Falco Talon
is a Response Engine for managing threats in your Kubernetes. It enhances the solutions proposed by the Falco community with a no-code tailor made solution. With easy rules, you can react to events
from Falco
in milliseconds.
Falco Talon
can receive the events
from Falco
or Falcosidekick
flowchart LR
falco -- event --> falcosidekick
falco -- event --> falco-talon
falcosidekick -- event --> falco-talon
kubernetes -- context --> falco-talon
falco-talon -- action --> aws
falco-talon -- output --> minio
falco-talon -- action --> kubernetes
falco-talon -- notification --> slack
The full documentation is available on its own website: https://docs.falco-talon.org/docs.
helm repo add falcosecurity https://falcosecurity.github.io/charts
helm repo update
helm install falco-talon falcosecurity/falco-talon -n falco --create-namespace -f values.yaml
Update rules.yaml
helm upgrade falco-talon falcosecurity/falco-talon -n falco -f values.yaml
helm delete falco-talon -n falco
Key | Type | Default | Description |
affinity | object | {} |
affinity |
config | object | {"aws":{"accesKey":"","externalId":"","region":"","roleArn":"","secretKey":""},"deduplication":{"leaderElection":true,"timeWindowSeconds":5},"defaultNotifiers":["k8sevents"],"listenAddress":"","listenPort":2803,"minio":{"accessKey":"","endpoint":"","secretKey":"","useSsl":false},"notifiers":{"elasticsearch":{"createIndexTemplate":true,"numberOfReplicas":1,"numberOfShards":1,"url":""},"loki":{"apiKey":"","customHeaders":[],"hostPort":"","tenant":"","user":""},"slack":{"footer":"https://github.com/falcosecurity/falco-talon","format":"long","icon":"https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Circaetus_gallicus_claw.jpg","username":"Falco Talon","webhookUrl":""},"smtp":{"format":"html","from":"","hostPort":"","password":"","tls":false,"to":"","user":""},"webhook":{"url":""}},"otel":{"collectorEndpoint":"","collectorPort":4317,"collectorUseInsecureGrpc":false,"metricsEnabled":false,"tracesEnabled":false},"printAllEvents":false,"rulesOverride":"- action: Terminate Pod\n actionner: kubernetes:terminate\n parameters:\n ignore_daemonsets: true\n ignore_statefulsets: true\n grace_period_seconds: 20\n","watchRules":true} |
config of Falco Talon (See https://docs.falco-talon.org/docs/configuration/) |
config.aws | object | {"accesKey":"","externalId":"","region":"","roleArn":"","secretKey":""} |
aws |
config.aws.accesKey | string | "" |
access key (if not specified, default access_key from provider credential chain will be used) |
config.aws.externalId | string | "" |
external id |
config.aws.region | string | "" |
region (if not specified, default region from provider credential chain will be used) |
config.aws.roleArn | string | "" |
role arn |
config.aws.secretKey | string | "" |
secret key (if not specified, default secret_key from provider credential chain will be used) |
config.deduplication | object | {"leaderElection":true,"timeWindowSeconds":5} |
deduplication of the Falco events |
config.deduplication.leaderElection | bool | true |
enable the leader election for cluster mode |
config.deduplication.timeWindowSeconds | int | 5 |
duration in seconds for the deduplication time window |
config.defaultNotifiers | list | ["k8sevents"] |
default notifiers for all rules |
config.listenAddress | string | "" |
listen address |
config.listenPort | int | 2803 |
listen port |
config.minio | object | {"accessKey":"","endpoint":"","secretKey":"","useSsl":false} |
minio |
config.minio.accessKey | string | "" |
access key |
config.minio.endpoint | string | "" |
endpoint |
config.minio.secretKey | string | "" |
secret key |
config.minio.useSsl | bool | false |
use ssl |
config.notifiers | object | {"elasticsearch":{"createIndexTemplate":true,"numberOfReplicas":1,"numberOfShards":1,"url":""},"loki":{"apiKey":"","customHeaders":[],"hostPort":"","tenant":"","user":""},"slack":{"footer":"https://github.com/falcosecurity/falco-talon","format":"long","icon":"https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Circaetus_gallicus_claw.jpg","username":"Falco Talon","webhookUrl":""},"smtp":{"format":"html","from":"","hostPort":"","password":"","tls":false,"to":"","user":""},"webhook":{"url":""}} |
notifiers (See https://docs.falco-talon.org/docs/notifiers/list/ for the settings) |
config.notifiers.elasticsearch | object | {"createIndexTemplate":true,"numberOfReplicas":1,"numberOfShards":1,"url":""} |
elasticsearch |
config.notifiers.elasticsearch.createIndexTemplate | bool | true |
create the index template |
config.notifiers.elasticsearch.numberOfReplicas | int | 1 |
number of replicas |
config.notifiers.elasticsearch.numberOfShards | int | 1 |
number of shards |
config.notifiers.elasticsearch.url | string | "" |
url |
config.notifiers.loki | object | {"apiKey":"","customHeaders":[],"hostPort":"","tenant":"","user":""} |
loki |
config.notifiers.loki.apiKey | string | "" |
api key |
config.notifiers.loki.customHeaders | list | [] |
custom headers |
config.notifiers.loki.hostPort | string | "" |
host:port |
config.notifiers.loki.tenant | string | "" |
tenant |
config.notifiers.loki.user | string | "" |
user |
config.notifiers.slack | object | {"footer":"https://github.com/falcosecurity/falco-talon","format":"long","icon":"https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Circaetus_gallicus_claw.jpg","username":"Falco Talon","webhookUrl":""} |
slack |
config.notifiers.slack.footer | string | "https://github.com/falcosecurity/falco-talon" |
footer |
config.notifiers.slack.format | string | "long" |
format |
config.notifiers.slack.icon | string | "https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/2/26/Circaetus_gallicus_claw.jpg" |
icon |
config.notifiers.slack.username | string | "Falco Talon" |
username |
config.notifiers.slack.webhookUrl | string | "" |
webhook url |
config.notifiers.smtp | object | {"format":"html","from":"","hostPort":"","password":"","tls":false,"to":"","user":""} |
smtp |
config.notifiers.smtp.format | string | "html" |
format |
config.notifiers.smtp.from | string | "" |
from |
config.notifiers.smtp.hostPort | string | "" |
host:port |
config.notifiers.smtp.password | string | "" |
password |
config.notifiers.smtp.tls | bool | false |
enable tls |
config.notifiers.smtp.to | string | "" |
to |
config.notifiers.smtp.user | string | "" |
user |
config.notifiers.webhook | object | {"url":""} |
webhook |
config.notifiers.webhook.url | string | "" |
url |
config.otel | object | {"collectorEndpoint":"","collectorPort":4317,"collectorUseInsecureGrpc":false,"metricsEnabled":false,"tracesEnabled":false} |
open telemetry parameters |
config.otel.collectorEndpoint | string | "" |
collector endpoint |
config.otel.collectorPort | int | 4317 |
collector port |
config.otel.collectorUseInsecureGrpc | bool | false |
use insecure grpc |
config.otel.metricsEnabled | bool | false |
enable otel metrics |
config.otel.tracesEnabled | bool | false |
enable otel traces |
config.printAllEvents | bool | false |
print in stdout all received events, not only those which match a rule |
config.watchRules | bool | true |
auto reload the rules when the files change |
extraEnv | list | [{"name":"LOG_LEVEL","value":"warning"}] |
extra env |
grafana | object | {"dashboards":{"configMaps":{"talon":{"folder":"","name":"falco-talon-grafana-dashboard","namespace":""}},"enabled":false}} |
grafana contains the configuration related to grafana. |
grafana.dashboards | object | {"configMaps":{"talon":{"folder":"","name":"falco-talon-grafana-dashboard","namespace":""}},"enabled":false} |
dashboards contains configuration for grafana dashboards. |
grafana.dashboards.configMaps | object | {"talon":{"folder":"","name":"falco-talon-grafana-dashboard","namespace":""}} |
configmaps to be deployed that contain a grafana dashboard. |
grafana.dashboards.configMaps.talon | object | {"folder":"","name":"falco-talon-grafana-dashboard","namespace":""} |
falco-talon contains the configuration for falco talon's dashboard. |
grafana.dashboards.configMaps.talon.folder | string | "" |
folder where the dashboard is stored by grafana. |
grafana.dashboards.configMaps.talon.name | string | "falco-talon-grafana-dashboard" |
name specifies the name for the configmap. |
grafana.dashboards.configMaps.talon.namespace | string | "" |
namespace specifies the namespace for the configmap. |
grafana.dashboards.enabled | bool | false |
enabled specifies whether the dashboards should be deployed. |
image | object | {"pullPolicy":"Always","registry":"falco.docker.scarf.sh","repository":"falcosecurity/falco-talon","tag":""} |
image parameters |
image.pullPolicy | string | "Always" |
The image pull policy |
image.registry | string | "falco.docker.scarf.sh" |
The image registry to pull from |
image.repository | string | "falcosecurity/falco-talon" |
The image repository to pull from |
image.tag | string | "" |
Override the image tag to pull |
imagePullSecrets | list | [] |
one or more secrets to be used when pulling images |
ingress | object | {"annotations":{},"enabled":false,"hosts":[{"host":"falco-talon.local","paths":[{"path":"/"}]}],"tls":[]} |
ingress parameters |
ingress.annotations | object | {} |
annotations of the ingress |
ingress.enabled | bool | false |
enable the ingress |
ingress.hosts | list | [{"host":"falco-talon.local","paths":[{"path":"/"}]}] |
hosts |
ingress.tls | list | [] |
tls |
nameOverride | string | "" |
override name |
nodeSelector | object | {} |
node selector |
podAnnotations | object | {} |
pod annotations |
podSecurityContext | object | {"fsGroup":1234,"runAsUser":1234} |
pod security context |
podSecurityContext.fsGroup | int | 1234 |
group |
podSecurityContext.runAsUser | int | 1234 |
user id |
podSecurityPolicy | object | {"create":false} |
pod security policy |
podSecurityPolicy.create | bool | false |
enable the creation of the PSP |
priorityClassName | string | "" |
priority class name |
rbac | object | {"caliconetworkpolicies":["get","update","patch","create"],"ciliumnetworkpolicies":["get","update","patch","create"],"clusterroles":["get","delete"],"configmaps":["get","delete"],"daemonsets":["get","delete"],"deployments":["get","delete"],"events":["get","update","patch","create"],"leases":["get","update","patch","watch","create"],"namespaces":["get","delete"],"networkpolicies":["get","update","patch","create"],"nodes":["get","update","patch","watch","create"],"pods":["get","update","patch","delete","list"],"podsEphemeralcontainers":["patch","create"],"podsEviction":["get","create"],"podsExec":["get","create"],"podsLog":["get"],"replicasets":["get","delete"],"roles":["get","delete"],"secrets":["get","delete"],"serviceAccount":{"create":true,"name":""},"statefulsets":["get","delete"]} |
rbac |
rbac.serviceAccount.create | bool | true |
create the service account. If create is false, name is required |
rbac.serviceAccount.name | string | "" |
name of the service account |
replicaCount | int | 2 |
number of running pods |
resources | object | {} |
resources |
service | object | {"annotations":{},"port":2803,"type":"ClusterIP"} |
service parameters |
service.annotations | object | {} |
annotations of the service |
service.port | int | 2803 |
port of the service |
service.type | string | "ClusterIP" |
type of service |
serviceMonitor | object | {"additionalLabels":{},"enabled":false,"interval":"30s","path":"/metrics","port":"http","relabelings":[],"scheme":"http","scrapeTimeout":"10s","targetLabels":[],"tlsConfig":{}} |
serviceMonitor holds the configuration for the ServiceMonitor CRD. |
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels | object | {} |
additionalLabels specifies labels to be added on the Service Monitor. |
serviceMonitor.enabled | bool | false |
enable the deployment of a Service Monitor for the Prometheus Operator. |
serviceMonitor.interval | string | "30s" |
interval specifies the time interval at which Prometheus should scrape metrics from the service. |
serviceMonitor.path | string | "/metrics" |
path at which the metrics are exposed |
serviceMonitor.port | string | "http" |
portname at which the metrics are exposed |
serviceMonitor.relabelings | list | [] |
relabelings configures the relabeling rules to apply the target’s metadata labels. |
serviceMonitor.scheme | string | "http" |
scheme specifies network protocol used by the metrics endpoint. In this case HTTP. |
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout | string | "10s" |
scrapeTimeout determines the maximum time Prometheus should wait for a target to respond to a scrape request. If the target does not respond within the specified timeout, Prometheus considers the scrape as failed for that target. |
serviceMonitor.targetLabels | list | [] |
targetLabels defines the labels which are transferred from the associated Kubernetes service object onto the ingested metrics. |
serviceMonitor.tlsConfig | object | {} |
tlsConfig specifies TLS (Transport Layer Security) configuration for secure communication when scraping metrics from a service. It allows you to define the details of the TLS connection, such as CA certificate, client certificate, and client key. Currently, the k8s-metacollector does not support TLS configuration for the metrics endpoint. |
tolerations | list | [] |
tolerations |
Once you have installed Falco Talon
with Helm, you need to connect Falcosidekick
by adding the flag --set falcosidekick.config.webhook.address=http://falco-talon:2803
helm upgrade -i falco falcosecurity/falco --namespace falco \
--create-namespace \
--set tty=true \
--set falcosidekick.enabled=true \
--set falcosidekick.config.talon.address=http://falco-talon:2803
Falco Talon is licensed to you under the Apache 2.0 open source license.
Thomas Labarussias (https://github.com/Issif)