ILF: AI-based Fuzzer for Ethereum Smart Contracts <a href=""><img width="100" alt="portfolio_view" align="right" src=""></a>
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ILF is an <ins>**I**</ins>mitation <ins>**L**</ins>earning based <ins>**F**</ins>uzzer for smart contracts. The fuzzing policy, which is used to generate transactions, is represented by an ensemble of neural networks and is learned from thousands of high-quality sequences of transactions generated using symbolic execution. ILF can be used to fuzz any Ethereum smart contract and outputs the coverage and a vulnerability report.

ILF is developed at [SRI Lab, Department of Computer Science, ETH Zurich]( as part of the [Machine Learning for Programming]( and [Blockchain Security]( projects. For mode details, please refer to [ILF CCS'19 paper]( and [slides](

## Setup

We provide a docker file, which we recommend to start with. To build and run:
$ docker build -t ilf .
$ docker run -it ilf

You can also follow the instructions in the Dockerfile to install ILF locally. If you experience build errors on Apple M chips, please refer to [#21](

## Usage

### Fuzzing

To fuzz the example provided in the repo with ILF (the `imitation` fuzzing policy) using our pre-trained model in the `model` directory:
$ python3 -m ilf --proj ./example/crowdsale/ --contract Crowdsale --fuzzer imitation --model ./model/ --limit 2000
The `--fuzzer` argument can be replaced by:
* `random`: a uniformly random fuzzing policy.
* `symbolic`: a symbolic execution fuzzing policy based on depth first search of block states. This is used for generating training sequences.
* `sym_plus`: an augmentation of `symbolic` which can revisit encountered block states.
* `mix`: a fuzzing policy that randomly chooses `imitation` or `symbolic` for generating each transaction.

For fuzzing new contracts, one needs to provide a Truffle project (formatted as the example in `example/crowdsale`). Then the script `script/` should be called to extract deployment transactions of the contracts. For the example contract, the script runs as follows:
$ rm example/crowdsale/transactions.json
$ python3 script/ --proj example/crowdsale/ --port 8545
Note that you need to kill existing `ganache-cli` processes listening the same port before calling this script.

### Training

For training, one needs to run `symbolic` on a set of training contracts to produce a dataset in a training directory. Usually tens of thousands of contracts are used for training. For demonstration purposes, we show how to produce a small training dataset from our example contract to the `train_data` directory:
$ mkdir train_data
$ python3 -m ilf --proj ./example/crowdsale/ --contract Crowdsale --limit 2000 --fuzzer symbolic --dataset_dump_path ./train_data/

Run the scripts to select seed integer values and amount values from the training dataset, and put them into `ilf/fuzzers/imitation/` and `ilf/fuzzers/imitation/`, respectively:
$ python3 script/ --train_dir ./train_data
$ python3 script/ --train_dir ./train_data

Then the following command performs neural network training and outputs the trained networks in the `new_model` directory:
$ mkdir new_model
$ python3 -m ilf --fuzzer imitation --train_dir ./train_data --model ./new_model

### Automatically Constructing Truffle Projects

For evaluation and training purposes, one might want to automatically construct Truffle projects from a large set of contracts. To achieve this, one can write a script to automatically produce files required by Truffle projects, following the format in `example/crowdsale`. The compressed file `truffle_scripts.tar.gz` contains the scripts we used. Those scripts might not run directly but can give you a high level idea how things work.

## Citing ILF
 author = {He, Jingxuan and Balunovi\'{c}, Mislav and Ambroladze, Nodar and Tsankov, Petar and Vechev, Martin},
 title = {Learning to Fuzz from Symbolic Execution with Application to Smart Contracts},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2019 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security},
 series = {CCS '19},
 year = {2019},
 isbn = {978-1-4503-6747-9},
 location = {London, United Kingdom},
 pages = {531--548},
 numpages = {18},
 url = {},
 doi = {10.1145/3319535.3363230},
 acmid = {3363230},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},
 keywords = {fuzzing, imitation learning, smart contracts, symbolic execution},

## Contributors
* [Jingxuan He](
* [Mislav Balunović](
* Nodar Ambroladze
* [Petar Tsankov](
* [Martin Vechev](
* Anton Permenev

## License and Copyright
* Copyright (c) 2019 [Secure, Reliable, and Intelligent Systems Lab (SRI), ETH Zurich](
* Licensed under the [Apache 2.0 License](