AzerothAdmin is derived from TrinityAdmin. TrinityAdmin wis derived from MangAdmin. TrinityAdmin v2 was maintained and developed by iotech
TrinityAdmin v2.5 is maintained and developed by SuperStyro AzerothAdmin v1 is maintained and developed by SuperStryro
TrinityAdmin also contains code donated by: -Pryd (teleport work) -Gimp (teleport work) -Shocker (various)
Locale Team: (Removed Locales from AzerothCore temporarly) iotech, Ravenheart, Gimp, Dracula70, MrLakeC, Namida, Amok, Lyrr123, borgotech, Morpheux, Georgios, Kitharo
AzerothAdmin(TrinityAdmin(MangAdmin)) is developed by: SuperStyro (Project Owner), Josh, iotech, infamousblob, Atreus420, killat200623, dragonfrost, Necroblack