<img src="../assets/JFrogConanCenter.png" width="600"/> This repository, ConanCenterIndex, contains recipes for the remote [JFrog ConanCenter](https://conan.io/center/). This remote is added by default to a clean installation of the Conan client. Recipes are contributed by opening pull requests as explained in the sections below. When pull requests are merged, the CI will upload the generated packages to the [ConanCenter](https://conan.io/center/) remote. # Documentation * [Code of conduct](code_of_conduct.md) * [Changelog](changelog.md) * User documentation + [Contributing to Conan Center Index](../CONTRIBUTING.md) + [Developing Recipes Locally](developing_recipes_locally.md) + [Adding Packages to ConanCenter](adding_packages/README.md) :point_left: Best place to learn how to contribute + [Bumping versions to existing packages](bump_version.md) + [Errors from the conan-center hook (KB-Hxxx)](error_knowledge_base.md) + [Review Process](review_process.md) + [Labels](labels.md) + [Supported platforms and configurations](supported_platforms_and_configurations.md) + [Consuming Recipes](consuming_recipes.md) :information_source: Learn how to limit the impact of recipe changes + [Community Resources](community_resources.md) + [Preparing recipes for Conan 2.0](v2_migration.md) + [FAQs](faqs.md)