A way to syncronously send/capture postMessages. This script was created primarily to facilitate communications between an Iframe and its parent frame. It uses Jquery's Deferred object do allow the postMessages to be captured.
In order for this script to work, Jquery is needed. Both windows that are communicating require this script, but need a different initialization in order for bidirectional communication to work. Also, I've structured the postMessage's message with an object. The structure is as follows:
var message = {
action: 'actionName', // developer-defined name describing the postMessage
data: { // any number/type of object properties to pass the target window
propertyA: 'foo',
propertyB: 123,
propertyC: {}
SyncMessage prepends a keyword, as well as appends a guid to the action
in order to tell that the postMessage was send/received by SyncMessage.
// Window A (Requester Window)
var syncMessage = new SyncMessage();
var syncMessageRequestObject = syncMessage.syncMessageRequestInit(responderWindow, responderWindowOrigin, requesterWindow);
// Send postMessage to Window B
var syncMessageRequest = syncMessageRequestObject.postMessageRequest({
action: 'yourAction',
data: {}
// Do something on resolution of syncMessageRequest
// Window B (Responder Window)
var syncMessage = new SyncMessage();
syncMessage.syncMessageResponseInit(responderWindow, requesterWindowOrigin, requesterWindow, dataFunctionReference);
- Deferred object returned from
- Dynamic merging of original postMessage message and data returned from responder window
- Expand functionality to include single directional messages as well