diff --git a/lib/arx/categories.rb b/lib/arx/categories.rb index e99d6db..26bbd8e 100644 --- a/lib/arx/categories.rb +++ b/lib/arx/categories.rb @@ -21,6 +21,14 @@ module Arx 'cond-mat.stat-mech' => 'Statistical Mechanics', 'cond-mat.str-el' => 'Strongly Correlated Electrons', 'cond-mat.supr-con' => 'Superconductivity', + 'dis-nn' => 'Disordered Systems and Neural Networks', # cond-mat + 'mes-hall' => 'Mesoscale and Nanoscale Physics', # cond-mat + 'mtrl-sci' => 'Materials Science', # cond-mat + 'quant-gas' => 'Quantum Gases', # cond-mat + 'soft' => 'Soft Condensed Matter', # cond-mat + 'stat-mech' => 'Statistical Mechanics', # cond-mat + 'str-el' => 'Strongly Correlated Electrons', # cond-mat + 'supr-con' => 'Superconductivity', # cond-mat 'cs' => 'Computer Science', 'cs.AI' => 'Artificial Intelligence', 'cs.AR' => 'Hardware Architecture', @@ -138,6 +146,28 @@ module Arx 'physics.pop-ph' => 'Popular Physics', 'physics.soc-ph' => 'Physics and Society', 'physics.space-ph' => 'Space Physics', + 'acc-ph' => 'Accelerator Physics', # physics + 'ao-ph' => 'Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics', # physics + 'app-ph' => 'Applied Physics', # physics + 'atm-clus' => 'Atomic and Molecular Clusters', # physics + 'atom-ph' => 'Atomic Physics', # physics + 'bio-ph' => 'Biological Physics', # physics + 'chem-ph' => 'Chemical Physics', # physics + 'class-ph' => 'Classical Physics', # physics + 'comp-ph' => 'Computational Physics', # physics + 'data-an' => 'Data Analysis, Statistics and Probability', # physics + 'ed-ph' => 'Physics Education', # physics + 'flu-dyn' => 'Fluid Dynamics', # physics + 'gen-ph' => 'General Physics', # physics + 'geo-ph' => 'Geophysics', # physics + 'hist-ph' => 'History and Philosophy of Physics', # physics + 'ins-det' => 'Instrumentation and Detectors', # physics + 'med-ph' => 'Medical Physics', # physics + 'optics' => 'Optics', # physics + 'plasm-ph' => 'Plasma Physics', # physics + 'pop-ph' => 'Popular Physics', # physics + 'soc-ph' => 'Physics and Society', # physics + 'space-ph' => 'Space Physics', # physics 'q-bio' => 'Quantitative Biology', 'q-bio.BM' => 'Biomolecules', 'q-bio.CB' => 'Cell Behavior', diff --git a/spec/arx/entities/paper_spec.rb b/spec/arx/entities/paper_spec.rb index 0d5f7a0..340309d 100644 --- a/spec/arx/entities/paper_spec.rb +++ b/spec/arx/entities/paper_spec.rb @@ -419,7 +419,7 @@ primary_category: {name: "cond-mat", full_name: "Condensed Matter"}, categories: [ {name: "cond-mat", full_name: "Condensed Matter"}, - {name: "chem-ph", full_name: nil} + {name: "chem-ph", full_name: "Chemical Physics"} ], published_at: DateTime.parse('1996-09-10T13:52:54+00:00'), updated_at: DateTime.parse('1996-09-10T13:52:54+00:00'), @@ -554,7 +554,7 @@ "primary_category"=>{"name"=>"cond-mat", "full_name"=>"Condensed Matter"}, "categories"=>[ {"name"=>"cond-mat", "full_name"=>"Condensed Matter"}, - {"name"=>"chem-ph", "full_name"=>nil} + {"name"=>"chem-ph", "full_name"=>"Chemical Physics"} ], "published_at"=>"1996-09-10T13:52:54+00:00", "updated_at"=>"1996-09-10T13:52:54+00:00", @@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ subject { papers[0].to_json } it { is_expected.to be_a String } - it { is_expected.to eq("{\"id\":\"cond-mat/9609089\",\"url\":\"http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/9609089\",\"version\":1,\"revision?\":false,\"title\":\"Optical absorption of non-interacting tight-binding electrons in a Peierls-distorted chain at half band-filling\",\"summary\":\"In this first of three articles on the optical absorption of electrons in half-filled Peierls-distorted chains we present analytical results for non-interacting tight-binding electrons. We carefully derive explicit expressions for the current operator, the dipole transition matrix elements, and the optical absorption for electrons with a cosine dispersion relation of band width $W$ and dimerization parameter $\\\\delta$. New correction (``$\\\\eta$''-)terms to the current operator are identified. A broad band-to-band transition is found in the frequency range $W\\\\delta < \\\\omega < W$ whose shape is determined by the joint density of states for the upper and lower Peierls subbands and the strong momentum dependence of the transition matrix elements.\",\"authors\":[{\"name\":\"F. Gebhard\",\"affiliated?\":true,\"affiliations\":[\"ILL Grenoble, France\"]},{\"name\":\"K. Bott\",\"affiliated?\":true,\"affiliations\":[\"Philipps University Marburg, Germany\"]},{\"name\":\"M. Scheidler\",\"affiliated?\":true,\"affiliations\":[\"Philipps University Marburg, Germany\"]},{\"name\":\"P. Thomas\",\"affiliated?\":true,\"affiliations\":[\"Philipps University Marburg, Germany\"]},{\"name\":\"S. W. Koch\",\"affiliated?\":true,\"affiliations\":[\"Philipps University Marburg, Germany\"]}],\"primary_category\":{\"name\":\"cond-mat\",\"full_name\":\"Condensed Matter\"},\"categories\":[{\"name\":\"cond-mat\",\"full_name\":\"Condensed Matter\"},{\"name\":\"chem-ph\",\"full_name\":null}],\"published_at\":\"1996-09-10T13:52:54+00:00\",\"updated_at\":\"1996-09-10T13:52:54+00:00\",\"comment?\":true,\"comment\":\"17 pages REVTEX 3.0, 2 postscript figures; hardcopy versions before May 96 are obsolete; accepted for publication in The Philosophical Magazine B\",\"journal?\":true,\"journal\":\"Phil. Mag. B 75, pp. 1-12 (1997)\",\"pdf?\":true,\"pdf_url\":\"http://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/9609089v1\",\"doi?\":true,\"doi_url\":\"http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13642819708205700\"}") } + it { is_expected.to eq("{\"id\":\"cond-mat/9609089\",\"url\":\"http://arxiv.org/abs/cond-mat/9609089\",\"version\":1,\"revision?\":false,\"title\":\"Optical absorption of non-interacting tight-binding electrons in a Peierls-distorted chain at half band-filling\",\"summary\":\"In this first of three articles on the optical absorption of electrons in half-filled Peierls-distorted chains we present analytical results for non-interacting tight-binding electrons. We carefully derive explicit expressions for the current operator, the dipole transition matrix elements, and the optical absorption for electrons with a cosine dispersion relation of band width $W$ and dimerization parameter $\\\\delta$. New correction (``$\\\\eta$''-)terms to the current operator are identified. A broad band-to-band transition is found in the frequency range $W\\\\delta < \\\\omega < W$ whose shape is determined by the joint density of states for the upper and lower Peierls subbands and the strong momentum dependence of the transition matrix elements.\",\"authors\":[{\"name\":\"F. Gebhard\",\"affiliated?\":true,\"affiliations\":[\"ILL Grenoble, France\"]},{\"name\":\"K. Bott\",\"affiliated?\":true,\"affiliations\":[\"Philipps University Marburg, Germany\"]},{\"name\":\"M. Scheidler\",\"affiliated?\":true,\"affiliations\":[\"Philipps University Marburg, Germany\"]},{\"name\":\"P. Thomas\",\"affiliated?\":true,\"affiliations\":[\"Philipps University Marburg, Germany\"]},{\"name\":\"S. W. Koch\",\"affiliated?\":true,\"affiliations\":[\"Philipps University Marburg, Germany\"]}],\"primary_category\":{\"name\":\"cond-mat\",\"full_name\":\"Condensed Matter\"},\"categories\":[{\"name\":\"cond-mat\",\"full_name\":\"Condensed Matter\"},{\"name\":\"chem-ph\",\"full_name\":\"Chemical Physics\"}],\"published_at\":\"1996-09-10T13:52:54+00:00\",\"updated_at\":\"1996-09-10T13:52:54+00:00\",\"comment?\":true,\"comment\":\"17 pages REVTEX 3.0, 2 postscript figures; hardcopy versions before May 96 are obsolete; accepted for publication in The Philosophical Magazine B\",\"journal?\":true,\"journal\":\"Phil. Mag. B 75, pp. 1-12 (1997)\",\"pdf?\":true,\"pdf_url\":\"http://arxiv.org/pdf/cond-mat/9609089v1\",\"doi?\":true,\"doi_url\":\"http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13642819708205700\"}") } end context '1703.04834' do subject { papers[3].to_json }