diff --git a/app/views/home/index.html.slim b/app/views/home/index.html.slim
index 2d9ae5e2306..34711c283ea 100644
--- a/app/views/home/index.html.slim
+++ b/app/views/home/index.html.slim
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ header.page-header
| 内容を更新
- if (current_user.admin? || current_user.adviser?) && @job_seeking_users.present?
= render 'job_seeking_users', users: @job_seeking_users
- - if current_user.total_learning_time.positive? || !current_user.mentor?
+ - if current_user.student_or_trainee?
- if current_user.github_account.present?
= render 'users/github_grass', user: current_user
diff --git a/test/system/home_test.rb b/test/system/home_test.rb
index 849a902eee4..d8b738ab8e9 100644
--- a/test/system/home_test.rb
+++ b/test/system/home_test.rb
@@ -88,9 +88,37 @@ class HomeTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase
- test 'show the grass' do
- visit_with_auth '/', 'hajime'
- assert_text '学習時間'
+ test 'show the grass for student' do
+ assert users(:kimura).student?
+ visit_with_auth '/', 'kimura'
+ assert_selector 'h2.card-header__title', text: '学習時間'
+ end
+ test 'show the grass for trainee' do
+ assert users(:kensyu).trainee?
+ visit_with_auth '/', 'kensyu'
+ assert_selector 'h2.card-header__title', text: '学習時間'
+ end
+ test 'not show the grass for mentor' do
+ assert users(:mentormentaro).mentor?
+ visit_with_auth '/', 'mentormentaro'
+ assert_selector 'h2.page-header__title', text: 'ダッシュボード'
+ assert_no_selector 'h2.card-header__title', text: '学習時間'
+ end
+ test 'not show the grass for adviser' do
+ assert users(:advijirou).adviser?
+ visit_with_auth '/', 'advijirou'
+ assert_selector 'h2.page-header__title', text: 'ダッシュボード'
+ assert_no_selector 'h2.card-header__title', text: '学習時間'
+ end
+ test 'not show the grass for admin' do
+ assert users(:komagata).admin?
+ visit_with_auth '/', 'komagata'
+ assert_selector 'h2.page-header__title', text: 'ダッシュボード'
+ assert_no_selector 'h2.card-header__title', text: '学習時間'
test 'show test events on dashboard' do