## config Version: v3.5 ########################## ######### #SteamTinkerLaunch v3.5 ######### ######### #GAMENAME="SkyrimVR" #GAMEEXE="SkyrimVR" #GAMEID="611670" #PROTONVERSION="protola_5.0-9.1-local" ######### ## set the default config file for DXVK_CONFIG_FILE which is used when found - defaults to config found in /mnt/daten/Home/.config/stl/dxvk #STLDXVKCFG="/mnt/daten/Home/.config/stl/dxvk/611670.conf" ## vkbasalt config file: VKBASALT_CONFIG_FILE="/mnt/daten/Home/.config/stl/vkBasalt.conf" ########################## ## #USESLR="1" ## Allow overriding the used Proton version. Automatically enabled for Proton games when 'stl' was started as Steam compatibility tool OVERRIDEPROTON="1" ## Start the game with this Proton version USEPROTON="protola_5.0-9.1-local" ## Proton Updates Check Mode PROTONCHECK="disabled" ## Recommend Proton via notifier instead of switching it if a tweak wants a specific version wie 'WANTPROTON' RECOMMENDPROTON="0" ## Custom command mode CUSTOMCMDMODE="always" ## Start this custom command. CUSTOMCMD="/mnt/games/SteamLibrary/Linux/steamapps/common/SkyrimVR/sksevr_loader.exe" ## The command line arguments used for the custom command CUSTOMCMD_ARGS="none" ## Only start the custom command and skip the regular game executable ONLY_CUSTOMCMD="1" ## Fork the custom command into the background and continue starting with the regular game executable FORK_CUSTOMCMD="0" ## The command line arguments used for the Game GAMEARGS="none" ## Enable GameMode for this game USEGAMEMODERUN="0" ## Enable GameScope for this game USEGAMESCOPE="0" ## The command line arguments for GameScope for this game GAMESCOPE_ARGS="--" ## Enable MangoHud for this game MANGOHUD="0" ## Start game with vkBasalt enabled ENABLE_VKBASALT="0" ## Enable Nyrna for this game RUN_NYRNA="0" ## Enable ReplaySorcery for this game RUN_REPLAY="0" ## Enable GameConqueror for this game RUN_GAMCON="0" ## Enable Cheat Engine for this game RUN_CHEATENGINE="0" ## The Alternative executable GameConqueror should open instead of the regular game exe. GAMCONWAITEXE="/bin/echo" ## The Vortex Mode - default disabled VORTEXMODE="disabled" ## Allow changing the Pulseaudio latency CHANGE_PULSE_LATENCY="0" ## Change Pulseaudio latency to n STL_PULSE_LATENCY_MSEC="60" ## Minimize all visible windows on game start and restore them when game ends TOGGLEWINDOWS="0" ## Start winetricks gui before the game starts RUN_WINETRICKS="0" ## List of packages to install silently using winetricks WINETRICKSPAKS="none" ## Start winecfg before the game starts RUN_WINECFG="0" ## Use Wine instead of Proton USEWINE="0" ## The Wine Version to use with this game WINEVERSION="/bin/echo" ## The default Wine version to be used when none is selected WINEDEFAULT="/bin/echo" ## Use current default Lutris wine version as default wine WINEDEFLUTRIS="0" ## Use always current default Lutris wine version WINEDEFLUTRISA="0" ## Start the game in wine Virtual Desktop mode VIRTUALDESKTOP="0" ## Start the game using Boxtron/DOSBox USEBOXTRON="0" ## Start the game using Roberta/ScummVM USEROBERTA="0" ## Start the game using Luxtorpeda USELUXTORPEDA="0" ## Allow Registry changes for this game REGEDIT="0" ## Install ReShade into the Game directory INSTALL_RESHADE="0" ## Use the Depth3D Shader with ReShade RESHADE_DEPTH3D="0" ## Start game with ReShade enabled USERESHADE="0" ## Update both ReShade download archive and dlls in gamedir automatically RESHADEUPDATE="0" ## use this ReShade Preset as initial configuration for the game RESHADEPRESET="none" ## Open Menu on Game launch to add or remove Shaders for the game CHOOSESHADERS="0" ## Alternative Game Exe Path (f.e. for ReShade installation and the Game Launcher is in an extra directory) ALTEXEPATH="/tmp" ## Check the Architecture of this Exe instead of the default one ARCHALTEXE="/bin/echo" ## Start this game in VR in Side-by-Side Stereo3D mode RUNSBSVR="0" ## The command line arguments for the Side-by-Side Stereo3D VR player for this game VRVIDEOPLAYERARGS="--flat" ## The Zoom value for the Stereo3D VR player window SBSZOOM="1.0" ## Start this game in VR in Side-by-Side Stereo3D mode using Depth3D with vkBasalt SBSVRVK="0" ## Start this game in VR in Side-by-Side Stereo3D mode using Depth3D with ReShade SBSVRRS="0" ## The minimal window height this game needs to be accepted for Stereo3D VR (f.e. to autoskip launchers) MINVRWINH="640" ## Stereo3D VR - Wait for this alternative exe to determine the PID WAITFORTHISPID="none" ## The window name for this game GAMEWINDOW="none" ## Timeout in Seconds of the initial requester - 0 to disable it completely WAITEDITOR="2" ## When opening the editor open the defined URL 'EDITORURL' for the game as well OPENEDITORURL="0" ## The AutoTweak Editor will open after X Seconds automatically. If set to 0 the AutoTweak is loaded instantly ATVALIDATE="0" ## Ask to adopt the used autotweak after game exit as regular tweak file ATADOPT="0" ## Ignore all AutoTweaks for this game IGNOREAUTOTWEAKS="1" ## Check if Steam Categories the Game belongs to have a corresponding Tweakfile CHECKCATEGORIES="0" ## Dxvk variables - see 'https://github.com/doitsujin/dxvk' DXVK_HUD="0" ## Controls dxvk message logging DXVK_LOG_LEVEL="info" ## Enable strace for this game STRACERUN="0" ## The command line arguments for strace for this game STRACEOPTS="-f -t -e trace=file" ## Enable network-monitor for this game USENETMON="0" ## Convenience method for dumping a useful debug log to PROTON_LOG="0" ## the directory where the Proton Logs are stored PROTON_LOG_DIR="/mnt/work/SteamTools/logs" ## Write some useful debug scripts for the game into PROTON_DEBUG_DIR PROTON_DUMP_DEBUG_COMMANDS="0" ## Root directory for the Proton debug scripts PROTON_DEBUG_DIR="/tmp" ## Use OpenGL-based wined3d instead of Vulkan-based DXVK for d3d11, d3d10, and d3d9 PROTON_USE_WINED3D="0" ## Disable d3d11.dll, for d3d11 games which can fall back to and run better with d3d9 PROTON_NO_D3D11="0" ## Disable d3d10.dll and dxgi.dll, for d3d10 games which can fall back to and run better with d3d9 PROTON_NO_D3D10="0" ## Do not use eventfd-based in-process synchronization primitives PROTON_NO_ESYNC="0" ## Do not use futex-based in-process synchronization primitives PROTON_NO_FSYNC="0" ## Force Wine to enable the LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE flag PROTON_FORCE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWARE="0" ## Enable wine fullscreen integer scaling for this game WINE_FULLSCREEN_INTEGER_SCALING="0" ## The WINEDEBUG settings for direct wine calls for this game STLWINEDEBUG="-all" ## The directory for storing wine logs WINE_LOG_DIR="/mnt/daten/Home/.config/stl/logs/wine" ## Custom user script executed when a game starts #USERSTART="/bin/echo" ## Custom user script executed when a game stops #USERSTOP="/bin/echo" ## Pressure Vessel Verbose Log STL_PV_VERBOSE="0" ## Pressure Vessel Shell - none=disabled, after=after the game,fail=after the game when failed,instead=skip game STL_PV_SHELL="none" ## Pressure Vessel Terminal STL_PV_TERMINAL="none" SELAUNCH="0"