Hashes a field or set of fields using md5, sha1 or sha256
PUT _ingest/pipeline/hash-pipeline
"description": "A pipeline to hash fields",
"processors": [
"hashfields" : {
"fields" : ["my_field"],
"target_field" : "my_hashed_field",
"algorithm" : "sha256"
PUT /my-index/my-type/1?pipeline_id=hash-pipeline
"my_field" : "Some content"
GET /my-index/my-type/1
"my_field" : "Some content"
"my_hashed_field": "9c6609fc5111405ea3f5bb3d1f6b5a5efd19a0cec53d85893fd96d265439cd5b"
Parameter | Use |
fields | Array of fields to hash |
target_field | Field to store the hashed value in |
algorithm | md5, sha1, or sha256 |
Builds are provided for Elasticsearch 5.1.1 and above. Versions of this plugin are tied to Elasticsearch versioning.
To install, you can download at http://elastic-plugins.eskibars.com/artifacts/ingest-hashfields-<VERSION>.zip
and then install with
bin/plugin install file:///path/to/ingest-hashfields/build/distribution/ingest-hashfields-<VERSION>.zip
If you want to build yourself, you need to create a zip distribution first by running
gradle clean check
This will produce a zip file in build/distributions
After building the zip file, you can install it like this
bin/plugin install file:///path/to/ingest-hashfields/build/distribution/ingest-hashfields-<VERSION>.zip
- More tests!
- Add separator configuration
- Support for non-string types
- More hash algorithms