Use and as data sources for acquiring currency rates for given date with console command.
All the data should be stored in DB using Doctrine.
Add configuration for switching data source (ECB or CBR). Implement currency conversion for currencies which are not the base currency for given bank.
Implement REST service for currency conversion.
Cover code with unit and integration tests.
The code should be built with Symfony 4.2.
make sure you have
Symfony CLI
andDocker Compose
installed -
launch MySQL server with
docker-compose up -d --build
install packages with
symfony composer install
apply migration with
symfony console doctrine:migrations:migrate
check RATE_SOURCE in .env file: it should be either ECB or CBR
symfony console app:get-rates
to populate rates -
launch tests with
symfony php bin/phpunit
if you need to -
launch app with
symfony serve
, it should accept requests at
REST API will be available at POST
, you should send body similar to:
"from_currency": "KRW",
"to_currency": "JPY",
"from_amount": "100"