diff --git a/libbeat/outputs/kafka/docs/kafka.asciidoc b/libbeat/outputs/kafka/docs/kafka.asciidoc index 564ec7d402a4..b6ff6055a4fa 100644 --- a/libbeat/outputs/kafka/docs/kafka.asciidoc +++ b/libbeat/outputs/kafka/docs/kafka.asciidoc @@ -11,6 +11,8 @@ To use this output, edit the {beatname_uc} configuration file to disable the {es output by commenting it out, and enable the Kafka output by uncommenting the Kafka section. +NOTE: For Kafka version the message creation timestamp is set by beats and equals to the initial timestamp of the event. This affects the retention policy in Kafka: for example, if a beat event was created 2 weeks ago, the retention policy is set to 7 days and the message from beats arrives to Kafka today, it's going to be immediately discarded since the timestamp value is before the last 7 days. It's possible to change this behavior by setting timestamps on message arrival instead, so the message is not discarded but kept for 7 more days. To do that, please set `log.message.timestamp.type` to `LogAppendTime` (default `CreateTime`) in the Kafka configuration. + Example configuration: [source,yaml] @@ -57,8 +59,6 @@ The cluster metadata contain the actual Kafka brokers events are published to. Kafka version {beatname_lc} is assumed to run against. Defaults to 1.0.0. -Event timestamps will be added, if version is enabled. - Valid values are all kafka releases in between `` and `2.0.0`. See <> for information on supported versions.