diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/test/run_HBHEandPF_onCPUandGPU.py b/RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/test/run_HBHEandPF_onCPUandGPU.py
index 46f5d040bf175..f6664469eb45f 100644
--- a/RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/test/run_HBHEandPF_onCPUandGPU.py
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/test/run_HBHEandPF_onCPUandGPU.py
@@ -110,6 +110,9 @@
+from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource_cfi import pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource as _pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource
+process.pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource = _pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource.clone()
# Automatic addition of the customisation function from HLTrigger.Configuration.customizeHLTforPatatrack
#from HLTrigger.Configuration.customizeHLTforPatatrack import customizeHLTforPatatrack, customiseCommon, customiseHcalLocalReconstruction
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/test/testPFOnGPUvsCPU_HBHE.sh b/RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/test/testPFOnGPUvsCPU_HBHE.sh
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000000..38994be6c0457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/test/testPFOnGPUvsCPU_HBHE.sh
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+#!/bin/bash -e
+[ ! -z "${CMSSW_BASE}" ] || exit 1
+cmsRun "${CMSSW_BASE}"/src/RecoParticleFlow/Configuration/test/run_HBHEandPF_onCPUandGPU.py
+cmsRun "${CMSSW_BASE}"/src/Validation/RecoParticleFlow/test/run_DQM_forGPU_HLT.py
+cmsRun "${CMSSW_BASE}"/src/Validation/RecoParticleFlow/test/run_HARVESTING_forGPU_HLT.py &> /dev/null
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/BuildFile.xml b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/BuildFile.xml
index 06ef529ae273b..c2684b2034de4 100644
--- a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/BuildFile.xml
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/BuildFile.xml
@@ -15,6 +15,11 @@
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/interface/PFClusteringParamsGPU.h b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/interface/PFClusteringParamsGPU.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..ce15c79b976b2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/interface/PFClusteringParamsGPU.h
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+#ifndef RecoParticleFlow_PFClusterProducer_PFClusteringParamsGPU_h
+#define RecoParticleFlow_PFClusterProducer_PFClusteringParamsGPU_h
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/propagate_const.h"
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/propagate_const_array.h"
+#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/device_unique_ptr.h"
+#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/host_unique_ptr.h"
+#include "CUDADataFormats/Common/interface/PortableDeviceCollection.h"
+#include "CUDADataFormats/Common/interface/PortableHostCollection.h"
+#include "DataFormats/SoATemplate/interface/SoALayout.h"
+#ifndef __CUDACC__
+#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/HostAllocator.h"
+#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDACore/interface/ESProduct.h"
+namespace edm {
+ class ParameterSet;
+ class ParameterSetDescription;
+class PFClusteringParamsGPU {
+ SOA_SCALAR(int32_t, nNeigh),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, seedPt2ThresholdEB),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, seedPt2ThresholdEE),
+ SOA_COLUMN(float, seedEThresholdEB_vec),
+ SOA_COLUMN(float, seedEThresholdEE_vec),
+ SOA_COLUMN(float, topoEThresholdEB_vec),
+ SOA_COLUMN(float, topoEThresholdEE_vec),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, showerSigma2),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, minFracToKeep),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, minFracTot),
+ SOA_SCALAR(uint32_t, maxIterations),
+ SOA_SCALAR(bool, excludeOtherSeeds),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, stoppingTolerance),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, minFracInCalc),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, minAllowedNormalization),
+ SOA_COLUMN(float, recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec),
+ SOA_COLUMN(float, recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, barrelTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, barrelTimeResConsts_threshLowE),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTerm),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, barrelTimeResConsts_constantTermLowE2),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, barrelTimeResConsts_threshHighE),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, barrelTimeResConsts_constantTerm2),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, barrelTimeResConsts_resHighE2),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, endcapTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, endcapTimeResConsts_threshLowE),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTerm),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, endcapTimeResConsts_constantTermLowE2),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, endcapTimeResConsts_threshHighE),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, endcapTimeResConsts_constantTerm2),
+ SOA_SCALAR(float, endcapTimeResConsts_resHighE2))
+ using HostProduct = cms::cuda::PortableHostCollection>;
+ using DeviceProduct = cms::cuda::PortableDeviceCollection>;
+#ifndef __CUDACC__
+ PFClusteringParamsGPU(edm::ParameterSet const&);
+ ~PFClusteringParamsGPU() = default;
+ static void fillDescription(edm::ParameterSetDescription& psetDesc);
+ DeviceProduct const& getProduct(cudaStream_t) const;
+ constexpr static uint32_t kMaxDepth_barrel = 4;
+ constexpr static uint32_t kMaxDepth_endcap = 7;
+ void setParameterValues(edm::ParameterSet const& iConfig);
+ HostProduct params_;
+ cms::cuda::ESProduct product_;
+#endif // RecoParticleFlow_PFClusterProducer_PFClusteringParamsGPU_h
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/BuildFile.xml b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/BuildFile.xml
index 08ec67b03792c..c77de92af7f90 100644
--- a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/BuildFile.xml
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/BuildFile.xml
@@ -1,4 +1,11 @@
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterCudaHCAL.cu b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterCudaHCAL.cu
index a863ad11c7cda..ecf545b6725a9 100644
--- a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterCudaHCAL.cu
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterCudaHCAL.cu
@@ -15,19 +15,12 @@
using PFClustering::common::PFLayer;
-// Uncomment for debugging
-//#define DEBUG_GPU_HCAL
constexpr const float PI_F = 3.141592654f;
-namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __constant__ PFClustering::common::CudaHCALConstants constantsHCAL_d;
- __constant__ int nNT = 8; // Number of neighbors considered for topo clustering
- //int nTopoLoops = 100;
- int nTopoLoops = 35;
+// Number of neighbors considered for topo clustering
+constexpr const int nNT = 8;
+namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// --- kernel summary --
// initializeCudaConstants
@@ -68,56 +61,50 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// passingTopoThreshold
// printRhfIndex
- void initializeCudaConstants(const PFClustering::common::CudaHCALConstants& cudaConstants,
- const cudaStream_t cudaStream) {
- cudaCheck(cudaMemcpyToSymbolAsync(
- constantsHCAL_d, &cudaConstants, sizeof(cudaConstants), 0, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, cudaStream));
- }
- __device__ __forceinline__ float timeResolution2Endcap(const float energy) {
+ __device__ __forceinline__ float timeResolution2Endcap(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams, const float energy) {
float res2 = 10000.;
if (energy <= 0.)
return res2;
- else if (energy < constantsHCAL_d.endcapTimeResConsts.threshLowE) {
- if (constantsHCAL_d.endcapTimeResConsts.corrTermLowE > 0.) { // different parametrisation
- const float res = constantsHCAL_d.endcapTimeResConsts.noiseTermLowE / energy +
- constantsHCAL_d.endcapTimeResConsts.corrTermLowE / (energy * energy);
+ else if (energy < pfClusParams.endcapTimeResConsts_threshLowE()) {
+ if (pfClusParams.endcapTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE() > 0.) { // different parametrisation
+ const float res = pfClusParams.endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE() / energy +
+ pfClusParams.endcapTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE() / (energy * energy);
res2 = res * res;
} else {
- const float noiseDivE = constantsHCAL_d.endcapTimeResConsts.noiseTermLowE / energy;
- res2 = noiseDivE * noiseDivE + constantsHCAL_d.endcapTimeResConsts.constantTermLowE2;
+ const float noiseDivE = pfClusParams.endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE() / energy;
+ res2 = noiseDivE * noiseDivE + pfClusParams.endcapTimeResConsts_constantTermLowE2();
- } else if (energy < constantsHCAL_d.endcapTimeResConsts.threshHighE) {
- const float noiseDivE = constantsHCAL_d.endcapTimeResConsts.noiseTerm / energy;
- res2 = noiseDivE * noiseDivE + constantsHCAL_d.endcapTimeResConsts.constantTerm2;
+ } else if (energy < pfClusParams.endcapTimeResConsts_threshHighE()) {
+ const float noiseDivE = pfClusParams.endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTerm() / energy;
+ res2 = noiseDivE * noiseDivE + pfClusParams.endcapTimeResConsts_constantTerm2();
} else // if (energy >=threshHighE_)
- res2 = constantsHCAL_d.endcapTimeResConsts.resHighE2;
+ res2 = pfClusParams.endcapTimeResConsts_resHighE2();
if (res2 > 10000.)
return 10000.;
return res2;
- __device__ __forceinline__ float timeResolution2Barrel(const float energy) {
+ __device__ __forceinline__ float timeResolution2Barrel(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams, const float energy) {
float res2 = 10000.;
if (energy <= 0.)
return res2;
- else if (energy < constantsHCAL_d.barrelTimeResConsts.threshLowE) {
- if (constantsHCAL_d.barrelTimeResConsts.corrTermLowE > 0.) { // different parametrisation
- const float res = constantsHCAL_d.barrelTimeResConsts.noiseTermLowE / energy +
- constantsHCAL_d.barrelTimeResConsts.corrTermLowE / (energy * energy);
+ else if (energy < pfClusParams.barrelTimeResConsts_threshLowE()) {
+ if (pfClusParams.barrelTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE() > 0.) { // different parametrisation
+ const float res = pfClusParams.barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE() / energy +
+ pfClusParams.barrelTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE() / (energy * energy);
res2 = res * res;
} else {
- const float noiseDivE = constantsHCAL_d.barrelTimeResConsts.noiseTermLowE / energy;
- res2 = noiseDivE * noiseDivE + constantsHCAL_d.barrelTimeResConsts.constantTermLowE2;
+ const float noiseDivE = pfClusParams.barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE() / energy;
+ res2 = noiseDivE * noiseDivE + pfClusParams.barrelTimeResConsts_constantTermLowE2();
- } else if (energy < constantsHCAL_d.barrelTimeResConsts.threshHighE) {
- const float noiseDivE = constantsHCAL_d.barrelTimeResConsts.noiseTerm / energy;
- res2 = noiseDivE * noiseDivE + constantsHCAL_d.barrelTimeResConsts.constantTerm2;
+ } else if (energy < pfClusParams.barrelTimeResConsts_threshHighE()) {
+ const float noiseDivE = pfClusParams.barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTerm() / energy;
+ res2 = noiseDivE * noiseDivE + pfClusParams.barrelTimeResConsts_constantTerm2();
} else // if (energy >=threshHighE_)
- res2 = constantsHCAL_d.barrelTimeResConsts.resHighE2;
+ res2 = pfClusParams.barrelTimeResConsts_resHighE2();
if (res2 > 10000.)
return 10000.;
@@ -163,7 +150,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
return __int_as_float(ret);
- __global__ void seedingTopoThreshKernel_HCAL(size_t size,
+ __global__ void seedingTopoThreshKernel_HCAL(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t size,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_energy,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
@@ -205,10 +193,10 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
float pt2 = energy * energy * (pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y) / (pos.x * pos.x + pos.y * pos.y + pos.z * pos.z);
// Seeding threshold test
- if ((layer == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1 && energy > constantsHCAL_d.seedEThresholdEB_vec[depthOffset] &&
- pt2 > constantsHCAL_d.seedPt2ThresholdEB) ||
- (layer == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP && energy > constantsHCAL_d.seedEThresholdEE_vec[depthOffset] &&
- pt2 > constantsHCAL_d.seedPt2ThresholdEE)) {
+ if ((layer == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1 && energy > pfClusParams.seedEThresholdEB_vec()[depthOffset] &&
+ pt2 > pfClusParams.seedPt2ThresholdEB()) ||
+ (layer == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP && energy > pfClusParams.seedEThresholdEE_vec()[depthOffset] &&
+ pt2 > pfClusParams.seedPt2ThresholdEE())) {
pfrh_isSeed[i] = 1;
for (int k = 0; k < 4; k++) {
if (neigh4_Ind[8 * i + k] < 0)
@@ -219,9 +207,9 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- // for(int k=0; k constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEE_vec[depthOffset]) ||
- (layer == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1 && energy > constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEB_vec[depthOffset])) {
+ if ((layer == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP && energy > pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEE_vec()[depthOffset]) ||
+ (layer == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1 && energy > pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEB_vec()[depthOffset])) {
pfrh_passTopoThresh[i] = true;
//else { pfrh_passTopoThresh[i] = false; }
@@ -244,7 +232,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void seedingKernel_HCAL(size_t size,
+ __global__ void seedingKernel_HCAL(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t size,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_energy,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_pt2,
int* pfrh_isSeed,
@@ -256,16 +245,16 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (i < size) {
if ((pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1 &&
- pfrh_energy[i] > constantsHCAL_d.seedEThresholdEB_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1] &&
- pfrh_pt2[i] > constantsHCAL_d.seedPt2ThresholdEB) ||
+ pfrh_energy[i] > pfClusParams.seedEThresholdEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1] &&
+ pfrh_pt2[i] > pfClusParams.seedPt2ThresholdEB()) ||
(pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP &&
- pfrh_energy[i] > constantsHCAL_d.seedEThresholdEE_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1] &&
- pfrh_pt2[i] > constantsHCAL_d.seedPt2ThresholdEE)) {
+ pfrh_energy[i] > pfClusParams.seedEThresholdEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1] &&
+ pfrh_pt2[i] > pfClusParams.seedPt2ThresholdEE())) {
pfrh_isSeed[i] = 1;
- for (int k = 0; k < constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh; k++) {
- if (neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k] < 0)
+ for (int k = 0; k < pfClusParams.nNeigh(); k++) {
+ if (neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k] < 0)
- if (pfrh_energy[i] < pfrh_energy[neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k]]) {
+ if (pfrh_energy[i] < pfrh_energy[neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k]]) {
pfrh_isSeed[i] = 0;
@@ -278,7 +267,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void seedingKernel_HCAL_serialize(size_t size,
+ __global__ void seedingKernel_HCAL_serialize(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t size,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_energy,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_pt2,
int* pfrh_isSeed,
@@ -290,16 +280,16 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
if (i < size) {
if ((pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1 &&
- pfrh_energy[i] > constantsHCAL_d.seedEThresholdEB_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1] &&
- pfrh_pt2[i] > constantsHCAL_d.seedPt2ThresholdEB) ||
+ pfrh_energy[i] > pfClusParams.seedEThresholdEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1] &&
+ pfrh_pt2[i] > pfClusParams.seedPt2ThresholdEB()) ||
(pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP &&
- pfrh_energy[i] > constantsHCAL_d.seedEThresholdEE_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1] &&
- pfrh_pt2[i] > constantsHCAL_d.seedPt2ThresholdEE)) {
+ pfrh_energy[i] > pfClusParams.seedEThresholdEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1] &&
+ pfrh_pt2[i] > pfClusParams.seedPt2ThresholdEE())) {
pfrh_isSeed[i] = 1;
- for (int k = 0; k < constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh; k++) {
- if (neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k] < 0)
+ for (int k = 0; k < pfClusParams.nNeigh(); k++) {
+ if (neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k] < 0)
- if (pfrh_energy[i] < pfrh_energy[neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k]]) {
+ if (pfrh_energy[i] < pfrh_energy[neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k]]) {
pfrh_isSeed[i] = 0;
@@ -335,7 +325,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void topoKernel_HCALV2(size_t size,
+ __global__ void topoKernel_HCALV2(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t size,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_energy,
int* pfrh_topoId,
const int* __restrict__ pfrh_layer,
@@ -350,14 +341,14 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
while (neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k] > -1 && pfrh_topoId[l] != pfrh_topoId[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] &&
((pfrh_layer[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP &&
pfrh_energy[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] >
- constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEE_vec[pfrh_depth[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] - 1]) ||
+ pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] - 1]) ||
(pfrh_layer[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1 &&
pfrh_energy[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] >
- constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEB_vec[pfrh_depth[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] - 1])) &&
+ pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] - 1])) &&
((pfrh_layer[l] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP &&
- pfrh_energy[l] > constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEE_vec[pfrh_depth[l] - 1]) ||
+ pfrh_energy[l] > pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[l] - 1]) ||
(pfrh_layer[l] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1 &&
- pfrh_energy[l] > constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEB_vec[pfrh_depth[l] - 1]))) {
+ pfrh_energy[l] > pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[l] - 1]))) {
if (pfrh_topoId[l] > pfrh_topoId[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]]) {
atomicMax(&pfrh_topoId[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]], pfrh_topoId[l]);
@@ -368,7 +359,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void topoKernel_HCAL_serialize(size_t size,
+ __global__ void topoKernel_HCAL_serialize(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t size,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_energy,
int* pfrh_topoId,
const int* __restrict__ pfrh_layer,
@@ -383,14 +375,14 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
while (neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k] > -1 && pfrh_topoId[l] != pfrh_topoId[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] &&
((pfrh_layer[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP &&
pfrh_energy[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] >
- constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEE_vec[pfrh_depth[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] - 1]) ||
+ pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] - 1]) ||
(pfrh_layer[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1 &&
pfrh_energy[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] >
- constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEB_vec[pfrh_depth[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] - 1])) &&
+ pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]] - 1])) &&
((pfrh_layer[l] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP &&
- pfrh_energy[l] > constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEE_vec[pfrh_depth[l] - 1]) ||
+ pfrh_energy[l] > pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[l] - 1]) ||
(pfrh_layer[l] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1 &&
- pfrh_energy[l] > constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEB_vec[pfrh_depth[l] - 1]))) {
+ pfrh_energy[l] > pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[l] - 1]))) {
if (pfrh_topoId[l] > pfrh_topoId[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]]) {
atomicMax(&pfrh_topoId[neigh8_Ind[nNT * l + k]], pfrh_topoId[l]);
@@ -402,7 +394,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __device__ void dev_hcalFastCluster_optimizedSimple(int topoId,
+ __device__ void dev_hcalFastCluster_optimizedSimple(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ int topoId,
int nRHTopo,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
@@ -429,12 +422,12 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
prevClusterPos = seedPos;
seedEnergy = pfrh_energy[i];
clusterEnergy = seedEnergy;
- tol = constantsHCAL_d.stoppingTolerance; // stopping tolerance * tolerance scaling
+ tol = pfClusParams.stoppingTolerance(); // stopping tolerance * tolerance scaling
if (pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1)
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
else if (pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP)
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
else {
rhENormInv = 0.;
printf("Rechit %d has invalid layer %d!\n", i, pfrh_layer[i]);
@@ -471,11 +464,11 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos.y - rhPos.y) * (clusterPos.y - rhPos.y) +
(clusterPos.z - rhPos.z) * (clusterPos.z - rhPos.z);
- d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
fraction = clusterEnergy * rhENormInv * expf(-0.5 * d2);
// For single seed clusters, rechit fraction is either 1 (100%) or -1 (not included)
- if (fraction > constantsHCAL_d.minFracTot && d2 < 100.)
+ if (fraction > pfClusParams.minFracTot() && d2 < 100.)
fraction = 1.;
fraction = -1.;
@@ -496,7 +489,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// Recalculate cluster position and energy
if (fraction > -0.5) {
atomicAdd(&clusterEnergy, rhEnergy);
- //computeClusterPos(clusterPos, rechitPos, rhEnergy, rhENormInv, debug);
+ //computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos, rechitPos, rhEnergy, rhENormInv, debug);
atomicAdd(&clusterPos.x, rhPos.x * rhPosNorm);
atomicAdd(&clusterPos.y, rhPos.y * rhPosNorm);
atomicAdd(&clusterPos.z, rhPos.z * rhPosNorm);
@@ -506,7 +499,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (tid == 0) {
// Normalize the seed postiion
- if (clusterPos.w >= constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization) {
+ if (clusterPos.w >= pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization()) {
// Divide by position norm
clusterPos.x /= clusterPos.w;
clusterPos.y /= clusterPos.w;
@@ -524,7 +517,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
printf("\tPF cluster (seed %d) position norm (%f) less than minimum (%f)\n",
- constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization);
+ pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization());
clusterPos.x = 0.;
clusterPos.y = 0.;
clusterPos.z = 0.;
@@ -536,7 +529,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
float diff = sqrtf(diff2);
- notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < constantsHCAL_d.maxIterations);
+ notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < pfClusParams.maxIterations());
if (debug) {
if (diff > tol)
printf("\tTopoId %d has diff = %f greater than tolerance %f (continuing)\n", topoId, diff, tol);
@@ -550,7 +543,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
pfcIter[topoId] = iter;
- __device__ void dev_hcalFastCluster_optimizedComplex(int topoId,
+ __device__ void dev_hcalFastCluster_optimizedComplex(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ int topoId,
int nSeeds,
int nRHTopo,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
@@ -579,8 +573,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
nRHNotSeed = nRHTopo - nSeeds + 1; // 1 + (# rechits per topoId that are NOT seeds)
topoSeedBegin = topoSeedOffsets[topoId];
- tol = constantsHCAL_d.stoppingTolerance *
- powf(fmaxf(1.0, nSeeds - 1.0), 2.0); // stopping tolerance * tolerance scaling
+ tol = pfClusParams.stoppingTolerance() * powf(fmaxf(1.0, nSeeds - 1.0), 2.0); // stopping tolerance * tolerance scaling
//gridStride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
gridStride = blockDim.x;
iter = 0;
@@ -594,9 +587,9 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
int i = topoSeedList[topoSeedBegin];
if (pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1)
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
else if (pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP)
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
printf("Rechit %d has invalid layer %d!\n", i, pfrh_layer[i]);
@@ -647,10 +640,11 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- auto computeClusterPos = [&](float4& pos4, float frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
+ auto computeClusterPos = [&](PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ float4& pos4, float frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
float4 rechitPos = make_float4(pfrh_x[rhInd], pfrh_y[rhInd], pfrh_z[rhInd], 1.0);
const auto rh_energy = pfrh_energy[rhInd] * frac;
- const auto norm = (frac < constantsHCAL_d.minFracInCalc ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
+ const auto norm = (frac < pfClusParams.minFracInCalc() ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
if (isDebug)
printf("\t\t\trechit %d: norm = %f\tfrac = %f\trh_energy = %f\tpos = (%f, %f, %f)\n",
@@ -701,7 +695,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
seedEnergy = pfrh_energy[seedThreadIdx];
// Compute initial cluster position shift for seed
- computeClusterPos(seedInitClusterPos, 1., seedThreadIdx, debug);
+ computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, seedInitClusterPos, 1., seedThreadIdx, debug);
do {
@@ -720,7 +714,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) * (clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) +
(clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z) * (clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = clusterEnergy[s] * rhENormInv * expf(-0.5 * d2);
//pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[seeds[s]]+tid+1] = fraction;
@@ -736,13 +730,13 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) * (clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) +
(clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z) * (clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = clusterEnergy[s] * rhENormInv * expf(-0.5 * d2);
- if (rhFracSum[tid] > constantsHCAL_d.minFracTot) {
+ if (rhFracSum[tid] > pfClusParams.minFracTot()) {
float fracpct = fraction / rhFracSum[tid];
//float fracpct = pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i]+tid+1] / rhFracSum[tid];
- if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > constantsHCAL_d.minFracToKeep)) {
+ if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > pfClusParams.minFracToKeep())) {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + tid + 1] = fracpct;
} else {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + tid + 1] = -1;
@@ -785,7 +779,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (nSeeds == 1 || j == seedNeighbors.x || j == seedNeighbors.y || j == seedNeighbors.z ||
j == seedNeighbors.w)
- computeClusterPos(clusterPos[tid], frac, j, debug);
+ computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[tid], frac, j, debug);
@@ -793,7 +787,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// Position normalization
if (tid < nSeeds) {
- if (clusterPos[tid].w >= constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization) {
+ if (clusterPos[tid].w >= pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization()) {
// Divide by position norm
clusterPos[tid].x /= clusterPos[tid].w;
clusterPos[tid].y /= clusterPos[tid].w;
@@ -813,7 +807,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization);
+ pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization());
clusterPos[tid].x = 0.0;
clusterPos[tid].y = 0.0;
clusterPos[tid].z = 0.0;
@@ -833,7 +827,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (tid == 0) {
float diff = sqrtf(diff2);
- notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < constantsHCAL_d.maxIterations);
+ notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < pfClusParams.maxIterations());
if (debug) {
if (diff > tol)
printf("\tTopoId %d has diff = %f greater than tolerance %f (continuing)\n", topoId, diff, tol);
@@ -848,7 +842,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// For clustering largest topos
- __device__ void dev_hcalFastCluster_original(int topoId,
+ __device__ void dev_hcalFastCluster_original(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ int topoId,
int nSeeds,
int nRHTopo,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
@@ -874,7 +869,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
nRHNotSeed = nRHTopo - nSeeds + 1; // 1 + (# rechits per topoId that are NOT seeds)
topoSeedBegin = topoSeedOffsets[topoId];
- tol = constantsHCAL_d.stoppingTolerance *
+ tol = pfClusParams.stoppingTolerance() *
powf(fmaxf(1.0, nSeeds - 1.0), 2.0); // stopping tolerance * tolerance scaling
gridStride = blockDim.x;
iter = 0;
@@ -883,9 +878,9 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
int i = topoSeedList[topoSeedBegin];
if (pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1)
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
else if (pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP)
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
printf("Rechit %d has invalid layer %d!\n", i, pfrh_layer[i]);
@@ -936,10 +931,11 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- auto computeClusterPos = [&](float4& pos4, float frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
+ auto computeClusterPos = [&](PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ float4& pos4, float frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
float4 rechitPos = make_float4(pfrh_x[rhInd], pfrh_y[rhInd], pfrh_z[rhInd], 1.0);
const auto rh_energy = pfrh_energy[rhInd] * frac;
- const auto norm = (frac < constantsHCAL_d.minFracInCalc ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
+ const auto norm = (frac < pfClusParams.minFracInCalc() ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
if (isDebug)
printf("\t\trechit %d: norm = %f\tfrac = %f\trh_energy = %f\tpos = (%f, %f, %f)\n",
@@ -986,7 +982,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) * (clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) +
(clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z) * (clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = clusterEnergy[s] * rhENormInv * expf(-0.5 * d2);
rhFracSum[tid] += fraction;
@@ -1003,13 +999,13 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) * (clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) +
(clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z) * (clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = clusterEnergy[s] * rhENormInv * expf(-0.5 * d2);
- if (rhFracSum[tid] > constantsHCAL_d.minFracTot) {
+ if (rhFracSum[tid] > pfClusParams.minFracTot()) {
float fracpct = fraction / rhFracSum[tid];
//float fracpct = pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i]+tid+1] / rhFracSum[tid];
- if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > constantsHCAL_d.minFracToKeep)) {
+ if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > pfClusParams.minFracToKeep())) {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + tid + 1] = fracpct;
} else {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + tid + 1] = -1;
@@ -1055,7 +1051,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (nSeeds == 1 || j == pfrh_neighbours[8 * seedRhIdx] || j == pfrh_neighbours[8 * seedRhIdx + 1] ||
j == pfrh_neighbours[8 * seedRhIdx + 2] || j == pfrh_neighbours[8 * seedRhIdx + 3])
- computeClusterPos(clusterPos[s], frac, j, debug);
+ computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[s], frac, j, debug);
@@ -1063,7 +1059,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// Position normalization
for (int s = threadIdx.x; s < nSeeds; s += gridStride) {
- if (clusterPos[s].w >= constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization) {
+ if (clusterPos[s].w >= pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization()) {
// Divide by position norm
clusterPos[s].x /= clusterPos[s].w;
clusterPos[s].y /= clusterPos[s].w;
@@ -1083,7 +1079,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization);
+ pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization());
clusterPos[s].x = 0.0;
clusterPos[s].y = 0.0;
clusterPos[s].z = 0.0;
@@ -1103,7 +1099,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
float diff = sqrtf(diff2);
- notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < constantsHCAL_d.maxIterations);
+ notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < pfClusParams.maxIterations());
if (debug) {
if (diff > tol)
printf("\tTopoId %d has diff = %f greater than tolerance %f (continuing)\n", topoId, diff, tol);
@@ -1117,7 +1113,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
pfcIter[topoId] = iter;
- __global__ void hcalFastCluster_optimizedSimple(size_t nRH,
+ __global__ void hcalFastCluster_optimizedSimple(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t nRH,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_z,
@@ -1148,7 +1145,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
clusterPos = make_float4(pfrh_x[i], pfrh_y[i], pfrh_z[i], 1.);
prevClusterPos = clusterPos;
clusterEnergy = pfrh_energy[i];
- tol = constantsHCAL_d.stoppingTolerance; // stopping tolerance * tolerance scaling
+ tol = pfClusParams.stoppingTolerance(); // stopping tolerance * tolerance scaling
iter = 0;
notDone = true;
debug = false;
@@ -1167,9 +1164,9 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
rhEnergy = pfrh_energy[j];
if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1) {
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1];
} else if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP) {
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1];
} else {
printf("Rechit %d has invalid layer %d!\n", j, pfrh_layer[j]);
@@ -1188,11 +1185,11 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos.y - rhPos.y) * (clusterPos.y - rhPos.y) +
(clusterPos.z - rhPos.z) * (clusterPos.z - rhPos.z);
- d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
fraction = clusterEnergy * rhENormInv * expf(-0.5 * d2);
// For single seed clusters, rechit fraction is either 1 (100%) or -1 (not included)
- if (fraction > constantsHCAL_d.minFracTot && d2 < 100.)
+ if (fraction > pfClusParams.minFracTot() && d2 < 100.)
fraction = 1.;
fraction = -1.;
@@ -1213,7 +1210,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// Recalculate cluster position and energy
if (fraction > -0.5) {
atomicAdd(&clusterEnergy, rhEnergy);
- //computeClusterPos(clusterPos, rechitPos, rhEnergy, rhENormInv, debug);
+ //computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos, rechitPos, rhEnergy, rhENormInv, debug);
atomicAdd(&clusterPos.x, rhPos.x * rhPosNorm);
atomicAdd(&clusterPos.y, rhPos.y * rhPosNorm);
atomicAdd(&clusterPos.z, rhPos.z * rhPosNorm);
@@ -1223,7 +1220,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (r == 0) {
// Normalize the seed postiion
- if (clusterPos.w >= constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization) {
+ if (clusterPos.w >= pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization()) {
// Divide by position norm
clusterPos.x /= clusterPos.w;
clusterPos.y /= clusterPos.w;
@@ -1241,7 +1238,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
printf("\tPF cluster (seed %d) position norm (%f) less than minimum (%f)\n",
- constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization);
+ pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization());
clusterPos.x = 0.;
clusterPos.y = 0.;
clusterPos.z = 0.;
@@ -1253,7 +1250,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
diff = sqrtf(diff2);
- notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < constantsHCAL_d.maxIterations);
+ notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < pfClusParams.maxIterations());
if (debug) {
if (diff > tol)
printf("\tTopoId %d has diff = %f greater than tolerance %f (continuing)\n", topoId, diff, tol);
@@ -1272,7 +1269,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void hcalFastCluster_optimizedComplex(size_t nRH,
+ __global__ void hcalFastCluster_optimizedComplex(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t nRH,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_z,
@@ -1317,7 +1315,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
nRHTopo = topoRHCount[topoId];
nRHNotSeed = nRHTopo - nSeeds + 1; // 1 + (# rechits per topoId that are NOT seeds)
topoSeedBegin = topoSeedOffsets[topoId];
- tol = constantsHCAL_d.stoppingTolerance *
+ tol = pfClusParams.stoppingTolerance() *
powf(fmaxf(1.0, nSeeds - 1.0), 2.0); // stopping tolerance * tolerance scaling
//gridStride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
gridStride = blockDim.x;
@@ -1330,9 +1328,9 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
int i = topoSeedList[topoSeedBegin];
if (pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1)
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
else if (pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP)
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
printf("Rechit %d has invalid layer %d!\n", i, pfrh_layer[i]);
@@ -1383,10 +1381,11 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- auto computeClusterPos = [&](float4& pos4, float frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
+ auto computeClusterPos = [&](PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ float4& pos4, float frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
float4 rechitPos = make_float4(pfrh_x[rhInd], pfrh_y[rhInd], pfrh_z[rhInd], 1.0);
const auto rh_energy = pfrh_energy[rhInd] * frac;
- const auto norm = (frac < constantsHCAL_d.minFracInCalc ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
+ const auto norm = (frac < pfClusParams.minFracInCalc() ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
if (isDebug)
printf("\t\t\trechit %d: norm = %f\tfrac = %f\trh_energy = %f\tpos = (%f, %f, %f)\n",
@@ -1408,7 +1407,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
const auto rh_energy = pfrh_energy[rhInd] * _frac;
const auto norm =
- (_frac < constantsHCAL_d.minFracInCalc ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
+ (_frac < pfClusParams.minFracInCalc() ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
if (isDebug)
printf("\t\t\trechit %d: norm = %f\tfrac = %f\trh_energy = %f\tpos = (%f, %f, %f)\n", rhInd, norm, _frac, rh_energy, rechitPos.x, rechitPos.y, rechitPos.z);
@@ -1446,14 +1445,14 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
float4 seedInitClusterPos = make_float4(0., 0., 0., 0.);
if (tid < nSeeds) {
seedThreadIdx = getSeedRhIdx(tid);
- seedNeighbors = make_int4(neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * seedThreadIdx],
- neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * seedThreadIdx + 1],
- neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * seedThreadIdx + 2],
- neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * seedThreadIdx + 3]);
+ seedNeighbors = make_int4(neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * seedThreadIdx],
+ neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * seedThreadIdx + 1],
+ neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * seedThreadIdx + 2],
+ neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * seedThreadIdx + 3]);
seedEnergy = pfrh_energy[seedThreadIdx];
// Compute initial cluster position shift for seed
- computeClusterPos(seedInitClusterPos, 1., seedThreadIdx, debug);
+ computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, seedInitClusterPos, 1., seedThreadIdx, debug);
do {
@@ -1472,7 +1471,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) * (clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) +
(clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z) * (clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = clusterEnergy[s] * rhENormInv * expf(-0.5 * d2);
//pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[seeds[s]]+tid+1] = fraction;
@@ -1488,13 +1487,13 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) * (clusterPos[s].y - rhThreadPos.y) +
(clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z) * (clusterPos[s].z - rhThreadPos.z);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = clusterEnergy[s] * rhENormInv * expf(-0.5 * d2);
- if (rhFracSum[tid] > constantsHCAL_d.minFracTot) {
+ if (rhFracSum[tid] > pfClusParams.minFracTot()) {
float fracpct = fraction / rhFracSum[tid];
//float fracpct = pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i]+tid+1] / rhFracSum[tid];
- if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > constantsHCAL_d.minFracToKeep)) {
+ if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > pfClusParams.minFracToKeep())) {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + tid + 1] = fracpct;
} else {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + tid + 1] = -1;
@@ -1538,7 +1537,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (nSeeds == 1 || j == seedNeighbors.x || j == seedNeighbors.y || j == seedNeighbors.z ||
j == seedNeighbors.w)
- computeClusterPos(clusterPos[tid], frac, j, debug);
+ computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[tid], frac, j, debug);
@@ -1546,7 +1545,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// Position normalization
if (tid < nSeeds) {
- if (clusterPos[tid].w >= constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization) {
+ if (clusterPos[tid].w >= pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization()) {
// Divide by position norm
clusterPos[tid].x /= clusterPos[tid].w;
clusterPos[tid].y /= clusterPos[tid].w;
@@ -1566,7 +1565,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization);
+ pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization());
clusterPos[tid].x = 0.0;
clusterPos[tid].y = 0.0;
clusterPos[tid].z = 0.0;
@@ -1592,7 +1591,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (tid == 0) {
float diff = sqrtf(diff2);
- notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < constantsHCAL_d.maxIterations);
+ notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < pfClusParams.maxIterations());
if (debug) {
if (diff > tol)
printf("\tTopoId %d has diff = %f greater than tolerance %f (continuing)\n", topoId, diff, tol);
@@ -1611,7 +1610,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void hcalFastCluster_sharedRHList(size_t nRH,
+ __global__ void hcalFastCluster_sharedRHList(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t nRH,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_z,
@@ -1655,7 +1655,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
nRHTopo = topoRHCount[topoId];
nRHNotSeed = nRHTopo - nSeeds + 1; // 1 + (# rechits per topoId that are NOT seeds)
topoSeedBegin = topoSeedOffsets[topoId];
- tol = constantsHCAL_d.stoppingTolerance *
+ tol = pfClusParams.stoppingTolerance() *
powf(fmaxf(1.0, nSeeds - 1.0), 2.0); // stopping tolerance * tolerance scaling
//gridStride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
gridStride = blockDim.x;
@@ -1669,9 +1669,9 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
int i = topoSeedList[topoSeedBegin];
if (pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1)
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
else if (pfrh_layer[i] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP)
- rhENormInv = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
+ rhENormInv = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1];
printf("Rechit %d has invalid layer %d!\n", i, pfrh_layer[i]);
@@ -1722,10 +1722,11 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- auto computeClusterPos = [&](float4& pos4, float frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
+ auto computeClusterPos = [&](PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ float4& pos4, float frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
float4 rechitPos = make_float4(pfrh_x[rhInd], pfrh_y[rhInd], pfrh_z[rhInd], 1.0);
const auto rh_energy = pfrh_energy[rhInd] * frac;
- const auto norm = (frac < constantsHCAL_d.minFracInCalc ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
+ const auto norm = (frac < pfClusParams.minFracInCalc() ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
if (isDebug)
printf("\t\t\trechit %d: norm = %f\tfrac = %f\trh_energy = %f\tpos = (%f, %f, %f)\n",
@@ -1747,7 +1748,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
const auto rh_energy = pfrh_energy[rhInd] * _frac;
const auto norm =
- (_frac < constantsHCAL_d.minFracInCalc ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
+ (_frac < pfClusParams.minFracInCalc() ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * rhENormInv)));
if (isDebug)
printf("\t\t\trechit %d: norm = %f\tfrac = %f\trh_energy = %f\tpos = (%f, %f, %f)\n", rhInd, norm, _frac, rh_energy, rechitPos.x, rechitPos.y, rechitPos.z);
@@ -1805,7 +1806,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[s].y - pfrh_y[j]) * (clusterPos[s].y - pfrh_y[j]) +
(clusterPos[s].z - pfrh_z[j]) * (clusterPos[s].z - pfrh_z[j]);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = clusterEnergy[s] * rhENormInv * expf(-0.5 * d2);
fracSum[j] += fraction;
@@ -1826,13 +1827,13 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[s].y - pfrh_y[j]) * (clusterPos[s].y - pfrh_y[j]) +
(clusterPos[s].z - pfrh_z[j]) * (clusterPos[s].z - pfrh_z[j]);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = clusterEnergy[s] * rhENormInv * expf(-0.5 * d2);
//if(fraction < 0.) printf("FRACTION is NEGATIVE!!!");
- if (fracSum[j] > constantsHCAL_d.minFracTot) {
+ if (fracSum[j] > pfClusParams.minFracTot()) {
float fracpct = fraction / fracSum[j];
- if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > constantsHCAL_d.minFracToKeep)) {
+ if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > pfClusParams.minFracToKeep())) {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + r] = fracpct;
} else {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + r] = -1;
@@ -1861,14 +1862,14 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
int i = getSeedRhIdx(s); // Seed index
// Seed rechit first
clusterEnergy[s] += pfrh_energy[i];
- computeClusterPos(clusterPos[s], 1., i, debug);
+ computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[s], 1., i, debug);
for (int r = 1; r < nRHNotSeed; r++) { // Rechits
if (debug) {
printf("\tNow on seed %d\t\tneigh4Ind = [", i);
- for (int k = 0; k < constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh; k++) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < pfClusParams.nNeigh(); k++) {
if (k != 0)
printf(", ");
- printf("%d", neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k]);
+ printf("%d", neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k]);
@@ -1893,10 +1894,10 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
updateClusterPos = true;
} else {
// Check if this is one of the neighboring rechits
- for (int k = 0; k < constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh; k++) {
- if (neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k] < 0)
+ for (int k = 0; k < pfClusParams.nNeigh(); k++) {
+ if (neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k] < 0)
- if (neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k] == j) {
+ if (neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k] == j) {
// Found it
if (debug)
printf("\t\tRechit %d is one of the 4 neighbors of seed %d\n", j, i);
@@ -1907,7 +1908,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (updateClusterPos)
- computeClusterPos(clusterPos[s], frac, j, debug);
+ computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[s], frac, j, debug);
} // rechit loop
} // seed loop
@@ -1916,7 +1917,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// Normalize the seed postiions
for (int s = threadIdx.x; s < nSeeds; s += gridStride) {
//int i = getSeedRhIdx(s); // Seed index
- if (clusterPos[s].w >= constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization) {
+ if (clusterPos[s].w >= pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization()) {
// Divide by position norm
clusterPos[s].x /= clusterPos[s].w;
clusterPos[s].y /= clusterPos[s].w;
@@ -1936,7 +1937,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization);
+ pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization());
clusterPos[s].x = 0.0;
clusterPos[s].y = 0.0;
clusterPos[s].z = 0.0;
@@ -1968,7 +1969,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
diff = sqrtf(diff2);
- notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < constantsHCAL_d.maxIterations);
+ notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < pfClusParams.maxIterations());
if (debug) {
if (diff > tol)
printf("\tTopoId %d has diff = %f greater than tolerance %f (continuing)\n", topoId, diff, tol);
@@ -1993,7 +1994,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void hcalFastCluster_original(size_t nRH,
+ __global__ void hcalFastCluster_original(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t nRH,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_z,
@@ -2036,7 +2038,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
nRHTopo = topoRHCount[topoId];
nRHNotSeed = nRHTopo - nSeeds + 1; // 1 + (# rechits per topoId that are NOT seeds)
topoSeedBegin = topoSeedOffsets[topoId];
- tol = constantsHCAL_d.stoppingTolerance *
+ tol = pfClusParams.stoppingTolerance() *
powf(fmaxf(1.0, nSeeds - 1.0), 2.0); // stopping tolerance * tolerance scaling
//gridStride = blockDim.x * gridDim.x;
gridStride = blockDim.x;
@@ -2090,18 +2092,19 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- auto computeClusterPos = [&](float4& pos4, float _frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
+ auto computeClusterPos = [&](PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ float4& pos4, float _frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
float4 rechitPos = make_float4(pfrh_x[rhInd], pfrh_y[rhInd], pfrh_z[rhInd], 1.0);
float threshold = 0.0;
if (pfrh_layer[rhInd] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1) {
threshold =
- constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[rhInd] - 1]; // This number needs to be inverted
+ pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[rhInd] - 1]; // This number needs to be inverted
} else if (pfrh_layer[rhInd] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP) {
- threshold = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[rhInd] - 1];
+ threshold = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[rhInd] - 1];
const auto rh_energy = pfrh_energy[rhInd] * _frac;
- const auto norm = (_frac < constantsHCAL_d.minFracInCalc ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * threshold)));
+ const auto norm = (_frac < pfClusParams.minFracInCalc() ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * threshold)));
if (isDebug)
printf("\t\t\trechit %d: norm = %f\tfrac = %f\trh_energy = %f\tpos = (%f, %f, %f)\n",
@@ -2167,15 +2170,15 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[i].y - pfrh_y[j]) * (clusterPos[i].y - pfrh_y[j]) +
(clusterPos[i].z - pfrh_z[j]) * (clusterPos[i].z - pfrh_z[j]);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = -1.;
if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1) {
fraction =
- clusterEnergy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ clusterEnergy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
} else if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP) {
fraction =
- clusterEnergy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ clusterEnergy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
if (fraction == -1.)
printf("FRACTION is NEGATIVE!!!");
@@ -2197,22 +2200,22 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[i].y - pfrh_y[j]) * (clusterPos[i].y - pfrh_y[j]) +
(clusterPos[i].z - pfrh_z[j]) * (clusterPos[i].z - pfrh_z[j]);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = -1.;
if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1) {
fraction =
- clusterEnergy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ clusterEnergy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
} else if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP) {
fraction =
- clusterEnergy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ clusterEnergy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
if (fraction == -1.)
printf("FRACTION is NEGATIVE!!!");
- if (fracSum[j] > constantsHCAL_d.minFracTot) {
+ if (fracSum[j] > pfClusParams.minFracTot()) {
float fracpct = fraction / fracSum[j];
- if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > constantsHCAL_d.minFracToKeep)) {
+ if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > pfClusParams.minFracToKeep())) {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + r] = fracpct;
} else {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + r] = -1;
@@ -2243,10 +2246,10 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (debug) {
printf("\tNow on seed %d\t\tneigh4Ind = [", i);
- for (int k = 0; k < constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh; k++) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < pfClusParams.nNeigh(); k++) {
if (k != 0)
printf(", ");
- printf("%d", neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k]);
+ printf("%d", neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k]);
@@ -2265,23 +2268,23 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (nSeeds == 1) {
if (debug)
printf("\t\tThis topo cluster has a single seed.\n");
- //computeClusterPos(clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
+ //computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
updateClusterPos = true;
} else {
if (j == i) {
// This is the seed
- //computeClusterPos(clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
+ //computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
updateClusterPos = true;
} else {
// Check if this is one of the neighboring rechits
- for (int k = 0; k < constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh; k++) {
- if (neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k] < 0)
+ for (int k = 0; k < pfClusParams.nNeigh(); k++) {
+ if (neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k] < 0)
- if (neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k] == j) {
+ if (neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k] == j) {
// Found it
if (debug)
printf("\t\tRechit %d is one of the 4 neighbors of seed %d\n", j, i);
- //computeClusterPos(clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
+ //computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
updateClusterPos = true;
@@ -2289,7 +2292,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (updateClusterPos)
- computeClusterPos(clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
+ computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
//else if (debug)
// printf("Can't find rechit fraction for cluster %d (seed %d) rechit %d!\n", s, i, j);
@@ -2300,7 +2303,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// Normalize the seed postiions
for (int s = threadIdx.x; s < nSeeds; s += gridStride) {
int i = getSeedRhIdx(s); // Seed index
- if (clusterPos[i].w >= constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization) {
+ if (clusterPos[i].w >= pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization()) {
// Divide by position norm
clusterPos[i].x /= clusterPos[i].w;
clusterPos[i].y /= clusterPos[i].w;
@@ -2320,7 +2323,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization);
+ pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization());
clusterPos[i].x = 0.0;
clusterPos[i].y = 0.0;
clusterPos[i].z = 0.0;
@@ -2352,7 +2355,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (threadIdx.x == 0) {
diff = sqrtf(diff2);
- notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < constantsHCAL_d.maxIterations);
+ notDone = (diff > tol) && (iter < pfClusParams.maxIterations());
if (debug) {
if (diff > tol)
printf("\tTopoId %d has diff = %f greater than tolerance %f (continuing)\n", topoId, diff, tol);
@@ -2377,7 +2380,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void hcalFastCluster_selection(size_t nRH,
+ __global__ void hcalFastCluster_selection(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t nRH,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_z,
@@ -2416,7 +2420,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
pfcIter[topoId] = 0;
} else if (nSeeds == 1) {
// Single seed cluster
- dev_hcalFastCluster_optimizedSimple(topoId,
+ dev_hcalFastCluster_optimizedSimple(pfClusParams,
+ topoId,
@@ -2431,7 +2436,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
} else if (nSeeds <= 100 && nRHTopo - nSeeds < 256) {
- dev_hcalFastCluster_optimizedComplex(topoId,
+ dev_hcalFastCluster_optimizedComplex(pfClusParams,
+ topoId,
@@ -2449,7 +2455,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
//dev_hcalFastCluster_original(topoId, nSeeds, nRHTopo, pfrh_x, pfrh_y, pfrh_z, pfrh_energy, pfrh_layer, pfrh_depth, pfrh_neighbours, pcrhfrac, pcrhfracind, seedFracOffsets, topoSeedOffsets, topoSeedList, pfcIter);
} else if (nSeeds <= 400 && (nRHTopo - nSeeds <= 1500)) {
- dev_hcalFastCluster_original(topoId,
+ dev_hcalFastCluster_original(pfClusParams,
+ topoId,
@@ -2472,7 +2479,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void hcalFastCluster_serialize(size_t nRH,
+ __global__ void hcalFastCluster_serialize(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t nRH,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_z,
@@ -2546,18 +2554,19 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
float tolScaling = powf(fmaxf(1.0, nSeeds - 1.0), 2.0); // Tolerance scaling
- auto computeClusterPos = [&](float4& pos4, float _frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
+ auto computeClusterPos = [&](PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ float4& pos4, float _frac, int rhInd, bool isDebug) {
float4 rechitPos = make_float4(pfrh_x[rhInd], pfrh_y[rhInd], pfrh_z[rhInd], 1.0);
float threshold = 0.0;
if (pfrh_layer[rhInd] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1) {
threshold =
- constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[rhInd] - 1]; // This number needs to be inverted
+ pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[rhInd] - 1]; // This number needs to be inverted
} else if (pfrh_layer[rhInd] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP) {
- threshold = constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[rhInd] - 1];
+ threshold = pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[rhInd] - 1];
const auto rh_energy = pfrh_energy[rhInd] * _frac;
- const auto norm = (_frac < constantsHCAL_d.minFracInCalc ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * threshold)));
+ const auto norm = (_frac < pfClusParams.minFracInCalc() ? 0.0f : max(0.0f, logf(rh_energy * threshold)));
if (isDebug)
printf("\t\t\trechit %d: norm = %f\tfrac = %f\trh_energy = %f\tpos = (%f, %f, %f)\n",
@@ -2575,7 +2584,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
float diff = -1.0;
- while (iter < constantsHCAL_d.maxIterations) {
+ while (iter < pfClusParams.maxIterations()) {
if (debug) {
printf("\n--- Now on iter %d for topoId %d ---\n", iter, topoId);
@@ -2619,15 +2628,15 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[i].y - pfrh_y[j]) * (clusterPos[i].y - pfrh_y[j]) +
(clusterPos[i].z - pfrh_z[j]) * (clusterPos[i].z - pfrh_z[j]);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = -1.;
if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1) {
fraction =
- clusterEnergy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ clusterEnergy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
} else if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP) {
fraction =
- clusterEnergy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ clusterEnergy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
if (fraction == -1.)
printf("FRACTION is NEGATIVE!!!");
@@ -2648,22 +2657,22 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(clusterPos[i].y - pfrh_y[j]) * (clusterPos[i].y - pfrh_y[j]) +
(clusterPos[i].z - pfrh_z[j]) * (clusterPos[i].z - pfrh_z[j]);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = -1.;
if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1) {
fraction =
- clusterEnergy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ clusterEnergy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
} else if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP) {
fraction =
- clusterEnergy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ clusterEnergy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
if (fraction == -1.)
printf("FRACTION is NEGATIVE!!!");
- if (fracSum[j] > constantsHCAL_d.minFracTot) {
+ if (fracSum[j] > pfClusParams.minFracTot()) {
float fracpct = fraction / fracSum[j];
- if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > constantsHCAL_d.minFracToKeep)) {
+ if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > pfClusParams.minFracToKeep())) {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + r] = fracpct;
} else {
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + r] = -1;
@@ -2683,10 +2692,10 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (debug) {
printf("\tNow on seed %d\t\tneigh4Ind = [", i);
- for (int k = 0; k < constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh; k++) {
+ for (int k = 0; k < pfClusParams.nNeigh(); k++) {
if (k != 0)
printf(", ");
- printf("%d", neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k]);
+ printf("%d", neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k]);
@@ -2707,21 +2716,21 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (nSeeds == 1) {
if (debug)
printf("\t\tThis topo cluster has a single seed.\n");
- computeClusterPos(clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
+ computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
} else {
if (j == i) {
// This is the seed
- computeClusterPos(clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
+ computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
} else {
// Check if this is one of the neighboring rechits
- for (int k = 0; k < constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh; k++) {
- if (neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k] < 0)
+ for (int k = 0; k < pfClusParams.nNeigh(); k++) {
+ if (neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k] < 0)
- if (neigh4_Ind[constantsHCAL_d.nNeigh * i + k] == j) {
+ if (neigh4_Ind[pfClusParams.nNeigh() * i + k] == j) {
// Found it
if (debug)
printf("\t\tRechit %d is one of the 4 neighbors of seed %d\n", j, i);
- computeClusterPos(clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
+ computeClusterPos(pfClusParams, clusterPos[i], frac, j, debug);
@@ -2730,7 +2739,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
//else if (debug)
// printf("Can't find rechit fraction for cluster %d (seed %d) rechit %d!\n", s, i, j);
- if (clusterPos[i].w >= constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization) {
+ if (clusterPos[i].w >= pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization()) {
// Divide by position norm
clusterPos[i].x /= clusterPos[i].w;
clusterPos[i].y /= clusterPos[i].w;
@@ -2750,7 +2759,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- constantsHCAL_d.minAllowedNormalization);
+ pfClusParams.minAllowedNormalization());
clusterPos[i].x = 0.0;
clusterPos[i].y = 0.0;
clusterPos[i].z = 0.0;
@@ -2773,8 +2782,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
diff = sqrtf(diff2);
- //if (iter >= constantsHCAL_d.maxIterations || diff2 <= constantsHCAL_d.stoppingTolerance2 * tolScaling2) break;
- if (diff <= constantsHCAL_d.stoppingTolerance * tolScaling) {
+ //if (iter >= pfClusParams.maxIterations() || diff2 <= pfClusParams.stoppingTolerance()2 * tolScaling2) break;
+ if (diff <= pfClusParams.stoppingTolerance() * tolScaling) {
if (debug)
printf("\tTopoId %d has diff = %f LESS than tolerance (terminating!)\n", topoId, diff);
@@ -2783,23 +2792,24 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if (iter > 1) {
- if (iter >= constantsHCAL_d.maxIterations)
+ if (iter >= pfClusParams.maxIterations())
- "topoId %d (nSeeds = %d nRHTopo = %d) hit constantsHCAL_d.maxIterations (%d) with diff (%f) > tol "
+ "topoId %d (nSeeds = %d nRHTopo = %d) hit pfClusParams.maxIterations() (%d) with diff (%f) > tol "
- constantsHCAL_d.stoppingTolerance * tolScaling);
+ pfClusParams.stoppingTolerance() * tolScaling);
printf("topoId %d converged in %d iterations\n", topoId, iter);
- __global__ void hcalFastCluster_step1(size_t size,
+ __global__ void hcalFastCluster_step1(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t size,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_z,
@@ -2821,13 +2831,13 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(pfrh_y[i] - pfrh_y[j]) * (pfrh_y[i] - pfrh_y[j]) +
(pfrh_z[i] - pfrh_z[j]) * (pfrh_z[i] - pfrh_z[j]);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = -1.;
if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_BARREL1) {
- fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
} else if (pfrh_layer[j] == PFLayer::HCAL_ENDCAP) {
- fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
if (fraction == -1.)
@@ -2840,7 +2850,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void hcalFastCluster_step2(size_t size,
+ __global__ void hcalFastCluster_step2(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t size,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_z,
@@ -2872,21 +2883,21 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(pfrh_y[i] - pfrh_y[j]) * (pfrh_y[i] - pfrh_y[j]) +
(pfrh_z[i] - pfrh_z[j]) * (pfrh_z[i] - pfrh_z[j]);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = -1.;
if (pfrh_layer[j] == 1) {
- fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
} else if (pfrh_layer[j] == 3) {
- fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
if (fraction == -1.)
printf("FRACTION is NEGATIVE!!!");
- if (fracSum[j] > constantsHCAL_d.minFracTot) {
+ if (fracSum[j] > pfClusParams.minFracTot()) {
float fracpct = fraction / fracSum[j];
- if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > constantsHCAL_d.minFracToKeep)) {
+ if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > pfClusParams.minFracToKeep())) {
int k = atomicAdd(&rhCount[i], 1);
pcrhfrac[seedFracOffsets[i] + k] = fracpct;
pcrhfracind[seedFracOffsets[i] + k] = j;
@@ -2897,7 +2908,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if(d2 < 100. )
- if ((fraction/fracSum[j])>constantsHCAL_d.minFracToKeep){
+ if ((fraction/fracSum[j])>pfClusParams.minFracToKeep()){
int k = atomicAdd(&rhCount[i],1);
pcrhfrac[i*maxSize+k] = fraction/fracSum[j];
pcrhfracind[i*maxSize+k] = j;
@@ -2910,7 +2921,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void hcalFastCluster_step2(size_t size,
+ __global__ void hcalFastCluster_step2(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t size,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_z,
@@ -2937,21 +2949,21 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(pfrh_y[i] - pfrh_y[j]) * (pfrh_y[i] - pfrh_y[j]) +
(pfrh_z[i] - pfrh_z[j]) * (pfrh_z[i] - pfrh_z[j]);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = -1.;
if (pfrh_layer[j] == 1) {
- fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
} else if (pfrh_layer[j] == 3) {
- fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ fraction = pfrh_energy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
if (fraction == -1.)
printf("FRACTION is NEGATIVE!!!");
- if (fracSum[j] > constantsHCAL_d.minFracTot) {
+ if (fracSum[j] > pfClusParams.minFracTot()) {
float fracpct = fraction / fracSum[j];
- if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > constantsHCAL_d.minFracToKeep)) {
+ if (fracpct > 0.9999 || (d2 < 100. && fracpct > pfClusParams.minFracToKeep())) {
int k = atomicAdd(&rhCount[i], 1);
pcrhfrac[i * 100 + k] = fracpct;
pcrhfracind[i * 100 + k] = j;
@@ -2960,7 +2972,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
if(d2 < 100. )
- if ((fraction/fracSum[j])>constantsHCAL_d.minFracToKeep){
+ if ((fraction/fracSum[j])>pfClusParams.minFracToKeep()){
int k = atomicAdd(&rhCount[i],1);
pcrhfrac[i*maxSize+k] = fraction/fracSum[j];
pcrhfracind[i*maxSize+k] = j;
@@ -2973,7 +2985,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void hcalFastCluster_step1_serialize(size_t size,
+ __global__ void hcalFastCluster_step1_serialize(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t size,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_z,
@@ -2997,15 +3010,15 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(pfrh_y[i] - pfrh_y[j]) * (pfrh_y[i] - pfrh_y[j]) +
(pfrh_z[i] - pfrh_z[j]) * (pfrh_z[i] - pfrh_z[j]);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = -1.;
if (pfrh_layer[j] == 1) {
fraction =
- pfrh_energy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ pfrh_energy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
} else if (pfrh_layer[j] == 3) {
fraction =
- pfrh_energy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ pfrh_energy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
if (fraction == -1.)
@@ -3020,7 +3033,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void hcalFastCluster_step2_serialize(size_t size,
+ __global__ void hcalFastCluster_step2_serialize(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t size,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_z,
@@ -3049,21 +3063,21 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
(pfrh_y[i] - pfrh_y[j]) * (pfrh_y[i] - pfrh_y[j]) +
(pfrh_z[i] - pfrh_z[j]) * (pfrh_z[i] - pfrh_z[j]);
- float d2 = dist2 / constantsHCAL_d.showerSigma2;
+ float d2 = dist2 / pfClusParams.showerSigma2();
float fraction = -1.;
if (pfrh_layer[j] == 1) {
fraction =
- pfrh_energy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ pfrh_energy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
} else if (pfrh_layer[j] == 3) {
fraction =
- pfrh_energy[i] * constantsHCAL_d.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
+ pfrh_energy[i] * pfClusParams.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[j] - 1] * expf(-0.5 * d2);
if (fraction == -1.)
printf("FRACTION is NEGATIVE!!!");
if (d2 < 100.) {
- if ((fraction / fracSum[j]) > constantsHCAL_d.minFracToKeep) {
+ if ((fraction / fracSum[j]) > pfClusParams.minFracToKeep()) {
int k = atomicAdd(&rhCount[i], 1);
pcrhfrac[i * 100 + k] = fraction / fracSum[j];
pcrhfracind[i * 100 + k] = j;
@@ -3078,15 +3092,16 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// Compute whether rechits pass topo clustering energy threshold
- __global__ void passingTopoThreshold(size_t size,
+ __global__ void passingTopoThreshold(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ size_t size,
const int* __restrict__ pfrh_layer,
const int* __restrict__ pfrh_depth,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_energy,
bool* pfrh_passTopoThresh) {
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (i < size) {
- if ((pfrh_layer[i] == 3 && pfrh_energy[i] > constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEE_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1]) ||
- (pfrh_layer[i] == 1 && pfrh_energy[i] > constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEB_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1])) {
+ if ((pfrh_layer[i] == 3 && pfrh_energy[i] > pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1]) ||
+ (pfrh_layer[i] == 1 && pfrh_energy[i] > pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1])) {
pfrh_passTopoThresh[i] = true;
} else {
pfrh_passTopoThresh[i] = false;
@@ -3094,15 +3109,16 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- __global__ void passingTopoThreshold(int size,
+ __global__ void passingTopoThreshold(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView pfClusParams,
+ int size,
const int* __restrict__ pfrh_layer,
const int* __restrict__ pfrh_depth,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_energy,
bool* pfrh_passTopoThresh) {
int i = threadIdx.x + blockIdx.x * blockDim.x;
if (i < size) {
- if ((pfrh_layer[i] == 3 && pfrh_energy[i] > constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEE_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1]) ||
- (pfrh_layer[i] == 1 && pfrh_energy[i] > constantsHCAL_d.topoEThresholdEB_vec[pfrh_depth[i] - 1])) {
+ if ((pfrh_layer[i] == 3 && pfrh_energy[i] > pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEE_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1]) ||
+ (pfrh_layer[i] == 1 && pfrh_energy[i] > pfClusParams.topoEThresholdEB_vec()[pfrh_depth[i] - 1])) {
pfrh_passTopoThresh[i] = true;
} else {
pfrh_passTopoThresh[i] = false;
@@ -4123,6 +4139,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
void PFRechitToPFCluster_HCAL_entryPoint(
cudaStream_t cudaStream,
+ PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct const& pfClusParams,
int nEdges,
::hcal::PFRecHitCollection<::pf::common::DevStoragePolicy> const& inputPFRecHits,
::PFClustering::HCAL::OutputDataGPU& outputGPU,
@@ -4133,6 +4150,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
// Combined seeding & topo clustering thresholds, array initialization
seedingTopoThreshKernel_HCAL<<<(nRH + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock, threadsPerBlock, 0, cudaStream>>>(
+ pfClusParams.const_view(),
@@ -4199,7 +4217,8 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- hcalFastCluster_selection<<>>(nRH,
+ hcalFastCluster_selection<<>>(pfClusParams.const_view(),
+ nRH,
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterCudaHCAL.h b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterCudaHCAL.h
index fa2ad7637b96b..787b47b135f5a 100644
--- a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterCudaHCAL.h
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterCudaHCAL.h
@@ -5,14 +5,13 @@
#include "CUDADataFormats/PFRecHitSoA/interface/PFRecHitCollection.h"
+#include "RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/interface/PFClusteringParamsGPU.h"
#include "CudaPFCommon.h"
#include "DeclsForKernels.h"
namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
- void initializeCudaConstants(const PFClustering::common::CudaHCALConstants& cudaConstants,
- const cudaStream_t cudaStream = cudaStreamDefault);
void PFRechitToPFCluster_HCALV2(size_t size,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_x,
const float* __restrict__ pfrh_y,
@@ -52,6 +51,7 @@ namespace PFClusterCudaHCAL {
void PFRechitToPFCluster_HCAL_entryPoint(
cudaStream_t cudaStream,
+ PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct const& pfClusParams,
int nEdges,
::hcal::PFRecHitCollection<::pf::common::DevStoragePolicy> const& inputPFRecHits,
::PFClustering::HCAL::OutputDataGPU& outputGPU,
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL.cc b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL.cc
index 57b76ff952cb4..760fc09298cc4 100644
--- a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL.cc
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL.cc
@@ -19,6 +19,7 @@
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
#include "FWCore/ServiceRegistry/interface/Service.h"
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/ESInputTag.h"
#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDACore/interface/ScopedContext.h"
#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/cudaCheck.h"
#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/device_unique_ptr.h"
@@ -34,6 +35,9 @@
#include "DeclsForKernels.h"
#include "PFClusterCudaHCAL.h"
+#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDACore/interface/JobConfigurationGPURecord.h"
+#include "RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/interface/PFClusteringParamsGPU.h"
class PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL : public edm::stream::EDProducer {
PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL(const edm::ParameterSet&);
@@ -58,6 +62,8 @@ class PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL : public edm::stream::EDProducer>> InputPFRecHitSoA_Token_;
+ edm::ESGetToken const pfClusParamsToken_;
bool initCuda_ = true;
int nRH_ = 0;
@@ -72,7 +78,6 @@ class PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL : public edm::stream::EDProducer("PFRecHitsLabelIn"))},
+ pfClusParamsToken_{esConsumes(conf.getParameter("pfClusteringParameters"))},
_rechitsLabel{consumes(conf.getParameter("recHitsSource"))} {
@@ -102,9 +108,6 @@ PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL::PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL(const edm::ParameterSet& co
const edm::VParameterSet& seedFinderConfs = sfConf.getParameterSetVector("thresholdsByDetector");
- cudaConstants.minFracInCalc = 0.0;
- cudaConstants.minAllowedNormalization = 0.0;
//setup topo cluster builder
const edm::ParameterSet& initConf = conf.getParameterSet("initialClusteringStep");
const std::string& initName = initConf.getParameter("algoName");
@@ -125,8 +128,6 @@ PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL::PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL(const edm::ParameterSet& co
const edm::ParameterSet& acConf = pfcConf.getParameterSet("positionCalc");
const std::string& algoac = acConf.getParameter("algoName");
_positionCalc = PFCPositionCalculatorFactory::get()->create(algoac, acConf, cc);
- cudaConstants.minFracInCalc = (float)acConf.getParameter("minFractionInCalc");
- cudaConstants.minAllowedNormalization = (float)acConf.getParameter("minAllowedNormalization");
if (pfcConf.exists("allCellsPositionCalc")) {
@@ -148,103 +149,6 @@ PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL::PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL(const edm::ParameterSet& co
_energyCorrector = PFClusterEnergyCorrectorFactory::get()->create(cName, cConf);
- cudaConstants.showerSigma2 = (float)std::pow(pfcConf.getParameter("showerSigma"), 2.);
- const auto& recHitEnergyNormConf = pfcConf.getParameterSetVector("recHitEnergyNorms");
- for (const auto& pset : recHitEnergyNormConf) {
- const std::string& det = pset.getParameter("detector");
- if (det == std::string("HCAL_BARREL1")) {
- const auto& recHitENorms = pset.getParameter>("recHitEnergyNorm");
- std::copy(recHitENorms.begin(), recHitENorms.end(), cudaConstants.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec);
- for (auto& x : cudaConstants.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec)
- x = std::pow(x, -1); // Invert these values
- } else if (det == std::string("HCAL_ENDCAP")) {
- const auto& recHitENorms = pset.getParameter>("recHitEnergyNorm");
- std::copy(recHitENorms.begin(), recHitENorms.end(), cudaConstants.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec);
- for (auto& x : cudaConstants.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec)
- x = std::pow(x, -1); // Invert these values
- } else
- std::cout << "Unknown detector when parsing recHitEnergyNorm: " << det << std::endl;
- }
- //float recHitEnergyNormEB = 0.08;
- //float recHitEnergyNormEE = 0.3;
- //float minFracToKeep = 0.0000001;
- cudaConstants.minFracToKeep = (float)pfcConf.getParameter("minFractionToKeep");
- cudaConstants.minFracTot = (float)pfcConf.getParameter("minFracTot");
- // Max PFClustering iterations
- cudaConstants.maxIterations = pfcConf.getParameter("maxIterations");
- cudaConstants.excludeOtherSeeds = pfcConf.getParameter("excludeOtherSeeds");
- cudaConstants.stoppingTolerance = (float)pfcConf.getParameter("stoppingTolerance");
- cudaConstants.seedPt2ThresholdEB = -1;
- cudaConstants.seedPt2ThresholdEE = -1;
- for (const auto& pset : seedFinderConfs) {
- const std::string& det = pset.getParameter("detector");
- if (det == std::string("HCAL_BARREL1")) {
- const auto& thresholds = pset.getParameter>("seedingThreshold");
- std::copy(thresholds.begin(), thresholds.end(), cudaConstants.seedEThresholdEB_vec);
- cudaConstants.seedPt2ThresholdEB =
- (float)std::pow(pset.getParameter>("seedingThresholdPt")[0], 2.0);
- } else if (det == std::string("HCAL_ENDCAP")) {
- const auto& thresholds = pset.getParameter>("seedingThreshold");
- std::copy(thresholds.begin(), thresholds.end(), cudaConstants.seedEThresholdEE_vec);
- cudaConstants.seedPt2ThresholdEE =
- (float)std::pow(pset.getParameter>("seedingThresholdPt")[0], 2.0);
- } else
- std::cout << "Unknown detector when parsing seedFinder: " << det << std::endl;
- }
- const auto& topoThresholdConf = initConf.getParameterSetVector("thresholdsByDetector");
- for (const auto& pset : topoThresholdConf) {
- const std::string& det = pset.getParameter("detector");
- if (det == std::string("HCAL_BARREL1")) {
- const auto& thresholds = pset.getParameter>("gatheringThreshold");
- std::copy(thresholds.begin(), thresholds.end(), cudaConstants.topoEThresholdEB_vec);
- } else if (det == std::string("HCAL_ENDCAP")) {
- const auto& thresholds = pset.getParameter>("gatheringThreshold");
- std::copy(thresholds.begin(), thresholds.end(), cudaConstants.topoEThresholdEE_vec);
- } else
- std::cout << "Unknown detector when parsing initClusteringStep: " << det << std::endl;
- }
- if (pfcConf.exists("timeResolutionCalcEndcap")) {
- const edm::ParameterSet& endcapTimeResConf = pfcConf.getParameterSet("timeResolutionCalcEndcap");
- cudaConstants.endcapTimeResConsts.corrTermLowE = (float)endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("corrTermLowE");
- cudaConstants.endcapTimeResConsts.threshLowE = (float)endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("threshLowE");
- cudaConstants.endcapTimeResConsts.noiseTerm = (float)endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("noiseTerm");
- cudaConstants.endcapTimeResConsts.constantTermLowE2 =
- (float)std::pow(endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("constantTermLowE"), 2.0);
- cudaConstants.endcapTimeResConsts.noiseTermLowE = (float)endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("noiseTermLowE");
- cudaConstants.endcapTimeResConsts.threshHighE = (float)endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("threshHighE");
- cudaConstants.endcapTimeResConsts.constantTerm2 =
- (float)std::pow(endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("constantTerm"), 2.0);
- cudaConstants.endcapTimeResConsts.resHighE2 =
- (float)std::pow(cudaConstants.endcapTimeResConsts.noiseTerm / cudaConstants.endcapTimeResConsts.threshHighE,
- 2.0) +
- cudaConstants.endcapTimeResConsts.constantTerm2;
- }
- if (pfcConf.exists("timeResolutionCalcBarrel")) {
- const edm::ParameterSet& barrelTimeResConf = pfcConf.getParameterSet("timeResolutionCalcBarrel");
- cudaConstants.barrelTimeResConsts.corrTermLowE = (float)barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("corrTermLowE");
- cudaConstants.barrelTimeResConsts.threshLowE = (float)barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("threshLowE");
- cudaConstants.barrelTimeResConsts.noiseTerm = (float)barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("noiseTerm");
- cudaConstants.barrelTimeResConsts.constantTermLowE2 =
- (float)std::pow(barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("constantTermLowE"), 2.0);
- cudaConstants.barrelTimeResConsts.noiseTermLowE = (float)barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("noiseTermLowE");
- cudaConstants.barrelTimeResConsts.threshHighE = (float)barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("threshHighE");
- cudaConstants.barrelTimeResConsts.constantTerm2 =
- (float)std::pow(barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("constantTerm"), 2.0);
- cudaConstants.barrelTimeResConsts.resHighE2 =
- (float)std::pow(cudaConstants.barrelTimeResConsts.noiseTerm / cudaConstants.barrelTimeResConsts.threshHighE,
- 2.0) +
- cudaConstants.barrelTimeResConsts.constantTerm2;
- }
- cudaConstants.nNeigh = sfConf.getParameter("nNeighbours");
@@ -256,6 +160,9 @@ void PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions&
desc.add("PFRecHitsLabelIn", edm::InputTag("hltParticleFlowRecHitHBHE"));
desc.add("produceSoA", true);
desc.add("produceLegacy", true);
+ desc.add("pfClusteringParameters", edm::ESInputTag("pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource", "pfClusParamsOffline"));
// Prevents the producer and navigator parameter sets from throwing an exception
// TODO: Replace with a proper parameter set description: twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/view/CMSPublic/SWGuideConfigurationValidationAndHelp
@@ -282,8 +189,6 @@ void PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL::acquire(edm::Event const& event,
auto cudaStream = ctx.stream();
if (initCuda_) {
- // Only allocate Cuda memory on first event
- PFClusterCudaHCAL::initializeCudaConstants(cudaConstants, cudaStream);
outputCPU.allocate(cudaConfig_, cudaStream);
outputGPU.allocate(cudaConfig_, cudaStream);
@@ -306,9 +211,11 @@ void PFClusterProducerCudaHCAL::acquire(edm::Event const& event,
// if (cudaStreamQuery(cudaStream) != cudaSuccess)
// cudaCheck(cudaStreamSynchronize(cudaStream));
+ auto const& pfClusParamsProduct = setup.getData(pfClusParamsToken_).getProduct(cudaStream);
// Calling cuda kernels
- cudaStream, totalNeighbours, PFRecHits, outputGPU, scratchGPU, kernelTimers);
+ cudaStream, pfClusParamsProduct, totalNeighbours, PFRecHits, outputGPU, scratchGPU, kernelTimers);
if (!_produceLegacy)
return; // do device->host transfer only when we are producing Legacy data
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource.cc b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..fd0aa884a1635
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/plugins/PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/ESProducer.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetupRecordIntervalFinder.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
+#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDACore/interface/JobConfigurationGPURecord.h"
+#include "RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/interface/PFClusteringParamsGPU.h"
+class PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource : public edm::ESProducer, public edm::EventSetupRecordIntervalFinder {
+ PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource(edm::ParameterSet const&);
+ ~PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource() override = default;
+ static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions&);
+ std::unique_ptr produce(JobConfigurationGPURecord const&);
+ void setIntervalFor(const edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey&,
+ const edm::IOVSyncValue&,
+ edm::ValidityInterval&) override;
+ edm::ParameterSet const& pset_;
+PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource::PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource(edm::ParameterSet const& pset) : pset_{pset} {
+ // the fwk automatically uses "appendToDataLabel" as product label of the ESProduct
+ setWhatProduced(this);
+ findingRecord();
+void PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource::setIntervalFor(const edm::eventsetup::EventSetupRecordKey& iKey,
+ const edm::IOVSyncValue& iTime,
+ edm::ValidityInterval& oInterval) {
+ oInterval = edm::ValidityInterval(edm::IOVSyncValue::beginOfTime(), edm::IOVSyncValue::endOfTime());
+void PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& desc) {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription psetDesc;
+ psetDesc.add("appendToDataLabel", "pfClusParamsOffline");
+ PFClusteringParamsGPU::fillDescription(psetDesc);
+ desc.addWithDefaultLabel(psetDesc);
+std::unique_ptr PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource::produce(JobConfigurationGPURecord const&) {
+ return std::make_unique(pset_);
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/SourceFactory.h"
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/python/particleFlowCluster_cff.py b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/python/particleFlowCluster_cff.py
index f9fe48869f53e..56f255cd248d7 100644
--- a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/python/particleFlowCluster_cff.py
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/python/particleFlowCluster_cff.py
@@ -87,18 +87,20 @@
inputECAL = 'particleFlowTimeAssignerECAL')
#--- for Run 3 on GPU
+from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.gpu_cff import gpu
from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.pfhbheRecHitParamsGPUESProducer_cfi import pfhbheRecHitParamsGPUESProducer
from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.pfhbheTopologyGPUESProducer_cfi import pfhbheTopologyGPUESProducer
-from Configuration.ProcessModifiers.gpu_cff import gpu
-from Configuration.Eras.Modifier_run3_HB_cff import run3_HB
+from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource_cfi import pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource
_gpu_pfClusteringHBHEHFTask = pfClusteringHBHEHFTask.copy()
-_gpu_pfClusteringHBHEHFOnlyTask = pfClusteringHBHEHFOnlyTask.copy()
- _gpu_pfClusteringHBHEHFTask)
- _gpu_pfClusteringHBHEHFOnlyTask)
+gpu.toReplaceWith(pfClusteringHBHEHFTask, _gpu_pfClusteringHBHEHFTask)
+_gpu_pfClusteringHBHEHFOnlyTask = pfClusteringHBHEHFOnlyTask.copy()
+gpu.toReplaceWith(pfClusteringHBHEHFOnlyTask, _gpu_pfClusteringHBHEHFOnlyTask)
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/src/PFClusteringParamsGPU.cc b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/src/PFClusteringParamsGPU.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..728c9fa74dbf5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/src/PFClusteringParamsGPU.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,226 @@
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/Exception.h"
+#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/copyAsync.h"
+#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/cudaCheck.h"
+#include "RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/interface/PFClusteringParamsGPU.h"
+PFClusteringParamsGPU::PFClusteringParamsGPU(edm::ParameterSet const& iConfig)
+ : params_(7) { setParameterValues(iConfig); }
+PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct const& PFClusteringParamsGPU::getProduct(cudaStream_t cudaStream) const {
+ auto const& ret = product_.dataForCurrentDeviceAsync(
+ cudaStream, [this](DeviceProduct& product, cudaStream_t cudaStream) {
+ product = DeviceProduct(params_->metadata().size(), cudaStream);
+ cudaCheck(cudaMemcpyAsync(product.buffer().get(),
+ params_.const_buffer().get(),
+ params_.bufferSize(),
+ cudaMemcpyHostToDevice,
+ cudaStream));
+ });
+ return ret;
+void PFClusteringParamsGPU::setParameterValues(edm::ParameterSet const& iConfig) {
+ auto view = params_.view();
+ // seedFinder
+ auto const& sfConf = iConfig.getParameterSet("seedFinder");
+ view.nNeigh() = sfConf.getParameter("nNeighbours");
+ auto const& seedFinderConfs = sfConf.getParameterSetVector("thresholdsByDetector");
+ for (auto const& pset : seedFinderConfs) {
+ auto const& det = pset.getParameter("detector");
+ auto seedPt2Threshold = std::pow(pset.getParameter("seedingThresholdPt"), 2.);
+ auto const& thresholds = pset.getParameter>("seedingThreshold");
+ if (det == "HCAL_BARREL1") {
+ if (thresholds.size() != kMaxDepth_barrel)
+ throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfiguration") << "Invalid size (" << thresholds.size() << " != " << kMaxDepth_barrel << ") for \"\" vector of det = \"" << det << "\"";
+ view.seedPt2ThresholdEB() = seedPt2Threshold;
+ for (size_t idx = 0; idx < thresholds.size(); ++idx) {
+ view.seedEThresholdEB_vec()[idx] = thresholds[idx];
+ }
+ } else if (det == "HCAL_ENDCAP") {
+ if (thresholds.size() != kMaxDepth_endcap)
+ throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfiguration") << "Invalid size (" << thresholds.size() << " != " << kMaxDepth_endcap << ") for \"\" vector of det = \"" << det << "\"";
+ view.seedPt2ThresholdEE() = seedPt2Threshold;
+ for (size_t idx = 0; idx < thresholds.size(); ++idx) {
+ view.seedEThresholdEE_vec()[idx] = thresholds[idx];
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfiguration") << "Unknown detector when parsing seedFinder: " << det;
+ }
+ }
+ // initialClusteringStep
+ auto const& initConf = iConfig.getParameterSet("initialClusteringStep");
+ auto const& topoThresholdConf = initConf.getParameterSetVector("thresholdsByDetector");
+ for (auto const& pset : topoThresholdConf) {
+ auto const& det = pset.getParameter("detector");
+ auto const& thresholds = pset.getParameter>("gatheringThreshold");
+ if (det == "HCAL_BARREL1") {
+ if (thresholds.size() != kMaxDepth_barrel)
+ throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfiguration") << "Invalid size (" << thresholds.size() << " != " << kMaxDepth_barrel << ") for \"\" vector of det = \"" << det << "\"";
+ for (size_t idx = 0; idx < thresholds.size(); ++idx) {
+ view.topoEThresholdEB_vec()[idx] = thresholds[idx];
+ }
+ } else if (det == "HCAL_ENDCAP") {
+ if (thresholds.size() != kMaxDepth_endcap)
+ throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfiguration") << "Invalid size (" << thresholds.size() << " != " << kMaxDepth_endcap << ") for \"\" vector of det = \"" << det << "\"";
+ for (size_t idx = 0; idx < thresholds.size(); ++idx) {
+ view.topoEThresholdEE_vec()[idx] = thresholds[idx];
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfiguration") << "Unknown detector when parsing initClusteringStep: " << det;
+ }
+ }
+ // pfClusterBuilder
+ auto const & pfClusterPSet = iConfig.getParameterSet("pfClusterBuilder");
+ view.showerSigma2() = std::pow(pfClusterPSet.getParameter("showerSigma"), 2.);
+ view.minFracToKeep() = pfClusterPSet.getParameter("minFractionToKeep");
+ view.minFracTot() = pfClusterPSet.getParameter("minFracTot");
+ view.maxIterations() = pfClusterPSet.getParameter("maxIterations");
+ view.excludeOtherSeeds() = pfClusterPSet.getParameter("excludeOtherSeeds");
+ view.stoppingTolerance() = pfClusterPSet.getParameter("stoppingTolerance");
+ auto const& pcPSet = pfClusterPSet.getParameterSet("positionCalc");
+ view.minFracInCalc() = pcPSet.getParameter("minFractionInCalc");
+ view.minAllowedNormalization() = pcPSet.getParameter("minAllowedNormalization");
+ auto const& recHitEnergyNormConf = pfClusterPSet.getParameterSetVector("recHitEnergyNorms");
+ for (auto const& pset : recHitEnergyNormConf) {
+ auto const& recHitNorms = pset.getParameter>("recHitEnergyNorm");
+ auto const& det = pset.getParameter("detector");
+ if (det == "HCAL_BARREL1") {
+ if (recHitNorms.size() != kMaxDepth_barrel)
+ throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfiguration") << "Invalid size (" << recHitNorms.size() << " != " << kMaxDepth_barrel << ") for \"\" vector of det = \"" << det << "\"";
+ for (size_t idx = 0; idx < recHitNorms.size(); ++idx) {
+ view.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[idx] = 1. / recHitNorms[idx];
+ }
+ } else if (det == "HCAL_ENDCAP") {
+ if (recHitNorms.size() != kMaxDepth_endcap)
+ throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfiguration") << "Invalid size (" << recHitNorms.size() << " != " << kMaxDepth_endcap << ") for \"\" vector of det = \"" << det << "\"";
+ for (size_t idx = 0; idx < recHitNorms.size(); ++idx) {
+ view.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[idx] = 1. / recHitNorms[idx];
+ }
+ } else {
+ throw cms::Exception("InvalidConfiguration") << "Unknown detector when parsing recHitEnergyNorms: " << det;
+ }
+ }
+ auto const& barrelTimeResConf = pfClusterPSet.getParameterSet("timeResolutionCalcBarrel");
+ view.barrelTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE() = barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("corrTermLowE");
+ view.barrelTimeResConsts_threshLowE() = barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("threshLowE");
+ view.barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTerm() = barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("noiseTerm");
+ view.barrelTimeResConsts_constantTermLowE2() = std::pow(barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("constantTermLowE"), 2.);
+ view.barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE() = barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("noiseTermLowE");
+ view.barrelTimeResConsts_threshHighE() = barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("threshHighE");
+ view.barrelTimeResConsts_constantTerm2() = std::pow(barrelTimeResConf.getParameter("constantTerm"), 2.);
+ view.barrelTimeResConsts_resHighE2() = std::pow(view.barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTerm() / view.barrelTimeResConsts_threshHighE(), 2.)
+ + view.barrelTimeResConsts_constantTerm2();
+ auto const& endcapTimeResConf = pfClusterPSet.getParameterSet("timeResolutionCalcEndcap");
+ view.endcapTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE() = endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("corrTermLowE");
+ view.endcapTimeResConsts_threshLowE() = endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("threshLowE");
+ view.endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTerm() = endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("noiseTerm");
+ view.endcapTimeResConsts_constantTermLowE2() = std::pow(endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("constantTermLowE"), 2.);
+ view.endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE() = endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("noiseTermLowE");
+ view.endcapTimeResConsts_threshHighE() = endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("threshHighE");
+ view.endcapTimeResConsts_constantTerm2() = std::pow(endcapTimeResConf.getParameter("constantTerm"), 2.);
+ view.endcapTimeResConsts_resHighE2() = std::pow(view.endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTerm() / view.endcapTimeResConsts_threshHighE(), 2.)
+ + view.endcapTimeResConsts_constantTerm2();
+void PFClusteringParamsGPU::fillDescription(edm::ParameterSetDescription& desc) {
+ {
+ auto const psetName = "seedFinder";
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription foo;
+ foo.add("nNeighbours", 4);
+ {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription validator;
+ validator.add("detector", "");
+ validator.add>("seedingThreshold", {});
+ validator.add("seedingThresholdPt", 0.);
+ std::vector vDefaults(2);
+ vDefaults[0].addParameter("detector", "HCAL_BARREL1");
+ vDefaults[0].addParameter>("seedingThreshold", {0.125, 0.25, 0.35, 0.35});
+ vDefaults[0].addParameter("seedingThresholdPt", 0.);
+ vDefaults[1].addParameter("detector", "HCAL_ENDCAP");
+ vDefaults[1].addParameter>("seedingThreshold", {0.1375, 0.275, 0.275, 0.275, 0.275, 0.275, 0.275});
+ vDefaults[1].addParameter("seedingThresholdPt", 0.);
+ foo.addVPSet("thresholdsByDetector", validator, vDefaults);
+ }
+ desc.add(psetName, foo);
+ }
+ {
+ auto const psetName = "initialClusteringStep";
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription foo;
+ {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription validator;
+ validator.add("detector", "");
+ validator.add>("gatheringThreshold", {});
+ std::vector vDefaults(2);
+ vDefaults[0].addParameter("detector", "HCAL_BARREL1");
+ vDefaults[0].addParameter>("gatheringThreshold", {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3});
+ vDefaults[1].addParameter("detector", "HCAL_ENDCAP");
+ vDefaults[1].addParameter>("gatheringThreshold", {0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2});
+ foo.addVPSet("thresholdsByDetector", validator, vDefaults);
+ }
+ desc.add(psetName, foo);
+ }
+ {
+ auto const psetName = "pfClusterBuilder";
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription foo;
+ foo.add("maxIterations", 50);
+ foo.add("minFracTot", 1e-20);
+ foo.add("minFractionToKeep", 1e-7);
+ foo.add("excludeOtherSeeds", true);
+ foo.add("showerSigma", 10.);
+ foo.add("stoppingTolerance", 1e-8);
+ {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription validator;
+ validator.add("detector", "");
+ validator.add>("recHitEnergyNorm", {});
+ std::vector vDefaults(2);
+ vDefaults[0].addParameter("detector", "HCAL_BARREL1");
+ vDefaults[0].addParameter>("recHitEnergyNorm", {0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.3});
+ vDefaults[1].addParameter("detector", "HCAL_ENDCAP");
+ vDefaults[1].addParameter>("recHitEnergyNorm", {0.1, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2, 0.2});
+ foo.addVPSet("recHitEnergyNorms", validator, vDefaults);
+ }
+ {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription bar;
+ bar.add("minFractionInCalc", 1e-9);
+ bar.add("minAllowedNormalization", 1e-9);
+ foo.add("positionCalc", bar);
+ }
+ {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription bar;
+ bar.add("corrTermLowE", 0.);
+ bar.add("threshLowE", 6.);
+ bar.add("noiseTerm", 21.86);
+ bar.add("constantTermLowE", 4.24);
+ bar.add("noiseTermLowE", 8.);
+ bar.add("threshHighE", 15.);
+ bar.add("constantTerm", 2.82);
+ foo.add("timeResolutionCalcBarrel", bar);
+ }
+ {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription bar;
+ bar.add("corrTermLowE", 0.);
+ bar.add("threshLowE", 6.);
+ bar.add("noiseTerm", 21.86);
+ bar.add("constantTermLowE", 4.24);
+ bar.add("noiseTermLowE", 8.);
+ bar.add("threshHighE", 15.);
+ bar.add("constantTerm", 2.82);
+ foo.add("timeResolutionCalcEndcap", bar);
+ }
+ desc.add(psetName, foo);
+ }
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/typelookup.h"
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/BuildFile.xml b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/BuildFile.xml
index 1b74ac95dbebb..3b7e65f35881e 100644
--- a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/BuildFile.xml
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/BuildFile.xml
@@ -17,3 +17,19 @@
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/TestDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU.cc b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/TestDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU.cc
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..2769464a615cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/TestDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU.cc
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/Event.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/EventSetup.h"
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/stream/EDProducer.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSet.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ParameterSetDescription.h"
+#include "FWCore/ParameterSet/interface/ConfigurationDescriptions.h"
+#include "FWCore/Utilities/interface/ESInputTag.h"
+#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDACore/interface/JobConfigurationGPURecord.h"
+#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDACore/interface/ScopedContext.h"
+#include "RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/interface/PFClusteringParamsGPU.h"
+#include "testKernels.h"
+class TestDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU : public edm::stream::EDProducer {
+ explicit TestDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU(edm::ParameterSet const&);
+ ~TestDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU() override = default;
+ static void fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions&);
+ void acquire(edm::Event const&, edm::EventSetup const&, edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder) override;
+ void produce(edm::Event&, edm::EventSetup const&) override;
+ edm::ESGetToken const pfClusParamsToken_;
+ cms::cuda::ContextState cudaState_;
+TestDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU::TestDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU(edm::ParameterSet const& iConfig)
+ : pfClusParamsToken_{esConsumes(iConfig.getParameter("pfClusteringParameters"))} {
+void TestDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU::fillDescriptions(edm::ConfigurationDescriptions& desc) {
+ edm::ParameterSetDescription psetDesc;
+ psetDesc.add("pfClusteringParameters", edm::ESInputTag("pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource", "pfClusParamsOffline"));
+ desc.addWithDefaultLabel(psetDesc);
+void TestDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU::acquire(edm::Event const& event,
+ edm::EventSetup const& setup,
+ edm::WaitingTaskWithArenaHolder holder) {
+ cms::cuda::ScopedContextAcquire ctx{event.streamID(), std::move(holder), cudaState_};
+ auto const& pfClusParamsProduct = setup.getData(pfClusParamsToken_).getProduct(ctx.stream());
+ testPFlow::testPFClusteringParamsEntryPoint(pfClusParamsProduct, ctx.stream());
+void TestDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU::produce(edm::Event& event, edm::EventSetup const& setup) {
+ cms::cuda::ScopedContextProduce ctx{cudaState_};
+#include "FWCore/Framework/interface/MakerMacros.h"
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/testKernels.cu b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/testKernels.cu
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..adc66f9c4b063
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/testKernels.cu
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+#include "HeterogeneousCore/CUDAUtilities/interface/cudaCheck.h"
+#include "testKernels.h"
+namespace testPFlowCUDA {
+ __global__ void printPFClusteringParamsOnGPU(PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct::ConstView params){
+ printf("nNeigh: %d\n", params.nNeigh());
+ printf("seedPt2ThresholdEB: %4.2f\n", params.seedPt2ThresholdEB());
+ printf("seedPt2ThresholdEE: %4.2f\n", params.seedPt2ThresholdEE());
+ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < 4; ++idx)
+ printf("seedEThresholdEB_vec[%d]: %4.2f\n", idx, params.seedEThresholdEB_vec()[idx]);
+ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < 7; ++idx)
+ printf("seedEThresholdEE_vec[%d]: %4.2f\n", idx, params.seedEThresholdEE_vec()[idx]);
+ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < 4; ++idx)
+ printf("topoEThresholdEB_vec[%d]: %4.2f\n", idx, params.topoEThresholdEB_vec()[idx]);
+ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < 7; ++idx)
+ printf("topoEThresholdEE_vec[%d]: %4.2f\n", idx, params.topoEThresholdEE_vec()[idx]);
+ printf("showerSigma2: %4.2f\n", params.showerSigma2());
+ printf("minFracToKeep: %4.2f\n", params.minFracToKeep());
+ printf("minFracTot: %4.2f\n", params.minFracTot());
+ printf("maxIterations: %d\n", params.maxIterations());
+ printf("excludeOtherSeeds: %d\n", params.excludeOtherSeeds());
+ printf("stoppingTolerance: %4.2f\n", params.stoppingTolerance());
+ printf("minFracInCalc: %4.2f\n", params.minFracInCalc());
+ printf("minAllowedNormalization: %4.2f\n", params.minAllowedNormalization());
+ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < 4; ++idx)
+ printf("recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec[%d]: %4.2f\n", idx, params.recHitEnergyNormInvEB_vec()[idx]);
+ for (uint32_t idx = 0; idx < 7; ++idx)
+ printf("recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec[%d]: %4.2f\n", idx, params.recHitEnergyNormInvEE_vec()[idx]);
+ printf("barrelTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE: %4.2f\n", params.barrelTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE());
+ printf("barrelTimeResConsts_threshLowE: %4.2f\n", params.barrelTimeResConsts_threshLowE());
+ printf("barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTerm: %4.2f\n", params.barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTerm());
+ printf("barrelTimeResConsts_constantTermLowE2: %4.2f\n", params.barrelTimeResConsts_constantTermLowE2());
+ printf("barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE: %4.2f\n", params.barrelTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE());
+ printf("barrelTimeResConsts_threshHighE: %4.2f\n", params.barrelTimeResConsts_threshHighE());
+ printf("barrelTimeResConsts_constantTerm2: %4.2f\n", params.barrelTimeResConsts_constantTerm2());
+ printf("barrelTimeResConsts_resHighE2: %4.2f\n", params.barrelTimeResConsts_resHighE2());
+ printf("endcapTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE: %4.2f\n", params.endcapTimeResConsts_corrTermLowE());
+ printf("endcapTimeResConsts_threshLowE: %4.2f\n", params.endcapTimeResConsts_threshLowE());
+ printf("endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTerm: %4.2f\n", params.endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTerm());
+ printf("endcapTimeResConsts_constantTermLowE2: %4.2f\n", params.endcapTimeResConsts_constantTermLowE2());
+ printf("endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE: %4.2f\n", params.endcapTimeResConsts_noiseTermLowE());
+ printf("endcapTimeResConsts_threshHighE: %4.2f\n", params.endcapTimeResConsts_threshHighE());
+ printf("endcapTimeResConsts_constantTerm2: %4.2f\n", params.endcapTimeResConsts_constantTerm2());
+ printf("endcapTimeResConsts_resHighE2: %4.2f\n", params.endcapTimeResConsts_resHighE2());
+ }
+namespace testPFlow {
+ void testPFClusteringParamsEntryPoint(
+ PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct const& pfClusParams,
+ cudaStream_t cudaStream
+ ) {
+ testPFlowCUDA::printPFClusteringParamsOnGPU<<<1, 1, 0, cudaStream>>>(pfClusParams.const_view());
+ }
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/testKernels.h b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/testKernels.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..548f8f2850834
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/testKernels.h
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+#ifndef RecoParticleFlow_PFClusterProducer_test_testKernels_h
+#define RecoParticleFlow_PFClusterProducer_test_testKernels_h
+#include "RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/interface/PFClusteringParamsGPU.h"
+namespace testPFlow {
+ void testPFClusteringParamsEntryPoint(
+ PFClusteringParamsGPU::DeviceProduct const& pfClusParams,
+ cudaStream_t cudaStream
+ );
+#endif // RecoParticleFlow_PFClusterProducer_test_testKernels_h
diff --git a/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/testPFClusParamsGPU_cfg.py b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/testPFClusParamsGPU_cfg.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000..827b67b05a714
--- /dev/null
+++ b/RecoParticleFlow/PFClusterProducer/test/testPFClusParamsGPU_cfg.py
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+import FWCore.ParameterSet.Config as cms
+process = cms.Process('TEST')
+### EDM Input and job configuration
+process.source = cms.Source('EmptySource')
+# limit the number of events to be processed
+process.maxEvents.input = 50
+# enable TrigReport, TimeReport and MultiThreading
+process.options.wantSummary = True
+process.options.numberOfThreads = 4
+process.options.numberOfStreams = 0
+### ESModules, EDModules, Sequences, Tasks, Paths, EndPaths and Schedule
+from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource_cfi import pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource as _pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource
+process.PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource = _pfClusteringParamsGPUESSource.clone(
+ appendToDataLabel = 'pfClusParamsOfflineDefault',
+from RecoParticleFlow.PFClusterProducer.testDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU_cfi import testDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU as _testDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU
+process.theProducer = _testDumpPFClusteringParamsGPU.clone(
+ pfClusteringParameters = 'PFClusteringParamsGPUESSource:pfClusParamsOfflineDefault',
+process.theSequence = cms.Sequence( process.theProducer )
+process.thePath = cms.Path( process.theSequence )
+process.schedule = cms.Schedule( process.thePath )