diff --git a/examples/cli/.perseus/Cargo.toml b/examples/cli/.perseus/Cargo.toml
index 48a85620d2..b2efea9bba 100644
--- a/examples/cli/.perseus/Cargo.toml
+++ b/examples/cli/.perseus/Cargo.toml
@@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ sycamore = { version = "0.6", features = ["ssr"] }
sycamore-router = "0.6"
web-sys = { version = "0.3", features = ["Headers", "Request", "RequestInit", "RequestMode", "Response", "ReadableStream", "Window"] }
wasm-bindgen = { version = "0.2", features = ["serde-serialize"] }
+wasm-bindgen-futures = "0.4"
serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] }
serde_json = "1" # Possibly don't need?
console_error_panic_hook = "0.1.6"
diff --git a/examples/cli/.perseus/src/lib.rs b/examples/cli/.perseus/src/lib.rs
index 37fe4cff31..702ba014a1 100644
--- a/examples/cli/.perseus/src/lib.rs
+++ b/examples/cli/.perseus/src/lib.rs
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ use perseus::shell::{get_initial_state, get_render_cfg, InitialState};
use perseus::{app_shell, create_app_route, detect_locale, ClientTranslationsManager, DomNode};
use std::cell::RefCell;
use std::rc::Rc;
-use sycamore::prelude::{template, StateHandle};
+use sycamore::prelude::{cloned, template, NodeRef, StateHandle};
use sycamore_router::{HistoryIntegration, Router, RouterProps};
use wasm_bindgen::{prelude::wasm_bindgen, JsValue};
@@ -23,14 +23,17 @@ pub fn run() -> Result<(), JsValue> {
- // Get the root we'll be injecting actual content into (created by the server)
+ // Get the root that the server will have injected initial load content into
+ // This will be moved into a reactive `
` by the app shell
// This is an `Option
` until we know we aren't doing loclae detection (in which case it wouldn't exist)
- let container = web_sys::window()
+ let initial_container = web_sys::window()
+ // And create a node reference that we can use as a handle to the reactive verison
+ let container_rx = NodeRef::new();
// Create a mutable translations manager to control caching
let translations_manager =
@@ -51,41 +54,49 @@ pub fn run() -> Result<(), JsValue> {
|| {
template! {
Router(RouterProps::new(HistoryIntegration::new(), move |route: StateHandle>| {
- match &route.get().as_ref().0 {
- // Perseus' custom routing system is tightly coupled to the template system, and returns exactly what we need for the app shell!
- // If a non-404 error occurred, it will be handled in the app shell
- RouteVerdict::Found(RouteInfo {
- path,
- template,
- locale
- }) => app_shell(
- path.clone(),
- template.clone(),
- locale.clone(),
- // We give the app shell a translations manager and let it get the `Rc` itself (because it can do async safely)
- Rc::clone(&translations_manager),
- Rc::clone(&error_pages),
- container.unwrap().clone()
- ),
- // If the user is using i18n, then they'll want to detect the locale on any paths missing a locale
- // Those all go to the same system that redirects to the appropriate locale
- // Note that `container` doesn't exist for this scenario
- RouteVerdict::LocaleDetection(path) => detect_locale(path.clone(), get_locales()),
- // We handle the 404 for the user for convenience
- // To get a translator here, we'd have to go async and dangerously check the URL
- // If this is an initial load, there'll already be an error message, so we should only proceed if the declaration is not `error`
- RouteVerdict::NotFound => {
- if let InitialState::Error(ErrorPageData { url, status, err }) = get_initial_state() {
- // Hydrate the error pages
- // Right now, we don't provide translators to any error pages that have come from the server
- error_pages.hydrate_page(&url, &status, &err, None, &container.unwrap());
- } else {
- get_error_pages::().get_template_for_page("", &404, "not found", None);
- }
- },
- };
- // Everything is based on hydration, and so we always return an empty template
- sycamore::template::Template::empty()
+ wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(cloned!((container_rx) => async move {
+ let container_rx_elem = container_rx.get::().unchecked_into::();
+ match &route.get().as_ref().0 {
+ // Perseus' custom routing system is tightly coupled to the template system, and returns exactly what we need for the app shell!
+ // If a non-404 error occurred, it will be handled in the app shell
+ RouteVerdict::Found(RouteInfo {
+ path,
+ template,
+ locale
+ }) => app_shell(
+ path.clone(),
+ template.clone(),
+ locale.clone(),
+ // We give the app shell a translations manager and let it get the `Rc` itself (because it can do async safely)
+ Rc::clone(&translations_manager),
+ Rc::clone(&error_pages),
+ initial_container.unwrap().clone(),
+ container_rx_elem.clone()
+ ).await,
+ // If the user is using i18n, then they'll want to detect the locale on any paths missing a locale
+ // Those all go to the same system that redirects to the appropriate locale
+ // Note that `container` doesn't exist for this scenario
+ RouteVerdict::LocaleDetection(path) => detect_locale(path.clone(), get_locales()),
+ // We handle the 404 for the user for convenience
+ // To get a translator here, we'd have to go async and dangerously check the URL
+ // If this is an initial load, there'll already be an error message, so we should only proceed if the declaration is not `error`
+ RouteVerdict::NotFound => {
+ if let InitialState::Error(ErrorPageData { url, status, err }) = get_initial_state() {
+ // Hydrate the error pages
+ // Right now, we don't provide translators to any error pages that have come from the server
+ error_pages.hydrate_page(&url, &status, &err, None, &container_rx_elem);
+ } else {
+ get_error_pages::().get_template_for_page("", &404, "not found", None);
+ }
+ },
+ };
+ }));
+ // This template is reactive, and will be updated as necessary
+ // However, the server has already rendered initial load content elsewhere, so we move that into here as well in the app shell
+ // The main reason for this is that the router only intercepts click events from its children
+ template! {
+ div(class="__perseus_content_rx", ref=container_rx) {}
+ }
diff --git a/packages/perseus/src/shell.rs b/packages/perseus/src/shell.rs
index b65b2d034c..d75753dc95 100644
--- a/packages/perseus/src/shell.rs
+++ b/packages/perseus/src/shell.rs
@@ -134,13 +134,14 @@ extern "C" {
/// Fetches the information for the given page and renders it. This should be provided the actual path of the page to render (not just the
/// broader template). Asynchronous Wasm is handled here, because only a few cases need it.
// TODO handle exceptions higher up
-pub fn app_shell(
+pub async fn app_shell(
path: String,
template: Template,
locale: String,
translations_manager: Rc>,
error_pages: Rc>,
- container: Element,
+ initial_container: Element, // The container that the server put initial load content into
+ container_rx_elem: Element, // The container that we'll actually use (reactive)
) {
// Check if this was an initial load and we already have the state
let initial_state = get_initial_state();
@@ -150,117 +151,151 @@ pub fn app_shell(
InitialState::Present(state) => {
// Unset the initial state variable so we perform subsequent renders correctly
- wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(cloned!((container) => async move {
- // Now that the user can see something, we can get the translator
- let mut translations_manager_mut = translations_manager.borrow_mut();
- // This gets an `Rc` that references the translations manager, meaning no cloning of translations
- let translator = translations_manager_mut.get_translator_for_locale(&locale).await;
- let translator = match translator {
- Ok(translator) => translator,
- Err(err) => {
- // Directly eliminate the HTMl sent in from the server before we render an error page
- container.set_inner_html("");
- match err.kind() {
- // These errors happen because we couldn't get a translator, so they certainly don't get one
- ErrorKind::AssetNotOk(url, status, _) => return error_pages.render_page(url, status, &err.to_string(), None, &container),
- ErrorKind::AssetSerFailed(url, _) => return error_pages.render_page(url, &500, &err.to_string(), None, &container),
- ErrorKind::LocaleNotSupported(locale) => return error_pages.render_page(&format!("/{}/...", locale), &404, &err.to_string(),None, &container),
- // No other errors should be returned
- _ => panic!("expected 'AssetNotOk'/'AssetSerFailed'/'LocaleNotSupported' error, found other unacceptable error")
- }
+ // We need to move the server-rendered content from its current container to the reactive container (otherwise Sycamore can't work with it properly)
+ let initial_html = initial_container.inner_html();
+ container_rx_elem.set_inner_html(&initial_html);
+ initial_container.set_inner_html("");
+ // Now that the user can see something, we can get the translator
+ let mut translations_manager_mut = translations_manager.borrow_mut();
+ // This gets an `Rc` that references the translations manager, meaning no cloning of translations
+ let translator = translations_manager_mut
+ .get_translator_for_locale(&locale)
+ .await;
+ let translator = match translator {
+ Ok(translator) => translator,
+ Err(err) => {
+ // Directly eliminate the HTMl sent in from the server before we render an error page
+ container_rx_elem.set_inner_html("");
+ match err.kind() {
+ // These errors happen because we couldn't get a translator, so they certainly don't get one
+ ErrorKind::AssetNotOk(url, status, _) => return error_pages.render_page(url, status, &err.to_string(), None, &container_rx_elem),
+ ErrorKind::AssetSerFailed(url, _) => return error_pages.render_page(url, &500, &err.to_string(), None, &container_rx_elem),
+ ErrorKind::LocaleNotSupported(locale) => return error_pages.render_page(&format!("/{}/...", locale), &404, &err.to_string(),None, &container_rx_elem),
+ // No other errors should be returned
+ _ => panic!("expected 'AssetNotOk'/'AssetSerFailed'/'LocaleNotSupported' error, found other unacceptable error")
- };
+ }
+ };
- // Hydrate that static code using the acquired state
- // BUG (Sycamore): this will double-render if the component is just text (no nodes)
- sycamore::hydrate_to(
- // This function provides translator context as needed
- || template.render_for_template(state, Rc::clone(&translator)),
- &container
- );
- }));
+ // Hydrate that static code using the acquired state
+ // BUG (Sycamore): this will double-render if the component is just text (no nodes)
+ sycamore::hydrate_to(
+ // This function provides translator context as needed
+ || template.render_for_template(state, Rc::clone(&translator)),
+ &container_rx_elem,
+ );
// If we have no initial state, we should proceed as usual, fetching the content and state from the server
InitialState::NotPresent => {
- // Spawn a Rust futures thread in the background to fetch the static HTML/JSON
- wasm_bindgen_futures::spawn_local(cloned!((container) => async move {
- // Get the static page data
- let asset_url = format!("/.perseus/page/{}/{}?template_name={}", locale, path.to_string(), template.get_path());
- // If this doesn't exist, then it's a 404 (we went here by explicit navigation, but it may be an unservable ISR page or the like)
- let page_data_str = fetch(&asset_url).await;
- match page_data_str {
- Ok(page_data_str) => match page_data_str {
- Some(page_data_str) => {
- // All good, deserialize the page data
- let page_data = serde_json::from_str::(&page_data_str);
- match page_data {
- Ok(page_data) => {
- // We have the page data ready, render everything
- // Interpolate the HTML directly into the document (we'll hydrate it later)
- container.set_inner_html(&page_data.content);
+ // Get the static page data
+ let asset_url = format!(
+ "/.perseus/page/{}/{}?template_name={}",
+ locale,
+ path.to_string(),
+ template.get_path()
+ );
+ // If this doesn't exist, then it's a 404 (we went here by explicit navigation, but it may be an unservable ISR page or the like)
+ let page_data_str = fetch(&asset_url).await;
+ match page_data_str {
+ Ok(page_data_str) => match page_data_str {
+ Some(page_data_str) => {
+ // All good, deserialize the page data
+ let page_data = serde_json::from_str::(&page_data_str);
+ match page_data {
+ Ok(page_data) => {
+ // We have the page data ready, render everything
+ // Interpolate the HTML directly into the document (we'll hydrate it later)
+ container_rx_elem.set_inner_html(&page_data.content);
- // Now that the user can see something, we can get the translator
- let mut translations_manager_mut = translations_manager.borrow_mut();
- // This gets an `Rc` that references the translations manager, meaning no cloning of translations
- let translator = translations_manager_mut.get_translator_for_locale(&locale).await;
- let translator = match translator {
- Ok(translator) => translator,
- Err(err) => match err.kind() {
- // These errors happen because we couldn't get a translator, so they certainly don't get one
- ErrorKind::AssetNotOk(url, status, _) => return error_pages.render_page(url, status, &err.to_string(), None, &container),
- ErrorKind::AssetSerFailed(url, _) => return error_pages.render_page(url, &500, &err.to_string(), None, &container),
- ErrorKind::LocaleNotSupported(locale) => return error_pages.render_page(&format!("/{}/...", locale), &404, &err.to_string(),None, &container),
- // No other errors should be returned
- _ => panic!("expected 'AssetNotOk'/'AssetSerFailed'/'LocaleNotSupported' error, found other unacceptable error")
- }
- };
+ // Now that the user can see something, we can get the translator
+ let mut translations_manager_mut =
+ translations_manager.borrow_mut();
+ // This gets an `Rc` that references the translations manager, meaning no cloning of translations
+ let translator = translations_manager_mut
+ .get_translator_for_locale(&locale)
+ .await;
+ let translator = match translator {
+ Ok(translator) => translator,
+ Err(err) => match err.kind() {
+ // These errors happen because we couldn't get a translator, so they certainly don't get one
+ ErrorKind::AssetNotOk(url, status, _) => return error_pages.render_page(url, status, &err.to_string(), None, &container_rx_elem),
+ ErrorKind::AssetSerFailed(url, _) => return error_pages.render_page(url, &500, &err.to_string(), None, &container_rx_elem),
+ ErrorKind::LocaleNotSupported(locale) => return error_pages.render_page(&format!("/{}/...", locale), &404, &err.to_string(),None, &container_rx_elem),
+ // No other errors should be returned
+ _ => panic!("expected 'AssetNotOk'/'AssetSerFailed'/'LocaleNotSupported' error, found other unacceptable error")
+ }
+ };
- // Render the document head
- let head_str = template.render_head_str(page_data.state.clone(), Rc::clone(&translator));
- // Get the current head
- let head_elem = web_sys::window()
- .unwrap()
- .document()
- .unwrap()
- .query_selector("head")
- .unwrap()
- .unwrap();
- let head_html = head_elem.inner_html();
- // We'll assume that there's already previously interpolated head in addition to the hardcoded stuff, but it will be separated by the server-injected delimiter comment
- // Thus, we replace the stuff after that delimiter comment with the new head
- let head_parts: Vec<&str> = head_html.split("").collect();
- let new_head = format!("{}\n\n{}", head_parts[0], head_str);
- head_elem.set_inner_html(&new_head);
+ // Render the document head
+ let head_str = template.render_head_str(
+ page_data.state.clone(),
+ Rc::clone(&translator),
+ );
+ // Get the current head
+ let head_elem = web_sys::window()
+ .unwrap()
+ .document()
+ .unwrap()
+ .query_selector("head")
+ .unwrap()
+ .unwrap();
+ let head_html = head_elem.inner_html();
+ // We'll assume that there's already previously interpolated head in addition to the hardcoded stuff, but it will be separated by the server-injected delimiter comment
+ // Thus, we replace the stuff after that delimiter comment with the new head
+ let head_parts: Vec<&str> = head_html
+ .split("")
+ .collect();
+ let new_head = format!(
+ "{}\n\n{}",
+ head_parts[0], head_str
+ );
+ head_elem.set_inner_html(&new_head);
- // Hydrate that static code using the acquired state
- // BUG (Sycamore): this will double-render if the component is just text (no nodes)
- sycamore::hydrate_to(
- // This function provides translator context as needed
- || template.render_for_template(page_data.state, Rc::clone(&translator)),
- &container
- );
- },
- // If the page failed to serialize, an exception has occurred
- Err(err) => panic!("page data couldn't be serialized: '{}'", err)
- };
- },
- // No translators ready yet
- None => error_pages.render_page(&asset_url, &404, "page not found", None, &container),
- },
- Err(err) => match err.kind() {
- // No translators ready yet
- ErrorKind::AssetNotOk(url, status, _) => error_pages.render_page(url, status, &err.to_string(), None, &container),
- // No other errors should be returned
- _ => panic!("expected 'AssetNotOk' error, found other unacceptable error")
+ // Hydrate that static code using the acquired state
+ // BUG (Sycamore): this will double-render if the component is just text (no nodes)
+ sycamore::hydrate_to(
+ // This function provides translator context as needed
+ || {
+ template.render_for_template(
+ page_data.state,
+ Rc::clone(&translator),
+ )
+ },
+ &container_rx_elem,
+ );
+ }
+ // If the page failed to serialize, an exception has occurred
+ Err(err) => panic!("page data couldn't be serialized: '{}'", err),
+ };
- };
- }));
+ // No translators ready yet
+ None => error_pages.render_page(
+ &asset_url,
+ &404,
+ "page not found",
+ None,
+ &container_rx_elem,
+ ),
+ },
+ Err(err) => match err.kind() {
+ // No translators ready yet
+ ErrorKind::AssetNotOk(url, status, _) => error_pages.render_page(
+ url,
+ status,
+ &err.to_string(),
+ None,
+ &container_rx_elem,
+ ),
+ // No other errors should be returned
+ _ => panic!("expected 'AssetNotOk' error, found other unacceptable error"),
+ },
+ };
// Nothing should be done if an error was sent down
InitialState::Error(ErrorPageData { url, status, err }) => {
// Hydrate the currently static error page
// Right now, we don't provide translators to any error pages that have come from the server
- error_pages.hydrate_page(&url, &status, &err, None, &container);
+ error_pages.hydrate_page(&url, &status, &err, None, &container_rx_elem);