The script was tested on Python 2.7, and can be run according to the included command-line help:
usage: [-h] [-o [OPERATOR]] [-d] search_term [search_term ...]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o [OPERATOR], --operator [OPERATOR]
AND|OR operator (default OR)
-d, --document show document(s) instead of just id(s)
python -o AND general population Alzheimer
By default, the script will return a list of matching document ids -
to return the actual document content, use the -d
python -o AND general population Alzheimer -d
Absolutely no error-handling has been implemented for this toy solution - this would not be the case for production code! :-)
Converts supplied query to normalised form, ie. <logical-operator>-<sorted-keywords>
Initial implementation - a naive O(n) solution that simply iterates over the entire document store and matches against the query
O(1) solution that builds a dict of words to document IDs and uses this to satisfy the query