diff --git a/go/tasks/logs/logging_utils.go b/go/tasks/logs/logging_utils.go
index 38e895d78..3ba296d07 100755
--- a/go/tasks/logs/logging_utils.go
+++ b/go/tasks/logs/logging_utils.go
@@ -38,16 +38,21 @@ func GetLogsForContainerInPod(ctx context.Context, logPlugin tasklog.Plugin, pod
 		return nil, nil
+	startTime := pod.CreationTimestamp.Unix()
+	finishTime := time.Now().Unix()
 	logs, err := logPlugin.GetTaskLogs(
-			PodName:           pod.Name,
-			PodUID:            string(pod.GetUID()),
-			Namespace:         pod.Namespace,
-			ContainerName:     pod.Spec.Containers[index].Name,
-			ContainerID:       pod.Status.ContainerStatuses[index].ContainerID,
-			LogName:           nameSuffix,
-			PodUnixStartTime:  pod.CreationTimestamp.Unix(),
-			PodUnixFinishTime: time.Now().Unix(),
+			PodName:              pod.Name,
+			PodUID:               string(pod.GetUID()),
+			Namespace:            pod.Namespace,
+			ContainerName:        pod.Spec.Containers[index].Name,
+			ContainerID:          pod.Status.ContainerStatuses[index].ContainerID,
+			LogName:              nameSuffix,
+			PodRFC3339StartTime:  time.Unix(startTime, 0).Format(time.RFC3339),
+			PodRFC3339FinishTime: time.Unix(finishTime, 0).Format(time.RFC3339),
+			PodUnixStartTime:     startTime,
+			PodUnixFinishTime:    finishTime,
diff --git a/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/plugin.go b/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/plugin.go
index f96c9cf8a..6a7bd8942 100644
--- a/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/plugin.go
+++ b/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/plugin.go
@@ -5,15 +5,17 @@ import "github.com/flyteorg/flyteidl/gen/pb-go/flyteidl/core"
 // Input contains all available information about task's execution that a log plugin can use to construct task's
 // log links.
 type Input struct {
-	HostName          string `json:"hostname"`
-	PodName           string `json:"podName"`
-	Namespace         string `json:"namespace"`
-	ContainerName     string `json:"containerName"`
-	ContainerID       string `json:"containerId"`
-	LogName           string `json:"logName"`
-	PodUnixStartTime  int64  `json:"podUnixStartTime"`
-	PodUnixFinishTime int64  `json:"podUnixFinishTime"`
-	PodUID            string `json:"podUID"`
+	HostName             string `json:"hostname"`
+	PodName              string `json:"podName"`
+	Namespace            string `json:"namespace"`
+	ContainerName        string `json:"containerName"`
+	ContainerID          string `json:"containerId"`
+	LogName              string `json:"logName"`
+	PodRFC3339StartTime  string `json:"podRFC3339StartTime"`
+	PodRFC3339FinishTime string `json:"podRFC3339FinishTime"`
+	PodUnixStartTime     int64  `json:"podUnixStartTime"`
+	PodUnixFinishTime    int64  `json:"podUnixFinishTime"`
+	PodUID               string `json:"podUID"`
 // Output contains all task logs a plugin generates for a given Input.
diff --git a/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/template.go b/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/template.go
index 4bb52aef4..9bc6121b6 100644
--- a/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/template.go
+++ b/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/template.go
@@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ import (
 // {{ .containerId }}: The container id docker/crio generated at run time,
 // {{ .logName }}: A deployment specific name where to expect the logs to be.
 // {{ .hostname }}: The hostname where the pod is running and where logs reside.
+// {{ .PodRFC3339StartTime }}: The pod creation time in RFC3339 format
+// {{ .PodRFC3339FinishTime }}: Don't have a good mechanism for this yet, but approximating with time.Now for now
 // {{ .podUnixStartTime }}: The pod creation time (in unix seconds, not millis)
 // {{ .podUnixFinishTime }}: Don't have a good mechanism for this yet, but approximating with time.Now for now
 type TemplateLogPlugin struct {
@@ -30,28 +32,32 @@ type regexValPair struct {
 type templateRegexes struct {
-	PodName           *regexp.Regexp
-	PodUID            *regexp.Regexp
-	Namespace         *regexp.Regexp
-	ContainerName     *regexp.Regexp
-	ContainerID       *regexp.Regexp
-	LogName           *regexp.Regexp
-	Hostname          *regexp.Regexp
-	PodUnixStartTime  *regexp.Regexp
-	PodUnixFinishTime *regexp.Regexp
+	PodName              *regexp.Regexp
+	PodUID               *regexp.Regexp
+	Namespace            *regexp.Regexp
+	ContainerName        *regexp.Regexp
+	ContainerID          *regexp.Regexp
+	LogName              *regexp.Regexp
+	Hostname             *regexp.Regexp
+	PodRFC3339StartTime  *regexp.Regexp
+	PodRFC3339FinishTime *regexp.Regexp
+	PodUnixStartTime     *regexp.Regexp
+	PodUnixFinishTime    *regexp.Regexp
 func mustInitTemplateRegexes() templateRegexes {
 	return templateRegexes{
-		PodName:           mustCreateRegex("podName"),
-		PodUID:            mustCreateRegex("podUID"),
-		Namespace:         mustCreateRegex("namespace"),
-		ContainerName:     mustCreateRegex("containerName"),
-		ContainerID:       mustCreateRegex("containerID"),
-		LogName:           mustCreateRegex("logName"),
-		Hostname:          mustCreateRegex("hostname"),
-		PodUnixStartTime:  mustCreateRegex("podUnixStartTime"),
-		PodUnixFinishTime: mustCreateRegex("podUnixFinishTime"),
+		PodName:              mustCreateRegex("podName"),
+		PodUID:               mustCreateRegex("podUID"),
+		Namespace:            mustCreateRegex("namespace"),
+		ContainerName:        mustCreateRegex("containerName"),
+		ContainerID:          mustCreateRegex("containerID"),
+		LogName:              mustCreateRegex("logName"),
+		Hostname:             mustCreateRegex("hostname"),
+		PodRFC3339StartTime:  mustCreateRegex("podRFC3339StartTime"),
+		PodRFC3339FinishTime: mustCreateRegex("podRFC3339FinishTime"),
+		PodUnixStartTime:     mustCreateRegex("podUnixStartTime"),
+		PodUnixFinishTime:    mustCreateRegex("podUnixFinishTime"),
@@ -69,16 +75,18 @@ func replaceAll(template string, values []regexValPair) string {
 	return template
-func (s TemplateLogPlugin) GetTaskLog(podName, podUID, namespace, containerName, containerID, logName string, podUnixStartTime, podUnixFinishTime int64) (core.TaskLog, error) {
+func (s TemplateLogPlugin) GetTaskLog(podName, podUID, namespace, containerName, containerID, logName string, podRFC3339StartTime string, podRFC3339FinishTime string, podUnixStartTime, podUnixFinishTime int64) (core.TaskLog, error) {
 	o, err := s.GetTaskLogs(Input{
-		LogName:           logName,
-		Namespace:         namespace,
-		PodName:           podName,
-		PodUID:            podUID,
-		ContainerName:     containerName,
-		ContainerID:       containerID,
-		PodUnixStartTime:  podUnixStartTime,
-		PodUnixFinishTime: podUnixFinishTime,
+		LogName:              logName,
+		Namespace:            namespace,
+		PodName:              podName,
+		PodUID:               podUID,
+		ContainerName:        containerName,
+		ContainerID:          containerID,
+		PodRFC3339StartTime:  podRFC3339StartTime,
+		PodRFC3339FinishTime: podRFC3339FinishTime,
+		PodUnixStartTime:     podUnixStartTime,
+		PodUnixFinishTime:    podUnixFinishTime,
 	if err != nil || len(o.TaskLogs) == 0 {
@@ -131,6 +139,14 @@ func (s TemplateLogPlugin) GetTaskLogs(input Input) (Output, error) {
 						regex: regexes.Hostname,
 						val:   input.HostName,
+					{
+						regex: regexes.PodRFC3339StartTime,
+						val:   input.PodRFC3339StartTime,
+					},
+					{
+						regex: regexes.PodRFC3339FinishTime,
+						val:   input.PodRFC3339FinishTime,
+					},
 						regex: regexes.PodUnixStartTime,
 						val:   strconv.FormatInt(input.PodUnixStartTime, 10),
@@ -160,6 +176,8 @@ func (s TemplateLogPlugin) GetTaskLogs(input Input) (Output, error) {
 // {{ .containerId }}: The container id docker/crio generated at run time,
 // {{ .logName }}: A deployment specific name where to expect the logs to be.
 // {{ .hostname }}: The hostname where the pod is running and where logs reside.
+// {{ .PodRFC3339StartTime }}: The pod creation time in RFC3339 format
+// {{ .PodRFC3339FinishTime }}: Don't have a good mechanism for this yet, but approximating with time.Now for now
 // {{ .podUnixStartTime }}: The pod creation time (in unix seconds, not millis)
 // {{ .podUnixFinishTime }}: Don't have a good mechanism for this yet, but approximating with time.Now for now
 func NewTemplateLogPlugin(templateUris []string, messageFormat core.TaskLog_MessageFormat) TemplateLogPlugin {
diff --git a/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/template_test.go b/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/template_test.go
index b74d4efa7..d646b2843 100644
--- a/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/template_test.go
+++ b/go/tasks/pluginmachinery/tasklog/template_test.go
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@ func TestTemplateLog(t *testing.T) {
+		"2015-03-14T17:08:14+01:00",
+		"2021-06-15T20:47:57+02:00",
@@ -41,14 +43,16 @@ func Test_templateLogPlugin_Regression(t *testing.T) {
 		messageFormat core.TaskLog_MessageFormat
 	type args struct {
-		podName           string
-		podUID            string
-		namespace         string
-		containerName     string
-		containerID       string
-		logName           string
-		podUnixStartTime  int64
-		podUnixFinishTime int64
+		podName              string
+		podUID               string
+		namespace            string
+		containerName        string
+		containerID          string
+		logName              string
+		podRFC3339StartTime  string
+		podRFC3339FinishTime string
+		podUnixStartTime     int64
+		podUnixFinishTime    int64
 	tests := []struct {
 		name    string
@@ -64,14 +68,16 @@ func Test_templateLogPlugin_Regression(t *testing.T) {
 				messageFormat: core.TaskLog_JSON,
-				podName:           "f-uuid-driver",
-				podUID:            "pod-uid",
-				namespace:         "flyteexamples-production",
-				containerName:     "spark-kubernetes-driver",
-				containerID:       "cri-o://abc",
-				logName:           "main_logs",
-				podUnixStartTime:  123,
-				podUnixFinishTime: 12345,
+				podName:              "f-uuid-driver",
+				podUID:               "pod-uid",
+				namespace:            "flyteexamples-production",
+				containerName:        "spark-kubernetes-driver",
+				containerID:          "cri-o://abc",
+				logName:              "main_logs",
+				podRFC3339StartTime:  "1970-01-01T01:02:03+01:00",
+				podRFC3339FinishTime: "1970-01-01T04:25:45+01:00",
+				podUnixStartTime:     123,
+				podUnixFinishTime:    12345,
 				Uri:           "https://console.aws.amazon.com/cloudwatch/home?region=us-east-1#logEventViewer:group=/flyte-production/kubernetes;stream=var.log.containers.f-uuid-driver_flyteexamples-production_spark-kubernetes-driver-abc.log",
@@ -87,14 +93,16 @@ func Test_templateLogPlugin_Regression(t *testing.T) {
 				messageFormat: core.TaskLog_JSON,
-				podName:           "podName",
-				podUID:            "pod-uid",
-				namespace:         "flyteexamples-production",
-				containerName:     "spark-kubernetes-driver",
-				containerID:       "cri-o://abc",
-				logName:           "main_logs",
-				podUnixStartTime:  123,
-				podUnixFinishTime: 12345,
+				podName:              "podName",
+				podUID:               "pod-uid",
+				namespace:            "flyteexamples-production",
+				containerName:        "spark-kubernetes-driver",
+				containerID:          "cri-o://abc",
+				logName:              "main_logs",
+				podRFC3339StartTime:  "1970-01-01T01:02:03+01:00",
+				podRFC3339FinishTime: "1970-01-01T04:25:45+01:00",
+				podUnixStartTime:     123,
+				podUnixFinishTime:    12345,
 				Uri:           "https://console.cloud.google.com/logs/viewer?project=test-gcp-project&angularJsUrl=%2Flogs%2Fviewer%3Fproject%3Dtest-gcp-project&resource=aws_ec2_instance&advancedFilter=resource.labels.pod_name%3DpodName",
@@ -110,14 +118,16 @@ func Test_templateLogPlugin_Regression(t *testing.T) {
 				messageFormat: core.TaskLog_JSON,
-				podName:           "flyteexamples-development-task-name",
-				podUID:            "pod-uid",
-				namespace:         "flyteexamples-development",
-				containerName:     "ignore",
-				containerID:       "ignore",
-				logName:           "main_logs",
-				podUnixStartTime:  123,
-				podUnixFinishTime: 12345,
+				podName:              "flyteexamples-development-task-name",
+				podUID:               "pod-uid",
+				namespace:            "flyteexamples-development",
+				containerName:        "ignore",
+				containerID:          "ignore",
+				logName:              "main_logs",
+				podRFC3339StartTime:  "1970-01-01T01:02:03+01:00",
+				podRFC3339FinishTime: "1970-01-01T04:25:45+01:00",
+				podUnixStartTime:     123,
+				podUnixFinishTime:    12345,
 				Uri:           "https://dashboard.k8s.net/#!/log/flyteexamples-development/flyteexamples-development-task-name/pod?namespace=flyteexamples-development",
@@ -134,7 +144,7 @@ func Test_templateLogPlugin_Regression(t *testing.T) {
 				messageFormat: tt.fields.messageFormat,
-			got, err := s.GetTaskLog(tt.args.podName, tt.args.podUID, tt.args.namespace, tt.args.containerName, tt.args.containerID, tt.args.logName, tt.args.podUnixStartTime, tt.args.podUnixFinishTime)
+			got, err := s.GetTaskLog(tt.args.podName, tt.args.podUID, tt.args.namespace, tt.args.containerName, tt.args.containerID, tt.args.logName, tt.args.podRFC3339FinishTime, tt.args.podRFC3339FinishTime, tt.args.podUnixStartTime, tt.args.podUnixFinishTime)
 			if (err != nil) != tt.wantErr {
 				t.Errorf("GetTaskLog() error = %v, wantErr %v", err, tt.wantErr)
@@ -170,14 +180,16 @@ func TestTemplateLogPlugin_NewTaskLog(t *testing.T) {
 				input: Input{
-					HostName:          "my-host",
-					PodName:           "my-pod",
-					Namespace:         "my-namespace",
-					ContainerName:     "my-container",
-					ContainerID:       "ignore",
-					LogName:           "main_logs",
-					PodUnixStartTime:  123,
-					PodUnixFinishTime: 12345,
+					HostName:             "my-host",
+					PodName:              "my-pod",
+					Namespace:            "my-namespace",
+					ContainerName:        "my-container",
+					ContainerID:          "ignore",
+					LogName:              "main_logs",
+					PodRFC3339StartTime:  "1970-01-01T01:02:03+01:00",
+					PodRFC3339FinishTime: "1970-01-01T04:25:45+01:00",
+					PodUnixStartTime:     123,
+					PodUnixFinishTime:    12345,
@@ -199,14 +211,16 @@ func TestTemplateLogPlugin_NewTaskLog(t *testing.T) {
 				input: Input{
-					HostName:          "my-host",
-					PodName:           "my-pod",
-					Namespace:         "my-namespace",
-					ContainerName:     "my-container",
-					ContainerID:       "ignore",
-					LogName:           "main_logs",
-					PodUnixStartTime:  123,
-					PodUnixFinishTime: 12345,
+					HostName:             "my-host",
+					PodName:              "my-pod",
+					Namespace:            "my-namespace",
+					ContainerName:        "my-container",
+					ContainerID:          "ignore",
+					LogName:              "main_logs",
+					PodRFC3339StartTime:  "1970-01-01T01:02:03+01:00",
+					PodRFC3339FinishTime: "1970-01-01T04:25:45+01:00",
+					PodUnixStartTime:     123,
+					PodUnixFinishTime:    12345,
@@ -220,6 +234,37 @@ func TestTemplateLogPlugin_NewTaskLog(t *testing.T) {
+		{
+			"stackdriver-with-rfc3339-timestamp",
+			fields{
+				templateURI:   "https://console.cloud.google.com/logs/viewer?project=test-gcp-project&angularJsUrl=%2Flogs%2Fviewer%3Fproject%3Dtest-gcp-project&resource=aws_ec2_instance&advancedFilter=resource.labels.pod_name%3D{{.podName}}%20%22{{.podRFC3339StartTime}}%22",
+				messageFormat: core.TaskLog_JSON,
+			},
+			args{
+				input: Input{
+					HostName:             "my-host",
+					PodName:              "my-pod",
+					Namespace:            "my-namespace",
+					ContainerName:        "my-container",
+					ContainerID:          "ignore",
+					LogName:              "main_logs",
+					PodRFC3339StartTime:  "1970-01-01T01:02:03+01:00",
+					PodRFC3339FinishTime: "1970-01-01T04:25:45+01:00",
+					PodUnixStartTime:     123,
+					PodUnixFinishTime:    12345,
+				},
+			},
+			Output{
+				TaskLogs: []*core.TaskLog{
+					{
+						Uri:           "https://console.cloud.google.com/logs/viewer?project=test-gcp-project&angularJsUrl=%2Flogs%2Fviewer%3Fproject%3Dtest-gcp-project&resource=aws_ec2_instance&advancedFilter=resource.labels.pod_name%3Dmy-pod%20%221970-01-01T01:02:03+01:00%22",
+						MessageFormat: core.TaskLog_JSON,
+						Name:          "main_logs",
+					},
+				},
+			},
+			false,
+		},
 	for _, tt := range tests {
 		t.Run(tt.name, func(t *testing.T) {