A compiler for simple toy functional language that allows to define functions, conditionals, and do math.
I kept things simple and hence all types are 32-bit floating point and everything is expression ending with a semicolon.
This compiler converts the source code into WebAssembly Text (wat
) and binary WebAssembly (wasm
) files.
Lexer, parser, AST, and generating code are hand-written.
I use wat2wasm
to generate WebAssembly binary from WebAssembly Text, so wat2wasm
should be installed.
# Sum of first `n` integers
def sum(x)
if x == 1
then 1
else sum(x-1) + x;
# Solution of a second
# order equation with coeffients a,b,c
def root1(a b c)
if discr(a, b, c) < 0
then 0
else (-b + sqrt(discr(a, b, c)))/(2*a);
def root2(a b c)
if discr(a, b, c) < 0
then 0
else (-b - sqrt(discr(a, b, c)))/(2*a);
Comments follows the symbol #
, if
, then
, else
Identifier ::= [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9]*
Number ::= [0-9]?(.?[0-9])
Program ::= def Prototype Expression ; | def Prototype Expression ; Program
Expression ::= Exp | IfExp
Exp ::= SubExp | Exp < SubExp | Exp > SubExp | Exp <> SubExp | Exp == SubExp
SubExp ::= Term | SubExp + Term | SubExp - Term | SubExp | Term
Term ::= Factor | Term * Factor | Term / Factor | Term & Factor
Factor ::= -Exp | ( Exp ) | Identifier | Number | FuncionCall
FuncionCall ::= Identifier(Args) | Identifier()
Args ::= Exp | Comma Args
IfExp ::= if Exp then Exp else Exp
Prototype ::= Identifier(Params) | Identifier()
Params ::= Identifier Params | Identifier
cargo run source.txt target.wat
It'll generate two files, target.wat
and target.wasm
To load target.wasm
and call exported functions we could use javascript and node.js
For example, create a source file computing the n-th Fibonacci number
# Fibbonaci
def fib(x)
if (x == 1) | (x == 2)
then 1
else fib(x-1) + fib(x-2);
Generate WebAssembly files cargo run source.txt target.wat
Next create a javascript file
const { readFileSync } = require("fs");
const run = async () => {
const buffer = readFileSync("./target.wasm");
const module = await WebAssembly.compile(buffer);
const instance = await WebAssembly.instantiate(module);
and then run node run.js