diff --git a/README.md b/README.md index 24f705f..cdf50f8 100644 --- a/README.md +++ b/README.md @@ -52,6 +52,20 @@ To complete this challenge, create the environments to run the application you c [logo]:https://bitbucket.endava.com/projects/BD/repos/devops-rampup/raw/AWSSetup1.png?at=refs%2Fheads%2Fmaster "First SetUp" +Design, and propose a high availability architecture, you can use [lucid chart](https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/landing/aws_diagrams?utm_source=google&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=en_tier3_desktop_nb_x_bmm&km_CPC_CampaignId=2083917352&km_CPC_AdGroupID=82392375528&km_CPC_Keyword=%2Baws%20%2Bchart&km_CPC_MatchType=b&km_CPC_ExtensionID=&km_CPC_Network=g&km_CPC_AdPosition=1t1&km_CPC_Creative=374937714654&km_CPC_TargetID=aud-552508845282:kwd-422443384480&km_CPC_Country=1003654&km_CPC_Device=c&km_CPC_placement=&km_CPC_target=&mkwid=s0jq98Ldd%7Cpcrid%7C374937714654%7Cpkw%7C%2Baws%20%2Bchart%7Cpmt%7Cb%7Cpdv%7Cc%7Cslid%7C%7Cproduct%7C%7Cpgrid%7C82392375528%7Cptaid%7Caud-552508845282:kwd-422443384480%7C&pgrid=82392375528&ptaid=aud-552508845282:kwd-422443384480&slid=&pgrid=82392375528&ptaid=aud-552508845282:kwd-422443384480&gclid=Cj0KCQjwoKzsBRC5ARIsAITcwXElBjKALxfs-JeVMB5CglxboWZqt4-fvyPwnmRg4VFLo9l9Nqphgx8aAg4iEALw_wcB), [draw.io](https://about.draw.io/new-aws-icons-2018/), or any similar tool you like. + + example: + + +dont just copy that architecture, you can Improve it or even better, create a new one :) + + +Additional steps for this setup. + - Setup an Elastic Load Balancer. + - Create a new subnet in a different availability zone. + - Set up a DMZ with a proxy server (Nginx is recommended). + - Use RDS service to create a read replica in one of the AZs. + Steps: - Create an AWS account - Setup a custom VPC. @@ -94,13 +108,7 @@ To complete this challenge, choose a tool and create cluster for the app we've u --- ### **8. AWS High Availability Architecture** -In case you already have some knowledge on AWS basics, this setup is meant to create a high availability architecture. -Additional steps for this setup. - - Setup an Elastic Load Balancer. - - Create a new subnet in a different availability zone. - - Set up a DMZ with a proxy server (Nginx is recommended). - - Use RDS service to create a read replica in one of the AZs. --- ### **9. Infrastructure as code**