Pre-releaseHow To Test
Generate a new project with the standard command:
npx react-native init RN0710RC1 --version 0.71.0-rc.1
Workaround for building iOS
While we address the problem with iOS, you can get a successful iOS build by opening your Xcode project (RN0710RC1.xcworkspace
), navigating to RN0710RC1's Build Phases, and removing the last phase [RN]Copy Hermes Framework
by clicking on the bin icon and confirming.
Note that you will have to re-remove this build phase if you run pod install again.
You can participate in the conversation on the status of this release in the working group.
To help you upgrade to this version, you can use the upgrade helper ⚛️
See changes from this release in the changelog PR
Help us testing 🧪
Let us know how it went by posting a comment in the working group discussion! Please specify with system you tried it on (ex. macos, windows).
Bonus points: It would be even better if you could swap things around: instead of using a fresh new app, use a more complex one - or use a different library that is already leveraging the new architecture!