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Releases: elchininet/custom-sidebar


23 Dec 21:49
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This release refactors the library to make it possible to set a template in the hide option of an item.

Order items properties

Property Type Required Description
hide* Boolean or String no Setting this property to true will hide the sidebar item
and if the property hide_all from the main configuration is true,
setting this property as false will avoid hiding this item


* These item properties allow JavaScript or Jinja templates.

🚀 Features

  • Make the "hide" option being configured also as a template

🧩 Dependencies

  • [Dependencies]: Bump the dependencies-dev group with 6 updates

📝 Documentation

  • Make the "hide" option being configured also as a template


16 Dec 20:53
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This release ships a new option to define the type of condition that will evaluate the exceptions' matchers:


Property Type Required Description
matchers_conditions "OR" | "AND" no Defines if at least one of the matchers
should match ("OR" which is the default value)
or if all the matchers should match ("AND")

If matchers_conditions is "OR" (default value), only one match from the matchers is needed for the exception to be picked. But if this option is "AND" then all of the matcher must match for the exception to be picked, in this case if any matcher does't match, then the exception will be discarded.

For example, the next exception will match the users with user name "John Doe" or "Jack Sparrow", the admin users or the users with a device Android (because matchers_conditions is by default "OR"):

  - user:
    - John Doe
    - Jack Sparrow
    is_admin: true
    device: Android

But the next exception will match all admins that are using an iPhone device excluding "ElChiniNet":

  - not_user: ElChiniNet
    is_admin: true
    device: iPhone
    matchers_conditions: AND

🚀 Features

  • Add an option to set the exceptions' matchers conditions

🧩 Dependencies

  • [Dependencies]: Bump the dependencies-dev group with 4 updates

📝 Documentation

  • Add an option to set the exceptions' matchers conditions


14 Dec 23:32
Choose a tag to compare


  • Update home-assistant-javascript-templates package


This release is a major release of the plugin and it has breaking changes.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Breaking Changes ⚠️⚠️⚠️

1. extend_from_base property has been removed from the exceptions config

If you want to have the previous functionality, you need to replace:

extend_from_base: true


extend_from: base

And remove any occurrence of:

extend_from_base: false

2. Exceptions are merged

Previously, if multiple exceptions match, the last one were the one used. From now on, if multiple exceptions match, they will be merged. Check the extendable configurations section for more info about how two configurations are merged.

3. Changed the merging logic of an exception extending from the base

Previously, when one exception extended from the base, the options that were in the exception remain, and the options that existed in the base but were not defined in the exception were extended. If both config had an order option, these were merged too, but if the two order options contained an item with the same item property, the last one ruled over the previous.

In this new version the first part remains the same, but the merging of two order options with items with the same item property changed. If two order options are merged and they contain one or more items with the same item property, they will be merged following the same logic: what is in the original item remains, what is in the extending one and not in the original item will be extended. Check the extendable configurations section for more info about how two configurations are merged.

Noteworthy Changes

1. js_variables and jinja_variables allow more variables types

Previously, js_variables and jinja_variables only allowed strings, numbers and booleans. Now it is possible to add more variable types. The next examples using js_variables and jinja_variables will set the same title ("Title 80 dog"):

js_variables example

  my_string: Title
  my_number: 100
  my_boolean: true
    prop1: 4
    prop2: 5
    - cat
    - dog
    - bird
title: |
    if (my_boolean) {
      return `${my_string} ${(my_number * my_object.prop1) / my_object.prop2} ${my_array[1]}`;
    return 'Home Assistant';

jinja_variables example

  my_string: Title
  my_number: 100
  my_boolean: true
    prop1: 4
    prop2: 5
    - cat
    - dog
    - bird
title: |
  {% if my_boolean %}
    {{ my_string }} {{ ((my_number * my_dictionary.prop1) / my_dictionary.prop2) | int }} {{ my_list.1 }}
  {% else %}
    Home Assistant
  {% endif %}

2. New is_owner option in the exceptions

Now the exceptions configurations accept a new option is_owner.

Property Type Required Description
is_owner Boolean no Checks if the user is owner of the system.
This option can be set alone or combined with
user, not_user, device, not_device, or is_admin.
If it is used together with one of these options
they will be taken as conditions separated by a logical OR

3. Extendable configurations

Extendable configurations (extendable_configs) is an object containing different configurations options that could be extended from the main configuration, from the exceptions or from another extendable configuration, making them a very flexible option to share configuration blocks. To specify that a configuration should extend from an extendable configuration, the extend_from option should be used specifying the extendable configuration name(s).

Extending from a configuration basically means "import what I don't already have", so if a configuration already have an option, it will prevail and it will not be overridden if the configuration is extended. For example, the next configuration has a main configuration extending from an extendable configuration named example, let's analyse what will be the result of that extend.

title: Custom Title
  - item: overview
    name: Dashboard
    order: 3
  - new_item: true
    item: Integrations
    href: "/config/integrations"
    icon: mdi:puzzle
    order: 2
extend_from: example
    title: My Home
    subtitle: Assistant
      - item: overview
        icon: mdi:monitor-dashboard
        order: 0
      - new_item: true
        item: Google
        icon: mdi:earth
        target: _blank
        order: 1
  1. As the title option is defined in the main configuration, it will not get the title option from the extendable configuration.
  2. As the subtitle option is not defined in the main configuration, it will be get from the extendable configuration
  3. As the main configuration and the extendable configuration both have an order option, it will be merged:
    1. Both orders have an overview item, so it will be merged. As the main config order-item has also an order property, it will not be extended, but as the extendable order-item has an icon property that doesn't exist in the main config order-item, it will be extended
    2. As the extendable order-item doesn't have a name property, it will remain there
    3. The Integrations doesn't exist in the extendable order so it will remain as it is
    4. The Google extendable item doesn't exist in the main config, so it will be extended

The resulted main config after the extending process will be:

title: Custom Title
subtitle: Assistant
  - new_item: true
    item: Google
    icon: mdi:earth
    target: _blank
    order: 1
  - new_item: true
    item: Integrations
    href: "/config/integrations"
    icon: mdi:puzzle
    order: 2
  - item: overview
    name: Dashboard
    icon: mdi:monitor-dashboard
    order: 3

It is possible to extend from multiple configurations and they will be extended in order, as shown in the next example:

  - colors
  - titles
    icon_color: red
    text_color: red
    title: Custom Title
    subtitle: Custom Subtitle

As already mentioned, an extendable configuration can extend from other extendable configurations:

title: Custom Title
extend_from: example
    title_color: red,
    subtitle_color: blue
    subtitle: Assistant
    extend_from: colorful

The resulted main config will be:

title: Custom Title
subtitle: Assistant
title_color: red,
subtitle_color: blue

In the case of exceptions, they can also extend from the main configuration if base is used in the extend_from option:

title: Custom Title
extend_from: example
    title_color: red,
    subtitle_color: blue
    subtitle: Assistant
    extend_from: colorful
  - user:
    - ElChiniNet
      - item: overview
        name: Dashboard
        icon: mdi:monitor-dashboard
        order: 3
    extend_from: base

So, the configuration for the user ElChiniNet will be the same previous main config, plus an order with an order-item.

The next example is a more complex one extending from multiple configurations:

title: My Home
extend_from: admin_config
  - new_item: true
    item: Google
    icon: mdi:earth
    target: _blank
    order: 1
    icon_color: red
    icon_color_selected: blue
    icon_color_hover: green
    text_color: red
    text_color_selected: blue
    text_color_hover: green
      - new_item: true
        item: Integrations
        href: "/config/integrations"
        icon: mdi:puzzle
        order: 2
      - new_item: true
        item: Entities
        href: "/config/entities"
        icon: mdi:hexagon-multiple
        order: 3
    extend_from: multicolor
    hide_all: true
      - item: overview
        hide: false
  - is_admin: true
      - multicolor
      - admin_config
      - item: config
        bottom: true
  - user:
    - ElChiniNet
    - Palaus
    etend_from: base
    title: HA
  - user:
    - Jim Hawkins
    - Long John Silver
    extend_from: user_config
      - item: overview
        name: Dashboard


  • You need to be careful of circular dependencies when extending configurations, if this is detected an error will be thrown
  • You can only use base inside extend_from if you are in an exception, trying to use it in the main config or in an extendable configuration will throw and error

🛠 Fixes

  • Update home-assistant-javascript-templates package

🧩 Dependencies

  • Update home-assistant-javascript-templates package

⚙️ Configuration

  • Update Home Assistant Docker image to version 2024.12.2
Read more


11 Dec 01:03
Choose a tag to compare

This release is a major release of the plugin and it has breaking changes.

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Breaking Changes ⚠️⚠️⚠️

1. extend_from_base property has been removed from the exceptions config

If you want to have the previous functionality, you need to replace:

extend_from_base: true


extend_from: base

And remove any occurrence of:

extend_from_base: false

2. Exceptions are merged

Previously, if multiple exceptions match, the last one were the one used. From now on, if multiple exceptions match, they will be merged. Check the extendable configurations section for more info about how two configurations are merged.

3. Changed the merging logic of an exception extending from the base

Previously, when one exception extended from the base, the options that were in the exception remain, and the options that existed in the base but were not defined in the exception were extended. If both config had an order option, these were merged too, but if the two order options contained an item with the same item property, the last one ruled over the previous.

In this new version the first part remains the same, but the merging of two order options with items with the same item property changed. If two order options are merged and they contain one or more items with the same item property, they will be merged following the same logic: what is in the original item remains, what is in the extending one and not in the original item will be extended. Check the extendable configurations section for more info about how two configurations are merged.

Noteworthy Changes

1. js_variables and jinja_variables allow more variables types

Previously, js_variables and jinja_variables only allowed strings, numbers and booleans. Now it is possible to add more variable types. The next examples using js_variables and jinja_variables will set the same title ("Title 80 dog"):

js_variables example

  my_string: Title
  my_number: 100
  my_boolean: true
    prop1: 4
    prop2: 5
    - cat
    - dog
    - bird
title: |
    if (my_boolean) {
      return `${my_string} ${(my_number * my_object.prop1) / my_object.prop2} ${my_array[1]}`;
    return 'Home Assistant';

jinja_variables example

  my_string: Title
  my_number: 100
  my_boolean: true
    prop1: 4
    prop2: 5
    - cat
    - dog
    - bird
title: |
  {% if my_boolean %}
    {{ my_string }} {{ ((my_number * my_dictionary.prop1) / my_dictionary.prop2) | int }} {{ my_list.1 }}
  {% else %}
    Home Assistant
  {% endif %}

2. New is_owner option in the exceptions

Now the exceptions configurations accept a new option is_owner.

Property Type Required Description
is_owner Boolean no Checks if the user is owner of the system.
This option can be set alone or combined with
user, not_user, device, not_device, or is_admin.
If it is used together with one of these options
they will be taken as conditions separated by a logical OR

3. Extendable configurations

Extendable configurations (extendable_configs) is an object containing different configurations options that could be extended from the main configuration, from the exceptions or from another extendable configuration, making them a very flexible option to share configuration blocks. To specify that a configuration should extend from an extendable configuration, the extend_from option should be used specifying the extendable configuration name(s).

Extending from a configuration basically means "import what I don't already have", so if a configuration already have an option, it will prevail and it will not be overridden if the configuration is extended. For example, the next configuration has a main configuration extending from an extendable configuration named example, let's analyse what will be the result of that extend.

title: Custom Title
  - item: overview
    name: Dashboard
    order: 3
  - new_item: true
    item: Integrations
    href: "/config/integrations"
    icon: mdi:puzzle
    order: 2
extend_from: example
    title: My Home
    subtitle: Assistant
      - item: overview
        icon: mdi:monitor-dashboard
        order: 0
      - new_item: true
        item: Google
        icon: mdi:earth
        target: _blank
        order: 1
  1. As the title option is defined in the main configuration, it will not get the title option from the extendable configuration.
  2. As the subtitle option is not defined in the main configuration, it will be get from the extendable configuration
  3. As the main configuration and the extendable configuration both have an order option, it will be merged:
    1. Both orders have an overview item, so it will be merged. As the main config order-item has also an order property, it will not be extended, but as the extendable order-item has an icon property that doesn't exist in the main config order-item, it will be extended
    2. As the extendable order-item doesn't have a name property, it will remain there
    3. The Integrations doesn't exist in the extendable order so it will remain as it is
    4. The Google extendable item doesn't exist in the main config, so it will be extended

The resulted main config after the extending process will be:

title: Custom Title
subtitle: Assistant
  - new_item: true
    item: Google
    icon: mdi:earth
    target: _blank
    order: 1
  - new_item: true
    item: Integrations
    href: "/config/integrations"
    icon: mdi:puzzle
    order: 2
  - item: overview
    name: Dashboard
    icon: mdi:monitor-dashboard
    order: 3

It is possible to extend from multiple configurations and they will be extended in order, as shown in the next example:

  - colors
  - titles
    icon_color: red
    text_color: red
    title: Custom Title
    subtitle: Custom Subtitle

As already mentioned, an extendable configuration can extend from other extendable configurations:

title: Custom Title
extend_from: example
    title_color: red,
    subtitle_color: blue
    subtitle: Assistant
    extend_from: colorful

The resulted main config will be:

title: Custom Title
subtitle: Assistant
title_color: red,
subtitle_color: blue

In the case of exceptions, they can also extend from the main configuration if base is used in the extend_from option:

title: Custom Title
extend_from: example
    title_color: red,
    subtitle_color: blue
    subtitle: Assistant
    extend_from: colorful
  - user:
    - ElChiniNet
      - item: overview
        name: Dashboard
        icon: mdi:monitor-dashboard
        order: 3
    extend_from: base

So, the configuration for the user ElChiniNet will be the same previous main config, plus an order with an order-item.

The next example is a more complex one extending from multiple configurations:

title: My Home
extend_from: admin_config
  - new_item: true
    item: Google
    icon: mdi:earth
    target: _blank
    order: 1
    icon_color: red
    icon_color_selected: blue
    icon_color_hover: green
    text_color: red
    text_color_selected: blue
    text_color_hover: green
      - new_item: true
        item: Integrations
        href: "/config/integrations"
        icon: mdi:puzzle
        order: 2
      - new_item: true
        item: Entities
        href: "/config/entities"
        icon: mdi:hexagon-multiple
        order: 3
    extend_from: multicolor
    hide_all: true
      - item: overview
        hide: false
  - is_admin: true
      - multicolor
      - admin_config
      - item: config
        bottom: true
  - user:
    - ElChiniNet
    - Palaus
    etend_from: base
    title: HA
  - user:
    - Jim Hawkins
    - Long John Silver
    extend_from: user_config
      - item: overview
        name: Dashboard


  • You need to be careful of circular dependencies when extending configurations, if this is detected an error will be thrown
  • You can only use base inside extend_from if you are in an exception, trying to use it in the main config or in an extendable configuration will throw and error

🚀 Features

🧩 Dependencies

  • [Dependencies]: Bump the dependencies-dev group with 3 updates

📝 Documentation


07 Dec 14:22
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This release adds a new option to the exceptions to filter by admin/non admin users.


Property Type Required Description
is_admin Boolean no Checks if the user is admin or not.
This option can be set alone.
or combined with user, not_user,.
device or not_device If it is used together.
with one of these options they will be taken.
as conditions separated by a logical OR

🚀 Features


04 Dec 19:56
Choose a tag to compare

This release adds a new option to hide all the sidebar items by default.

Configuration options

Property Type Required Description
hide_all Boolean no Hides all items of the sidebar by default,
useful if one wants to hide everything and just show a few items.
(This options doesn't make any effect in an item with the property
new_item in true)

🚀 Features

🧩 Dependencies

⚙️ Configuration

📝 Documentation

📦 Other


24 Nov 12:34
Choose a tag to compare

⚠️⚠️⚠️ BREAKING CHANGE ⚠️⚠️⚠️

This is a major refactor of the library and it will bump it to a major version because there are breaking changes.

1. New option to se the background of a sidebar item

Property Type Required Description
item_background* String no Sets the background of the sidebar items.
It could be a color or a background declaration

2. New options to set the selected state of notifications

Property Type Required Description
notification_color_selected* String no Sets the color of the sidebar notification
of the selected sidebar item
notification_text_color_selected* String no Sets the color of the sidebar notification texts
of the selected sidebar item

3. New options to set the hover state of the sidebar item elements

Property Type Required Description
item_background_hover* String no Sets the background of the sidebar items
in a hover state.
It could be a color or a background declaration
icon_color_hover* String no Sets the icon color of the sidebar items
in a hover state
text_color_hover* String no Sets the text color of the sidebar items
in a hover state
info_color_hover* String no Sets the color of the info texts
in a hover state
notification_color_hover* String no Sets the color of the sidebar notification
when the item is in hover state
notification_text_color_hover* String no Sets the color of the sidebar notifications texts
when the item is in hover state

4. Renamed some variables

Some variables were renamed to match them with the naming of the rest of the options

  • --custom-sidebar-selected-text-color to --custom-sidebar-text-color-selected
  • --custom-sidebar-selected-icon-color to --custom-sidebar-icon-color-selected
  • --custom-sidebar-selected-info-color to --custom-sidebar-info-color-selected

5. The selection_color option has been replaced by selection_background

This option now accepts a color or a background declaration

6. Fix a bug that was provoking that the Notifications item was not affected by the selection_background option

7. Refactoring of the code

The code has been refactored to separate better the style and the variables. It was becoming a mess to make an update because it was hard to find the style block. Several enums have been created to avoid unnecessary repetitions and make it less likely to make a mistake when a new option is added.


* These options allow JavaScript or Jinja templates.

🚀 Features

🛠 Fixes

🧩 Dependencies

  • [Dependencies]: Bump cross-spawn from 7.0.3 to 7.0.5
  • [Dependencies]: Bump home-assistant-javascript-templates from 5.4.2 to 5.5.0 in the dependencies-prod group
  • [Dependencies]: Bump the dependencies-dev group across 1 directory with 4 updates
  • [Dependencies]: Bump the dependencies-dev group with 4 updates

📝 Documentation

📦 Other

  • Refactor CSS variables validation and management
  • Avoid code repetition creating options variables map constants


16 Nov 20:27
Choose a tag to compare

Added two new options to colorise both sidebar dividers independently (divider_top_color and divider_botom_color).

Configuration options

Property Type Required Description
divider_color* String no Sets the color of both sidebar dividers
divider_top_color* String no Sets the color of the top sidebar divider. It overrides divider_color for this divider if it is set
divider_bottom_color* String no Sets the color of the bottom sidebar divider. It overrides divider_color for this divider if it is set


* These options allow JavaScript or Jinja templates.

🚀 Features

  • Add options to colorise both dividers independently

🧩 Dependencies

  • [Dependencies]: Bump @eslint/plugin-kit from 0.2.2 to 0.2.3

📝 Documentation

  • Add options to colorise both dividers independently


15 Nov 20:21
Choose a tag to compare

Added a new option to set the color of the sidebar scrollbar.

Property Type Required Description
scrollbar_thumb_color* String no Sets the color of the sidebar scrollbar (This option uses non-baseline CSS styles and it could not work in some browsers)


* These options allow JavaScript or Jinja templates.

🚀 Features

  • Add a new option to set the color of the sidebar scrollbar

📝 Documentation

  • Add a new option to set the color of the sidebar scrollbar


14 Nov 21:17
Choose a tag to compare

Fix for the global options using variables already set. So next code was not getting the global variable icon_color_selected:

icon_color_selected: var(--custom-sidebar-icon-color)
  - item: something
    icon_color: red

🛠 Fixes