Create a knowledge graph
from markdown
This project still has alpha status
installed packages for
- uuid
- dot
- elixir ~> 1.7
Memories are placed in priv/memories
Every memory has an header
with an id, a title, and possible links.
The id should be an uuid
title: Example memory
- 156e3432-4995-11ea-8b44-8fcb8a4ac214
The header should be placed at first as a mardown code block.
The format must be parsable as yaml
Everything after it can be simple markdown content.
You can take a look at the priv/memories
folder for more examples.
You can use the script to get a memory scaffold.
will output dotlang
, so the output of
$ brain --all
will be
graph {
node [fontname="helvetica" shape=none];
graph [fontname="helvetica"];
edge [fontname="helvetica"];
x54d5db6c498f11ea9aca2730c9a77870 -- x6fac4c0a498f11eaa5ab9fc7267c3a49;
x9604dc6a498e11eaa8ba5735c97c7a5a -- xb67cf9fa498e11ea98143bf9bced96b6;
x9604dc6a498e11eaa8ba5735c97c7a5a -- xcfceb538498e11eaab5c33d1551dabc7;
xb67cf9fa498e11ea98143bf9bced96b6 -- xe7603e24498e11eaaed53f642ea71551;
xb67cf9fa498e11ea98143bf9bced96b6 -- x059f7f1c498f11eaac79e3793c82252c;
x059f7f1c498f11eaac79e3793c82252c -- x54d5db6c498f11ea9aca2730c9a77870;
xe7603e24498e11eaaed53f642ea71551 -- x059f7f1c498f11eaac79e3793c82252c;
x54d5db6c498f11ea9aca2730c9a77870 [label=< ecto >];
x9604dc6a498e11eaa8ba5735c97c7a5a [label=< elixir >];
xb67cf9fa498e11ea98143bf9bced96b6 [label=< >];
xcfceb538498e11eaab5c33d1551dabc7 [label=< mix >];
x059f7f1c498f11eaac79e3793c82252c [label=< phoenix >];
xe7603e24498e11eaaed53f642ea71551 [label=< plug >];
x6fac4c0a498f11eaa5ab9fc7267c3a49 [label=< sql >];
when you pipe it to a dotlang
processor, you get
$ brain --all | fdp -Tpng > all.png
will do a full text search in all accesable markdown dokuments, so you can do something like
$ brain --search sql | fdp -Tpng > /tmp/sql.png
and you get a sub graph with
$ make
if [ ! -d deps ]; then mix deps.get; fi
Resolving Hex dependencies...
Dependency resolution completed:
atomic_map 0.9.3
earmark 1.4.3
yamerl 0.7.0
yaml_elixir 2.4.0
* Getting earmark (Hex package)
* Getting yaml_elixir (Hex package)
* Getting atomic_map (Hex package)
* Getting yamerl (Hex package)
mix compile --force --warnings-as-errors
===> Compiling yamerl
==> atomic_map
Compiling 1 file (.ex)
Generated atomic_map app
==> yaml_elixir
Compiling 6 files (.ex)
Generated yaml_elixir app
==> earmark
Compiling 1 file (.yrl)
Compiling 2 files (.xrl)
Compiling 3 files (.erl)
Compiling 32 files (.ex)
Generated earmark app
==> brain
Compiling 5 files (.ex)
Generated brain app
$ make install
if [ ! -d deps ]; then mix deps.get; fi
mix compile --force --warnings-as-errors
Compiling 5 files (.ex)
Generated brain app
mix do, escript.install --force
Generated escript brain with MIX_ENV=dev
* creating /home/gooose/.asdf/installs/elixir/1.9.2/.mix/escripts/brain
warning: escript "brain" overrides executable "/home/gooose/src/project/brain/brain" already in your PATH
Currently the config.ex file is used to configure the brain
config :brain,
memory_paths: ["priv/memories/"]
All given paths will be merged. So you can add for example a path for private stuff as well as work related stuff. You can also link memories between the different locations.
As a normal brain you can add something like short time memory
where you can only acces things not older than a year.
This prevents poluting the whole graph, where you can see nothing.
This is like the real world.
When you are trying to remember a more general thing, you get too much infomation.
You only get the best connected
or the newest memories. Jan Frederik Hake, @enter_haken on Twitter. enter-haken#7260 on discord.