An easy solution to page views or controllers with header and page tabbar,footer
update v2.0
add and support auto layout ,and support InterfaceOrientation
update v2.1
add parallaxHeaderEffect (BOOL parallaxHeaderEffect) default NO
set PanGesture can drag header vertical scroll(BOOL headerContentViewPanGestureEnabe) default NO
添加弹性视差效果,可以设置 拖动header 垂直滑动了
- use TYSlidePageScrollView
TYSlidePageScrollView *slidePageScrollView = [[TYSlidePageScrollView alloc]initWithFrame:self.view.bounds];
slidePageScrollView.dataSource = self;
slidePageScrollView.delegate = self;
[self.view addSubview:slidePageScrollView];
_slidePageScrollView = slidePageScrollView;
_slidePageScrollView.headerView = /*custom view*/;
_slidePageScrollView.pageTabBar = /*custom TYBasePageTabBar*/;
_slidePageScrollView.footerView = /*custom view*/;
[_slidePageScrollView reloadData];
- or use TYSlidePageScrollViewController
customViewController inherit TYSlidePageScrollViewController
the viewController should conform to UIViewControllerDisplayViewDelegate
// on customViewController
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
// Do any additional setup after loading the view.
// the viewController need conform to UIViewControllerDisplayViewDelegate
self.viewControllers = @[/*viewControllers*/];
// custom method
[self addBackNavButton];
[self addHeaderView]; // self.slidePageScrollView.headerView = /*custom view*/;
[self addPageTabbar]; // self.slidePageScrollView.pageTabBar = /*custom TYBasePageTabBar*/;
[self addFooterView]; // _slidePageScrollView.footerView = /*custom view*/;
[self.slidePageScrollView reloadData];
- custom TYBasePageTabBar
// base class ,Fully customizable pageTabBar inherit it
@interface TYBasePageTabBar : UIView
// when clicked pageTabBar index, must /*Ourself*/ call this, to change TYSlidePageScrollView index
- (void)clickedPageTabBarAtIndex:(NSInteger)index;
// override, auto call ,when TYSlidePageScrollView index change, you can change your pageTabBar index on this method
- (void)switchToPageIndex:(NSInteger)index;
- set default page index
// if you want to set default page index ,you can do it on this method
- (void)viewWillLayoutSubviews
[super viewWillLayoutSubviews];
[self.slidePageScrollView scrollToPageIndex:/*default index*/ animated:NO];
On demo,it have more example and usage.
@protocol UIViewControllerDisplayViewDelegate <NSObject>
// you should implement the method, because I don't know the view you want to display
// the view need inherit UIScrollView (UITableview inherit it) ,also vertical scroll
- (UIScrollView *)displayView;
@protocol TYSlidePageScrollViewDataSource <NSObject>
// num of pageViews
- (NSInteger)numberOfPageViewOnSlidePageScrollView;
// pageView need inherit UIScrollView (UITableview inherit it) ,and vertical scroll
- (UIScrollView *)slidePageScrollView:(TYSlidePageScrollView *)slidePageScrollView pageVerticalScrollViewForIndex:(NSInteger)index;
@protocol TYSlidePageScrollViewDelegate <NSObject>
// vertical scroll any offset changes will call
- (void)slidePageScrollView:(TYSlidePageScrollView *)slidePageScrollView verticalScrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)pageScrollView;
// pageTabBar vertical scroll and state
- (void)slidePageScrollView:(TYSlidePageScrollView *)slidePageScrollView pageTabBarScrollOffset:(CGFloat)offset state:(TYPageTabBarState)state;
// horizen scroll to pageIndex, when index change will call
- (void)slidePageScrollView:(TYSlidePageScrollView *)slidePageScrollView horizenScrollToPageIndex:(NSInteger)index;
// horizen scroll any offset changes will call
- (void)slidePageScrollView:(TYSlidePageScrollView *)slidePageScrollView horizenScrollViewDidScroll:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
// horizen scroll Begin Dragging
- (void)slidePageScrollView:(TYSlidePageScrollView *)slidePageScrollView horizenScrollViewWillBeginDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
// horizen scroll called when scroll view grinds to a halt
- (void)slidePageScrollView:(TYSlidePageScrollView *)slidePageScrollView horizenScrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView;
if you find bug,please pull reqeust me
if you have good idea,contact me,