Wphase catalog is a simple web form application to store and access W-phase solutions.
This project is written using Django 1.8, Python 3.2 and PostgreSQL 9.4. It currently uses the following libraries :
Please report bugs to zacharie.duputel@unistra.fr.
In order for the app to work efficiently, the librairies mentionned above shall be installed ; please follow the links for more information about downloading these librairies.
Please change line 254 from wphase_catalog/wphase/views.py. Replace it with :
runs_path = "/path/to/WPHASE/runs"
Create the two following environment variables with values to your convenience :
They will be Django's login and password to connect to the database.
Get in the wphase_catalog/wphase directory and create a user as following :
python3 manage.py createsuperuser
You will be asked a username, a password and an email adress ; choose the first two wisely as they will be your login and password to connect to the website as an administrator.
To consult the app's interface and manage the administration site, it is necessary to run the application server. Open a terminal, get in the wphase_catalog/wphase directory, and enter the following command :
python3 manage.py runserver
The following instructions will take place in the same directory, or be indicated otherwise.
To execute the other operations, you may quit the server and run it again later or open a new terminal. In the later case, you may have to restart the server so the changes are taken in account.
By default, the runserver command starts the development server on the internal IP at port 8000. If you want to change the server’s port, pass it as a command-line argument.
Every time a change is made in the models.py file, you have to apply these modifications to the database. First execute the following command :
python3 manage.py makemigrations
The modifications are now registered in the wphase_catalog/wphase/migrations directory. You can consult them anytime, as they are written so they can be read by a human.
Now to apply these changes, enter :
python3 manage.py migrate
It allows you to change your models without having to delete all your database. However, if you add a new field to a model, make sure to add this to its options :
null = True
Otherwise the migration will raise an error.
You do not need to make a migration when you modify the method of a model.
To manage your database, you can connect to the PostgreSQL interface by executing from a new terminal :
sudo -u postgres psql postgres
After your first connection, don't forget to set a password for the "postgres" database role using the command :
\password postgres
and give the password you want when prompted. "postgres" is a superuser created by PostgreSQL, and the name of the database created by default.
Register the value you chose as a password for postgres in the environment variable :
When you connect with the command given above, you will be connected to the postgres database. To change to another database, enter the following command when you are already on the interface :
\c db_name
db_name being the database you want to connect to.
We assume from this point that you are connected on the PostgreSQL interface as a superuser.
To create your database, execute the following command :
CREATE USER django_user WITH PASSWORD 'django_password' ;
Replace django_user and django_password respectively by the values you chose for $WPHASE_DB_USER and $WPHASE_DB_PASSWORD.
You can also list the existing roles using
For the database to be usable by Django, you have to run its server. First you will have to define the path in which PostgreSQL stores the databases ; add to your .profile the variable :
with the path you want. You may see that variable later by entering the command :
show data_directory ;
You can now run the PostgreSQL server by running :
pg_ctl start
At this point, run in your Django terminal (at wphase_catalog/wphase) the following command :
python manage.py migrate
It makes Django create the structure of the database.
A very useful guide of commands for PostgreSQL interface can be consulted here.
Do NOT make any changes in the structure of your database via the PostgreSQL interface. Django manages the needed changes using the migration system, and it would be dangerous to alter the structure yourself.
Both scripts take a .INI file as argument. To run them simply, execute the following commands :
chmod +rwx wphase_ini_to_[db/run]
./wphase_ini_to_[db/run].py wpinversion[_gs].ini
The first line only needs to be executed once : it allows you to run the program.
First you will have to change an absolute path that is written at line 238 of the code. Please replace it with :
file_path = '/path/to/wphase_catalog/media/' +eventid+ '_' +status+ '.png'
This script reads a .INI file and enters the data written there in the database. It creates one Solution object for each section of the .INI file ; a Solution being defined by its status (med, thx.x, ts, xy, z) and its related event, the script will replace the values for a previous existing Solution. Replacing former data also deletes the associated beachball in /media folder.
It has to be run successively with both wpinversion.ini and wpinversion_gs.ini for complete information.
This script is meant to take place in the WPHASE directory, i.e. in the same folder as /runs and /wphase. Please either move the script or make adequate changes in the code (line 35) :
folder = "/path/to/runs/" + cfg.get(s, 'eventid')
The script reads a .INI file and creates a run directory containing the CMTSOLUTION and i_master files that gave the results written there. To make sure the i_master contains all the changed options, it is better to pass wpinversion_gs.ini as an argument rather than wpinversion.ini.
The app inserts itself in a Django project, therefore has the structure of the following tree :
wphase_catalog/ manage.py mysite_wphase/ __init__.py settings.py urls.py wsgi.py media/ wphase/ migrations/ templates/ __init__.py admin.py forms.py models.py tests.py urls.py views.py
For more information about creation of a Django project, please consult the Django documentation.
This folder contains all the data shared by all the apps that are included in the project : here, it does not make much sense since we only have one app.
- __ init__.py is an empty file that tells Python that mysite_wphase should be considered a Python package.
- settings.py contains the configuration for the project, like database setup.
- urls.py contains the URL declarations for the project.
- wsgi.py is an entry-point for WSGI-compatible web servers to serve the project.
This folder contains all the pictures that are used in the project. In our case, it contains all the beach balls corresponding to each solution under the name "eventid_solution-type.png".
It is not contained in the GitHub depository, you have to create one of your own.
This folder contains everything that is specific to the app.
- migrations/ contains records of the changes made on the models, and therefore on the database.
- templates/ contains the html templates created for the app.
- admin.py describes how the data is displayed and disposed of on the admin interface.
- forms.py describes as Python classes the forms used in the app.
- models.py describes as Python classes the models registered in database.
- tests.py contains the tests for the app.
- urls.py contains the URLS patterns to navigate in the app.
- views.py contains the types of views and the methods used in the app.
This model contains the epicenter information and the comments from executing wpinversion code.
- str(self) returns a concatenation of the event's ID and its region.
- date(self) returns the origin time of the event in datetime format.
- capsule(self) return the first line of CMTSOLUTION format in a string.
This model contains the data specific to a solution.
- __ str__(self) returns a concatenation of its related event's str and the type of solution.
- get_all_stations() returns a list of all the stations present in the database, without considering the channels.
- plot(self, fname[, npx, figsize, colors]) creates the solution's beach ball and saves it as "eventid_solution-type.png" in the media folder.
- get_centroid_time(self) returns the centroid time in datetime format.
IndexView(generic.ListView) : Its QuerySet contains a list of the 5 last occurred events under the name latest_event_list.
EventView(generic.DetailView) : Uses the Event model ; its context object is a list of the solutions related to the event.
SolutionView(generic.DetailView) : Uses the Solution model.
SearchView(generic.ListView) : Its QuerySet contains a blank occurence of SearchForm under the name form.
ResultsView(generic.ListView) : Its context object is a list of solutions which fill the search requirements. It is empty by default.
search(request) : Checks the POST data and renders a ResultsView with the corresponding solutions as context object. Also saves the solutions' IDs, the required types of solution and the output format in the session data ; creates the Paginator for results pagination ; calls plot if needed.
generate_txt(request, results) : Creates a TXT file containing all the results in CMTSOLUTION format and returns it, making the navigator ask the user if they want to save it.
my_logout(request) : A personal logout created to avoid the redirection on the Django Administration page ; simply redirects to index.
- index.html displays the last 5 occurred events.
- search_form.html displays a form based on the SearchForm class.
- results.html displays the results using the session data.
- event.html displays the event's information and its related solutions.
- solution.html displays the solution's information and its related event.
- login.html displays a connexion form. Code suggested by Django documentation.
- SearchForm describes the fields that will be used for the research.
The tests are yet to be written.