diff --git a/tests/.infra/crw-ci/load-tests/Jenkinsfile b/tests/.infra/crw-ci/load-tests/Jenkinsfile deleted file mode 100644 index d53e828bc7e..00000000000 --- a/tests/.infra/crw-ci/load-tests/Jenkinsfile +++ /dev/null @@ -1,181 +0,0 @@ -pipeline { - agent { label 'rhel7-8gb' } - - options { - timestamps() - timeout(time: 10, unit: 'HOURS') - buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', - artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '60', numToKeepStr: '30')) - } - - parameters { - string(name: 'cheClusterUrl', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'URL to the cluster where CHE is running.') - - string(name: 'cheClusterUsername', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Username for login to the cluster where CHE is runing.') - - password(name: 'cheClusterPassword', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Password for login to the cluster where CHE is running.') - - string(name: 'serverLabel', - defaultValue: 'che', - description: 'Label for server pod.') - - string(name: 'testClusterUrl', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'URL to the cluster where CHE should run.') - - string(name: 'testClusterUsername', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Username for login to the cluster where tests will be runing.') - - password(name: 'testClusterPassword', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Password for login to the cluster where tests will be running.') - - string(name: 'cheClusterNamespace', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Namespace where CHE is running.') - - string(name: 'testClusterNamespace', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Namespace where tests will be running.') - - string(name: 'numberOfUsers', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Number of users for load tests.') - - string(name: 'numberOfRepetitions', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Number of workspaces that should be run by one user (in serial maneur).') - - string(name: 'testingImage', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Image with tests.') - - string(name: 'repoWithScripts', - defaultValue: 'https://github.com/eclipse/che.git', - description: 'Github repo with load tests scripts.') - - string(name: 'pathToScripts', - defaultValue: 'che/tests/performance', - description: 'Path to scripts within the repo.') - - string(name: 'logLevel', - defaultValue: 'TRACE', - description: 'Log level for tests running in image.') - - } - environment { - OC_PATH="/tmp" - PATH= "$PATH:$OC_PATH" - - shmSize = "4096m" - loadPageTimeout = 240000 - startWorkspaceTimeout = 900000 - workspaceStatusPolling = 20000 - - } - - stages { - stage('Preset environment') { - steps { - script { - sh """ - set +x - echo "Installing oc..." - wget -q https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/clients/ocp/4.3.1/openshift-client-linux-4.3.1.tar.gz -O - | tar -xz - mv oc $OC_PATH - echo "Setting CHE context..." - oc login $cheClusterUrl -u $cheClusterUsername -p $cheClusterPassword --insecure-skip-tls-verify - oc project $cheClusterNamespace - """ - - env.CHE_CONTEXT = sh (script: "oc whoami -c", returnStdout: true) - - sh """ - set +x - echo "Setting test context..." - oc login $testClusterUrl -u $testClusterUsername -p $testClusterPassword --insecure-skip-tls-verify - set +e - project=`oc get projects | grep $testClusterNamespace` - if [[ -z \$project ]]; then oc new-project $testClusterNamespace; fi - set -e - oc project $testClusterNamespace; - """ - - env.TEST_CONTEXT = sh (script: "oc whoami -c", returnStdout: true) - } - } - } - stage("Clone upstream che") { - steps { - sh""" - echo "Clone che" - git clone $repoWithScripts - """ - } - } - stage('Run load tests') { - parallel { - stage('Gather server logs') { - steps { - script { - sh """ - set +x - touch server-logs.txt - - oc config use-context ${env.CHE_CONTEXT} - oc logs -f \$(oc get pods -l app=$serverLabel,component=$serverLabel -o name) >> server-logs.txt || echo "Process gathering logs was killed." - """ - } - } - } - stage('Run test scripts') { - steps { - script { - sh """ - set +x - ROOT=`pwd` - cd $pathToScripts - - oc config use-context ${env.CHE_CONTEXT} - checlusterName=`oc get checluster -o jsonpath='{.items[].metadata.name}'` - CHE_URL=`oc get checluster \$checlusterName -o jsonpath='{.status.cheURL}'` - - mkdir \$ROOT/report/ - oc config use-context ${env.TEST_CONTEXT} - ./load-tests.sh -u user -p load-user -n $numberOfUsers -i $testingImage -r \$CHE_URL -f \$ROOT/report -t $numberOfRepetitions -l $logLevel - """ - } - } - post { - always { - script { - sh """ - set +x - pId=\$(ps x | grep "oc logs -f" | grep -v "grep" | head -n 1 | awk '{print \$1}') - kill \$pId - - ROOT=`pwd` - cp server-logs.txt \$ROOT/report - """ - } - } - - } - } - } - post { - success { - archiveArtifacts artifacts: "report/**" - } - } - } - } - -} diff --git a/tests/.infra/crw-ci/load-tests/JenkinsfileUsers b/tests/.infra/crw-ci/load-tests/JenkinsfileUsers deleted file mode 100644 index d4cc4a2dfc2..00000000000 --- a/tests/.infra/crw-ci/load-tests/JenkinsfileUsers +++ /dev/null @@ -1,95 +0,0 @@ -pipeline { - agent { label 'rhel7-8gb' } - - options { - timestamps() - timeout(time: 1, unit: 'HOURS') - buildDiscarder(logRotator(artifactDaysToKeepStr: '', - artifactNumToKeepStr: '', daysToKeepStr: '60', numToKeepStr: '30')) - } - - parameters { - string(name: 'cheClusterUrl', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'URL to the cluster where CHE is running.') - - string(name: 'cheClusterUsername', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Username for login to the cluster where CHE is runing.') - - password(name: 'cheClusterPassword', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Password for login to the cluster where CHE is running.') - - string(name: 'cheClusterNamespace', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Namespace where CHE is running.') - - string(name: 'numberOfUsers', - defaultValue: '', - description: 'Number of users that should be created.') - - string(name: 'startingIndex', - defaultValue: '1', - description: 'Startnig index for user creation. If you don\'t have any user created yet, set 1.') - - choice(name: 'environment', - choices: ['Che', 'CRW'], - description: 'Environment, where users should be created. Can be Che or CRW.') - - string(name: 'keycloakAdminUsername', - defaultValue: 'admin', - description: 'Keycloak admin username, default to "admin".') - - password(name: 'keycloakAdminPassword', - defaultValue: 'admin', - description: 'Keacloak admin password, deafult to "admin".') - - } - environment { - OC_PATH="/tmp" - PATH= "$PATH:$OC_PATH" - - USERNAME_BASE="user" - USERNAME_PASS="load-user" - PATH_TO_SCRIPTS="che/tests/performance" - } - - stages { - stage('Preset environment') { - steps { - script { - sh """ - set +x - echo "Installing oc..." - wget -q https://mirror.openshift.com/pub/openshift-v4/clients/ocp/4.3.1/openshift-client-linux-4.3.1.tar.gz -O - | tar -xz - mv oc $OC_PATH - echo "Setting CHE context..." - oc login $cheClusterUrl -u $cheClusterUsername -p $cheClusterPassword --insecure-skip-tls-verify - oc project $cheClusterNamespace - """ - - env.CHE_CONTEXT = sh (script: "oc whoami -c", returnStdout: true) - } - } - } - stage("Clone upstream che") { - steps { - sh""" - echo "Clone che" - git clone https://github.com/eclipse/che.git - """ - } - } - stage('Create users') { - steps { - sh """ - cd $PATH_TO_SCRIPTS - oc config use-context ${env.CHE_CONTEXT} - ./create_users.sh -n $USERNAME_BASE -m $USERNAME_PASS -s $startingIndex -c $numberOfUsers -e $environment -a $keycloakAdminUsername -p $keycloakAdminPassword - """ - } - } - } - -}