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Helper methods for HTML video playback.

This library helps you on problems occuring when implementing custom HTML5 video players. In particular, it has helper methods to:

  • Use movingimage with HLS as source, with fallback for non-HLS-compatible browsers
  • Apply custom CSS style to subtitles
  • Emulating object-fit: cover; with Internet Explorer support
  • Waiting for a video to become ready

Please take a look at the JSDoc of each method for further information.


  • Some browsers do not accept <track kind="subtitles"> to be mode="hidden". Use kind="metadata" instead.

Creating a release

Certain steps need to be done in order to create a new release:

  1. Decide on a semver version number
  2. Start a new release using git flow release start [version number]
  3. Update the package.json version
  4. Run yarn run release
  5. Commit changes: git commit -a -m "Prepare release [version number]"
  6. Finish release using git flow release finish
  7. Push all changes: git push origin --all && git push origin --tags
