraryName, Assembly assembly, DllImportSearchPath? searchPath)
IntPtr libHandle = IntPtr.Zero;
+ var envOclPath = System.Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("BRAHMA_OCL_PATH");
if (libraryName == Library)
- if (OperatingSystem.IsLinux())
+ if (NativeLibrary.TryLoad(Library, assembly, searchPath, out libHandle))
+ {
+ return libHandle;
+ }
+ else if (NativeLibrary.TryLoad(envOclPath, assembly, searchPath, out libHandle))
+ {
+ return libHandle;
+ }
+ try
- libHandle = NativeLibrary.Load("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libOpenCL.so.1.0.0", assembly, searchPath);
+ if (OperatingSystem.IsLinux())
+ {
+ libHandle = NativeLibrary.Load("/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libOpenCL.so.1.0.0", assembly, searchPath);
+ }
+ else if (OperatingSystem.IsMacOS())
+ {
+ libHandle = NativeLibrary.Load("/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/OpenCL", assembly, searchPath);
+ }
- else if (OperatingSystem.IsMacOS())
+ catch (DllNotFoundException e)
- libHandle = NativeLibrary.Load("/System/Library/Frameworks/OpenCL.framework/OpenCL", assembly, searchPath);
+ Console.WriteLine(e);
+ Console.WriteLine("Set BRAHMA_OCL_PATH environment variable to OpenCL library path");
return libHandle;
diff --git a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/AtomicTests.fs b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/AtomicTests.fs
index 030882b1..2970c25b 100644
--- a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/AtomicTests.fs
+++ b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/AtomicTests.fs
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@ open ExpectoFsCheck
open FsCheck
open Brahma.FSharp.Tests
+// TODO add tests in inc dec on supported types (generate spinlock)
let logger = Log.create "AtomicTests"
type NormalizedFloatArray =
@@ -77,7 +79,8 @@ let stressTest<'a when 'a : equality and 'a : struct> (f: Expr<'a -> 'a>) size r
let gid = range.GlobalID0
if gid < size then
atomic %f result.[0] |> ignore
- barrier ()
+ barrierLocal ()
let expected =
@@ -127,7 +130,7 @@ let foldTest<'a when 'a : equality and 'a : struct> f (isEqual: 'a -> 'a -> bool
if gid < arrayLength then
atomic %f localResult.[0] array.[gid] |> ignore
- barrier ()
+ barrierLocal ()
if lid = 0 then
atomic %f result.[0] localResult.[0] |> ignore
@@ -247,9 +250,11 @@ let foldTestCases = testList "Fold tests" [
testCase "Reduce test atomic 'min' on int" <| fun () -> foldTest <@ min @> (=)
ptestCase "Reduce test atomic 'min' on int64" <| fun () -> foldTest <@ min @> (=)
+ testCase "Reduce test atomic 'min' on int16" <| fun () -> foldTest <@ min @> (=)
testCase "Reduce test atomic 'max' on int" <| fun () -> foldTest <@ max @> (=)
ptestCase "Reduce test atomic 'max' on int64" <| fun () -> foldTest <@ max @> (=)
+ testCase "Reduce test atomic 'max' on int16" <| fun () -> foldTest <@ max @> (=)
testCase "Reduce test atomic '&&&' on int" <| fun () -> foldTest <@ (&&&) @> (=)
ptestCase "Reduce test atomic '&&&' on int64" <| fun () -> foldTest <@ (&&&) @> (=)
@@ -282,7 +287,7 @@ let perfomanceTest = ptestCase "Perfomance test on 'inc'" <| fun () ->
localAcc.[0] <- 0
atomic inc localAcc.[0] |> ignore
- barrier ()
+ barrierLocal ()
if range.LocalID0 = 0 then
result.[0] <- localAcc.[0]
@@ -298,7 +303,7 @@ let perfomanceTest = ptestCase "Perfomance test on 'inc'" <| fun () ->
localAcc.[0] <- 0
atomic %inc localAcc.[0] |> ignore
- barrier ()
+ barrierLocal ()
if range.LocalID0 = 0 then
result.[0] <- localAcc.[0]
diff --git a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Common.fs b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Common.fs
index a3b32427..c9ac957e 100644
--- a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Common.fs
+++ b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Common.fs
@@ -14,6 +14,25 @@ module Common =
let platformName = ClPlatform.Any
ClContext(platformName, deviceType)
+ let defaultInArrayLength = 4
+ let intInArr = [| 0 .. defaultInArrayLength - 1 |]
+ let float32Arr = Array.init defaultInArrayLength float32
+ let default1D = Range1D(defaultInArrayLength, 1)
+ let default2D = Range2D(defaultInArrayLength, 1)
+ let checkResult command (inArr: 'a[]) (expectedArr: 'a[]) =
+ let actual =
+ opencl {
+ use! inBuf = ClArray.toDevice inArr
+ do! runCommand command <| fun x ->
+ x default1D inBuf
+ return! ClArray.toHost inBuf
+ }
+ |> ClTask.runSync context
+ Expect.sequenceEqual actual expectedArr "Arrays should be equals"
module CustomDatatypes =
type WrappedInt =
@@ -41,16 +60,13 @@ module Utils =
Expect.equal all1 all2 "Files should be equals as strings"
let openclCompile (command: Expr<('a -> 'b)>) =
- let kernel = context.CreateClKernel command
+ let kernel = context.CreateClProgram command
let openclTranslate (expr: Expr) =
- let translator = FSQuotationToOpenCLTranslator()
+ let translator = FSQuotationToOpenCLTranslator(TranslatorOptions())
let (ast, _) = translator.Translate(expr)
print ast
let openclTransformQuotation (expr: Expr) =
- QuotationTransformers.Transformer.transformQuotation expr []
-module Generators =
- ()
+ QuotationTransformers.Transformer.transformQuotation expr
diff --git a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/CompositeTypesTests.fs b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/CompositeTypesTests.fs
index 80863d08..94440908 100644
--- a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/CompositeTypesTests.fs
+++ b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/CompositeTypesTests.fs
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ open Expecto
open Brahma.FSharp.OpenCL
open FSharp.Quotations
open Brahma.FSharp.Tests
+open FsCheck
// Incomplete pattern matching in record deconstruction
#nowarn "667"
@@ -29,6 +30,18 @@ type GenericRecord<'a, 'b> =
mutable Y: 'b
+type StructOfIntInt64 =
+ val mutable X: int
+ val mutable Y: int64
+ new(x, y) = { X = x; Y = y }
+type GenericStruct<'a, 'b> =
+ val mutable X: 'a
+ val mutable Y: 'b
+ new(x, y) = { X = x; Y = y }
let check<'a when 'a : struct and 'a : equality> (data: 'a[]) (command: int -> Expr ClArray<'a> -> unit>) =
let length = data.Length
@@ -131,9 +144,94 @@ let recordTestCases = testList "Record tests" [
if data.Length <> 0 then check data (fun length -> <@ fun (range: Range1D) (buffer: ClArray<_>) -> (%command length) range.GlobalID0 buffer @>)
+let genGenericStruct<'a, 'b> =
+ gen {
+ let! x = Arb.generate<'a>
+ let! y = Arb.generate<'b>
+ return GenericStruct(x, y)
+ }
+type GenericStructGenerator =
+ static member GenericStruct() = Arb.fromGen genGenericStruct
+let structTests = testList "Struct tests" [
+ testCase "Smoke test" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0 then
+ let b = buf.[0]
+ buf.[0] <- buf.[1]
+ buf.[1] <- b
+ @>
+ checkResult command [|StructOfIntInt64(1, 2L); StructOfIntInt64(3, 4L)|]
+ [|StructOfIntInt64(3, 4L); StructOfIntInt64(1, 2L)|]
+ testCase "Struct constructor test" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ buf.[0] <- StructOfIntInt64(5, 6L)
+ @>
+ checkResult command [|StructOfIntInt64(1, 2L); StructOfIntInt64(3, 4L)|]
+ [|StructOfIntInt64(5, 6L); StructOfIntInt64(3, 4L)|]
+ testCase "Struct prop set" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let mutable y = buf.[0]
+ y.X <- 5
+ buf.[0] <- y
+ @>
+ checkResult command [|StructOfIntInt64(1, 2L)|] [|StructOfIntInt64(5, 2L)|]
+ testCase "Struct prop get" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0 then
+ let mutable y = buf.[0]
+ y.X <- y.X + 3
+ buf.[0] <- y
+ @>
+ checkResult command [|StructOfIntInt64(1, 2L); StructOfIntInt64(3, 4L)|]
+ [|StructOfIntInt64(4, 2L); StructOfIntInt64(3, 4L)|]
+ let inline command length =
+ <@
+ fun (gid: int) (buffer: ClArray>) ->
+ if gid < length then
+ let tmp = buffer.[gid]
+ let x = tmp.X
+ let y = tmp.Y
+ let mutable innerStruct = GenericStruct(x, y)
+ innerStruct.X <- x
+ innerStruct.Y <- y
+ buffer.[gid] <- GenericStruct(innerStruct.X, innerStruct.Y)
+ @>
+ let config = { FsCheckConfig.defaultConfig with arbitrary = [typeof] }
+ testPropertyWithConfig config (message "GenericStruct") <| fun (data: GenericStruct[]) ->
+ if data.Length <> 0 then check data (fun length -> <@ fun (range: Range1D) (buffer: ClArray<_>) -> (%command length) range.GlobalID0 buffer @>)
+ testPropertyWithConfig config (message "GenericStruct<(int * int64), (bool * bool)>") <| fun (data: GenericStruct<(int * int64), (bool * bool)>[]) ->
+ if data.Length <> 0 then check data (fun length -> <@ fun (range: Range1D) (buffer: ClArray<_>) -> (%command length) range.GlobalID0 buffer @>)
+ testPropertyWithConfig config (message "GenericStruct") <| fun (data: GenericStruct[]) ->
+ if data.Length <> 0 then check data (fun length -> <@ fun (range: Range1D) (buffer: ClArray<_>) -> (%command length) range.GlobalID0 buffer @>)
let tests =
testList "Tests on composite types" [
+ structTests
|> testSequenced
diff --git a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/Barrier.Full.cl b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/Barrier.Full.cl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..35901fd1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/Barrier.Full.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+__kernel void brahmaKernel ()
diff --git a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/Barrier.Global.cl b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/Barrier.Global.cl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..3ad75c10
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/Barrier.Global.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+__kernel void brahmaKernel ()
+{barrier(CLK_GLOBAL_MEM_FENCE) ;}
diff --git a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/Barrier.Local.cl b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/Barrier.Local.cl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5528d6d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/Barrier.Local.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+__kernel void brahmaKernel ()
+{barrier(CLK_LOCAL_MEM_FENCE) ;}
diff --git a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/MAX.Transformation.cl b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/MAX.Transformation.cl
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0e0e01ed
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/Expected/MAX.Transformation.cl
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
+__kernel void brahmaKernel (__global double * buf)
+{double tempVarY = 1 ;
+ buf [0] = max (buf [0], tempVarY) ;
+ buf [0] = max (buf [0], tempVarY) ;}
diff --git a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/FullTests.fs b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/FullTests.fs
index 110513b7..9277575b 100644
--- a/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/FullTests.fs
+++ b/tests/Brahma.FSharp.Tests/FullTests.fs
@@ -9,32 +9,7 @@ open Expecto.Logging.Message
let logger = Log.create "FullTests"
-type TestStruct =
- val mutable x: int
- val mutable y: float
- new(x, y) = { x = x; y = y }
-let defaultInArrayLength = 4
-let intInArr = [| 0 .. defaultInArrayLength - 1 |]
-let float32Arr = Array.init defaultInArrayLength float32
-let default1D = Range1D(defaultInArrayLength, 1)
-let default2D = Range2D(defaultInArrayLength, 1)
-let checkResult command (inArr: 'a[]) (expectedArr: 'a[]) =
- let actual =
- opencl {
- use! inBuf = ClArray.toDevice inArr
- do! runCommand command <| fun x ->
- x default1D inBuf
- return! ClArray.toHost inBuf
- }
- |> ClTask.runSync context
- Expect.sequenceEqual actual expectedArr "Arrays should be equals"
-let dataStructuresApiTests = testList "Check correctness of data structures api" [
+let smokeTestsOnPrimitiveTypes = testList "Simple tests on primitive types" [
testCase "Array item set" <| fun _ ->
let command =
@@ -71,7 +46,7 @@ let dataStructuresApiTests = testList "Check correctness of data structures api"
checkResult command [|0y; 1y; 2y; 3y|] [|1y; 1y; 2y; 3y|]
- testCase "Array item set. Sequential operations." <| fun _ ->
+ testCase "Array item set. Sequential operations" <| fun _ ->
let command =
fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
@@ -81,331 +56,181 @@ let dataStructuresApiTests = testList "Check correctness of data structures api"
checkResult command intInArr [|2; 4; 2; 3|]
- testCase "Getting value of 'int clcell' should be correct" <| fun () ->
+ testCase "Byte type support with overflow" <| fun _ ->
let command =
- fun (range: Range1D) (buffer: int clarray) (cell: int clcell) ->
- let gid = range.GlobalID0
- buffer.[gid] <- cell.Value
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0 then
+ buf.[0] <- buf.[0] + 1uy
+ buf.[1] <- buf.[1] + 1uy
+ buf.[2] <- buf.[2] + 1uy
- let value = 10
- let expected = Array.replicate defaultInArrayLength value
- let actual =
- opencl {
- use! cell = ClCell.toDevice 10
- use! buffer = ClArray.alloc defaultInArrayLength
- do! runCommand command <| fun it ->
- it
- <| default1D
- <| buffer
- <| cell
- return! ClArray.toHost buffer
- }
- |> ClTask.runSync context
- "Arrays should be equal"
- |> Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected
- // TODO test on getting Value property of non-clcell type
- // TODO test on getting Item property on non-clarray type
+ checkResult command [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|] [|1uy; 0uy; 255uy|]
- testCase "Setting value of 'int clcell' should be correct" <| fun () ->
- let value = 10
+let typeCastingTests = testList "Type castings tests" [
+ testCase "uint64 -> int64" <| fun _ ->
let command =
- fun (range: Range1D) (cell: int clcell) ->
- cell.Value <- value
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ buf.[0] <- int64 1UL
- let actual =
- opencl {
- use! cell = ClCell.toDevice value
- do! runCommand command <| fun it ->
- it
- <| default1D
- <| cell
- return! ClCell.toHost cell
- }
- |> ClTask.runSync context
- "Arrays should be equal"
- |> Expect.equal actual value
+ checkResult command [|0L; 1L|] [|1L; 1L|]
- testCase "Using 'int clcell' from inner function should work correctly" <| fun () ->
- let value = 10
+ testCase "int64 -> uint64" <| fun _ ->
let command =
- fun (range: Range1D) (cell: int clcell) ->
- let f () =
- let x = cell.Value
- cell.Value <- x
- f ()
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ buf.[0] <- uint64 1L
- let actual =
- opencl {
- use! cell = ClCell.toDevice value
- do! runCommand command <| fun it ->
- it
- <| default1D
- <| cell
- return! ClCell.toHost cell
- }
- |> ClTask.runSync context
- "Arrays should be equal"
- |> Expect.equal actual value
+ checkResult command [|0UL; 1UL|] [|1UL; 1UL|]
- testCase "Using 'int clcell' with native atomic operation should be correct" <| fun () ->
- let value = 10
+ testCase "byte -> float -> byte" <| fun _ ->
let command =
- fun (range: Range1D) (cell: int clcell) ->
- atomic (+) cell.Value value |> ignore
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0 then
+ buf.[0] <- byte (float buf.[0])
+ buf.[1] <- byte (float buf.[1])
+ buf.[2] <- byte (float buf.[2])
- let expected = value * default1D.GlobalWorkSize
- let actual =
- opencl {
- use! cell = ClCell.toDevice 0
- do! runCommand command <| fun it ->
- it
- <| default1D
- <| cell
- return! ClCell.toHost cell
- }
- |> ClTask.runSync context
- "Arrays should be equal"
- |> Expect.equal actual expected
+ checkResult command [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|] [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|]
- ptestCase "Using 'int clcell' with spinlock atomic operation should be correct" <| fun () ->
- let value = 10
+ // test fail on Intel platform:
+ // Actual: [1uy, 255uy, 255uy]
+ ptestCase "Byte and float 2" <| fun _ ->
let command =
- fun (range: Range1D) (cell: int clcell) ->
- atomic (fun x -> x + value) cell.Value |> ignore
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0 then
+ buf.[0] <- byte ((float buf.[0]) + 1.0)
+ buf.[1] <- byte ((float buf.[1]) + 1.0)
+ buf.[2] <- byte ((float buf.[2]) + 1.0)
- let expected = value * default1D.GlobalWorkSize
- let actual =
- opencl {
- use! cell = ClCell.toDevice 0
- do! runCommand command <| fun it ->
- it
- <| default1D
- <| cell
- return! ClCell.toHost cell
- }
- |> ClTask.runSync context
- "Arrays should be equal"
- |> Expect.equal actual expected
-let typeCastingTests =
- testList "Type castings tests"
- [
- testCase "Type casting. Long" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- buf.[0] <- (int64)1UL
- @>
- checkResult command [|0L; 1L|] [|1L; 1L|]
- testCase "Type casting. Ulong" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- buf.[0] <- 1UL
- @>
- checkResult command [|0UL; 1UL; 2UL; 3UL|] [|1UL; 1UL; 2UL; 3UL|]
- testCase "Type casting. ULong" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- buf.[0] <- (uint64)1L
- @>
- checkResult command [|0UL; 1UL|] [|1UL; 1UL|]
- testCase "Byte type support" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- if range.GlobalID0 = 0
- then
- buf.[0] <- buf.[0] + 1uy
- buf.[1] <- buf.[1] + 1uy
- buf.[2] <- buf.[2] + 1uy
- @>
+ checkResult command [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|] [|1uy; 0uy; 255uy|]
- checkResult command [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|] [|1uy; 0uy; 255uy|]
- testCase "Byte and float32" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- if range.GlobalID0 = 0
- then
- buf.[0] <- byte (float buf.[0])
- buf.[1] <- byte (float buf.[1])
- buf.[2] <- byte (float buf.[2])
- @>
+ // test failed on Intel platform:
+ // Actual : [1uy, 1uy, 1uy]
+ ptestCase "Byte and float in condition" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0 then
+ let x = if true then buf.[0] + 1uy else buf.[0] + 1uy
+ buf.[0] <- x
+ let y = if true then buf.[1] + 1uy else buf.[1] + 1uy
+ buf.[1] <- y
+ let z = if true then buf.[2] + 1uy else buf.[2] + 1uy
+ buf.[2] <- z
+ @>
- checkResult command [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|] [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|]
+ checkResult command [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|] [|1uy; 0uy; 255uy|]
- // test fail on Intel platform:
- // Actual: [1uy, 255uy, 255uy]
- ptestCase "Byte and float 2" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- if range.GlobalID0 = 0
+ // test failed on Intel platform due to exception
+ ptestCase "Byte and float in condition 2" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0
+ then
+ let x =
+ if true
- buf.[0] <- byte ((float buf.[0]) + 1.0)
- buf.[1] <- byte ((float buf.[1]) + 1.0)
- buf.[2] <- byte ((float buf.[2]) + 1.0)
- @>
- checkResult command [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|] [|1uy; 0uy; 255uy|]
- // test failed on Intel platform:
- // Actual : [1uy, 1uy, 1uy]
- ptestCase "Byte and float in condition" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- if range.GlobalID0 = 0
+ let g = 1uy
+ buf.[0] + g
+ else buf.[0] + 1uy
+ buf.[0] <- x
+ let y =
+ if true
- let x = if true then buf.[0] + 1uy else buf.[0] + 1uy
- buf.[0] <- x
- let y = if true then buf.[1] + 1uy else buf.[1] + 1uy
- buf.[1] <- y
- let z = if true then buf.[2] + 1uy else buf.[2] + 1uy
- buf.[2] <- z
- @>
- checkResult command [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|] [|1uy; 0uy; 255uy|]
- // test failed on Intel platform due to exception
- ptestCase "Byte and float in condition 2" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- if range.GlobalID0 = 0
+ let g = 1uy
+ buf.[1] + g
+ else buf.[1] + 1uy
+ buf.[1] <- y
+ let z =
+ if true
- let x =
- if true
- then
- let g = 1uy
- buf.[0] + g
- else buf.[0] + 1uy
- buf.[0] <- x
- let y =
- if true
- then
- let g = 1uy
- buf.[1] + g
- else buf.[1] + 1uy
- buf.[1] <- y
- let z =
- if true
- then
- let g = 1uy
- buf.[2] + g
- else buf.[2] + 1uy
- buf.[2] <- z
- @>
- checkResult command [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|] [|1uy; 0uy; 255uy|]
- ]
+ let g = 1uy
+ buf.[2] + g
+ else buf.[2] + 1uy
+ buf.[2] <- z
+ @>
+ checkResult command [|0uy; 255uy; 254uy|] [|1uy; 0uy; 255uy|]
-let bindingTests =
- testList "Bindings tests"
- [
- testCase "Bindings. Simple." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let x = 1
- buf.[0] <- x
- @>
+let bindingTests = testList "Bindings tests" [
+ testCase "Bindings. Simple" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let x = 1
+ buf.[0] <- x
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|1; 1; 2; 3|]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|1; 1; 2; 3|]
- testCase "Bindings. Sequential bindings." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let x = 1
- let y = x + 1
- buf.[0] <- y
- @>
+ testCase "Bindings. Sequential bindings" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let x = 1
+ let y = x + 1
+ buf.[0] <- y
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|2; 1; 2; 3|]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|2; 1; 2; 3|]
- testCase "Bindings. Binding in IF." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- if 2 = 0
- then
- let x = 1
- buf.[0] <- x
- else
- let i = 2
- buf.[0] <- i
- @>
+ testCase "Bindings. Binding in IF" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if 2 = 0 then
+ let x = 1
+ buf.[0] <- x
+ else
+ let i = 2
+ buf.[0] <- i
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|2; 1; 2; 3|]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|2; 1; 2; 3|]
- testCase "Bindings. Binding in FOR." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- for i in 0..3 do
- let x = i * i
- buf.[i] <- x
- @>
+ testCase "Bindings. Binding in FOR" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ for i in 0..3 do
+ let x = i * i
+ buf.[i] <- x
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|0; 1; 4; 9|]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|0; 1; 4; 9|]
- testCase "Bindings. Binding in WHILE." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- while buf.[0] < 5 do
- let x = buf.[0] + 1
- buf.[0] <- x * x
- @>
+ testCase "Bindings. Binding in WHILE" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ while buf.[0] < 5 do
+ let x = buf.[0] + 1
+ buf.[0] <- x * x
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|25; 1; 2; 3|]
- ]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|25; 1; 2; 3|]
let operatorsAndMathFunctionsTests =
- let testOpGen testCase
- (name: string)
+ let binaryOpTestGen testCase name
(binop: Expr<'a -> 'a -> 'a>)
(xs: array<'a>)
(ys: array<'a>)
(expected: array<'a>) =
- testCase name <| fun _ ->
+ testCase name <| fun () ->
let command =
fun (range: Range1D) (xs: ClArray<'a>) (ys: ClArray<'a>) (zs: ClArray<'a>) ->
@@ -431,824 +256,820 @@ let operatorsAndMathFunctionsTests =
Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected ":("
- testList "Operators and math functions tests"
- [
- testOpGen testCase "Boolean or 1." <@ (||) @>
- [|true; false; false; false|]
- [|false; true; true; true|]
- [|true; true; true; true|]
- testOpGen testCase "Boolean or 2." <@ (||) @>
- [|true; false|]
- [|false; true|]
- [|true; true|]
- testOpGen testCase "Boolean and 1." <@ (&&) @>
- [|true; false; false; false|]
- [|true; false; true; true|]
- [|true; false; false; false|]
- testOpGen testCase "Binop plus 1." <@ (+) @>
- [|1; 2; 3; 4|]
- [|5; 6; 7; 8|]
- [|6; 8; 10; 12|]
- // Failed: due to precision
- ptestCase "Math sin." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let i = range.GlobalID0
- buf.[i] <- System.Math.Sin (float buf.[i])
- @>
- let inA = [|0.0; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0|]
- checkResult command inA (inA |> Array.map System.Math.Sin) //[|0.0; 0.841471; 0.9092974; 0.14112|]
- ]
+ let unaryOpTestGen testCase name
+ (unop: Expr<'a -> 'a>)
+ (xs: array<'a>)
+ (expected: array<'a>) =
-let pipeTests =
- testList "Pipe tests" [
- // Lambda is not supported.
- ptestCase "Forward pipe." <| fun _ ->
+ testCase name <| fun () ->
let command =
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- buf.[0] <- (1.25f |> int)
+ fun (range: Range1D) (xs: ClArray<'a>) (zs: ClArray<'a>) ->
+ let i = range.GlobalID0
+ zs.[i] <- (%unop) xs.[i]
- checkResult command intInArr [|1; 1; 2; 3|]
- // Lambda is not supported.
- ptestCase "Backward pipe." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- buf.[0] <- int <| 1.25f + 2.34f
- @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|3; 1; 2; 3|]
+ let range = Range1D <| Array.length expected
+ let zs = Array.zeroCreate <| Array.length expected
- ptestCase "Check simple '|> ignore'" <| fun () ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buffer: ClArray) ->
- let gid = range.GlobalID0
- atomic inc buffer.[gid] |> ignore
- @>
+ let actual =
+ opencl {
+ use! inBufXs = ClArray.toDevice xs
+ use! outBuf = ClArray.toDevice zs
- checkResult command intInArr (intInArr |> Array.map ((+) 1))
+ do! runCommand command <| fun x ->
+ x range inBufXs outBuf
-let controlFlowTests =
- testList "Control flow tests" [
- testCase "Control flow. If Then." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- if 0 = 2 then buf.[0] <- 42
- @>
+ return! ClArray.toHost outBuf
+ }
+ |> ClTask.runSync context
- checkResult command intInArr [|0; 1; 2; 3|]
+ Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected ":("
- testCase "Control flow. If Then Else." <| fun _ ->
+ testList "Operators and math functions tests" [
+ binaryOpTestGen testCase "Boolean OR" <@ (||) @>
+ [|true; false; false; true|]
+ [|false; true; false; true|]
+ [|true; true; false; true|]
+ binaryOpTestGen testCase "Boolean AND" <@ (&&) @>
+ [|true; false; false; true|]
+ [|false; true; false; true|]
+ [|false; false; false; true|]
+ binaryOpTestGen testCase "Bitwise OR on int" <@ (|||) @>
+ [|1; 0; 0; 1|]
+ [|0; 1; 0; 1|]
+ [|1; 1; 0; 1|]
+ binaryOpTestGen testCase "Bitwise AND on int" <@ (&&&) @>
+ [|1; 0; 0; 1|]
+ [|0; 1; 0; 1|]
+ [|0; 0; 0; 1|]
+ binaryOpTestGen testCase "Bitwise XOR on int" <@ (^^^) @>
+ [|1; 0; 0; 1|]
+ [|0; 1; 0; 1|]
+ [|1; 1; 0; 0|]
+ binaryOpTestGen testCase "Arithmetic PLUS on int" <@ (+) @>
+ [|1; 2; 3; 4|]
+ [|5; 6; 7; 8|]
+ [|6; 8; 10; 12|]
+ unaryOpTestGen testCase "Bitwise NEGATION on int" <@ (~~~) @>
+ <|| (
+ [|1; 10; 99; 0|]
+ |> fun array -> array, array |> Array.map (fun x -> - x - 1)
+ )
+ binaryOpTestGen testCase "MAX on float32" <@ max @>
+ [|1.f; 2.f; 3.f; 4.f|]
+ [|5.f; 6.f; 7.f; 8.f|]
+ [|5.f; 6.f; 7.f; 8.f|]
+ binaryOpTestGen testCase "MIN on float32" <@ min @>
+ [|1.f; 2.f; 3.f; 4.f|]
+ [|5.f; 6.f; 7.f; 8.f|]
+ [|1.f; 2.f; 3.f; 4.f|]
+ ptestCase "MAX on int16 with const" <| fun () ->
let command =
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- if 0 = 2 then buf.[0] <- 1 else buf.[0] <- 2
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: int16 clarray) ->
+ let gid = range.GlobalID0
+ buf.[gid] <- max buf.[gid] 1s
- checkResult command intInArr [|2; 1; 2; 3|]
+ let inA = [|0s; 1s; 2s; 3s|]
+ checkResult command inA (Array.map (max 1s) inA)
- testCase "Control flow. For Integer Loop." <| fun _ ->
+ // Failed: due to precision
+ ptestCase "Math sin" <| fun _ ->
let command =
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- for i in 1..3 do
- buf.[i] <- 0
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let i = range.GlobalID0
+ buf.[i] <- System.Math.Sin (float buf.[i])
- checkResult command intInArr [|0; 0; 0; 0|]
- testCase "Control flow. WHILE loop simple test." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- while buf.[0] < 5 do
- buf.[0] <- buf.[0] + 1
- @>
+ let inA = [|0.0; 1.0; 2.0; 3.0|]
+ checkResult command inA (inA |> Array.map System.Math.Sin) //[|0.0; 0.841471; 0.9092974; 0.14112|]
+ ]
- checkResult command intInArr [|5; 1; 2; 3|]
+let controlFlowTests = testList "Control flow tests" [
+ testCase "Check 'if then' condition" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if 0 = 2 then buf.[0] <- 42
+ @>
- testCase "Control flow. WHILE in FOR." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- for i in 0..3 do
- while buf.[i] < 10 do
- buf.[i] <- buf.[i] * buf.[i] + 1
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|0; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|26; 26; 26; 10|]
+ testCase "Check 'if then else' condition" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if 0 = 2 then buf.[0] <- 1 else buf.[0] <- 2
+ @>
-let kernelArgumentsTests =
- testList "Kernel arguments tests" [
- testCase "Kernel arguments. Simple 1D." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let i = range.GlobalID0
- buf.[i] <- i + i
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|2; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|0;2;4;6|]
+ testCase "Check 'for' integer loop" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0 then
+ for i in 0 .. 3 do
+ buf.[i] <- i
+ @>
- testCase "Kernel arguments. Simple 1D with copy." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (inBuf:ClArray) (outBuf:ClArray) ->
- let i = range.GlobalID0
- outBuf.[i] <- inBuf.[i]
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|0; 1; 2; 3|]
- let expected = [|0; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Check 'for' integer loop with step" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0 then
+ for i in 0 .. 2 .. 6 do
+ buf.[i / 2] <- i
+ @>
- let actual =
- opencl {
- use! inBuf = ClArray.toDevice intInArr
- use! outBuf = ClArray.toDevice [|0; 0; 0; 0|]
- do! runCommand command <| fun x ->
- x default1D inBuf outBuf
+ checkResult command intInArr [|0; 2; 4; 6|]
- return! ClArray.toHost inBuf
- }
- |> ClTask.runSync context
+ testCase "Check 'for' non-integer loop" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0 then
+ for i in 0u .. 3u do
+ buf.[int i] <- i
+ @>
- Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
+ checkResult command [|0u; 0u; 0u; 0u|] [|0u; 1u; 2u; 3u|]
- testCase "Kernel arguments. Simple 1D float." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let i = range.GlobalID0
- buf.[i] <- buf.[i] * buf.[i]
- @>
+ testCase "Check simple 'while' loop" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ while buf.[0] < 5 do
+ buf.[0] <- buf.[0] + 1
+ @>
- checkResult command float32Arr [|0.0f; 1.0f; 4.0f; 9.0f|]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|5; 1; 2; 3|]
- testCase "Kernel arguments. Int as arg." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) x (buf: ClArray) ->
- let i = range.GlobalID0
- buf.[i] <- x + x
- @>
+ testCase "Check 'while' loop inside 'for' integer loop" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ for i in 0 .. 3 do
+ while buf.[i] < 10 do
+ buf.[i] <- buf.[i] * buf.[i] + 1
+ @>
- let expected = [|4; 4; 4; 4|]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|26; 26; 26; 10|]
- let actual =
- opencl {
- use! inBuf = ClArray.toDevice intInArr
- do! runCommand command <| fun x ->
- x default1D 2 inBuf
+let kernelArgumentsTests = testList "Kernel arguments tests" [
+ testCase "Kernel arguments. Simple 1D" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let i = range.GlobalID0
+ buf.[i] <- i + i
+ @>
- return! ClArray.toHost inBuf
- }
- |> ClTask.runSync context
+ checkResult command intInArr [|0;2;4;6|]
- Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
+ testCase "Kernel arguments. Simple 1D with copy" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (inBuf:ClArray) (outBuf:ClArray) ->
+ let i = range.GlobalID0
+ outBuf.[i] <- inBuf.[i]
+ @>
- testCase "Kernel arguments. Sequential commands over single buffer." <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) i x (buf: ClArray) ->
- buf.[i] <- x + x
- @>
+ let expected = [|0; 1; 2; 3|]
- let expected = [|4; 1; 4; 3|]
+ let actual =
+ opencl {
+ use! inBuf = ClArray.toDevice intInArr
+ use! outBuf = ClArray.toDevice [|0; 0; 0; 0|]
+ do! runCommand command <| fun x ->
+ x default1D inBuf outBuf
- let actual =
- opencl {
- let! ctx = ClTask.ask
- let kernel = (ctx.CreateClKernel command).GetNewKernel()
+ return! ClArray.toHost inBuf
+ }
+ |> ClTask.runSync context
- let inArr = ctx.CreateClArray(intInArr)
+ Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
- ctx.CommandQueue.Post(Msg.MsgSetArguments(fun () -> kernel.ArgumentsSetter default1D 0 2 inArr))
- ctx.CommandQueue.Post(Msg.CreateRunMsg<_,_>(kernel))
+ testCase "Kernel arguments. Simple 1D float" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let i = range.GlobalID0
+ buf.[i] <- buf.[i] * buf.[i]
+ @>
- ctx.CommandQueue.Post(Msg.MsgSetArguments(fun () -> kernel.ArgumentsSetter default1D 2 2 inArr))
- ctx.CommandQueue.Post(Msg.CreateRunMsg<_,_>(kernel))
+ checkResult command float32Arr [|0.0f; 1.0f; 4.0f; 9.0f|]
- let localOut = Array.zeroCreate intInArr.Length
- let res = ctx.CommandQueue.PostAndReply(fun ch -> Msg.CreateToHostMsg<_>(inArr, localOut, ch))
- ctx.CommandQueue.Post <| Msg.CreateFreeMsg(inArr)
+ testCase "Kernel arguments. Int as arg" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) x (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let i = range.GlobalID0
+ buf.[i] <- x + x
+ @>
- return res
- }
- |> ClTask.runSync context
+ let expected = [|4; 4; 4; 4|]
- Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
- testProperty "Parallel execution of kernel" <| fun _const ->
- let n = 4
- let l = 256
- let getAllocator (context:ClContext) =
- let kernel =
- <@
- fun (r: Range1D) (buffer: ClArray) ->
- let i = r.GlobalID0
- buffer.[i] <- _const
- @>
- let k = context.CreateClKernel kernel
- fun (q:MailboxProcessor<_>) ->
- let buf = context.CreateClArray(l, allocationMode = AllocationMode.AllocHostPtr)
- let executable = k.GetNewKernel()
- q.Post(Msg.MsgSetArguments(fun () -> executable.ArgumentsSetter (Range1D(l, l)) buf))
- q.Post(Msg.CreateRunMsg<_,_>(executable))
- buf
- let allocator = getAllocator context
- let allocOnGPU (q:MailboxProcessor<_>) allocator =
- let b = allocator q
- let res = Array.zeroCreate l
- q.PostAndReply (fun ch -> Msg.CreateToHostMsg(b, res, ch))
- q.Post (Msg.CreateFreeMsg b)
- res
- let actual =
- Array.init n (fun _ ->
- let q = context.CommandQueue
- q.Error.Add (fun e -> printfn "%A" e)
- q)
- |> Array.mapi (fun i q -> async {return allocOnGPU q allocator})
- |> Async.Parallel
- |> Async.RunSynchronously
- let expected = Array.init n (fun _ -> Array.create l _const)
- Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
- ]
+ let actual =
+ opencl {
+ use! inBuf = ClArray.toDevice intInArr
+ do! runCommand command <| fun x ->
+ x default1D 2 inBuf
-let quotationInjectionTests =
- testList "Quotation injection tests" [
- testCase "Quotations injections. Quotations injections 1." <| fun _ ->
- let myF = <@ fun x -> x * x @>
+ return! ClArray.toHost inBuf
+ }
+ |> ClTask.runSync context
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- buf.[0] <- (%myF) 2
- buf.[1] <- (%myF) 4
- @>
+ Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
- checkResult command intInArr [|4;16;2;3|]
+ testCase "Kernel arguments. Sequential commands over single buffer" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) i x (buf: ClArray) ->
+ buf.[i] <- x + x
+ @>
- testCase "Quotations injections. Quotations injections 2." <| fun _ ->
- let myF = <@ fun x y -> y - x @>
+ let expected = [|4; 1; 4; 3|]
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- buf.[0] <- (%myF) 2 5
- buf.[1] <- (%myF) 4 9
- @>
+ let actual =
+ opencl {
+ let! ctx = ClTask.ask
+ let kernel = ctx.CreateClProgram(command).GetKernel()
- checkResult command intInArr [|3;5;2;3|]
- ]
+ let inArr = ctx.CreateClArray(intInArr)
-let localMemTests =
- testList "Local memory tests" [
- // TODO: pointers to local data must be local too.
- testCase "Local int. Work item counting" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (output: ClArray) ->
- let globalID = range.GlobalID0
- let mutable x = local ()
+ ctx.CommandQueue.Post(Msg.MsgSetArguments(fun () -> kernel.KernelFunc default1D 0 2 inArr))
+ ctx.CommandQueue.Post(Msg.CreateRunMsg<_,_>(kernel))
- if globalID = 0 then x <- 0
- barrier ()
+ ctx.CommandQueue.Post(Msg.MsgSetArguments(fun () -> kernel.KernelFunc default1D 2 2 inArr))
+ ctx.CommandQueue.Post(Msg.CreateRunMsg<_,_>(kernel))
- atomic (+) x 1 |> ignore
- // fetch local value before read, dont work withour barrier
- barrier ()
+ let localOut = Array.zeroCreate intInArr.Length
+ let res = ctx.CommandQueue.PostAndReply(fun ch -> Msg.CreateToHostMsg<_>(inArr, localOut, ch))
+ ctx.CommandQueue.Post <| Msg.CreateFreeMsg(inArr)
- if globalID = 0 then
- output.[0] <- x
+ return res
+ }
+ |> ClTask.runSync context
+ Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
+ testProperty "Parallel execution of kernel" <| fun _const ->
+ let n = 4
+ let l = 256
+ let getAllocator (context: ClContext) =
+ let kernel =
+ <@
+ fun (r: Range1D) (buffer: ClArray) ->
+ let i = r.GlobalID0
+ buffer.[i] <- _const
+ let k = context.CreateClProgram kernel
+ fun (q:MailboxProcessor<_>) ->
+ let buf = context.CreateClArray(l, allocationMode = AllocationMode.AllocHostPtr)
+ let executable = k.GetKernel()
+ q.Post(Msg.MsgSetArguments(fun () -> executable.KernelFunc (Range1D(l, l)) buf))
+ q.Post(Msg.CreateRunMsg<_,_>(executable))
+ buf
+ let allocator = getAllocator context
+ let allocOnGPU (q:MailboxProcessor<_>) allocator =
+ let b = allocator q
+ let res = Array.zeroCreate l
+ q.PostAndReply (fun ch -> Msg.CreateToHostMsg(b, res, ch)) |> ignore
+ q.Post (Msg.CreateFreeMsg b)
+ res
- let expected = [|5|]
+ let actual =
+ Array.init n (fun _ -> context.WithNewCommandQueue().CommandQueue)
+ |> Array.map (fun q -> async { return allocOnGPU q allocator })
+ |> Async.Parallel
+ |> Async.RunSynchronously
- let actual =
- opencl {
- use! inBuf = ClArray.toDevice [|0|]
- do! runCommand command <| fun x ->
- x (Range1D(5, 5)) inBuf
+ let expected = Array.init n (fun _ -> Array.create l _const)
- return! ClArray.toHost inBuf
- }
- |> ClTask.runSync context
+ Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
- Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
+let quotationInjectionTests = testList "Quotation injection tests" [
+ testCase "Quotations injections. Quotations injections 1" <| fun _ ->
+ let myF = <@ fun x -> x * x @>
- testCase "Local array. Test 1" <| fun _ ->
- let localWorkSize = 5
- let globalWorkSize = 15
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ buf.[0] <- (%myF) 2
+ buf.[1] <- (%myF) 4
+ @>
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (input: ClArray) (output: ClArray) ->
- let localBuf = localArray localWorkSize
+ checkResult command intInArr [|4;16;2;3|]
- localBuf.[range.LocalID0] <- range.LocalID0
- barrier()
- output.[range.GlobalID0] <- localBuf.[(range.LocalID0 + 1) % localWorkSize]
- @>
+ testCase "Quotations injections. Quotations injections 2" <| fun _ ->
+ let myF = <@ fun x y -> y - x @>
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ buf.[0] <- (%myF) 2 5
+ buf.[1] <- (%myF) 4 9
+ @>
- let expected =
- [| for x in 1..localWorkSize -> x % localWorkSize |]
- |> Array.replicate (globalWorkSize / localWorkSize)
- |> Array.concat
+ checkResult command intInArr [|3;5;2;3|]
- let actual =
- opencl {
- use! inBuf = ClArray.toDevice (Array.zeroCreate globalWorkSize)
- use! outBuf = ClArray.toDevice (Array.zeroCreate globalWorkSize)
- do! runCommand command <| fun x ->
- x (Range1D(globalWorkSize, localWorkSize)) inBuf outBuf
+let localMemTests = testList "Local memory tests" [
+ // TODO: pointers to local data must be local too.
+ testCase "Local int. Work item counting" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (output: ClArray) ->
+ let globalID = range.GlobalID0
+ let mutable x = local ()
- return! ClArray.toHost outBuf
- }
- |> ClTask.runSync context
+ if globalID = 0 then x <- 0
+ barrierLocal ()
- Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
+ atomic (+) x 1 |> ignore
+ // fetch local value before read, dont work without barrier
+ barrierLocal ()
- ptestCase "Local array. Test 2" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let localBuf = localArray 42
- atomic xchg localBuf.[0] 1L |> ignore
- buf.[0] <- localBuf.[0]
- @>
+ if globalID = 0 then
+ output.[0] <- x
+ @>
- checkResult command [|0L; 1L; 2L; 3L|] [|1L; 1L; 2L; 3L|]
- ]
+ let expected = [|5|]
-let letTransformationTests =
- testList "Let Transformation Tests" [
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 0" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f = 3
- buf.[0] <- f
- @>
+ let actual =
+ opencl {
+ use! inBuf = ClArray.toDevice [|0|]
+ do! runCommand command <| fun x ->
+ x (Range1D(5, 5)) inBuf
- checkResult command intInArr [|3; 1; 2; 3|]
+ return! ClArray.toHost inBuf
+ }
+ |> ClTask.runSync context
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 1" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let x = 4
- let f =
- let x = 3
- x
- buf.[0] <- x + f
- @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|7; 1; 2; 3|]
+ Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 1.2" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f y =
- let x c b = b + c + 4 + y
- x 2 3
- buf.[0] <- f 1
- @>
+ testCase "Local array. Test 1" <| fun _ ->
+ let localWorkSize = 5
+ let globalWorkSize = 15
- checkResult command intInArr [|10; 1; 2; 3|]
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (input: ClArray) (output: ClArray) ->
+ let localBuf = localArray localWorkSize
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 2" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f =
- let x =
- let y = 3
- y
- x
- buf.[0] <- f
- @>
+ localBuf.[range.LocalID0] <- range.LocalID0
+ barrierLocal ()
+ output.[range.GlobalID0] <- localBuf.[(range.LocalID0 + 1) % localWorkSize]
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|3; 1; 2; 3|]
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 3" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f =
- let f = 5
- f
- buf.[0] <- f
- @>
+ let expected =
+ [| for x in 1..localWorkSize -> x % localWorkSize |]
+ |> Array.replicate (globalWorkSize / localWorkSize)
+ |> Array.concat
- checkResult command intInArr [|5; 1; 2; 3|]
+ let actual =
+ opencl {
+ use! inBuf = ClArray.toDevice (Array.zeroCreate globalWorkSize)
+ use! outBuf = ClArray.toDevice (Array.zeroCreate globalWorkSize)
+ do! runCommand command <| fun x ->
+ x (Range1D(globalWorkSize, localWorkSize)) inBuf outBuf
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 4" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f =
- let f =
- let f = 5
- f
- f
- buf.[0] <- f
- @>
+ return! ClArray.toHost outBuf
+ }
+ |> ClTask.runSync context
- checkResult command intInArr [|5; 1; 2; 3|]
+ Expect.sequenceEqual actual expected "Arrays should be equals"
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 5" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f a b =
- let x y z = y + z
- x a b
- buf.[0] <- f 1 7
- @>
+ ptestCase "Local array. Test 2" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let localBuf = localArray 42
+ atomic xchg localBuf.[0] 1L |> ignore
+ buf.[0] <- localBuf.[0]
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|8; 1; 2; 3|]
+ checkResult command [|0L; 1L; 2L; 3L|] [|1L; 1L; 2L; 3L|]
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 6" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f x y =
- let x = x
- x + y
- buf.[0] <- f 7 8
- @>
+let letTransformationTests = testList "Let Transformation Tests" [
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 0" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f = 3
+ buf.[0] <- f
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|15; 1; 2; 3|]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|3; 1; 2; 3|]
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 7" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f y =
- let x y = 6 - y
- x y
- buf.[0] <- f 7
- @>
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 1" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let x = 4
+ let f =
+ let x = 3
+ x
+ buf.[0] <- x + f
+ @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|7; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|-1; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 1.2" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f y =
+ let x c b = b + c + 4 + y
+ x 2 3
+ buf.[0] <- f 1
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 8" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (m: ClArray) ->
- let p = m.[0]
- let x n =
- let l = m.[3]
- let g k = k + m.[0] + m.[1]
- let r =
- let y a =
- let x = 5 - n + (g 4)
- let z t = m.[2] + a - t
- z (a + x + l)
- y 6
- r + m.[3]
- if range.GlobalID0 = 0
- then m.[0] <- x 7
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|10; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|-1; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 2" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f =
+ let x =
+ let y = 3
+ y
+ x
+ buf.[0] <- f
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 9" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let x n =
- let r = 8
- let h = r + n
- h
- buf.[0] <- x 9
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|3; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|17; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 3" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f =
+ let f = 5
+ f
+ buf.[0] <- f
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 10" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let p = 9
- let x n b =
- let t = 0
- n + b + t
- buf.[0] <- x 7 9
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|5; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|16; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 4" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f =
+ let f =
+ let f = 5
+ f
+ f
+ buf.[0] <- f
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 11" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let p = 1
- let m =
- let r (l:int) = l
- r 9
- let z (k:int) = k
- buf.[0] <- m
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|5; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|9; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 5" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f a b =
+ let x y z = y + z
+ x a b
+ buf.[0] <- f 1 7
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 12" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f x y =
- let y = y
- let y = y
- let g x m = m + x
- g x y
- buf.[0] <- f 1 7
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|8; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|8; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 6" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f x y =
+ let x = x
+ x + y
+ buf.[0] <- f 7 8
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 13" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f y =
- let y = y
- let y = y
- let g (m:int) = m
- g y
- buf.[0] <- f 7
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|15; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|7; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 7" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f y =
+ let x y = 6 - y
+ x y
+ buf.[0] <- f 7
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 14" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f y =
- let y = y
- let y = y
- let g (m:int) =
- let g r t = r + y - t
- let n o = o - (g y 2)
- n 5
- g y
- let z y = y - 2
- buf.[0] <- f (z 7)
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|-1; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|-3; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 8" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (m: ClArray) ->
+ let p = m.[0]
+ let x n =
+ let l = m.[3]
+ let g k = k + m.[0] + m.[1]
+ let r =
+ let y a =
+ let x = 5 - n + (g 4)
+ let z t = m.[2] + a - t
+ z (a + x + l)
+ y 6
+ r + m.[3]
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0
+ then m.[0] <- x 7
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 15" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f y =
- let Argi index =
- if index = 0
- then buf.[1]
- else buf.[2]
- Argi y
- buf.[0] <- f 0
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|-1; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|1; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 9" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let x n =
+ let r = 8
+ let h = r + n
+ h
+ buf.[0] <- x 9
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 16" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let f y =
- if y = 0
- then
- let z (a:int) = a
- z 9
- else buf.[2]
- buf.[0] <- f 0
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|17; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|9; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 10" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let p = 9
+ let x n b =
+ let t = 0
+ n + b + t
+ buf.[0] <- x 7 9
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 17" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- if range.GlobalID0 = 0
- then
- let f y =
- let g = buf.[1] + 1
- y + g
- for i in 0..3 do
- buf.[i] <- f i
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|16; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|2; 3; 6; 7|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 11" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let p = 1
+ let m =
+ let r (l:int) = l
+ r 9
+ let z (k:int) = k
+ buf.[0] <- m
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 18" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- for i in 0..3 do
- let f =
- let g = buf.[1] + 1
- i + g
- if range.GlobalID0 = 0
- then buf.[i] <- f
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|9; 1; 2; 3|]
- checkResult command intInArr [|2; 3; 6; 7|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 12" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f x y =
+ let y = y
+ let y = y
+ let g x m = m + x
+ g x y
+ buf.[0] <- f 1 7
+ @>
- testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 19" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- if range.GlobalID0 = 0
- then
- for i in 0..3 do
- let f x =
- let g = buf.[1] + x
- i + g
- buf.[i] <- f 1
- @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|8; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 13" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f y =
+ let y = y
+ let y = y
+ let g (m:int) = m
+ g y
+ buf.[0] <- f 7
+ @>
+ checkResult command intInArr [|7; 1; 2; 3|]
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 14" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f y =
+ let y = y
+ let y = y
+ let g (m:int) =
+ let g r t = r + y - t
+ let n o = o - (g y 2)
+ n 5
+ g y
+ let z y = y - 2
+ buf.[0] <- f (z 7)
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|2; 3; 6; 7|]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|-3; 1; 2; 3|]
- // TODO: perform range (1D, 2D, 3D) erasure when range is lifted.
- ptestCase "Template Let Transformation Test 20" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (m: ClArray) ->
- let f x =
- range.GlobalID0 + x
- m.[0] <- f 2
- @>
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 15" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f y =
+ let Argi index =
+ if index = 0
+ then buf.[1]
+ else buf.[2]
+ Argi y
+ buf.[0] <- f 0
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|2; 3; 6; 7|]
- ]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|1; 1; 2; 3|]
-let letQuotationTransformerSystemTests =
- testList "Let Transformation Tests Mutable Vars" [
- testCase "Test 0" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let mutable x = 1
- let f y =
- x <- y
- f 10
- buf.[0] <- x
- @>
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 16" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ let f y =
+ if y = 0
+ then
+ let z (a:int) = a
+ z 9
+ else buf.[2]
+ buf.[0] <- f 0
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|10; 1; 2; 3|]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|9; 1; 2; 3|]
- testCase "Test 1" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
- let mutable x = 1
+ testCase "Template Let Transformation Test 17" <| fun _ ->
+ let command =
+ <@
+ fun (range: Range1D) (buf: ClArray) ->
+ if range.GlobalID0 = 0
+ then
let f y =
- x <- x + y
- f 10
- buf.[0] <- x
- @>
+ let g = buf.[1] + 1
+ y + g
+ for i in 0..3 do
+ buf.[i] <- f i
+ @>
- checkResult command intInArr [|11; 1; 2; 3|]
+ checkResult command intInArr [|2; 3; 6; 7|]
- testCase "Test 2" <| fun _ ->
- let command =
- <@
- fun (range: Range1D) (arr: ClArray