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Ketcher v2.18.0 February 27, 2024

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@rrodionov91 rrodionov91 released this 05 Mar 12:38
· 628 commits to master since this release

What's Changed

This release includes several bug fixes and new features. Please be aware Ketcher 2.18.0 has been tested with Indigo version 1.18.0 (standalone and remote).

  • #3582 - AP are shown after closing modal
  • #3585 - APs are redrawn incorrectly after opening the modal window
  • #3583 - selected AP is duplicated while drawing the bond
  • #3551 - macro oxygen cannot be a leaving group in a chemical reaction
  • #3553 - macro while pulling bond onto monomer a preview is shown when hover monomer
  • #3610 - performance issues after selecting and moving large amount of monomers
  • #2414 - fix for bonds creation broken after merge of undo/redo task.
  • #3604 - macro preview window of micro structure shows pieces of macro structures
  • #3563 - Modal window for connecting attachment points does not match the design
  • #3614 – Add API method to check, whether a query structure is selected
  • #3651 - different coordinate systems are used in micro and macro mode
  • #3640 - macro after reloading the page monomers added to the favorites section disappear
  • #3830 – Aromatizing/Dearomatizing changes molecula position
  • #3833 - Chirality query property is missing from context menu
  • #3872 - Add support for all query properties in Mol V2000
  • #3685 – Implement add/remove explicit hydrogens
  • #3846 - macro class field is absent after serialisation to ket
  • #3915 - Pasting does not work in Firefox browser at all
  • #3914 – Add support for opening structures in CDX format embedded into MS PowerPoint
  • #3914 - Add support for opening structures in CDX format embedded into MS PowerPoint
  • #3949 - Parameter "sgroups" does not appear in .ket file if a S-Group is applied to structure along with molecule
  • #2177 - library.svg removal
  • #3967 - Exception if you paste from clipboard using Ctrl+Alt+V (Smile insert)
  • #3961 - system disorganize molecules and labels during loading from pptx file (base64 cdx format)
  • #3934 - Support selection entity selection flag in KET format
  • #3970 - Brackets are displayed incorrectly when a S-Group is added to an atom or an expanded Functional Group or Salt is added to an atom of a structure
  • #4045 - System doesn't save selection state for custom query bonds
  • #4048 - Right-click menu appears away from structure or is not visible at all on canvas
  • #4008 - design implementation is different from the reference design
  • #4091 - Zoom menu does not appear if ketcher injected in popup
  • #4097 - Cursor position misalignment after switching in fullscreen after changing ketcher settings
  • #4082 - Canvas preview render work at 14 times faster in Firefox than in Chrome
  • #4128 - Adding hydrogens moves molecules to the center of the screen
  • Macro: #3559 - The full screen button is in a place that doesn't match the design
  • Macro: #2414 - macro undo and redo tool
  • Macro: #3598 - Fix CI test command and unit tests
  • Macro: #2414 - "Undo and Redo" tool
  • Macro: #3530 - Labels in attachment points selection popup are small for large molecules
  • Macro: #3580 - Add possibility to expand "Select Attachment Points" Modal
  • Macro: #3495 - Is not possible to add RNA presets into the Favourite library
  • Macro: #3222 - Enumeration of linear and branch chains
  • Macro: #3630 - restrict micro and macro structures merging
  • Macro: #3531 – provide save/open ket and molv3000 ketcher api for macromolecules
  • Macro: #3601 - attachment points aren't disappearing in snake viewed chain of peptides when hovering them multiple times
  • Macro: #3469 add snake bond algorithm .md
  • Macro: #3633 – undo/redo does not toggle snake mode
  • Macro: #3635 - Misalignment of monomers when imposing on top of each other
  • Macro: #3601 – attachment points aren't disappearing in snake viewed chain of peptides when hovering them multiple times
  • Macro: #3691 - Ket file does not include atom numbers associated with the leaving groups after saving
  • Macro: #3718 - Pressing Snake mode button causes exception
  • Macro: #3719 - Unable to load from file: System throws Convert Error! error message
  • Macro: #3660 - After removing the abbreviation in micro mode and switching to macro mode, the monomer disappears
  • Macro: #3702 - 'Uncaught DOMException' error in DevTool console after switch from Macro to Micro mode
  • Macro: #3651 - different coordinate systems are used in micro and macro mode
  • Macro: #3766 - Incorrect attachment point labels parsing from ket
  • Macro: #3719 - Unable to load from file: System throws Convert Error! error message
  • Macro: #3787 - System allow to connect block to already occupied connection (that cases invalide saved files)
  • Macro: #3666 - After opening a file in macro mode, structure is not in center of the screen and need scroll to find it
  • Macro/Micro: #3738 - Switching from Macromolecules view to Molecules view causes crash if custom aromatic hydrocarbon was connected with monomer
  • Macro: #3900 - The last letter in RNA Builder name field cannot be deleted
  • Macro: #3899 - Attachment points do not disappear when hover is removed from some monomers.
  • Macro: #3545 - N- C-ends /5' - 3' - ends display in peptide /RNA chains
  • Macro: #3874 - R2 label is displayed on attachment atom instead of leaving group in monomer preview
  • Macro: #3756 - Loading from file and than - Undo changes causes exceptions and breakes selection/moving fuctionality
  • Macro: #3712 - Pressing Layout/Clean Up button cleanup all macromoleculas from canvas
  • Macro: #3667 – Monomers are stacked and difficult to read after importing a file
  • Macro: #3692 - Leaving groups are not displayed correctly in preview when switching to Micro mode
  • Macro: #3820 - System doesn't close Save dialog after Save button pressed
  • Macro: #3703 – Selected monomer does not appear above the others
  • Macro: #3786 - Connection works wrong
  • Macro: #3757 - Save to file and than Load it back eliminate monomer names from preview tooltip
  • Macro: #3713 - Hot keys for toolbar buttons are not implemented in Macromoleculas view
  • Macro: #3815 - Change the color of the occupied attachment points from orange to dark green
  • Macro: #3853 – cannot erase entered text in the search box in monomer library
  • Macro: #3981 - Monomers are positioned below bonds that connect them
  • Macro: #4014 - Monomers (attachment points) cannot be connected by a bond in Firefox browser
  • Macro: #3917 - Lack of consistency in hotkeys between micro and macro mods and absence of tooltips with information about hotkeys
  • Autotests: #3454 - peptide monomer library
  • Autotests: #3579 - refactor - removing unnecessary folder
  • Autotests: #3451 - rna monomer library and rna builder
  • Autotests: #3632 - autotests macromicro switcher
  • Autotests: #3436-autotests query attributes for smarts
  • Autotests: #3565 - Selection Tool