[config] # Configuration-related settings such as the process list, begin and end times, etc. PROCESS_LIST = StatAnalysis(day1), StatAnalysis(day2) ## LOOP_ORDER ## Options are: processes, times ## Looping by time- runs all items in the PROCESS_LIST for each ## initialization time and repeats until all times have been evaluated. ## Looping by processes- run each item in the PROCESS_LIST for all ## specified initialization times then repeat for the next item in the ## PROCESS_LIST. LOOP_ORDER = processes # Logging levels: DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR (most verbose is DEBUG) LOG_LEVEL = DEBUG ################################### # Common settings for bias plot LOOP_BY = INIT INIT_TIME_FMT = %Y%m%d INIT_INCREMENT = 86400 ################################### # Common settings for stat_analysis MODEL1 = COSMO MODEL1_OBTYPE = ADPSFC # stat_analysis job info STAT_ANALYSIS_JOB_NAME = aggregate_stat # METplus will fill in filename STAT_ANALYSIS_JOB_ARGS = -line_type MPR -out_line_type CNT -by OBS_SID,FCST_VAR -set_hdr VX_MASK OBS_SID -out_stat [out_stat_file] # Optional variables for further filtering # can be blank, single, or multiple values # if more than one use comma separated list # # (FCST)(OBS)_(VALID)(INIT)_HOUR_LIST: HH format (ex. 00, 06, 12) # (FCST)(OBS)_LEAD_LIST: HH[H][MMSS] format (ex. 00, 06, 120) MODEL_LIST = {MODEL1} #FCST_INIT_HOUR_LIST = 00, 06, 12, 18 FCST_INIT_HOUR_LIST = 00 LINE_TYPE_LIST = MPR # how to treat items listed in above _LIST variables # GROUP_LIST_ITEMS: items listed in a given _LIST variable # will be grouped together # LOOP_LIST_ITEMS: items listed in a give _LIST variable # will be looped over # if not listed METplus will treat the list as a group GROUP_LIST_ITEMS = FCST_LEAD_LIST LOOP_LIST_ITEMS = FCST_INIT_HOUR_LIST STAT_ANALYSIS_CONFIG_FILE = {CONFIG_DIR}/STATAnalysisConfig_wrapped MODEL1_STAT_ANALYSIS_LOOKIN_DIR = {OUTPUT_BASE}/cosmo_stats/point_stat/{init?fmt=%Y%m%d%H} # Output data directory STAT_ANALYSIS_OUTPUT_DIR = {OUTPUT_BASE}/cosmo_stats/stat_analysis [day1] INIT_BEG = 20220405 INIT_END = 20220405 FCST_LEAD_LIST = 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24 MODEL1_STAT_ANALYSIS_OUT_STAT_TEMPLATE = {init?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}/stat_analysis_COSMO_{init?fmt=%Y%m%d}_240000L_CNT.stat [day2] INIT_BEG = 20220404 INIT_END = 20220404 FCST_LEAD_LIST = 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48 MODEL1_STAT_ANALYSIS_OUT_STAT_TEMPLATE = {init?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}/stat_analysis_COSMO_{init?fmt=%Y%m%d%H}_480000L_CNT.stat