diff --git a/source/deprecations/v1.x.html.md b/source/deprecations/v1.x.html.md
index 45e596f410..9bf467d7d5 100644
--- a/source/deprecations/v1.x.html.md
+++ b/source/deprecations/v1.x.html.md
@@ -671,3 +671,80 @@ been ported to component. `Ember.LinkView`, the class that backs the
Most uses of `Ember.LinkView` can be directly ported to the `Ember.LinkComponent`
+#### Ember.Select
+Using the `Ember.Select` global and its view helper form (`{{view 'select'}}`) is deprecated.
+`Ember.Select` in Ember 1.x is implemented in a legacy coding style that uses patterns such as observers and two-way data binding that
+can cause pathological performance problems and provide an experience that is not consistent with idiomatic Ember 2.0 development.
+Legacy support of `Ember.Select` will be provided via the [ember-legacy-views](https://github.com/emberjs/ember-legacy-views) addon.
+Ember 2.0 provides several new features that make it much more straightforward to implement <select> tag functionality via the
+data-down, actions-up paradigm in one's codebase.
+For example, to create a component that displays a prompt and a list of dropdown options, the following code could be used:
+{{! app/templates/components/my-select.hbs}}
+// app/components/my-select.js
+import Ember from "ember";
+export default Ember.Component.extend({
+ content: [],
+ selectedValue: null,
+ actions: {
+ change() {
+ const changeAction = this.get('action');
+ const selectedEl = this.$('select')[0];
+ const selectedIndex = selectedEl.selectedIndex;
+ const content = this.get('content');
+ const selectedValue = content[selectedIndex];
+ this.set('selectedValue', selectedValue);
+ changeAction(selectedValue);
+ }
+ }
+// is-equal helper is necessary to determine which option is currently selected.
+// app/helpers/is-equal.js
+import Ember from "ember";
+export default Ember.Helper.helper(function([leftSide, rightSide]) {
+ return leftSide === rightSide;
+This component could be used in a template by supplying it an array of strings as `content`
+and an action to call when the user makes a selection as `change`:
+{{! app/templates/application.hbs}}
+The currently selected item: {{mySelectedItem}}.
+{{! myItems is an array of strings: ['first', 'second', 'third',...] }}
+{{! This uses the `action` and `mut` helpers to pass in an action that
+ will update the (outer scope) `mySelectedItem` property with the user's
+ selection. }}
+{{my-select content=myItems action=(action (mut mySelectedItem))}}
+A more complete example of a `select` component that mimics the features of the deprecat Ember.Select is [available in this jsbin](http://emberjs.jsbin.com/fotuqa).
+Here is an [example jsbin showing usage of the select tag directly in a template without a component](http://emberjs.jsbin.com/zezapu).
+There are many [Ember-CLI addons that provide select-like functionality](http://emberobserver.com/categories/select). [emberx-select](http://emberobserver.com/addons/emberx-select) in particular aims to provide a select component based on the native html select. Alternative `select` component implementations can be iterated upon in addons to identify best practices and perhaps moved into an official Ember 2.x implementation in the future.