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npm install github:flinbein/varhub-web-client
import { Varhub } from "@flinbein/varhub-web-client";
const hub = new Varhub("https://example.com/varhub/");
The room allows clients to connect. You can control the behavior of a room by handling events.
There are 3 ways to create a room:
: room controlled by quick-js code (javascript)ivm
: room controlled by isolated-vm code (javascript)ws
: room controlled by websocket
and ivm
rooms is controlled by virtual machine in server-side and will be destroyed after 120s of inactivity. Also rooms will be destroyed when resource consumption is high.
room is controlled by websocket in browser and will be destroyed when the websocket is closed.
qjs room uses quickjs-ng engine to run your code. You can send the source code that will control the behavior of the room.
quick-js room features:
- ECMAScript 2023 syntax
- use
function (in async mode) - import remote modules by
(in async mode) - WebAssembly is unavailable
- low performance (30x lower, compared to V8 JIT)
resource limitations:
- memory:
100 MB
/ room (by default) - CPU time:
/ room (by default)
const { id, integrity, message } = await hub.createRoom("qjs", {
module: {
main: "index.js",
source: {
["index.js"]: /* language=javascript */ `
console.log('room created')
createRoom(vmType, options)
- string"qjs"
- virtual machine configurationoptions.module
(required) - sources of controlleroptions.module.main
) - entrypoint of controller (file name)options.module.source
(Record<string, string>
) - source code of files. See VM API
- use integrity check for clients- (
) - calculate integrity and return as string - (
) - check integrity. You will get an error if strings do not match.
- (
) - value of module"vargub:config"
. It is ignored during integrity checking.options.message?
- create room with public message.- (
) - this room will be searchable for all clients (if integrity is defined) - (
) - room is hidden
- (
) - use async mode of quick-js.false
by default.options.logger?
) - add websocket logger by id to read console and room events
- object with properties
) - room idintegrity
) - calculated integrity (if it is defined in config)message
) - current public message of the room (it can be changed by room controller)
// generate logger id
const loggerId = Array(5).fill().map(() => Math.random().toString(36).substring(2)).join("")
const wsLogger = hub.createLogger(loggerId); // WebSocket
wsLogger.addEventListener("message", (event) => {
console.log("room event:", event.data);
// now you can use loggerId to create room
uses isolated-vm to run your code.
ivm room features:
- V8 engine
- no async
function - import remote modules by
- WebAssembly is available
resource limitations:
- memory:
64 MB
/ room (by default) - CPU time:
/ room (by default)
const { id, integrity, message, inspect } = await hub.createRoom("ivm", {
module: {
main: "index.js",
source: {
["index.js"]: /* language=javascript */ `
console.log('room created')
createRoom(vmType, options)
- string"ivm"
- virtual machine configurationoptions.module
(required) - sources of controllermodule.main
) - entrypoint of controller (file name)module.source
(Record<string, string>
) - source code of files. See VM API
- use integrity check for clients- (
) - calculate integrity and return as string - (
) - check integrity. You will get an error if strings do not match.
- (
) - value of module"vargub:config"
. It is ignored during integrity checking.options.message?
- create room with public message.- (
) - this room will be searchable for all clients (if integrity is defined) - (
) - room is hidden
- (
- using devtools (if it available in varhub server)- (
) - allow devtools (false by default) - (
) - allow devtools and prepend inspector
- (
- object with properties
) - room idintegrity
) - calculated integrity (if it is defined in config)message
) - current public message of the room (it can be changed by room controller)inspect
) - unique id to connect devtools
- generate inspectorId string:
const inspectorId = Array(5).fill().map(() => Math.random().toString(36).substring(2)).join("")
- generate devtools url
const wsUrl = hub.url.replace(/^\w*:\/\//, "") // remove prefix "https://" console.log( `devtools://devtools/bundled/inspector.html?experiments=true&v8only=true&ws=${wsUrl}/log/${inspectorId}` );
- open devtools url in chrome
- create ivm room with
inspect: inspectorId
- done! You can start to use devtools tab.
const { id, integrity, message, inspect } = await hub.createRoom("ivm", {
module: {/*...*/},
inspect: true // or inspectorId as string
const wsUrl = hub.url.replace(/^\w*:\/\//, "") // remove prefix "https://"
Warning! inspect
is experimental feature and must be disabled by default.
uses your websocket connection to control room.
ws room features:
- virtual machine is not in use
- you have full control over the room on the client side
- no integrity check.
const room = hub.createRoomSocket({
message: "welcome-room",
integrity: "custom:welcome-room"
// room logic
room.on("connectionOpen", (connection) => {
await room.promise; // wait for connection established
console.log("Room id:", room.id);
const client = hub.join(room.id, {integrity: "custom:welcome-room"});
client.on("message", (msg) => {
console.log(msg) // Welcome!
await client;
- integrity check is not performed, but you can specify aintegrity
to make the room searchable- (
) - must start withcustom:
- (
- create room with public message.- (
) - this room will be searchable for all clients (if integrity is defined) - (
) - room is hidden, by default
- (
all ws room events is listed in RoomSocketHandlerEvents
const room = hub.createRoomSocket();
room.on("ready", () => {
console.log("room is ready", room.id);
You can call room methods send
, broadcast
only after the room has been initialized.
Also, you can wait for initialization in async code:
const room = hub.createRoomSocket();
// ... add listeners
await room.promise;
emits if room can not be created
const room = hub.createRoomSocket();
room.on("error", async (asyncErrorReason) => {
console.error("room can not be created because: ", await asyncErrorReason);
async node:
const room = hub.createRoomSocket();
try {
await room.promise;
} catch (error) {
console.error("room can not be created because: ", await error.cause);
emits when room is closed or afrer error
const room = hub.createRoomSocket();
room.on("close", () => {
console.error("room closed");
emits when client tries to connect. The event handler accepts additional parameters that the client passed when connecting.
room.on("connection", (connection, ...params) => {
console.error("someone tries to connect with params:", params);
See also: Connection
You can close the connection before it is established:
room.on("connection", (connection, ...params) => {
if (params[0] !== "P@$$w0RD") connection.close("wrong password");
See also: connection.close
Or you can defer client and decide to connect later:
room.on("connection", (connection, ...params) => {
connection.defer(async () => {
const passwordIsValid = await doAsyncCheckPassword(connection, params[0]);
if (!passwordIsValid) connection.close();
See also: connection.defer
emits when client's connection is open.
room.on("connectionOpen", (connection) => {
See also: connection.defer
emits when connection is closed.
room.on("connectionClose", (connection, reason) => {
console.log("connection is closed by reason:", reason);
emits when a message is received from the connection.
room.on("connectionMessage", (connection, ...msg) => {
console.log("received:", msg);
if (msg[0] === "ping") connection.send("pong");
Room is searchable:
- if room integrity is defined
- if room's public message is not null
You can find all searchable rooms by method hub.findRooms
const rooms = hub.findRooms(integrity)
- room integrity
Record< string , string >
- map of found rooms, where key is room id, and value is public message of room
const client = hub.join(roomId, {
integrity: roomIntegrity,
params: [...clientParameters]
client.on("message", (...args) => {
console.log("Client received a message:", args);
await client;
join(roomId, options)
) - room idoptions?
) - room integrity. It is required if room was created withintegrity
) - additional parameters to join room.options.allowInspect?
) - allow to join room with attached inspector.false
by default
use client to send and receive messages from the room. You can send messages to room only after connection is established
All client events is listed in RoomSocketHandlerEvents: open
, error
, message
, close
const client = hub.join(roomId);
try {
await client; // wait for `open` or `error` event
} catch (error) {
console.error("Client connection failed: ", await error.cause)
in the VM source code you can import special modules. See VM API Documentation
import room from "varhub:room";
room.on("connectionOpen", (connection) => {
Room is similar to RoomSocketHandler, with the differences:
- no
events. room
is immediately initialized.room.id
are not available- when the room is destroyed, the virtual machine will be stopped
import config from "varhub:config";
get config
get the config that was used when creating the room
import EventEmitter from "varhub:events";
const events = new EventEmitter();
events.on("exampleEventName", console.log);
events.emit("exampleEventName", "hello", "world");
get class EventEmitter.
import * as performance from "varhub:performance";
returns time in milliseconds since room initialized.
See performance.now
Provides fetch
import network from "varhub:api/network";
const fetchResult = await network.fetch(
{method: "POST", type: "json"}
Provides class RPCSource
import RPCSource from "varhub:rpc";
See RPC.
Provides class Players
import Players from "varhub:players";
See Players.
You can combine multiple connections into one player. For example, if a player connects from a mobile device and from a PC at the same time.
ivm, qjs:
import Players from "varhub:players"
import { Players } from "@flinbein/varhub-web-client"
create new instance:
const players = new Players(room, (connection, name) => name);
new Players(room, registerPlayerHandler)
(Room or RoomSocketHandler)registerPlayerHandler
: ((connection, ...args) => ?
) function to get the player's nameconnection
: (Connection)...args
: (any[]
:- (
null | undefined
) - do not register connection as player - (
) - register connection as player with this name - (
Promise <null|undefined>
) - when resolved: allow connection to join and do not register as player - (
Promise <string>
) - when resolved: allow connection to join and register as player - (
rejected promise
) - close connection when rejected
- (
- close connection
Create Players examples
// get player name as 1st argument of connection params
const players = new Players(room, (connection, name) => name);
// usage
const bobClient1 = hub.join(roomId, {params: ["Bob"]}); // connect as player Bob
const bobClient2 = hub.join(roomId, {params: ["Bob"]}); // connect as player Bob
const aliceClient = hub.join(roomId, {params: ["Alice"]}); // connect as player Alice
// async registration with name and password
const players = new Players(room, async (connection, name, password) => {
if (!name) return; // allow connect for non-players
// async check password for players
const passwordIsCorrect = await checkPassword(name, password);
if (passwordIsCorrect) return name;
throw new Error("incorrect password");
// usage
const bobClient1 = hub.join(roomId, {params: ["Bob", "12345"]}); // correct password, connection will be registered as player Bob
const bobClient2 = hub.join(roomId, {params: ["Bob", "54321"]}); // incorrect password, connection will be closed
const aliceClient = hub.join(roomId); // connection will be opened as not player
Players usage examples
const players = new Players(room, (connection, name) => name);
// get all players
for (const player of players) {
// get all connections of player and send message
for (const connection of player) {
connection.send("You are "+player.name);
See also:
- module "varhub:players"
- class Players, PlayersEvents
- class Player, PlayerEvents
RPC allows clients to:
- call remote methods defined in VM or room handler
- receive custom events
The RPC protocol is built on top of the messaging between the client and the room. You can see the detailed description of the messages
More examples of using RPCSource
You can export methods or structures with methods from entrypoint:
// VM code
export function ping(){
// this = connection which call RPC
console.log("ping for connection", this);
return "pong";
export const math = {
sum: (x, y) => x + y,
mul: (x, y) => x * y
// client code
import {Varhub, RPCChannel} from "@flinbein/varhub-web-client";
const hub = new Varhub("https://example.com/varhub");
const client = hub.join(roomId);
const rpc = new RPCChannel(client);
await rpc; // wait for connection open
// now rpc object has async versions of methods exported from VM entrypoint
console.log(await rpc.ping()) // "pong"
console.log(await rpc.math.sum(100, 200)) // 300
console.log(await rpc.math.mul(5, 20)) // 100
Reserved names, not recommended to use as method name:
- used to get current state of RPC channelon
- used to handle eventsthen
- used to make RPC channel PromiseLikecall
- used to call RPC method directlycreate
- used to create new RPC channelclose
- used to close current RPC channelready
- used to get status of RPC channel
with RoomSocketHandler:
import { Varhub, RPCSource } from "@flinbein/varhub-web-client"
const hub = new Varhub("https://example.com/varhub/");
const room = hub.createRoomSocket();
const rpcBase = new RPCSource({
// this = connection which call RPC
console.log("ping for connection", this);
return "pong";
math: {
sum: (x, y) => x + y,
mul: (x, y) => x * y
// start listening RPC for room
RPCSource.start(rpcBase, room);
with VM code (in this case the entrypoint should not have any exports):
import RPCSource from "varhub:rpc";
import room from "varhub:room";
const rpcBase = new RPCSource({
// this = connection which call RPC
console.log("ping for connection", this);
return "pong";
math: {
sum: (x, y) => x + y,
mul: (x, y) => x * y
// start listening RPC for room
RPCSource.start(rpcBase, room);
You can set the initial state for RPCSource instance. The state will be synchronized with the RPCChannel in client-side. Also, you can change state of RPCSource at any time.
// handler-side code
import { Varhub, RPCSource, RPCChannel } from "@flinbein/varhub-web-client"
const hub = new Varhub("https://example.com/varhub/");
const room = hub.createRoomSocket();
const rpcBase = new RPCSource({
rpcBase.setState(rpcBase.state + value);
}, 100 /*initial state*/ );
// start listening RPC for room
RPCSource.start(rpcBase, room);
await room.promise;
// client-side code
const client = hub.join(room.id);
const rpc = new RPCChannel(client);
await rpc; // rpc.state will be available when rpc is initialized
console.log(rpc.state) // 100
await rpc.addValueToState(200);
console.log(rpc.state) // 300
// subscribe on state change:
rpc.on("state", (newState, oldState) => {
console.log("state changed from", oldState, "to", newState);
State of RPCSource with entrypoint exports:
use RPCSource.default
as instance of RPCSource.
// VM entrypoint code
import RPCSource from "varhub:rpc";
export function addValueToState(value){
RPCSource.default.setState(RPCSource.default.state + value);
RPCSource.default.setState(100); // set initial state
RPCSource can emit events to all connections subscribed to this source:
// room handler side
const rpcBase = new RPCSource({});
RPCSource.start(rpcBase, room);
let tickNumber = 0;
setInterval(() => {
rpcBase.emit("tick", tickNumber++)
}, 1000);
// client side
const rpc = new RPCSource(client);
rpc.on("tick", console.log) // 0, 1, 2, ...
reserved event names:
- emits when RPCSource or client is closedinit
- emits when RPCSource is readyerror
- emits if RPCSource can not be createdstate
- emits on state change
do not use this names to send custom event.
RPCSource with entrypoint exports:
import RPCSource from "varhub:rpc";
export function ping(){ return "pong" }
let tickNumber = 0;
setInterval(() => {
RPCSource.default.emit("tick", tickNumber++);
}, 1000);
send event to specified connections only
const players = new Players(room, (connection, name) => name);
players.on("join", player => {
player.setGroup(Math.random() > 0.5 ? "red" : "blue");
RPCSource.default.emit("message", "Hello all!");
RPCSource.default.emitFor(players.getGroup("red"), "message", "Hello red team!");
RPCSource.default.emitFor(players.getGroup("blue"), "message", "Hello blue team!");
RPCSource#emitFor(connections, event, ...args)
- (
) - empty array, do not send message - (
null | undefined
) - send event to all connections - (
) - send event to specified connection (if it is subscribed) - (
(con: Connection) => boolean
) - filter connections by predicate - (
instance) - send event to specified connections - (
instance) - ...etc
- (
) event nameargs
) event data
// roomHandler.js
export const rpcBase = new RPCSource({
return "pong"
}, 100 ).withEventTypes<{tick: [number]}>();
let tickNumber = 0;
setInterval(() => {
rpcBase.emit("tick", tickNumber++);
}, 1000);
RPCSource.start(rpcBase, room);
// client.js
// need to import rpcBase as type from room handler side code
import type { rpcBase } from "./roomHandler.js";
// ...
const client = hub.join(roomId);
const rpc = new RPCChannel<typeof rpcBase>(client);
// now rpc is well-typed object
await rpc.ping(); // correct function types
rpc.on("tick", (tick /* number */) => {
// correct event types