.Net Standard Libraries to build simple microservices
Simple domain seedwork libraries to use in DDD designs
- Enbiso.NLib.Domain
- Enbiso.NLib.Domain.Events
Simple command and query segregation library using MediatR
- Enbiso.NLib.Cqrs
Track your commands using Idempotent extension
- Enbiso.NLib.Cqrs.Idempotent
IOC extensions based off microsoft dependency injection abstractions to provide attribute based injection.
- Enbiso.NLib.DependencyInjection
Async message publishing and subscription library set
- Enbiso.NLib.EventBus
- Enbiso.NLib.EventBus.Abstractions
Implementations available for NATS and RabbitMQ
- Enbiso.NLib.EventBus.Nats
- Enbiso.NLib.EventBus.RabbitMq
Set of libraries to keep your async events persistant
- Enbiso.NLib.EventLogger
Implementation available for EF and MongoDB
- Enbiso.NLib.EventLogger.EntityFramework
- Enbiso.NLib.EventLogger.Mongo
Simple yet extensible API global exception handler
- Enbiso.NLib.GlobalExceptions
Simple Idempotent library to track your API calls to the end.
- Enbiso.NLib.Idempotency
Implementation available for EF
- Enbiso.NLib.Idempotency.EntityFramework
Simple wrapper on top of Swashbuckle to maintain uniformity amoung the APIs
- Enbiso.NLib.OpenApi
REST client built using httpclient with Open ID Connect
- Enbiso.NLib.RestClient