cloudping identifies the cloud provider regions geographically closest and returns them in order of lowest to highest latency.
Inspired by
$ cloudping -h
cloudping identifies the cloud provider regions geographically closest
and returns them in order of lowest to highest latency.
cloudping [flags]
cloudping [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
version Print the version number of cloudping
-h, --help help for cloudping
--limit int Limits the number of regions returned
--output string Output format. One of: txt, json, yaml (default "txt")
--provider string Cloud provider (default "aws")
--regions strings Limits checks to specific regions
--timeout int Timeout for each region in milliseconds (default 500)
Use "cloudping [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The following example checks and returns only 2 regions:
$ cloudping --provider=aws --regions=ap-southeast-2,us-east-1
Here are a few methods to install cloudping
$ curl -sSL | sh
$ go get
If you are on macOS and using Homebrew package manager, you can install cloudping with Homebrew.
- Run the installation command:
$ brew install estahn/tap/cloudping
- Test to ensure the version you installed is sufficiently up-to-date:
$ cloudping version
The idea came from the need to download images from the geographically closest docker registry.
We operate our Kubernetes cluster in Sydney/Australia but use CircleCI operating in the US.
Because AWS ECR doesn't provide a common endpoint with geographically distributed backend we push our images to both locations.
Within our Makefile we can use cloudping
to identify if images should be pulled from the US or Sydney.
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