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#Ink.EXT.LazyLoad A true async lazy loader made by a lazy coder.

##Instance Load it as an Ink plugin. only 1 instance should be running at any time.

<script type="text/javascript" src="/js/ink.LazyLoad.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    Ink.requireModules(['Ink.Ext.LazyLoad_1'], function(Lazy) {
        var Lazy = new Lazy({
                        'delay': 200
                        'failretry': true,
                        'faildelay': 2000,
                        'debug': false


  • delay (int) throttle delay to the onScroll event in seconds
  • failretry (bool) should LazyLoad retry failed ajax requests?
  • faildelay (int) seconds to wait before retrying failed requests
  • debug (bool) will show alot of console.log debug data


  • data-lazyload the URL for the ajax request
  • data-lazymiddleware a function that parses the response before setting it as teh innerHTML
  • data-lazyparent if set, will append to the element's parent instead fo setting the innerHTML
  • data-lazycallback a callback to be called AFTER the element is loaded

##to-be-loaded elements You can set an URL to be loaded by ajax when this element hits the screen. all .lazy elements will be watched

<div class="lazy"  data-lazyload="/content/highlights/15">

Using data-lazyparent the content is loaded the the parentNode instead and the div.lazy is then removed

<div class="lazy"  data-lazyload="/content/highlights/15" data-lazyparent>

##Events LazyLoad throws custom events using Ink.Dom.Event that can later be observed

  • lazy-loading fired when the element is being loaded
  • lazy-failed fired when the element failed to load
  • lazy-loaded fired when the element has finished loading

Besides firing events, LazyLoad also sets the className of the element so you can style it accordingly.

        width: 100%;

        width: 100%;
        background-image: url('/imgs/load.gif');
        background-repeat: repeat-x;
        height: 20px;

        width: 100%;
        height: 20px;



##AJAX Fails Failed loads are stored to be re-tryed later (depending on the option failretry and faildelay).

##onLazyLoad callbacks you can use onLazyLoad to delegate observers

<div class="lazy foo"  data-lazyload="/content/foo">
<div class="lazy bar"  data-lazyload="/content/bar">
    Ink.requireModules(['Ink.Ext.LazyLoad_1'], function(Lazy) {
        var Lazy = new Lazy();

                var elem = Ink.Dom.Event.element(ev);
                //elem =


                var elem = Ink.Dom.Event.element(ev);
                //elem =



##data-lazycallback callbacks you can use data-lazycallback to set simple callbacks (must be on the window scope)

<div class="lazy foo"  data-lazyload="/content/foo" data-lazycallback="loadFoo">
<div class="lazy bar"  data-lazyload="/content/bar" data-lazycallback="loadBar">
<script type="text/javascript">
    function loadFoo(element){
        //called on loaded
    function loadBar(element){
        //called on loaded

##Middleware If you want to do any kind of transformations before setting the innerHTML, or if your content is JSON and you need to parse it, set a middleware function.

<div class="lazy" data-lazyload="/content/highlights" data-lazymiddleware="fooBar"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
function fooBar(element,content){
    return "<h1>foo</h1>"+content;


A true async lazy loader made by a lazy coder.






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